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Chapter 4 : Why are people still fascinated by heroes and legendary

characters ?
What is a hero for you ?
Observe the poster and react:
Prequel / poster / trilogy /picture/
Peter Jackson/ legendary characters /
the hero /the bottom/main character
/landscape /entitled
This is a film ............... The film is .The
Hobbit. The cast (producer / director / actors)
appears at .....................................................
This film probably deals with .. ............
On the picture, we can see a big .of
the ...........................................Perhaps he
is.. Behind him, there is
a .........................which reminds us of the other films
made by .............................................................
This film is the ..............................of the Lord Of The
Rings ......................................................


a man /woman admired for his /her courage,

outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

the chief male / female character in a book, play,

or film, who is typically identified with good
qualities, and with whom the reader is expected
to sympathize.

(in mythology and folklore) a man/woman of

superhuman qualities and often semi-divine origin,
in particular one whose deeds were the subject of
ancient Greek myths.

Using the words and expressions, make sentences to

write your own defintion of what a hero / heroine is :
A hero / heroine is someone who can / cant /will
/wont / is / isnt

Watch the trailer of the movie and complete the sentences :
Far to the...................., over ranges and ..................., lies a single, solitary peak.
The dwarves are determined to reclaim their ..........................
I like ...................... as much as the next hobbit. But I do like to know them
before they come visiting.
Mr. Baggins.
Yes, sir.
Im ........................... by dwarves, what are they doing here?
Oh quite a merry gathering.
So, this is The Hobbit.
You asked me to find the ............................... member of this company and I have
chosen Mr. Baggins.
Mate, wait, no no no.
Hobbits can pass .................. by most, if they choose. This gives us a distinct
We will seize this chance to take back Erebor!
Hey! Mr. Bilbo ! Where are you off to?
Im going on an .!
Mithrandir, Why the halfling?
Why Bilbo Baggins? Maybe because Im
and he gives me courage.
So this is your purpose, to enter the ..
What of it?
There are some that would not deem it ...
A dark part has found a way back into the ..
Why dont we have a game of
And if he ....................., what then ? If he loses, precious, we will eat him. If
Baggins loses, well eat him whole
Fair enough !
I would take each and ....................... of these Dwarves over the mightiest army.
..............., ................... , a ................. heart. I can ask no more than that.
Home is now behind you. The world is ahead.
Oh that could of been ......................
Oh you got to be joking!

the script and find the following words :

le but:................................................
la plus puissante:.......................................
un coeur vaillant:..........................................
une joyeuse assemble:......................................

des nains :....................................un nain:............................

After watching this trailer, say if this makes you feel like watching the
film, why or why not ?
[ Im totally into ....../ I reckon I feel like + v + ing because .../ I dont feel like +
v + ing because ..../ I wish I could + vb ]

A heros journey: What makes a hero ? by Joseph

Joseph John Campbell (March 26, 1904 October 30, 1987) was an Irish American mythologist
and writer, best known for his work in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His work
is vast, covering many aspects of the human experience.

Watch the following lesson and take notes:


Status quo






Here are the eleven steps that represent the heros journey, complete them :
1:00: Call to Adventure : The hero receives a mysterious ................., an ................?
A ..........................?
2:00: Assistance :The hero needs some .............., probably from someone ...........,
3:00: Departure :The hero crosses the threshold from his ............., safe home, and
enters the special ..............and ........................We're not in Kansas anymore.
4:00: Trials: Being a hero is ........................: our hero solves a ....................., slays
a ........................, escapes from a ..........................
5:00: Approach:
It's time to face the biggest ................., the hero's
worst ..................
6:00: Crisis: This is the hero's .........................hour. He faces .................. and possibly
even ............... only to be .............................
7:00: Treasure : As a result, the hero claims some treasure, special ......................... or
8:00: Result :This can vary between stories. Do the monsters .........................before
the hero,or do they ........................ him as he flees from the special world?
9:00: Return: After all that adventure, the hero returns to his ...............................
10:00: New Life: This quest ................................ the hero; he has outgrown his old life.
11:00: Resolution : All the tangled plot lines get straightened out.
12:00: Status Quo, but .............................. to a new level. Nothing is quite the same
once you are a hero.
Words: find in the text the following words
un dfi:
plus sage:
franchir le seuil:
une nigme:
tuer ( lpe):
sincliner devant:
mriter, avoir droit :
Say in English:
Le hros a dpass ses pires peurs.
Il a besoin daide pour rsoudre lnigme

Les monstres sinclinent devant le hros.

In groups of three, find all the steps of the heros journey by answering
the questions:

Harry Potter is the most miserable, lonely boy you can imagine. Hes shunned by his relatives, the
Dursleys, that have raised him since he was an infant. Hes forced to live in the cupboard under the
stairs, forced to wear his cousin Dudleys hand-me-down clothes, and forced to go to his neighbours
house when the rest of the family is doing something fun.

Harrys world gets turned upside down on his 11th birthday, however. A giant, Hagrid, informs Harry
that hes really a wizard, and will soon be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Harry also learns that, in the wizarding world, hes a hero. When he was an infant, the evil Lord
Voldemort killed his parents and then tried to kill Harry too. Whats so amazing to everyone is that
Harry survived, and allegedly destroyed Voldemort in the process.


When Harry hears all this, he doesnt know what to think. However, everything Hagrid tells him turns
out to be true, and with a joyful heart Harry starts wizarding school in September. He quickly
becomes best friends with a boy named Ron Weasley, and before they even make it to Christmas,
they break tons of school rules when they attack a troll and prevent it from killing fellow student
Hermione Granger. After the troll incident, the three become inseparable, and Harry is amazed to


have found such great friends. He is constantly busy trying to stay on top of the mounds of
homework, as well as participating in weekly Quidditch practices. Quidditch is a popular sport among
wizards and Harry is the youngest Quidditch player in over a century. It's also a game Harry loves
more than anything else at school.
As the year progresses, the three friends set out to solve the mystery of the gigantic three-headed


dog that is guarding something in a deserted corridor in the school. They figure out that a very
valuable object, the Sorcerers Stone, is being hidden in the school, although they dont know why.
When one of the professors starts acting as if hes trying to steal it, they quickly take action to
circumvent the theft.
Things come to a head when they sneak past the vicious, three-headed dog and go down into the


bowels of the school, determined to save the stone. Ron and Hermione help Harry get through the
challenges set forth to stop the thief, but Harry must go on alone to battle the professor. When he
finally gets to the last room, however, hes astonished to find someone else entirely.
Harry is forced to do battle with the wizard that tried to kill him so many years before, Lord Voldemort.
Hes able to save the Sorcerers Stone, although hes almost killed in process. The school


headmaster, Dumbledore, arrives just in time to save Harry.

The school year ends spectacularly. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are honored for their service to the
school, and Harry leaves to go back to the Dursleys for the summer feeling as if hes finally found a
place where he really belongs.

Whats the Heros journey in HP 1?

1: The ordinary world:

2: Meeting the mentor:
3: The call to adventure:
4: Crossing the threshold:
5: The approach:
6: The crisis:
7:The Treasure / the reward:
8: The return:
9: Status quo:

CO : train your ears : listen and say what you understood in French


Reflect on this statement:

The hero's journey myth exists in all human cultures and keeps getting
updated because we humans reflect on our world through symbolic stories of
our own lives.

Ordinary heroes: heroes arent necessarily legendary or superhuman

characters. Some heroes are ordinary people who manage to overcome their
fears in order to become heroic.
Listen to the video and complete
Name of the character


Where is she from ?

What happened to her ? Where did it

happen ?

Why was she harmed ?

How is she considered ?

Why can you say that Malala is an ordinary heroine?


She has been adopted as an emblem of peace

But her own schooling was violently

in a region beset by violence and has provided a

interrupted on 9 October: she was shot at

voice of quiet protest in a sea of angry

point blank range and two other girls were

rhetoric. Now Malala Yousafzai, the 15-year-

injured in the attack which the Taliban said

old who was shot in the head by the

was punishment for "promoting secularism".

Taliban for daring to want to go to school,

could provide a turning point in Pakistan's
history, according to her father.
Ziauddin Yousafzai, speaking after arriving in

Britain to visit Malala with his wife and two

sons, said his daughter would not be beaten by
the Taliban but would "rise again".
Clearly moved by the support his family and
daughter have received, he said the attack, in



which Malala was shot by a Pakistan Taliban

gunman while making her way home on a school

she fell, the person who attacked her

wanted to kill her She fell temporarily,
she will rise again, she will stand again. She
can stand now."
Immediately after the attack surgeons in
Pakistan battled to save the teenager's life,
performing an emergency operation to

"When she fell, Pakistan stood and the world

over the family, they made the decision to

rose," Yousafzai told a press conference in

take Malala to Britain, where it was hoped

Birmingham, where his daughter is being

she could recover in peace.

for the first time, all political parties, Urdus,

Christians, Sikhs, all religions prayed for my
daughter." He added: "She is not just my

the threat of further retribution hanging

Her doctor said Malala was continuing to

make good progress and was now able to eat,
talk and walk with only a little help. He
added that her short and long-term memory

daughter, she is everybody's daughter."

seemed to be fine.

He thanked all those who supported her cause

Since the attack Malala has been nominated

of "peace and education" and condemned the


killing her. But as her father put it: "When

remove a bullet lodged in her neck. But with

Pakistan. "This is a turning point. In Pakistan,


her left eye and came within inches of

bus, had united his nation in approbation.

treated after being flown to the UK from


The bullet hit her just above the back of

violence that had been inflicted upon her.

Malala had gained global influence and respect
since starting a blog documenting her desire to
get an education in her home city of Mingora in
the Swat Valley. She wrote for the BBC about
the daily struggles of getting an education in a
region where the Talibans have occasionally
banned girls from attending school.

for the International Children's peace prize

by Desmond Tutu and has won Pakistan's
first National Youth peace prize. Despite
promises from the Taliban to kill Malala if
she goes back to Pakistan, her father
insisted the family would return home:
Malala has already started preparing for
her exams.

Read the article and answer the questions

True or false: justify by quoting the text:


1: Malala is a schoolgirl:...........................................................................................................
2: She was shot while going to school:.................................................................................
3:She had no access to new technologies in Pakistan:.....................................................
4: She was treated in a Pakistan hospital:..........................................................................
5: She was quite popular in Pakistan before the attack:...............................................
6: The Brutal attack on Malala hasnt changed anything in Pakistan:...........................
7: The attack has left her brain damaged:.........................................................................
8: She has gained recognition all over the world:.............................................................

who the following pronouns refer to:

27: her cause >>....................................................................................
59: He added >>.....................................................................................
54: They made >>......................................................................................

Find in the text the equivalents to the following words or expressions:

to strike or kick (a person), usually repeatedly:..........................

shot very closely:............................................
harmed, hurt :..................................................


a fight or battle :
a man who is armed with a gun.....................................
Malala is now recovering, her fight continues: do you find her inspirational ?
why or why not ?

This is a site called My Hero Project >>

Go to this site and make an oral presentation of your hero or heroine. You can
make a PPT presentation. You will get an oral mark for this job. I will use part A
and C of the evaluation grid.



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