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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report

Bible scholars agree that sky, sea, and physical earth contain spiritual forces behind
barriers or 'gates'. In the Book of Revelation, chapter nine and verse fourteen, we read of
"the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates."

Likewise, in Job 26:5, the literal Hebrew translation says,

"The Rafa (fallen angels) are made to writhe from beneath the waters."

Additional biblical references indicate that the subsurface earth is a prison or holding tank
where God has bound certain fallen entities. (2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6) That such spirits might
seek to move beyond their confines through human intervention or invitation, is defined in
Scripture. The Hebrew people were warned not to communicate with spirits seeking to
emerge from darkness ( Deut. 18:11), and, as an example, when the witch of Endor
communicated with the same, they ascended up from "out of the earth" (1 Sam. 28:13).
Based on such scriptures, it seems reasonable that an intelligent, functioning dynamic
exists beyond or behind mythology, which according to Christian doctrine is identical with
legions of fallen spiritual forces held within spiritual boundaries. It also appears that, by
invitation, they can "ascend" or transcend these gateways, presenting themselves as 'light
bearers' or angels of light (2 Cor. 11:14).
Some have wondered of "metaphysical" stargates where astral soul projection could occur
while others have had questions about etheric energy alignments between points in
interstellar space allowing vibrational energies to pass through distances of space along
the space-time continuum
Since the beginning of time and on every continent of the world the record bears the
frightening image of those who often come through:
In 1918, famed occultist Aleister Crowley attempted to create a
dimensional vortex that would bridge the gap between the world of
seen and unseen. The ritual was called the Amalantrah Working, and
according to Crowley became successful when a presence
manifested itself through the rift. He called the being "Lam" and drew
a portrait of it. The startling image, detailed almost 90 years ago,
bears powerful similarity with "Alien Greys" that we see in todays UFO
pop culture.
A popular hypothesis sometimes called The Ancient Astronaut theory claims that superintelligent beings have been visiting the earth through dimensional gates for eon. These
are "the gods of mythology" and responsible for creating the human species. In the
introduction to his bestselling book, Chariots of the Gods?, Erich von Daniken, who, it might
be argued, is a father of the Ancient Astronaut theory, said:
I claim that our forefathers received visits from the universe in the remote past, even though I do not yet
know who these extra-terrestrial intelligences were or from which planet they came. I nevertheless proclaim
that these "strangers" annihilated part of mankind existing at the time and produced a new, perhaps the first,
homo sapiens.

As was illustrated in the Hollywood films Contact, and Close Encounters Of The Third Kind,
von Daniken's premise took America by storm in the 1960's with the proposition that
mankind was possibly the offspring of an ancient, perhaps ongoing, extra-terrestrial

Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report

Some accept this as an alternative to the Biblical account of creation. It's uncertain how
many believe such a theory, but approximately eighty percent of Americans alone believe
in the possibility of extra-terrestrial life. Some, like the 39 members of the Heaven's Gate
cult that committed suicide in Rancho Santa Fe, California, and who believed they were
being summoned by a UFO trailing the Hale-Bopp Comet, subscribe to an eerie amalgam
of mysticism and conventional religion.
In ancient culture the Sumerians, Hebrews, Hittites, Babylonians, Assyrians, and others
believed that gateways on earth symbolize celestial openings through which darkinfluences and light-influences seek entry. It was therefore important to use imitative magic
for protection against undesirable entities at homes and cities. Gateways (stargates)
represented on earth in Assyrian archways were, for instance, built using elaborate
construction ceremonies and blessed by names of good omens.
While smaller versions of protection-deities guarded individual home entries, colossal
transgenic creatures flanked city gates and palace entries to keep undesirable forces from
coming through those portals, important imitative magic thought to represent heavenly
ideas, guardians that were often accompanied by winged spirits holding magic devices
atop protective statuettes concealed beneath floors.
The apostle Paul used terminology in the Bible concerning forces of darkness and forces of
light, which seek entry into individual homes as well as control over whole cities. The
antidote against this evil influence, according to Paul, was the light of the Gospel of Christ.
Descriptions of Christ's Gospel advent include the familiar language of the heavens
opening--as in a gateway, doorway or window (see Mt. 3:16; Acts 7:56)--through which the
light of the Spirit would come.
In more than thirty important biblical passages, the Greek New Testament refers to an
invisible domain or "government" located in the space between heaven and earth--the
kosmos. Archons command this geopolitical sphere according to the Bible, dominating
kosmokrators (rulers of darkness who work in and through human political counterparts),
who, in turn, command influences of lesser rank until every level of earthly government is
touched by this power.
If we could see through the veil into the dimension of these beings, we might find the
atmosphere alive with good against evil. Some say this is the place where the prize is the
souls of men, and where legions war for control of its cities and people.
In this edition of the Global Watch Weekly we delve into the subject matter regarding
gateways, portals and stargates and their past relevance both in politics and science.
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will be as irreversible as a birth.

The occultic plan of the New Age Movement is

ultimately intended to collectively build what is
called the "antahkarana", defined as a mystical
"planetary rainbow bridge", created by the
upward thrust of spiritual/mental energies from
humanity at one end and the downward response
of the Hierarchy at the other, which will eventually
"unite Humanity and the Hierarchy".

But from a different source, we learn that the

complete bridge may also materialize briefly in
history, only to dissolve again.
Alice Bailey writes of a temporary formation of
the Rainbow Bridge, and proudly points to an
example of what happens when the "Shamballa"
force has this kind of "unimpeded" access to
humanity: "the planetary crisis" of "the World War
(1914-1945) [sic]." That crisis was "beneficent" in
several ways from a New Ager point of view,
principally in that it flushed out "evil from its
hidden place and brought the opposing forces
challenging the Hierarchy to the surface of
existence, prior to their 'sealing'."

This rainbow bridge is built by a "science of

manipulating incoming energies and outgoing
forces. Once it is completed, the bridge will be
"electrified" or "energised", and will serve as the
avenue by which the Hierarchy can carry on "full
planetary inter-communication" in order for Sanat From Bailey's, or Djwahl Kuhl's, other remarks,
Kumara to direct world affairs.
we can be sure that Hitler's Nazism was not the
"evil" being referred to here. We are told that the
As Barbara Marx Hubbard puts it, the completion "sealing" of evil is "still being carried slowly
of the Rainbow Bridge will mean the completion forward", as the "antahkarana" nears its final
of planetary consciousness, in which all personal completion.
individuality will be surrendered. This kind of
transformation will trigger a kind of "birth".
However, like the physical birth process, it's
"dangerous, and there's nothing guaranteed"; it
could lead to "a baby that kills the mother", in
other words, "Armageddon" or it could result in a
"normal collective mass consciousness baby".
But meanwhile, even progress towards it
completion is believed to have an effect on
human events. Hubbard implies that the
Harmonic Convergence of 1987 made a great
contribution toward the Bridge building, resulting
in the collapse of Communism.

In technological terms the rainbow bridge is

known as a star gate. Whilst a concept which has
become the subject of a major movie and series,
in the occult world star gates are based on the
creation of physical architecture which provides
the means for channelling the energy between
From Hubbard's point of view, the Bridge is being two destinations.
irrevocably pieced together, and its completion


A pattern of mysterious events around the world
and across over time has caused researchers to
search for reasons. This research led to the
discovery of a map showing 12 equally spaced
areas around the globe in which magnetic
anomalies and other energy phenomena occur.
(e.g Bermuda Triangle etc.) This map of these
energy points and intersections described as
Many of the worlds most incredible monumental "rivers of energy" was somehow lost to history or
structures are built on what is called Ley Lines purposely taken out of circulation for many years.
or Vortex Points which are deemed by the
occult to be strategic energy points on earth According to occult sciences, when scared key
which hold significant levels of energy. Ley lines lines and architecture are synchronized then a
are alignments of ancient sites, holy places, and stargate is created allowing doors to different
specific important locations such as stone circles, dimensions to intersect and open up. Almost
every structure owned by the global elite uses
standing stones, vortices, and monuments.
what is called sacred geometry, an occultic and
supernatural mathematical system that was used
to build the pyramids and which has been used
to build some of the present day monuments.
This is why many of the worlds most incredible
monuments are based on the structure of
pyramids, octagons, obelisks and domes. These
designs are the most powerful and efficient at
channelling energy. The type of energy being
channelled being dependant on the activities
taking place within the structure.

One of the greatest monuments yet to be erected

is the rebuilding of Solomons Temple on the
temple mount in Jerusalem. Whilst the standard
perspective adopted by many bible prophecy
teachers is that this temple will be rebuilt to
Ley lines link a number of ancient landmarks by a coincide with the re-emergence of the levitical
series of straight lines. Ley lines are literally priesthood, from an occultic perspective the
rivers of energy that flow through the earth and freemasons are also pushing for the temple to be
also between worlds and other universes. They rebuilt because the temple is a significant
are the veins and traffic arteries that make up the monument in their belief structure. In Mel
universal transportation system. They are found Sangers, Holy War it states.
in places known as nexus points. Ley lines occur
"The traditions and romance of King Solomon's Temple are
all over the world in a crystalline pattern based on of great interest to everyone who reads the Bible. They are
a system of triangles and that great temples of of transcendent importance to Masons. The Temple is the
the ancient world are built into this pattern at outstanding symbol in Masonry, and the legendary story of
these nexus points all over the globe. Some of the building of the Temple is the fundamental basis of the
Masonic rule and guide for conduct in life ... The cream of
these places are:

The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt

Stonehenge in England

The Bermuda Triangle - 3 Points

Southern Japans Dragons Triangle

Pyramids at Xian, China.

Easter Island

Masonic historical and philosophical writing has been

drawn upon for his description of the Temple and its
relation to Masonic ritual."

It needs to be understood that monuments and

relics are of great importance because of the
occult power. For instance what is the Stone of
Jacob doing beneath the Queen Elizabeths
throne chair? Why was the Queen crowned at
her coronation ceremony on top of a symbolic
Egyptian step pyramid.


energies up to seven times greater than any
achieved before.


A strange report began circulating in the
Kremlin back in September 2008, stating that
over 20 US Soldiers from the United States
Armys 716th Military Police Battalion, 101st
Airborne Division, tasked with providing security
for the ancient Iraqi city of Babylon, and based
in the Iraqi city of Hilla, had committed mass
suicide after their attempt to link what was
described as an ancient stargate to the CERNs
Large Hadron Collider which was one of the
most controversial science experiments in
human history, conducted in Switzerland.

Needless to say the actual event did not

endanger life on this planet. However there was
an eerie connection to the stargate phenomena
which has become a controversial aspect of the
US occupation of Iraq. The mass suicide of US
soldiers was also reported by Irans Press TV
News Service: Fars News Agency reported.
Iraqi security sources have revealed that 21 US troops had
committed suicide inside a former Iraqi air force base 27
days ago,

The CERNs Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was

reportedly being used as the power source for
this attempt to contact the gods through this
In 2008 Scientists from around the world came
together to launch the Large Hadron Collider, a
particle accelerator in Switzerland, tasked with
recreating the conditions of the Big Bang and
answer some of the most fundamental questions
of the universe.

In the lead up to this spectacle, concerns about

the project f rom scientists and conspiracytheorists alike intensified leading to lawsuits in
American and European courts over last-ditch
efforts to halt the project, and a flurry of
threatening e-mails and telephone calls from
worried members of the public who feared the
massive machine could cause earthquakes and
tsunamis that would destroy the world.
Located deep underground on the SwissFrench border, the Large Hadron Collider is a 27kilometre- long circular tunnel in which highenergy beams of protons travelling in opposite
directions were slammed into each other at

According to the sources, the 21 troops were

treated in a hospital but only five soldiers had
survived and were in a critical condition. Security
officials said they used potent narcotics to kill
themselves. "The bodies of the US troops
became misshapen[in] such a way that they
looked like 5000-year mummies," said a witness.
It should be noted that Russian Intelligence
Analysts have long reported Western Nations
Dr Michael Salla in his controversial article. An
Exopolitical Perspective on the Preemptive War
against Iraq made the following statements
An independent archaeologist that discusses a direct link
between the ancient ET presence in Sumer (southern Iraq)
and current US focus on the regime of Saddam Hussein, is
William Henry. Henry's main thesis is that there existed in
Sumerian times a technological device which he describes
as a 'Stargate', that the Anunnaki/ Nephilim used to travel
back and forth from their homeworld and the Earth, and
also how they travel around the galaxy. If there is a
Stargate existing in Southern Iraq that will play a role in
such a 'prophesied return of the gods', then it is most likely
that clandestine government organizations


that greatly influence or control the Bush administration,
are aware of the existence and the role of this Stargate.
Iraq's President Hussein is most likely also aware of such a
Stargate's existence as might be inferred by his
architectural projects intent on reviving the grandeur of
early Mesopotamian civilizations, and cementing his place
as the restorer of Iraq's past glory.

Salla believes, that a Babylonian Stargate was

also strongly implied by the previous Bush
administration's penchant for secrecy and
overturning many of the Freedom of Information However Mr. Kashkari, these reports state, was
initiatives from the earlier Clinton administration. employed
Salla continues,
government contracts includes its ultra secret
Control of the Stargate, in addition to any other Stargates projects at the Groom Lake, Nevada, otherwise
that may have been established in the capitals of other
known as Area 51. Area 51, officially
civilizations, e.g., the Egyptian, Incan and Aztec; would
presumably give clandestine government organizations designated as an "operating location near Groom
greater leverage with ET races that are presently Lake, Nevada", is the nation's leading-edge
interacting with the planet, or are predicted to arrive on the aerospace research, development and testing
scene in some event associated with the 'prophesied return complex, managed by the Air Force Flight Test
of the gods'.
Center Detachment 3 (AFFTC DET 3),
At the very least, control of the Sumerian Stargate would headquartered at Edwards Air Force Base in
allow clandestine government organizations to dictate the Southern California.
pace of global transformations that ET races promise to
introduce to the Earth with their advanced technology,
superior knowledge and heightened psychic abilities.

Russian Military reports circulating in the Kremlin

also stated that the entire $700 billion bailout
package signed into law by President Bush
before his departure had been put into the hands
of one single man by the US Secretary of the
Treasury Henry Paulson in one of the strangest
moves yet committed by the United States in its
managing of the total collapse of the Worlds
These reports further state that Mr. Kashkari had
entire financial structure back in 2008.
just returned to the United States from Iraq where
What made this move so strange is that the man he was the lead investigator into the mass
that was tasked with saving the entire Western suicide of American troops attempting to open
banking structure was an Indian-American what is described as a stargate in the ancient
named Neel Kashkari who at the time serving as Iraqi city of Babylon.
the senior advisor to the US Treasury Secretary
was better known in Russian Intelligence circles This task was particularly suited to Mr. Kashkari,
as an American aerospace engineer.
these reports continue, due to his previous work
with what is described as the ancient technology
Neel Kashkari was known as the Stargate
Commander of Area 51 as prior to his entering currently being held by the United States at their
the higher echelons of the US financial structure, Area 51 complex, and which has long been
was one of NASAs top scientists who created, rumored to also hold the remains of aliens and
among other technological wonders, the James their spacecrafts retrieved by the Americans over
Webb Space Telescope (JWST) which is due to the past 60 years, and which earned him the
Russian Intelligence codename of Stargate
replace the failing Hubble.


Another controversial situation concerning CERN
took place 18th June 2004 at the 128th session
of the CERN council, in which a 2m statue of the
hindu dancing goddess Shiva was unveiled at


India's involvement with CERN dates back to the

early 1960s.
The use of Hinduism to symbolise CERN is of
great importance since the occultic plan of the
New Age Movement is based largely on eastern
Hinduism in an irreversible connection between
earth and the spiritual plane is a key concept. As
previously mentioned, the occultic plan of the
New Age Movement is ultimately intended to
"antahkarana", defined as a mystical "planetary
rainbow bridge", a spiritual definition of a
technological stargate, created by the upward
thrust of spiritual/mental energies from humanity
at one end and the downward response of the
Hierarchy at the other, which will eventually "unite
Humanity and the Hierarchy".

The special plaque next to the Shiva statue

explains the significance of the metaphor of
Shiva's cosmic dance with quotations from
"Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual
images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes.
In our time, physicists have used the most advanced
technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance. The
metaphor of the cosmic dance thus unifies ancient
mythology, religious art and modern physics."

What the plaque didnt mention was that Shiva is

known as the god of destruction. The Council
meeting closed with a ceremony to unveil the
statue offered to CERN by the Government of
India as a symbol of India's long-standing
relationship with CERN.
Speaking at the unveiling ceremony, Dr Anil
Kakodkar, Chairman of the Indian Atomic Energy
Commission and Secretary to the Government of
India, expressed his satisfaction that the Indian
scientific community is part of the quest for
understanding the Universe.

There have been other projects aside from CERN

which also relate to stargate technology. The
Looking Glass Project involved a backengineered extra-terrestrial device originally
designed to be a portal opening mechanism for
stargate type travel - which had (has) the
capacity to bend time/space so that events over
the forward and rear event horizons could be
viewed. When it is paired up with a second
device using the settings, events can not only be
viewed but heard and more. This device was also
being tested for communications protocols and
transportation applications as recently as 20032004 before being dismantled for safety reasons.


Mel Sanger is the author of the
Antichrist Identity Series, a
series of special reports which
have been read by hundreds of
thousands of people globally
and have provided a significant insight into
some of the most controversial aspects of
coming one world government. Sanger was also
the founder of the Vision Report Watch, the
forerunner of the now weekly Global Watch
Mel Sanger was interviewed in June 2010 by
Daniel Bailey and much of the content is relevant
for this edition of the Global Watch Weekly. So
here is a partial transcript of the interview.
Daniel: Mel as you may be aware, our July
coverage will be focused on the ongoing
controversy regarding the American Intelligences
cover up regarding the finding of a stargate in
Iraq. What your thoughts on this?
Sanger: In some ways if this is true it would not
surprise given the importance of Babylon from a
prophetical perspective. I know Biblical Scholars
tend to have a habit of disowning a specific
interpretation should it not meet the political and
economical horizon of their present vantage.
Hence many scholars have interpreted
Revelation 18 as reference to the United States,
Europe or the Vatican. However the Old
Testament prophecies were very clear that a
literal rebuilding of Babylon is required so
anything which happens today in modern day
Iraq is clearly setting the scene for one of the
most direct signs for the last days.
Daniel: Do you believe a stargate was the reason
that the foreign policy of the United States was
so focused on an invasion of Iraq regardless of
the United Nation Security Council
Sanger: I am still myself reviewing the evidence
for a stargate in Iraq as there tends to be a lot of
misinformation and counter misinformation
whenever something like this attracts publicity
and it can be a painstaking process separating
fact from fiction. I believe what had taken my
interest is that some of the people voicing their

support for such a view are some of the most

respected academics and lecturers within the
scientific and political field. Furthermore if you
have read Wendy Alecs fictional account called
Son of Perdition there is one whole chapter
devoted to fallen angels literally entering into the
earth realm as men through a stargate tunnel
between the abode of their dimension and earth.
Where did Alec place their appearance onto
earth. Shinar.
Daniel: Yes, we have made reference to Wendy
Alecs works in previous editions. It doesn't
surprise me that she would have placed such an
event as happening in Shinar as I believe she
also is aware of the stargate conspiracy.
Sanger: At this point the nature of a stargate, if it
exists in Iraq would be still not clear. Is it a device
that allows a human being to travel into a
completely different dimension, is it a device that
allows fallen angels to enter into our realm, or is
it a device that allows for direct exchange of
information, materials etc between different
However what we do know from a biblical
perspective is that there is a spiritual abode
called the bottomless pit which is also referred to
as hell; tartarus in Greek as well as the deep
which in Greek is abassos or the abyss. We
know there are specific fallen angels there based
on Revelation 9, II Peter and Jude. However we
know all fallen angels are not all there so it does
denote some level of categorisation where some
are imprisoned and some are not.
Daniel: As you know the belief of us here at
Rema is that these imprisoned fallen angels were
the ones whom were originally called the Sons
of God in the old testament and are now
masquerading as extra terrestrials in the present.
Sanger: There is no doubt that the extraterrestrial
phenomena is a spiritual phenomena and not just
some alien species evolution from another
planet. Classical examination of alien abduction
cases clearly shows there is deceptive and
specific anti biblical message that is constantly
being channelled through which is one which
prominent writers like Zecharia Sitchin, and Erich



Von Daniken and others have been deceived. A
belief system in which human beings are the
product of a high ranked universal species known
as annunaki. We all know this in conflict with the
Genesis story of creation. The only being in the
universe with the power to create life form is the
God of the Bible. We know Satan can manipulate
and alter life but he cannot create life and this
marks a significant theological difference
between Christian UFOlogists like Chuck Missler
and IDE Thomas versus the likes of Sitchin and
Von Daniken.

I know many of our members have been asking if

you are going to be releasing any new
publications this year.

Daniel: No doubt about that!

Sanger: Yes it was very important to understand

how Christianity is also being impacted upon by
the signs of the times. If you study the evolution
of Christianity from the time of the Apostle Paul
you will see evidence that Christianity has
endured some incredible and significant attempts
to undermine, thwart, destroy and infiltrate the
Christian Faith. Some of the things that have
happened to Christianity have actually become
stumbling blocks to some. For example there are
many who believe that Christianity is actually a
pagan religion whose origins are tied up with the
Egyptian mythology of Isis and Osiris. There are
also some very deep wounds that still exist when
trying to take the gospel to the Middle East. The
barbaric crusades and barbarism shown by the
Christian Crusaders when trying to convert new
territories to Christianity during the medieval
period. Furthermore there were some ecumenical
councils that were heretic such as the Council of
Trent. Sometimes the landscape can be
disturbing if you study the history of Christianity.

Sanger: However I wouldn't say that the possible

existence of a stargate is the only reason that the
US wanted to invade Iraq.
Daniel: Interesting. What other reasons come to
Sanger: One of the other key items to be
followed are the plans to rebuild only the third
Jewish temple in history on the present day
temple mount in Jerusalem. Now what you and
your members need to understand is that the
British and American governments and many of
the Western European governments are under
Masonic control. Masonic lodges are the ones in
archaeological efforts underneath the Temple
Mount. Therefore considering the volatility of
such a plan to the Islamic world the presence of
the might of the West in the Middle East will
always act as a deterrent to the Islamic World
rising up in provocation.
Daniel: Hearing you say that reminds me of the
fact that God is so vastly intelligent and superior
to us that he can allow different strands of
economic, political and religious events all to be
interwoven with each other to facilitate a specific
endpoint without us fully realizing it whilst the
strands are being woven. Really awesome.
Sanger: That is why to me, the stargate issue is
just one of another long line of strands rather
than the one and only strand if you see where I
am coming from.

Sanger: There are a number of commitments I

am working on for this year and one of them is
The infiltration of Christianity which is due to be
completed by Mid August.
Daniel: This is rather a different focus for you as I
believe its the first publication you have worked
on which turns the lens on Christianity itself
rather than the secular world.

However the ultimate thing to understand is that

there is, has been and always will be a marked
difference between the truth, and how truth is
presented and so one needs to understand that if
the presentation of the truth is in conflict with the
truth, this is not an issue with the truth, but an
issue with the presentation of the truth. So the
main thrust of the report is to fully understand the
incorrect presentations of the truth, especially
those of modern times.
End of Interview

Daniel: No I hear you loud and clear. So what is

on the horizon for you this year.


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