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Bacterial, Fungal & Parasitic Overgrowth

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Bacteria and the Immune System
Detrimental Medical and Dietary Factors
Imbalanced Flora
Effects of Pathogenic Organisms in the GI Tract
Hydrogen Sulphide
Bad Bacteria, Mycoplasma & Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease
Enterobacter cloacae
Chlamydia pneumoniae
Biochemical markers for Clostridia and Pseudomonas
Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium
Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium
Mutaflor - Escherichia coli strain Nissle 1917
Propionibacterium freudenreichii
Soil Based Organisms
Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus coagulans
Bacillus laterosporus
Rhodopseudomonas palustris
Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides
Saccharomyces boulardii
EM Technology
AGM Grainfields
ThreeLac and FiveLac
Bio-Kult Advanced Probiotic Formula
Dr Ben Kim's Greens and Natural Soil Organisms; and Dr Ohhira
Peter Smith Strains of SBOs
Nature's Biotics
Body Biotics
Primal Defense
Use of Humate
Source of Probiotic Cultures
Jordan Rubin's own use of SBOs and Humate
Kombucha, Kefir, Sauerkraut Juice - Live, Home-Fermented Drinks
Commercial Probiotic Drinks
Antimicrobial Supplements
Yeasts, Fungus and Moulds
Candida albicans

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Biochemical markers for Candida

Fungal Infections, Biofilms and Sinusitis
Yeast - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Eliminating Candida
Fungicidal Herbs
Cellulases & Proteases
Antimicrobial Foods and Condiments
Mushroom Extracts
Colonic Irrigation
Prescriptive Agents
Dosages and Treatment Management
Oxygen Ion Releasing or 'Oxygenating' Treatments
Parallels between Candida, Cancer and Acidosis
Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) and Food Allergies
Giardia lamblia
Roundworms (Nematodes)
Crytostrongylus pulmoni
Toxoplasma and Toxocara
Anti-Parasitic Treatments
Examples of Combination Herbal Formulations
External Application of Oils
Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.)
After Note
The Anti-Candida Diet
Nutritional Supplements

Dynamic Neural
Retraining System

Gupta Amygdala

Bacteria and the Immune System:

The gastro-intestinal tract's healthy function relies on the presence of beneficial
bacteria, in a relationship called symbiosis. Beneficial bacteria aid in digestion,

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correct pH balance, break down of foods and prevent the build up of harmful
bacteria. They are an extension of our immune system; and probably make up the
majority of our body's immune system. A different cross section of beneficial
bacteria types exists in different parts of the small and large intestine. They act to
consume much of the simple carbohydrate food sources available in the intestinal
tract so that bad bacteria and organisms are deprived of food and cannot
reproduce as fast. Dys-symbiosis, or dysbiosis occurs when the balance of flora and
organisms in the GI tract becomes upset.
'The bacteria in your bowels outnumber the cells in your body by a factor of 10 to
one. This gut flora has incredible power over your immune system, which, of
course, is your body's natural defense system that keeps you healthy. In other
words, the health of your body is largely tied into the health of your gut, and it's
hard to have one be healthy if the other is not. One of the reasons why your gut
has so much power has to do with the 100 trillion bacteria--about three pounds
worth--that line your intestinal tract. This is an extremely complex living system
that aggressively protects your body from outside offenders.'
Whilst we are emptying our bowels of stool once or more a day (hopefully) and
expelling this stool together with the bacteria, good and bad therein, we are
continually introducing new food from the mouth and stomach into the digestive
tract. The digestive tract is slowly moving the food through it via peristalsis. This
means that bacteria is continuously breeding and multiplying and spreading itself
to the new food or chyme and moving up the digestive chain, and thus staying in
the same place in the body, wherever conditions are most suited to the particular
strain in question.
Probiotics are good or supportive bacteria which help to consume available food
sources in the intestine and thus deprive bad bacteria (and also yeasts and
parasites to an extent) of their normal food sources, and hence help to starve the
bad bacteria. Approximately 70% of the body's immune system capability derives
from the beneficial bacteria in the GI tract. The average adult body contains
approximately 2.5 kg of bacteria (100 trillion bacteria), both good and bad types. It
is estimated that the large intestine (colon) alone should contain approximately
1.5kg of probiotic (good) bacteria. There are more bacterium cells in the body than
the actual body's own cells. There are approximately 400+ varieties of bacteria in
the digestive tract and take many years to build up through a healthy diet. Of
these 400+ variants that have been identified to be able to survive in the GI tract,
the majority of the GI tract's bacteria is comprised of 30-40 of these species, the
other species being present in very small numbers. Dr Elie Metchnikoff Ph.D, Nobel,
laureate, postulated that the ideal ratio of good to bad bacteria should be 80:20,
which is often the reverse way around in many modern Westerners.
Bidfidobacteria (collectively known as Lactobacillus bifidus) outnumber other
Lactobacilli species by approximately 1000 to 1, and is in many sense the dominant
healthy bacteria, although Lactobacillus is more hardy and resilient. The five most
common strains of Bifidobacter include B. infantis, B. adolescentis, B. bifidum, B.
longum, and B. breve. The levels of bifidobacteria levels tend to decline with age
and reduced levels have been linked to declining health. Bifidobacteria are
predominantly found in the large intestine (i.e. the colon) whereas Lactobacillus
acidophilus primarily inhabits the small intestine.
Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria help to inhibit potential pathogenic bacteria, such as
E.coli or Clostridium perfringens. They help to prevent diarrhea caused by rota
virus or salmonella. They help to reduce the proliferation of candida. They assist in
increased defacation and help to reduce constipation. They help in digestion in

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general, by altering the pH (by producing lactic acid) and improving the uptake of
minerals, especially calcium. They also help to digest lactose for the lactoseintolerant persons. They are also involved in the production of vitamins, for
example, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12, A, D and K, and also essential fatty acids.
They are particularly important in the production of Biotin (B7), which is the body's
main source of Biotin (dietary sources containing a minimal amount). Lactobacilli
and Bifobacteria also assist in protein digestion. They help to clean the digestive
tract. They produce natural antibiotics and antifungals such as hydrogen peroxide
(not in the ridiculously high quantities that are available with H2O2
supplementation or other oxygenating products). Lactobacillus acidophilus secretes
the antifungal and antimicrobial agents including lactocidin, lactobacillin, acidolin
and as mentioned above, hydrogen peroxide. Acidophilus also produces lactic acid,
which helps keep down the pH in the intestinal tract. Too alkaline a pH in the colon
favours bad bacteria and yeasts, whereas more acidic conditions help to prevent
their excessive growth. In 1988, the US surgeon general's report noted that
'Normal microbial flora provide a passive mechanism to prevent infection.' They
may increase the number of immune system cells in the body. They may even help
to protect the body from environmental toxins and reduce waste at the cellular
level. They also help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels,
and break down and rebuild our body's hormones.
Enterococcus species are prominent facultative anaerobic, beneficial, lactic
bacteria. They are fermenting to produce Lactic acid but are not gas producing.
They are able to survive in relatively harsh environments. They provide
antimicrobial activity against the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureas
(MRSA) bacteria and also inhibit the growth of food-borne pathogenic bacteria and
other microorganisms.
When intestinal flora is in a healthy and balanced state, the beneficial bacteria
(probiotic) make up a significant proportion of the body's total microflora. The
probiotic bacteria have many health-protecting functions in the GI tract including
the fermentation of soluble fibre into Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs), vitamin
production, protein and disaccharide lactose digestion, and stimulating an increase
in the number of immune system cells (with associated anti-inflammatory and
anti-tumor action). Acidophilus, Bifidus and Enterococcus produce both lactic acid
as well as SCFAs (e.g. acetate, propionate, butyrate and valerate). Bacteriodes also
produce large amounts of SCFAs. The production of SCFAs in the colon helps to
keep the pH of the colon slightly lower (more acidic), to discourage the proliferation
of microbial pathogens such as pathogenic bacteria or yeasts etc. Many GI tract
pathogens thrive in low oxygen, alkaline environments such as the colon.
Enterococcus also produces antibacterial agents against methicillin-resistant S.
aureus (MRSA) and food-borne pathogens. Enterococcus sp. are noticeable aerobic
beneficial bacteria in the GI tract. They are fermenting but not gas producing, and
can survive in harsh environments. MRSA are resistant to multiple antibiotics, and
hospital-based infections have dramatically increased. The Pharma industry is
concerned that it may not be able to keep up with new strains of MRSA, and so
maintaining a healthy level of Enterococcus sp. in the GI tract is a very important
part of our immune system defence against such pathogenic microbes. Probiotics
play a useful role in prevention and treating antibiotic associated diarrhea,
preventing diarrhea and inhibiting the spreading and overgrowth of Candida
[Source: Doctor's Data]
Dr Sarah Myhill has a useful page regarding fementation in the GI tract and
different bacterial strains.
The bacterial strain E.coli Nissle 1917 is one of the probiotic strains of E.coli found

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in large amounts in the GI tract. It helps to inhibit pathogenic bacterial infection

and is non-lactic acid producing. A deficiency in this form of probiotic bacteria can
result in reduced production of folic acid, the amino acids Tyrosine, Phenylalanine
and Tryptophan, SCFAs and also Co-Enzyme Q10.
The GI tract of a healthy human foetus is sterile. There are no good or bad
bacteria. It is during birth and shortly thereafter that bacteria from the mother and
the environment start to colonise the infant's GI tract. It is estimated that an infant
takes 1 month for their intestinal microflora to become established. Infants born by
caesarean section may take 6 months (on account of additional exposure to
harmful bacteria). Bifido-growth factors in mother's breast milk (GOS) - prebiotics
- may assist in the domination of bifido bacteria in the infant's gut. The bacterial
profile of formula fed infants is more diverse with both good and bad bacteria, but
after months of solid food, both types of reared babies tend to have a similar gut
profile. A mother may of course pass pathogenic bacteria, parasites or fungi onto
her foetus in the womb through the umbilical cord, if they are present in the
According to Ardeypharm, manufacturers of beneficial E.coli (NIssle 1917) bacteria,
it is left to chance whether an infant is colonised by commensal or pathogenic
micro-organisms, depending on hygienic conditions in the hospital and also the
systematic microbial colonisation of the mother (i.e. what is passed on through the
umbilical cord and what comes out of the breasts). Ardeypharm and other
manufacturers have infant formulas or probiotics to assist in early colonisation with
probiotic/commensal species.
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Detrimental medical and dietary factors:

Intestinal bloating, gas, fatigue, lack of appetite and poor mood are some of the
many symptoms of dysbiosis. Bloating in particular can be a result of severe
dysbiosis, inappropriate food choices (particularly excessive quantities of/simple
carbohydrates or starches) which the bad bacteria feed on, producing carbon
dioxide, which causes pressure inside the intestinal lining, pushing out on the walls
of the abdomen and making the abdomen look distended and bloated; it can also
be a result of sheer numbers of bad bacteria in the intestines, out of balance with
the good bacterial numbers, even if the diet is very conservative. In addition, it can
be a result of inflamed gut lining - in this case the walls of the intestine relax and
lose their natural shape and structure and tend to fill up with gas produced by bad
bacteria more readily, which causes the bloated abdomen look, either in the centre
of the belly (lower part of the small intestine) or the sides (colon). Inflammation of
the gut lining may be caused by numerous factors including the presence of
sufficient numbers of pathogenic microbes such as bacteria, moulds and parasites or it could be due to improper immunity and excessive cytokine activity against
certain protein types, e.g. milk protein or wheat for instance.
Good or probiotic bacteria act as competition for imbalance or pathogenic flora, and
help to starve them of their usual food sources, feeding on and absorbing any
remaining viable food sources in the stool that the body is not able to utilise, thus
keeping the less desirable competitor's numbers down. When numbers of (certain
strains of) good bacteria become too low, there is less competition for food
sources, and so imbalanced and/or pathogenic flora are able to feed and multiply
more, shifting the balance more and more in their favour. Anything that serves to
deplete one's good bacteria (e.g. daily exposure to chemicals that are toxic to good
bacteria, use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, other medications, stress, etc.), to
excessively feed imbalanced or dysbiotic bacteria with their preferred food sources

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(e.g. diets high in simple carbohydrates) or introducing new or increased numbers

of harmful bacteria into the GI tract (e.g. contaminated food or water, poor
domestic/personal hygiene) etc.) can result in harmful micro-organism overgrowth
and dysbiosis.
General Practitioners tend to prescribe antibiotics for any suspected bacterial
infection, whether local or systematic. This may well kill off a bacterial infection,
but will also kill off a large part of the body's immune system (beneficial bacteria),
rending the body susceptible to bad bacterial or candida overgrowth. There are
alternatives to antibiotics, including Olive Leaf Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract,
Lemon Balm, Garlic and Coconut Oil (or coconut oil extracts, e.g. Caprylic Acid).
For local infections, such as an ear infection, depending on the severity, it could for
example be treated with the application of garlic oil or olive oil. Garlic oil capsules
can be pierced and the contents squeezed into the ear. This is best performed with
the head tilted so that gravity can assist.
Our good, supportive bacteria (as well as many bad bacteria) are virtually
completely killed off with the use of antibiotics, which many GPs tend to give out
like sweets to patients who come with any kind of bacterial or viral illess.
Penicillin-based antibiotics are only effective against gram positive bacteria, and so
leave many species of gram negative pathogenic bacteria unaffected - but whilst
killing off one's probiotic bacteria in the process. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are
effective against both types and kill off most good and bad bacterial species (e.g.
Amoxycillin). Repeated use of antibiotics can virtually eradicate our good bacteria,
which have to build up from scratch again each time a course of antibiotics is
taken, allowing bad bacteria and yeast to take a foot hold in our GI tract and
multiply at high rates.
This is exaccerbated by poor modern, western diets high in sugar and simple
carbohydrates, which help to feed bad bacteria, and consumption of tap water over
decades, which contains chlorine, which helps to inhibit good bacteria to some
degree. In addition, there is considerable evidence to suggest that eating
antibiotics fed animal meat can kill off good bacteria in the GI tract and therefore
encourage harmful micro-organism overgrowth. Most non-organic meat derives
from antibiotics fed animals. Antibiotics has also other damaging effects on the
body, for example, a prolonged influence on folic acid metabolism it the body,
making methylation (adding carbon atoms to carbon chains) and DNA synthesis
more difficult. Synthetic (sulphur-based) antibiotics may also stick to one's
mitochondrial membranes and inhibit proper metabolic functioning (energy
production). Antibiotics should only really be taken in very serious conditions,
where necessary. Otherwise, a good natural anti-microbial herb can be taken
instead, such as Olive Leaf Extract, amongst others. Herbal treatments for
infections are discussed elsewhere on this page.
There are three categories of nasty organism that thrive in the low oxygen
(anaerobic) environment and neutral pH of the intestines: bad bacteria, candida
and parasites. Pictures of these microorganisms can be seen at the link below.
They are examined in more detail in subsequent sections on this page.
All three classes of organism thrive and grow in number on account of modern,
western eating habits, mainly a high sugar intake, a high pasturised dairy intake
(many vegetarians), a high wheat (bread) intake and high alcohol intake. All these
are simple carbohydrates and are readily digested food for these bad organisms.
Diets high in such foods tend to provide an ideal environment for harmful

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organisms in the intestinal tract, which multiply in alarming numbers. All of the
foreign organism problems have a major impact on your digestive system and
overall health. They put a constant strain on your immune system, and excrete a
variety of toxins straight into your blood and digestive system (including Hydrogen
Sulphide), often spread throughout the entire body, and may well contribute to
early aging. Poor digestion also leads to poor nutrient uptake and vitamin and
mineral deficiencies, that over years can really build up and massively impact the
bio-chemical balance of your body and the efficiency of the basic processes therein,
such as your neurotransmitters, hormones and energy production. The three above
categories of harmful organisms are known to contribute to conditions such as
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Irritable Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis or
Crohn's Disease). These conditions are likely to be partly the result of inflammation
on account of overgrowth of harmful organisms and presence of large amounts of
toxins in the GI tract. There are currently (as of June 2008) 2904 studies on IBS
listed on PubMed, and it is indeed curious that so few doctors and GPs have any
knowledge in this area.
Low protein diets also tend to set one up for organism infection (e.g. vegetarians
not replacing meat/fish with enough pulses) as they encourage the body to
produce less stomach acid (Hypochlorhydia), as it is the acidic pH that helps to
break down proteins, and the body does not produce what it does not need.
However, the stomach acid also acts as a barrier to kill off foreign organisms before
they can reach the unprotected environment of the intestine. If this protective
barrier is impaired, then harmful organisms can reach the intestines and multiply,
particularly affecting the small intestine which immediately follows the stomach.
Sporty types who think they can eat whatever they like, including sugary sweets,
high fat snacks and foods, and burn off the calories are unfortunately missing the
point. The media focusses very much on the calorific impact of such foods, which is
secondary to the impact they have on one's intestinal health. A life time of ill health
is more of a debility that the final slap in the face of heart disease! The media
tends to just focus on the heart disease component only however.
Excessive sugar, honey or artificial sweetner consumption tends to encourage
harmful organism overgrowth. If you have a particularly sweet tooth, you can use a
powerful, natural sweetner such as 'stevia'. This can be used liberally if desired
without feeding harmful organisms in your GI tract. Please see the links page for
information about where to buy this from, or better still, perhaps you can locate a
supplier closer to you. Another alternative sweetner is xylitol, a sugar alcohol (not
a sugar but tastes sweet), which also has anti-fungal properties - this may however
cause Food Intolerance and IBS symptoms if consumed in excess. However, even
natural plant (e.g. stevia) or sugar alcohol based sweetners may tend to aggravate
dampness, qi deficiency and spleen meridian deficiencies, according to Traditional
Chinese Medicine. Refined sugar has many other detrimental effects on one's
health, including endocrine system disruption, tooth decay and may even
contribute to the spread of cancer.
Of course, bacteria can enter the body in other ways besides dietary sources, from
water or orally from touching objects and then touching the mouth. We can inhale
bacteria and also bacteria can enter the hair folicles (e.g. boils). Keeping the skin
clean, frequent washing of one's hands and clean toilet and food preparation areas
is a useway way to reduce the chance of unnecessary localised bacterial infections,
which can spead into the blood stream if the immune system is weak in certain
circumstances. Of course, once in the body, numbers of bad bacteria in the body
are hopefully kept in check, but if the immune system is weakened and we are
feeding the bacteria and other harmful microbes with the wrong types of foods
(high in simple carbohydrates) and toxins or other immune impairing practices
(e.g. stress), and encouraging their growth with a low oxygen environment (which

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is often the case in CFS patients), then bacterial, fungal and parasite overgrowth
can occur.
Here is a metaphor for the use of anti-biotics and a diet high in simple
carbohydrates. Imagine you are a captain, in charge of a unit defending a village.
And that village is under attack by an enemy unit. Now imagine there is a stale
mate, with neither side capable of totally defeating the other, but with some
casualties on each side. Now you want to help your troops to kill off the enemy. If
you decide to call in an air strike to bomb the entire village and surrounding area,
killing all the enemy soldiers, but also killing your entire unit and yourself, that
wouldn't be very sensible would it? If you kill off most of your troops, you leave
yourself wide open to another attack by another unit of enemy troops or enemy
troops that can regroup quicker than your own slow reinforcements. And imagine
actively giving the enemy troops ammunition and supplies! I doubt a captain who
killed his own troops and actually gave ammunition to the enemy troops would be
receiving any medals! Perhaps a better approach would be to use whatever means
are available to eliminate or neutralise the opposition but without killing your own
men or any villagers, and without helping the enemy strengthen their positions and
Clearly viruses may contribute to CFS or related conditions, or at least be a trigger
for these conditions to occur. Viruses are not technically living organisms. Certain
rare viral strains may wreak havoc with the body, for example the West Nile virus.
Their contribution to immune system overload is described in the Immune System
Deficiencies page.
The role of probiotic bacteria was not very well understood in the 19th Century.
Germ theory and the application of penicillin and antibiotics was based on the
concept that killing bacteria would help to stop the spread of disease, and in the
short term it was correct, but as a long term strategy, indiscriminate killing of
bacteria if non-selective is highly flawed and not without its downsides as we can
see above.
Articles examining the foundation of modern medicine and the theory behind
treatment of infectious diseases and antibiotics usage (i.e. the principle that all
bacteria are bad), and the historical philosophical battle between Beauchamp and
Pasteur, with Pasteur's ideas winning in the end (and not being questioned today),
perhaps much to our detriment, can be found below.
'Friendly Bacteria Protect Against Type 1 Diabetes' by Dr Joseph Mercola
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Imbalanced Flora:
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When we talk about dysbiosis, we are often referring to two things. One of

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imbalanced flora and the other is dysbiotic flora. Indeed, this may also be in
absolute terms and in relative terms, i.e. high levels of imbalanced flora overall,
and high relative to the amount of good bacteria, which is perhaps another way of
saying that there is a relative deficiency of good bacteria (which can vary from very
mild to very chronic). As stated above, a lack of probiotic bacteria in the digestive
tract can result in a number of problems, one example of these being a biotin
(vitamin B7) deficiency.
Not all bacteria present in the GI tract are either 'good' or 'bad'. Imbalanced flora
are those bacteria that are not pathogenic in nature, but rather commensal.
Commensalism is the ecological relationship where two organisms share a food
source or resources, but where there is no victim, and the second organism does
not survive at the other organism's expense (which would be parasitism).
Imbalanced flora reside in the host organism's GI tract and neither injure nor
benefit the host organism (i.e. the human being). Certain types of dysbiotic (i.e.
pathogenic or otherwise harmful) bacteria may appear to be imbalanced flora in
certain individuals as they are present in low levels, and are not pathogenic at the
levels detected. However, when their numbers increase, they will be noticeably
The appearance of imbalanced flora is often associated with inadequate levels of
one or more good bacterial strains and/or too high a fecal pH (more towards the
alkaline end of the reference range of 6.0 to 7.2 pH units). An alkaline pH (in
relative terms) can be the result of too little dietary soluble fibre too few beneficial
bacteria to digest the soluble fibre intake or perhaps a dietary absence of true
fermented/lactic acid based foods. Doctor's Data has observed benecial E.coli
mutate in alkaline conditions, rendering them less 'beneficial'.
A deficiency in beneficial E.coli or too alkaline a stool pH (affecting the health of
beneficial E.coli populations through mutation) is often observed to result in a
proliferation of Non-Lactose Fermenting (NLF) E.coli (i.e. imbalanced flora) and
Haemolytic E.coli (i.e. pathogenic/dysbiotic flora that break open red blood cells to
release hemoglobin into the blood plasma).
In general terms, if certain strains or levels of imbalanced flora appear in one's
stool, the main treatment recommendation is to simply supplement with more
probiotic bacteria (i.e probiotic supplements) and ensure a more appropriate diet
and intake of sufficient dietary fibre. Treatment with antimicrobial herbs (or
otherwise) is not necessary.
[Source: Doctor's Data Comprehensive Stool Analysis/Parasitology x1 Report]
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Lactic bacteria, including Lactobacillus, Bifidobacteria, Streptococcus and
Enterococcus bacteria, ferment carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen to produce
lactic acid. The two isomers of Lactic acid produced are L-Lactate and D-Lactate.
Lactic acid is also produced by the body's cells during anaerobic respiration.
Accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles causes pain (myalgia). Humans (and
mammals in general) only produce L-lactate as part of anaerobic respiration and
only possess the enzymes Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) for metabolising L-Lactate
in any significant quantity. The LDH breaks down the lactic acid relatively quickly in
normal circumstances. Mammals do not possess the D-Lactate Dehyrogenase
enzyme in any significant quantity, and this is generally only found in plants and

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In humans, the two LDH enzymes act on L-Lactate to convert it into Pyruvate (and
vice versa). One of these enzymes e.g. in Glycolysis in the NAD(P) dependent
L-Lactate Dehydrogenase enzyme (EC. The other LDH enzyme is a
Cytochrome c-enzyme found in the liver (EC. Mammals including humans
however can metabolise D-Lactate using the D-alpha-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase
enzyme found in the mitochondria (at 20% of the rate of a proper D-Lactate
Dehydrogenase enzyme as found in plants).
Lactate production in the GI tract helps to suppress the growth of yeasts and
harmful bacteria. However, if excessive conmensal Streptococcus and Enterococcus
fermentation in the GI tract occurs, then D-Lactate levels tend to rise in th body,
and acidosis (a drop in blood pH) occurs - known as D-Lactic Acidosis. D-Lactate
can accumulate in the mitochondria and inhibit their proper function.
The body then has two main methods available to eliminate D-Lactate are renal
excretion (i.e. whatever is in the fluid filtered off by the kidneys into urine) and via
faeces (excreting the D-Lactate remaining in the stool) - which is not particularly
efficient in clearing the D-Lactate, especially if it is being produced continually in
the GI tract. Recent studies however have claimed to show that humans do actually
possess the D-Lactate Dehydrogenase enzyme on the inner mitochondrial
membrane. Studies from the 1920s showed that D-Lactate was poorly metabolised
compared with L-Lactate, whereas studies from the 1980-90s found that D-Lactate
was actually readily metabolised, although most academic and medical sources still
quote the 1920s results as fact. The area is still hotly debated.
Individuals with CFS and related conditions may already be producing energy
anaerobically in their mitochondria excessively and thus producing more lactic acid
than normal, and if there is severe dysbiosis, commensal bacteria may also add to
this acidity by producing the type of lactate that is harder for the body to break
D-Lactic Acidosis is rare in general terms and usually only occurs in the case of
short bowel syndrome in humans (malabsorption disorder caused by surgical
removal of the small intestine) and children with gastroenteritis. It can of course
occur in patients who have markedly poor digestion with a large proportion of
undigested carbohydrate in the GI tract. In animals, it can occur through excessive
grain consumption by ruminants (e.g. cattle, goat, sheep etc.) or in cases of
diarrhea in calves.
Steptococcus and Enterococcus are types of lactic acid bacteria. There are many
different species, some are probiotic, some are commensal and some are
pathogenic. Probiotic strains include S.thermophilus, S.salivarius and S.faecium;
and E.faecium and E.faecalis. The species most likely to be relevant in this instance
are the commensal strains (i.e. imbalanced flora) that mke up the bulk of these
species in the GI tract.

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Other pathogenic bacteria besides Steptococcus and Enterococcus also produce

D-lactate, although these are probably not so likely to be the cause in most cases
of D-Lactic Acidemia:
'Various pathogenic bacteria produce D-lactate, including Bacteroides fragilis,
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Staphylococcus aureus. The use of
D-lactate as a marker for infection was proposed in 1986.'
It is possible that a disproportionately large amount of probiotic lactic acid
producing species such as Strepococcus and Enterococcus can be responsible for
D-Lactic acidemia. It is more likely that the imbalanced S. and E. flora species
would be responsible (in instances of elevated undigested carbohydrates in the GI
tract) and that repopulation with the relevant required numbers of probiotic
species, both lactic and non-lactic acid producing species, would help to correct the
problem. Some recommendations do include abstaining from taking additional
D-lactic acid producing probiotic bacteria (including those found in many yoghurt
types and also kombucha and kefir), and only consuming non-d-lactate producing
bacteria and also bacteria that consume D-Lactate.
Below is a list of D-Lactate producing Lactobacillus bacteria (Source: Breakspear
Medical Group Newsletter Issue 26).
Lactobacillus species producing only D-Lactate:
The following L.delbruecki subspecies are often found in certain types of
live/natural yoghurt. All yoghurt contains Streptococcus thermophilus which creates
the creamy taste, and usually Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria. A large
percentage of yoghurt products also contain Lactobacillus delbrueckii species
(specifically bulgaricus), which produce only D-Lactate, which are listed below.
Check the ingredients before you buy or simply avoid yoghurt in general.
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (f.k.a. Lactobacillus bulgaricus until 1984 found in yoghurt)
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis (not the same as Lactococcus lactis)
Other less common Lactobacillus species that produce only D-Lactate are:
Lactobacillus jensenii
Lactobacillus vitulinus
Lactobacillus species that produce Racemate Lactate (50% D-Lactate and
50% L-Lactate):


Other less common Lactobacillus species that produce Racemate Lactate are:

aviarius subsp. aviarius

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Lactobacillus species producing only L-Lactate:

These are the ideal probiotic Lactobacillus species to supplement for those with
Lactobacillus deficiencies and elevated D-Lactate levels.

paracasei subsp. paracasei

Other less common Lactobacillus species that produce only L-Lactate are:

paracasei subsp. tolerans

Breakspear Medical Group's general suggestion from the newsletter is that CFS
patients in general should avoid bacteria that produce solely D-Lactate, and if they
have myalgia (e.g. M.E., Fibromyalgia, MPS etc.), to avoid the strains that produce
Racemate Lactate (i.e. 50% D-Lactate and 50% L-Lactate).
In any case, killing off the bad and excessive commensal bacterial species, and
repopulating the GI tract with a variety of good bacterial strains (i.e. addressing
dysbiosis in general) should correct the excessive D-Lactate production problem,
but it may of course help to avoid those D-Lactate producers in the interim to
alleviate symptoms and not slow down recovery.
Please see the Mitochondrial Function page for more information.
D-Lactate levels can be measured in a blood test. Please see the Tests page for
more information.
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Effects of Pathogenic Organisms in the GI Tract:

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Pathogenic organisms excrete toxins; which poison the body's cells, impair normal
biochemical and mitochondrial function, put an additional burden on the liver; and
put also put a constant and background strain on the immune system, rendering it
slightly less prepared to deal with any other additional infections that might arise,
of a microbial or viral origin. In addition, the constant strain on the immune system
renders it slightly incapacitated, and it is likely to be further impaired in any case
for toxicological and nutritional deficiency reasons. A constant immune system

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response also uses up a great deal of cellular energy and can result in excessive
fatigue. Pathogenic organisms are responsible for a number of different diseases
and disorders.
Dysbiotic bacteria, yeasts and parasites can produce a number of toxic substances
Amines - amines are produced naturally through the breakdown of amino acids. Amines
are also produced in the body as neurotransmitters, e.g. Adrenaline, Noradrenaline,
Dopamine, Serotonin and Histamine. Amines can result in a fishy odour. Amines are also
produced by some probiotic or commensal bacteria. Excessive amine production may
result in neurological disruption, i.e. imbalance in neurotransmitters and possibly
Ammonia - Ammonia is a product of normal protein catabolism, and ammonia is
removed from the blood by the liver. Elevated ammonia levels may occur where bad
bacteria are also producing significant amounts of additional ammonia. Patients who
have liver or kidney disease may often have elevated ammonia levels also. Ammonia is
highly caustic. Ammonia interferes with neurological function and the synthesis of both
GABA and Glutamine, as well as causing neurotoxicity, resulting in confusion,
drowsiness, tremors, vomiting, and in extreme cases can case cerebral adema, coma
and death.
Hydrogen sulphide - interferes with oxygen transport - synonymous with 'bad eggs'
smell. Discussed below.
Nitric oxide - a highly reactive oxidant molecule (RNS - Reactive Nitrogen Species)
which may elevant Peroxynitrite production and cause further oxidative stress
D-Lactate - also produced by commensal bacteria, is examined in the section above.
Phenols - has adverse effects on the nervous system and heart, causing cardiac
dysrhythmia). Also forms phenoxyl radicals (causing oxidative damage). High levels can
damage the liver and kidneys.
Secondary bile acids - may cause inflammation or damage to the brush border of the
small intestine. The brush border is the name for the microvilli-covered epithelium
surface of the small intestine, the site of terminal carbohydrate digestion.
Some larger pathogenic organisms, such as tape worms, also carry with them
secondary infections, such as a variety of protozoan parasites, which can leap frog
their way into the body via the larger parasite.
Each of the three main categories of pathogenic organism are examined on this
page, including a variety of treatment protocols.
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Hydrogen Sulphide:
Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) is an endogenous toxin produced in the body by the
action of bad bacteria (such as Prevotella) and fungi (such as Candida Albicans)
fermenting sugar in the gastrointestinal tract. Elevated levels of H2S in the blood
and tissues can result in mitochondrial dysfunction. Please see the Mitochondrial
and Toxicity pages for more information regarding H2S effects and treatment.
Hypothesis: Is ME/CFS caused by dysregulation of hydrogen sulfide metabolism?
(2008) by Marian Dix Lemle

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Please see the Effects of Toxicity and the Inefficient Liver Function pages for more
information on H2S build up and its effects.
Pathogenic organisms can also produce secondary bile acids that may cause
damage or inflammation to the microvilli lining (epithelium) of the small intestine
(a.k.a. Brush Border). The microvilli lining is the interface where the absorption
from the gut takes place, and absorptive efficiency may be considerably reduced by
inflammation or damage to the Brush Border or the presence of mucoid plaque.
Long term damage to the intestinal microvilli may potentially result in a variety of
problems such as Leaky Gut Syndrome, allergies, IBS, autoimmune diseases (such
as rheumatoid arthritis), headaches and food sensitivies etc. Pathogenic bacteria
can also produce acute symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pains,
diarrhea and a fever (in cases of food poisoning).
[Source: Doctor's Data Comprehensive Stool Analysis/Parasitology x1 Report]
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Bad Bacteria:
Because of a reliance on anti-biotics by General Practioners for all manner of ailments,
the delicate balance of beneficial bacteria in the GI tract in many people is utterly
destroyed on a periodic basis and bad bacteria and yeasts are allowed to flourish
unchecked (above is a picture of an E.coli bacterium).
And because the modern diet contains high levels of simple carbohydrates and refined
sugar, and does not include many true fermented foods that contain beneficial bacteria
(such as natural yoghurt, live kefir (see the recipes page), sauerkraut, kombucha, miso
etc. - do not confuse these with their poorer, pasturised relations) then good bacteria
have very little chance of repopulating the GI tract. A sign of bad bacteria overgrowth is
large volumes of frequent, odourless wind. This is carbon dioxide produced by the
imbalanced flora and bad bacteria. The GI tract requires beneficial bacteria to aid in the
digestion process.
There are a large number of different species and strains of pathogenic bacteria that can
reach dysbiotic levels in the GI tract and indeed spread throughout the body if the gut
lining is particularly impaired. Whilst it is not possible to examine each relevant species
and strain, a small selection of some of the more noteworthy examples are listed in the
following sections.
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Lyme Disease:
Certain strains of bad bacteria are found to cause a variety of extremely harmful
diseases and conditions, for example Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease is an infectious
disease caused by at least 3 species of Borrelia bacteria (and perhaps up to 12 species
of the 36 Borrelia bacterial species). It is the most common tick-borne disease in the
Northern Hemipshere.
Borrelia infections via a tick bite are frequently accompanied by other Lyme Disease
Co-Infections, including Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Babesia, Bartonella, Rickettsia, Coxiella,
Toxoplasma, Mycoplasma and others. These are all very hard to identify and treat.

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Borrelia is an intracellular bacterium and chiefly affects the cells of the nervous system
and may result in severe CNS inflammation, vision problems, joint inflammation etc.
Natural antimicrobials that may help to deal with Lyme Disease and its potential
Co-Infections include Artemisinin, Samento, Banderol, Cumanda and Quina. As Borrelia
is a biolfim loving organism, it will likely be necessary to take a number of biofilmbusting supplements.
American Lyme Disease Foundation:
Sarah Myhill:
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Mycoplasma or Cell Wall Deficient (CWD) bacteria:

Bad bacteria also include mycoplasma (a.k.a. L-form bacteria), a group of simple, single
cell bacteria which have no outer membrane or cell wall (and are thus resistant to
antibiotics). They are therefore also known as Cwell Wall Deficient (CWD) bacteria.
Because of this, it is hard for the body to fight them, and certain strains may penetrate
and infect individual cells, contributing to various diseases.
The mycoplasma fermentans genome is found in approximately a third of CFS patients,
is a co-factor in immune system deficiency. Mycoplasma fermentans tends to
concentrate in the mucosal tissues, although it is shown also to infect other cells, such
as white blood cells. It may even contribute to Gulf War Syndrome cases.
Mycoplasma is postulated to contribute to elevated levels of the oxidant Peroxynitrite
(resulting in a vicious circle of oxidative damage to the body's cells). The theory goes
that mycoplasma infections 'induce excessive production of inflammatory Cytokines that
induce, in turn, the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). This enzyme, in turn,
synthesizes excessive amounts of nitric oxide which reacts with another compound
(superoxide) to produce the potent oxidant peroxynitrite. Peroxynitrite acts via six
known biochemical mechanisms to increase the levels of both nitric oxide and
superoxide which react to produce more peroxynitrite. In this way, once peroxynitrite
levels are elevated, they may act to continue the elevation, thus producing a
self-sustaining vicious cycle.'
Some information on Mycoplasma Fermentans can be found at the ImmunoSciences Lab
and Shasta CFS web sites below.

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A video of Trevor Marshall PhD's Keynote Presentation at the 2008 World Gene Congress
is shown at the link below.
He states that 'In Homo sapiens, the VDR Nuclear Receptor transcribes genes for the
Cathelicidin and beta-Defensin anti-microbial peptides, essential to intra-phagocytic
innate immune defenses. This microbiota evades the human immune system by
blocking DNA transcription by the VDR, which consequently blocks expression of these
endogenous anti-microbials.'
Marshall T.G.; 'Bacterial Capnine Blocks Transcription of Human Antimicrobial Peptides'.
Nature Precedings : doi:10.1038/npre.2007.164.1 : Posted 21 Jun 2007.
A pdf summary of this report can be found at the link below.
In the Keynote Presentation above, he also states that 'The microbiota changes
expression of over 903 genes, including MTSS1 ('Metastasis Suppressor 1').
Homeostasis of other Type 1 Nuclear Receptors is indirectly upset by the pathogens:
VDR, PXR, GCR, Thyroid-alpha-1, Thyroid-beta-1.* Note especially that the loss of
Glucocorticoid and Thyroid homeostasis leads to the diagnoses of 'hypo-thyroidism' and
'adrenal insufficiency.' We have demonstrated both to be reversible.'
Marhsall, T.G: 'Vitamin D Discovery Outpaces FDA Decision Making'. BioEssays May
2008, 30:2.*
This paper can be found at the link below.
'Vitamin D not only regulates the expression of genes associated with calcium
homeostasis, but also genes associated with cancers, autoimmune disease, and
infection. It does this by controlling the activation of the Vitamin D Receptor (VDR), a
type 1 nuclear receptor and DNA transcription factor.'
The VDR is the Vitamin D Receptor which plays a role in the immune system as a well as
other functions. Low vitamin D levels are not infrequently recorded in CFS and ME
cases, and may often coincide with mycoplasma infections and impaired immune
'The hormonally active form of vitamin D mediates its biological effects by binding to the
vitamin D receptor (VDR), which is principally located in the nuclei of target cells.'
Vitamin D deficiencies are discussed on the Nutritional Deficiencies page.
Some posts on the Marshall Protocol (which I do not personally endorse) forum on the
subject, including from Trevor Marshall himself, can be found at the link below.
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Enterobacter cloacae:
Enterobacter cloacae is a gram negative, facultatively-anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium.
It is a member of the Enterobacteriaceae family. It is classified as a Biohazard Level 1.
It is widely distributed in the environment. Enterobacter cloacae are opportunistic
pathogens, often associated with diarrhea in children and can be involved in
extraintestinal infections, especially the urinary tract. It is also one of the main
causative organisms in infections such as nosocomial septicemia (blood poisoning that
can lead to sepsis or whole body swelling and inflammation) and surgical wound
infections. They are also common causes of intraabdominal , respiratory tract infections,
and also bloodstream infections in organ transplant patients.
Environmental strains of Enterobacter cloacae are capable of growth in foods stored at
refrigeration temperatures. It is commonly found in both human and animal faeces. It
produces a heat-stable toxin similar to that produced by pathogenic E.coli. Whilst low
levels are commonly found in fresh stool in healthy persons, elevated levels of these
pathogenic bacteria can be extremely detrimental to one's health.
Gram negative bacterial species, such as Enterobacter cloacae, are unaffected by
Penicillin-based antibiotics, which only suppress gram positive bacteria.
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Chlamydophila pneumoniae:
Chlamydophila pneumoniae (formerly known as Chlamydia pneumoniae) is a species of
Chlamydophila bacteria. C.pneumoniae (or Cpn for short) must infect another cell in
order to reproduce and is therefore classified as an obligate intracellular pathogen. It
exists as an Elementary Body (EB) in between hosts. EBs of Cpn can be observed
attached to red blood cells in afflicted persons. The EB is not biologically active but is
environmentally resistant. The EB can be spread by droplets of moisture from the lungs
of one person to another. Upon arrival in the lungs of another victim, the EB is taken up
into the endosome (membrane bound compartment) of Eukaryotic cells by
phagocytosis. It is not destroyed in this process like most phagocytosed material but
instead is transformed into a Reticulate Body (RB) and starts to replicate within the
endosome. This process steals energy (ATP) from the cells of your body. The RBs then
convert back into EBs and are released back into the lung, often resulting in the death
of the host cell. If an RB is under sufficient attack then it may transform into a Cryptic
Body (CB), a third form - and not a usual part of the life cycle. This is a particularly
resistant form, of 'hibernation', where it exists in an anaerobic state of starvation. It will
later change back into an RB and carry on with its normal life cycle, as it can only exist
in this state for so long or else it dies.
It infects humans and is one of the major causes of atypical Pneumonia, along with
Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Pneumonia normally being caused by the gram positive
bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. Chlamydophila pneumoniae is also associated
with atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Interstitial Cystitis,
Prostatitis, IBS, Arthritis, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Refractory Sinusitis, Macular
Degeneration and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It is also implicated in causing pharyngitis
(sore throat), laryngitis (sore throat/hoarse voice) and sinusitis (nasal congestion) more
than any other form of bacteria; as well as bronchitis (inflammation of the mucus
membranes in the lungs). It may also worsen Porphyria (genetic Heme production
enzymes deficiency) - known as Secondary Porphyria.

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Cpn contains two endotoxins that (when released after killing the bacteria) can result in
tissue damage, inflammation, chronic immune system activation and an increase in
toxicity in the body.
Chlamydia pneumoniae is not to be confused with the sexually transmitted disease
'Chlamydia' which is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, that is generally
symptomless and can damage a woman's reproductive organs if left untreated.
Symptoms of infection with C.pneumoniae are indistinguishable from other causes of
pneumonia (bacterial, fungal, viral etc.) They include a cough, fever, breathing
difficulties. Nasal congestion, chest pressure and depression are also common. Cpn may
start off as a respiratory infection, but on account of its replication mechanism, can be
carried to many other parts of the body and infect their tissues, including nerve tissue,
the brain, muscles, the lining of blood vessels (c/f atherosclerotic plaque) and even
Macrophages of the immune system. CFS cases are not uncommonly implicated with
Cpn infections, and these may not be noticeable as pneumonia symptoms but may be
simply mild lung irritation and a dry cough.
Chlamydia pneuomoniae Elementary Bodies (EBs) can be identified using dark field
microscopy on Red Blood Cells (see above picture), amongst other methodologies. PCR
blood tests are not always reliable but can be implemented. The 'NAC Test' may be
taken, which involves taking a high dosage of NAC (building up to 4 x 600mg of NAC per
day over a number of days) and observing if any significantly adverse toxicity symptoms
are experienced. This is touched upon below.
Standard treatments including single courses of antibiotics (of a 2 week duration), can
only kill Cpn in one of its three life cycle phases, leaving live forms of Cpn bacteria in
the body which can continue the infection thereafter in other phases of their life cycle.
Therefore a more sophisticated antibiotics regime is required.
According to the CPN Help web site, a combination of approaches can be employed, to
attack all 3 forms of the bacterium.
D-Penicillamine (a chelating agent) and N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) break the
disulphide bonds in the cysteine-rich proteins of the outer coating of the
Elementary Bodies (EMs). This forces them to prematurely burst open and perish.
This can result in a rather severe die off reaction from the endotoxins.
Protein synthesis inhibitors/antibiotic drugs - namely Doxycycline (INN),
Azithromycin, Rifampicin - perform two functions:
Prevent the Reticulate Bodies (RBs) resisting fusion with the deadly host
lysosomes,thus killing them
Force the RB to enter the anaerobic starvation Cryptic Body (CB) state
Metronidazole (brand name Flagyl) actively kills the Cryptic Bodies (CBs).
Whilst the above drugs are varying in their levels of toxicity, NAC of course is
a good source of Cysteine and a Glutathione precursor, and can help to

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support liver function, detoxification and the immune system in general (if
taken to supplement a deficiency in Cysteine or Glutathione). It may however
result in some Mercury mobilisation. The above regime is a short term
treatment plan, to kill off the entirety of a Cpn infection and is not intended to
become a long term and harmful antibiotics programme. This is a specialist
protocol and does not fit in with the more generic anti-bacterial treatments
described elsewhere on this page. It is reproduced here for information
purposes only. It is possible that some of the antibiotic drugs cited above can
be substituted with certain herbs.
Natural antimicrobials that may help to deal with Cpn include Nutramedix
Samento, Banderol and Quina. As Cpn is a biolfim loving organism, it will
likely be necessary to take a number of biofilm-busting supplements.
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Biochemical markers for Clostridia and Pseudomonas:

2,3 Dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid (DHPPA) is an organic acid byproduct of
the bacterial metabolism of phenylalanine, tyrosine and/or tryptophan.
Various species of Clostridia (gram positive) bacteria have been shown in vitro
to produce DHPPA.
'A variety of foul smelling compounds are formed during the fermentation of
amino acids and fatty acids. The clostridia also produce a wide variety of
extracellular enzymes to degrade large biological molecules (e.g. proteins,
lipids, collagen, cellulose, etc.) in the environment into fermentable
components...Clostridium tetani and Clostridium botulinum produce the most
potent biological toxins known to affect humans.'
Pseudomonas are gram-negative rod bacteria, and are responsible for most
hospital based infections. Quinoline research has demonstrated the production
of DHPPA by Pseudomonas species.
Presence of elevated levels of DHPPA in the urine may suggest overgrowth of
either Clostridia and/or Pseudomonas in the gut, as well as a degree of
malabsorption of aromatic amino acids. However, by examining the amino acid
levels, for example, Threonine, a very hard amino acid to absorb in relative
terms, one could rule out the latter explanation.
Both DHPPA and citramalate levels can be identified in a urine test such as the
Optimal Nutrition Evaluation (ONE) by Genova Diagnostics.
In addition, the organic acid citramalic acid or citramalate can also be formed
by anaerobic bacteria as well as yeast/fungal organisms.
Other bacterial dysbiosis markers include Ammonia, Benzoic/Hippuric Acids
Ratio, Beta-Alanine, Ethanolamine, Gamma-aminobutyric Acid, Indoleacetic
Acid, Phenylacetic Acid, Phosphoethanolamine and Succinic acid.

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Beta-alanine is often elevated when the dietary peptides anserine and

carnosine are elevated because they contain beta-alanine. Beta-alanine is also
a metabolite of the pyrimidine bases cytosine and uracil. Catabolism
(breakdown) of damaged or diseased bodily tissue, tumors and malignancy
feature increased production and urinary disposal of beta-alanine. Besides
elevated anserine or carnosine and accelerated catabolism of unwanted bodily
tissue, the next most likely source of beta-alanine in urine is imbalanced gut
flora. The normal gut flora produce some beta-alanine, which they make
pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) from. However, elevated levels of
staphylococcus or streptococcus, use of antibiotics, and the breakdown of
yeast or fungi in the body can cause an increase in urinary beta-alanine levels.
Continuously elevated beta-alanine can be detrimental by impairing renal
conservation of taurine.
Please see the Identification page for more information about the ONE test.
There are of course more direct methods of identifying bad bacteria, for
example, stool analysis or live blood microscopy, but if one is evaluating
amino acids and organic acids, then the results can provide some useful
markers for bad bacteria and Candida.
So what is the solution for an overgrowth of bad bacteria?
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Probiotics Supplements:
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There are approximately 400+ varieties of bacteria in the digestive tract and
take many years to build up through a healthy diet. Dr Elie Metchnikoff Ph.D,
Nobel, laureate, postulated that the ideal ratio of good to bad bacteria should
be 80:20, which is often the reverse way around in many modern Westerners.
This is why eradicating all of one's probiotic bacteria by taking anti-biotics (or
to a lesser extent colonic hydrotherapy) and simply taking a probiotic
supplement afterwards (containing perhaps 2 or 3 strains of probiotic
bacteria) is not really going to build up that same level of diversity of good
bacteria as would occur naturally with a good diet rich in vegetables
(especially those containing prebiotic sugars which are the optimal food for
probiotic bacteria).
A healthy GI tract's composition of beneficial flora is not just a case of
quantity but also diversity or quality. Most probiotic supplements focus on
Lactobacillus acidophilus as it is probably one of the toughest probiotic strains
and is relatively acid resistant. As discussed above, a deficiency in any one
particular species may render the GI tract suspectible to certain strains of
pathogenic species more than others. To maintain optimum flora balance and
digestive health, it is recommended to ascertain what probiotic species are
represented in one's stool and which are deficient. It is sensible to then take
this data and target those probiotic species and strains that are deficient. For
more information on stool testing, please see the Identification page. Certain
probiotic strains may not seed properly, or so effectively, in the presence of
large concentrations of dysbiotic or pathogenic species, and so probiotic
supplementation may require the taking of antimicrobial herbs to fight off
such pathogenic microorganisms.

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Sources of probiotics include true fermented products, for example, fermented

cabbage juice, live kefir or (bio-)live natural yoghurt and also probiotics
supplements. As a general rule, good fermented foods and drinks are those
that are fermented (i.e. acidified with lactic acid) using probiotic bacteria.
Good probiotics supplements may come in enterically coated format also to
ensure deeper penetration into the GI tract, as under normal circumstances
most bacteria entering the GI tract are destroyed by the stomach acid in the
stomach. I have not seen any actual test results yet to confirm the
effectiveness of enterically coated probiotics. However the theory is sound.
There is some debate as to how many viable cells of bacteria are necessary to
be effective - some supplement boast about the number of viable cells they
contain at the time of manufacture. Others contain less than a billion but
emphasise that they are more viable.
The vast majority of active probiotic bacterial cells are destroyed by the
stomach before they reach the small and large intestine. Therefore the exact
number taken could in some ways be considered irrelevant or not so critical.
Many people consider at least 1 billion active cells as a minimum, and 4-5
billion being fairly good. More is of course a bonus! There is no upper limit as
such to probiotic supplements and the frequency of their consumption during
the day, per se. One should however exercise one's common sense. The main
purpose of taking probiotics is to provide viable cells of good bacteria which
can seed or multiply in the small and large intestine. It is not really to
physically populate the colon with good bacteria from literally just the
probiotic bacteria (from supplements) that survive and reach the colon. This
would be a mammoth task given the small number that actually reach the
colon and the several kilos of good bacteria actually required there. Providing
a regular supply of seeding bacteria to the colon, and also ensuring optimal
conditions (and food) for the good bacteria and adverse conditions (and a lack
of food) for the bad bacteria, is the main goal to achieving and maintaining a
healthy floral gut balance.
Certain strains prefer certain parts of the GI tract. Many probiotic bacteria are
killed off by the stomach acid and never reach the GI tract. Probiotics
supplements are normally stored in the fridge unless stated otherwise on the
label. Probiotics should be taken at least 2 hours away from any anti-microbial
supplements (see below regarding candida and parasites treatment). If you
are taking anti-microbial supplements, then it is doubly important to be taking
probiotics as well during the course of each day.
In my experience, probiotics work very well, unless there is a significant state
of dysbiosis or commensal bacterial overgrowth, in which case many types of
probiotics may work well up to a certain point, then achieve very little until
the unwanted bacteria are killed off with antimicrobial treatments, afterwhich
point the prebiotics can work more effectively again to boost probiotic
bacterial numbers. Probiotics in general seem to struggle to suppress
excessive commensal bacterial numbers if already present without
antimicrobial intervention. It is in my experience, species dependent of course
(E.coli numbers seem to be easier to increase with probiotic supplementation
than Lactobacillus or Bifidobacteria in the presence of dysbiosis).Each
probiotic species is targetted often at suppressing growth of or actively
reducing numbers of certain types of commensal or pathogenic species.
There is much to say about inserting/squirting probiotics actually directly into
the anus. You perhaps could moisten your finger, moisten the capsule, and
push it as far up your anus as comfortably possible. :-) Clearly, this bypasses
the stomach completely, and avoids the mass destruction of the majority of
probiotic bacteria in probiotic supplements in the strongly acidic environment

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of the stomach. However, some may regard this as an extreme measure, or as

highly unpleasant. There are various methods available. One could create a
solution using room temperature water or probiotic drink (e.g. kefir or
fermented cabbage juice) and squirt this directly up the bottom using a rectal
syringe (available from a dispensing chemist); or use an enema kit including a
tube and funnel. These methods probably require a (lucky!) second person.
Alternatively one could take a piece of cotton wool, soak it in organic bio-live
yoghurt, empty a capsule or two of a probiotic supplement onto it, and insert
it into the anus, leaving it in overnight and removing it in the morning. I
haven't tried either of these methods, but wanted to present all possible
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Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium

The most common genus found in probiotics supplements tend to be
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. These are technically speaking the
'probiotic' bacteria geni. Of these, the most common species found in probiotic
supplements are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum.
Bifidobacterium contain several species including:

animalis subsp lactis (f.k.a. B.lactis)

Bifidobacterium infantis is found in mother's breast milk and is one of the first
few colonisers of a newly born infant's GI tract (hence the name deriving from
A few strains of note however are:
Bifidobacterium infantis 35624
Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 is marketed under the trademark 'Bifantis' by
Procter and Gamble. It is found exclusively in the Procter and Gamble supplement
'Align'. It has undergone extensive trails and has the most evidence for
effectiveness against IBS and other bowel conditions. This is not currently for sale
in Europe although it can be purchased from US vendors, e.g. on Amazon or on
Lactobacillus reuteri
Lactobacillus reuteri is not found in all GI tracts but is a highly effective probiotic
bacterial strain, also found in mother's breast milk in small quantities.
L.reuteri is only currently found in one probiotic supplement, Nature's Way's
Primadophilus Reuteri, which also contain Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus
rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium longum. This is currently available in 3 different

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formats. The Primadophilus Reuteri Pearls do not require refrigeration.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53013)
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, a.k.a. Lactobacillus GG, is a trademarked form of
Lactobacillus rhamnosus. It is found in a small number of supplements including
most notaby/famously Allergy Research's Culturelle Lactobacillus GG (10 billion
cells + 245mg Inulin).
Examples of good generic Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium
probiotics supplements are listd below (number of cells quoted per capsule or
Garden of Life's Primal Defense (5 billion cells) - contains Bacillus subtilis, Humate
and Fermented Greens
RenewLife's Ultimate Flora range, particularly Critical Care (50 billion) and Super
Critical (200 billion) - refrigeration recommended - enteric-coated, v.high in
O'Donnell Formulas' The Ultimate Acidophilus plus Bacillus Coagulans (250 million
CFU B.Coagulans plus 2 billion CFU L.Acidophilus DDS-1 (Nebraska Cultures
Dr Ohhira's Probiotics 12 Plus (Original or Professional)
Safe Remedies' Organic Prime Directive (a.k.a. FermPlus in Australia) - contains
fermented greens
VSL#3 (450 billion cells)
Bio-K+ CL1285 (30 billion)
Jarrow Formula's Ultra Dolphilus (40 billion) - in gel matrix to protect from stomach
BioCare's Bio-Acidophilus Forte (24 billion / refrigeration required)
Klaire Labs' Ther-biotic Complete (25 billion)
Archturus' Pro-Bifidus powder (containing 1 billion cells per gram - using Nebraska
3 Bifido strains - B. breve, B. longum, B. infantis)
Source Naturals' Bifidyn (1 billion CFU Nebraska Cultures' B.longum and B.bifidum
per gram)
A number of soil-based bacteria formulas are available, and which are not
listed above, with the exception of Primal Defense. These are examined in
more detail in the SBOs section.
One of my practitioners has found that only three commercial probiotic
products that he's tried seem to work best with his patients - Garden of Life's
Primal Defense (Standard or Ultra), Securil and Allergy Research's Culturelle
Lactobacillus GG.
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Enterococcus faecalis TH10

The two probiotic bacterial strains of Enterococcus sp. including faecalis and
faecium, can be found in Kefir or a small number of specialist probiotic
supplements. Kefir contains 7 strains of Enterococcus faecalis and 2 strains of
Enterococcus faecium, and is arguably a superior source of Enterococcus sp.
probiotics than any of the supplements listed below. These probiotic
supplements include:
Global Health Trax ThreeLac and FiveLac - contain 500 million cells of Entercoccus

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faecalis per sachet

Dr Ohhira's Probiotics 12 Plus (Original or Professional) - contain a smaller number
of Enterococcus faecalis TH10 per capsule.
Discovery Health's Probiotic Plus
Symprove liquid - contains both E.faecalis and E.faecium per serving.
Quantum Nutrition Labs (PR Labs) HM Nano Detox, Melatonin Nano-Plex,
Nano-DHLA and others (stated on ingredients) - these are not primarily probiotic
supplements although they do contain probiotics. They contain both Enterococcus
faecalis TH10 and Enterococcus faecium.
Dr Ohhira's product is fermented over 5 years using fruits, vegetables,
mushrooms and seaweeds, containing 12 probiotic species (no SBOs) and
various organic acids (including citric, lactic, formic and acetic acids). It is
reputed to be one of the best probiotics products on the market. Ben Kim has
a very good reputation and he is probably right! There are two versions of Dr
Ohhira's Probiotics 12 Plus, Original Formula and Professional Line. Ben Kim
recommends the latter. The difference is in the amount of organic acids
(Professional containing more) and lactic bacteria blend (Professional
containing slightly less). Probiotics 12 Plus Professional Line is also marketed
in some countries as OM-X 100 or OM-X 12.
The strains contained in Dr Ohhira's formula include:
- Bifidobacterium breve
- Bifidobacterium infantis
- Bifidobacterium longum
- Enterococcus faecalis TH10 (proprietary strain isolated from Malaysian
Tempeh ferment)
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Lactobacillus brevis
- Lactobacillus bulgaricus
- Lacrobacillus casei
- Lactobacillus fermentum
- Lactobacillus helveticus ssp. jugurti
- Lactobacillus plantarum
- Streptococcus thermophilus
My practitioner muscle tested this product on me and it tested negatively
(allergic reaction).
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Mutaflor - Escherichia coli strain Nissle 1917:

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Mutaflor is the brand name for the probiotic species of Escherichia coli (E.coli),
known as strain Nissle 1917 or Mutaflor for short, which is manufactured by
German firm Ardeypharm. It is a beneficial species of E.coli. Most E.coli strains
are harmless, although a few are pathogenic and highly virulent. E.coli tends
to reside in the Ileum, the final part of the small intestine, just before the
bowel. E.coli is a facultative anaerobe and a gram-negative rod-shaped
bacterium. E.coli does not produce lactic acid.
Beneficial E.coli produce folic acid, Co-Enzyme Q10, vitamin K2 and the amino
acids Tyrosine, Phenylalanine and Tryptophan. It also helps to ferment soluble
fibre into Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) and inhibit pathogenic bacterial
Mutaflor was first isolated by the German Microbiologist, Prof. Alfred Nissle, in
1917 during WWI from the faeces of an NCO in Dobrudsha in the Balkans, an
area highly contaminated with enteropathogens at the time. All of his fellow
soldiers had become very ill. Since then it has been marketed in capsule form.
Mutaflor can now be purchased both in capsule or suspension form (as of
2009). The capsules are enterically coated and are designed to open up in the
terminal ileum. Each capsule contains 2.5-25 billion viable cells. The product is
available in 'mite' capsule form, where the strength is only 20% of the regular
capsules, for use in severe cases where the patient cannot tolerate the
stronger capsules at first. Dosage is 1-2 capsules per day, taken with food and

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sufficient liquid.
Mutaflor is also available in suspension form, in 1ml or 5ml vials, presumably
at the same strength as the capsules described above. They have been
designed primarily for use with infants and toddlers in mind, who cannot easy
swallow capsules. Of course, one could break open a capsule and sprinkle the
contents into food etc., but this may not be so easy and of course would
negate the benefit of the enteric coating. The suspension of Mutaflor bacteria
is presumably not enterically coated in any way. The suspension form is much
more expensive than the capsule form and has a shorter shelf life of 2-3
months vs 9 months for the capsules. A recipe for making Mutaflor yoghurt
can be found on the Recipes page.
Mutaflor capsules can be purchased in the US and Canada directly from the
respective Mutaflor web sites. The capsules should be refrigerated at all times,
but are ok to be kept out of a refrigerator during shipping for up to 72 hours
(but no more) according to Ardeypharm.
A German reseller of Mutaflor is Berlinda Versand Apotheke, who sell both
capsules and suspension. Myhill has full instructions for ordering from this site
in English (at the Growing Mutaflor link above) for those who cannot read
German or use Babelfish. Their standard delivery is via DHL but 5-10 working
days. Specify that you want it delivered with DHL's Weltpacket Premium which
is a 2-3 working day delivery, and that it must be posted on a Monday only to
avoid being stuck over the weekend (as happened with my delivery).
According to Ardeypharm the Mutaflor should be still completely in tact after 4
days out of refrigeration (the cold pack and insulated box should keep it cool
for 2-3 days).
Another alternative suggested by Ardeypharm is Metropolitan Pharmacy, who
are based at an airport and who guarantee 2 day deliveries for all
international shipping (if I am not mistaken). Their prices are however
significantly higher. Visit their e-shop for pricing.
If you search on g**, you can find a number of other resellers of
Mutaflor. Please note that some may not ship outside of Germany, so it is best
to enquire before placing an order.
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Securil - Propionibacterium freudenreichii:

Propionibacteria freudenreichii is a type of gram-positive, non-motile (not free
swimming) bacterium that is used in the production of certain types of
cheeses, for example, Emmental and to a lesser extent Leerdammer. Other
bacterial species present in Emmental include Streptococcus thermophilus and
Lactobacillus. Emmental is quite rich in P. freudenreichii. Other non-Swiss
cheese types do contain it, but not in such large quantities. It is also found in
small quantities in soil.
During cheese production, Propionibacterium freudenreichii ferments lactate to
form acetate, propionate and carbon dioxide. The Propionate is a salt of
propionic acid. Propionic acid is an organic, carboxylic acid, and is strongly

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anti-fungal, and supplementation with P. freudenreichii can boost the localised

Propionate levels in the GI tract and help to eliminate Candida albicans and
other yeasts and moulds. The Propionic acid molecule is shown below.
According to Michal Culp, whilst the P. freudenreichii bacteria are not native to
the GI tract, the Propionic Acid they produce is one of the favourite foods of
the GI Tract's Bifidobacteria, so supplementation with P. freudenreichii can
produce an anti-fungal agent as well as a prebiotic.
'To be healthy you need a balance of bacteria in your gut. The average person
has about 100 trillion bacteria (more than the number of cells in your entire
body) and more than 400 different species of bacteria have been identified
able to live in your gut, although only 30-40 species are common. These
bacteria constitute an ecosystem all on their own. There are two very
important types of bacteria to help your ecosystem stay in balance:
Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus acidophilus (the latter is found in fermented
foods like yogurt or sauerkraut). However, the Bifidobacteria appear to be the
dominant healthy bacteria, outnumbering Lactobacillus strains by about
1000:1. Five strains of Bifidobacteria are common in humans, but each person
will have their own unique ratio of the five, and this will change with age and
in response to environmental factors. The five common strains of Bifidobacter
include B. infantis, B. adolescentis, B. bifidum, B. longum, and B. breve. [P.
freudenreichii]...provides the food that allows growth of all Bifidobacteria, so
your body can maintain its own unique, health-promoting combination of the
different stains. The Bifidobacteria levels remain high in your gut only while
they have adequate food and stimulation to grow. '
Sources of Propionibacterium freudenreichii include Emmental cheese, and a
supplement such as Securil which contains 'Propio-Fidus' a brand name for
Proprionibacterium freudenreichii. Each capsules contains 5 billion active cells,
in a base of the prebiotic FOS. Two capsules of Securil daily is said to be
equivalent to eating 100g of Emmental cheese, which is not THAT much, but
for those that cannot easily tolerate dairy products or are concerned with
weight gain, then a more expensive probiotic like Securil may be more
convenient. Securil is made by the French firm 'Compagnie Generale de
Dietetique Laboratoire Yalacta'.
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Soil Based Organisms:

Certain probiotic products claim to contain Soil Based Organisms or SBOs.
Whilst not native to the GI tract, they have many beneficial properties for the
GI tract and the immune system as a whole. There seems to be a great deal
of hype around them, certain manufacturers claiming to have have a unique
product. But rarely is any explanation offered of what SBOs actually are. I will
attempt to briefly describe what SBOs are, what products they are found in,
and what their benefits are.
SBOs are naturally occurring bacterial strains (i.e. microorganisms) found
present in soil that release powerful enzymes that help to kill off yeasts,
mould, fungi and parasites. Modern farming methods, including the use of
herbicides and pesticides are reputed to kill them off to a large extent. It is

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believed by some that even organic produce is grown from depleted soil and
so are not very rich in SBOs.
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Bacillus subtilis:
One strain of SBO is Bacillus subtilis, has been used by Africans
for many centuries. Alternative names include Bacillus globigii,
grass bacillus or hay bacillus. It is a predominantly soil-based
form of bacterium, commonly found in soil and decomposing
organic matter. Some strains are known to produce antibiotics.
It was inadvertently discovered by German soldiers during
WW2. A large number of German soldiers were dying of
dysentery in the African campaign with little or no medicine
readily available. A team of German scientists eventually found
out that when the local 'Arabs' were suffering from dysentery,
they would eat a small amount of fresh camel dung. This dung
was later found to be extremely high in a form of bacteria later
named Bacillus subtilis. Bacillus subtilis was later grown
commercially and used by the German army to cure dysentery.
B.subtilis was marketed throughout America and Europe in
1946 as an aid to stimulating the immune system in treatment
of gut and urinary tract diseases, but declined in popularity
because of the introduction of cheap antibiotics, despite
causing fewer allergic reactions and having lower toxicity to
beneficial gut flora. Cultures of B.subtilis were used throughout
the 1950s as an alternative medicine.
According to Bio-Kult blog:
'...Bacillus subtilis remains one of the most potent and
beneficial of all health-promoting and immune-stimulating
bacteria. According to clinical studies documented in the
medical research report, IMMUNOSTIMULATION BY BACILLUS
SUBTILIS PREPARATIONS, by micro-biologist J. Harmann, the
cell wall components of ingested Bacillus Subtilis are able to
activate nearly all systems of the human immune defense,
including the activation of at least three specific antibodies
(IgM, IgG and IgA secretion) which are highly effective against
many of the harmful viruses, fungi and bacterial pathogens
which regularly attempt to invade and infect the human
So which products today contain Bacillus subtilis?
- Kiki Health's Nature's Biotics
- Life Science Products' Body Biotics (also contains Fulvic &
Humic Acid)
- Garden of Life's Primal Defense (12 species in total - 5 billion
CFU) - (also contains Humate)

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- Garden of Life's Perfect Food Original (also contains Humate)

- Garden of Life's RAW Protein
- Global Health Trax' ThreeLac or FiveLac (500 million CFU of
B.subtilis, 3 or 5 species in total)
- Protexin Health Care's Bio-Kult Advanced Probiotic Formula
(14 species in total - 2 billion CFU)
- Dr Ben Kim's Greens (also marketed by HealthForce
Nutritionals as 'Vitamineral Green')
- Efficient Microorganisms (EM) Technology (a 'mother culture'
containing Bacillus subtilis as well as other beneficial bacterial
and yeast strains, marketed by various manufacturers)
- Natto, the Japanese fermented food. Natto is prepared by
adding Bacillus natto (a strain of the species Bacillus subtilis) to
cooked soy beans. Bacillus natto is often found in various
supplements as an ingredient, named 'Bacillus subtilis Natto
Extract'. However, this is a dead form of the bacteria, as the
bacterial cells are boiled to extract the beneficial Nattokinase
enzyme or Vitamin K2. Examples of such supplements include
Source Naturals Vitamin K2 and Doctor's Best Best Vein
Support with DiosVein. Not all products with 'Natto Extract'
contain the dead Bacillus natto however.
An unofficial Bio-Kult blog site equates Bacillus subtilis to being
interchangeable with Bacillus licheniformis. This is probably an
error in communication.
However Wikipedia defines it as a separate Bacillus species,
and not a probiotic one, but a pathogenic species.
'Bacillus licheniformis is a bacterium commonly found in the
soil. Recently, studies have also shown that it is found on bird
feathers, especially chest and back plumage, and most often in
ground dwelling birds (like sparrows) and aquatic species (like
ducks). Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis, and Bacillus
pumilus comprise the subtilis group, which has been associated
with a range of clinical conditions, food spoilage such as ropy
bread, and incidents of food-borne gastro-enteritis.'
Others define it as one bacterium strain within the Bacillus
subtilis group. It is however a facultative anaerobe whereas
Bacillus subtilis tends to be aerobic.
The protease enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis is used widely
in the food processing industry, namely for its ability to
hydrolyse (break down) proteins. For example, Bacillus
licheniformis Protease is used in the hydrolysis of Hydrolysed
Whey Protein.

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Bacillus licheniformis is used in the production of Garden of

Life's Primal Defense, presumably to predigest the cereal
grasses, but Garden of Life claims that only its enzymes are
found in the final product and not the bacterium itself (in line
with most hydrolysis practices). Kiki Health actually state that
Bacillus licheniformis is one of the ingredients of Nature's
Biotics, however, as their product uses the same basic
preparation method as Primal Defense, and that much of their
marketing material is slightly amateurish, that one might
assume that they mean the same thing as Garden of Life.
Is this a typo on the unofficial Bio-Kult blog site? Not a very
clear picture. So is Bacillus licheniformis actually a probiotic
SBO or not?
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Bacillus coagulans:
Another type of highly resistant Soil Based Organism of the
Bacillus species include Bacillus coagulans, a.k.a. GanedenBC30
or Lactobacillus sporogenes. Bacillus coagulans is a spore
forming and lactic acid producing bacterium, which has been
used in animal feeds and in assisting human vaginal flora.
Bacillus bacteria are spore forming and their spores highly
resistant to chemical and physical agents. As Bacillus coagulans
is also lactic acid forming, it could be said to fall somewhere
between the classifications of Lactobacillus and Bacillus,
however the Lactobacillus name for it, Lactobacillus sporogenes
(i.e. spore forming Lacto bacterium) is somewhat incorrect on
account of its spore forming abilities and has been superceded
since 1939.

Which products include Bacillus coagulans?

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- Global Health Trax' ThreeLac and FiveLac (reviewed further

below - 500 million CFU)
- Source Naturals DuraFlora (125mg or 5 billion CFU)
- TwinLab Super Probiotic (150mg or 2.1 billion CFU)
- O'Donnell Formulas' The Ultimate Acidophilus plus Bacillus
Coagulans (250 million CFU B.Coagulans plus 2 billion CFU
L.Acidophilus DDS-1 (Nebraska Cultures strain))
- Life Extension Enhanced Super Digestive Enzymes with
Probiotics (166,500 CFU)
- Nature's Plus Ultra Juice Green (50 million CFU)
- Rainbow Light Candida Cleanse (20 million CFU plus a variety
of anti-candida herbs)
- Prime Directive (aka FermPlus)
Garden of Life Raw Meal

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Bacillus laterosporus:
There is another SBO supplement on the market, by O'Donnell
Formulas called Flora-Blalance. This utilises the patented
Bacillus strain Bacillus laterosporus (a.k.a. Bacillus laterosporus
BOD). It contains 35mcg per capsule which is equivalent to 1
million cells (a very low number in relative terms) - but it is a
unique product/species in probiotic supplement terms. It is also
available in powder form. I did not notice anything different
when taking it but that is not to say it isn't a useful species to
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Rhodopseudomonas palustris:
Rhodopseudomonas palustris is a purple, phototropic
bacterium, most commonly found in soil and water.
The only product to my knowledge that definitely contains this
bacterium species are those based on Efficient Microorganisms
(EM) Technology, e.g. SCD EM, and EM Earth's EM-1 and
ProEM-1, etc.
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Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides:
Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides is a purple, phototropic
bacterium (i.e. one that can produce energy through
photosynthesis) and is found in deep lakes - not strictly
speaking an SBO, but still a useful probiotic species.
The only product to my knowledge that definitely contains this
bacterium species are a subset of those based on Efficient
Microorganisms (EM) Technology, e.g. SCD EM Plus.
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Saccharomyces boulardii:
Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic yeast strain, as opposed
to a probiotic bacterial strain.
'Saccharomyces boulardii is a tropical strain of yeast first
isolated from lychee and mangosteen fruit in 1923 by French
scientist Henri Boulard. It is related to, but distinct from,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae in several taxonomic, metabolic, and
genetic properties. S. boulardii has been shown to maintain and
restore the natural flora in the large and small intestine; it is
classified as a probiotic. Boulard first isolated the yeast after he
observed natives of Southeast Asia chewing on the skin of
lychee and mangosteen in an attempt to control the symptoms
of cholera. S. boulardii has been shown to be non-pathogenic,
non-systemic (it remains in the gastrointestinal tract rather
than spreading elsewhere in the body), and grows at the
unusually high temperature of 37C.'
Saccharomyces boulardii is found in the following products.
- AGM Grainfields
- NuFerm's FermPlus (aka Prime Directive)
- Garden of Life's Primal Defense ULTRA
- Garden of Life's Primal Defense (enzymes of S.boulardii only)
- Garden of Life's Perfect Food Raw
- Some Kombucha mother cultures
Are SBO/HSO-based probiotic supplements any better than
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria based probiotic formulations?
Some experts seem to think so. They are reputed to be more
hardy and resilient. Try them out and find out! You should
probably experiment a little with different probiotics in any
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EM Technology:
'Effective Microorganisms, also called EM Technology, is a brand
name for a series of products utilizing a base culture called
EM1 Microbial Inoculant. "EM Technology" is an as yet
scientifically unconfirmed method of improving soil quality and
plant growth using a mixture of microorganisms consisting
mainly of lactic acid bacteria, purple bacteria, and yeast which
co-exist for the benefit of whichever environment they are
'Efficient Microbes', another name for Efficient Microorganisms
or EM Technology, are described at the link below.
'EM is a natural, probiotic technology developed for over 25
years around the world. It is based on beneficial and effective
microorganisms ("EM"). The microbes in EM are non-harmful,
(non-GMO), and not-chemically-synthesized. The basic groups
of microorganisms in EM are lactic acid bacteria (commonly
found in yogurt, cheeses), yeast (bread, beer), and
phototrophic bacteria ("cousins" of blue-green algae). All
Efficient Microbes [SCD (EM)] are produced through natural
fermentation processes; and are not chemically synthesized or
genetically engineered. EM is sold as a concentrate and can be
added to water and applied as is, or activated and extended up
to 2000 times its volume. The microorganisms in EM are known
to produce bioactive substances, vitamins, hormones,
enzymes, amino acids, and antibiotics, which enrich and
detoxify the soil. EM directly enhances plant growth and
produces high yielding crops, which are drought, frost, pest and
disease resistant without the need of any agricultural
chemicals. Activated EM can also be used to create an
environment where grease, mould, rust do not thrive due to
the ant oxidative properties of EM. SCD Efficient Microbes (EM)
consists of a wide variety of effective, beneficial,
non-pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic micro organisms
cultured in diluted molasses that are mutually compatible with
one another.'
EM liquid is also an excellent probiotic suitable for human
consumption. Examples of two manufacturers of EM liquid
include SCD and EMEarth.
SCD and Emerald Earth market a number of EM products, for
industrial, agricultural, domestic and health applications. Both

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SCD Food Grade and EM-1 are available in a 1 gallon bottle at

roughly the same price as 180 capsules of Primal Defense. My
contact believes that the form of freeze (?) dried/processed EM
present in Primal Defense is not as effective as its natural form
in EM liquid.
The bacterial strains (mother culture) present in SCD EM Food
Grade are listed below, including 1 Bacillus species, 3
Bifidobacterium species, 6 Lactobacillus species, 2 Lactococcus
species, 1 Steptococcus species, 1 Rhodopseudomonas species
and 1 Saccharomyces species.

Bacillus subtilis
Bifidobacterium animalis
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Bifidobacterium longum.
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Lactobacillus casei
Lactobacillus delbrueckii
Lactobacillus fermentum
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactococcus diacetylactis
Lactococcus lactis
Streptococcus thermophilus
Rhodopseudomonas palustris
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (brewer's yeast)

Rhodopseudomonas species):




- Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides
MSDSes can be found for both products below.
An associate of mine, referenced below, believes this to be the
cheapest and most effective probiotic supplement available,
partly because it can be extended with fermentation (i.e. used
to produced more at no cost).
One reputed expert on EM Technology is Vinny Pinto. He is
affiliated with the Weston A. Price Foundation. He runs a yahoo
group on EM.
The following web site provides instructions for making one's
own 'Efficient Microbe' or E.M. Tea.
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AGM Grainfields:
According to my contact, when Rubin first created Primal
Defense, he decided to combine dried humate, a dried form of
EM and also fermented barley grass and oat grass from a
company called AGM in Australia.
AGM Grainfields products use a proprietary fermentation
process called FermFlora, which my contact claims makes the
bacteria very hardy and powerful. The 'food' that the bacteria
use to ferment is organic molasses. This FermFlora process
yields the following bacterial strains:

Bifidobacterium bifidum
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus casei
Lactobacillus helveticus
Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Lactobacillus leichmannii
Lactobacillus caucasicus
Lactobacillus lactis
Lactobacillus fermenti
Lactobacillus brevis
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus delbreukii

And the following Yeast Strains:

- Saccharomyces boulardii (probiotic yeast strain)
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae (brewer's yeast)
The AGM Grainfields products include liquid products and
powder products. They do not contain humate or 'SBOs/HSOs'.
My contact has found the powder products to be excellent.
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ThreeLac and FiveLac:

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FiveLac is a Japanese supplement based on lacto-bacteria.

Formerly known as ThreeLac (with 3 strains of bacteria but now
with 5 strains). It is distributed in the USA by Global Health
Trax. Although there are no documented clinical trials, it
appears to help in fighting off Candida, as does taking other
probiotics. It probably just acts to assist rather than the sole
source for killing candida. It comes in boxes of 60 sachets, and
in general, one sachet is taken per day (on an empty stomach),
before a meal.

As cam be seem in the picture below, it contains two resilient

Bacillus bacterium species:
- Bacillus coagulans (aka Lactobacillus sporogenes)
- Bacillus subtilis (found in the Primal Defense and Nature's
Biotics etc.)
As well as:

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- Enterococcus faecalis (also found in Kefir)

And (FiveLac additionally contains) the more common probiotic
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Bifidobacterium longum
And the prebiotic fibres FOS, Fenugreek Fibre (Galactomannan)
and Beta-Cyclodextrin. It also contains refined yeast
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The yeast is in its inactive form
(dead) and is there as a prebiotic food for the live probiotic
bacterial strains included in the product to assist them to
multiply and pass through the acidic environment of the
stomach into the intestines.

Whilst FiveLac appears to be the only one of the above three

SBO products to contain Bacillus coagulans/Lactobacillus
sporogenes, there are other dedicated Bacillus coagulans
supplements on the market, for example, Source Naturals
DuraFlora (125mg or 5 billion cells of Bacillus coagulans per
capsule - 10 times more than FiveLac), O'Donnell Formulas'
The Ultimate Acidophilus (250 million cells of Bacillus
coagulans), Twinlab Super Probiotic (2.1 billion cells of Bacillus
coagulans per capsule) and Rainbow Light Candida Cleanse (20
million cells per capsule plus a variety of anti-candida herbs),

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The latter two strains (Lactobacillus acidophilus and

Bifidobacterium longum) in the above ingredients list are the
only difference between ThreeLac and FiveLac, and if you've
already taken a probiotic supplement or natural yoghurt, then
there isn't a significant difference between ThreeLac (if you can
still buy it) and FiveLac. The retail price should however be the
The actual amounts of probiotic bacteria and SBOs in FiveLac
are not that great in relative terms (500 million active cells of
each type of bacterium, giving a total of 2.5 billion active cells,
which is 'average' for a probiotic), but quite 'poor' in terms of
each species if one considers the cost. However the first three
species make it more effective than most probiotics
Many web sites sell FiveLac, which is not particularly cheap,
and recommend taking a high dosage to kill the candida off
more quickly. The nature of probiotics supplements means that
the exact number of cells of bacteria consumed is not
important, but the type and quality. Thus increasing the dosage
beyond one sachet a day is unlikely to make much difference. I
would recommend including it or another Probiotic supplement
in your diet in any case. FiveLac is extremely popular in Japan,
where it is not marketed as a cure for Candida, but as a
general aid to health and digestion. Global Health Trax are
careful to market it as a digestion aid and as a 'food' and make
no claims about candida, for legal reasons, although many
resellers do make claims about it (making confident/wild claims
about products is nothing new in the alternative health
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Bio-Kult Advanced Probiotic Formula:

Bio-Kult is a reputedly practitioner strength probiotic
supplement that contains 14 different strains of probiotic
bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis and also Streptococcus
1. Lactobacillus acidophilus
2. Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus
3. Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis
4. Lactobacillus casei
5. Lactobacillus helveticus
6. Lactobacillus plantarum
7. Lactobacillus rhamnosus
8. Lactobacillus salivarius ssp. salivarius
9. Bifidobacterium breve
10. Bifidobacterium bifidum
11 Bifidobacterium infantis
12. Bifidobacterium longum
13. Bacillus subtilis
14. Streptococcus thermophilus

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thermophilus can be found at the links below. Contrary to
Wikipedia's statement, it is known as a beneficial probiotic
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Dr Ben Kim's Greens and Natural Soil Organisms (NSOs):
A green superfood and probiotic blend by Dr Ben Kim called
Greens Version 2.0 contains cereal grasses, vegetable extracts,
spirulina and chlorella, kelp and dulse, digestive enzymes and
also a probiotic mixture trademarked as Natural Soil
Organisms. It is stated to include 'Exclusive NSO and
Implantable Species'.
Quoting from Dr Ben Kim's web site, the probiotic species are
said to include:

A. agilis
A. brasilienese
A. citreus
A. globiformis
A. luteus
A. lipoferum
A. lwolfii
A. simplex
A. terreus
B. brenis
B. lipolyticum
B. laterosporous
B. macerans
B. pumilus
B. polymyxa
B. stationis
B. subtilus
B. succinogenes
L. acidophilus
DDS-1 L. acidophilus*
L. bifidus (a.k.a. bifidobacterium)
L. bulgaricus
L. casei
L. plantarum
L. salivarius

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M. verrucaria
K. zopfit
P. chrysosporium
P. calcis
P. denitrificans
P. flourescens
P. gelatic
P. marinoglutinosa
P. nigraclens
P. putida
R. arrhizus
S. cellulasae
S. faecium
S. fradiae
S. griseoflavus
S. thermopolis
T. viride

* = by Nebraska Cultures.
I have not heard of many of these species before, and it would
be more helpful with full genus rather than abbreviated names.
They are also listed by species and not genus, and use capital
letters in the species, which is additionally confusing. Has a
marketing person been let loose with the word processor? We
do know that the NSOs contain Bacillus subtilis, which is known
to be an SBO. Unfortunately no more information is available at
this time on NSOs. Ben Kim's Greens is reputed to be one of
the best green superfood supplements on the market. On paper
it is a technically superior product, rich in greens with no bean
shoots etc to 'dilute' down the greens content - however it does
not taste very good and feels like it has a very 'cold' energy
component compared with the others - to the extent that it
does not feel so good after taking it. I got on really well with it
at first, but after a week couldn't take it any more. Others may
well have a different experience.
Dr Ben Kim's Greens are also marketed by HealthForce
Nutritionals as 'Vitamineral Green', who claim to be the
originators of the (their) formula.
Strangely however, Dr Kim also sells Dr Ohhira's Probiotics 12
Plus and describes the latter as the best probiotic product on
the market! This is probably because his Greens product is
primarily a Greens nutritional product than a probiotic.
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Peter Smith Strains of SBOs - Primal Defense, Body

Biotics & Nature's Biotics:
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As has been seen above, Bacillus subtilis is not unique to the
two most famous probiotics that claim to use Soil Based
Organisms, i.e. Nature's Biotics or Primal Defense. There are

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other Bacillus strains and other probiotics belonging to other

geni that are found in other products, as described above also.
So let us examine the claims of these two probiotic
supplements and try to ascertain what is actually unique about
It is claimed that scientist and researcher Peter Smith
discovered 'other strains' of SBOs (besides Bacillus subtilis)
inadvertently whilst hiking in the form of mould growths on the
ground - which he collected and took back to the laboratory to
study further. These SBOs when tested on mice and indeed
himself produced health benefits.
Miscellaneous links examining the history and facts about SBOs
can be found below.
The strains of SBOs discovered by Smith have not been
patented but their composition has been kept a closely guarded
secret. Were they actually some of the species above? Or were
they actually 'new' species? Smith himself has never shared
this information in the public domain, however the Smith
strain/preparation method for SBO cultivation has been made
known to both Kiki Health and Garden of Life, presumably
through some commercial or licensing arrangement. Both
Garden of Life's Primal Defense and Kiki Health's Nature's
Biotics are reputed to use the same 'Smith's' fermentation
method, with perhaps different fermentation substrates.
Presumably this is for anti-competitive and anti-educational
reasons so that the associated SBO-based products can remain
unique for more than the 17-20 years that patent provides
exclusivity for, after which time the patent expires and the
exact preparation method is available in the public domain for
anyone to use in an unrestricted manner.
Clearly the vast majority of the mass is just fermented Barley
Grass and Oat Grass, so these values only mean anything if
one is comparing exactly the same fermented grass mixture.
However, an examination of the labels of Primal Defense (PD)
and Primal Defense ULTRA (PDU) in 2009 reveals that the
actual stated amounts of this HSO Probiotic Blend is 800mg per
caplet in Primal Defense (1 Billion CFU); and 410mg per
capsule in Primal Defense ULTRA (5 Billion CFU). Both products
are based on different types of HSO Probiotic Blend, PD
contains Dunaliella Salina, Barley Grass Juice, Oat Grass Juice
and Yucca Juice (hence the increased mass), and PDU contains
just Barley Grass and Oat Grass, as bacterial culture 'food'. The
values of CFU quoted are combined figures, and the actual
blends are different, so it is very difficult to compare products
or to know just how many actual viable cells of Bacillus subtilis
there are (or indeed any other HSOs/SBOs if present). It is

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reputed that the ingredients of both products have changed in

recent years. Whilst Garden of Life now state the CFU content,
Nature's Biotics do not, stating that 'NB's priorities lie with the
quality of the CFU and not the quantity'. Perhaps both
manufacturers are trying to make it difficult to make direct
However exact amount of the 'mother culture' in each
respective capsule may not be relevant if one is taking Primal
Defense in its powder form. Exact amounts are argued by some
to be irrelevant if taken regularly and in at least sufficient
quantities. Both products contain a base of green superfoods,
Nature's Biotics using phytoplankton and Primal Defense using
Barley Grass and Oat Grass.
It is however pretty much industry standard to declare the
number of viable cells of bacteria present in a probiotic
supplement (preferably how many of each species), as well as
all the species actually present. So it is rather dubious that
these facts are not declared fully on these two respective
products, or at all in the case of Nature's Biotics. Garden of Life
in their older formulation of Primal Defense did not declare the
CFU value, but in the new formulation they appear to have
done so. If all this information was available, then the actual
unique attributes of the products would then become more
clear, aside the marketing spin, and the products would stand
up on their ingredients and also their merit and reputation, as
is the case for everyone else.
In fact the vagueness in the marketing material of both
companies and the insistence of use of obscure terms like Soil
Based Organism and Homeostatic Soil Organism have created a
great deal of unease and fear in the marketplace with many
more sensitive consumers, who are not sure what is in it, and
what these 'organisms' are. The word organism is often
associated with creepie crawlies or harmful parasites found in
some soil or mud samples and has a rather negative
connotation! This confusion could be avoided with clearer and
more forthcoming marketing materials.
Patents protect a product's unique preparation method and
others knowing of one's methods (e.g. ingredients or
fermentation processes) is therefore not an issue as
competitors cannot legally copy them. However, part of the
reason for this is probably that, according to Garden of Life,
Bacillus subtilis is the only Soil Based Organism present in
Primal Defense. This would imply that Smith's claims about his
preparation method are extremely exaggerated and somewhat
dubioush, and that although the method may be unique in
certain respects, and that they may include specific enzymatic
processes to enhance the blend in some way (from known
bacteria and yeasts), it is not actually introducing any
additional of new species above what has been discussed
above. This is not something either manufacturer probably
wants to broadcast and so they are rather vague about their
ingredients and methods, with obtuse and inconsistent
references to Soil Based Organisms and Homeostatic Soil
Organisms. This is why it has taken me so long to get to the
bottom of it. The ingredients of both products are examined in
more detail below.

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Nature's Biotics
Nature's Biotics are a marketed in the UK by KIKI Limited.
Nature's Biotics are manufactured by Life Science Products,
Inc. in the USA. Kiki Health states that the active ingredients of
Nature's Biotics (NB) are (incorrect grammar corrected):

Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus lactis
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Bacillus licheniformis
Bacillus subtilis

'...symbiotized in a SBO (soil based organisms) host medium of

mineral trace elements...Nature's Biotics contains at least 61
nutrients:-including naturally occurring phytoplanktons, amino
acids, a wide range of vitamins and minerals, an important
variety of anti-oxidants, proteolytic enzymes, and an array of
nucleic acids. These are vitally important keepers of the code of
life which appears to be in charge of growth and continuous cell
repair. Natures Biotics also contains SOD (Superoxide
Dismutases), highly digestible proteins which include a
collection of pigments and enzymes. The product also contains
mineral, trace elements, vital starches and essential fatty
This is a rather vague, and confusing 'marketing' description,
but we can safely assume that the SBO Bacillus subtilis is at
least definitely included. The implication is that the 'SBO host
medium essentially just consists of nutritional metal salts. It is
ambiguous but it could be implied that the host medium
contains SBOs not listed above. This is unlikely. We know that
Garden of Life's Primal Defense only contains one type of SBO,
Bacillus subtilis, and that both PD and NB use the same core
Smith's preparation method. The actual product description
does not make any definite reference to the various other
strains of SBO that Smith alludes to, which if they existed,
would presumably be a good selling point. There appears to be
slightly less exaggeration in their marketing claims that in
Garden of Life's.
Kiki Health's product contains 400mg of bacterial ferment. As
stated above it also contains phytoplankton. KIKI have
confirmed to me that it does not contain humic or fulvic acid.
The composition is a dark, black powder, that does not dissolve
readily in water, which is unlike Garden of Life's Primal Defense
which is a lighter shade and does dissolve readily in water.
Nature's Biotics only come in capsule form.
I was muscle tested on Nature's Biotics by his practitioner and
were 'neutral'.
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Body Biotics
Life Science Products, Inc. in the USA manufacture a number of
products including Body Biotics. This appears to be a similar
ferment used in Nature's Biotics, but with a few minor
differences. Both products contain Lactobacillis acidophilus,
Bifobacterium bifidum, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis
and Lactobacillis lactis. However instead of Lactobacillus
bulgaricus, Body Biotics uses three strains, Lactobacillus casei,
Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus plantarum.
To summarise, Body Biotics contains the following bacterial

Lactobacillis acidophilus
Bifobacterium bifidum
Bacillus licheniformis
Bacillus subtilis
Lactobacillis lactis,
Lactobacillus casei
Lactobacillus fermentum
Lactobacillus plantarum

'Proprietary formula of SBO (Soil Based Organisms)

symbiotically blended in a proprietary nutrient-rich host
medium of Humic Acids, Fulvic Acids, minerals, and micronutrients.'
The Body Biotics web site states that it contains 500mg of
ferment per capsule, and uses Humic and Fulvic acids in the
ferment. Nature's Biotics uses 400g per capsule and does not
contain Humic or Fulvic acids. Body Biotics does not no mention
of phytoplankton as an ingredient. Perhaps one could more
closely compare Body Biotics to Primal Defense than Nature's
Biotics, in terms of exact ingredients - being a
chelating/moblising agent as well as a probiotic - although PD
only contains Humate.
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Primal Defense
Garden of Life Primal Defense Product Description
Garden of Life describes the Primal Defense product as follows.
'Primal Defense is a natural blend of 12 species of probiotics
and Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSOs), utilizing the
Poten-Zyme process and delivered within a whole food matrix.'
Each tablet contains 610mg of the ferment matrix.
It is available in powder form or caplet (tablet) form. Besides
the whole food matrix of Barley Grass and Oat Grass, the
'Proprietary HSO Probiotic Blend' is said to contain 7 species of

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Lactobacillus bacteria, 4 species of Bifidobacteria and 1 species

of Bacillus bacteria:

Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Lactobacillus casei
Lactobacillus brevis
Lactobacillus salivarius
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus paracasei
Bifidobacterium longum
Bifidobacterium breve
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Bifidobacterium lactis
Bacillus subtilis

Garden of Life describe the first 11 species as 'unique blend of

Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteriumprobiotics which support
regular bowel function and immune health.'
Garden of Life have informed me that there is only one
'Soil-Based Organism' (or HSO) in the final assay in Primal
Defense, Bacillus subtilis - the final strain in the above list.
Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSOs) is a trademarked term
used by Garden of Life to describe Soil-Based Organisms
(SBOs) and the terms can effectively be used interchanegeably.
According to iHerb's web site, Primal Defense is created by 14
probiotic species or their enzymes. In addition to the 12 species
listed above, this includes:
- one probiotic yeast strain, Saccharomyces boulardii
- one soil-based bacterial species Bacillus licheniformis
It should be noted that Bacillus licheniformis is NOT a probiotic
bacterium by many scientists, but a pathogenic bacterium, as
described above!
According to Garden of Life, all 14 probiotic species or their
enzymes are used as part of the fermentation process during
manufacturing, but only the 12 strains listed in the ingredients
are present in the final Primal Defense assay (i.e. the product
you buy). Saccharomyces boulardii and Bacillus licheniformis
(also classed as HSOs) are therefore not present in the final
assay, but directly or indirectly (through their enzymes)
contribute to the fermentation process; the enzymes of these
species being probably found in the final assay.
One can assume that Nature's Biotics uses the same
(Saccharomyces boulardii and Bacillus licheniformis) and their
enzymes as part of the manufacturing process, as they are said
to use the same Smith's method. What does the fermentation
process with Saccharomyces boulardii and Bacillus licheniformis
actually achieve if they are not present in the final assay? What
benefits do their enzymes actually have on gut flora or
otherwise? Presumably these will remain closely guarded

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Garden of Life have described the HSOs in Primal Defense (i.e.

Bacillus subtilis) in the follow manner.
- HSOs work from inside the intestines dislodging accumulated
decay from the walls and flushing out waste.
- HSOs break down hydrocarbons, a unique ability to split food
into its most basic elements allowing almost total absorption
through the digestive system. This increases overall nutrition
and enhances cellular development.
- HSOs produce specific proteins that act as antigens,
encouraging the immune system to manufacture huge pools of
uncoded antibodies. This increased production of antibodies
may significantly boost the body's ability to ward off disease.
- HSOs are very aggressive against pathological molds, yeasts,
fungi, bacteria, parasites and viruses.
- HSOs work in symbiosis with somatic (tissue or organ) cells to
metabolize proteins and eliminate toxic waste.
- HSOs stimulate the body to produce natural alpha-interferon,
a potent immune system enhancer and powerful virus inhibitor.
- HSOs provide critical Lactoferrin supplementation as a
by-product of their metabolism. Lactoferrin is an iron binding
protein essential for retrieving iron from foods.
Garden of Life's Primal Defense ULTRA product (PDU) in
addition to the bacterial strains found in Primal Defense (but
using a different juice matrix), also contains the probiotic yeast
strain Saccharomyces boulardii (discussed above) as an actual
ingredient in the final assay (i.e. the finished fermented
product). The CFU count in PDU is probably lower than in PD,
the amount of ferment matrix is less, at 410mg, but it does
contain the probiotic yeast strain.
Garden of Life describe Saccharomyces boulardii as 'a hardy
probiotic microorganism which nourishes and supports healthy
intestinal epithelium lining integrity, the front line in the body's
defense system in the gut.' Garden of Life has classed
Saccharomyces boulardii as an HSO (Homeostatic Soil
Organism), along with the 11 species of Lactobacillus and
Bifidobacteriumprobiotic bacteria.'
The latter statement however contradicts what Garden of Life
directly informed me, as stated previously, that Bacillus subtilis
is the only HSO present in the final assay. Lactobacillus and
Bifidobacterium cannot be classed as HSOs or SBOs as they are
of predominantly of milk and human gut origin. This is
somewhat misleading and it is likely a marketing person got
carried away.
Strictly speaking there is only one HSO/SBO present in PDU,
but one could view Saccharomyces boulardii as equivalent in

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some capacity, even though it is technically of fruit origin.

Saccharomyces boulardii, a yeast strain present in PDU and
used in the manufacture of but not actually present in PD, has
however not been mentioned by Kiki Health or Life Science
Products as a final ingredient in Nature's Biotics. This is not to
say that it doesn't contain it. However it is unlikely. However as
both Primal Defense and Nature's Biotics are described by some
as being equivalent in terms of (SBO?) bacterial strains then
one can presume not. One could postulate that the basic
Smith's method only involves some of the species present in
the ingredients list of Nature's Biotics, and that Poten-Zyme,
Garden of Life's fermentation process, includes the Smith's
method as well as using other sources of more common
probiotic bacteria. This is examined more below.
PDU is available in capsule form only, unlike PD which is
available in both powder and caplet forms.
I was muscle tested on PD and PDU during the late summer of
2010. PD tested positively, along with a probiotic Securil, and
PDU tested negatively (i.e. the body did not want it).
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Use of Humate
A contact of mine, who has been a candida sufferer of 20
years, asserts that Primal Defense was initially based on three
products already available on the market, these being humate,
Efficient Microorganisms (EM) Technology and fermented cereal
grasses (as stated above).
GOL's Primal Defense contains 285mg of 'Ionic Plant Based
Minerals' per capsule, and Primal Defense Ultra contains 290mg
of 'Ionic Plant Based Minerals' per capsule. Kiki's Health's NB
contains 'SBO (soil based organisms) host medium of mineral
trace elements'. These are all actually just Humate.
Humate, specifically Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid, is examined in
detail and reviewed on the Detox page. Fulvic and Humic acid
both contain a wide variety of DNA/RNA, enzymes and amino
acids. Both acids are very powerful mobilising agents of
Mercury, as well as being antioxidants, electrolytes, anti-viral
and anti-fungal. PD and PDU are therefore probiotics as well as
detoxification products. Depending on the method of
preparation of the Fulvic acid, they may also be rich in trace
mineral elements. It is likely that at least part of Rubin's
recovery from illness was not just on account of taking a 'new
probiotic' but the fact that that probiotic supplement actually
contained Humate, but that diet was another big factor.
Garden of Life have previously chosen not to state that Humate
is used in PD and PDU, instead using a marketing spin term to
describe this constituent of Primal Defense. Life Science
Products are (now) open about the use of Humic and Fulvic
acid in their Body Biotics product in comparison. As of 2010,
GOL now finally state how many active cells there are in Primal
Defense Ultra - 5 billion CFU. Rubin also chose not to educate

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the public on what rival probiotic product that he actually took

(having probably licensed it to market a similar product
himself), and what the benefits of Humate, Humic and Fulvic
acid are, but market a product capitalising on this lack of
If we compare Primal Defense Ultra with Enzymatic Therapy's
Complete Metal Cleanse, the former product therefore has
290mg of 'Humate' per capsule whereas the latter product has
only 75mg of Humifulvate per capsule. Whilst Complete Metal
Cleanse is an excellent product, it is extremely expensive, and
Primal Defense Ultra represents better value for money in
terms of weight of Humate, as well as being a probiotic. The
other way of looking at it is that the chelating capability of PD
or PDU is potentially very high, which is not really made clear
on the packaging. However, I cannot comment on the source of
the Humate in Primal Defense, but it is unlikely to be of a high
quality a source as the Humifulvate. Fulvic and Humic acid
liquids are of course hugely cheaper than actual Humate or
Humifulvate as sold above. Primal Defense therefore does not
represent value for money in terms of being a source of Fulvic
or Humic acid.
Humate (i.e. PD or PDU) or Humifulvate should however not be
used if one has significant amounts of circulating heavy metals
in the body, either from Mercury Amalgam filling removal, too
heavy use of mobilising agents in the recent past or other
reasons, as it will carry that Mercury across the blood-brain
barrier into the brain, and perhaps draw more Mercury out of
the tissues into the bloodstream, compounding toxicity
problems even further. It is slightly irresponsible to market a
product with Humate in it without declaring it. Some users of
PD have reported 'horrific die off reactions', but in some cases,
this is likely not to derive from the probiotic bacterial action but
from ingesting too much humate at once. Humate, humic acid
or fulvic acid in general should not be used until one has
removed/chelated a significant amount of one's Mercury burden
from one's system first. Both myself and my contact have
experienced this type of Mercury mobilisation headache from
using Primal Defense, even at low dosages, at various points in
time, and had to resort to taking another type of probiotic
supplement until the Mercury issue was dealt with. Mercury
Mobilisers are discussed in detail on the Detox Protocols page.
My contact has personally found that Humate is a very powerful
detoxifying and chelating agent, and personally believes that it
should not be taken unless one's bowels and liver and clear
first. Presumably it depends on the quantities taken and of
course the amount of heavy metals present in the body at the
time of taking it. With a combined product, it is clearly not so
easy to 'split up' the constituent ingredients, and to say enjoy
the benefits of EM Technology mother cultures and Bacillus
subtilis, without having to take the Fulvate in a fixed
quantity/ratio. Of course, if one's levels of toxins in the body or
liver/bowel function is too poor, and taking 285-290mg of
Fulvate in one go (i.e. one caplet/capsule) is too much, one can
take small doses of Primal Defense by either using the powder
form or breaking a Primal Defense caplet (i.e. tablet) into small
chunks. However, this would mean taking less probiotic as well,
and in some cases one might want to take no fulate and a very

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high dosage of EM mother culture and Bacillus subtilis. Then

perhaps later on one might want to focus in on a high humate
intake for heavy metal detoxification, without necessarily
needing so many probiotics as the dysbiosis issues would
probably be resolved by then.
This is what happened to my contact, who was not able to
tolerate Primal Defense when she first started taking it,
presumably on account of very high levels of heavy metals and
poor bowel and liver function. However, 6 years later, when she
independently discovered the actual ingredients of Primal
Defense, starting taking EM mother cultures to target her
candida most effectively, and introducing Fulvic acid in the
quantities she wanted/required, and targeting her candida/M.E.
issues much more effectively. My contact believes that Fulvic
and Humic acid solutions are generally better tolerated by
Humate, which she considers to be a more powerful detoxifying
and chelating agent (in general, clearly source dependent).
I took Primal Defense (and ThreeLac) during the early part of
my candida and protozoa eradication programme, and found I
could tolerate it quite well; unlike later in my health regime
when I had unfortunately mobilised too many heavy metals at
once, when I was unable to take PD for a number of months.
However, I could not comment on its effectiveness, and noticed
no significant change. This is in contrast to when I first started
taking a run of the mill Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
probiotic for the first time, and also when I first took Kombucha
and Kefir, all of which had a profound effect on the digestive
tract. This is not to say Primal Defense was 'no good' but that it
wasn't contributing significantly more than another other
regular probiotic at the time of taking it (and this is indeed
something very hard to measure). Clearly if I had taken a large
enough amount of Primal Defense, I would have experienced a
chelation headache, but as it was so expensive (when
purchased in the UK at any rate) he only took one caplet a day,
and this limit of chelation was never achieved. I have recently
(February 2009) taken the new formation of Primal Defense
ULTRA, and even inserted some capsules anally, but noticed
nothing in particular. However, at this stage, I had no
significant dysbiosis issues and had nearly completed my
detoxification programme, so any dramatic results would have
been unlikely in any case. From the summer of 2010 onwards,
I has been using PD once or twice a day, on recommendation
from my practitioner.
An associate of mine, who has taken the new formulation of
Primal Defense Ultra, has reported good results to date. This
person however had relatively severe dysbiosis. I believe that it
is probably sensible to try as wide a cross section of probiotic
species as possible.
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Source of Probiotic Cultures

My contact asserts that the Homeostatic Soil Organisms
(HSOs/SBOs) are not native to the Humate, which is normally
mined from ancient geological strata and contains a limited

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bacterial content. My contact states that the actual source of

the HSOs/SBOs in Primal Defense was a commercially available
'mother culture' known as Effective Microorganisms, a.k.a. EM
Technology, described above, which is largely derived from
dairy sources. EM usually contains a variety of lactic bacteria
and beneficial yeasts, but most importantly two photosynthetic
Rhodobacter sphaeroides).
My contact asserts that the Garden of Life processed the EM
liquid, which can be purchased very cheaply, to produce an
equivalent substrate as part of a wider fermentation process,
that is thus patentable (i.e. Poten-Zyme), but not as potent or
effective. They could not patent the bacteria used in it. Garden
of Life describe it as a proprietary fermentation process.
However, as stated further above, both Kiki Health and Garden
of Life are reputed to use the same basic fermentation method,
the Smith method, Garden of Life presumably doing so under
licence in some capacity (or perhaps both doing so under
licence from Smith), so there must be some minor
modifications to make it 'unique' to Garden of Life. I am unable
to comment on whether EM is the source of Bacillus subtilis for
Kiki Health's NB or not.
The EM photosynthetic bacteria Rhodopseudomonas palustris
has never been listed on the ingredients of either product of
Garden of Life, so presumably so that the source of the mother
culture, i.e. EM, could/can be kept from the public and
competitors, who would otherwise spend 5 minutes on google
and buy an EM product at a much cheaper price.
My contact states (in 2008) that Primal Defense changed their
formulation, still calling the process Poten-Zyme, but using
different ingredients, as the ingredients on the jar has changed
in the last few years. This probably includes a move away from
using EM liquids as a primary raw material according to my
contact. I can attest to this change of composition also, as I
purchased some Primal Defense caplets in the second half of
2005, and Molasses were included on the ingredients list. They
are no longer on the ingredients list. EM liquids use molasses
as part of the fermentation process, so this might also imply
that EM liquid is no longer used. Garden of Life appear to have
changed the formulation slightly in PD and PDU in 2009/2010,
most obviously a larger amount of bacterial ferment. It is not
clear if any of the sources of ingredients have changed also or
Both SCD Food Grade and EM-1 are available in a 1 gallon
bottle at roughly the same price as 180 capsules of Primal
Defense. My contact believes that the form of freeze
dried/processed EM that was present in the old Primal Defense
was not as effective as its natural form in EM liquid. Whilst we
are not sure what mother culture is now used in PD and PDU, it
is unlikely to be as effective, given reports of a decrease in
effectiveness of PD since the reformulation. My contact believes
that EM-1 liquid is the most effective and also cost effective
probiotic on the market.
According to my contact, when Rubin first created Primal
Defense, he decided to combine dried humate, a dried form of

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EM and also fermented barley grass and oat grass from a

company called AGM in Australia. This, my contact believes,
gave Primal Defense it's good reputation. It was highly
regarded at the time as an excellent product.
AGM Grainfields is an Australian manufacturer of fermented
cereal grass products, which include liquid products and powder
products. They do not contain humate or 'SBOs/HSOs'. My
contact has found the powder products to be excellent, their
effectiveness really being felt when mixed with a little water
and drunk on an empty stomach (for a candida sufferer). And
indeed they helped to make Primal Defense a good product too
Garden of Life previously stated about Poten-Zyme, strongly
hinting that it was in fact based on AGM products and EM
fermentation, in this rather misleading statement: 'Our
fermentation, done in the U.S. Southwest and Australia, is not
available anywhere else in the world.'
Garden of Life (GOL) no longer use AGM fermented cereal grass
cultures and presumably now manufacture their own for
commercial reasons, which contains less Lactobacillus species
but a few more Bifidobacterium species. Presumably GOL
currently prepares its own fermented grass blend as part of the
'Poten-Zyme' fermentation process. As stated above, the
ingredients of Primal Defense have changed (for cost cutting
reasons?), and organic molasses are no longer listed as an
ingredient. One of the ingredients of AGM Grainfields'
fermented probiotic blends are organic molasses. Some people
have commented according to my contact that they no longer
get the same results with Primal Defense as they once did. Is
this why? What was once a very good but expensive product is
now merely good?
GOL state that Primal Defense is Gluten Free, which is only
technically possible if the Barley Grass and Oat Grass used is
classed as Gluten Free, which although it technically should be,
invariably some gluten from Barley or Wheat grain processing
or from stray grains does tend to cause some minor
contamination, unless expensive sources of such grasses are
used (which is unlikely as it would probably be boasted about
on the packaging). It is tempting to think that such bacterial
cultures are fermented and grown on cereal grasses and green
mixtures, but this is not strictly the case. The cultures are of
dairy origin and the dairy component is usually consumed
during the fermentation process. Cereal grasses are added. So
it is possible that traces of dairy may exist in Primal Defense
and other such products.
I believe that Primal Defense is an excellent product, but that it
must be used with respect and the knowledge that it does
contain Humate. There are other excellent (and often cheaper)
probiotic formulations on the market also, so it pays to be
educated and informed. A number of manufacturers use third
parties to supply components or constituent ingredients for
their products, as they cannot produce all of them themselves.
This is true for a variety of industries. The question is whether
those components are of a high grade, whether it is appropriate
not to reveal the components or constituents of one's end

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product (a highly annoying, anti-competitive and paranoid

practice), and whether the end product is providing good value
for money or not.
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Jordan Rubin's own use of SBOs and Humate

Let us examine the background of Garden of Life the company.
Jordan Rubin is the author of The Maker's Diet and co-owner of
Garden of Life.
On his web site, he states that he recovered from critical illness
partially through diet and partially by taking a soil-based
'Soon after he left the hospital Jordan's father stumbled onto
an eccentric nutritionist living in California.His diet program
consisted of foods that were consumed by our ancestors. Raw,
organically grown whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Fermented foods, especially fermented dairy (life kefir).Grass
fed beef and poultry. Jordan even moved out to California to be
closer to his new diet mentor. As Jordans health slowly
improved he also began taking a probiotic that contained soil
based organisms that used to be plentiful in our diets. While
Jordan had tried probiotics previously, with little success, he
was intrigued by the new probiotic.'
The implication is that this 'new probiotic' ('a probiotic that
contained soil based organisms') is the same as Primal
Defense, the product that his company Garden of Life actually
markets and sells, and offers to you the consumer. Of course,
at the time of his recovery, he had not yet devised and
marketed the product. So of course it was not actually Primal
Defense. But the implication is that Primal Defense is of the
same potency if not more potent that the 'new probiotic' that
Rubin actually used himself all those years ago, presumably
adding other ingredients added, and with further proprietary
enhancements. So what actually was the source of this product
that Rubin actually tried himself? Was it Body Biotics that he
actually used? According to rumour, it most likely was.
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Kombucha, Kefir, Mutaflor (E.coli) Yoghurt, Sauerkraut Juice - Live,
Home-Fermented Drinks:

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Those of you experienced with fermentation will know that it is possible to

ferment a number of types of vegetables and also dairy (i.e. yoghurt and
cheese), to product pre-digested probiotic foods and drinks. These tend to be
fermented with Lactobacillus acidophilus.
The easiest vegetable to ferment is probably white cabbage, which, like most
fresh vegetables, contains natural acidophilus bacteria, so it essentially
ferments itself and there is no need to add a bacterial culture to it. White
cabbage juice or fermented cabbage (sauerkraut) is also soothing on the
intestinal lining. The number of active lactobacterium cells in live natural
yoghurt is quite low, for example, compared with live kefir or fermented
cabbage juice, although plain natural live yoghurt can be a beneficial part of
one's diet.
There are other types of fermented drinks that are of particular note. These
use special types of bacterial cultures. Four are mentioned here, Kefir,
Kombucha, Mutaflor (E.coli) Yoghurt and Matsoni, but there are others.
Kefir can be made with cow's milk, goat's milk, soy milk, almond milk. It can
also be made with water with added sugar. Kefir is a different kind of
beneficial bacteria culture to those used in natural yoghurt. In many ways it is
more beneficial for your health. Kefir contains acidophilus but also a number
of other useful probiotic bacteria; 40 strains in total! It is also rich in folic acid.
Mutaflor is the brand name for the species of E.coli strain Nissle 1917
manufactured by German firm Ardeypharm. It is a beneficial species of E.coli
that can be purchased both in capsule or suspension form. The suspension
form can be used to create a yoghurt from soy milk or dairy milk. E.coli
produce folic acid, Co-Enzyme Q10, vitamin K2 and the amino acids Tyrosine,
Phenylalanine and Tryptophan.
Kombucha is a type of bacterial and yeast culture that is used to ferment tea,
feeding on added sugar, which produces a number of useful B-vitamins, as
well as beneficial organic acids including Glucuronic acid, which is helpful for
healthy liver function. One can also purchase Kombucha extract/concentrate
or capsules. These contain the bacterial culture and a concentrate of the
nutrients from the Kombucha tea. Extracts vary in strength from 5:1 to 25:1.
It is best to use an extract that does not contain alcohol. Kombucha is

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probably better to assist in detoxifying the body (on account of its organic acid
content), whereas Kefir is probably the better probiotic.
Please see the RECIPES page for more information on the composition of
these three above probiotic fermented drinks, and how to make them at home
Matsoni, a.k.a. Caspian Sea Yoghurt, is a type of yoghurt culture used with
cow's milk, which originate from Eastern Europe/The Balkans. It contains the
bacterial strains:
- Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris
- Acetobacter orientalis
- Gluconobacter sp.
Viili, a.k.a. Finnish curd milk, is a type of cultured dairy milk product from
Finland. It contains the bacterial strains:

Lactococcus lactis subspecies cremoris

Lactococcus lactis subspecies lactis biovar. diacetylactis
Leuconostoc mesenteroides subspecies cremoris
Geotrichum candidum
Ginger Beer is a fermented drink made from ginger beer plant, brown sugar,
citric acid and water.
Please note that fermented foods and drinks as above do not contain
Bifidobacterium, and are mainly Lacto bacteria-based. As such, although
fermented products offer many digestive and health benefits, if you are
specifically deficient in Bifidobacterium, one of the major bacterial types of the
small intestine, then ways to boost these numbers would include prebiotics
and also direct supplementation with Bifidobacteria (enterically coated may be
There may be issues with kefir and kombucha regarding their live yeast
content, for those with elevated free glutamate levels and for those with
existing yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) overgrowth, as discussed in the
Yeast section below.

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Commercial Probiotics Drinks:

Lax laws mean that even though a probiotic supplement states its bacterial
content, there is no legal requirement to actually meet that content in each
serving, and some batches of certain brands of probiotics have been found to
contain no bacteria whatsoever! Clearly, purchasing from a reputable brand is
essential. Please see the recipes page for details about fermented cabbage
juice, which is clearly a cheaper way to take probiotic bacteria. Fermented
cabbage juice may also soothe and heal the GI lining and may also help to

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reduce inflammation caused by conditions such as IBS/IBD. Probiotics are

probably best taken before a meal (e.g. 15-30 mins prior), ideally together
with a prebiotic.
Supermarkets sell small probiotic drinks such as Yakult or Danone Actimel.
Yakult contains 6.5 billion cells of lactobacteria, which is the average for
reasonable probiotic supplements. However, compare this with a probiotic
such as Custom Probiotics CP-1 which contains 50 billion cells per capsule,
where the dosage cost is around the same for a bottle or capsule. Yakult
hardly therefore offers value for money. In addition, Yakult contains sugar,
glucose-fructose syrup. Yakult Light also contains dextrin and aspartame,
which is hardly very good for you (see toxicity page for more information on
aspartame). Yakult ingredients, including number of active bacterial cells, can
be seen at the link below. The number of cells is not stated on the product
packaging however. Danone Actimel contains sugar and dextrose. Danone
Actimel does not state the number of active bacterial cells either on their web
site or their product labels.
Live yoghurt uses the milk's natural sugars to feed the lactobacteria. Non-milk
based probiotic drinks (i.e. water-based kefir) can be made with just the
bacteria, water and sugar, but in the case of using milk, no sugar should be
necessary. Milk-based kefir for example is much preferable over water-based
kefir. I do not personally recommend probiotic drinks that contain
sugar/sucrose or any artificial sweetners. This is because if you have dybiosis,
drinking or eating anything with refined sugar in it is the last thing you want
to do, as it will feed the bad bacteria.
The reason drinks like Yakult sell is because of heavy television advertising
and also the fact that the general public isn't familiar with probiotic
supplements and can easily find a product like Yakult in the supermarket. Most
probiotic drinks, including Yakult and Danone Actimel, have ignored
recommendations by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation and World
Health Organisation to print the number of live bacteria each bottle contains.
Advertising is as usual grossly exaggerating any beneficial qualities the
products might have, and in 2006, the UK's Advertising Standards Agency
upheld a complaint about an advertisement for Danone's Actimel probiotic
yoghurt that featured a child licking a bus window, on the grounds that it
implied the product could help prevent children from catching bacterial
Danone also has a live yoghurt product called Activia. The regular Activia
contains sugar, and the Fat Free version contains aspartame.
If one is going to consume a bio-live yoghurt, it is cheaper and healthier to
just eat plain bio-live natural yoghurt (with no fruit, flavourings, sugar or
additives in it). If you rely on a yoghurt for your fruit intake, you are clearly
not eating enough fruit! The fruit in the yoghurt is hardly fresh in any case.
Natural yoghurt is very versitile and can be consumed as a 'dessert' or with
one's meal as a condiment or side dish (e.g. with meat or fish, or with a spicy
food like curried vegetables or Mexican chilli - Raitha is sometimes consumed
with Indian food, it is a natural yoghurt with cucumber and is very refreshing you could try making your own.)
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Although manufacturers often state a maximum recommended dosage for

probiotics, in reality, there isn't really one.
There are not many conclusive scientific studies regarding the health benefits
of probiotic supplements. It is clear that noticeable benefits are more likely in
those with impaired digestive systems, for example irritable bowel syndrome
etc. or those that have recently taken antibiotics, or those that are taking
them for the first time, than those with already good digestive health and a
healthy bacterial balance. The studies that there are do not take into account
the diet of participants, which is a major factor in the success of the
probiotics. For example, even though you are consuming additional cells of
beneficial bacteria, if you are eating large amounts of simple carbohydrates,
sugar, alcohol, wheat etc. then you are providing so much food to the bad
bacteria in your colon, that the addition of a small number of good bacteria
makes very little difference. Probiotics are marketed in a way that implies that
you do not need to have a healthy diet, but as long as you keep buying
probiotics, then you will have health benefits and improved health. Such a
notion is clearly short sighted. It is debatable whether any conclusive scientific
study can be carried out, putting sufficient numbers of people (who have the
same digestive starting point) on the same diet and given the same brand of
probiotics in the same dosage. In reality there are too many variables.
It could be argued that the bacterial balance in one's gut takes a lifetime to
build up properly, and that one should not meddle with it with probiotic
supplements. However, this logic is flawed, as by eating refined sugar,
processed simple carbohydrates and having antibiotics, one has already
radically meddled (negatively) with this bacterial balance. If one had had a
perfect diet from birth and never had any antibiotics, then perhaps this might
be a valid argument.
As stated above, the most noticeable benefits with probiotics are observed at
the start of one's programme, or perhaps after a case of food poisoning, and
use of antibiotics or colonic irrigation. However, just because it is not
noticeable does not mean that it is not good practice of course. However, the
financial focus on probiotics should clearly be aimed more towards the
beginning of one's programme. Whilst there is no harm in taking hugh
amounts of probiotics later on in one's treatment programme, if the floral
balance in the gut is relatively good, taking more probiotics is not going to
address one's other root causes to CFS which may include toxicity, hormonal
imbalance/deficiency, poor mitochondrial function etc. Other types of
treatment are required to address these of course, so one should not solely
focus on probiotics.
The first time I took formal probiotic supplements, I had a moderate case of
parasite (protozoa) overgrowth, candida overgrowth and bad bacterial
overgrowth. Over the first few days of taking probiotics (swallowing a large
number of capsules during the day), I felt an amazing high and sense of
elation shortly after taking the capsules. This was my body's way of telling me
that this was exactly what was wanted at that point in time. BlackSpy was not
counting on that kind of effect so a purely psychological explanation for this is
unlikely. The first time I took Kefir and Kombucha cultures, I felt a total loss of
appropriate as his gut adjusted to the introduction of new species, but after a
day or two it felt fine and better than before.
It is my belief and experience that one should probably take as many probiotic
bacteria as one is comfortable with initially (assuming no adverse die off
reactions etc. at higher doses) and taper this off slightly after 6-12 months
(unless one is getting plenty of probiotic bacteria from various foods and
nutritional supplements anyway (e.g. green superfood mixtures etc.) It is
probably wise to take as wide a variety of probiotic bacterial strains as one

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possibly can, rather than merely focussing on one or two strains, as the
natural floral balance of the gut is highly diverse. This could include a variety
of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species as well as SBOs, kefir bacteria
and kombucha bacteria, etc. You could even keep a 'probiotic diary' or list to
document which strains you have taken, so when you come across a probiotic
supplement or type of fermented food/drink, you can see whether you have
taken that particular strain or strains before. This is of course optional.
Recipes for fermented white cabbage juice and kefir can be found on the
recipes page.
Once you have eliminated your candida, parasites and/or bad bacteria (see
remainder of this page), and you are able to tolerate green superfood
mixtures in moderation, you may wish to rely on these for your probiotic
requirements rather buying a dedicated probiotic. In this way, you will be
providing yourself with a rich source of nutrition as well as a source of
probiotic bacterial strains. One example is Garden of Life's Perfect Food. Or
perhaps just ferment your own, e.g. kefir or kombucha.
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A prebiotic is a type of soluble dietary fibre that is an ideal food source for
good bacteria, particularly Bifidobacterium; which is not readily broken down
by the stomach or small intestine, and which is carried into the bowel where it
can be fermented by the good bacteria, allowing them to multiply more
quickly. Prebiotics are types of sugars that are sweet to the taste but are not
metabolised like sucrose and other digestible sugars and therefore have no
calorific value (to humans). Most are types of glycans, either polysaccharides
or oligosaccharides, although not all glycans are prebiotics. Prebiotics are
therefore sometimes used as sweeteners (food additives). The vast majority
of true prebiotic fibres tend to be non-thickening, with the notable exceptions
of most vegetable gums, and Glucomannan, which are used as thickeners in
food, supplements and medicines. All prebiotic fibres are thickening to some
minor degree as a minimum.
Bifidobacteria possess a unique Fructose-6-Phosphate Phosphoketolase
pathway used to ferment carbohydrates, including oligoaccharides (e.g. FOS
and GOS).
Prebiotics selectively encourage the growth of non-gas producing, probiotic
bacteria at the expense of gas producing bacteria. This may help to reduce the
amount of bloating in the intestines by gas-producig bacteria. In addition,
some of the more thickening prebiotic fibre supplements can also help to
directly slow down gas-producing bacterial fermentation in the digestive tract,
on account of their glycaemic index lowering fibre properties, thus decreasing
gas and bloating in the abdomen. However, whilst prebiotics stimulate the
growth of friendly bacterial species, mainy Bifidobacteria species, but they are
also fermented by neutral bacteria and pathogenic bacteria, to a lesser extent.
In certain instances, prebiotic supplements can actually cause gas and
'All inulin-type prebiotics, including FOS, are generally thought to stimulate
the growth of Bifidobacteria species. Bifidobacteria are considered as
"Friendly" bacteria. This effect has not been uniformly found in all studies,
both for Bifidobacteria and other gut organisms. FOS are also fermented by

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numerous bacterial species in the intestine, including Klebsiella, E. coli [both

good and bad strains] and many Clostridium species, which are considered
less-friendly bacteria in the gut. These species are mainly responsible for the
gas formation (hydrogen and carbon dioxide), which results after ingestion of
FOS. Most people can eat 5-10 gram of FOS without gaseous discomfort,
whereas others have problems with 1 gram. The estimated optimal dose for
adults is around 5-10 gram/day'
FOS also feed yeast species as much as they feed Acidophilus and Bifido
species, so have the potential to exacerbate yeast or Candida
infection/overgrowth and feed certain pathogenic bacterial strains such as
Klebsiella which is thought to cause gut permeability (LGS). The Specific
Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), a diet aimed at calming down intestinal
inflammation, where there is dysbiosis worsening the condition, strictly forbids
the use of prebiotic supplements, especially FOS for this reason. Many IBS
sufferers find gum-based prebiotics helpful in inhibiting their IBS symptoms
without the problems of wind with other prebiotics like FOS, but in cases
where there is significant dysbiosis, they may elect to follow an SCD regime.
The SCD diet only really seems to work when there is not so much dysbiosis in
the upper section of the small intestine, as if tropical fruits and honey may
cause severe bloating immediately afterwards if there are significant numbers
of gas-producing bacteria in the upper small intestine (close to the stomach).
In such cases one may want to consider antimicrobial treatments before
eating any readily digestible foods like fruit etc.
So do prebiotics cause or inhibit wind and bloating? Clearly they encourage
the multiplication of non-gas producing, probiotic bacteria, which inhibit the
multiplication of gas-producing, non-beneficial species. However, that is offset
by the lesser (?) fermentation of prebiotics by these gas-producing species. It
depends on the amount of probiotic bacterial species in the digestive tract, the
relative ease which which gas-producing bacteria can ferment that particular
type of prebiotic fibre, the types of gas-producing bacteria in the GI tract, the
presence of yeasts in the GI tract, and the dosage of prebiotics you are taking.
Simpler prebiotic sugars may be easier for commensal bacteria to ferment
than more complex sugars, e.g. short-chain FOS may cause more bloating
than Inulin for example. You may need to experiment with different prebiotics,
dosages and combinations of prebiotics. Some manufacturers state that there
may be some symptoms of bloating and wind initially, which should disappear
after a few days. In general terms, if you take a smaller dosage, then you can
build up your probiotic flora gradually over time, whereupon you can likely
increase the dosage if required. Taking too high a dosage will result in there
being more fibre than the number of probiotic bacteria you have in your GI
tract can digest, leaving excess over to be fermented by gas-producing
bacteria. Clearly both types of fermentation go on in parallel. It is thus
sensible to consume only as much as does not result in excessive wind. I have
found this to be true more for FOS and Acacia Fibre than for GOS, which
causes significantly less wind, if any, at reasonable doses. A standard adult
dosage for GOS or FOS is 3-5g between 1 and 3 times a day. If you are
experiencing bloating and wind with a type of prebiotic even after some time,
then it is probably best to discontinue it.
Are prebiotics better than probiotics? Yes and no. Probiotic supplements are
useful for targetting specific types of bacteria which may be deficient in
certain parts of the GI tract. However, if the diet is not rich enough in
vegetables (soluble and insoluble fibre), then taking probiotics may not be so
effective, as there are insufficient food sources for the probiotic bacteria to
multiply effecively. In severe cases of probiotic species deficiency, e.g.
bifidobacteria, even if one's diet is rich in fibre and vegetables, it may be

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necessary to take a prebiotic supplement regularly to encourage the probiotic

species to multiply. In such cases, prebiotics may be more effective than
probiotics. Of course, taking both together is optimal.
In my experience, prebiotics work very well, unless there is a significant state
of dysbiosis or commensal bacterial overgrowth, in which case prebiotics may
work well up to a certain point, then achieve very little or actually sustain the
dysbiosis until the unwanted bacteria are killed off with antimicrobial
treatments, afterwhich point the prebiotics can work more effectively again to
boost probiotic bacterial numbers. The same also applies to probiotic
supplementation in my experience, species dependent of course (E.coli
numbers seem to be easier to increase with probiotic supplementation than
Lactobacillus or Bifidobacteria in the presence of dysbiosis).
Prebiotics supplements are generally taken together with probiotics
supplements 30 minutes before a meal, but it is not that critical. They can be
sprinkled into one's food also or taken in a drink with a meal. Excessive
amounts may cause diarrhea (being a soluble fibre - too much fibre may
cause too rapid a transit through the GI tract meaning less digestion of the
chyme/stool, less fluid absorption and thus more wind as there is more
undigested food for the bad bacteria to ferment).
Please note that taking prebiotic and probiotic supplements may increase
one's requirement for water and one's thirst, and it is good practice to drink
slightly more water than usual when consuming prebiotics and probiotics. In
some individuals, if to large a dose of probiotics are consumed late in the
evening, or if prebiotics are taken together with probiotic bacteria late in the
evening, this may result in an excessive thirst that may prevent a person from
sleeping properly.
Examples of 'true' prebiotic fibres include:
Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS)
Fructo-oligosaccharides can be taken in supplement form (found in many
probiotic supplements). It is also found naturally occurring in the following
foods. The percentage prebiotic fibre content by weight is quoted in brackets
for the food in its raw form or otherwise stated. Barley, Wheat and Tomatoes
may not be suitable for everyone.
Chicory root* (64.6%) - less so in Chicory leaves
Jerusalem Artichoke* (31.5%) - a root crop or tuber - not to be confused
with true Artichoke, a green thistle
Jicama (a.k.a. Yam or Mexican Turnip)*
Yacon tuber (a.k.a. Peruvian Ground Apple)*
Dandelion Greens* (24.3%)
Garlic* (17.5%)
Leeks (11.7%)
Onion* (8.6% raw vs 5% cooked)
Asparagus (5%))
Soy beans*
Wheat bran (5% in bran)
Whole wheat flour - cooked (4.8%)
Banana (1%)
Burdock root*

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Elecampane root*
Inulin is a long-chain molecular form of FOS which is more capable of reaching
the colon intact, compared with the normal, shorter-chain FOS. Inulin is beige
in colour compared with FOS which is white in colour. Those food sources
above that are rich in Inulin are marked with a star ('*'). Inulin supplements
are usually created from Jerusalem Artichoke (not to be confused with
Artichoke) or Chicory Root extracts. e.g. Now Food's Inulin or Xymogen's
Galacto-Oligosaccharides (GOS)
Galacto-Oligosaccharides, a.k.a. Oligogalactosyllactose, Oligolactose or
Transgalacto-oligosaccharides (TOS) - are a type of largely indigestible
prebiotic sugar found naturally occurring in human mother's milk.
Manufactured GOS is prepared through enzymatic conversion of Lactose. It is
used as an additive in some infant formulas. It reaches the colon virtually
intact. Studies have shown that it is more strongly bifidogenic than other
oligosaccharides. It is reputed to increase absorption of Calcium in the GI
tract. FOS is thought to be the primary food source for most Bifidobacteria
except for Bifidobacterium infantis which primary feeds on GOS (when
available). Two GOS GOS supplements I have found include Bimuno (powder
sachets) and Jarrow Formulas' Yum-Yum GOS Syrup. Both products contain
approximately 3g of GOS per 5g serving, the other 2g being sugars - lactose
(perhaps not great for those with lactose intolerance) and glucose syrup.
Bimuno contains additionally Gum Arabic (itself a prebiotic) and the acidity
regulator Trisodium Citrate. The exact values per serving are: Bimuno in a
5.5g serving - 0.1g Protein, 5.2g carbohydrates, of which 1.9g sugars
(19kcal), 0.6g dietary fibre and 2.8g Galacto-oligosaccharides; Yum Yum
Syrup in a 5g serving, there is 5g of carbohydrates, of which 2g sugars
(8kcal), and 3g is dietary fibre (GOS). Direct comparison is still difficult!
However it would seem that the Jarrow product contains less digestible
calorific sugar.
Resistant Dextrins
Wheat Dextrin, e.g. Nutriose - manufactured by the French company
Roquette, marketed by Novartis - 4.3kcal/g - e.g. in Benefiber or Jarrow
Formulas' Fiber Perfect)
Resistant Maltodetxtrin (e.g. Fibersol-2) - 90% minimum content. 1.6kcal/g.
e.g. in Jarrow Formulas Fermented Soy Essence and some other protein
Polydextrose - synthesised from detxrose plus 10% sorbitol and 1% citric
acid. E-Number is E1200. 1kcal/gram. e.g. in Xymogen OptiFiber SCFA
Cyclodextrins, e.g. alpha- and beta-cyclodextrins. These are
oligosaccharide-based dextrin chains that form a loop or circle. The circular
molecular structure allows them to trap toxic molecules such as heavy metals
or tricholorethane, and also attach to fat molecules. Alpha-Cyclodextrin is thus
considered to be weight loss supplement. Cyclodextrins are also used as
additives to liquids to prevent unpleasant odours. Cyclodextrins are also
fermentable prebiotic sugar fibres. Beta-cyclodextrin is found in FiveLac and
ThreeLac, in small amounts.

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Beta-glucan - polysaccharide sugar extracted from mushrooms, fungi, the cell wall
of baker's yeast, and cereal bran such as barley and oats - also an immune system
booster for white blood cells. Beta-glucan supplements are a more concentrated
form than in simply eating oat bran etc. I personally ate a bowl of oat bran every
day for a long time and my bifido levels were still not detectable in my stool, at one
point, so I would not rely simply on eating oat bran etc., although it can still be a
useful source of soluble fibre and slow-release carbohydrates.
Vegetable gums, containing polysaccharides, particularly Acacia fibre,
Galactomannan-based gums and Glucomannan
Acacia Fibre
Acacia Fibre is a type of galactose-based, relatively non-thickening, soluble
fibre extracted from the gum of the Acacia tree of Senegal in Africa - often
referred to as Gum Arabic or Acacia gum. Acacia gum (E number E414)
consists of a complex mixture of polysaccharides and glycoproteins
(oligosaccharide chains bonded to polypeptide side chains). Acacia fibre is a
pure fibre with no calorific (sugaring) content for humans. It contains minor
traces of 3 simple sugars, Galactose, Arabinose and Rhamnose. Acacia fibre
powder is generally dervied from Acacia senegal (a.k.a. Gum Acacia or Gum
Arabic Tree) and/or Acacia seyal (Red Acacia). Now Foods' Acacia Fiber
contains both types and is brown is colour. Heather van Vorous, of, the marketer of Heather's Tummy Fiber, believes that Acacia
seyal is inferior. Heather's Tummy Fiber consists of pure organic Acacia
senegal and is white in colour. Acacia fibre is generally regarded as a superior
option to FOS and tends to cause less bloating and diarrhea, although this is
not always the case. It may be because it forms a gel in the intestines thus
slowing down the rate of fermentation by good and bad bacteria, thus the
latter producing less wind. Acacia fibre can be taken with food (if not too dry)
or a glass of water.One may want to try perhaps half a teaspoon or so at a
time. Heather Van Vorous suggests a different regime but the application is
different and not just as a prebiotic. Acacia Fibre is considered to assist in the
treatment for IBS. It is also found as an additive to some dietary
supplements, whey protein milkshake powders and fibre supplements (as a
sweetener). Gum arabic or Acacia gum is used as thickener, stabiliser, glazing
agent and emulsifier in food products.
Galactomannan is a water-soluble polysaccharide prebiotic fibre, and is
thickening in nature. It is found in a number of vegetable gums and also
Fenugreek seed, Tara gum, Carob gum, and also in Fenugreek (seed extract)
fibre. The mannose to galactose ratio in each source of Galactomannan varies,
with Carob gum having the most mannose and Fenugreek having the least per
Galactomannan molecule. Galactomannan is often added to food products as a
Fenugreek Fibre
Fenugreek Fibre is an extract from the Fenugreek plant (seed), a soluble,
taseless fibre, mainly consisting of Galactomannan (with 1:1 ratio of
galactose to mannose). Best taken 5-10 minutes before a meal with
8+oz of water (1-2g of Fenugreek fibre), it forms a gel in the stomach
which binds to sugar and fat, allowing for slower release of glucose into
the bloodstream during the course of digestion, supporting healthy blood
sugar levels. One example of a Fenugreek fibre product is FenuLife by
Beyond A Century (BAC). Another is Xymogen's OptiFibrerSCFA, which
also contains a number of other fibre sources. Fenugreek is also

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demulcent, containing mucilage, which may help to dissolve mucoid

plaque and sooth the GI Tract.
Guar gum is the ground endosperm of the bean from the Indian Guar
plant. It is often used as a thickener in baking.
Tara gum
Carob gum
Glucomannan is a water-soluble polysaccharide prebiotic fibre, derived from
the roots or corm of the Konjac plant. It is able to absorb 200 times it's weight
in water and is extremely thickening. It is similar to mucilage globules. It help
to loosen and remove fat from the walls of the colon. It is used for various
conditions such as obesity as an appetite suppressant, IBS, constipation, high
cholesterol and Type 2 Diabetes. Glucomannan supplements are extremely
thickening and must be taken with sufficient water or they can cause severe
side effects. It has been banned from some pharmaceutical products in
Australia, probably because some patients were taking their medication
without knowing to take sufficient water. I believe the optimal dosage is 1g or
less, not more as often suggested by manufacturers. Dosage
recommendations are generally 2g for use with Diabetes, to consume 20-30
minutes before a meal, with water, to reduce the Glycemic index of the meal,
or 1g on an empty stomach 1 hour before a meal to relieve constipation. It is
sometimes used to remove mucoid plaque although it may not be the most
effective remedy for this.
Examples of bifidogenic compounds (i.e. non-sugars/fibres which are still
beneficial bifidobacteria growth factors - prebiotic in many senses) include:
Propionic acid (e.g. produced by Propionibacteria freudenreichii in Emmental
cheese or extract in Securil probiotic supplement)
Metabolin - Metabolites of Propionibacterium sherman - ideal food source for
Propionibacteria (e.g. in Jarrow Formulas' Fiber Perfect) - which in turn produce
propionic acid, a bifidogenic.
Gluconic acid (e.g. from royal jelly, honey or kombucha)
Pantethine (Active Vitamin B5) - growth factor for Lactobacillus bulgaricus and
Bifidobacteria (according to Dr Atkins)
Polyphenols - in green tea and ginseng (tea)
Yeast extract - contains nutrients for bacterial culture media - but also high in
There are other non-digestible sugars (soluble dietary fibre) besides FOS,
TGOS and Acacia Fibre, that are prebiotic in nature and can assist with bowel
movements on account of their soluble fibre content. These are discussed on
the Mucoid Plaque page.
Not all forms of fibre are resistant to digestion by our bodies and readily
fermentable by probiotic bacteria in the small and large intestine. However, a
healthy fibre intake, from vegetable sources, is essential for a healthy flora

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balance, bowel movement regularity and to prevent mucoid plaque build up.
Some less fermentable fibre sources (i.e. less prebiotic fibres), which are high
in mucilage, are better suited for removing mucoid plaque, as their scraping
and grinding action continues unabated in the colon.
Examples of fibre compounds with a partial or low fermentability include:
Cellulose - a polysaccharide - one of the most abundant fibres/sugars in aerial
plant parts.
Hemicellulose - a polysaccharide
Lignans - a phytoestrogen - found in high concentrations in Flax seeds and Sesame
seeds, but also in cereals (especially Rye), Pumpkin seeds, Soy beans and broccoli.
Plant waxes
Resistant starches
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Anti-microbial supplements:
Compounds described below in the treatment of fungal overgrowth, such as
Candida Albicans, are also effective against bad bacterial overgrowth and will
actively kill off bad bacteria. Examples include Cat's Claw and Pau D'Arco,
which ard particularly good at eliminating mycoplasma and other bacterial
infections. These are taken on an empty stomach, ideally as far away from
meals as possible. Usually between 2 and 3 times a day. Please also the
section below on the Anti-Candida Diet.
If it is necessary to take anti-microbial supplements to kill off harmful
systematic or localised bacterial overgrowth (which is something your
practitioner should help you determine), then make sure also that you are
taking a probiotic and that it is taken just before or with a meal, and at least 2
hours away from any anti-microbial herb or supplement described above.
Good anti-microbial herbs and supplements will mainly target the bad bacteria
and candida in the body, but they will inevitably kill off some of your beneficial
bacteria in your small and large intestine. This is why probiotic
supplementation is important to maintain the good bacterial levels, whilst
targetting harmful microorganisms and reducing their numbers.
The laboratory Doctor's Data uses the following compounds to treat
pathogenic bacterial overgrowth, which differ slightly from those compounds
they usually suggest to use to treat yeast overgrowth. These are compounds
that are generally found to work for treating bacterial infections, and a
pathogenic bacterial, if present in the stool, is cultured from one's stool
sample and tested with these compounds to determine which particular
compounds the bacterial strain in your GI tract is sensitive to (i.e. which can
be used to kill them) and which they are resistant to. This is in broad terms
relatively useful, but it should be remembered that bacterial susceptibilities
can change with time and with treatment with a particular compound, so in a
sense it provides us with a snapshot. In addition, the list of compounds is by
no means exhaustive or complete, but represents a selection from the subset
which Doctor's Data happen to be using. There are many herbs that are
equally as good or better than those in this list. Natural agents tested -

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Berberine, Black Walnut, Caprylic Acid, Cat's Claw, Citrus Seed Extract,
Goldenseal, Oregano and Uva Ursi. Prescriptive (synthetic) agents tested Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Augmentin, Ciprofloxacin and Trimeth-sulpha. At the
time of testing, my Enterobacter cloacae overgrowth was sensitive only to
Caprylic Acid, Citrus Seed Extract, Uva Ursi, Ciprofloxacin and Trimeth-sulpha
(of the agents tested in the laboratory). I am not recommending the use of
prescriptive (synthetic agents) except in extreme circumstances or as a last
resort. More information about the Doctor's Data Stool Analysis test can be
found on the Identification page.
Please note that whilst certain kinds of antibiotics, such as Flagyl or
Doxycycline (or other antibiotic recommended by The Marshall Protocol) may
well be effective in the short term in eliminating bad bacterial overgrowth or
protozoan parasite overgrowth, they may potentially clog up the cell
membranes and also deplete the body's natural probiotic defences, which
make up the majority of the body's immune system.
Certain herbs contain chemical compounds such as quinones, hydroquinones
and hydroxyquinones. These are a plant's natural antibiotics. Hydroquinone is
also natural antioxidant. Herbs such as bearberry have been used to fight off
urinary tract infections.
A patented, proprietary blend (marketed as Cantron and Protocel) including
Tetrahydroxyquinone is used to treat cancer, a variety of viral infections
including AIDS, as well as CFS. It's ingredients are tetrahydroxyquinone,
rhodizonic acid, sodium, potassium, croconic acid, catechol (or pyrocatechol),
triquinoyl, leuconic acid, inositol, and copper. It is claimed to be one of the
most potent antioxidant formulas.
It should be noted that if one has a localised bacterial infection, for example,
that have penetrated a hair follicle, that form acne or boils, that has not yet
penetrated the blood stream. This is examined in the section below entitled
External Application of Oils
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Yeasts, fungus and moulds:
Candida albicans:

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Above are photographs of Candida albicans. Candida is a type of yeast, mould or

fungus that is present all around us, but that is provided a very attractive breeding
environment in those with a poor digestive system. There are a large number of
tupes of Candida strain, but the generally most common variety that affects human
digestive health and the immune system is Candida albicans. Other signficant
strains of Candida include Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei,
Candida glabrata, Candida guilliermondii, Candida rugosa, Candida lusitaniae and
Candida dubliniensis.
A photograph of a budding Candida albicans cell is shown at the link below.
More Candida pictures can be found at the link below.
Fungal spores cover every exposed surface except for certain climates with
extreme temperatures. These fungal spores are dormant and bud when the
conditions are right, e.g. moisture. This is where mould 'comes from' when food is
left refrigerated for too long and 'goes off'.
Under normal circumstances, Candida species entering the body through food and
drink are destroyed in the stomach by the acidic pH. However Candida species may
survive the body's defense of stomach acidity, on account of its low stomach acid
content (in those afflicted individuals), and pass through and settle in the large or
small intestine. Here it is warm, pH neutral and low in oxygen. They feed on all the
simple carbohydrates that drop down to them from the stomach, and multiply at an
alarming rate. They tend to burrow into the walls of the intestine, and release
spores into the intestine and also into the blood stream. The highest concentration
of candida is usually found in the colon (large intestine), but can also be found in
the small intestine and the blood stream as a whole (spreading to certain organs
etc.). In the GI tract, candida will also tend to burrow into the mucoid plaque layer
and also embed themselves in the GI lining, as well as being present in the
food/faeces continually. Clearly, if large amounts of mucoid plaque are present,
then removing it will also help to remove/access candida effectively for elimination.
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Biochemical Markers for Candida:

There are three main biochemical markers formed by yeast/fungal organisms,
usually but not necessarily in the gut. These are arabinose, beta-ketoglutaric acid
and citramalic acid. Citramalate can also be formed by anaerobic bacteria.
Arabinose is an aldopentose (monosaccharide) sugar found in several fruits, e.g.
apples, cherries, grapes, plums, and of course in juices made from these fruits.
Elevated levels in urine above the reference range may indicate a high dietary
intake of these fruits. However, arabinitol (which is converted into arabinose) has
also been documented to be produced by Candida. When found in elevated levels
in the bodily tissues, Arabinose can link with lysine and arginine, which may

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theoretically block some binding sites for coenzyme Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P active B6), Biotin or Lipoic Acid. at the lysyl residue in apoenzyme proteins. This
would impair enzymatic processees, such as the transamination of amino acids (in
spite of a 'normal' intake of vitamin B6). So a high urine level of arabinose, without
an associated dietary intake of the above fruits, strongly suggests the presence of
Candida overgrowth.
Arabinose, beta-ketoglutaric acid and citramalic acid levels can be identified in a
urine test such as the Optimal Nutrition Evaluation (ONE) by Genova Diagnostics.
Please see the Identification page for more information. There are of course more
direct methods of identifying bad bacteria, for example, stool analysis or live blood
microscopy, but if one is evaluating amino acids and organic acids, then the results
can provide some useful markers for bad bacteria and Candida.
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A biofilm is an aggregate of microogranisms whereby the cells are stuck to each

other and/or to a surface. These adherent cells are frequently encased in a
self-produced matrix (slime) of Extracellular Polymeric Substance (EPS). Biofilm
EPS is a polymeric mixture of DNA, proteins, polysaccharide sugars, fibrin and
often minerals such as Iron and also heavy metals. Cells inside a biofilm undergo a
phenotypic shift in behaviour. Biofilms can form on non-living surfaces (e.g. in
natural, industrial and hospital settings), but in the context of living organisms,
they are particularly pertinent in the pathogenesis of respiratory, gastrointestinal
and vascular infections, where they exist on the mucus membranes or walls of the
surfaces concerned. Biofilms can also trap a variety of viruses.
As discussed above, a number of specific types of bacteria can exist in biofilms and
are implicated in sinusitis (nasal infections) as well as intestinal overgrowth
(particularly Candida albicans and Pseumonas aeruginosa) and conditions such as
Lyme Disease. The presence of biofilms can make such organisms very hard to
eradicate with antimicrobial herbs and antibiotics alone, as the organisms are
effectively hiding behind a protective barrier. It can also render them very hard to
detect. Intestinal biofilms may also contribute to poor intestinal absorption of
Biofilm protocols can be necessary in eradicating biofilm loving pathogenic
organisms. can be quite involving and typically involve taking:
Lactoferrin - a strong binder of Iron that helps to dissolve the Iron matrix in biofilms
Monolaurin - non-ionic surfactant to dissolve the biofilms and kill pathogens and viruses
Cistus incanus ssp. tauricus - tea - e.g. Fitne Bio Cistus Tee - helps to breakdown
biofilms in the mouth to inhibit plaque formation but also is alleged to help reduce
biofilms in the GI tract and systematically. Mildly antimicrobial.
Targetted Enzymes - to help dissolve the Fibrin in the biofilms, e.g. Nattokinase,
Lumbrokinase, Serrapeptidase, Lysozyme; and also Enzyme blends such as Kirkman
Laboratories' Biofilm Defense and Klaire Labs' Interfase (and Interfase Plus); and Dr
Niedermaier's Regulat
EDTA - taken orally will help to dissolve intestinal biofilms by binding with the heavy
metals and iron in the biofilms, e.g. Bio-Chelat or Interfase Plus. It will also help to bind

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with heavy metals generically in the GI tract, particularly when biofilm organisms are
killed and their endotoxins are released into the GI tract. Other chelating agents may
work to a lesser extent at actively dissolving biofilms but may be useful.
Bentonite clay - of the intestinal absorbants - this is probably the most effective at
dissolving biofilms by drawing in their minerals.
Allicin - e.g. enterically coated or free dried garlic
Vitamin C - buffered (if taken in quantity) or straight - can help with antioxidant
properties and buffer the acid byproducts of breaking down biofilms.
Clearly, if you break down biofilms, you need to kill the pathogens that are exposed
and so such a biofilm protocol must be performed in conjunction with
antimicrobials, and also intestinal absorbants to absorb the toxins produced
(endotoxin release) when you kill the pathogens. These are described on the Detox
A number of good internet resources on biofilm protocols can be found, in
particular, Dr Marcus Ettinger's web site and also Dr Dietrich Klinghardt's web site
in the Lyme Disease section.
Fungal infections of the nasal passages are also an important cause in many cases,
and this may well include the Candida albicans species.
According to Dr Jacob Teitelbaum, oral antimicrobial supplements and antibiotics
can be quite ineffective against sinusitis, on account on the inability of these
circulating antimicrobial compounds in the bloodstream to penetrate the biofilms on
the tissue surfaces of the respiratory linings. This is where nasal sprays can
apparently be quite effective. Nasal rinses (with salt water) can also be effective in
clearing excess mucus and also some of the biofilms from the nasal passages, and
to allow the antimicrobial nasal sprays to work most effectively.
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Yeast - Saccharomyces cerevisiae:
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a species of budding yeast. It is used in brewing and
baking, where it is known as 'yeast' or 'brewer's yeast'. It is found occurring in
small quantities on the surface of some fruits and vegetables. Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, or 'yeast', is no a probiotic yeast species. It serves no beneficial role in
the human body. Its Latin name literally means 'sugar mould'.
Yeast is found in the GI tract in minute quantities in healthy individuals - i.e. its
presence is rare. In general terms, an overgrowth of intestinal yeast is prevented
by sufficient levels and diversity of beneficial flora, intestinal immune system
defence (secretory IgA) and the correct intestinal pH. The probiotic species
Lactobacillus create an unsuitable environment for yeast colonisation by producing
acids such as lactic acid, which lowers the intestinal pH. Lactobacillus bacteria can

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also release antagonistic substances to bad bacteria and yeasts such as Hydrogen
Peroxide, Lactocidin, Lactobacillin and Acidolin.
However, in certain circumstances, it may spread and multiply to dysbiotic
quantities (i.e. moderate to high quantities), where it becomes a problem and is
considered abnormal. Yeast grows in colonies and is not typically dispersed
uniformly throughout the stool in the colon. This may result in it being
undetectable or present at low levels when stool samples are examined only by
microscopy, and indeed when attempts are made to grow the culture from a stool
sample, as there is a large chance of missing the colonies, even if a large amount
of yeast has cultured in stool in in the colon in general.
[Source: Doctor's Data Comprehensive Stool Analysis/Parasitology x1 Report]
Yeast, as mentioned above, is used in brewing and in baking. Baking kills the
yeasts and in most brewing applications, the yeast is killed off by the increasing
alcohol concentrations. Yeast extract (where yeast has been killed off) has a
number of uses in food, either as a source of B-vitamins but also as a flavouring.
However, the downside is that yeast, particularly yeast extract, is high in
glutamate, and in general terms should be avoided (even in its dead form). The
issues associated with elevated free glutamate levels and neurological damage and
excitotoxicity are examined on the Nutritional page.
Certain true fermented foods which contain yeast(s) as part of the mother/starter
culture, i.e. kefir and kombucha, when eaten raw/uncooked, may contain
significant amounts of yeast, but their numbers are probably counterbalanced to
some degree with high numbers of probiotic bacteria and probiotic yeast cultures
where applicable. Ultimately it depends on how bad a yeast overgrowth you
already have in your GI tract as to whether it will be beneficial, neutral or
detrimental overall to consume such products. Kombucha is not such a lactic
(probiotic) culture and is not really consumed for the bacteria and yeasts but more
for the glucurate and enzyme (and often alcohol!) content. For example, In
Kombucha, Saccharomyces cerevisiae exists in a symbiotic relationship with
number of acetic acid bacteria. In addition, Kefir grains, used to produce milk or
water kefir, contain both Saccharomyces delbruecki and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
yeast species. Yeast growth should not be part of fermented vegetables like
sauerkraut until yeasts or fungi growth appear on the top of the ferment during the
fermentation process. However, if an individual has a very low beneficial bacterial
count in his GI tract, or rather a high acidophilus count and a low count of other
critical bacteria, and has a high sugar or simple carbohydrate intake, and possibly a
variety of other factors that affect one's beneficial bacterial balance, then he may
set himself up for yeast overgrowth, despite (and because to a large extent)
consuming seemingly large amounts of kefir. This is something to consider when
consuming these types of fermented drink. I personally consumed water kefir daily
for several months but it did nothing to help my dysbiosis and probably
exacerbated my yeast overgrowth which was present at the time I started drinking
the kefir.
If you have abnormally high yeast levels in your stool, then it would be wise to
desist in taking these fermented foods and instead rely on a non-yeast containing
probiotic supplement (and perhaps fermented vegetables), and taking
anti-microbial herbs. Protocols for eliminating yeast overgrowth are almost
identical to those for eliminating Candida overgrowth. Please see below for more
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Eliminating Candida:

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Fungicidal Herbs and Plant Extracts:

Candida can be killed off using a variety of different natural herbs and
extracts, for example:
Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) (Citrus paradisi) - a good all round killer of
candida which doesn't kill off too many of the beneficial bacteria either)
Olive Leaf Extract - also a good anti-viral herb; olive oil has some of its
beneficial properties
Caprylic Acid - one of the saturated fatty acids found in Coconut Oil - which in
itself can be consumed and has anti-fungal properties. Coconut oil is 5-10%
triglycerides of Caprylic acid. If you use Coconut oil rather than a Caprylic acid
capsule, then try to buy organic virgin coconut oil (i.e. not chemically treated
- 'pure coconut oil' is chemically treated). Be aware of the calorific content and
also addition burden on the pancreas/liver of consuming excessive oils. MCT
Oil is composed of 55% triglycerides of Caprylic acid (i.e. not actual Caprylic
acid) and does not require the involvement of the gallbladder and pancreas to
be digested (as it does not contain any LCTs like Coconut Oil). MCT oil is
approximately 10x more antimicrobial than coconut oil. Lauric acid is one of
the main constituents of coconut oil. The vast majority of lauric acid is made
up of triglycerides of Lauric acid (3 molecules of Lauric acid bound to every
one molecule of Glycerol). A tiny proportion of Lauric acid in coconut oil is in
the form of monoglycerides, that it is, one molecule of Lauric acid bound to a
single Glycerol molecule. These monoglycerides of Lauric acid are known as
Monolaurin. It is reputedly more antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral than
any of the other Coconut oil components, because of its non-ionic surfactant
properties, which also helps it to dissolve biofilms that many pathogens hide
behind. It can however be purchased in its pure form, as monolaurin granules
(e.g. Lauricidin), which is significantly more antimicrobial than MCT oil.
Curcumin Phytosome - more readily absorbable than regular Curcumin extract
which tends to stay in the GI tract. Especially if mixed with phosphatidyl
choline e.g. Vital Nutrients product.
Pau D'Arco (Tabebuia heptaphylla) - tree barks in general tend to be anti-viral
and anti-bacterial to act as a tree's natural self-defence mechanism, but Pau
D'Arco tree bark is particularly effective in this capacity
Samento (a.k.a. a less toxic form of Cat's Claw or Uncaria tomentosa:
anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic. Part of the Lee Cowden
Protocol. Particularly good for intracellular infections such as Lyme Disease.
Cumanda - anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial. Part of the Lee
Cowden Protocol. Particularly good for intracellular infections such as Lyme
Banderol - anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial. Part of the Lee
Cowden Protocol. Particularly good for intracellular infections such as Lyme
Berberine Sulphate, a quaternary ammonium salt - found in varying
concentrations in Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), Barberry root (Berberis
vulgaris), Oregon grape root (Berberis aquifolium, Mahonia aquifolium), Amur
Cork Tree bark (phellodendron amurense), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) and
Goldthread (Coptis chinensis).

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Neem leaf (Azadirachta indica)

Enterically coated Garlic (Allium sativum) - Allicin is the active ingredient, e.g.
Vital Nutrients Garlic 6000 (Allicin 6000mcg, Thiosulfinates 6000mcg, Alliin
13,200mcg). One clove of garlic typically yields 4000-12000mcg of Allicin.
Limonene - from Orange Peel
Cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum cassia)
Oil of Oregano (Origanum vulgare) or Hyssop (Wild Oregano); or Oregano
leaf. Dried oregano can be sprinkled on your food also. Be aware of it's hot
properties as a herb and its corresponding effect on the body according to
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Undecylenic Acid (derived from Castor Oil)
Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita)
Clove bud / Cloves - taken ground or as a tincture.
Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva ursi)
Aloe Vera (Juice)
Liquorice (Licorice) Root (anti-viral and anti-fungal, and much less
Humate derived products
Graviola (anti-fungal and anti-parasitic)
Rosemary Oil
Geranium Oil
Mastic Gum
Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) or Potassium Bicarbonate - may cause
diarrhea by released CO2 pressing on walls of intestine
Many more
The first five plant extracts in the list above are generally the most
effective against Candida albicans and other yeasts, subject to an
individual culture's particular resistances and sensitivies.
The laboratory Doctor's Data uses the following compounds to treat
dysbiotic yeast/candida overgrowth, which differ slightly from those
compounds they usually suggest to use to treat yeast overgrowth. These
are compounds that are generally found to work for treating
yeast/candida infections, and the yeast/candida, if present in the stool, is
cultured from one's stool sample and tested with these compounds to
determine which particular compounds the yeast strain in your GI tract is
sensitive to (i.e. which can be used to kill them) and which they are
resistant to. This is in broad terms relatively useful, but it should be

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remembered that yeast susceptibilities can change with time and with
treatment with a particular compound, so in a sense it provides us with a
snapshot. In addition, the list of compounds is by no means exhaustive
or complete, but represents a selection from the subset which Doctor's
Data happen to be using. There are many herbs that are equally as good
or better than those in this list. Natural agents tested - Berberine,
Caprylic Acid, Goldenseal, Oregano, Tanalbit (the Tannin formula),
Undecylenic Acid, Uva Ursi. Prescriptive agents tested - Fluconazole,
Itraconazole, Ketoconazole, Nystatin. Of this list, at the time of the test,
my Saccharomyces cerevisiae overgrowth was sensitive only to
Berberine, Caprylic Acid, Goldenseal and Nystatin (of the compounds
tested in the laboratory). I am not recommending the use of prescriptive
(synthetic agents) except in extreme circumstances or as a last resort.
More information about the Doctor's Data Stool Analysis test can be
found on the Identification page.
Research and studies pertaining to Cat's Claw can be found at the link
Cat's Claw and Pau D'Arco have been shown to be particularly effective
against mycoplasma (as well as Candida). However which herbs work
best may depend on what resistances the particular culture you have in
your system have built up and what they are still sensitive to, at that
given point in time.
There is some debate as to whether it is more effective to take a herbal
supplement as a tincture or as a dried/crushed herb in capsule form. A
tincture will generally be stronger as the active ingredients are easily
extracted into the alcohol or glycerin over many months than the same
herbs would be in your stomach with water and digestive juices over a
period of up to 24 hours. However, it is easier to gain benefit from dried
leaves than it is from the harder parts of the plants such as seeds or
roots, which are often harder to extract the active ingredients from. This
is discussed elsewhere on this web site, as it affects a number of other
types of supplement, for example, for assisting digestion, or liver
function etc. Please see the Inefficient Liver Function page for more
Pau D'Arco is probably best taken as a tincture (buying a ready made
tincture or making your own by soaking the powder in Vodka for 4-6
weeks prior); or alternatively as a tea, and boiled from fine ground Pau
D'Arco, rather than buying it in capsule form. Reputable suppliers of Pau
D'Arco including Herb Care and many others. Good suppliers of capsule
based anti-Candida products products include Nutri's GSE/Berberine,
Thorne Research's Olive Leaf Extract, and Pure Encapsulations' Caprylic
Acid (gradual release), for example.
Most sources of Grapefruit Seed Extract are taken in capsule form. One
exception is Citricidex. This is a liquid concentrate, from Grapefruit Seed
and Rind. It is sometimes used as a natural disinfectant. It is extremely
strong and needs to be diluted with water prior to drinking, as otherwise
it may cause severe irritation to the mucus membranes of the throat and
beyond. If you ingest insufficiently diluted or worse still, neat Citricidex, it
will likely burn your throat and cause you to have the most
uncomfortable hoarse sensation in your throat. This may also apply to
some of the oils mentioned above, which should be diluted in a glass of
water prior to ingestion. Coconut Oil seems to be alright to consume as
is, although one may wish to add it to food etc.

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Aloe vera juice, as well as soothing the intestinal lining and curing Leaky
Gut Syndrome (see below), also helps to kill off candida and parasites to
a small extent, as it is an antiseptic. Aloe vera juice also helps to reduce
inflammation of the gut lining in IBS/IBD sufferers, and contains
glyconutrient sugars (complex carbohydrates) and may help to boost the
immune system. Maximum dosage 4 fluid ounces twice a day. Dosage
suggestions often start at 15-25ml, twice a day.
Aloe vera plants can be grown at home, and a leaf squeezed or thrown
into a blender or juicer as desired. One can purchase Aloe Vera juice and
also Aloe Vera Gel (often in capsule form) and Aloe Vera Concentrate
(e.g. Now Foods 40:1 Aloe Vera Concentrate) for further dilution. Aloe
Vera products are usually made from the inner gel (a.k.a. inner fillet),
but some contain both inner gel and the outer leaf (i.e. whole leaf). The
outer leaf contains a high concentration of Aloin, a powerful laxative.
Many commercial aloe vera juices are whole leaf (less processing and
thus cheaper to produce) but are passed through charcoal filters to
remove the Aloin, but also removing many other nutrients - such
preparations are best avoided. Inner gel is highest in beneficial
compounds. If you do buy a whole leaf produce, then if you are only
consuming small quantities, it is unlikely to have a significant laxative
effect. Some Aloe Vera juices have added Polysaccharide extract, which
boosts the already high beneficial polysaccharide content. However, one
might speculate as to whether whole leaf juice manufacturers do this to
mitigate the losses through charcoal filtration of the whole leaf juice. If
you can buy organic aloe vera juice, all the better. Examples of Organic
Aloe Vera Juice (Inner Fillet) with low preservative counts include Lily of
the Desert Aloe Vera Juice (Inner Fillet) and Country Life's Real Food
Organics, Liquid Aloe Vera (Inner Fillet).
Aloe Vera gel bottles tend to be marketed for external use. All purchased
Aloe Vera juice bottles contain preservatives, usually Citric Acid,
Potassium Sorbate and Sodium Benzoate. Some cheaper brands of Aloe
Vera juice taste of benzoic acid (a phenolic/benzene type of smell), e.g.
Holland & Barrett.
Examples of a composite anti-Candida supplements include Renew Life's
CandiGone, Nutri's Berberine & Grapefruit Seed Extract, Rainbow Light's
Candida Cleanse, Mt Capra's CandidaCleanse, Dida, Gaia Herbs' Candida
Supreme Vital Cleanse, Now Foods' Candida Cleanse, etc. These adopt
the 'throw everything at it' approach, as opposed to alternating or using
different herbs adaptively, as discussed in the Dosages section below.
Nutri's Berberine and Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) (two capsule
dosage) - typically contains:


Grapefruit Seed Extract (Citricidal)
Gentiana Luteac Extract (Gentian) 4:1 conc
Hydrastine canandensis Extract (Goldenseal - 5% Hydrastine)
Artemesia annua (Chinese Wormwood)
Picrasma excelsa Extract (Quassia)
Juglans nigra Extract (Black Walnut Hull)
Allium sativum Extract (Garlic - 0.8% Allicin)

A low dosage alternative is Thorne Research's Citricidin which contains

50mg of GSE per capsule.
An antimicrobial supplement useful for combating bacteria (as well as

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candida) is Vital Nutrients' Herbal Biotic. This contains (per 2 capsules):

- 100mg Chinese Goldthread (Coptis chinensis) Root Extract - one of the
50 fundamental herbs of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) anti-parasitic
- 50mg Forsythia suspensa Fruit Extract - one of the 50 fundamental
herbs of TCM. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
- 150mg Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) Flower Extract - used
in TCM. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
- 200mg Garlic Bulb Extract - 200mg - antimicrobial
- 200mg Myrrh Gum Powder - antibacterial and antiviral.
- 250mg Echinacea purpurea Herb/Root Extract - supports immune
- 200mg Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex 60% - antiinflammatory
antioxidants & support immune system
- 10mg Zinc (citrate) - supports immune system
- 10,000iu Vitamin A (acetate)- supports immune system
- 400mg Vitamin C (pure ascorbic acid)- supports immune system
Vital Nutrients describe Herbal Biotic as 'powerful combination of immune
enhancing herbs, bioflavonoids, and vitamins that can be used to support
immune function'. It is normally taken with meals, e.g. 2 capsules twice a
day, as opposed to an empty stomach like most regular antimicrobial
herbs and formulations.
Nutri-West's Exspore product contains a wide variety of antimicrobial
ingredients and cofactors at low concentrations, including Caprylic Acid,
Citrus Seed Extract, Pau D'Arco, Cloves and more.
- Caprylic Acid (Medium Chain Triglyceride) 250mg
- Citrus Seed Extract 7.5 mg
- N-Acetyl Glucosamine 7.5 mg
- Pau DArco (leaf) 12.5 mg
- Tillandsia (plant) 12.5 mg
- Thyme (herb) 10 mg
- Basil (herb) 10mg
- Goldenseal (root) 5 mg
- Cloves (flower buds) 7.5 mg
- Aloe Vera (leaf) 12.5 mg
- Beet (root) 12.5 mg
- Cinnamon (bark) 12.5 mg
- Garlic (bulb) 25 mg
- Oregano (oil) 1 mg
- Co-Enzyme Q-10 500 mg
- Niacin 2.5 mg
- enteric coated Lactobacillus bulgaricus & Lactobacillus bifidus 5 million
- Molybdenum (as chelate) 25 mcg
- Manganese (as chelate) 1 mg
- Zinc (as chelate) 5 mg
- Black Walnut 10 mg
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Tanalbit by Intensive Nutrition / Scientific Consulting is a tannin-based

antifungal combination formula. It contains zinc tannates derived from
Babul bark, Swedish birch bark and methylated Quebracho extract. The
tannates are complexed with purified casein (a milk protein) and
L-Proline (a biosynthetically derived compound from the amino acid
L-glutamate). Tanalbit also contains hyrolysed chitin extract and lotus
rhizome extract (Japanese mushroom extract). It is know to be an effect
Candida albicans fighting supplement, for those colonisations that are not
resistant to it.
Tannins, particularly the polyphenols known as Flavorids, present in
Green Tea, and slightly less so in White Tea, are anti-microbial and
anti-viral, and may provide a similar action to the tannins describes
above in Tanalbit, but to a significantly lesser degree. The other thing to
be wary of with Green Tea is the Caffeine content, which tends to elevate
one's blood sugar and thus provide Candida and other microbes with
more food. Decaffeinated Green Teas are available. Tea drinking may
over the long term also result in kidney stones.
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Cellulases and Proteases:

Approximately 80-90% of the outer cell membrane of Candida albicans is
comprised of a number of sugars (fibres), namely Chitin, Beta-Glucans
and Glyco[manno]proteins. Chitin is a polysaccharide, or more
specifically, a long chain polymer of N-AcetylGlucosamine, a glucose
derivative. Chitin is very similar in structure to Cellulose. Cellulose makes
up the cellular structure of many plants. The enzyme Cellulase is a fibredigesting enzyme found in insects and certain animals which is used to
digest the most abundantly found natural sugar (fibre) in nature,
cellulose. The enzyme Cellulase is not naturally produced by humans.
However, because Chitin is deemed to be similar in structure ot Cellulose,
then many supplement manufacturers claim that it is able to actually
digest the cell walls of Candida albicans, thereby killing it. Many claim
therefore that supplementation with Cellulase and Hemicellulase is
deemed to be beneficial in fighting Candida overgrowth as well as
breaking down any undigested fibre (cellulose) in the digestive tract. A
report examining the cell wall structure of Candida albicans can be found
here. Approximately 25% of the total mass of Candida albicans is made
up of proteins, mainly concentrated inside the cell wall. When the cell
walls of Candida are digested, then the contents of the cell will spill out
into the digestive tract. It is thought that by combining Cellulase with
Protease in supplement form, the body can digest the majority of this
toxic protein waste from the dead Candida and to reduce the amount
which is absorbed into the blood from the digestive tract, thus reducing
the die off reaction sometimes experienced when killing off Candida. It is
likely that anyone who is treating Candida is taking a wide spectrum
digestive enzyme supplement anyway, but most of the enzyme based
Candida formulas contain both types of enzymes. A few examples of such
enzyme-based Candida formulas include:
Enzymedica's Candidase
Mt Capra's CandaCleanse (also containing a variety of antimicrobial herbs)
Renew Life's CandiZyme
Global Health Trax (GHT)'s Acive Digestive Enzymes

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Immune Care's Candigest and Candigest Plus

Many others
Both types of enzyme can also be found in 'regular' digestive enzyme
supplements, e.g. Renew Life's DigestMore Ultra, etc. The difference is
that normal digestive enzymes are generally taken with meals, whereas
enzymes that target Candida are taken on an empty stomach.
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Anti-microbial foods and condiments:

You can also assist the process by eating more olive oil and garlic which
is anti-fungal in nature. Garlic does break down in the small intestine,
and so is not really that effective in the large intestine. Enterically coated
garlic capsules are available which release in the large intestine (colon).
Garlic is also good for eliminating parasites.
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FiveLac is a Japanese supplement based on lacto-bacteria. Formerly

known as ThreeLac (but now with 5 strains of probiotic bacteria). It is
distributed in the USA by Global Health Trax. Although there are no
documented clinical trials, it appears to help in fighting off Candida, as
does taking other probiotics. It probably just acts to assist rather than
the sole source for killing candida. It comes in boxes of 60 sachets, and
in general, one sachet is taken per day (on an empty stomach), before a
meal. It is discussed in the Probiotics - Soil Based Organisms section
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Mushroom Extracts to boost the immune system:

A number of Japanese mushroom extract products can be found on the

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market. It is likely that the polysaccharides that these mushrooms

contain, e.g. Mannose, Galactose, Fucose, Glucose, Xylose,
N-acetyneuramic acid, N-acteylgalactosamine and N-acteylgucosamine,
help to stimulate the body's Natural Killer (NK) cells, which in turn fight
off the Candida overgrowth. It is likely also that other strategies to boost
the immune system will also help to fight off Candida albicans
overgrowth. Please see the Immune System page for more information
on the exact mushroom species in question.
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Colonic Irrigation:
Please note that colonic irrigation/hydrotherapy alone is not an effective
means of ridding the GI tract of harmful bacteria, parasites and candida.
It of course helps, but should not be used as a sole method of
elimination. Colonic hydrotherapy only works on the large intestine.
These organisms are often present in both the large and small intestine,
and in many cases are present through the bloodstream and entire body
(systematic). So reducing the numbers of harmful microorganisms in the
large intestine through colonic hydrotherapy will certain help a little. If
you chose a bad practitioner who uses anti-biotics or anti-microbial
agents in the warm water, it may indeed serve to kill off your beneficial
bacterial balance, increasing your likelihood of fungal overgrowth later.
Colonic hydrotherapy can however be useful in eliminating mucoid plaque
from the large intestine, which is discussed above in the mucoid plaque
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Prescriptive Agents:
Please note that I do not personally endorse the use of prescriptive
agents to eliminate Candida in the first instance. Examples of such
prescriptive (artificially synthesized) agents include:
Whilst they may well work in many cases, they are synthesized chemicals
and are probably much worse (in relative terms) for the liver than the
natural herbs and glyconutrients described above. Certain strains of
Candida may also build up a resistance to their continued usage, as with
any type of antimicrobial, which is why in general one should alternate or
change antimicrobial according to the changing resistance of the candida.
These types of medications should only really be used as a last resort,
after a methodical, natural approach has been tried. The use of
antibiotics is of course not encouraged, as this may fix the problem short
term, but will make it much worse than it was to start with in the long
term (and often result in a predisposition to candida overgrowth
afterwards as there is little probiotic bacteria to inhibit its growth).
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An article by Susie Cornell on page 32 and 33 in the Multiple Sclerosis
Resource Centre's New Pathways May/June 2003 newsletter illustrates
that digestive problems and heavy metal toxicity are often serious issues
in Multiple Sclerosis sufferers. The pdf of the May/June issue can be
downloaded from the Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre web site or at the link below.
Energetic therapies may also assist in boosting the immune system to
deal with such unwanted bad micro-organism overgrowth. Please see the
Energetic Therapies page for more information.
Viewing this file requires Adobe Reader. If you do not have this, please
download it from the following link. A very
rudimentary 'candida saliva test' is described at the link below. It appears
to work, although there appears to be no actual scientific evaluations
conducted or support for this type of test."
A number of general articles about Candida and treating Candidiasis are
listed below. A general review of some of the
available methods of fighting Candida is shown at the link below.
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Dosages and Treatment Management:

Anti-candida supplements are best taken on an empty stomach, as far
away from meals as possible (e.g. 2 hours after last meal, 2 hours before
next meal), normally between 2 and 3 times a day. Your practitioner will
be able to advise you of frequency and dosage for your current level of
candida overgrowth. Make sure also that you are taking a probiotic and
that it is taken just before or with a meal, and at least 2 hours away from
any anti-microbial herb or supplement described above. Good
anti-microbial herbs and supplements will mainly target the bad bacteria
and candida in the body, but they will inevitably kill off some of your
beneficial bacteria in your small and large intestine. This is why probiotic
supplementation is important to maintain the good bacterial levels, whilst
targetting harmful microorganisms and reducing their numbers.
What about dosages? This varies according to a number of factors. The
dosage should be determined by your practitioner according to the level
of candida in the body and other related conditions and invaders, and
tweaked accordingly during your treatment.
For example, a typical dosage of Olive Leaf Extract would be anything

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between 1-3 capsules, 2-3 times per day. Thorne Research's Olive Leaf
Extract typically contains olive leaf extract (20% oleuropein) - 500 mg
per capsule.
Please note that when beginning a regime to kill off candida, you need to
start gently and build up. You are likely to kill off the proprotion of the
fungus population in your intestines that are most easily killed off by
whatever it is you are taking in the first couple of weeks. Thus if you
overdo it and are too enthusiastic, you may well kill off a huge number of
fungi in a short period of time. As candida tends to absorb heavy metals
and other toxins in your GI tract, by killing off too much at once, you are
likely to experience an intense die off reaction (i.e. the release of
endotoxins), as the released toxins float around and are reabsorbed back
into your bloodstream from the intestines. This is experienced differently
by different people, but most commonly the patient experiences intense
headaches, like the worst headache you have ever had in your life! If you
do indeed experience a die off reaction, then it is best to ease off the
dosage slightly (or completely) for a few days, and then slowly build back
up again. Once you have made significant progress in your treatment,
you can take higher dosages with no adverse effects whatsoever.
The first time I started consuming moderate amounts of Aloe Vera Juice
(this was around the time of first taking the probiotics as described
above), I suffered huge headaches, probably some of the worst I have
ever experienced. These were due to taking slightly too much Aloe Vera
Juice in one go, and was a die of reaction of candida in the small intestine
and colon dieing and releasing toxins such as mercury which were
reabsorbed into the blood stream. A similar effect was noticed when first
eating sizeable amounts of Coconut Oil on rice cakes (a thick spreading,
a similar amount that some people use when spreading butter).
I have noticed that when taking antimicrobial herbs, it is wise not too
take too high a dosage as the last dose of the day, before one's dinner, as
it may tend to elevate one's body temperature which may make falling
asleep at bedtime more difficult. This is perhaps due to the energetic
properties or the herbs themselves (i.e. hot energy - according to
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM))); and/or the result of killing large
numbers of pathogenic organisms and the toxins released by them which
must be processed by the liver (releasing heat); and indeed the energy
expended in the liver as the liver works hard to remove all the
antimicrobial herbs and oils from one's system. If you are taking
antimicrobial herbs three times a day, and the dosage is quite
aggressive, then it is wise to take a slightly reduced third dosage each
day; or simply reduce all dosages to the same lower level, which is more
comfortable for the body to manage (the more sensible and cautious
Along the same lines, if you have tested your culture with a laboratory
test or kinesiological test, and determined that only certain herbs or
extract work against it (at that point in time), it is recommended to stick
to one or more of those agents that the culture is sensitive to and not
both adding additional herbs that you know they are resisistant to. This is
because these other herbs in all likelihood will have no or minimal effect
on the yeast or bacterial overgrowth. In addition, you really want to be
taking as few herbs as possible that have not been approved by your
TCM practitioner, as any you do take may play havoc with your internal
energy balance and potentially build up large amounts of damp heat in
the body, which you must then later work very hard to get rid of. So
taking herbs you know don't have much effect but which may slowly
affect your health is hardly a sensible strategy.

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In addition, antimicrobial herbs are generally targetted at bad bacteria

and yeasts, but they will to some degree tend to discourage or kill
beneficial bacteria, so the less you take the better from the perspective
of your beneficial flora. There is certainly little to gain and a little to lose
if you take antimicrobial herbs that your Candida, for example, is
relatively resistant to. However it clearly is not the same as taking an
antibiotic, which is designed to kill everything, very quickly,
indiscriminately. Antibiotics should be for emergency use and not
prescribed willy nilly, and handed out like sweets, as they currently are
by many GPs and medical practitioners (who have little knowledge of
other, much older methods).
It is quite possible to have a die off reaction from killing off beneficial
bacteria as well as pathogenic bacteria and yeasts. In addition, the above
herbs are generally aggressive towards the body, and have certain toxic
properties, so that taking them will in all likelihood put a strain on your
body's biochemical functioning. I have himself noticed that taking
significant or high dosages of antimicrobial herbs make him feel more
tired and reduced his mitochondrial function significantly, and slowed or
stopped his general recovery. There is a fine line between helping the
body and battering the body. In some cases, a given herb will work to kill
off bad bacteria or yeasts, but until you remove a bigger underlying issue
that is impacting your immune system, your body won't be able to
actually effectively fight off the bad bacteria or yeasts itself. Such an
issue might be viral, for example. Pouring antimicrobial herbs down your
throat before such issues are resolved may well only make you worse,
not better. Muscle testing should be able to help in this capacity as well
as a variety of laboratory tests. It is not skillful or shrewd to take an all
or nothing 'macho' or 'compulsive' approach to treating your dybiosis and
taking large dosages of random herbs and wearing yourself out, perhaps
with little actual success in reducing your dysbiosis.
In certain cases, the extent of Candida or Parasitic overgrowth may cause
a large degree of degree of inflammation in the intestinal lining, and even
in the organs, such as the liver and abdominal lining, depending on the
extent of their proliferation. In such cases, it may be necessary to back
off on the anti-microbial herbs and supplements for a while and to take a
natural anti-inflammatory, for example, an enzyme-based supplement.
There may of course be other contributory factors to inflammation especially to the red blood cells - for example dehyration, oxidative
stress, vitamin A/C/E deficiency and/or improper Essential Fatty Acid
Some practitioners recommend taking one type of anti-fungal herb or
supplement at a time, and taking it for a month or two, then re-testing,
and if necessary, changing the dosage and type of herb. Others
recommend taking several types at once. Others still recommend an
alternating regime, whereupon you would take one type of herb for a
week, then change to another for the following week, then change back
again - so you have a rotation of two or three types of herb or
supplement, going back to the first herb or supplement every 2 or 3
weeks. It appears that in some cases, the targetted harmful
microorganisms become 'immune' to the course of the herb that has just
been taken, but are 'vulnerable' to the next herb. After that second herb
or mixture has been taken for a week or so, the targetted harmful
microorganisms gradually become 'immune' to that herb that they were
once 'vulnerable' to, and the herb they had been 'immune' to a few
weeks earlier, they are now once again 'vulnerable' to. This principle
seems to apply to both anti-fungal and anti-parasitic herbs in many

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cases. The effectiveness of the current and next herb to be taken can be
tested kinesiologically or by other means. A sequential approach is a
crude approximation and a form of guesswork as to what type of herb
the Candida will be susceptible to next.
If you are eating a sensible anti-candida regime and supplementing
correctly, it shouldn't really matter too much if you alternate
anti-microbial herbs or not. Where many people go wrong is that one
particular part of their diet is too high in candida nourishing food, so that
even though they are taking anti-candida supplements, the overall effect
is ineffective. Some people find that their sleep is affected if they take
more than a certain amount of antimicrobial herbs or supplements and
probiotics. In such cases, the dosage must be tailored to provide a
comfortable cleansing work rate, so that 'normal' sleep can be obtained
during treatment.
There is certainly a great deal of overlap in terms of treating these types
of harmful micro-organism. There is evidence to suggest that protozoa
parasites can be difficult to fully eradicate if candida is also present. In
addition, some people believe that it is not possible to effectively
eliminate candida if heavy metals are present in the colon, however this
is not a view shared by all, and it may be depent on the individual case.
Candida and parasites tend to absorb heavy metals, which is which die
off reactions can be quite severe when these organisms are killed off and
broken down. In any case, it is probably wise to conduct a heavy metal
detoxification regime if there is any significant level of toxicity in the
body. If one is having problems killing off any particular type of harmful
micro-organism, it is certainly worth investigating what else in going on
in the small and large intestine which may be contributing to this
problem, be it other types of organism, diet, toxicity or other factors.
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Oxygen Ion Releasing or 'Oxygenating' Treatments:
Oxygenating supplements as an antimicrobial treatment are discussed on the
Mucoid Plaque page, on the Viral page and on the Cardiac page.
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Parallels between Candida overgrowth, cancer and acidosis:

Dr Tullio Simoncini has conduced research into the parallels between fungus
overgrowth (in particular systematic candida) and cancer cell growth. He has
established the similarities between the two, in terms of growth occurring in
anaerobic, acidic conditions, where candida and cancer cells ferment simple sugars
for energy and are killed off in an alkaline environment. He postulates that
systematic candida and cancer are one and the same thing. Whilst I am not totally
convinced of this theory, there are many parallels and much common ground. It is
an area which demands further study. His book on the subject can be read at the
link below. His main web site is listed at the second link.
Related articles to the proposition that fungus overgrowth is strongly related to the
development of cancer are shown below.

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Dr Mercola article 'Fungus Causing Cancer -- A Novel Approach to the Most

Common Form of Death'
My personal opinion is that whilst both candidiatis and certain specific cases of
cancer share some common causes, e.g. poor immune system function, acidosis, a
diet high in simple carbohydrates etc. and toxins, this is not to say that one
candida is a cause of cancer or that cancer is a cause of candida. I keep an open
mind but does not wish to join the dots in this instance. There are many different
types of cancer, and it would be foolish to generalise about the causes (or main
cause) in each particular instance.
Please see the Other Approaches section of the links page for some unorthodox
approaches to treating candida and mycoplasma infections.
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Ringworm is a collective name for certain tinea types of fungi which causes a
ring-like red rash (hence the name) on the skin, scalp, groin, nail or feet (aka
athlete's foot - occurring on the feet or between the toes, e.g. which may be red or
white in appearance).
Ringworm usually occurs only on the surface of the skin, but the best treatment is
a combination of internal anti-fungal herbs or supplements combined with the
external application of an anti-fungal agent (e.g. tea-tree oil, aloe vera gel or
Caprylic Acid etc.)
Tea tree oil is usually extremely expensive, and is very potent, and most forms
available use a base oil to dilute it with and are perhaps around the 15%
concentration mark. Tea tree oil should be applied to the athlete's foot afflicted
area 3 times a day until it is gone. A cotton swab or bud may be effective in
applying it. It depends on the type of bottle you have.
It is of course important to keep the area in question on the foot dry at all times
during treatment, and avoid excessive sweating of the feet, to avoid conditions
which stimulate the fungal growth. If you fail to do this, then the treatment may
not work.
Other methods of treating athlete's foot include pre-soaking or applying a solution
containing surgical spirit (methylated spirits or pure alcohol) and aspirin (e.g. 5
aspirin to 1/2 cup of alcohol), before applying the tea tree oil. The aspirin locally
dilates the blood vessels and pores and allows the tea tree oil to be more
effectively absorbed into the skin. One application should hopefully be enough, but
monitor the area and repeat as necessary. Another method is to use vinegar
instead of tea tree oil, applying it topically to the afflicted area. Finally one may
choose to create a footbath solution out of vinegar and salt. Recommendations
include 1/2 cup of vinegar, 2tbsp of salt and enough water to cover the feet. A
stronger concentration will clearly not hinder the process. Avoid the above if there
is cracked skin present as it may hurt!
Ringworm is generally not something that contributes significantly to CFS, but may
be a sign of an impaired immune system, perhaps being strained by other

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microorganisms, toxins or mitochondrial inefficiency.

Please note that ringworm has nothing to do with the parasite roundworm
discussed below, nor the harmful yeast candida (besides being another type of
fungus), described above. It has been included for completeness and also because
of its incorrect association with 'worms'!
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Leaky Gut Syndrome and Food Allergies:

As described above, Candida can often burrow through the intestinal lining and
make its way into the blood stream, and spread around the entire body
(systematic). In especially bad cases, enough burrow through the GI (intestinal)
lining that the intestinal lining becomes semi-permeable, allowing particles of
semi-digested food into the blood stream. Such particles of semi-digested food are
attacked by the immune system, causing fatigue and flu-like symptoms, and in
addition may cause allergic reactions in the body. This condition is known as 'Leaky
Gut Syndrome' or LGS.
Digestive complications can thus arise from damage to the intestinal wall lining, by
excessive immune system response to certain food types in the digestive tract; or
the action of fungal species such as Candida albicans; or even the excessive use of
anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen. The result can be a semi-permeable
intestinal lining, whereby semi-digested food is allowed to pass directly into the
blood stream before proper digestion has occurred, causing food sensitivites and
excessive pressure on the immune system which seeks to attack the 'invading'
molecules in the blood stream which should not really be there in that form.
LGS is one potential downstream consequence of too much (non-IgE mediated)
immune system regulated inflammation in the digestive tract, caused by excessive
Eosinophil hyperactivity and inflammatory cytokines being released by them. This
is one feature of severe cases of Celiac Disease (Gliadin Protein Intolerance). For a
detailed analysis of Food Allergies and Food Intolerance, please see the Food
Allergy, Intolerance and Sensitivity page.
LGS is also caused by the use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen (which
patients may well take because of their poor protein digestion and ongoing
muscle/joint injuries. Natural anti-inflammatories can be used such as Nutri's
Prozyme, which is enzyme-based). In such cases, as if the immune system wasn't
overloaded already in fighting off the fungus, it now has semi-digested food to
handle in the blood stream. This often creates food allergies, which mysteriously
disappear once the candida has been killed off and the intestinal lining restored.
LGS and other negative side effects of pathogenic microorganisms is discussed in
the section above entitled Effects of Pathogenic Organisms.
To cure leaky gut, one needs to reduce the inflammation and irritation of the gut
lining and also to provide enough building materials to rebuild the gut lining. One
also needs to ascertain the original cause of leaky gut and remove that causative
factor or it will prolong or prevent recovery.
Natural anti-inflammatories to help reverse the irritation to and sooth the GI lining, such
as aloe vera (juice), fermented cabbage juice, nettle tea, licorice root, marshmallow
root, slippery elm, quercetin, vitamin C, curcumin (not phytosome), essential fatty acids
such as GLA (Omega 6 - from Evening Primrose Oil or Borage/Starflower Oil) and DHA
and EPA (Omega 3 - from fish oil), amongst others. The Omega 3 and 6 EFAs are also
useful for repairing cellular membranes from oxidative/free radical damage.

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Aloe vera juice also tends to speed up the rate of healing and cell growth by up to four
times (according to some sources). It is of course important to remove the cause of
leaky gut (i.e. stop taking ibuprofen or kill off the candida first) before effectively
treating the actual intestinal membrane and helping it to heal back to its normal state.
Aloe vera is also an antiseptic and anti-fungal and perform both functions at once.
Chinese herbs to repair the small intestine epithelium include spleen qi tonics such as
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Rehmannia 6) or Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang and special formulas that
reduce small-intestine inflammation.
Curcumin is the principal curcuminoid compound found in the popular Indian spice
Tumeric, that is part of the ginger family. If one is to take Tumeric, then one should
consider the hot energy component which may throw the body out of energetic balance
if taken regularly. Taking a curcumin supplement may be preferable for long term use.
The main amino acid that makes up the intestinal walls is L-Glutamine, and
supplementation with this amino acid will help. Other nutrients to provide support for
the regeneration of the GI lining, such as:
N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine (NAG)
Zinc (also promotes stomach acid production)
beta-carotene (Vitamin E)
Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5)
Phosphatidyl Choline (or Lecithin - from Soy, Sunflower or Eggs) - useful for cell
repair from oxidative/free radical damage
Gamma Oryzanol (rice bran oil extract including sterols and ferulic acid)
Fermented fish (e.g. Stabilium 200 and/or Proper Nutrition SeaCure)
Dr Niedermaier's Regulat (cascade fermented vegetables and nuts containing
digested proteins and fats)
Quercetin dihydrate
Arabinogalactan (Western Larch Heartwood)
Examples of useful products include (there are many others):
Vital Nutrients' GI Repair Nutrients
NT Factor range by Nutritional Therapeutics
Tyler's Permeability Factors
BioCare's Enteroguard
Identify the original cause of the LGS. If it was on account of prolonged use of synthetic
anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen, then one should desist immediately and consider
why one was taking so much in the first place and seek more effective and natural
means of combatting the muscle inflammation etc. (e.g. enzyme-based
anti-inflammatories). If there is any significant amount of candida in the body, one
should consider commence a programme to eradicate this overgrowth.
Some information on LGS can be found at the links below. contains
some good information in general, although the treatments section is focussed
soley on nutrition and not on standard accepted treatments for LGS (from my

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Some food allergies that may be induced by leaky gut syndrome or the presence of
candida or for other reasons are listed at the link below.
When it comes to adjusting one's diet to accommodate for temporary food
allergies, some choose to buy 'gluten free' and 'lactose free' processed foods.
These include rice milk, soya milk, gluten free museli etc. Unfortunately, the
labelling on these foods can be confusing, as simply buying gluten and lactose free
food does not necessarily mean that they are that good for you, or are not full of
simple carbohydrates, and ultimately are not exaccerbating your candida and LGS
problem, which may well be the cause of your food allergies in the first place. For
example, gluten free museli usually contains large amounts of sugar. Rice milk is
very high in simple carbohydrates. Rice milk and soya milk (are other soya
products) are highly processed also, and may not be compatible with an
anti-candida diet. Please note that I am not criticising gluten and lactose free
foods, but merely the highly processed forms and breakfast cereals. For more
information, please see the Anti-Candida Diet section below.
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Parasites can come from a variety of sources, from animals, soil (absorbed through skin
or mouth), contaminated food, unwashed fruit or vegetables, raw meat or fish (e.g.
poor quality sushi), mosquitoes, contaminated water sources (sometimes unfiltered tap
water) and certain sexual practices (contact with infected person).
Parasites, mainly Protozoa (single cell parasites - a single Protozoa being known as a
Protozoan), are not uncommon in the average adult. Parasites can get into the intestine
in the same way as candida, in unwashed vegetables, raw fish, undercooked meat, etc.
especially if the stomach acid is very weak.
A list of all the different categories of parasitic organism can be found on Wikipedia at
the link below.
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Protozoa are microorganisms classified as unicellular Eukaryotes.
In the context of CFS, pathogenic protozoan species can be sometimes be found in
the colon and small intestine, but also can spread throughout the body through the
They are single cell organisms that are physically much larger than bacteria.
Protozoa do not tend to erode the intestinal wall as much as candida, although they
do frequently spread throughout the body. Probably the most famous protozoan
parasite is the malaria causing Plasmodium falciparum, infections mainly occurring
in tropical locations. However, there are many other types of protozoan that are
frequently found in the segment of populations in temperate regions that is
suffering from CFS and related disorders.
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Giardia lamblia
Giardia lamblia (shown above) is a protozoan parasite of a genus of anaerobic
flagellated protozoan parasites of the phyllum Metamonada, in the supergroup
Excavata that colonise and reproduce most notably in the small intestine. Their
lifecycle alternates between an actively swimming Trophozoite and an infective and
resistant/dormant Cyst. Giardia lamblia is one of 40 identified Giardia species.
Giardia have 2 nuclei, each with four associated flagella or tail-like projections.
They lack mitochondria and Golgi apparatus, but do contain mitosomes (that
mature iron-sulphur containing proteins).
A published study by Galland, L. and Leem, M. (1990) in the Journal of Nutritional
Medicine 1:27 found that 28% of people with CFS where infected with the parasite
Giardia lamblia.
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Cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite in the phylum Apicomplexa. It affects
mainly the intestines and is spread often through contaminated water and can
particularly affect campers, backpackers who drink unfiltered water, swimmers (in
lakes, streams, rivers etc.) and also those who like anal sex. It is one of the most
common waterborne parasites. A number of notable outbreaks occurred in the USA
and UK in the last 20 years affecting many hundreds, thousands and even
hundreds of thousands of people. The disease associated with the Cryptosporidium
protozoan parasite is known as Cryptosporidiosis or 'Crypto' for short, which is an
infectin of the Epithelium. One of the main symptoms is Diarrhea in those

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individuals with functioning immune systems, along with nausea, vomiting,

malabsorption and dehydration. In those with severely impaired immune systems,
such as HIV (or possibly CFS), the infection can be very severe and perhaps even
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Roundworms (Nematodes)
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Roundworms (Nematodes) are very small wandering worms that hatch from
eggs, and which can travel in the bloodstream and settle around the body.
The following links have some general information on Roundworm
A limited study presented at The Third International Clinical and Scientific
Meeting on ME/CFS in 2001 found that approximately 63% of CFS patients (in
the study grouop, without controls) was infected with the roundworm species
Cryptostrongylus pulmoni.
Tapeworms and Roundworms, depending on the species, can burrow through
the intestinal or stomach wall and get into the blood stream. Tapeworms and
roundworms frequently carry many harmful varieties of protozoa also.
Parasites of all forms put a constant strain on the immune system, as does
candida, which is usually impaired in afflicted patients.
A small number of possible Roundworms are examined below.
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Crytostrongylus pulmoni
An example of a common roundworm parasite in sufferers of CFS and also
other multisystemic diseases is Cryptostrongylus pulmoni.It is estimated to
affect up to 66% of CFS patients (identified in the sputum coughed up from
the lungs), based on double blind studies carried out to date by Dr Lawrence
Klapow. It is known to infect the lungs, bloodstream and lymph nodes
(particularly in the lumbar region of the lower back.) C.pulmoni is a hormone
secreting nematode which means that it may act to disrupt the endocrine
system, secreting interfering and unwanted hormones into the bloodstream.
These two hormones are:
Hippocampal Cholinergic Neurostimulatory Peptide (H.C.N.P.) - a neuropeptide that
affects the hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with memory functions.
The presence of this hormone can cause symptoms such as memory loss.

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Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (V.I.P.) - a hormone that affects the

hypothalamus and therefore the HPA-axis, affecting pituitary function and the
production of Cortisol Regulating Hormone (CRH). It also affects blood pressure,
particularly blood flow to the brain, and that can cause hypertension (high blood
pressure) and other cardiovascular disorders.
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Toxoplasma and Toxocara

Two examples of parasites include those derived from household pets,
toxoplasma and toxocara, which are described below.
Up to 1/3 of the world's population is infected with the protozoan (unicellular)
parasite Toxoplasma gondii, although it is believed to uncommonly cause
clinically significant disease. There are 3 main genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii
which vary according to their pathogenicity, Type II causing most cases of
Toxoplasmosis. Only 10-20% of toxoplasmosis cases in humans are noticeably
symptomatic. It is estimated that 20% of the population of the UK has the
toxoplasma parasite in their brains, but only 10% of American adults. The
protozoa are freqently found in cats, particularly in their faeces and fur (in
particular the fur around the anus), and also in rats, but can also be caught
from undercooked meat.
The parasite chiefly affects the Central Nervous System. The parasite is found
to affect the brain chemistry of rats, to influence their behaviour so that they
are more likely to be caught and eaten by cats, thus transferring the parasites
to the cat. Infected rats tend to lose their fear of cats. The parasites can be
easily transmitted to humans by stroking fur or handling faeces or anything
that has been contaminated with cat faeces (e.g. soil) and then touching the
face or mouth. It is thought that the parasite when present in humans may
influence similar fearless behaviour. Although humans are not predated by
cats, symptoms are thought to include fearlessness, for example, male 'loners'
and female sexual predators. It is likely that many other people fit these
stereotypes who are not infected however!
Toxoplasmosis may be treated with a combination of antimicrobial treatment
and probably biofilm treatment protocols.
It is estimated that anywhere up to 25% of the population of the UK has or
has had the Toxocara parasite. This parasite is a tape worm and is found in
dogs. The larvae or eggs can be frequently found in dog faeces or dog fur (fur
near anus especially). Virtually all dogs are thought to have the parasite.
It is recommended to regularly worm dogs to keep the parasites in check. The
parasites can be easily transmitted to humans by stroking fur or handling
faeces or anything that has been contaminated with dog faeces (e.g. soil), and
then touching the face or mouth. Children are most often those affected. The

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parasite develops from a larva into a tape worm up to several meters in

length. This tape worm is not specialised to function in the human gut, as it
has evolved for hundreds of thousands of years in the canine gut. When
introduced in the human gut it tends to wreak havoc. Segments of the worm
break off, and can crawl around of their own volition (containing both male
and female sex organs) and seek out new environments, elsewhere in the
body. They may break out of the gut and into the blood stream, where they
may end up in the liver, spleen, lungs or even the eye. Some people who
complain of eye problems actually have a worm in their eye. Some may go
blind as a result if the worm is not killed off. The 'crawlers' are also able to
crawl out of the colon and out of the anus!
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Tapeworms: Larger parasites, such as can grow to several metres in length

(sometimes even 10 metres!), lay eggs and can break off independent worm
segments from their length, whereas single cell parasites do not and
reproduce by mitosis (cell splitting).
The following links have some general information on Tapeworms.
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Anti-Parasitic Treatments:
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Remedies for killing off parasites (of all types) include the three herbs and
Black Walnut
Normally the green outer hull of the black walnut is used. These are normally
taken together on an empty stomach, ideally as far away from meals as
possible (e.g. 2 hours after last meal, 2 hours before next meal), usually 2-3
times a day. Your practitioner should be able to advise you of dosage and
frequency depending on the extent of your parasite overgrowth. The
wormwood and black walnut kill off the adult parasites (enterically coated
garlic can also be used), whereas the cloves are used to kill the eggs. If you
have large parasites and you only kill the adults, then they will come back
again once the eggs have hatched. Be aware that these herbs are toxic, so
that it is best to take only what is required to kill off the parasites, and no
more. You do not want to cause 'collateral damage' or suffer from 'friendly
fire'. This applies to candida treatment also.
For example, if one is treating for protozoa, then one would take a

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combination of wormwood and black walnut on an empty stomach 2-3 times a

day. If one is treating for tapeworm or roundworm, then one would take a
combination of wormwood, black walnut and cloves. An example dosage
would be 1-3 capsules of Nutri Wormwood and Black Walnut, 2-3 times a day,
and 1-3 capsules of cloves, 2-3 times a day if necessary. An additional
anti-parasite and anti-candida capsule could be taken in addition, for example,
Nutri Berberine and Grapefruit Seed Extract (not to be confused with Grape
Seed Extract which is an antioxidant), at a dosage of 1-3 capsules, 2-3 times
a day. Clearly the dosage depends on what is actually present and in what
quantity in the body, which should be determined by your practitioner, and the
dosage adjusted accordingly during your treatment.
Other exampes of herbs commonly used to fight parasites in conjunction with
the above include:
Graviola - a fruit from the Brazilian rainforest, is strongly anti-fungal and
anti-parasitic, and is used to treat cancer patients, to kill off cancer cells and
Kamala - a more mild herb used for killing tape worms.
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
Fennel Seed (Foeniculum vulgare)
Garlic (Allium sativum) - Enterically Coated
Berberine Sulphate, a quaternary ammonium salt - found in varying concentrations
in Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), Barberry root (Berberis vulgaris), Oregon
grape root (Berberis aquifolium, Mahonia aquifolium), Amur Cork Tree bark
(phellodendron amurense), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) and Goldthread (Coptis
Samento (a.k.a. a less toxic form of Cat's Claw or Uncaria tomentosa: anti-viral,
anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic. Part of the Lee Cowden Protocol.
Particularly good for intracellular infections such as Lyme Disease.
Cumanda - anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial. Part of the Lee
Cowden Protocol. Particularly good for intracellular infections such as Lyme
Banderol - anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial. Part of the Lee
Cowden Protocol. Particularly good for intracellular infections such as Lyme
Artemisinin - extract from Sweet Wormwood - it reacts with Heme inside RBCs and
creates Superoxide radicals that kill intracellular parasites. First used by the
Chinese to treat malaria parasite infections. Also kills intracellular bacteria such as
Borrelia (Lyme Disease).
Undecylenic Acid - from Castor bean oil - highly antifungal but also anti-parasitic
Limonene - from Orange Peel
Olive Leaf Extract

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Propolis (from bee's hives)

Quassia (from wood)
Caprylic Acid - one of the saturated fatty acids found in Coconut Oil - which in itself
can be consumed and has anti-fungal properties. Coconut oil is 5-10% triglycerides
of Caprylic acid. If you use Coconut oil rather than a Caprylic acid capsule, then try
to buy organic virgin coconut oil (i.e. not chemically treated - 'pure coconut oil' is
chemically treated). Be aware of the calorific content and also addition burden on
the pancreas/liver of consuming excessive oils. MCT Oil is composed of 55%
triglycerides of Caprylic acid (i.e. not actual Caprylic acid) and does not require the
involvement of the gallbladder and pancreas to be digested (as it does not contain
any LCTs like Coconut Oil). Monolaurin (e.g. Lauricidin) is the monoglyceride of the
fatty Lauric acid combined with Glycerol (in Coconut oil, 3 Lauric acid molecules are
bound to one glycerol molecule). It is reputedly more antimicrobial, antifungal and
antiviral than any of the other Coconut oil derivatives, and good at dissolving
biofilms, on account of its non-ionic surfactant qualities.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Pumpkin seed
Pippali seed (Piper longum)
Neem seed
Rosemary leaf and stem
Thyme leaf and stem
Marshmallow Root
Many more
An extensive list of foods, herbs and plant extracts for treating parasites can
be found at the web site listed below. The microbes section also contains
useful information on related topics. Some herbs are more targeted at
protozoans, and others at worms, so it is wise to target the right kind of herbs
at the right type of parasite.
I have noticed that when taking antimicrobial herbs, it is wise not too take too
high a dosage as the last dose of the day, before one's dinner, as it may tend
to elevate one's body temperature which may make falling asleep at bedtime
more difficult. This is perhaps due to the energetic properties or the herbs
themselves (i.e. hot energy); and/or the result of killing large numbers of
pathogenic organisms and the toxins released by them which must be
processed by the liver (releasing heat); and indeed the energy expended in
the liver as the liver works hard to remove all the antimicrobial herbs and oils
from one's system. If you are taking antimicrobial herbs three times a day,
and the dosage is quite aggressive, then it is wise to take a slightly reduced
third dosage each day; or simply reduce all dosages to the same lower level,
which is more comfortable for the body to manage (the more sensible and
cautious approach).
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Examples of Combination Herbal Formulations:

Nutri's Wormwood and Black Walnut (two capsule dosage) typically contains:

Wormwood (Artemesia annua)

Fennel Seed (Foeniculum vulgare)
Black Walnut Leaf
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
Garlic (Allium sativum)

Nutri's Berberine and Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) (two capsule dosage) also useful for Candida/bacterial treatment - typically contains:

Grapefruit Seed Extract (Citricidal)
Gentiana Luteac Extract (Gentian) 4:1 conc
Hydrastine canandensis Extract (Goldenseal - 5% Hydrastine)
Artemesia annua (Chinese Wormwood)
Picrasma excelsa Extract (Quassia)
Juglans nigra Extract (Black Walnut Hull)
Allium sativum Extract (Garlic - 0.8% Allicin)

Panaxea's Gut Bug Formula contains a number of Chinese Herbs to fight

Gastointestinal Parasites, Blastocystis Hominis, Amoebic/bacterial parasites,
Amoebic dysentery and Bacillary dysentery. It is also designed to clear hot
energy, remove damp energy and regulate qi, according to Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM). The active ingredients are:

Radix Sophorae Flavescentis (Ku Shen)

Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli (Ji Nei Jin)
Caulis Sargento Doxae (Hong Teng)
Radix Stemonae (Zhi Bai Bu)
Semen Arecae Catechu (Bing Lang)
Fructus Quisqualis (Shi Jun Zi)
Radix Glycirrhizae (Gan Cao)
Sclerotium Poriae (Fu Ling)
Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae (Chen Pi)
Rhizoma Dioscoreae Oppositae (Shan Yao)
Testa Dolichoris (Bian Dou)
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (Bai Zhu)
Radix Saussureae Lappae (Mu Xiang)
Paracidin, by Premier Research Labs, is a herbal blend designed to remove
parasites, eggs, worms and flukes from the liver, gallbladder and blood. It
contains the following ingredients: Indian Clove (bud) (Eugenia
Caryophyllata), Pumpkin Seed (Curcubita pepo), Indian Neem (leaf)
(Azardirachta indica), Tumeric (rhizome) (Curcuma Longa), Wormwood Herb
(Artemesia absinthium), Sida Cordifolia (root), Gentian Root (Gentiana Lutea),
Turkey Rhubarb Root ( Rheum officinale), Oregano Leaf (Origanum vulgare),
Rehmmania Glutinosa (root), Senna Leaf (Cassia spp.), Yucca Root (Yucca
Parastat, by Quantum, is a general intestinal cleaner and anti-parasitic herbal
prearation. It contains Holarrhena antidysenterica (bark and seed), Nopal
Cactus (pad), Noni (fruit, seed), Turmeric (rhizome), Green tea extract (leaf)
(50%), Fo Ti Tieng (root), Self Heal (leaf), Turkey Rhubarb Root, and digestive
enzymes - protease, lipase, amylase, cellulase, intertase, lactase, maltase.

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Energetix offer two different anti-parasitic herbal tinctures, Core Artemesia

Blend and Core Para-V. Tinctures are often a more concentrated and higher
quality manner of preserving fresh herbal ingredients than dry capsules.
Core Para-V (V for vermifuge properties) contains Black Walnut Hulls, Sweet
Annie, Wormwood and Clove Oil.
'The high tannin content of Black Walnut Hulls paired with the broad spectrum
of phytochemicals in the ingredient Goldenseal are favored by herbalists to
assist in reducing inflammation of mucous membranes due to microbial stress.
Additional phytochemicals contained in Sweet Annie, Wormwood and Clove Oil
have all clinically shown to help fight a variety of infections including bacteria,
fungus, viruses and parasites. Core Para-V Blend can be combined with a
variety of synergistic energetix remedies to assist any healing strategy that
targets parasitic infection.'
Core Artemesia Blend contains Black Walnut, Wormwood, Pumpkin Seed,
Papaya Leaf, Clove Oil, Senna, Tansy and Pomegranate.
'Black Walnut's high tannin and high iodine content are the medicinal
components known by traditional healers to expel unwanted microbes,
especially parasites, from the bowels. The extremely sharp and bitter
properties of both Wormwood and Pumpkin Seeds, coupled with additional
ingredients such as Senna, Tansy and Pomegranate, have all been chosen for
their reported success in cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. Additional
synergistic botanicals such as Garlic and Turmeric assist the expulsion of these
opportunistic microbes by providing immune support, thereby creating an
environment that is inhospitable to parasites. Core Artemisia Blend is a
formulation of botanical ingredients that have been used medicinally by
herbalists in cases with heavy parasitic burden of all types. This can be used
in any healing strategy to assist the body in addressing parasitic toxicity to
bring any individual back to a state of health.'
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External Application of Oils:

Some practitioners recommend the use of various plant-based oils to rub onto
the abdomen, to absorb anti-parasitic oils through the skin, which can directly
be absorbed into the blood stream and be directed to the targeted organs and
parts of the GI tract. Absorption of compounds into the blood stream is known
to be much more efficient on the skin than it is when the same compounds are
ingested and pass through the GI tract. Such oils include Castor Oil (from
Castor Beans), Allicidin (from Garlic) and Limonene (from Citrus Fruits, e.g.
Lime Oil, Orange Peel). Extracts from these oils may also be found in
anti-parasitic supplements. One may also wish to consider any of the oils or oil
extracts of the anti-parasitic herbs mentioned above.
Such a strategy may also be effective against localised bacterial infections (i.e.
boils) where the bacterial infection has not yet entered the blood stream, but
the exact oils used may be slightly different, e.g. coconut oil, tea tree oil,
garlic oil etc. The external application of epsom salts can also help to
stimulate enzymatic and lymphocyte activity to fight localised bacterial
infections. This could be either using a Epsom Salts or Magnesium Sulphate
cream (e.g. by Kirkman Laboratories) or an Epsom salts bath or soak, or
simply applying concentrate Epsom Salts solution the skin, drop by drop and
allowing it to soak in.
Using oils externally to target certain regions or organs of the body to fight

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parasite infections (rather than using the digestive tract) may be similar to
using an enema or anal syringe in its purpose (of getting the anti-microbial
herbs and oils directly to where they are needed). Dr Schulze is one of many
herbalists and doctors who recommends the external application of oils as well
as internal consumption in order to attack tumors from all sides, for example.
One may also wish to consider ingesting small amounts of these oils, in water,
or even inhaling them (a few drops using steam inhalation), although
ingestion is likely to be more effective in targetting the GI tract.
Castor Oil is a triglyceride vegetable oil obtained from the Castor bean/seed.
It is colourless to pale yellow with a mild or no odour.
Allicidin is the most powerful chemical compound found in garlic and is
stabilised in its concentrated form. It is anti-microbial and may help to boost
the immune system.
Limonene is a monoterpene, found in the essential oils of citrus fruits (e.g.
Orange Peel, Lime Oil etc.) and many other plant species. It is used as an
anti-microbial, but is also used in some Co-Enzyme Q10 supplements to assist
in mitochondrial function, as it prevents Q10 crystallisation.
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Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.):

Diatomaceous Earth is 'a naturally occurring, soft, chalk-like sedimentary rock
that is easily crumbled into a fine white to off-white powder, sometimes even
light brown powder. This powder has an abrasive feel, similar to pumice
powder, and is very light, due to its high porosity. The typical chemical
composition of diatomaceous earth is 86% silica (as silicon dioxide), 5%
sodium, 3% magnesium and 2% iron. Diatomaceous Earth consists of
fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae [one of the most
common types of Phytoplankton].'
Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is mainly sold as either food-grade, traditionally for
use with animals, or for use with filtration applications (e.g. pool-grade).
'Food-grade' DE is mined (as Diatomite) and then generally packaged and sold
as is. No processing or treatment is required. The FDA has classified it as
GRAS (Generally Recognised as Safe). Food-grade DE has been use in
conjunction with animals for thousands of years, and can be used internally
(for remineralisation, de-worming etc. - usually mixed in with the animal feed)
as well as externally on the animal fur/feathers and in animal pens to kill off
parasites and red mite. Food grade diatomaceous earth is chiefly marketed as
a delousing/bugging product for external use on pets, for example, cats, dogs,
horses, or farmyard animals such as chickens. It is rubbed into the fur and/or
sprinkled onto animal's bedding, and brushed out after 48 hours. In this
application it punctures the exoskeleton of a variety of larger parasites, such
as red mite, lice, fleas, and absorbs their fluids, effectively dehydrating them.

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According to Perma-Guard, US-based suppliers of DE, there is a significant

difference between DE products on the market. Deposits where Diatom is
mined/extracted can be either of Fresh Water or Salt water origin. This will
affect the species of Diatoms in the DE but perhaps also the state of
preservation. Fresh water diatoms, specifically Melosira Preicelanica, in the
Perma-Guard product Fossil Shell Flour, are 89-95% amorphous silica, a
higher silica content than many DE products. Less pure DE products may
contain different Diatom shapes or Diatom fossils that are more fragile and
less effective (typically from salt water deposits) and perhaps a higher
concentration of crystalline silica.
Food-grade diatomite is largely amorphous silica (as Silicon Dioxide).
However, a small proportion is in the form of crystalline silica. This latter form
is extremely detrimental to health, and if inhaled/ingested in any significant
quantity can result in silicosis.
Pure food-grade, for example, Fossil Shell Flour by Perma-Guard, contains
0.05% crystalline silica. The 'Diatom' brand of DE, conversely, is said by
manufacturers to contain a maximum of 1 to 1.5% crystalline silica, which
does not tell us what the average is, but it does sound considerably less pure.
DE with a high crystalline silica content (typically 60% crystalline silica) and
not for human or animal consumption (i.e. pool-grade not food-grade) and is
commonly used in swimming pools and industrial applications as a filtration
Amorphous silica is changed into crystalline silica by the action of extreme
heat, which is typically through volcanic activity or through industrial heat
treatment processing. Industrial heat treatment is typically used on
filter-grade DE, as crystalline silica is more useful for filtration purposes, e.g.
in swimming pools etc. However, some sources of food-grade DE are
heat-treated to 600 degrees Celsius, for 'sterilisation', although of course this
does increase the crystalline silica content. Such manufacturers do state this,
and warn customers not to inhale it as it becomes harmful (a consideration
which is not nearly as significant for non-heat treated DE). Such DE is best
avoided, as is any DE with a significant naturally occuring high crystalline
silica content, and it is probably best to try to find as pure a source of
(non-heat treated) DE as possible with a low crystalline silica content.
The diatom fossils are cylinder-like shapes. The outside of the fossil cylinders
is said to be negatively charged. When ingested, the fossil cylinders are said
to attract endotoxins, pesticide and drug residues, heavy metals that are
present in the GI tract. Some claim that they also attract bacteria, fungi,
protozoa and viruses, as well. The cylindrical shape is said to trap these
microbes so they can be passed out of the digestive tract - I am uncertain
exactly how effective this really is in this latter application. Perma-Guard have
reported that bacteria have been observed to have actually been killed by the
negative electrical charge of the fossilised diatoms, under microscopy. It is
possible that the DE may have some impact on both good and bacteria.
DE is extremely hard and is classified as 7 on the hardness scale. Diamonds
are classified as 9. The sharp edges of the cylinders also act mechanically to

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cut up larger parasites such as worms inside the GI tract. As DE does not
leave the GI tract, then clearly it is not able to kill worms and eggs elsewhere
in the body, if present. However, the majority of such larger parasites reside in
the GI tract, especially the colon.
Other applications for internal use include assisting in the removal of mucoid
plaque and the movement of stool through the colon in general. Earthworks
Health claim that it is possible to remove all mucoid plaque (containing
hardened mucus, faeces and moulds etc.) after a few months of taking DE on
a daily basis. In some respects it is perhaps more convenient to use than
Psyllium and Bentonite shakes for mucoid plaque removal, as DE is not a form
of soluble fibre, but is insoluble fibre, unlike Psyllium which has a tendency to
clog up the GI tract and stick to the sides of the colon if too much is taken.
Also DE is much easier to prepare than P&B shakes. It also has other
nutritional advantages. It may not however be quite as effective as an
absorbant as bentonite clay.
DE is well know for its ability to remineralise the body. It is slightly alkaline
with a pH of 8.0. As it is mostly Silica, a small part of the silica is able to
dissolve and be absorbed/utilised by the body, so whilst Silica makes up the
bulk of DE, only a small part is soluble. This has been shown to help with
keeping down cholesterol and reducing atherosclerotic plaque formation in the
arteries. The silica content also has a use in helping to lower high blood
pressure, and is beneficial for healthy teeth, nails and hair. The fossilised
Diatoms contain a number of nutritional metal elements, as well as some
heavy metals such as Aluminium, albeit in the Oxide form that is non-toxic (as
do many other beneficial mineral clays and soil products) - and it is insoluble
in any case and not likely to come of out the fossil matrix. Few hair mineral
analysis tests test for Silica, so it may be difficult to monitor blood Silica levels
in the event they become excessively elevated.
A typical dosage for human consumption of food-grade DE (for internal usage)
is approximately one heaped tablespoon per day. The exact daily maximum
amount is calculated by body weight (based on animal consumption figures).
Some users take 2 tablespooons per day. It will likely be most effective if
taken on a daily basis, for a least a few weeks at a time, and preferably for a
few months. Probably best taken on an empty stomach mixed in a glass of
(deionised/distilled) water, or perhaps mixed with psyllium husks into a 'P&DE'
shake. After drinking it down, you may want to rinse out your mouth with
water, as you don't want any abrasion on your teeth caused by the fossilised
diatoms. Permaguard advised me that there are many different opinions on
how to consume DE and that there have been few clinical studies or testing on
human consumption of DE.
I have tried D.E. for a couple of months, and has found that it seems to work
best to remove mucoid plaque when either mixed in with a thick medium (e.g.
a fibre drink or 'shake'), which can give the D.E. some leverage from which to
actually scrape the most effectively in the GI tract; or when taken twice a day,
e.g. one tablespoon twice a day with water (between or with meals). I
therefore believe that D.E. is best consumed either in a glass of water taken
with food, or mixed in with a glass of water/fibre mixture, with or without an
absorbant like bentonite or charcoal. If using the latter absorbants with D.E., it
is best consumed on an empty stomach.
D.E. does not appear to be as efficient an absorbant or binder of heavy metals
as either Bentonite Clay or Charcoal. This is probably because of the scale,
D.E. working on a fossilised cellular level to trap heavy metals rather than a
molecular level.

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In terms of its ability to kill cestoda (tapeworms) and nematodes

(roundworms etc.) is one of the primary reasons for taking DE. There are
numerous case studies of patients taking DE and passing large numbers of
worms out in their stools after a few days of daily intake. In my experience, at
one time, having identified tapeworms and roundworms in my stool, I tried a
course of DE at a high dosage for just over 3 weeks, and it didn't visibly
appear to have done anything - no worms were observed in the stool, except
when I had performed a herbal enema targetted at killing worms in the colon.
Perhaps it may have weakened the worms slightly but it is hard to tell. It is
possible to use DE in an enema but this is not something I have yet tried. So I
would assume that DE isn't always effective against worms and it depends on
the individual case. Additionally, DE appeared to be quite harsh on the GI
tract, resulting in increased levels of mucus in the stools, at a dosage of 2
tbsp twice a day.
Diatomaceous earth can be purchased very cheaply, most cost effectively in
bulk, but of course for human use, you probably won't need much more than
500g to start with. Whether you want to take it with meals or in between
meals is up to you, but animals don't tend to complain too much if there is
some 'mud' or 'earth' in their food, but you might! I have taken it on an empty
stomach, together with a Psyllium and Bentonite 'shake', for colon cleansing,
although in this application, the Bentonite might absorb some of the mineral
content from the DE. There is no reason why you cannot take it on it's own
however, mixed in with a glass of water, or together with a psyllium/water
Most suppliers are based in the US, although international shipping can be
cost prohibitive. It is typically sold in pet shops or in farmyard supply stores. I
am currently investigating how this product compares to other DE products on
the market.
There are many diamtomaceous earth products on the market that are
combined with other ingredients. One example is NanO Bio-Sim. This is said to
target candida, parasites (which kind?), worms, yeast, fungi and amoebas (in
the GI tract only) without causing any harm to the body. I would however take
any claims to kill anything other than candida with a pinch of salt, but would
like to see any research data on the subject. Bio-Sim contains diatomaceous
earth as well as a small amount of sugar cane and kosher distilled vinegar to
order to encourage a little micro-organism activity. The nanoised silica in the
earth is said to slice up the harmful microorganisms but without harming the
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Some manufacturers add the heavy metals Barium and/or Bismuth to their
anti-parasitic preparations, to increase the efficiency with which they kill
parasites. Whilst this may indeed be effective, there is a sufficient variety of
other herbs and extracts that can be used without resorting to heavy metals
which are in themselves much more toxic to the body's cells than the
ingredients of the herbs are, and harder to remove; even if many claim that
Bismuth at low levels shows no signs of known toxicity. An example of such a
product is Renew Life's ParaGone, which contains a small amount of Bismuth
Citrate in each capsule, in addition to a wide and excellent variety of
anti-parasitic and broad spectrum antimicrobial herbs. I would like to try it

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without the Bismuth, even though the standard product seems to be very
effective, as taking a heavy metal like Bismuth is simply not necessary unless
it is an absolute emergency. ParaGone is an example of a herbal combination
product that subscribes to the philosophy of throwing virtually everything at
the parasites, all in one go, rather than targetting them more accurately and
effecively (i.e. anti-aircraft fire vs heat seeking missile).
According to Doctor's Data, Urine Toxics Metals report, based on various
reference sources, Bismuth is only considered to be slightly toxic with
ingestion of gram quantities necessary before any visible/detectable signs of
toxicity occur. Only 5-10% of soluble bismuth salts are absorbed into the
blood when orally ingested. Early signs of Bismuth excess may include
constipation or bowel irregularity, bad breath, changes in skin pigmentation,
blue-black gum pigmentation with stomatitis (inflammation of mucus linings of
mouth). At sub-gram quantities, no toxic effects are (yet) documented for
Bismuth. The existence of health problems due to environmental pollution by
Bismuth are not documented either. Bismuth has various therapeutic uses with
antimicrobial, anti-secretory and anti-inflammatory properties. Bismuth
subsalicylate is used in the product Pepto-Bismol, and hydrolyses in the
stomach to salicyclic acid and insoluble bismuth. Historically it ws used to
treat syphilis. Bismuth has a variety of industrial uses, as well as being found
in some lipsticks (e.g. pearlescent white) and paint.
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Mebendazole, a.k.a. Vermox, is a benzimidazole drug used to treat worm
infestations from pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms to
whipworms. It is said to cause the slow immobilization and death of these
worms by selectively and irreversibly blocking the uptake of glucose and other
nutrients, starving them to death effectively. It is known as a spindle poison
that induces chromosome nondisjunction. Whilst I am no big fan of taking
pharmaceutical drugs to eliminate worms, many people have reputed great
success with the product, including a friend of mine who had a severe
roundworm infection for many years which were somewhat resistant to herbal
methods after a while.
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After Note:
It is best to measure one's progress throughout the treatment and to adjust
the dosages accordingly. Don't crack a nut with a sledgehammer!
Co-ordinating treatment with a consultant, as with candida treatment, is
highly recommended. The principles of alternating anti-parasitic herbs or
mixtures may be useful in eliminating parasitic overgrowth. Please see the
Candida section above for more information.
The usefulness of a blood microscopy cannot be stated enough. A live blood
microscopy can reveal the presence of protozoa and eggs in the bloodstream,
as well as bad bacteria and candida spores. Stool analysis is also a useful tool
to investigate parasite presence in the intestines, although its ability to
identify all parasites may be limited. As tapeworms can grow to very large
lengths, they can be detected by ultrasound, although this is not the usual
method of detection, and requires a skilled practitioner to detect one. In some

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patients, if one is eating too many simple carbohydrates, for example, white
rice, then even a good dosage of anti-parasitic herbs will not be completely
effective, and one has to reduce one's intake of such foods for a certain period
of time, afterwhich one can slowly reintroduce them.
Energetic therapies may also assist in boosting the immune system to deal
with such unwanted bad micro-organism overgrowth. Please see the Energetic
Therapies page for more information.
In certain cases, the extent of Candida or Parasitic overgrowth may cause a
large degree of degree of inflammation in the intestinal lining, and even in the
organs, such as the liver and abdominal lining, depending on the extent of
their proliferation. In such cases, it may be necessary to back off on the
anti-microbial herbs and supplements for a while and to take a natural
anti-inflammatory, for example, an enzyme-based supplement. There may of
course be other contributory factors to inflammation - especially to the red
blood cells - for example dehyration, oxidative stress, vitamin A/C/E deficiency
and/or improper Essential Fatty Acid intake/balance.
Please note that whilst certain kinds of antibiotics, such as Flagyl or
Doxycycline (or other antibiotic recommended by The Marshall Protocol) may
well be effective in the short term in eliminating bad bacterial overgrowth or
protozoan parasite overgrowth, they may potentially clog up the cell
membranes and also deplete the body's natural probiotic defences, which
make up the majority of the body's immune system.
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The Anti-Candida Diet:
I am not qualified to provide dietary advice, and people trying the above do so
entirely at their own risk.
Why not try a change of diet for a week? What have you got to lose?
As an experiment, anyone who is feeling fatigued might want to try cutting out
sugar, simple carbohydrates, pasturised milk and yeast containing foods completely
for a week or two and notice if you feel any different. This would include avoiding
sugar, alcohol, tea, coffee, bread, pasta, breakfast cereals (i.e. sugary cereal carb
hit consumed with sugar-rich pasturised cow's milk), fruit juices, pasturised milk
and cheese, sweets, cakes, chocolate and processed foods etc. and cutting down
on potatoes and starchy vegetables like peas and sweetcorn. Instead you might
want to focus on foods such as lean meats, white meats, fish, pulses (beans - not
tinned beans with sugary tomato sauce), nuts, wild rice, plenty of steamed
vegetables of all kinds, kefir (preferably based on live goat's milk), natural yoghurt,
porridge (made with both porridge oats and oat bran), fermented cabbage juice
(see recipe page), a few pieces of fruit a day maximum, and non-heat treated oils
(correct omega 3:6:9 balance - see nutritional deficiencies page for more
information). If you feel radically better on this new regime, then you more than
likely have a significant bad bacteria or yeast problem in your GI tract. You might
want to ensure you eat enough so as not to lose weight and to get enough
nutritional input.
Please note that a restrictive diet alone may make you feel much better, but it
alone will not kill off parasites/candida. You need to deprive the candida and
parasites of their usual food sources whilst simultaneously actively killing them off
using the correct supplement in the correct amount. Any prolonged diet changes
should be discussed with your nutrionist or naturopathic medicine consultant. It is
not the policy of this web site to offer dietary recommendations, and the author is

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not qualified to give dietary advice. An example of long term anti-candida diets are
discussed below. If you are currently taking drugs regularly, even 'just' marijuana,
and/or are hooked on junk food/sugary foods/simple carbohydrates, you are highly
unlikely to completely cure yourself of dysbiosis and hormonal dysfuction. You
really need to commit to a healthy regime. You need motivation. See the
motivation page in the psychology section and also the drugs page if you need
negative movitation and leverage.
The Anti-Candida Diet is described below.
There are many versions of the Anti-Candida Diet. There is no 'one size fits all' diet
for everyone. A patient's exact diet will vary during the course of his treatment,
and should be tailored to the exact severity of the condition. The severity of
anti-candida diets varies. The diet is not a separate entity, but a part of the overall
treatment, and the exact supplements/medication for killing off the candida must
be taken into account when drawing up a proposed diet for a patient. A
naturopathic consultant will be able to advise of the best course of action and of
any diet changes and supplement requirements. Diet recommendations are also
available from the National Candida Society in the UK, and from reputable books on
The purpose of an anti-candida diet is to deprive the candida of its usual food
source, whilst still providing the body with all the nutrition that it requires. Whilst
cutting off most/all of the candida's usual food supply will stop it multiplying, it will
not actually reduce the amount of candida in the person's system. To achieve this,
one needs to proactively kill it off. The supplements used for this purpose are
described above. Some patients have been able to completely eliminate their
candida without significantly changing their diet at all (with the exception of sugar
and sweet elimination), whilst taking an anti-microbial supplement. Some patients
have had to moderately change their diet for a period of a few weeks only, in
combination with an anti-microbial supplement and have successfully eradicated all
of their candida. And indeed, some patients have had huge trouble eliminating their
candida overgrowth and require a very restrictive diet for a period of 6-12 months
in combination with a variety of different anti-microbial supplements.
With regards to a highly restrictive diet, then, one can either choose to completely
deprive candida of its normal food source, being simple carbohydrates and readily
available energy sources, or one can choose to restrict their normal food source but
not eliminate it completely. In reality there are no food sources that will completely
deprive candida of digestible sugars, but it is a relative issue. Elimination is
therefore never truly elimination, although it may be close to that. This is why a
restrictive or elimination diet alone is unlikely to completely resolve candida
overgrowth although it may well reduce it. The benefit of a restrictive diet is that
the candida is kept weakened but still in the budding state, so that anti-microbial
supplements can work with their maximum effect as the yeast buds and grows
(albeit in a restricted manner), and can be killed off more easily. In some people, a
severely restrictive elimination diet may force the yeast into its cyst form, where it
may be harder to kill, and in which it can survive for many years. In such cases,
when a person's normal diet is recommenced, the yeast spores then grow and the
yest overgrowth starts all over again. Whichever approach one chooses to take is
up to the individual to discuss with one's naturopathic consultant. An example of
slightly less restrictive anti-candida diet protocol is listed below.
One thing to bear in mind is that there are two components to eliminating or
restricting sources of food that encourage candida growth or prevent or slow its
The first is the simple carbohydrate content, which is the most important factor. e.g.
Dried Fruit, because of it's smaller volume than the equivalent fresh piece of fruit,
allows a person to eat an inordinately large amount of fruit in one sitting, much more

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than would be physically possible if one was eating the same amount of fresh fruit. This
is a very efficient way of consuming far too much fruit sugar!
The second is the mould or yeast content of the food.
Mouldy foods
Certain types of food often have a high mould content compared to others, for
example dried fruits, nuts, processed meats and foods, and fruits such as melon.
Processed food in general, in particular processed meats (such as sausages or
mince meat) may well have higher mould levels. In addition, pre-cooked foods that
are often eaten cold will contain more mould than fresh foods that are prepared,
cooked and eaten on the spot. It is probably wise to only eat freshly prepared and
cooked foods, fresh fruit and vegetables, and not re-heat leftovers. If nothing else,
leftovers never taste that great anyway. Fruit and vegetables are best eaten when
they are newly purchased/grown and fresh, rather than leaving them out for a
week and eating them, when they have become limp or overripe, and likely to
contain higher mould content and less 'qi'. Any food that has a small amount of
white or green mould visibly growing on the surface should be thrown away - it is
no good chopping off the mouldy part and eating the rest and when food gets to
this stage it will have a very high internal mould content and is really inedible (it
may or may not be possible to taste this). It is better to be conservative rather
than to aggressive in such matters. Perhaps shop more regularly and in smaller
amounts if need be.
Clearly, ingesting a small amount of mould (which will be dead if the food has been
cooked), which is likely to be largely killed off in your stomach by the stomach acid
(depending on the levels of production), is probably not likely to increase your
already present candida overgrowth more than actually ingesting too many simple
or moderate carbohydrate food types, which will actually actively feed the candida
present in your digestive tract or system-wide in your body. However, it is probably
best to avoid foods that are high in mould (and spores content) in any case. Spores
that get through to your large intestine may well bud and multiply as a fungus or
Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Nutritional/Brewer's Yeast
There is considerable debate as to which types of yeast are harmless to consume
and which will not affect your candida overgrowth and which will have a bad or
allergic effect. Some favour total elimination of all yeast sources, regardless of the
fact that S.cerevisiae is not the same as Candida albicans. Others favour
elimination of specific types of yeast. Most recommend avoid fermented and
processed foods except for true true fermented foods with lacto bacteria (i.e.
probiotics). Some supplements or sources (e.g. Selenium supplements) contain
only a very tiny amount of yeast.
Sacchormyces cerevisiae is a neutral yeast (neither probiotic nor pathogenic) that
consumes sugar and produces alcohol and CO2. S.cerevisiae is naturally occuring
in many vegetables and plants in minute quantities. It is harvested and cultured to
produce yeast in larger quantities, which is used in beer, wine and bread making as
well as for use in food supplements and as a flavour enhancer. Some S.cerevisiae is
present in the GI tract but normally at very low levels. In some cases, its levels (or
other bacteria, parasite or fungus species) may increase to a problematic but not
pathogenic level, often when sufficient probiotic bacteria are not present to
suppress them.
Brewer's yeast - The yeast is inactive in the final product in wine and beer and is
dead, except in specific organic brands that are marketed as containing live yeast.
Active, freeze-dried brewer's yeast is available to purchase in powder and flake
form. Live yeast can also be purchased. Inactive brewer's yeast (dead brewer's

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yeast) is available in tablet form and is marketed as a nutritional supplement.

Baking yeast - In bread making, S.cerevisiae is not used for its alcohol produced
qualities but because it also produces CO2 which enables the bread to rise when
warmed gently in the oven, prior to baking the bread to kill the yeast.
Nutritional yeast - in the inactive (dead) form - is the type of yeast most frequently
found in food sources, as yeast or yeast extract - as a flavour enhancer (high in
glutamate). The yeast is dried at higher temperatures than baking yeast, rendering
it inactive (i.e. killing it). As it is dead, it can no longer ferment, clearly and the
vitamins and minerals are available in its matrix. Nutritional yeast is also added to
some health protein powder mixtures etc. e.g. Garden of Life's Raw Meal. It is also
used as a nutrient supplement to increase the intake of most B vitamins, either
directly or indirectly, e.g. Garden of Life's The Vitamin Code, or live fermented
B-vitamin liquids such as Max Stress B Nano-Plex.
The main issue with yeast bread is the use of bleached white flour, which is a
simple carbohydrate and which is a primary fuel for candida in your digestive tract.
Modern western diets are heavily reliant on white flour and white bread in a variety
of baked products (which incidentally often contain transfats - on account of the
hydrogenated vegetable fat used). Some people are also allergic to the gluten in
wheat flour.
Early scientific experiments into yeast growth showed that inactive yeast was a
food source for active yeast, i.e. a previously boiled yeast solution (cooled down)
and added to a solution containing live yeast would serve to actively feed the live
yeast. This is primarily due to the vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) content. Yeasts, moulds
and fungi feed on B6 amongst other nutrients. This is why taking live yeast is not
recommended by some practitioners because the yeasts that are not destroyed by
the stomach acid may go on to absorb the B6 from your food or supplements in the
GI tract.
In the context of the candida diet, the rationale for excluding all forms of
fermented products is that the vast majority contain naturally occurring yeast or
have had yeast added to them, so that regardless of whether the beneficial and
neutral bacteria in the fermented food are still alive or not (i.e. dead vs 'true live'
fermented foods), there will be an elevated Pyridoxine content. Pyridoxine form of
B6 is poorly absorbed in the small intestine and tends to travel a long way through
the small intestine before it is effectively absorbed, meaning that elevated levels
consumed, either in supplemental form or from food, may well result in feeding any
yeasts or moulds in the small and large intestine.
Ironically, sufferers of CFS or related conditions are likely to be chronically deficient
in vitamin B6. However, in the biologically active form of B6, a.k.a. Pyridoxal5-Phosphate (P5P), it is better absorbed in the GI tract and whilst it is still able to
feed yeast and moulds, it does not penetrate so far into the GI tract and is less
likely to cause any adverse effects with Candida overgrowth in the GI tract. P5P is
not naturally occurring in fermented foods or elsewhere (in any significant
quantities) to my knowledge but is available in supplemental form, e.g. Vital
Nutrients P5P. If your supplements contain B6, and they most likely should, check
to see it is the optimal form of B6. As to what effect it might have on Candida
species in the blood (i.e. systematic mould/yeast/fungus infections) I am not sure,
but if you are chronicaly deficient in B6, you still need to take it - so maybe lower
dosages taken more often might help not to spike the P5P levels in the blood quite

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as much as high single dosages. Candida cannot make its own B6 whereas yeast
When it comes to 'true, live' fermented foods or drinks, one has to look at the
positive and negative aspects, and exactly what live organisms they contain.
Fermented vegetables should be ok to eat on an anti-candida regime, however, the
Lactobacillus acidophilus they contain, the probiotic strain, produces racemateLactic acid, i.e. it produces both L-Lactic acid and D-Lactic acid - the latter of which
is not naturally produced in the body and may be slower to remove from the body and which may have a negative impact on mitochondrial function if it accumulates
to excess. It depends on whether you have elevated D-lactate levels or not as to
whether that is a problem or not. L.acidophilus however does have beneficial
effects on the GI tract if the levels are low there, suppressing other bacterial
species. Kefir and kombucha contain naturally occurring S.cerevisiae
(brewer's/nutritional yeast) - so this is consumed in live state (there will always be
some dead yeast content), and may be not be best for those who have elevated
levels of S.cerevisiae in their GI tracts as they will populate the GI tract with more.
Also, such live fermented drinks will still have an elevated Pyridoxine content (B6)
so may still have detrimental effects on intestinal Candida species. Fermented
foods and drinks tend to be very sugary to start with, and the fermentation
reduces the sugar content - clearly the longer you leave it to ferment, the less
sugar there is in the food or drink, up to a point, before it goes off. Sugar content
may still be an issue, even for fermented foods and drinks, although clearly much
less of an issue with the original food/drink sources. For someone who has never
taken any probiotics supplements before, and has dysbiosis issues, taking kefir for
instance may be beneficial on the whole in the short term. This is why it was
included above in the lists of foods to try for those unfamiliar with this area.
Whether the total elimination approach with respect to yeasts is the right approach
or more superstitious is up to you and your practitioner to decide. A list of food
types that are likely to contain mould are shown at the links below. The second link
looks at different approaches to and opinions on the anti-candida diet. Please note that this site
is providing this as an example, to aid understanding, and is not prescribing this
diet to anyone. There are many versions of it, and the exact constituents and
recommendations of an anti-candida diet are usually tailored to the individual's
requirements and situation at a given point in time, and reviewed and adjusted
regularly. An anti-candida diet is not intended to be a static one-size-fits-all
prescriptive diet. Anyone who chooses to do so does so at their own risk.
One may wish to consider the possibility of Food Intolerance and the need to
incorporate a Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Diet into one's Anti-Candida Diet regime.
An Example of an Anti-Candida Diet Protocol is shown below. Remember that the
exact quantities and make up of this diet will vary according to the individual or
across the timeline of the treatment, and according to the practitioner's guidelines.
Food types to eliminate:
(Refined/unrefined) sugar (aka sucrose) or sugar containing foods, drinks and sweets
(including soft drinks, chocolate, biscuits, cakes, ice cream, honey etc.) This includes
other simple carbohydrate sugars, for example, dextrose, dextrin, glucose, etc.
Fruit juice
Alcohol, especially beer (this includes Guinness/Stout)
Tea, coffee
Wheat products (including bread, pies, pasta, biscuits, cakes etc.)
Starchy vegetables, such as (sweet)corn (and foods containing cornflour), peas and
winter squash

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Brewer's and baker's yeast

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - not to be confused with active vitamin B6 (pyridoxal5-phosphate or P5P), which does not encourage yeast overgrowth and is more easily
utilised by the body.
Tofu, soya milk and other non-live fermented/processed soy products.
Processed meats and other processed food products
Please note that soya milk typically contains approximately 30% more carbohydrates
than cow's milk, and a nominal amount of fibre. I find that unsweetened Soy Milk is
quite unpleasant, and of course sweetened soy milk typically increases the carbohydrate
levels. Rice milk typically contains 117% the amount of carbohydrate than cow's milk,
and no fibre to boot. It is a little like eating rice but without all the fibre and with nearly
all the carbohydrate. One has to ask how 'healthy' it is to drink pasturised milk and
indeed an expensive vegan milk substitute. What purpose does it serve? Why the
obsession with breakfast cereals and milk? Can one not simply eat a bowl of
hydrated/cooked wholegrain organic porridge oats instead?
1 Cup = 8 Fluid Ounces = 240g.
e.g. Rice Dream contains approximately 23g of Carbohydrate per 8oz cup.
e.g. Semi-skimmed milk typically contains approximately 11.5g of Carbohydrate per 8oz
e.g. Soy Milk typically contains 15g of Carbohydrate per 8oz cup.
Food types that are eliminated with severe cases of candida, but which can be
consumed in moderation with less severe cases are listed below.
Even in less severe but significant cases, it is unwise to consume any of these
carbohydrates more than once a day. Sometimes one may choose to avoid these
food types completely for a week or two and notice if one feels any difference, then
reintroduce later.
Whole grains such as oats, oatbran, barley, quinoia, buckwheat (some patients may not
be allergic to buckwheat), etc.
Potatoes and sweet potatoes
Rice, preferably brown or wholegrain
Two servings/pieces of moderate carbohydrate fruit per day maximum (pretty
much any fruit except bananas), as listed below.
It may be more conservative to stick with apples, which are often cheaper than
other fruit too. Grapes, berries, tropical fruits and other medium carbohydrate
fruits may be omitted depending on the severity of the candida case.
Apple, pear, avocado, grapes, lemon, mango, canteloupe, peach, plum, orange,
tangerine, watermelon, berries, apricot, cherries, fresh figs (not dried figs or dried fruit),
nectarine, pomegranate, etc.
Food types that should be consumed liberally (or according to your dietary
preferences and tolerances):
Low carbohydrate vegetables, such as artichoke (not Jerusalem artichoke), asparagus,
brussel sprouts, carrot, cauliflower, red/yellow/green peppers, onions, leeks, tomatoes,
snap peas, turnips, cabbage, lettuce, celery, okra, olives, broccoli, and beetroot
(beetroot is not strictly a low carb vegetable but the juice is useful for killing parasites).
All meats (i.e. chicken, pork, beef, lamb, turkey, etc.), fish and shellfish
Natural (live) yoghurt, live kefir, hard cheese, double cream

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Nuts and seeds

Dry beans, Sprouted beans (the amount of raw sprouts tolerated may vary. They are
rich in enzymes and vitamins, but may be harder to digest, especially for an impaired
digestive system.)
Please note that as a general rule, very moderate alcohol consumption in the form
of spirits or wine is often not an issue in terms of digestive health for people in
general, whereas beer, lager and stout are best avoided by even the very healthy
on account of their yeast and grain content. Sorry lads! However, my personal
approach is to avoid all alcohol, caffeine and recreational drugs (and medicinal
drugs unless for specific reasons and as a last resort); and to avoid recreational
drugs whether one has candida or not for toxicity, endocrine and psychological
Further reading on diet is found in the books listed on the links page and can be
also found at the IHS web site below.
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