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Lesson Title: Historical Fiction Comparison

Grade Level: 6th

Class Time: 25 minutes Subject Integration: History

Brief Overview: Students will have read the novels Paper Wishes by Lois Sepahban, and the Last Cherry
Blossom by Kathleen Burkinshaw and will dissect the different points of view they are offered and ask lingering
questions they have about the characters lives and history.
Learning Outcomes: Students will learn to ask lingering questions about stories. Students will compare and contrast
different historical events through the eyes of kids their age.
Common Core Standard: RI.6.9 Compare and contrast one authors presentation of events with that of another (e.g.,
memoir written by and a biography on the same person)
AASL Standard: 1.2.4 Maintain a critical stance by questioning the validity and accuracy of all information.
AASL / IFC Skill: 5th Grade Wonder: Assesses questions to determine which can be answered by simple facts, which
cannot be answered, and which would lead to an interesting inquiry.
Modifications for
All Learners

Learning/Teaching Activities CT=Classroom Teacher L=Librarian

- Students will have been provided the audiobooks for both stories if
necessary, or an e-reader.
- Students who prefer not to participate in a discussion will be asked
to write their questions down or put them on the computer.

Direct Instruction

A Hirsch, 2016

L will bring up characters from both stories and discuss their traits.

L will ask students what questions they still have about those

L will ask students to compare the historical events going on in both


L will introduce the idea of lingering questions, model a question,


Paper Wishes and the Last

Cherry Blossom

and encourage students to begin with I wonder.

Guided Practice




L will help students fill out a compare/contrast chart about the


L will encourage students to write down at least one lingering


L will give out a copy of the graphic organizer for students as well to
follow along.

Students will get into groups of three and ask them as a group to
produce two lingering questions.

L will ask students to share what theyve learned.

L will give out an exit slip for students to share how they felt about
the lesson.

Chart paper and markers

Slips of paper and writing


Students will turn in their question as an exit slip, L will formatively assess throughout the lesson to gain

Resources/Activities for Extending the Learning:

This could be done with many different historical fiction texts. It could also be taken a step farther and include a
A Hirsch, 2016

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