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Intrebri pentru eseu

n baza filmului artistic

All the President's Men (1976, regizor Alan J. Pakula)

Woodward and Bernstein served as watchdogs of government officials. What are some of the
challenges they confronted as reporters unraveling the Watergate story?
2. What personality traits made them good watchdogs of the government?
3. How would you characterize Woodward and Bernsteins reporting process? In what way did
their actions exemplify ethical standards? Did they do anything unethical?
4. How did The Washington Posts publisher and editors support Woodward and Bernstein?
5. Do you think that without Woodward and Bernstein (and the Washington Post), the story of
Watergate would have been uncovered? Why or why not?
6. Do you think the movie was an accurate portrayal of journalism? Or was this movie
"Hollywood hype"?
7. What lessons does The Washington Posts coverage of Watergate provide to journalists and
the news media today?
8. What is the role of the news media? Should the news media monitor the government and
hold government officials accountable, or is it anti-patriotic to do so? Should the news
media defer to its government officials in times of crisis and not jeopardize support for our
nations leaders?
9. Do you agree that public officials should be judged by their personal behavior (because of
how it effects them publicly) or should they just be evaluated on their job performance and
what they stand for politically?
10. How does the media influence politics in our country?

1. Woodward i Bernstein au servit drept gardieni ai oficialilor guvernamentali. Care

sunt provocrile cu care se confrunt aceti reporteri pentru dezlegarea cazului
2. Ce trsturi de personalitate i-au fcut pe Woodward i Bernstein adevrai
cini de paz ai guvernului?
3. Cum ai caracteriza activitatea de reporteri a lui Woodward i Bernstein? n ce
mod aciunile lor exemplific standardele etice? Credei c ei fac ceva imoral?
4. Cum editorul de la Washington Post i redactorii i susin pe Woodward i
5.Cum credei , fr Woodward i Bernstein (i Washington Post) cazul Watergate ar
fi fost descoperit? De ce da sau de ce nu?
6. Credei c filmul ne prezint o descriere exact a jurnalismului? Sau este un film
tipic hollywoodian?
7. Ce lecii le ofer cei de la Washington Post prin reflectarea cazului Watergate
jurnalitilor i mass-mediei de tiri astzi?
8. Care este rolul presei de tiri? Ar trebui oare presa de tiri s monitorizeze
guvernul i -i responsabilizeze pe oficialii guvernamentali, sau este "antipatriotic" s fac acest lucru? Ar trebui oare presa de tiri s-i apere pe oficialii
guvernamentali n vremuri de criz i s nu pun n pericol sprijinul pentru liderii
9. Suntei de acord c funcionarii publici ar trebui s fie criticai pentru
comportamentul lor personal sau ar trebui evaluai doar pentru performanele lor la
locul de munc i apreciai din punct de vedere politic?
10. n ce mod mass-media influeneaz politica n Republica Moldova?

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