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Portfolio: Tigers

Name of the team which is assessing: The Catalaustrians

Peer-Assessment Portfolio Block III

III-1 Learn to teach

Grade: 24/25

Is there a justification of the chosen teaching method?

Is the teaching method appropriate according to the problem?
Are the strategies clear, well-exemplified and realistic?
Does it show metacognition?

III-2 Do we assess what we want?

Grade: 25/25

Is the assessment test sample available?

Is GAPpisa guide used to analyse this exam?
Are all the dimensions of GAPpisa analyzed?
Is the analysis well-developed?

III-3 An authentic assessment (Voluntary)

Grade: 13/15

Is it a competency-based test assessment? Why?

Would you like to do this assessment test?

III-5 Movie Forum

Grade: 20/20

Are the answers coherent with the questions?

Are the answers well-substantiated, well-developed and concise or is there a lack of
information/argumentation or exemplification?

III-6 Glossary (Assessment class)

Grade: 20/25

Are they key concepts included in the Glossary?

Does each definition include an example to clarify the concept?
Are the definitions clear and well-developed?

III-7 Self-Assessment

Grade: 5/5

Is the self-assessment accurate?

Other comments or assessment criteria you consider important
Activity 1 (Learn to Teach): I like the fact that it is a very specific activity and methodology
that can really be used in the context you propose. The solution to the problem of how to
learn the English verbs conjugations is very original. Not only because it is made throughout
a video, which is something very interesting, but doing it as if it was a tutorial and showing

that it is doable, not just by doing an explanation but by doing what you say. And of course
it does show metacognition, as the methodology you are using is metacognitive modeling
for the activity you propose. A suggestion for your improvement would be to make a better
quality/sound video, but in any case it has been such a wonderful idea doing it visually
rather than having to read the instructions.
Activity 2 (Do we assess what we want?): you have chosen a really good example, it
remember us exams we done when we were kids. You may include a brief justification about
the chosen exam; maybe you have other reasons apart from being a good example. What is
more, you have used a table to analyze the GAPPISA guidelines. You have justify all your
answers extensively and really well-explained.
Activity 3 (An authentic assessment): The exam is well written. It comprehends all the
main topics studied during the course. In addition, questions are written in an interesting
way and make reference to real contexts and situations. However, the exam could promote
more reflection as some questions are ambiguous, like questions 2 and 5.
Activity 5 (Movie forum): The answers to the questions are pretty well developed. You write
examples of the activities Erin does in class to reinforce your explanations. I think it is also
positive the fact that you bolden key words. It also makes reading more pleasant, also
when you have to look for a word or explanation in a fastest way.
Activity 6 (Glossary): The glossary is very complete, it contains all the main vocabulary
useful for face competencies and assessment. Definitions are understandable and well
explained. The majority of them include examples, as they make it easier to understand the
defined word. So as to improve, you could include some example cases according to the
strategies. It would be very interesting!
Activity 7 (Self-Assessment): You have done a really good job. Regarding the questions, all
of them are well written and justified. It is clearly seen you are a well-organized team and
your work is done with time and dedication. We like a lot the fact that you include examples
of activities done at class you have enjoyed. As you have include the rubric on the website
remarking the level in which you are, allows the readers to have a clear idea about in which
level are you, it is very visual. CONGRATULATIONS!

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