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& Cell Structures

1. life
2. living things, existing
3. membrane
4. cell wall, central,
5. genes
6. chromatin
7. endoplasmic reticulum
8. ribosomes
9. vesicles
10. golgi, proteins
11. lysosomes
12. Mitochondria
13. Chloroplasts, photosynthesis
14. Movement, shape
15. Microtubules, microfilaments
16. Flagella, cilia
17. Cellulose
19. G
20. K
21. L
22. I
23. J
24. A
25. D
26. T
27. N
28. E
29. F
30. S
31. R
32. O
33. M
34. B
35. P
36. U
37. Q
38. C
39. H
40. (a) A vacuole may store various molecules that need to be digested by a
lysosome; vacuoles may store products of digestion that could be used at a
latter time (such as cell components)
(b) The endoplasmic reticulum produces various molecules that the golgi
apparatus modifies, packages and sends to various locations inside/outside
the cell.

(c) Centrioles give rise to basal bodies that the formation of cilia and flagella.
(d) Ribosomes sit on top of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and produce
(e) chloroplasts produce carbohydrates (photosynthesis) and mitochondria
take these carbohydrates and turn them into ATP (cellular respiration)
41. C
42. C
43. C
44. E
45. D
46. B
47. C
48. A
49. (a) Mitochondria: i)inner membrane ii) outer membrane iii) cristae iv)
(b) centriole
(c) RER i) ribosomes ii) membrane
(d) ribosome i) large subunit ii) small subunit
(e) nucleus i) nucleolus
(f) chloroplast i) inner membrane ii) outer membrane iii) stroma vi) lamellae
v) thalkaloid vi) grana
(g) ER (both smooth and rough)
(h) golgi apparatus i) vesicle ii) saccule
(i) microtutube
(j) animal cell
(k) cell membrane i) phospholipid ii) glycolipid iii) glycoprotein iv) protein
(l) plant cell w) nucleolus x) ER y) cytoplasm z) mitochondria
50. In order for a cell to be large enough to be seen without the aid of a
microscope, it would need to be substantially larger. As a cells size is
increased the Surface area to volume ratio decreases. This means the need
for nutrients and rate of waste production will far outweigh the area
available to allow nutrient and waste exchange to occur. Thus without the
sufficient surface area that would allow for the necessary exchange to occur
the cell would not be able to sustain itself.
51. The type of organelle that is most affected by this chemical is the
mitochondria. Cell growth, cell divisions and protein production are all
processes that require the use of ATP to fuel them. ATP is needed to help
with the movement of cilia. Due to all of these processes slowing down, one
can conclude that the ATP that is needed to fuel them is in short demand.
Therefore, one can also conclude that the mitochondria which is responsible
for making ATP is affected.

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