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ABP 16, Australs 15/16 , EUDC 15/16 , Hart House IV10-16 (except for 11)intenational Mace10-16?

, North
American UDC10-16(13,14,16), Oxford IV
HartHouse 10,12,13,14,15

Rd 1 - This House would never conscript its citizens.

Rd 2 - This House believes that Quebec should field its own national sports teams.
Round 3 - This House opposes Valentine's Day.
Round 4 - This House supports a united Ireland.
Final Motion: You have created the fist sentient of artificial intelligence. THBT you should destroy it.
SF motion: North Korea has just launched a successful nuclear attack on Tokyo, Japan. THS nuclear retaliation by the
United States.
Quarter Final Motion - THW require religious officials to perform same-sex marriages
Round 5 - THW Invade Syria
Round 4 - THBT secluded religious communities should require their members to spend time in broader society
Round 3 - THW Break Up the Euro
Round 2 - THW constitutionally require a First Nations supreme court justice
Round 1 - THW Legalize Hate Speech

2013 ( also NAUDC)

Round 1: THW require all criminal defendants to use a government-provided lawyer.
Round 2: THW withhold Government funding from Indigenous Bands and Tribal Councils that do not have democratic
forms of government
Round 3: THW aggressively prioritize the posting of female diplomats to countries with poor women's rights records
Round 4: THBT Pakistan should sincerely pursue peace talks with the Pakistani Taliban
Round 5: THW not grant developing countries the right to host major international sporting events
QF: THBT white entertainers should refrain from utilizing modes of expression (dances, etc.) that are primarily
associated with minority cultures.
SF:Info Slide: In the Agreement Accompanying the British Broadcasting Corporation's Charter, there is a requirement for
all news or political programming to "do all it can to ensure that controversial subjects are treated with due accuracy and
impartiality. This effectively results in a ban of editorialising.
Motion: THBT Major Daily Newspapers and TV News Channels should be required to treat controversial issues with due
accuracy and impartiality
Novice Final: THW extend the right to vote in Israeli elections to all Jews everywhere - including those who live outside
of Israel and who are not Israeli citizens
Final: THBT Religious Leaders should not endorse Political Candidates
THW transfer all state funding for elite sportspersons to youth academies
THBT war journalists should be forced to reveal their sources in international criminal tribunals (including the
International Criminal Court) trying cases of war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide.
THW publicly disclose all salaries
THW create separate schools for LGBTQ youth

THW consider senior politicians under oath when making public statements on political issues, thus making them
criminally liable for perjury if they lie
THB the media should show images of Islamic State attrocities in their full brutality
QF;THBT democratic states dominated by hegemonic political parties should forcibly break up those parties
SF;THR the way that brutal antiterrorism tactics have been portrayed in Western film and television media
Open_Finals;TH, as Turkey, would intervene militarily in the Syrian civil war.
R1;THW ban companies from using fear as a tactic in advertising.
R2;THBT the police should work with hacktivists
R3;THO the notion that marriage is meant to be long-lasting
R4;Assuming Russia agrees to help fight ISIS, TH, as the US, would cease funding to Syrian rebel groups
R5;THO films/TV shows that depict a minority narrative through a white heteronormative lense
QF;THR the rise of the sharing economy
SF;THBT treasure hunters should have possession of any artefacts they find
GF;THBT individuals should not share their political views on social media platforms

North American UDC10-16 (13,14,16)

Round 1: THW require all criminal defendants to use a government-provided lawyer.
Round 2: THW withhold Government funding from Indigenous Bands and Tribal Councils that do not have democratic
forms of government
Round 3: THW aggressively prioritize the posting of female diplomats to countries with poor women's rights records
Round 4: THBT Pakistan should sincerely pursue peace talks with the Pakistani Taliban
Round 5: THW not grant developing countries the right to host major international sporting events
QF: THBT white entertainers should refrain from utilizing modes of expression (dances, etc.) that are primarily
associated with minority cultures.
Info Slide: In the Agreement Accompanying the British Broadcasting Corporation's Charter, there is a requirement for all
news or political programming to "do all it can to ensure that controversial subjects are treated with due accuracy and
impartiality. This effectively results in a ban of editorialising.
Motion: THBT Major Daily Newspapers and TV News Channels should be required to treat controversial issues with due
accuracy and impartiality
Novice Final: THW extend the right to vote in Israeli elections to all Jews everywhere - including those who live outside
of Israel and who are not Israeli citizens
Final: THBT Religious Leaders should not endorse Political Candidates
NAUDC, 2014
R1: THW abolish spousal privilege. Info slide: Spousal privilege protects the individual holding the privilege from being
called to testify by the prosecution against the defendant/the spouse.
R2: As an author of a non-colonial language (inuktitut, iziXhosa, Quechua, etc.), THW only write in one's native
R3: THBT feminists should campaign to deconstruct masculinity rather than attempt to mobilize masculinity in service of
feminst goals.
R4: THBT states should not hold prisoners of war after a conflict's cessation.
R5: THR the rise of pop culture authorities on what constitutes good sex (how-tos, Cosmo Magazine, etc.).

R6: THW consider an academic's publicly-stated political positions (e.g. blog posts, Tweets, editorials) in hiring, tenure,
and promition decisions.
QF: THBT all media organizations should be owned and run by journalists.
SF: TH supports the prominence of the American Dream in the national discourse. Info slide: The "American Dream"
refers to the notion that, regardless of one's demographics, one can significantly improve ones quality of life through
hard work and persistence.
GF: TH, as the United States, would actively foment democratic unrest in China.
R1 THB existing welfare programs should be replaced by unconditional cash transfers.
R2 THB political polling and major election analytics do more harm than good.)
R3 THW not let cities use public funds to construct stadiums for professional sports teams.
R4 THB the U.S. should impose substantial tarriffs on Chinese goods until China ceases all currency manipulation.
R5 THR the success of white artists who co-opt minority dominated music subcultures (e.g. Rap, jazz, hip-hop, etc.)
R6 THW hold govrenment officials criminally responsible for severe harm to citizens resulting from grossly negligent
public policy.
Open_Quarters THR the rise of Choice Feminism.
Open_Semis THB the EU should revoke membership status of any state that withdraws from the Schenge Agreement.
Open_Finals THR "True Crime" entertainment. (e.g. Making a Murderer, American Crime Story: The People vs. OJ
Simpson, Serial, etc.)
Oxford IV
Round 1: This House believes that Adoption Agencies that receive state funding should give priority to same sex
couples and infertile couples.
Round 2: This House would ban the use of armed combat drones.
Round 3:This House would tax those who use expensive lawyers in order to fund state prosecutors and legal aid.
Round 4:This House would require large online social networks to be controlled democratically by their users.
Round 5:This House would hold the state liable for injuries or deaths due to being homeless.
Semifinal: This House believes that a free market economy does not make the workers free.
Final: This House supports the use of a draft by lottery when engaged in extended military interventions.
Round 1: This House Believes That Sex Education Classes in Schools Should Teach Techniques For Pure Sexual
Gratification (including, but not limited to, anal sex, oral sex, mutual gratification and masturbation)
Round 2: This House Believes That in developing countries aid organizations should be banned from religious
Round 3: This House Believes That Trade unions and labour protection laws should be suspended during times of
economic crisis.
Round 4: This House Believes That Israel Should Materially Support Arab Pro-Democratic Movements.
Round 5: This House Believes That a tax should be placed on successful artists in order to fund new and developing
artists(Note: Artists defined by the CA team to be the arts and the entertainment industry).
Open Quarter Final: This House Believes That International Law should allow states which accept refugees to sue the
states they come from for compensation.
ESL Semi Final: This House Believes That the LGBT Movement Should Not Support Pride Marches.
Open Semi: This House would Establish Brothels on Military Bases.
ESL Final: This House believes That the CEOs of the largest corporations should be chosen by the national democratic
Open Final: This House Would establish geographical zones where the selling and consuming of any and all drugs are

R1: THBT Google, YouTube, & social media websites should remove content which it deems to insult religions
R2: THB the ANC should nationalize all mines
R3: THBT Western governments should buy the freedom of slaves
R4: THBT the Greek military should suspend democratic government until economic recovery
R5: THBT companies should not take public stance in gay right issues
Quarter: THBT Emily's list should fund pro-choice male candidates
ESL Semi: THB governments should actively discourage consumerist lifestyles
Semi: THBT States should forcibly reverse the transmigration policies of their former dictators
ESL Final: THW give extra votes to youths over the age of 18
Final: THB in the right to bear arms

Round 1 motion: THW provide mobile teachers for the compulsory education of the children of travelling communities
(e.g. Roma and Irish Traveller)
Round 2 motion: THBT developed economies should collectively agree to impose radically redistributive tax codes
Round 3 motion: THW ban the gender testing of athletes in sports
Round 4 motion: THW require major polluters to open their borders to environmental refugees
Round 5 motion: THBT national war memorials should commemorate the casualties on all sides of the conflict
Novice Final: THBT when courts sentence offenders, they should give considerable weight to the views of the victims
Quarter: THW, as a liberal democracy, restrict coverage of small-scale terrorist attacks
ESL Semi: THBT political parties should adopt non-hierarchical organisational structures
Semi: THBT identity-based social movements should not include in their movements allies who are not part of the
identity group in question
ESL Final: THBT liberal democracies should cut all economic and military ties with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Final: THBT the United States should dissolve its offensive military capabilities

Round 1: This house believes that in order for a law to be enacted, it should have to be passed by the legislature and
then by a body chosen at random from eligible voters.
Round 2: This house believes that press agencies should not purchase or publish the work of freelance war reporters.
Round 3: This house believes the EU should suspend Hungary's membership rights.
Round 4: This house, as the gay community, regrets the existence of Grindr
Round 5: This house would deny public funding to parties with explicitly ethnic-based membership or platforms
R1: Infoslide: Religious Schools supplement state curricula with religious activities such as prayer or the discussion of
religious texts. Teaching is sometimes performed by religious leaders. Motion: THW Ban Religious Primary and
Secondary Schools
R2: Infoslide: The majority of US immigration visas are granted in order to reunify current legal US residents with their
overseas parents, spouses, or children. Motion: THBT US immigration policy should only prioritise merit-based
standards of acceptance over the reunification of families.
R3: Infoslide: Many countries increase punishments for crimes if those crimes are committed with an established
prejudiced motive. These are called 'penalty enhancements for hate crimes'. Motion: THW end penalty enhancements
for hate crimes.
R4: THBT Western Liberal Democracies should boycott the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia.
R5: THW allow opponents of abortion to sign legally-binding contracts with pregnant women, in which they pay those
pregnant women not to have an abortion.
Open Quarters: THR the rise of megacities (cities of over 10 million people)
ESL Semis: THW accept I was only following orders as a defence in war crimes trials
Open Semis: THBT after 50 years of ownership, the state should have the right to repossess all works of painting or
sculptures for the purpose of public display
Novice Finals: THW create and enforce filial responsibility laws (mandating that people take care of their parents)
ESL Finals: THR the institutions of marriage and civil partnership
Open Finals: Infoslide: A new planet has been discovered identical to earth. One of two systems can be implemented on
this planet Motion: THW implement Communism over Capitalism.
Austral 16
Open Grand Final

THBT the modern breast feeding movement has done more harm than good
THBT feminists should oppose drag culture
THBT feminists should refrain from using the act of sex to further their personal or political goals
ESL Grand Final
THBT we should oppose the Teach for All programme.
THBT as a middle class African-American parent, given the choice between an under-performing but predominantly
African American school and a high performing but predominantly white school, we should choose to send our children
to the predominantly African-American school.
THBT we should give control of education curriculum administration and policy (eg teacher pay and curricula) to
teachers unions.
Open Semifinals
THBT we should abolish corporate/company tax.
THBT we should establish an international body responsible for taxing and redistributing income earned by multinational corporations such as Facebook and Google.
THBT we should allow income splitting. (Income splitting allows a person to allocate part of their income to their partner
for tax purposes. e.g. Kirkby earns $0, Nick earns $100,000. Each is taxed at $50,000 each. It is not taxing them at
$100,000 as if they are one person.)
Open Quarterfinals
THBT we regret the efforts of the United States to make housing more affordable.
THBT we, as China, should compensate venture capital/private equity firms for investment losses in China.
THBT the pro-Palestine movement should not liken Israel to apartheid.
ESL Semifinals
THBT the narrative that charitable initiatives can be profitable (e.g. micro-financing, impact investment) has done more
harm than good.
THBT charities should not accept donations made by public figures as part of a public apology (e.g. public figures who
are criticized for being misogynists and then donate to domestic violence charities).
THBT the state should not provide legal recognition and support to charities whose main goal is to raise awareness.
Open Octofinals
THBT, where home schooling exists, we should ban religious individuals from homeschooling their children.
THBT we, as the Catholic Church, would abolish sainthoods and canonisation.
THBT individuals should always have the right to temporarily enter a state for the purposes of pilgrimage.
Round 8
THBT where the state has negotiated a sale of public land they must first offer indigenous groups the chance to
purchase the land on the same terms.
THBT the state should exclusively focus on rectifying current inequalities to the exclusion of compensating for historical
THBT local communities should be able to cap the number of tourists that enter their region over a specific period of
Round 7
THBT we should legalize secondary strikes/solidarity action. (industrial action taken by a workforce in support of
another, separate workforce)
THBT we should allow employees to give up workplace rights in exchange for higher wages.
THBT we would prefer a world where the norm is that people hold multiple part time jobs instead of the current norm of
one full time job.
Round 6
THBT citizenships should be placed on an international market for sale and purchase.
THBT the European Union should opt for less integration among its current member states.
THBT refugees should be able to bypass standard refugee quotas and procedures if they have an individual citizen take
responsibility for them.
Round 5
THBT we should ban animal eugenics programmes (e.g.: selective breeding and pure breeding)
THBT we should cease all state initiated conservation projects
THBT we should oppose giving human rights to individual animals who pass self-recognition tests unless the whole
species are granted those rights
Round 4
THBT public universities should not implement speech codes or codes of conduct that limit expression beyond the laws
of that country.
THBT we should regret the increasing dominance of academic discourse in civil rights movements (e.g. gender studies
to feminism and queer studies to that queer rights movement)
THBT universities and companies should only be allowed to recruit students and employees via a blind application

Round 3
THBT we should reject the culture of fearing death.
THBT we would prefer a world with only one language.
THBT humans should attempt to suppress their sense of beauty.
Round 2
THBT we should allow people to sue media companies over harms that are created due to factual misinformation that
they published.
THBT we should regret dating/hookup websites allowing their users filtering results on the basis of demographic
characteristics (race, gender, age etc.)
THBT Facebook should proactively suppress extremist content
Round 1
THBT where private prisons exist, they should be allowed to train/educate inmates in return for a percentage of that
prisoners income that they earn after they leave prison.
THBT we should ban litigation funding.
THBT the state should fully compensate the victims of crimes committed by recidivist criminals.

That we should prohibit police departments from having specialised public relations staff
That jurors should be allowed to directly cross examine witnesses
That we should remove statutes of limitation for all crimes
That we welcome China's establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as an alternative to the
International Monetary Fund
That those who live in states that suffer rampant corruption should evade tax
That we should allow citizens to donate to recognised charities of their own choosing instead of paying income tax
That we should refrain from characterising villains of history as monsters
That curricula in post-colonial states should focus on locally-authored literature, to the absolute exclusion of 'great work'
such as Shakespeare
That the media should have suppressed any reference to Dylan Roof's mental illness, and instead focus exclusively on
racism as an explanation for Charleston massacre.
That we should make Boards of Trustees at colleges and universities personally liable for sexual crimes committed by
their students against other students
That we should permanently remove men who abuse their partners from secluded communities where domestic
violence is entrenched.
That any potential romantic partners or professional sports players should deny them all physical and emotional contact
until clubs and sports authorities agree to structural reforms to combat sexism
That Germany should prosecute United States government officials for torture in German courts, regardless of their
participation in the trial
That we regret the Arabisation of Islam in South East Asia
That member states of the International Criminal Court should be required to violate sovereignty to make arrests on
behalf of the ICC
That religious organisations should be exempt from employment discrimination law when hiring for 'non-religious' roles
(e.g. secretaries, doctors, contractors)
That we regret the involvement of the church, its leaders and the language of religion (i.e. redemption, absolution) in
truth and conciliation processes.
That as a progressive person, we regret the changes made to the Catholic Church and its direction ushered in by Pope
presuming it were possible, That we would opt for a digital existence over a physical one
presuming feasibility, That we should allow individuals to selectively erase others' memories of them
in a world where it exists, That love with artificial intelligence is as valid as love with a human
That we regret Iraq's policy of offering its citizens large sums of money to personally kill terrorist militants
in the face of an overwhelming failure of conventional responses by nation-states, That churches should encourage and
materially support able members of their congregation to go and fight against ISIS
That Western states should block ransom payments made by families for the release of ISIS captives
That Western states should block ransom payments made by families for the release of ISIS captives
That political parties should be compelled to retain membership racially proportional to the population

That criminal justice policy should be outsourced to technocrats in place of elected representatives
That governments who fail to disaster-proof should be held liable for the deaths of their citizens in the event of a natural
That Greece should sell sovereign control over portions of its territory to private companies in order to finance its debt
That we celebrate the proliferation of regionally specific human rights instruments such as the Arab Charter on Human
Rights, despite deviations from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
That states should not enter into international agreements that contain investor-state dispute settlement provisions
That we should require companies that develop innovations disrupting established industries to pay compensation to
the labour forces they make redundant
That we should privatise the ocean
That faced with a choice between purchasing desirable but non-essential products (e.g. Starbucks) over spending on
alleviating suffering (e.g. donating to charity), that we ought to always do the latter
That we should not prosecute those who, for reasons of mercy, kill family members who are physically or mentally
incapable of consenting to death
That the government should pre-emptively and aggressively intervene in individuals' lives based on data-driven
predictions in areas such as health, education and crime
That companies should be compelled to finance their female employees to freeze their eggs and subsequently undergo
in vitro fertilisation (IVF)
That we should prosecute fathers who choose to walk out on their children for criminal negligence, irrespective of
whether they pay child support
Where conflicts have disproportionately harmed women, That post-conflict states should exclusively appoint women to
positions of leadership in the military
That we should demonise neutral states that refrain from taking action in conflicts with a definitely identifiable oppressor
That journalists and media organisations who cover conflicts should be required to render reasonable assistance to the
victims, even where it directly jeopardises their coverage
That living people owe a moral obligation to preserve an equivalent to present standard of living for future generations
That we regret the commercialisation of Pride
That we cannot achieve social justice
That African Americans should embrace claims made by white individuals, such as Rachel Dolezal, to identify as part of
their community
EUDC 2015 Viennna
TH would treat the deaths of soldiers as regrettable losses of lifes rather than examples of heroism
TH believes that parents of a musical child genius have a moral obligation to push that child to maximise their musical

Open SF
TH would require all defendants in criminal cases to be represented only by state-employed lawyers.

THW introduce a a mandatory term of at least one year of non-military national service for 18 year olds

TH would legalise surrogacy for profit in Western Liberal Democracies

Open QF
TH would prohibit businesses from taking a public position on social justice issues.


Round 1: This House pay all elected politicians the median wage in their country.
Round 2: This House believes that when multi-national corporations conduct any business in Western states, these
nations should enforce their environmental standards at all stages of production.
Round 3: This House believes that Western states should not use private military contractors in combat.
Round 4: This House would ban any treatment, service or ritual from claiming a physical healing effect until it is tested
and proven more effective than a placebo by a national regulator.
Round 5: This House believes that the European Union should lift its arms embargo on China.
Round 6: This House would only allow the media and campagning organisations to depict or publish information about
the deceased in a tragedy with the explicit permission of the family.
Round 7: TH believes that the West should stop all attempts to gather information or intelligence by deception and/or
coercion of foreign citizens
Round 8: TH believes that it is legimitate for individuals to punish people they deem to have committed online
harassment by revealing their identity online.
Round 9: THW introduce a 100% inheritance tax
Warsaw EUDC 2016
Preliminary Rounds:
R1: This house regrets the rise of Social media as a primary source of news distribution.
R2: This house supports Barack Obamas statements that emphasize African-Americans taking individual responsibility
for improving their own position in life.
R3: This House would create state-run centres where individuals can purchase and consume psychedelic *drugs*
whose primary effect is to alter cognition and perception e.g. LSD and Magic Mushrooms.
R4: This house supports strong government intervention to prevent gentrification.
R5: This house believes that the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra should regularly play the works of Richard Wagner.
(Factsheet:Richard Wagner was a 19th century anti-semitic German composer. His music was favored by the Nazis and
played at the Nuremberg and reportedly at Nazi Death Camps. When Wagners music was played in Israel, it lead to
protests and remains controversial.)
R6: This house regrets the mass commercialisation of football.
(Factsheet: A sanctuary city, for example San Francisco, does not allow police or city employees (e.g. educators,
social, and health care workers), to inquire about an individuals immigration status. These cities do not co-operate with
the federal governments controls on illegal immigrants.)
R8: This house believes that Latin American states should provide extensive material support for a military coup against
the Venezualan government.
R9: This house believes that the European Union should fund satirical publications in its member states that target farright pol. parties.
QF: This house believes that Western States should fund the spread of atheism in Iraq through provision of education,
health care and welfare.
SF: This house regrets the safe space movements attempts to significantly limit speech on university campuses.
(Factsheet: The growing safe space movement has used both social pressure and direct action to achieve its
aims.These include, but are not limited to: banning certain speakers, and limiting exposure to controversial and
potentially triggering topics.)
F: This house believes that western states should support breakaway regions in former Sovjet states (e.g. East Ukraine
l South Ossetia) joining the Russian federation conditional on holding free and fair referenda.
PDQ: This house supports BRICS* countries creating alternatives to the current international economic institutuins (i.e.
the IMF, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization).
*Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)
QF: This house would require the economic policies of political parties to be approved by an independent panel of
experts before being used in campaigns.)
SF: This house supports Irans extension of the Sharia principle of an eye for an eye to the victims of acid attacks.
(Factsheet: Recently there has been a high number of acid attack against women, either due to personal feuds or for
their non conformity to islamic values. Iranian courts that are governed by Sharia law ruled that victims have the right to
choose to blind their attacker by putting acid in their eye(s).))
F: This house would nationalize and provide public access to the Metadata being gathered by online multinational

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