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Impact Analysis of Integrating

Renewable Energy in the Grid

FYP Progress Report

Submitted by:
Ahmad Usman Khan


Bilal Ahmad Khan


Abubakar Ijaz


Hassan Mehmood


Engr. Dr. Sohail Aftab Qureshi
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

During the last two decades or so, the dynamics of electric power generation mix have changed
considerably. Power planners and decision makers have turned their attentions towards renewable
energy resources from conventional thermal power sources such as furnace oil, natural gas and
nuclear power owing to reasons such as increasing fuel prices, supply chain complexities and
growing environmental awareness, etc. In case of Pakistan, this trend has gained popular
acceptance due to the lack of political consensus on the sustained induction of cheap and clean
hydro power. This makes power planning considerably complex. In the stability perspective, major
portion of the renewable contribution could suddenly become unavailable causing a complete
breakdown of the power system. On the economic front, renewable energy does not come cheap
for Pakistan owing to the investor friendly Renewable Energy Policy 2006 besides the ground
reality that both the technology and the expertise are not indigenous. Under this situation, it is high
time that the impact of integrating Renewable Energy (RE) in the Grid is thoroughly assessed, in
view of the best utility practices, under a number of different scenarios including seasonal,
generation sources other than wind and solar, etc. This research project is thus proposed to analyze
the impact of renewable energy projects, as per generation additions and retirements highlighted
in the current development plan of National Transmission and Dispatch Company. The study may
propose other options such as hybridization of RE projects to make it economical as well as optimal
utilization of the transmission lines, prioritizing non RE generation sources, undertaking
technology transfer, etc.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Power System ...............................................................................1
1.1 Assessment Dimensions .........................................................................................................2
Chapter 2: Methodology .................................................................................................................3
2.1 Steps for Project Execution ....................................................................................................4
Chapter 3: Introduction to PSSE ...................................................................................................5
3.1 Power Flow .............................................................................................................................5
3.2 Dynamics ................................................................................................................................6
Chapter 4: Load Flow Studies..........................................................................................................7
4.1 Power Flow Simulations in PSSE ..........................................................................................8
4.2 Actual Procedure ...................................................................................................................8
Chapter 5: Generic Wind Models....................................................................................................9
5.1 Fixed-Speed Wind Turbines ...................................................................................................9
5.2 Variable-Speed Wind Turbines ............................................................................................10
5.3 Doubly-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) Wind Turbines ......................................................10
5.4 Full-converter Wind Turbines ..............................................................................................11
Chapter 6: Test Case ......................................................................................................................12
6.1 Power Flow Solution ............................................................................................................13
Chapter 7: Converted Power Flow for Switching Studies ............................................................14
7.1 Plotting Stability Study Results in PSSE ..............................................................................18
7.2 Applying Bus Fault ................................................................................................................19
7.3 Applying Branch Fault ..........................................................................................................22
Chapter 8: Conclusion ..................................................................................................................25
Chapter 9: References ..................................................................................................................26


Chapter 1: Introduction to the Power System

The Electric Power System of any country aims to make available a continuous, stable and
uninterrupted supply of usable electricity to all residents of the country. Through the years,
researchers and engineers have given different ideas to make this possible while keeping economy
in mind. Presently, power planners agree that an efficiently functioning power system can be
realized by recognizing and dealing separately with its three major components: Generation,
Transmission and Distribution.
Since it is not possible to store anywhere near significant amounts of electrical energy for supply
to consumers, it is only logical that Generation is a 24-hour process. To provide generated
kilowatts and megawatts of power from power plants to the populations, a power system needs to
have a comprehensive and (preferably) lossless Transmission network. And finally, we have the
Distribution network that delivers this power to the consumers home, office, industry, etc. Hence,
each of the components is equally important for the efficient functioning of a Power System.
Roughly, the process can be defined as follows. Electrical Energy is generated by harnessing
electrical energy sources (coal, solar, wind, etc.). This is generally produced at relatively low
voltages that are determined by the generators rating and other factors. Since generation plants
are normally situated at some distances from populations, this energy now needs to be transmitted
over large distance. Experiments have shown that high voltage transmission of electricity causes
significantly lower losses than low voltage transmission. For this reason, the voltage is stepped up
through the use of power transformers and poured into the network of transmission lines. A
transmission network is confronted with continuously changing power system conditions like
varying generation and load conditions, faults leading to outages of equipment, planned and
unplanned shutdown of generators and other transmission equipment, harsh weather conditions
and many other challenges but the transmission system is designed to accommodate all these
challenges; for a stable and reliable operation of the power system.
Now, since high voltage electricity can cause serious damage if handled incorrectly, this voltage
is stepped down before it is distributed to the consumers. The distribution network ensures every
consumer in the population receives a stable supply of electricity.

1.1 Assessment Dimensions

Modeling and analyses of Solar PV and Wind power systems into the existing network of southern
Pakistan. More specifically, we will be conducting our analyses on the Hyderabad Electricity
Supply Company (HESCO)s electrical system. The following analyses will be performed:
Load Flow Analysis
Short Circuit Analysis
Transient Stability Analysis

Chapter 2: Methodology
Review of Relevant Literature

Gathering of Network Data for

Base Case

Development of 30-bus
Simulation Base Case in PSSE

Simulation Run of Base Case to

get Baseline Result

Integration of Renewable Energy

Sources in the Base Case

Re-running Simulation to Get

Updated Results

Benchmarking with Baseline


Any Additional Simulations to

Clarify Result

Drawing Inferences from the


2.1 Steps for Project Execution

Formulation of renewable systems (solar PV and wind generation) for study and

Modeling of both solar PV and wind power generation and grid system network in
southern part of Pakistan.

Performing the following analysis on PSS/E software:

Load Flow Analysis
Short Circuit Analysis
Transient Stability Analysis

Chapter 3: Introduction to PSSE

PSSE is a system of programs and structured data files designed to handle the basic functions of
power system performance simulation work, namely,
Data handling, updating, and manipulation
Power Flow
Fault Analysis
Dynamic Simulation + Extended Term Simulation
Equivalent Construction.
The PSSE program is based on the engineering philosophy that all power systems simulations
should make use of the best possible modeling of all power equipment. The selection of component
models was strongly influenced by computing equipment limitations during the early years of
power systems simulation. Many simulation programs used equipment models that were
recognized and classified by their ability to fit within specific computer specifications or their
compatibility rather than by their engineering accuracy and precision.
Modern computer systems have eliminated the predominance of computational considerations in
selecting component models. Computer memory addressing capability is now unlimited. Now, the
governing factors in selecting equipment models are the understanding of the processes each piece
of equipment is taking part in, and its significance and the availability of accurate data.
Hence, PSSE is based on the modeling criteria and the actual mathematical and engineering
technique. The program employs the latest technology and numerical algorithms to efficiently
solve networks. PSSE, a high-performance transmission planning software, has supported the
power engineers with comprehensive modeling capabilities for more than 40 years.
Composed of comprehensive programs, PSSE can perform advanced studies in both, generation
and transmission. Handling of large amounts of data is made simplified through the use of the

3.1 Power Flow

A power flow study (also known as a load flow study) is an important tool of PSSE involving
numerical analysis applied to a power system. Unlike traditional circuit analysis techniques, a
power flow study usually uses simplified notations such as a one-line diagram and per-unit system,
and focuses on various forms of AC power (i.e. reactive, real, and apparent).

Power flow studies are important because they allow for planning and future expansion of existing
as well as non-existing power systems. A power flow study is also used to determine the best and
most effective design of power systems.

3.2 Dynamics
The dynamic simulation program includes all the functionality for transient, dynamic and long
term stability analysis. The dynamic simulation interface is operated as a separate program,
currently independent of the PSSE interface. This can be observed when going to a PSSE
program and viewing the dynamics as a separate program. The purpose of the dynamics is to
facilitate operation of all dynamic stability analytical functions. The dynamics program, in addition
to supporting the dynamics activities, also continues to support the traditional load flow interface
through the LOFL activity. This lab will not address dynamic simulations.

Chapter 4: Load Flow Studies

There are 4 variables that are associated with a bus, P, Q, V and . Accordingly, there are two
power flow equations related with each bus. In a power flow study, two of the four variables
mentioned above are defined and the remaining two are unknown. That way, we have the same
number of equations and unknowns so we can find the unknowns. These variables depend on the
type of the bus.
Generally, buses are classified as:

Swing /Slack bus: The specified variables of this bus are |V| and . The Swing/slack bus is
the reference bus. The phase angles of all the other buses are relative to its angle. It also
accommodates for the extra losses and demands that might appear. Swing bus must also
adjust net power to maintain constant voltage magnitude.

PV buses or Voltage controlled bus: The specified variables of this bus are P and |V|.
Voltage magnitudes |V| at these buses are held constant no matter how much reactive power
Q is needed.

Load/PQ buses: The specified variables of this bus are P and Q. This is the normal load bus.
We specify P and Q while the rest of the values need to be determined.

The following equations need to be solved:

1. Two equations for the active and reactive power for each load bus.
2. The active power equation for the PV bus (since V is already specified for this bus)
We have three commonly used methods to solve for unknown variables. Each method has its pros
and cons. It is up to us to develop a compromise according to our requirements.
GaussSeidel Method
This is the most primitive devised method. It shows slower rates of convergence compared to other
iterative techniques, but it requires very little memory and does not need to solve a matrix.
Newton-Raphson Method
The Newton-Raphson Method is generally used for solving nonlinear equations. It transforms the
original nonlinear problem into a sequence of linear problems whose solutions approach the
original solution.
The NR power flow is the most robust algorithm used in practice. However, one drawback in its
use is the fact that the partial derivatives in the Jacobian matrix must be recalculated at each
iteration, and then the whole set of linear equations in equation must also be resolved at each

Fast-Decoupled-Load-Flow Method
A modification on Newton-Raphson method that exploits the approximate decoupling of active
and reactive flows in well-behaved power networks, and additionally fixes the value of the
Jacobian matrix during the iteration in order to avoid costly matrix decompositions. Also referred
as fixed-slope, decoupled Newton-Raphson (FSDNR).

4.1 Power Flow Simulations in PSSE

The basic input data required to carry out power flow simulations in PSS E is as under:
Load power consumption at each bus of the system (MW, MVAR)
Real power output (MW) at each generator bus along with its maximum generating and
absorption reactive power limits in MVAR. These reactive power limits are found with the
help of power factor and real power output of generating machine using power triangle
P is the real power output in MW
is equal to inverse cosine of the power factor
For computation of maximum generating reactive power Qmax, lagging power factor is used
whereas for maximum absorption reactive power limit Qmin, leading power factor is used.

4.2 Actual Procedure

Data collection of all the network elements (generators, loads, transmission lines,
transformers, capacitors, reactors, etc.)
Data processing and any necessary assumptions
Preparation of input data file i.e. SAV data file in PSSE format
Read data in PSSE software
Create a Single Line Diagram of the power network in the form of an SLD file
Run the simulations and solve the case (power flows can be viewed on the single line
Interpretation of results

Chapter 5: Generic Wind Models

A wide variety of wind turbine technologies are in use today. Typical wind power plants consist
of hundreds of turbines, usually all employing the same technology. These technologies vary in
cost, complexity, efficiency of wind power extraction, and equipment used.
In a typical wind turbine, the rotation of blade extracts power from the wind which is then
transferred to the generator. Gear box is being used to increase the speed of the shaft in order to
increase the speed.
Following are the four basic types of generators:

1: Fixed-speed wind turbines

2: Variable-slip wind turbines
3: Doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbines
4: Full-converter wind turbines

Type 1: Fixed-speed wind turbines

In this type of wind generator, conventional induction generator is used which is directly
connected to the grid. A vast majority of wind turbines with this type of a machine includes a set
of compensating capacitors to keep the power factor in steady state within the given range. These
capacitors should be added in a fixed shunt data record.

Type 2: Variable-Speed Wind Turbines

In this type of wind generator, wound rotor induction generator with variable resistor control is
used which is directly connected to the grid. A vast majority of wind turbines with this type of a
machine includes a set of compensating capacitors to keep the power factor in steady state within
the given range. These capacitors should be added in a fixed shunt data record.

Type 3: Doubly-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) Wind

Most doubly-fed induction generators in industry today are used to generate electrical power in
large (power-utility scale) wind turbines. This is primarily due to the many advantages doubly fed
induction generators offer over other types of generators in applications where the mechanical
power provided by the prime mover driving the generator varies greatly (e.g., wind blowing at
variable speed on the bladed rotor of a wind turbine).


Type 4: Full-converter Wind Turbines

In this type of generator, converter and inverters are used


Chapter 6: Test Case

For the sake of learning and hands on experience of PSSE, we have selected a 9-bus system
initially. Bus 1 has been designated as swing bus. The single line diagram of the system is as shown

The SAV file of the system is as follows:


6.1 Power Flow Solution

PSSE provides several techniques for power flow analysis but the most advance technique is
fixed slope decoupled Newton-Raphson also known as FSDNR. FSDNR is used as it introduces
minimum errors and gives most accurate results for power flow analysis. Moreover solution
converges in less iteration compared to other techniques. It is common to use a "flat start" option
which sets all voltage magnitudes to 1.0 p.u. and voltage angles to zero degree.

Our network parameters now look something like this:


Chapter 7: Converted Power Flow for Switching Studies

To calculate the conditions that will exist in the power system just after a sudden change such as
the opening of a transmission line, switching on of a large load, application of a fault, or tripping
of a generator. These calculations are useful, for example; To show the immediate voltage dip
caused by switching on of a large motor, To give symmetrical fault duty at a bus, To show the
voltage rise which occurs when a line is opened at one end. This could separate a generation plant
from the network and result in what is commonly known as load rejection.
A switching study is a calculation of conditions at time, t+.
A switching study is, the calculation of the transmission system conditions at the first
instant, t = t+, of a dynamic simulation, separated from the subsequent calculation of
conditions at later instants, t > t+.
Switching study results are presented and examined with the same output and limit
checking activities as are used in power flow work studies.
First of all, we solve our case. Next, we convert all our loads to equivalent generators by specifying
negative values so that it is clear the equivalent generator is absorbing power now.


Solving the case first,

Now all generators are converted to their respective Norton equivalent. ZSORCE, must be included
in the database for every generator, and step-up transformer data. This results in a converted power
flow case that can be saved for switching analyses. We save this as a separate file to preserve our
original system because the conversion process is not reversible.


Solving for switching, we have

Inserting the standard parameters into the Generator data, we have


The next step is to perform optimal ordering activity ORDR that determines such an ordering of the
network buses that maintains sparsity.
Finally, we perform the triangular factorization activity FACT that decomposes the network
admittance matrix (Y matrix) into its upper and lower triangular factors for use in the triangularized Y
matrix network solution.

Finally, we are ready to commence with the next step.


7.1 Plotting Stability Study Results in PSSE

First up, we define the channels in Dynamic Simulation in the form of an SNP file.
An OUT file is also defined where the resulting values of pre-defined variable quantities are
recorded during the run of simulation
The variables to be monitored for the specific study (Generator Terminal Voltages, Voltage Angle
and Electrical Power) are defined as output channels in the SNP file.

Now, by clicking Perform Dynamic Simulation, we will be shown a window as below.


We initialize our case and run it for an arbitrary period of time to demonstrate the
undisturbed state of the system. We have chosen to run it for 1 second.

7.2 Applying Bus Fault

Since we have steady state conditions of the system now, we can proceed to adding
disturbances to the system. To start, we apply a bus fault at Bus 5 which is connected at
one end to a transmission line, and at the other end to a step transformer.


After applying the bus fault, we now simulate our system for a further 1 second (without
initializing it this time). We can observe that the state of the system is no longer steady
after the disturbance has entered the system.

We add a further disturbance to the system by clearing the same fault that we applied.


Simulating the system for a further 1 second, we can observe that the system parameters
exhibit the effects of this disturbance.

During the 1 second we have simulated, we have seen that our system did not reach steady
state after the disturbances added. While we may not have simulated the system for a
sufficient amount of time, an ideal system takes zero time for its transients to die out.


7.3 Applying Branch Fault

Next up, we use the same system (initialized to its original form) and apply a branch fault
to determine its response.
We have selected the branch between Bus 4 and Bus 5 for this purpose.

We have tripped the transmission line.


The tripping will appear in the Single Line Diagram as an out-of-service transmission line, and
will act as the same too.

Solving for this case, we have


Simulating the system for 3 seconds after the branch fault, we can view the system state
on our plots.

We can see that slowly, the transients are dying out. And given enough time, the system
will attain a new steady state. To allow for this to happen, we simulate the system for a
further 16 seconds.

We can see that while the transients have not died down completely, they have still
managed to reach a lower value.


Chapter 8: Conclusion
For now, we have managed to perform our analyses on a 9-bus network having a long transmission
line, a medium transmission line and a short transmission line. We will be extending the same
analyses, in principle, to a larger system from under HESCOs supervision. We have chosen
Hyderabad due to its unique untapped Wind and Solar potential.
We will be adding wind and solar power to this system and observing the effects of disturbances
on the system. This will aid us in understanding just how stable electricity is from renewable
energy sources.
We will also be keeping in view the intermittency factor that surrounds these sources. Hence, what
we have done so far is merely a projection of what we intend to present in the near future.


Siemens Industry Inc., PSSE PROGRAM APPLICATION GUIDE (VOLUME 2), Siemens,
Schenectady, NY, October 2013.
John J. Grainger, William D. Stevenson Jr, Power-Flow Solutions, in Power System Analysis,
International ed. USA
Prabha Kundur, AC Transmission, in Power System Stability and Control, Toronto
By the staff of Festo Didactic (2011). Principles of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DFIG)
[Online]. Available:


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