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The Case Study Approach has developed into a very effective method improving an

individual's ability to analyze the situation, establish premises, arrive at valid

conclusions, decide on courses of action and visualize consequences and results.teh
are ex
What is a Case?
Narrates the development of a situation over an extended period of time
Best started individually
May call for Problem-solving actions, or a policy strategy for the future
Most useful as an exercise in analysis and decision making
The Case Analyst
Follows the narrated developments
Carefully analyzes the data
Determines what was done well, what could have been better and why,and what
the outlook for the future would be
Must be observant, discerning, critical, articulate and constructive
Problem-Solving Process
Calls for the determination of all possible courses of action in solving problems:
- The evaluation of each option in the light of objectives
- The prevailing situation
- Available resources
May involve several correlated courses of action
Presented as a complete statement of what is intended to be achieved, how this is
to be achieved and the time frame of the accomplishment
Must foresee the new problems which may arise and these emerging problems are
to be resolved
Is valid only if the new problems which it causes are lesser in magnitude or more
manageable than those of the initial problems
Written Report & Group Discussion
Improves one's ability to present his ideas effectively, defend his position, and to
persuade others
Different view points and solutions
No single "correct answer"
Suggestions that will help you in the study and preparation of case analysis
1) Read the assigned case thoroughly and completely
2) If the case is lengthy, you would wish to make notes or summaries of pertinent
information before proceeding with your analysis.
3) Formulate in writing a precise statement of the problem
4) Select the several alternative decisions or courses of action which can be taken
5) Concerning theses hypothesis, raise the question which demand an answer

6) Tentatively weigh the evidences and select the hypothesis which can be
7) Organize the evidences so as to substantiate your case.
Putting your analysis into writing, requires the following ideas to be considered:
1) Clarity and simplicity of written statements are essential
2) Use short sentences. Spare the use of descriptive and adjectives
Objectives of the Case Method
1) To make the student become more efficient and accurate in finding the cause and
effect of business problems
2) To train students become more imaginative in formulating efficient and effective
3) To help the student apply his own special experience
4) To develop his skill in interacting, cooperating, and fostering closer working
relations with his group members
Characteristics of a Good Case Analysis
1) It is based on particular situational facts
2) There is good understanding and identification of the central problem
3) The solution must be highly creative and have the makings of being practical and
workable under the given circumstances
4) The student's position must be supported and defensible
Suggested Outline in Solving Business Cases
I. Time context
II. Viewpoint
III. Statement of the Problem
IV. Objectives
-Must Objectives/Short-Range
- Want Objectives/Long-Range
V. Areas of consideration/Analysis
VI. Alternative courses of action
VII. Recommendation
VIII. Conclusion/ Detailed Action or Implementation Plan
Elements of an Effective Case Presentation
1) Planning the Presentation
a. Determining what you expect to accomplish
b.Considering means to secure audience interest
c. Anticipating questions you may be asked after the presentation

d. Gathering facts to answer anticipated questions

2) Making the Actual Presentation and Defense
a. Always begin with your presentation with the attitude that you are presenting to
a very important audience.
b. Get your audience's attention
c. Watch your verbal language
d. watch your body language
e. Use visual aids
f. Cover the business case completely
g. Answer the audience's questions satisfactorily

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