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Lab #: 9

Date: 28/10/2016
Problem statement: Karla was given three (3) different alcohols, each with a molecular
formula C4H10O. She observed that only two out of three alcohols resulted in a colour change
from orange to green when warmed with K2Cr2O7/H+ (aq). Propose a hypothesis for the
observation and design an experiment to test the hypothesis.

Title: Oxidizing agent on alcohols

Aim: To investigate the effect of the oxidizing agent on the three alcohols with different
structural formula

Hypothesis: The two out of three alcohols that had a colour change with K2Cr2O7/H+ are
primary and secondary alcohols. The alcohol that didnt react with the K2Cr2O7/H+ is a tertiary

Apparatus/Materials: test tube, dropper, K2Cr2O7/H+ , Alcohol 1, Alcohol 2, Alcohols 3.

1. Full the three different alcohols in different test tube 15cm3 each.
2. Label the 3 different alcohols in the test tube as Alcohol 1, Alcohol 2 and
Alcohol 3
3. Add 5 drops of K2Cr2O7/H+ to each test tube
4. Observe the colour change from orange to green in each test tube and record
the readings from each alcohols


Manipulated: type of alcohol

Controlled: same volume of alcohol
Responding: Colour change

Expected results:
Title: table showing colour change of the alcohols


Alcohol 1

Orange to green

Alcohol 2

Orange to green

Alcohol 3

No colour change

Limitation/possible sources of error/precaution:

1. Ensure the mixture of K2Cr2O7/H+ and alcohol is place next to a white tile to observe
the change in colour better

Lab #: 10

Problem Statement: Mr. smith wants to buy a new car. He has a choice of vehicles which runs
on leaded gasoline, unleaded gasoline, compressed natural gas and diesel. His environmentally
conscious friend suggests that he buys a car which contributes to the least amount of pollution.
Suggest which fuel is most environmentally friendly and design an experiment to test your

Title: Incomplete combustion of Gasoline

Aim: To investigate the levels impurities of (leaded gasoline, unleaded gasoline, compressed
natural gas and diesel).

Hypothesis: The compressed natural gas will be cleaner than the (leaded gasoline ,unleaded
gasoline and diesel)

Apparatus/Materials: measuring cylinder, sprit lamp, unleaded gasoline, leaded gasoline,

diesel, compressed natural gas, Ca(OH)2

1. Using a measuring cylinder 100 cm3 of leaded gasoline is added to a sprit lamp
2. The sprit lamp is closed, ignited and the gases evolved is gathered
3. Slaked lime (Ca(OH)2 ) is used to react with the gathered gases (which contain
CO2 (g) )
4. CaCO3 is ppit out from the solution and dried and weighted
CO2 (g)+ Ca(OH)2(aq)
CaCO3(s) + H2O(l)
5. Repeat steps 1-4 with unleaded gasoline, compressed natural gas and diesel
6. Compare the amount of CaCO3 in each gas to know which one is the cleanest


Manipulated: type of fuel

Controlled: volume of fuel
Responding: Amount of CO2

Expected results:
Title: Table showing amount of CaCO3 present in each gasoline
Type of gasoline

Amount of CaCO3 weighted

Unleaded gasoline
Leaded gasoline
Compressed natural gas

Limitation/possible sources of error/precaution:

1. Not all the fuel will be burned because some will still remain in the lamp
2. Ensure that the slaked lime and CO2 is given enough time to completely react

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