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Week 11

October 24, 2016

Curricular Instruction
Readers and Writers
MONDAY 10/24 Picture Day
10/25 Environmental
Defender Assembly
10/29 Spooky Saturday
11/4 End of first reporting
11/11 No School-Veterans
11/16, 11/17, 11/18Minimum days for Family
Conferences 8:15-12:35
11/21-25- Thanksgiving Break
Spelling bee the beginning
of 2017. Study your words.
They were sent in an email
from Mr. Jenkins.

Book Buddies
This week we did a pumpkin
glyph with our kindergarten

Since we began our mystery unit in readers workshop

students have been learning the jargon of the mystery
genre, using clues and evidence from the story to make
inferences, and identifying the main ideas, and central
themes of mystery stories. They have created timelines of
stories, including a variety of elements. Our personal
narratives are in publication. We hope to be done by Friday
with a publishing party! We will also be celebrating the end
of the mystery unit with a mystery STEM activity.

We continue our move forward in math as we explore
strategies related to multiplication and division. The
students have learned various multiplication strategies, and
we will continue to explore the relationship between the two
operations. We have been focusing on two main math
goals: Justifying our answers, and whats the best strategy
to use and why?

Four mornings a week we participate in a school wide
morning exercise routine. Research has shown that
exercise is a stimulation that aids in brain focus and
concentration. I notice how much more attentive
students are after exercising, as opposed to not
exercising. Consequently, I ask that students be on
time to participate from the beginning of the morning
routine, that begins at 8:15. Thank you.

Week 11

October 24, 2016

Parent Tips
Make change for a purchase.
Estimate how much something will cost.
Notice numbers in the real world.
Practice words on class word list. Use them in a sentence or story.
Pretend to be the character.
Write about snapshots of things that happen in daily life in a journal.
Ask your child about the theme of a book or story.
Ask Do you notice a pattern? Look at things in nature and notice symmetry.
Change the ending of a story.

We will be learning the names of various bones in our body and
making a skeleton with those corresponding bones. We will also be
doing a mystery STEM where students are given the task and have to
decide which materials would work best. Students will use the
scientific process including asking questions, imagining what the task
will entail, planning and sketching what the task will look like, creating
the task, improving the task, and reflecting on the task.

Upcoming and Reminders

Please send in empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls
before Friday for our mystery STEM activity. Thank you.
Weekly homework:
1 math word problem a day with a written explanation explaining why
the strategy used to solve the problem works. (due Friday or before)
Read 30 minutes.
Respond in journal in library bag. (3 or 4 times per week.)
If you need to reach me please email me directly at Please do not reply to this
email, as I will not receive it. Thank you. Susan

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