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Dakota State University

College of Education
Name: _Breanna DeKam
Grade Level: _1st
School: __Dakota State
Date: 10-23-16
Time: 1:00


Reflection from prior lesson:

They have been learning to use different manipulatives and pictures to help solve subtraction
problems. In the previous lesson students learned to use addition facts to help them solve subtraction
problems. They saw the relation between addition facts and subtraction facts.
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:
CC.1.OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within
Lesson Objectives:
After lesson, students will be able to use a ten frame to solve subtraction problems less than 20
with 90% accuracy.
I can statement: I can use a ten frame to solve subtraction problems.
Materials Needed:

Ten Frames
Two color counters
Bags for each student with two color M&Ms inside
Small Whiteboards with markers and erasers

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

This class likes to talk and is very energetic. Group work and discussion would be good to have a
specific time for them to talk and then listen while the lesson is happening. Also they are eager to get
going on work so be sure to give explicate instructions to the students. There is one girl in the class that is
partial deaf. She has cochlear implants and the teacher wears a microphone that sends her talking right
to the girls implants. I will need to be sure to wears the mic when I am giving lessons.
A. The Lesson (4.4)
1. Introduction (3-4 min)

Getting attention - Right now I am handing out a bag with M&Ms inside of it to
everyone. Dont open it yet. Everyone has a bag with two different colors of M&Ms inside.
What if I told you that you could only eat one color of the M&Ms? Which would you choose?
Students could tell answers of what they would choose. How did you decide which one? Did
you use any method?

Relating to past experience and/or knowledge - Yesterday we talked about how

addition and subtraction have similar facts and we can use addition to help us solve
subtraction problems.

Creating a need to know - Today we are going to learn how to solve subtraction
problems, like which M&M color is more, by using ten frames.

Sharing objective, in general terms - So our learning target for today is, I can
use a ten frame to solve subtraction problems.

2. Content Delivery (25 min)

Engage Students will pair up. (I will pair them up with a partner close to them) I
will give each pair a small whiteboard and markers to work their problems on. They will
then review how we solved subtraction problems from the previous day. The first problem
I will give them is, Use the sum of 7+9 to solve 16-9. They will work that problem out with
their partner and talk about the strategy we used yesterday, using addition to solve
subtraction. The next problems will be written on the board, Think 3 + what = 9 so, 9 - 3 =
what? Another problem is Think, 6 + what =14 so, 14 - 6 = what? They will record their
work and problems in their math journal after each problem. Then we will quickly talk
about how they solved the problem. How did you solve the last problem? What strategy
did you use? How does using addition help with subtraction?

Teach and Talk I will read the following problem to the students. I will also write the
problem on the board for them to see. Austin puts 9 red counters in the first ten frame.
Then he puts 1 yellow counter in the ten frame. How many more yellow counters does
Austin need to make 15?
I will then have a large ten frame on the whiteboard and guide/model to
the students how to solve this problem.
I will be asking these questions to show the steps of the problem.
How many red counters do you put in the first ten frame?
How many yellow counters do you put in that ten frame?
How many more yellow counters do you have to put in
the bottom ten frame so that you have 15 counters?
Next I would show the students that we just solved a subtraction
problem, 15 - 9 = 6.
Then I would ask if there were any questions and clear up any confusion
before moving on to modeling another problem.
More questions that should be asked while modeling would be
How do you know how many counters to start with?
How do you know how many more counters you need to
make ten?
How many yellow counters are there total?

Practice I would give students a few sample problems for them to practice on their
own. Give them time to work on them while walking around the room and checking their
After they have all solved the problem I would have them turn and talk to
a partner to see how they each solved the problem.
Here are the sample problems:
Julie has 8 red counters in the first ten frame. How
many more yellow counters does Julie need to make 15?
Drew takes his 6 red counters and puts them into the
first ten frame. How many more does he need to fill his first ten frame? How
many to get 15?

3. Closure (5 min)
Okay class it is time to come to the reading carpet. (Wait until every student is sitting
quietly) Now what did we learn about in todays lesson? Yes we learned about a new math
strategy. What was the strategy we learned today? Good, we used ten frames. Turn and talk to

your neighbor about what you liked about the ten frames. (Go about the reading carpet and listen
in to the students) 3, 2, 1. Okay great! I heard a lot of great things being said. Gabby could you
tell us what your partner said about what she liked about ten frames? Awesome, they are helpful
to see what you are doing right in front of you. Great job guys! You can all head back to your
Now class you have just learned to use the ten frames to solve subtraction problems.
Now I am handing out your worksheet that has seven problems on it. I would like for you to work
on this and use your ten frames. You may also use your M&Ms as counters but may not eat them
until the worksheet is done.
B. Assessments Used
Observations during partner work: Were they understanding the concept? Do they know
how to use the ten frames? Can they solve the problems using the ten frame?
Practice Problems: Did they correctly answer the practice problems? Did they discuss
with a partner how to solve the problems? Did they use the ten frames?
Worksheet: Did they complete the worksheet? How well did they do? Are they
understanding the concept of using the ten frame?
C. Differentiated Instruction
Struggling Learners:
For students who are struggling with the idea of subtracting with ten frames I will pull
them into a small group after the lesson is done. We will show them a subtraction problem and
model to them how to solve it by using cubes. I will have them follow my actions with their own
cubes. I will show them they same process as ten frames, only using cubes. I will ask questions
like, How many red cubes did you start with? How many blue cubes do I need to get 10 cubes?
How many more blue cubes do I need to get 16 cubes? How many blue cubes to I have total? I
would continue with more problems and have them work with others and talk about the process
they are doing with the cubes to the partner.

Advanced Learners:
For students who quickly finish the worksheet I will have a few different options for them.
There would be activity cards that challenge their thinking more. They would choose a card and
have to do the problem, model using ten frames, and record their thinking. These activities would
have different levels of difficulty that could challenge every level student. Another option is to have
a game that has the students practice subtraction fact up to 20. They could play this game with
another student that is at the same level.
D. Resources

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - Go Math! Chapter 4: Subtraction Strategies

1st Grade

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