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74 APL Specinexrion 160 Accum ulstors shell meet the requirements of ASME BPVC, Section Vill, Division 1 Accum ulators shall have @ tated working pressure at least equivalent to the hydraulic system rated working pressure. The accumulator system, vhen used, shall have @ volumetric capacity set by an agreement between buyer and seller 10.8.6 Remote Actuation Backup System, The ctilling choke hydraulic control system shall be designed wih a backup operating system to open or close the diiling choke after loss o° primary power. The backup hydraulic system shall have a rated working pressure equal to ‘or greater than the primary hydraulic pump. 10.9.7 Materials Materials in the control system that are isolated trom ‘well fluids shall he in accordance with the manufacturer's written Specification, including acceptance criteria. Materials in the control system in contact wth well fluids shall be suitable to pertonn adequately in the service. 10.9.8 Control System Rigid ines Requirements Drilling choke control system rigid lines shall meet the general requirements of Section 4 and the specific requirements of 10.7 10.9.9 Control System Flexible Line Requirements Bailing choke: control sysem flexible lines ere a component pert afthe hycraulic ines connecting the valves andl the hydraulic driling choke control unit. Control system flexible lines shall be in accordance with SAE J 517 10.910 Retained Fluids The inner bore of the control system flexdole line assembly shall be designed to withstand continuous exposure to ‘water, water glycol, emu sified oils, end petroleum based hytroulic fuic. Flexible lines shall meet requirements of SAE 1517 as applicable 10.9.11 Connections ‘Control system fesibie lire assemblies fumished with extemal threaded connections shal meet AP] SB 410.9.12 Drilling Choke Console Diiling choke control consoles shell confarn to the requirements of annex G 10.10 Articulated Choke and Kill Lines 1010.1 Articulation 1010.14 Anaiticulates chokeandiar kil line is an assembly afm anifold components uss dta provide a flowcon duit for pumping into @ well er accepting flow tom a well. Choke lines and kill fines may he differentiated by contained fuids and function. Where ap propriate, choke lines and kill ines should he referenced separately. Unless referenced separately, the definition and requirements for choke and kil lines shall referto both types of lines. NOTE Flawbak equipmantfor well testing, well clean-up, postfracking, eto. ie outside the soaps ofthis dacument, Chow Axe KUL Ba vimuw 75 10.10,4,2 Articulating line components include swivel unions, pup joints, fittings, and valves. Connections between | components are designed ta faciitate assembly and disassembly, Articulated lines are distinguished ftom rigid piping in thet they are temporary installations. Articulated lines provide for texibity in installation and! curing use, Articulated ines are distinguished thom flesthle lines inthatthe individual components are rigid, fexbilty being provided by points of rotation designed ss @ part of swivel components, érticulated choke and kill tne shall be used only when fluids end uid velocities are planned or known. Unless the velocity is specifedl by the OEM, do not exceed! an average Tuld velocty of 40 tis (12.2 ms), Maximum average velocity can vary depending on differences in abrasive content or gas content, The OEM should be contacted! for recomm endations ifthe fluid contains gas. Articulated lines shall not be used If fuid composition or fluid velocities are unknown, In these cases, use rigid piping NOTE 1 Average fuid velocity is the flow rate divided by the actual, notnominal, bore diameter ofthe component NOTE 2 Fluid flow thr ough articulated line components i: bidirectional, NOTES For optimum flexibility, the artioulated line requires at leastseven points of rotation, Figure 10 shows. typicel articulated line assem bly and Figure 11 shows en example ot points of rotation Figure 10—Ex ample of an Articulated Choke or K ill Line (HA Rao Be ‘Three points of rotation Two points of rotation Figure 11—Exarple Illustrating “Points of Rotation” 6 (PPI Srepinearen 160 40.10.2 Marking Articulated lines conforming to this specification shall be provided with color cosing as detailed Table 30. While components may 08 painted, a portion ofthe color coding shall be retained and shall he visible during application Each individual pressure-cortaining pert of the artioulsted line assembly shell ke marked ‘ith pert number and material batch code. Each subassembly in the aiticulated line shall be identified wih stainless steel nameplate or hand that includes part number, pressure rafing, and serial number and sour service: (if applicable), Each union nut shall be marked wih size, figure number, manufacturer, and working pressure Table 30—Color Coding of Artic ulated Choke and Kill Line Components fessuce tana a cater . eam Sandra Tire “B00 Standard Black 7000 Standard Red i apm Standard Tamas i “B00 Sou Sar Dive Green i =00 Sou bas Dive Green ‘The serial numbers on each sub assembly shall be traceable to all material test reports, inspection deta, and manufacturer's factory pressure tests related to the subassembly, Serial numbers shall also be traceable to inspection documentation. Avticulated lines shall be marked with the infarmation at the locations detailed in Table 26. 1010.3 Installation The individual application will cictate the flexibility required for the assembly, The manufacturer's recommendations and restrictions stall ke folowed for each inctalistion. 10.11 Buffer Chamber 40.41.41 Design Criteria ‘The design thickness for all rated working pressures shall be in accordance wth AP| 6X. The design alloweble dresses shall be in accordance with 4.3. Nozzles and nozze attachment reinforcement shall be in accorcance wth API BX. 410.11.2 Preseure Rating 40.41.21 The pressure rating for a bufier chamber shall be established by the system designer consistent with the overall design of the manitold, This pressure rating shail inno cass he lessthan thet ofthe lowest rated connedtionto the buffer chamber and associated valves as applicable, nor ofthe downstream equipment 10.11.23. The design pressure rating tor the buffer chamber, newand cold, shall be clearly identified on the buter chamber by means of a nameplate securely a fixed to the buffer chamber itself

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