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Tita Yanez

McMennamy- 5th Period

September 2, 2016
Source Analysis 1

Payne, Darrell, and Linda Wermeling. Domestic Violence and the Female Victim: The Real
Reason Women

Stay! 3.1 (2009): n. pag. Scientific

Journals. Web.
How I Found This Source: I found this source on Google Scholar.
Why I Think This Is a Valid Source: I believe it is a valid source because it is written by
professors from Northern Kentucky University that are experts on this topic.
Intended Audience for This Source: The intended audience for this source is anyone that is
trying to further understand why a woman will often remain in an abusive relationship.
Arguments/Topics This Source Discusses:This article points out that although it may seem
simple enough for a woman to walk away from a violent relationship, there are so many
psychological and legal factors that play a key role in her actions or in her lack thereof. A
woman will often stay silent about the abuse she experiences out of fear that her partner will
retaliate against her or her children. For many years, when women did file a domestic abuse
claim, they would be ruled by judges as private matters and the perpetrator could freely walk
away. Although these cases are now taken more seriously, women are still afraid because the
legal system does not guarantee their safety or any form of protection during or after the trial
Regardless of victim status, domestic violence affects the lives of many women across the U.S.
and remains one of the most prevalent issues of social injustice in our society today.
The ultimate safety of the female victim should challenge us all to do not only what justice
demands, but also provide ample support and a voice for female victims on the streets and inside
the home.
Studies show that the highest risk for serious injury or death from violence in intimate
relationships is the point of separation, or at the time when the decision to separate is made
(English et al., 2003).

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