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Deber de Ingls

Consulta de Ingls

Tania Micaela Pineda Gonzlez

2 de mayo de 2014
8vo C

Form (Forma)
To conjugate the present simple we use the inifinitivo for subject "I", "you", "we"
and "they" and for another "he", "she" and "it", we add a "-s" to end of the verb.
Para conjugar el presente simple usamos el inifinitivo para los sujetos "I", "you",
"we" y "they" y para las terceras personas "he", "she" y "it", aadimos un "-s" al
final del verbo.
I, You, We, They
He, She, It

talk, eat, learn, watch, do, go...
talks, eats, learns, watches, does, goes...

Note: There are exceptions of spelling in the third person, as referred to in the
verb ends. The rules are the same as those used to form the plural of nouns. For
more information, see the lesson on the names.
Nota: Hay excepciones de ortografa en la tercera persona, segn la letra en
que termina el verbo. Las reglas son las mismas que se utilizan para formar el
plural de los sustantivos. Para ms informacin, ver la leccin sobre los

Structure (Estructura)
1. Affirmative Sentences (Frases afirmativas)
Structure (Estructura)
Subject+ main verb (Sujeto + verbo principal.)

I talk. (Yo hablo.)
He eats. (l come.)
They learn. (Ellos aprenden.)
2. Negative Sentences (Frases negativas)
Structure (Estructura)
Subject + auxiliary verb ("do") + auxiliary negative ("not") + main verb.
Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("do") + auxiliar negativo ("not") + verbo principal.

I do not [don't] talk. (Yo no hablo.)
He does not [doesn't] eat. (l no come.)
They do not [don't] learn. (Ellos no aprenden.)
Note: In negative sentences, the auxiliary verb ("to do") changes and the main
verb is in the infinitive.
Nota: En frases negativas, el verbo auxiliar ("to do") cambia y el verbo principal
va en el infinitivo.

3. Interrogative Sentences (Frases interrogativas)

Word Structure assistant ("do") + subject + main verb
Estructura Verbo auxiliar ("do") + sujeto + verbo principal

Do you talk? (Hablas t?)
Does he eat? (Come l?)
Do they learn? (Aprenden ellos?)
Note: As in negative sentences, interrogative sentences in the auxiliary verb
("to do") changes and the main verb is in the infinitive.
Nota: Como en frases negativas, en frases interrogativas el verbo auxiliar ("to
do") cambia y el verbo principal va en el infinitivo.

Uses (Usos)
1. The present simple is used to talk about things that usually happen. Unlike
the Spanish, the simple present is not used to talk about something that is
happening at the moment in which we speak.
1. El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de cosas que suceden
habitualmente. A diferencia con el espaol, no se usa el presente simple para
hablar sobre algo que est pasando en el momento en el que hablamos.
You often use the present simple with adverbs of time:
Se suele utilizar el presente simple con adverbios de tiempo:
Always (siempre), every day (cada da), usually (normalmente), often (a
menudo), sometimes (a veces), rarely (raramente), hardly ever (casi nunca),
never (nunca)...

I always talk to my mother on Sundays. (Siempre hablo con mi madre los
He never eats vegetables. (Nunca come las verduras.)
They learn something new in class.They usually learn something new in class.
(Normalmente aprenden algo nuevo en la clase.)

Adverbs of time go before the verb except the verb "to be" (ser / estar). When
"to be" used the verb goes before the adverb.
Los adverbios de tiempo van delante del verbo, excepto el verbo "to be"
(ser/estar). Cuando se usa "to be" el verbo va delante del adverbio.

I am always happy. (Siempre estoy contento.)
He is often sick. (A menudo l est enfermo.)
They are rarely late. (En raras ocasiones llegan tarde.)
2. Se utiliza para hablar de generalidades o hechos cientficos.

He does not [doesn't] eat vegetables. (l no come verduras.)
She works in a hospital. (Ella trabaja en una hospital.)
Elephants live in Africa. (Los elefantes viven en frica.)
Bogota is in Colombia. (Bogot est en Colombia.)
Do children like animals? (Les gustan a los nios los animales?)
Adults do not [don't] know everything. (Los adultos no lo saben todo.)
3. Se usa para eventos programados en el futuro prximo.

The train leaves at 10:00. (El tren sale a las 10h.)
The party is tonight. (La fiesta es esta noche.)
Does the festival start tomorrow? (Empieza el festival maana?)
The plane does not [doesn't] arrive today. (El avin no llega hoy.)
4. Se usa para instrucciones (el imperativo).

Open the window. (Abre la ventana.)
Eat the vegetables. (Come las verduras.)
Don't cry. (No llores.)
Do your homework. (Haz los deberes.)
Call your mother. (Llama a tu madre.)

WH questions ask for information. They are different than Yes/No questions.
Preguntas WH piden informacin. Ellos son diferentes de s / no.
There are 6 different WH question words:
Hay 6 diferentes palabras interrogativas WH:






What is that?



When is the game?



Who do you live with?



Where do you live?



Why are you happy?



How are you?

STRUCTURE (Estructura)
WH questions in simple present use do or be:
Preguntas WH en el uso presente simple "hacer" o "ser":
WH Questions with "do"
Preguntas WH con "hacer"

Where do you work?
When does she wake up?
Who is your brother?
WH Questions with "be"
Preguntas WH con "ser"


Where are you from?
Who is that man?
When is your class?
Note: WH Questions are similar to YES/NO questions except they have WH
words at the start.
Nota: Preguntas WH son similares a preguntas s / no a menos que tengan
palabras de WH en la salida.

Are you from Canada?
Where are you from?

Here are some example questions and answers:

He aqu algunas preguntas de ejemplo y respuestas:
Where are you from?
I am from Japan.
What is your name?
My name is Jacob.
When do you wake up?
I wake up at 7:30 am.
Why are you angry?
I am angry because I did not pass my exam.

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