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Certificate in University Teaching Skills

Faculty Mentor Feedback Form (Video Recording of Teaching)

Mentor: Allison Miller

Participant: Laura Klein

Date: November 8, 2016

The primary purpose of this form is to provide a provisional structure to the conversation between the mentor
and the Certificate participant about the video recording of teaching. Answers to the questions should be
provided by the mentor, and we encourage the mentor to ask these questions of the participant also, as part
of a dialogue about teaching specific to the participants experience and discipline. The participant will
include this form with his/her final portfolio.
Note: While this form is a required piece for the final portfolio, its content will not be evaluated.
Areas for specific formative feedback:
What did you notice about the instructors plan, lecture or activity, and interactions with students?
I observed Laura Klein give a 70 minute lecture on fern diversity to my Biology of Plants and Fungi class
during Spring 2016. Laura developed a beautiful power point that was nearly all images with relative few
words. The presentation was well-organized with an outline and primary learning objectives. She was
deliberate in her presentation of the information and was careful to explain technical concepts and request
feedback from the students. I noticed that Laura was enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and made good eye
contact with the students.

How do the things you noticed contribute to or distract from student learning in the class?
I think the students connected immediately with Laura and were engaged in her presentation. The
presentation could have been improved by including student-directed learning exercises, perhaps having the
students draw something, answer questions, or discuss concepts in a small group.

How does what you observed compare to general teaching practices in the discipline?
I think Laura exhibits a perceptible respect for students, solid knowledge and an infectious enthusiasm which
exceeds what I usually observe in the classroom. I have seen others use more tools to directly engage
students. This is an area for expansion (for me too) in the future.

Additional comments:
Keep up the good work!!

Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning

Revised 8/2013

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