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Escola Secundria Alberto Sampaio

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Exame da Quarta Unidade Ensino Recorrente - Secundrio
5Name: ___________________________________________________ Nr: ____ Class: __
Evaluation: _____________________ Date: __________Teachers Signature:_____________
I Read the following text attentively and then answer the questions about it.


Up to now, very few people have been able to break out of the "work ethic "; most still see time not
spent on a paid job as time wasted. Yet, many of these " spare time " pursuits can develop into
15important and practical skills. Hobbies such as computer programming, knitting, cooking or tinkering
with an old car or motorcycle can be expanded into the basis for a job. Personal abilities, such as
running, swimming, martial arts, singing or playing a musical instrument can give a sense of
achievement and pride.
Lee Remick, American actress and confirmed Anglophile, tells us all about her sunny Californian
One of the things I like doing best on a Sunday is gardening.
We have a pretty little American house in Brentwood. It has a swimming pool -every house has one
here -and I can grow almost every flower and shrub, except wallflowers. Im really cross about that
because they are so lovely, but they need the British cold. Lilac is another plant that doesnt do well in
25the Californian climate, but we do have rosemary and lavender bushes -and fuchsias and dahlias. They
are such fun, so colourful! You just stick these tiny little plants into the ground and within weeks they
are big and tall and lovely. They cheer us up a lot and the scent is amazing.
Gardening is very rewarding. It's so therapeutic to go out and dig or weed all day -all your problems
just melt away and you feel mentally relaxed.
30I enjoy cooking but I like buying and choosing it -preferably from the market -even more. If we 're
spending Sunday at our holiday house in Cape Cod then we always have oysters -they lie around on
our back doorstep waiting for us to pick them up and eat them!
Whatever day of the week it is and wherever I am in the world I still enjoy the same pastimes -if I'm
not working I like browsing round art galleries and antique shops. I collect paintings and artistic
35objects -and I'm an absolute freak about linen! I have a vast collection of tablecloths and pillowcases
from a variety of countries.
I. Find the words/ expressions in the text that mean the following.
401 to escape
2 leisure time activities
3 Make us feel better
4 Visiting for search
5_ I like very much
I. A - What do the following words refer to in the text?
1 her (line 7)
2 It (line 10)
503 They (line 13)
4 them (line 20)


II. Find evidence in the text for the following sentences.


1 People consider leisure a waste of time.

2 The weather in Cape Cod is not good for wallflowers.
3 Gardening can be a way to forget our problem s and relax.


II. A- Complete the following sentences according to the ideas of the text.
1 Some hobbies can prepare people to
2 We can have a sense of achievement by
III Answer the following questions.
1 What are Lees hobbies?
702 Which flowers cant she grow? Why?
3 Why does she love growing flowers?
4 Whats her favourite food when shes in Cape Cod? Why?
IV. A - Rewrite the following sentences making the necessary changes but keeping their
75meaning. Use Whatever; Wherever, Whoever.
1 - You can learn the basic techniques of windsurf in a week. It doesnt matter who you are
2 No matter where you are you can always have a hobby.
3 Collecting is a hobby everybody can have. It doesnt matter what you collect.
IV. B Rewrite the following sentences in one or two sentences using the words in
1 - On days when the waves are big, the surfers drop everything, including their studies. Waves are
usually too small. (because)
902 - Schweitzer noticed there was often a strong wind and he set about finding a way to use it. (So)
3 - Since you need very little equipment, and the wind is always free windsurfing is growing fast in
popularity. (Therefore)
V - Write a short composition on ONE of the following themes.
A - My favourite sport.
100B The importance of leisure in my life.

2 3 4 5 IA 2 3 4 II
2 3 IIA 2 III 2 3 4 IVA 2 3 IVB 2 3 V Total
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 7 7 12 15 15 20 9 9 9 6 6 6 46 200

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