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Unit 3: Introduction to the electricity and electronics.

Laura ha llamado a Javier, porque ha ledo en la prensa una noticia

relativa a la formacin profesional (en adelante FP). Se han
implantado nuevos ciclos y tienen mucha insercin laboral.
En concreto a Javier le ha interesado un nuevo ttulo de grado medio
de FP, llamado "Instalaciones Elctricas y Automticas".

Investiga en internet sobre el catlogo de ttulos de FP. Puedes empezar por aqu:
Formacin Profesional
Los estudiantes de FP an tenemos que luchar con la idea anacrnica de que las personas vlidas continan sus
estudios en la Universidad y los dems, o no estudian, o hacen FP.
Te propongo un reto
Busca dos noticias que llamen la atencin sobre la FP, luego escribe al tutor sobre stas. Naturalmente lo tienes
que hacer en ingls, sin olvidar: saludar, presentarte correctamente, hacer un comentario de la noticia y despedirte.
La extensin la dejo a tu eleccin.
Aqu puedes ver un par de ejemplos de noticias destacables:

Responsables del Ministerio de Educacin chino se interesan por el modelo de Formacin Profesional de
Castilla-La Mancha
La semana de la ciencia, el mejor escaparate para mostrar la apuesta del gobierno regional por el
desarrllo cientfico

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Grammar I

Laura le ha dicho a Javier que si el ao que viene quiere hacer

algn ciclo de FP, le conviene repasar sus conocimientos de ingls,
ya que es una de las principales novedades de los nuevos ttulos de
Javier ha decidido que Laura tiene razn y ha comenzado a repasar
sus libros de ingls de la ESO.

Presente Simple
Se utiliza el presente simple para referirse a algo que sucede de manera repetida, de manera permanente, o
siempre en circuntancias concretas.
p.ej. Water freezes at 0 C; How old are you?
La tercera persona singular del presente simple se forma aadiendo la terminacin -(e)s
p.ej. I work She works; You do It does
La negacin del presente del verbo TO BE se realiza de manera sencilla aadiendo la particula negativa NOT
(frecuentemente se usan las contracciones de las formas verbales negadas:
You/we/they are not = you/we/they aren't
he/she/it is not = he/she/it isn't
La negacin de los verbos modales (can, must, need, may, etc.) tambin se realiza aadiendo nicamente la
partcula NOT.
La negacin de todos los dems verbos se realiza utilizando el verbo auxiliar DO en su forma negada ms el infinitivo
(sin TO) del verbo en cuestin (obsrvense las formas contradas de este tipo de negacin).
You DO NOT understand (you DON'T understand)
She DOES NOT feel well (she DOESN'T feel well)
They DO NOT play rugby (they DON'T play rugby)
Las preguntas en presente simple se formulan invirtiendo el orden entre verbo y sujeto (si se trata del verbo TO BE o
de un verbo modal) o bien utilizando el auxiliar DO antepuesto al sujeto (el verbo en este caso aparecer despus
del sujeto). Debe recordarse que en ingls, a diferencia de en castellano, siempre aparecer el sujeto de la oracin,
aunque se trate de un pronombre personal (I, you, we, etc.).
Are you OK?
Does he enjoy reading?
Why don't you stay at home?
Present Simple can refer to the present (now), but it can also refer to all time and regular time (habits and
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permanent situations).

Presente Continuo
Se utiliza el presente continuo para referirse a una accin que se est realizando en el momento de hablar, o que es
verdadera en ese momento; tambin se usa para actividades temporales y para expresar planes de futuro.
p.ej. Water is boiling; What is it doing?; Im having lunch with Laura tomorrow.
The normal rule to form present continuous is to conjugate the verb TO BE (auxiliary verb) in the present simple tense,
plus the -ing form of the verb (add -ing to the base form of the verb).
p.ej. am going, is smoking, are stopping, are running.
Nota: Observa las variaciones con las terminaciones en -e, en -ee, -y, -w o cuando se dobla la consonante final.
La negacin del presente continuo se realiza negando el verbo auxiliar (TO BE). Para preguntar en presente continuo
basta con que inviertas el orden del verbo auxiliar (TO BE) y del sujeto.
He is not studying hard for his technical English exam (He ISN'T studying hard...)
Are you watching TV or are you listening to the radio?
Aren't they having lunch?

Intenta formar el presente simple, de la 3 persona del singular, de los siguientes verbos:

Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.


, live
, study


, watch
, worry


, own

, kiss

, play
, fix



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Grammar II

Pretrito Perfecto (Present Perfect)

Se emplea para hablar de algo que comenz en el pasado y contina o es relevante en el presente.
La formacin es muy sencilla: Verbo auxiliar HAVE (debidamente conjugado) + Participio pasado del verbo principal.
Las negaciones del pretrito perfecto se realizan negando el auxiliar HAVE, simplemente aadiendo la partcula NOT
(observa la contraccin: you have not read the book = you haven't read the book; he has not been to Spain before = he
hasn't been to Spain before).
El participio pasado de los verbos regulares se forma con la terminacin -ed; los verbos irregulares tienen formas
diferentes para el participio pasado.
p.ej. watch watched, be been.
Pasado Simple (Past Simple)
En los verbos regulares se forma con la terminacin -ed, los verbos irregulares tienen formas diferentes para el
p.ej. work worked, go went.
The form of the Past Simple is the same for all persons.
La oraciones negativas e interrogativas con verbos en pasado simple se construyen empleando el auxiliar DO
debidamente conjugado (y colocado antes del sujeto en las interrogativas), adems del infinitivo sin TO del verbo
You went to the cinema last week.
You didn't go to the cinema last week.
Did you go to the cinema last week?


Crees que Javier hace bien repasando sus conocimientos en lengua inglesa para que el ao que viene
no tenga problemas con el mdulo de ingls?

Pregunta Verdadero-Falso

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Use the past simple to talk about something which happened before the time we are talking



Use the present perfect to talk about consecutive actions in the past.


Actividad de Espacios en Blanco

Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.


(have) this job for seven years (todava tengo el empleo).


(have) her car for two months.

(be) here since yesterday.

How long


married? (be)

(have) my old job for seven years (ya no tengo el empleo).

Consiga la cuenta

Mostrar/Ocultar las respuestas

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The origins of electronics

Javier ha decidido que el ao que viene va a cursar el grado medio

del Instalaciones Elctricas y Automticas, pero tiene que mantener
su trabajo como guarda de seguridad en el hospital. Pero Laura le
mostr, cuando le ense el mundo de las TIC, la modalidad ELearning en Castilla - La Mancha:
Ciclos Formativos en modalidad e-learning
Javier es una pe rsona previsora y ha pedido un libro en la biblioteca
para empezar a tomar contacto con la electricidad y la electrnica.
Acompaemos a Javier en su lectura.

Electronics makes an essential part of the current growth and technological development. Electronics is present in
our everyday life in the shape of phones, computers, control equipment and industrial automates.
Electronics can be defined as the part of physics that studies and utilizes systems whose functioning is based upon
the conduction and the control of the flow of electrically charged particles through a gas, vacuum or a semiconductor
Unlike the electricity, electronics comprises those devices only depending on the movement of electrons inside
Una pequea ayuda para empezar; te traducimos el texto anterior (no te acostumbres):

Para poder continuar debes realizar la Actividad 1.

Actividad de Espacios en Blanco

Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.

Date Invention
Early 20th century
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Consiga la cuenta

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Fundamental magnitudes
Electric Voltage
Also called electric intensity, it represents the flow of free electrons through a conductor or semiconductor with a given
direction. The unit of measurement of this parameter is the ampere (symbol A). Similarly to the case of direct and
alternate voltage,currents can also be direct or alternate, depending on the type of voltage utilized to generate that flow
of current.
Voltage is the difference of electric potential between the two ends of an electric component or device. It can also be
described as the energy capable of setting in motion the free electrons of a conductor or semiconductor material. The
fundamental unit to measure this magnitude is the volt (symbol V).
There are two types of voltage:

Direct voltage (VDC): It has a defined polarity, like that supplied by batteries or power supplies.
Alternate voltage (VAC): Its polarity changes or alternates in the run of time. The most common alternate
voltage sources are generators and domestic energy networks.

Electric current
Also called electric intensity, it represents the flow of free electrons through a conductor or semiconductor with a given
direction. The unit of measurement of this parameter is the ampere (symbol A). Similarly to the case of direct and
alternate voltage,currents can also be direct or alternate, depending on the type of voltage utilized to generate that flow
of current.
Electric resistance
Electric resistance (R) is the higher or lower opposition that any given material presents to the flow of electric current.
In a two-terminal conductor or component, resistance can be obtained as the quotient of the voltage between its two
terminals divided by the electric current in the element; this expressions constitutes the so-called Ohm's Law,
following the name of the German physician Georg Simon Ohm, who discovered this relation between voltage and
The unit of measurement of resistance is the ohm (symbol ).
Electric power
Electric power is defined as the electric energy consumed along the unit of time (second). Its unit of measurement is
the watt (W).
Electric power through an electric element, following Joule's Law, can be calculated as its resistance times the
square of the electric current through it.

Veamos un pequeo repaso:

f ile:///G:/materiales de distancia/iea/ing/iea_ing03/unidad03 - copia/04_f undamental_magnitudes.html



Fuente w w w .bancodeimagenes.isftic.mepsyd.es_178047_am_1

Frequency is a magnitude that is relevant to alternate current (AC) systems. It represents the rate at which a given
magnitude (voltage or current, for example) oscillates, that is, it indicates how many identical cycles of an oscillating
wave occur in a time unit (second).
Frequency is usually measured in Hertz (number of cycles / second).

The frequency of voltage (and current) in the Spanish electric system
is 50 Hz. Minor deviations may occur as for this reference value, but
greater deviations would be inadmissible as they would provoke
malfunctioning or serious damage in most electrical equipment.
Other electric systems, as the United States network, operate at a
different frequency (60 Hz).

f ile:///G:/materiales de distancia/iea/ing/iea_ing03/unidad03 - copia/04_f undamental_magnitudes.html




Passive components

Repasemos ahora los principales componente pasivos.

Vamos ver los siguientes:


Fuente: w w w

f ile:///G:/materiales de distancia/iea/ing/iea_ing03/unidad03 - copia/05_passiv e_components.html




A resistor is an electronic component whose function is to offer resistance to the electric current going through it. The
electric resistance of these elements is essential in every circuit because it will allow us to distribute voltage and
current to every point of the circuit as desired.
The two basic characteristics of a resistor are its nominal value and its tolerance. The nominal resistance of a
resistor is its expected theoretical value of resistance; however, due to manufacturing inaccuracy a resistor's real
value may differ from this nominal value. The tolerance of a resistor is related with this difference between the real
resistance and the nominal resistance, representing the maximum admissible difference between the real value and
the nominal value, expressed as a percentage of the nominal value.

Resistors are commercially available with just some given values, not
every nominal resistance value you may think of. The upper bound of a
resistor's resistance will coincide with the lower bound of the next

Another important feature of a resistor is its nominal power (expressed in watts), which represents the maximum
power that a given resistor can dissipate in a continuous way at its nominal operating temperature (20-25C) without
being damaged. It will be determined by the constructive features of the resistor.

Resistor code

Pulsa sobre la imagen para ampliarla

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Fuente w w w .bancodeimagenes.isftic.mepsyd.es_1822__10_a_1

Resistors are coded with coloured bands. The numbers corresponding to the ten colours used and the values per
position are shown above.

Resolved activity:

1st Band: Red 1st digit = 2

2nd band: Violet 2nd digit = 7
3rd band: Orange Multiplying factor = 3
4th band: Gold Tolerance = 5%
So the final resistance value will be:

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A capacitor is a component whose function is to offer a given

capacitance. Capacitance (of a capacitor) is the property to
store electric charge.
A capacitor is typically formed by two conductor plates isolated
by means of a thin layer of dielectric material (paper, plastic,
oil, mica...).
The two main technical characteristics of a capacitor are its
nominal capacitance and its tolerance. Nominal capacitance
is a measure of the electric charge stored by the capacitor
relative to the voltage between its two ends (C = Q / U); the SI
unit of measurement of capacitance is the Faradium (the
capacity of a capacitor that stores 1 coulomb when 1 volt is

w w w .bancodeimagenes.isftic.mepsyd.es_1893__10_a_1

Pulsa sobre la imagen para ampliarla

Fuente w w w .bancodeimagenes.isftic.mepsyd.es_1826__10_a_1

The faradium is a far too large unit of capacitance, not usually found in
common capacitors, so it is recommended to use some of its
submultiples instead (milifaradium, microfaradium, etc.).

The tolerance of a capacitor represents the maximum difference between its real capacitance and its nominal
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capacitance, expressed as a percentage of the nominal value (difference due to imprecision during the manufacturing
Each capacitor is characterised by its maximum operating voltage and if a voltage level exceeding this upper limit is
applied between its terminals the component will be damaged.
The charge of a capacitor is a type of electric energy, which flows into the component during the charging process and
comes out of the capacitor at the discharge. The energy stored in a capacitor will depend upon its capacitance and the
voltage applied, in accordance with the following formula:

The charging or discharging processes of a capacitor can be modelled through a simple circuit consisting of a power
supply, a resistance and the capacitor itself. The charge /discharge rate (how quickly the capacitor gets
charged/discharged) is determined by the time constant () of that simple circuit, which is given by the following
formula: , and measured in time units (typically, milliseconds).

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An inductor is a two-terminal electric component designed to offer a given inductance. Inductance is a property of
materials to store electric energy in the shape of a magnetic field. An inductor usually consists of a metallic wire coiled
up in spiral around a ferromagnetic core.
The main parameter of an inductor is its inductance (L), which measures the relation between the magnetic field
created by the inductor (in particular, the magnetic flux created by the electric current flowing through the inductor) and
the electric current (
). The SI unit of inductance is the Henry, and results from dividing a magnetic flux of 1
Weber by a current of 1 Ampere).
The overall electromagnetic energy stored in an inductor during will be given by
This energy is stored during the charging period as an magnetic field and supplied back into the circuit upon the
discharge in the shape of electric energy.
The charge/discharge of an inductor is easily illustrated by a simple circuit comprising an inductor, a series
resistance and a power supply. The charge/discharge rate is given by its time constant, which can be calculated as

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