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De Renan-Janell Lim publicat n 11 iunie 2015

Purtai elemente de protecie (ochelari, masc), ncercai s evita i inhalarea
vaporilor ... odat ce acest proces este finalizat nu manipula i materialele acoperite
cu minile goale ... purtai 2-3 straturi de mnu i de cauciuc de unic folosin ...
dac atingei materialul nano utilizai Ruta, o planta pentru care pute i cumpra
picturi (* Rue Herb Tinctura Ruta graveolens 100ml Dropper Flacon)
Pasul 1: Punei cuie ruginite, burei de srm, srm (srm de cupru solid sau
orice fir asemntor cu srma) ntr-un container de plastic.
Pasul 2: Adugai sod caustic (poate fi cristale, granule, fulgi, hidrat de amoniu,
hidroxid de sodiu, leie, etc.) (aproximativ un kilogram de caustic poate produce
aproximativ o jumtate de ton de material prelucrat) (se adaug aproximativ 1/4
dintr-o cana pe fundul containerului de plastic)
Pasul 3: Adaugai ap (suficient ca s se poat scufunda materialele cu o
jumtate de ol / un ol de ap deasupra sau cam asa ceva), la temperatura de
fierbere, deoarece avei nevoie de o surs de cldur (apa n fierbere). Starea de
fierbere este o condiie. Aceasta produce condiiile corecte i de mediu pentru a
produce nanooxizi.
NT: innd cont de punctul 4, nainte de a turna apa clocotit se pune capacul
containerului oblic, lsnd un spaiu pentru turnarea apei.
Pasul 4: nchidei deschiztura de sus a containerului punnd capacul i se las
timp de cel puin 24 de ore. Materialul are nevoie de timp pentru a se face acest
lucru. Dup 24 de ore ... golirea recipientului. Nu atinge i mult materialul ... pute i
scurge soluia din container ... dar n noul recipient n care l-a i pus aduga i un pic
de soluie caustic din apa utilizat anterior. Pune i un pic n partea inferioar a
noului container ... Trebuie mentinut umed. Avei posibilitatea s utiliza i un
material diferit pentru noul container atunci cnd l transfera i, dar ve i ob ine
rezultate diferite, de exemplu, n cazul n care l-ai pus ntr-un recipient de sticl, n
loc de altul din plastic. Se recomand s utilizai tot un recipient din plastic,
deoarece se obin anumite rezultate cu plastic.
Pasul 5: Se transfer materialele pe care le-ai inut n primul container cel pu in 24
de ore, ... n cellat container, care este un mediu bun conductor de electricitate

(se folosete un alt container din material plastic, dup cum s-a artat mai sus,
avnd un pic de soluie caustic n partea de jos pentru a-l pstra foarte umed, de
asemenea, aa cum s-a artat mai sus bure i de srm pentru a ridica materialele
cu un ol deasupra fundului recipientului ... se a eaz materialele astfel nct
acestea s aib propriul lor spaiu i nu se ating unul de altul ... ca i cum ar fi
pizza pe un cuptor cu band transportoare. (a i putea folosi o plac de metal / o
mas n miniatur n loc de burei de srm pentru a le ine deasupra fundului
Pasul 6: Aplicai o tensiune foarte mic materialelor ... atinge i o singur pies din
metal (de exemplu un fierstru vechi) i un cui n acela i timp (cuiul i ferstrul
nu se ating fizic ntre ele), cu un voltmetru cu cleme banane (a i putea folosi o
baterie) trebuie s fie de aplicri n mod aleatoriu ntre 5-10 secunde ... atunci
descrcai curent / tensiune.
Pasul 7: Punei capacul pe container (n acest moment este vorba de containerul 2)
i l lsai ntre 5-7 ore. Apoi descrcai din nou curentul / tensiunea, la fel ca
nainte i apoi lsai-l din nou timp de 5-7 ore, repeta i acest proces de 3 sau de 4
ori n timp de 24 de ore. Chiar i o mic baterie (a a cum este men ionat mai sus),
creeaz condiia care permite curentului s circule corect. Acest proces permite ca
straturi nano s fie produse la exteriorul materialului. Astfel crea i materiale nano la
un cost aproape zero. Materiale nano pot fi folosite pentru decontaminare. Aceasta
este o metod simpl i ieftin pentru producerea de materiale nano, care a fost
folosit timp de 7 ani i este utilizat n diferite scopuri.
Pasul 8: Materialele pot fi apoi mutate ntr-un alt recipient i trebuie s se pstreze
cu capacul pus pn n momentul utilizrii. Astfel se pstreaz recipientul (numrul
3) nchis cu materialele nou create n interiorul lui pn cnd trebuie s se
* Sfat, nu expunei materialele la aer pn n momentul utilizrii ... trebuie s
mpiedicai oxidarea n continuare.
Orice metal poate fi acoperit cu nano ... fie c este vorba de o el, fier, cupru, aur,
etc. Foi de cupru (la fel de subiri ca i hrtia), cu un strat de oxid de cupru nano
pot fi utilizate la baterii ... (economisii o mulime de $$) pot s fie folosite ca un
superconductor, i ca un izolator.
Trebuie s ne amintim c metalele adugate n "oal" (recipientul din plastic 1) vor
crea diferite straturi compozite ..., de exemplu, atunci cnd ve i aduga aluminiu
(sau recipieni de la lumnri), acesta se va dizolva n solu ie i va crea un strat

Straturile compozite vor fi determinate de ce metalele sunt n "oala". Versus fr

nici-un strat compozit n cazul n care a fost utilizat doar cupru. Oricum ar fi e
bine ... vei obine doar rezultate diferite ...
ntr-un fel Dl. Keshe spune c acoperirea nano este ca i crearea unui magnet .... i
n funcie de acoperire va atrage lucruri diferite. Pute i repeta pa ii 1-8 n
ntregime, de mai multe ori, pentru a construi straturile voastre ... adugnd de
asemenea "fr sare" (un substitut de potasiu la sare gsit n magazine alimentare)
sau KOH (hidroxid de potasiu), sau vrfurile de sticle de coca (n n elegerea mea
nu capacele, ci doar "gturile" inclusiv partea filetat a sticlei) ca s se amestece i
ele ....
Urmai paii 1-8 n principiu, dar, de asemenea, experimenta i i ntocmi i jurnale
detaliate ale tuturor experimentelor i, probabil, vei descoperi un nou mod sau un
rezultat nou. De asemenea, i locul de amplasare n camera n care pune i
recipientul de plastic va determina omogenitatea straturilor voastre.
Dac l punei n apropierea unui perete jumtate dintre materiale pot fi acoperite
mai puternic dect restul .... totul are cmpuri, inclusiv masa pe care l plasa i ....
care pot influena straturile create de dumneavoastr. Aminti i-v de msurile de
siguran n primul rnd!

NOT: V solicitm nu doar s experimentai, ci, de asemenea, s jurnaliza i n

detaliu metodele i rezultatele voastre. Asta fiind spus, v rugm s
experimentai ... c aceasta este o nou frontier n tiin i un numr nelimitat de
noi descoperiri este posibil ... aceasta este doar o modalitate de a face materiale
nano .... vom reveni cu alte moduri.

*** V rugm s nu uitai s v mprtii cunotinele .... mprt i i aceste

informaii i discuii n mod deschis, astfel nct s nvee to i i s beneficieze de
Referine Knowledge seekers videos la:
Referine la alte cunotine la: (site-ul n general,
documentele, brevetele (USB stick), i n special crile i forumul)
rkshop Keshe

Foundation Public Teaching
i numeroasele interviuri i prelegeri ale D-lui. Keshe date online prin intermediul
Youtube i la radio.

Best Regards
Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute
We share our experiences in Spaceship Institute of Keshe Foundation in Italy.

-- Notele originale


By Renan-Janell Lim on Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 8:12am
Wear protective suit (goggles, mask) try to avoid breathing vapors...once process is done do not
handle the coated materials with bare hands...wear 2-3 layers of disposable rubber gloves...if you
touch the nano material (use Ruta its a natural herb which you can buy in drops (*Rue Herb Tincture
Ruta graveolens 100ml Dropper Bottle)
Step 1: Put rusty nails, chicken wire, wire (solid copper wire or wound fiber like wire) into plastic
Step 2: Add caustic (could be crystals, pellets, flakes, ammonia, sodium hydroxide, lye etc) (about a
kilo of caustic you can produce about a half a ton of the right material) (add about 1/4 of a cup on the
bottom of the plastic container)
Step 3: add boiling water (enough to submerge the materials by a half inch/inch or so (nails etc)
because you need a heat generator (the boiling water). It's a boiling condition. It produces the right
condition and environment to produce nano oxides
Step 4: You have to close the "gap" the container (put the lid on) and leave for 24 hours minimum.
The material needs time to do it's work. After 24 hours...empty the container. Do not touch the
material can drain the container...but the new container you put it in add a little bit of the
caustic/water solution from the original contain. Put a little bit on the bottom of the new contain...It
must be kept moist. You can use a different composition of container when you transfer it because it
will give you different result for example if you put it in a glass container next instead of another
plastic one. They recommend a plastic container because you get certain results with plastic.
Step 5: Transfer the materials you left in the 1st contain for at least 24 hours...into another contain
which is electrically conductive (they use another plastic contain as stated above, with a little solution
on the bottom to keep it very moist also as stated above then chicken wire folded over inside the
contain to raise it like 1 inch off of the bottom...lay out the materials so they have their own space not
touching one how pizza's would be on a conveyor oven. (you could use a miniature
metal plate/table instead of the chicken wire to hold it up off the bottom of the container)
Step 6: Add a very very small amount of voltage across the materials...he touches one piece of metal
(old saw) and a nail at the same time (the nail and the saw piece aren't physically touching each
other) with a voltage meter and banana clips (you could use a battery) It has to be of impulses of
randomly between 5-10 seconds...then you with draw the current/voltage.

Step 7: You put the cover back on the container (at this point it's container 2) and you leave it
between 5-7 hours. Then you come back and create a small current again like before and then you
leave it again for 5-7 hours you do this process 3 or 4 times over 24 hours. Even a small battery (as
stated above) creates the right condition that allows the current to flow. This process allows nano
layers to be produced from under to the top of the material. You create nano materials at near zero
cost. Nano materials can be used for decontamination. This is a simple, and cheap method for
producing nano materials that has been used for 7 years and is used for different purposes.
Step 8: The materials can then be moved into another container and must be keep with the lid on
until point of use. So keep the container (number 3) closed with the newly created materials inside
until you need to use them.
* Secret, you can not expose the materials to air until the point of have to prevent them
from oxidizing further.
Any metal can be nano it steel, iron, copper, gold etc. Copper sheets (like as thin as
paper) with a copper oxide nano coating used in batteries...(worth a lot of $$) can be used as a
super conductor and an insulator.
You got to remember that the metals you add to the "pot" (1st plastic container) will give you different
composite layers....for instance lets say your first time through the process you add aluminum (or
candle tins) these will dissolve in the solution and give you a composite layer.
The composite layer will be determined by what metals are in the "pot". Versus no composite layers if
you were strictly to use lets say just copper. Either way is will just get different results....
in a way Mr. Keshe say's nano coating is like creating a magnet....and depending on your coatings
you will attract different things. You can repeat entire steps 1-8 several times to build up your
layers...also adding "no salt" (a potassium substitute to salt found in your grocery store) or KOH
(potassium hydroxide) and the tops of coke bottles (my understanding is it's not the caps but the
"neck" and threaded part of the bottle) to the mix as well....
Basically follow steps 1-8 but also experiment and create detailed logs of all your experiments and
perhaps you will discover a new way or new result. Also where in the room you place the plastic
container will determine the homogenous of your layers.
Place it near a wall and half of your materials may be coated more heavily than the rest....everything
has fields right down to the table you place it on....which can influence your layers you are creating
Remember safety first!

NOTES: -We urge you not just o experiment but also log in detail your methods and results. -That
being said please this is a new frontier in science and a near limitless amounts of

new discoveries are possible...this is just one way to make nano materials....come up with other

***Please remember to SHARE your KNOWLEDGE....lets keep this info and the discussion out in
the open for all to learn and benefit from. Reference Knowledge seekers video's at: Reference other knowledge (the site in general, the papers, the patents (usb stick) and particularly
the books and the forum) Keshe Foundation Public
And the numerous interviews and lectures Mr. Keshe has given online via Youtube and the radio.

Best Regards
Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute
We share our experiences in Spaceship Institute of Keshe Foundation in Italy.

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