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The physical examination is the most important practical skill for a veterinarian to
develop. Physical examination is the process of evaluating objective anatomic findings
through the use of observation, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.. A good physical
examination can detect minor abnormalities before they become serious problems as well as
identify major organ dysfunction without extensive and expensive medical tests. There are
several forms of physical examination that can be performed on animals like vital sign, head
dan lymph nodes examination. These examinations can be done with or without tools.
The first form of physical examination is vital signs. The first form of vital signs are
temperature. Normal temperature range in dog between 38.539.5C. The temperature can be
measured with a thermometer placed in the rectum. Second form vital signs are pulse or
Heart rate. Normal pulse or heart rate range in Giant breeds is 60140 per seconds. The pulse
can be measured by placing a finger in the arteri femoralis and the heart rate can be measured
with acuscultation in heart. Normal respiratory rate in dog is 1240 breaths/min. The
respiratory can be measured by observing the relaxation and contraction form of respiratory.
Physical examination in head include observation of ears, eyes, nose, mouth and
shape of the head. Observation of head is compare both sides of face and head for symmetry.
For eyes, examine each eye separately, assessing eye position and movement, vision, eyelids,
conjunctiva, pupillary response to a penlight, palpebral and menace response (direct and
consensual), and lens position and clarity (using an indirect lens or ophthalmoscope). Then
examine the ears, the external pinnae should move in response to sound and a light touch on
the underside. Grossly examine the ear canals for discharge, then use an otoscope to examine
the internal canal and tympanic membrane. Examine the nose to evaluate nose and nares for
symmetry, conformation, and evidence of discharge. To examine the mouth, open the mouth
by grasping the maxilla with 1 hand and the mandible with the other and evaluate the oral
cavity. Examine the mucous membranes for color. Push gently on the gums to blanch the
capillaries, then observe capillary refill time. Check the gums and hard and soft palate for
color and integrity. Check the teeth and palpate them for pain or looseness.
Examination of lymph nodes can be done by palpation in submandibular, prescapular,
inguinal and popliteal node. Examination of lymph node abnormalities can be seen from the
irregular shapes, size changes are not symmetric and consistency. Many of the nodes are
readily palpable in the healthy animal.Others can be palpated only when enlarged. There are

instances where multiple lymph nodes in the body become enlarged such as infections,
particularly from diseases carried by ticks, may lead to enlarged lymph nodes though these
dogs typically have other signs of illness. Another cause of multiple lymph node
enlargements is lymphoma, a cancer.

Physical examination is the process of evaluating objective anatomic findings through

the use of observation, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Examination of vital sign
consist of body temperature, pulse, and respiratory rate. Examination of head consist of
observation of ears, eyes, nose, mouth and shape of the head. Examination of lymph nodes
consist of palpation in submandibular, prescapular, inguinal and popliteal node. Physical
examination yield 20% of data necessary for diagnosis and management, because of that
physical examination is important practical skill for a veterinarian to develop.

Muh Ady Prabowo


Dina Triassanti


Niken Puspita Ningrum


Kinanthi Az Zahra


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