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Panchangam and Festivals

Ekadashi has two rules: Smartha and Vaishnava. The Smarta rule is simple ekadashi should be visible at the time of local sunrise. The vaishnava follows
ekadashi that is not contaminated by dashami thithi. That means, ekadashi should be prevailing two hours before sunrise. Now, if you follow the Indian
panchangam abroad, and apply standard time differences, ekadashi might fall (in some cases) a day before India. Hence, people end up fasting on
dwadashi rather than on ekadashi. Likewise for Pradosha Vratam, Trayodashi might be prevailing on the previous day in the United Kingdom when
compared to India. Now, if you use the Vakya panchangam or the Surya Siddhanta panchangam, then their tithi end times are off by a couple of hours.
Hence people could observe festivals on wrong dates. The bottom line is to follow Druka panchangam for your location. Just using any panchanga
published in India for abroad isnt a good idea!
Panchangam and Muhurtha
Muhurtha is another thing alltogether. Which requires combination of Vaar, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana, Local sunrise, local Lagna (rising sign on the
eastern horizon -- which keeps changing every couple of hours as earth rotates on it's own axis it cuts ecliptic on eastern horizon -- This is the first house),
etc.... This lagna is always specific to given longitude and latitude. Hence you can't subtract time difference from lagna time in india to arrive the lagna
time in foreign country. Timings of lagna will change even in India from place to place and using it in foreign country is out of question even after
subtracting time difference. Sun will be always in the first house during the sunrise, during the noon sun will be always in the 10th house, during the
sunset always in the 7th house and during midnight sun will be always in the 4th house. So you cannot subtract time difference to arrive at lagna (the 1st
house). It will be completely wrong.
Thiruganita and Horoscopes
Most people will cast their loved one's horoscope using thiruganita panchangam. Now I've a hard time understanding the argument that "For festival one
should use vakyam because it's divine". The problem is the formulae used in Vakyam are very old and known to rishis at that time. If we use them for
festivals then we get error. They say because thithis are apratyaksha (non-visible) and that's why have to use vakyam or surya siddhanta. But if Full moon
(Purnima) and the New moon (Amavasya) is the real thing and visible then why to use pambu / vakyam / surya siddhanta panchanga saying tithis and
nakshatras are non-visible? Hence always use drika panchangam (Thiruganita panchangam).

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