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Lesson 1: Multiple Regression Analysis

(Wooldridge Ch. 3.1,3.2)

Course: Econometrics For Finance

Professor: Ricardo Mora

Master in Finance, UC3M

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The Multiple Regression Model

Two Examples


Simple and Multiple Regression

Goodness of fit

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The simple linear regression model

Yi = 0 + 1 Xi + ui ,

i = 1, . . . , n

A sample with n observations (Xi , Yi ), i = 1, .., n.

X is the independent variable or regressor, Y is the dependent
ui = the error (changes in Yi due to other factors)

Y = 0 + 1 X + u (linearity)

E (u|X = x) = 0 (conditional expectation equal to zero)

i.i.d. sample (Xi , Yi ), i = 1, . . . , n (random sampling)

varn (Xi ) 6= 0

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OLS is unbiased

covn (Xi , Yi )
b1 =
varn (Xi )

b0 = Y b1 X

For any sample n, if Assumptions 1-4 are true

b0 = 0
1 E
b1 = 1
2 E

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Omitted variable bias

ui contains changes in Yi from variables that are not included in the
regression There are always omitted variables
When the omitted variables are correlated with the regressors, OLS is

Example: harvesti = 0 + 1 fertilizeri + ui

Consider omitted variable land quality:
Land quality plausibly affects the harvest (higher land quality implies
higher u)
Farmers presumably spend more fertilizer in fields that are of lower
quality: E (u|fertilizer ) decreases with fertilizer

OLS is biased: En (b
ui fertilizeri ) = 0 (only reasonable if land quality
is not related with fertilizer)
What is the direction of this bias?
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The Multiple Regression Model

The Multiple Regression Model

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The Multiple Regression Model

Solutions to omitted variable bias

We can make sure that regressor Xi is unrelated to omitted variables:
force Xi to vary randomly in your sample
this is impossible with observational data

We can try to reduce the sample so that omitted factors are not
correlated with Xi
samples will be very small and we will not have a general answer to the

We can add the omitted variable as a second regressor (we see this
We could use another estimator that does not require conditional
mean independence (2SLS, beyond the scope of this course)

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The Multiple Regression Model

The model with multiple regressors

If we have an omitted variable bias, we can add the omitted variable as a

second regressor:

Yi = 0 + 1 X1i + 2 X2i + ui ,

i = 1, . . . , n

In this example, we have two regressors: X1 , X2

1 = effect on Y of a unitary change in X1 keeping everything else
2 = effect on Y of a unitary change in X2 keeping everything else
ui = error: changes in Y from factors unrelated to X1 and X2

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The Multiple Regression Model


change X1 in X1 units keeping X2 constant:

before: Y = 0 + 1 X1 + 2 X2 + u
after: Y + Y = 0 + 1 (X1 + X1 ) + 2 X2 + u
difference: Y = 1 X1

If X1 = 1, X2 = 0 Y = 1
Similarly, if X1 = 0, X2 = 1 Y = 2

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Two Examples

Two Interesting Examples of the Multiple

Regression Model

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Two Examples

Polinomials: Y = 0 + 1 X + 2 X 2 + u
1 does not represent the effect on Y of a unitary change in X
keeping everything else constant, because when X changes then X 2
also changes
E(Y |X )
=1 + 2 2 X

log (wages) = 6.7 + 0.03 experience 0.0005 experience 2 + u

E(log(wages)|experience )
=0.03 0.001 experience
If you have no experience, your wage is around e 6.7

= 812.4 euros, and

the expected effect of an additional year of experience is a 3 percent
increase in your wage

If you have 10 years of experience, then an additional year gives you

an expected increase of 2 percent (0.03 0.001 10 = 0.02)
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Two Examples


Yi = 0 + 1 X1i + 2 X2i + 3 X1i X2i + ui ,

i = 1, . . . , n

Marginal effects depend on the values of other regressors

E(Y |X1 )
=1 + 3 X2

log (wages) = 7 0.02 female + 0.07 educ 0.01 educ female + u

E(log(wages)|educ )
=0.07 0.01 female

What are the returns of an additional year of education?

What is the expected wage differential between males and females?

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Ordinary Least Squares

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OLS with k regressors

b0 , b1 , ..., bk =


[Yi (b0 + b1 X1i + ... + bk Xki )]2

b0 ,b1 ,...,bk i=1

First order conditions:


b0 : (2) ni=1 Yi b0 + b1 X1i + ...bk Xki

b1 : (2) ni=1 X1i Yi b0 + b1 X1i + ...bk Xki

i .
bk : (2) ni=1 Xki Yi b0 + b1 X1i + ...bk Xki

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FOCs in terms of residuals

ni=1 ubi
ni=1 ubi X1i


ni=1 ubi Xki


As with the simple regression model:

ni=1 ubi = 0 ub = 0 (residuals
 have zero average)
ni=1 Xji ubi = 0 covn Xji , ubi = 0 (residuals have zero covariance with
all regressors)

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Matrix Form

Let X =

1 X11
1 X12
1 X1n

ni=1 X1i


ni=1 Xki

. . . Xk1
. . . Xk2

and Y =

. . . Xkn

ni=1 X1i
ni=1 X1i2
ni=1 X1i Xki



, then from FOCs:

ni=1 Xki
n X X
i=1 1i ki
ni=1 Xki2


ni=1 Yi
n Y X
i=1 i 1i
ni=1 Yi Xki

X 0 X b = X 0 Y

This system of k + 1 equations with k + 1 unknowns has a unique

solution if rank (X 0 X ) = k + 1:
1 0 
b = X 0 X
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Determinants of the Grade Point Average

\ = 2.40 + 0.027 ACT

Simple Regresion: colGPA
\ = 1.29 + 0.009 ACT + 0.453 hsGPA
Adding hsGPA: colGPA
What happens to the estimate of the coefficient associated to ACT ?
Why? (covN (ACT , hsGPA) > 0)

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Simple and Multiple Regression

Simple and Multiple Regression

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Simple and Multiple Regression

The issue

Structural (long) model

wages = 0 + 1 educ + 2 IQ + i , cov (educ, ) = cov (IQ, ) = 0

You do not have information on IQ: reduced form model

wages = 0 + 1 educ + u, cov (educ, u) = 0
this is the best linear predictor having only information on education

Is there any relation between 1 and 1 ?

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Simple and Multiple Regression

Orthogonality conditions in the long model

cov (educ, ) = 0
cov (IQ, ) = 0
Since = wages 0 1 educ 2 IQ,
cov (educ, wages) 1 var (educ) 2 cov (educ, IQ) = 0
cov (IQ, wages) 1 cov (IQ, educ) 2 var (IQ) = 0
This is a system of two linear equations and two unknowns (1 and
2 )

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Simple and Multiple Regression

Uncorrelated regressors
If educ and IQ are uncorrelated, cov (educ, IQ) = 0 and the system
cov (educ, wages) 1 var (educ) = 0
cov (IQ, wages) 2 var (IQ) = 0
The first condition coincides with the orthogonality condition in the
BLP (short) model
cov (educ, wages) 1 var (educ) = 0
Hence, 1 = 1 = covvar
if cov (educ, IQ) = 0

If regressors are uncorrelated, the parameters of the multiple regression

model are equal to the parameters of the simple regression models for each
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Simple and Multiple Regression

The short model with correlated controls (1/2)

With correlated controls, the long models FOCs stay complex:
cov (educ, wages) 1 var (educ) 2 cov (educ, IQ) = 0
cov (IQ, wages) 1 cov (IQ, educ) 2 var (IQ) = 0
Dividing the first condition by var (educ):
cov(educ,wages) = + cov(educ,IQ)
2 var(educ)
But 1 = covvar
so that
1 = 1 + 2 cov

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Simple and Multiple Regression

The short model with correlated controls (2/2)

1 = 1 + 2 cov

The coefficient 1 in the short model captures two effects on wages:


the ceteris paribus effect of educ for a given IQ level: 1

the effects of changes in IQ which are simultaneous to changes in

2 cov
Note that cov
var(educ) captures the change brought about in IQ by an
independent change in educ!!

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Goodness of fit

Goodness of fit

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Goodness of fit

Goodness of fit measures


n k 1 i=1


bi Yb
R2 =
ni=1 Yi Y

Note that R 2 increases with k. The adjusted R 2 penalizes additional

regressors: R = 1 nk1
GPA data:

Simple regression: R 2 = .0427,

SER = 0.3656
Adding hsGPA, R 2 = .1764,
R = .1645,
SER = 0.3403

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Goodness of fit

Properties of the R 2

it represents the proportion of the sample variance of the dependent

variable explained by the model
It never diminishes when adding new regressors
hence, it cannot be used to check if we should add another regressor to
the equation

If the model has a constant, TSS = ESS + RSS and 0 R 2 1

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Goodness of fit

Example: Crime data (I)

Sample: 2, 725 men born in California in 1960 or 1961 who had been
arrested at least one before 1986
We want to model the number of arrests these men had in 1986
86 = 0.712 0.150 pcnv 0.034 ptime86 0.104 qemp86,
R = 0.0413
the expected number of arrests depends negatively on

more times they were found guilty in the past as a proportion of

times they had been arrrested, pcnv
more months they had been in prison in 1986, ptime86
more quarters they had been employed, qemp86

all these factors account for about 4 percent of the total variation in
the arrests

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Goodness of fit

Example: Crime data (II)

86 = 0.712 0.150 pcnv 0.034 ptime86 0.104 qemp86,
R 2 = 0.0413
We now add as a new factor the average sentence length in months
86 = 0.707 0.151 pcnv + 0.0074 avgsen 0.037 ptime86
0.103 qemp86,
R 2 = 0.0422
there is very little improvement in the R 2 the expected number of
arrests depends negatively on
the estimates of the other coefficients hardly change
the sign of the coefficient estimate for avgsen is unusual
should we keep avgsen in the regression?

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Sometimes, the omission of variables can lead to bias in the OLS

The best solution to avoid OV bias is to include the omitted variable
in the regression
Slope coefficients in the multiple regression model capture ceteris
paribus effects for variables who enter the model linearly
OLS still exploits sample orthogonality conditions

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