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Galloway Book Trailer Film Festival

To promote Literacy, Comprehension, Creativity, Collaboration, Technical

Skills and Fun, students from 3rd to 6th grade can participate in our First Galloway
Book Trailer Film Festival!
Students will have to select a book to read, and create a Book Trailer about it
in groups of 3 to 5. We would guide them through the process of writing the script,
production, filming and editing.
Categories. Two 3rd 4th Grade. 5th 6th Grade.
Books. Bluebonnets, Class Book Clubs, or Librarian Selection.
Format. Any format. (Stop Motion, Animation, Acting, Shadow Theatre, etc).
Maximun of 2 minutes.
Jury and Prize. TBD
Suggested Timeline.

Group Selection. November December.

Pre-production Stage. January February.
Production Stage. March April.
Screening. May

Please answer the survey attached. We would like your input and well need your
support. If you would like to Sponsor a team, please volunteer. Teacher sponsors
will help students selecting books, verifying comprehension, guiding script &
storyboards. Most of the production should be done at home, the filming and editing
portion might require more assistance but we have the Technology Facilitators on
board. We might have to have some after school sessions but later in the year.

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