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Lampiran 3a

A. Instrumen Penilaian
I. Put in much or many!
Example: Do you have many books?
1. Do you buy
2. She doesnt have
3. Lia knows
students in the class.
4. There arent
swimming pools in this town.
5. We dont have
milk for the babies.
6. There arent
new books in the library this month.
7. Lia adds
sugar in the glass.
8. The assignment requires
9. They cannot was their clothes. There is not
It is very dark in this cave. There is not
B. Petunjuk penentuan skor:
Jawaban benar untuk masing-masing butir soal diberi skor 10 dan
jawaban salah diberi skor 0.
Penentuan skor = jumlah benar x 10
C. Kunci Jawaban
1. many

6. many

2. much

7. much

3. many

8. much

4. many

9. much

5. much

10. many

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