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of the
American Mathematical Society

Volume 231 Number 1086 (third of 5 numbers) September 2014

Quaternionic Contact
Einstein Structures and the
Quaternionic Contact
Yamabe Problem
Stefan Ivanov
Ivan Minchev
Dimiter Vassilev

ISSN 0065-9266 (print)

ISSN 1947-6221 (online)

American Mathematical Society

of the
American Mathematical Society

Volume 231 Number 1086 (third of 5 numbers) September 2014

Quaternionic Contact
Einstein Structures and the
Quaternionic Contact
Yamabe Problem
Stefan Ivanov
Ivan Minchev
Dimiter Vassilev

ISSN 0065-9266 (print)

ISSN 1947-6221 (online)

American Mathematical Society

Providence, Rhode Island

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Ivanov, Stefan P.
Quaternionic contact Einstein structures and the quaternionic contact Yamabe problem /
Stefan Ivanov, Ivan Minchev, Dimiter Vassilev.
pages cm. (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0065-9266 ; volume 231,
number 1086)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8218-9843-7 (alk. paper)
1. Geometry, Dierential. 2. Contact manifolds. 3. Group theory.
I. Minchev, Ivan (Mathematics professor) II. Vassilev, Dimiter N. III. Title.
QA649.I93 2014

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Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Quaternionic contact structures and the Biquard connection

Chapter 3. The torsion and curvature of the Biquard connection

3.1. The torsion tensor
3.2. The Curvature Tensor


Chapter 4. QC-Einstein quaternionic contact structures

4.1. The Bianchi identities
4.2. Examples of qc-Einstein structures
4.3. Proof of Theorem 1.3


Chapter 5. Conformal transformations of a qc-structure

5.1. Conformal transformations preserving the qc-Einstein condition
5.2. Quaternionic Heisenberg group. Proof of Theorem 1.1


Chapter 6. Special functions and pseudo-Einstein quaternionic contact

6.1. Quaternionic pluriharmonic functions
6.2. Quaternionic pluriharmonic functions on hypercomplex manifold
6.3. The hypersurface case
6.4. Anti-CRF functions on Quaternionic contact manifold


Chapter 7. Innitesimal Automorphisms

7.1. 3-contact manifolds
7.2. QC vector elds


Chapter 8. Quaternionic contact Yamabe problem

8.1. The Divergence Formula
8.2. Partial solutions of the qc-Yamabe problem
8.3. Proof of Theorem 1.2







A partial solution of the quaternionic contact Yamabe problem on the quaternionic sphere is given. It is shown that the torsion of the Biquard connection
vanishes exactly when the trace-free part of the horizontal Ricci tensor of the Biquard connection is zero and this occurs precisely on 3-Sasakian manifolds. All conformal transformations sending the standard at torsion-free quaternionic contact
structure on the quaternionic Heisenberg group to a quaternionic contact structure with vanishing torsion of the Biquard connection are explicitly described. A
3-Hamiltonian form of innitesimal conformal automorphisms of quaternionic contact structures is presented.

Received by the editor September 11, 2007.

Article electronically published on January 31, 2014.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classication. Primary 53C17.
Key words and phrases. Yamabe equation, quaternionic contact structures, Einstein
This project has been funded in part by the National Academy of Sciences under the [Collaboration in Basic Science and Engineering Program 1 Twinning Program] supported by Contract
No. INT-0002341 from the National Science Foundation. The contents of this publication do not
necessarily reect the views or policies of the National Academy of Sciences or the National Science Foundation, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products or organizations imply
endorsement by the National Academy of Sciences or the National Science Foundation.
Aliations at time of publication: Stefan Ivanov, University of Soa and Institute of Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, blvd. James
Bourchier 5, 1164, Soa, Bulgaria, email:; Ivan Minchev, University
of Soa, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, blvd. James Bourchier 5, 1164 Soa, Bulgaria; Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, 61137 Brno,
Czech Republic, email:; and Dimiter Vassilev, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-0001, email:
American Mathematical Society


The Riemannian [LP] and CR Yamabe problems [JL1, JL2, JL3, JL4] have
been a fruitful subject in geometry and analysis. Major steps in the solutions is the
understanding of the conformally at cases. A model for this setting is given by the
corresponding spheres, or equivalently, the Heisenberg groups with, respectively, 0dimensional and 1-dimensional centers. The equivalence is established through the
Cayley transform [K], [CDKR1] and [CDKR2], which in the Riemannian case is
the usual stereographic projection.
In the present paper we consider the Yamabe problem on the quaternionic
Heisenberg group (three dimensional center). This problem turns out to be equivalent to the quaternionic contact Yamabe problem on the unit (4n+3)-dimensional
sphere in the quaternionic space due to the quaternionic Cayley transform, which
is a conformal quaternionic contact transformation (see the proof of Theorem 1.2).
The central notion is the quaternionic contact structure (QC structure for
short), [Biq1,Biq2], which appears naturally as the conformal boundary at innity
of the quaternionic hyperbolic space, see also [P, GL, FG]. Namely, a QC structure
(, Q) on a (4n+3)-dimensional smooth manifold M is a codimension 3 distribution
H, such that, at each point p M the nilpotent Lie algebra Hp (Tp M/Hp ) is
isomorphic to the quaternionic Heisenberg algebra Hm Im H. This is equivalent
to the existence of a 1-form = (1 , 2 , 3 ) with values in R3 , such that, H = Ker
and the three 2-forms di |H are the fundamental 2-forms of a quaternionic structure
Q on H. A special phenomena here, noted by Biquard [Biq1], is that the 3-contact
form determines the quaternionic structure as well as the metric on the horizontal
bundle in a unique way. Of crucial importance is the existence of a distinguished
linear connection, see [Biq1], preserving the QC structure and its Ricci tensor and
scalar curvature Scal, dened in (3.34), and called correspondingly qc-Ricci tensor
and qc-scalar curvature. The Biquard connection will play a role similar to the
Tanaka-Webster connection [We] and [T] in the CR case.
The quaternionic contact Yamabe problem, in the considered setting, is about
the possibility of nding in the conformal class of a given QC structure one with
constant qc-scalar curvature.
The question reduces to the solvability of the Yamabe equation (5.8). As usual
if we take the conformal factor in a suitable form the gradient terms in (5.8) can be
removed and one obtains the more familiar form of the Yamabe equation. In fact,
taking the conformal factor of the form = u1/(n+1) reduces (5.8) to the equation
Lu 4

u u Scal = u2 1 Scal,

where  is the horizontal sub-Laplacian, cf. (5.2), and Scal and Scal are the qc2Q
, and Q = 4n + 6
scalar curvatures correspondingly of (M, ) and (M, ), 2 = Q2


is the so called homogeneous dimension. In the case of the quaternionic Heisenberg

group, cf. Section 4.1, the equation is


n + 1 2 1
T u + X2 u + Y2 u + Z2 u =
+ 2)

This is also, up to a scaling, the Euler-Lagrange equation of the non-negative extremals in the L2 Folland-Stein embedding theorem [Fo] and [FSt], see [GV1] and
[Va2]. On the other hand, on a compact quaternionic contact manifold M with
a xed conformal class [] the Yamabe equation characterizes the non-negative
extremals of the Yamabe functional dened by

|u| + Scal u dvg ,
u2 dvg = 1, u > 0,
(u) =
where dvg is the volume form associated to te natural Riemannian metric g on M ,
cf. (2.11). When the Yamabe constant

(M ) = (M, []) = inf{(u) :
u2 dvg = 1, u > 0}

is less than the corresponding constant for the 3-Sasakian sphere the existence of
solutions can be constructed with the use of suitable coordinates see [W] and [JL2].
The present paper can be considered as a contribution towards the soluiton
of the Yamabe problem in the case when the Yamabe constant of the considered
quaternionic contact manifold is equal to the Yamabe constant of the unit sphere
with its standard quaternionic contact structure, which is induced from the embedding in the quaternion (n + 1)-dimensional space. It is also natural to conjecture
that if the quaternionic contact structure is not locally equivalent to the standard
sphere then the Yamabe constant is less than that of the sphere, see [JL4] for a
proof in the CR case. The results of the present paper will be instrumental for the
analysis of these and some other questions concerning the geometric analysis on
quaternionic contact structures.
In this article we provide a partial solution of the Yamabe problem on the
quaternionic sphere with its standard contact quaternionic structure or, equivalently, the quaternionic Heisenberg group. Note that according to [GV2] the extremals of the above variational problem are C functions, so we will not consider
regularity questions in this paper. Furthermore, according to [Va1] or [Va2] the
inmum is achieved, and the extremals are solutions of the Yamabe equation. Let
us observe that [GV2] solves the same problem in a more general setting, but under
the assumption that the solution is invariant under a certain group of rotation. If
one is on the at models, i.e., the groups of Iwasawa type [CDKR1] the assumption in [GV2] is equivalent to the a-priori assumption that, up to a translation,
the solution is radial with respect to the variables in the rst layer. The proof goes
on by using the moving plane method and showing that the solution is radial also
in the variables from the center, after which a very non-trivial identity is used to
determine all cylindrical solutions. In this paper the a-priori assumption is of a
dierent nature, see further below, and the method has the potential of solving the
general problem.
The strategy, following the steps of [LP] and [JL3], is to solve the Yamabe
problem on the quaternionic sphere by replacing the non-linear Yamabe equation
by an appropriate geometrical system of equations which could be solved.


Our rst observation is that if if n > 1 and the qc-Ricci tensor is trace-free
(qc-Einstein condition) then the qc-scalar curvature is constant (Theorem 4.9).
Studying conformal transformations of QC structures preserving the qc-Einstein
condition, we describe explicitly all global functions on the quaternionic Heisenberg
group sending conformally the standard at QC structure to another qc-Einstein
structure. Our result here is the following Theorem.
be a conformal transformation of the standard
Theorem 1.1. Let = 2h
on the quaternionic Heisenberg group G(H). If is also qc-Einstein,
then up to a left translation the function h is given by

h = c 1 + |q|2
+ 2 (x2 + y 2 + z 2 ) ,

where c and are positive constants. All functions h of this form have this property.
The crucial fact which allows the reduction of the Yamabe equation to the system preserving the qc-Einstein condition is Proposition 8.2 which asserts that, under
some extra conditions, QC structure with constant qc-scalar curvature obtained
by a conformal transformation of a qc-Einstein structure on compact manifold must
be again qc-Einstein. The prove of this relies on detailed analysis of the Bianchi
identities for the Biquard connection. Using the quaternionic Cayley transform
combined with Theorem 1.1 lead to our second main result.
Theorem 1.2. Let = f be a conformal transformation of the standard
qc-structure on the quaternionic sphere S 4n+3 . Suppose has constant qc-scalar
curvature. If the vertical space of is integrable then up to a multiplicative constant
is obtained from by a conformal quaternionic contact automorphism. In the case
n > 1 the same conclusion holds when the function f is the real part of an anti-CRF
The denition of conformal quaternionic contact automorpism can be found
in Denition 7.6. The solutions (conformal factors) we nd agree with those conjectured in [GV1]. It might be possible to dispense of the extra assumption in
Theorem 1.2. In a subsequent paper [IMV] we give such a proof for the seven
dimensional sphere.
Studying the geometry of the Biquard connection, our main geometrical tool
towards understanding the geometry of the Yamabe equation, we show that the
qc-Einstein condition is equivalent to the vanishing of the torsion of Biquard connection. In our third main result we give a local characterization of such spaces as
3-Sasakian manifolds.
Theorem 1.3. Let (M 4n+3 , g, Q) be a QC manifold with positive qc scalar
curvature Scal > 0, assumed to be constant if n = 1. The next conditions are
a) (M 4n+3 , g, Q) is a qc-Einstein manifold.
b) M is locally 3-Sasakian, i.e., locally there exists an SO(3)-matrix with smooth
entries, such that, the local QC structure ( 16n(n+2)
Scal , Q) is 3-Sasakian.
c) The torsion of the Biquard connection is identically zero.
In particular, a qc-Einstein manifold of positive qc scalar curvature, assumed in
addition to be constant if n = 1, is an Einstein manifold of positive Riemannian
scalar curvature.


In addition to the above results, in Theorem 7.10 we show that the above conditions are equivalent to the property that every Reeb vector eld, dened in (2.10),
is an innitesimal generator of a conformal quaternionic contact automorphism, cf.
Denition 7.7.
Finally, we also develop useful tools necessary for the geometry and analysis on
QC manifolds. We dene and study some special functions, which will be relevant in
the geometric analysis on quaternionic contact and hypercomplex manifolds as well
as properties of innitesimal automorphisms of QC structures. In particular, the
considered anti-regular functions will be relevant in the study of qc-pseudo-Einstein
structures, cf. Denition 6.1.
Organization of the paper: In the following two chapters we describe in
details the notion of a quaternionic contact manifold, abbreviate sometimes to QCmanifold, and the Biquard connection, which is central to the paper.
In Chapter 4 we write explicitly the Bianchi identities and derive a system of
equations satised by the divergences of some important tensors. As a result we
are able to show that qc-Einstein manifolds, i.e., manifolds for which the restriction
to the horizontal space of the qc-Ricci tensor is proportional to the metric, have
constant scalar curvature, see Theorem 4.9. The proof uses Theorem 4.8 in which we
derive a relation between the horizontal divergences of certain Sp(n)Sp(1)-invariant
tensors. By introducing an integrability condition on the horizontal bundle we
dene hyperhermitian contact structures, see Denition 4.14, and with the help of
Theorem 4.8 we prove Theorem 1.3.
Chapter 5 describes the conformal transformations preserving the qc-Einstein
condition. Note that here a conformal quaternionic contact transformation between
two quaternionic contact manifold is a dieomorphism which satises =
, for some positive smooth function and some matrix SO(3) with
smooth functions as entries and = (1 , 2 , 3 )t is considered as an element of R3 .
One denes in an obvious manner a point-wise conformal transformation. Let us
note that the Biquard connection does not change under rotations as above, i.e., the
Biquard connection of and coincides. In particular, when studying conformal
transformations we can consider only transformations with = . We nd all
conformal transformations preserving the qc-Einstein condition on the quaternionis
Heisenberg group or, equivalently, on the quaternionic sphere with their standard
contact quaternionic structures proving Theorem 1.1.
Chapter 6 concerns a special class of functions, which we call anti-regular,
dened respectively on the quaternionic space, real hyper-surface in it, or on a
quaternionic contact manifold, cf. Denitions 6.6 and 6.15 as functions preserving
the quaternionic structure. The anti-regular functions play a role somewhat similar
to those played by the CR functions, but the analogy is not complete. The real parts
of such functions will be also of interest in connection with conformal transformation
preserving the qc-Einstein tensor and should be thought of as generalization of
pluriharmonic functions. Let us stress explicitly that regular quaternionic functions
have been studied extensively, see [S] and many subsequent papers, but they are
not as relevant for the considered geometrical structures. Anti-regular functions on
ahler and quaternionic Kahler manifolds are studied in [CL1, CL2, LZ] in
a dierent context, namely in connection with minimal surfaces and quaternionic
maps between quaternionic Kahler manifolds. The notion of hypercomplex contact
structures will appear in this section again since on such manifolds the real part of


anti-CRF functions, see (6.18) for the denition, have some interesting properties,
cf. Theorem 6.20
In Chapter 7 we study innitesimal conformal automorphisms of QC structures (QC-vector elds) and show that they depend on three functions satisfying
some dierential conditions thus establishing a 3-hamiltonian form of the QCvector elds (Proposition 7.8). The formula becomes very simple expression on
a 3-Sasakian manifolds (Corollary 7.9). We characterize the vanishing of the torsion of Biquard connection in terms of the existence of three vertical vector elds
whose ow preserves the metric and the quaternionic structure. Among them, 3Sasakian manifolds are exactly those admitting three transversal QC-vector elds
(Theorem 7.10, Corollary 7.13).
In the last section we complete the proof of our main result Theorem 1.2.
Notation 1.4. a) Let us note explicitly, that in this paper for a one form
we use
d(X, Y ) = X(Y ) Y (X) ([X, Y ]).
b) We shall denote with h the horizontal gradient of the function h, see (5.1),
while dh means as usual the dierential of the function h.
c) The triple {i, j, k} will denote a cyclic permutation of {1, 2, 3}, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise.


Quaternionic contact structures and the Biquard

The notion of Quaternionic Contact Structure has been introduced by O.
Biquard in [Biq1] and [Biq2]. Namely, a quaternionic contact structure (QC
structure for short) on a (4n+3)-dimensional smooth manifold M is a codimension 3 distribution H, such that, at each point p M the nilpotent step two
Lie algebra Hp (Tp M/Hp ) is isomorphic to the quaternionic Heisenberg algebra Hn Im H. The quaternionic Heisenberg algebra structure on Hn Im H
is obtained by the identication of Hn Im H with the algebra of the left invariant vector elds on the quaternionic Heisenberg group, see Section 5.2. In
particular, the Lie bracket is given by the formula [(qo , o ), (q, )] = 2 Im qo q,
where q 
= (q 1 , q 2 , . . . , q n ), qo = (qo1 , qo2 , . . . , qon ) Hn and , o Im H with

qo q =
=1 qo q , see Section 6.1.1 for notations concerning H. It is important
to observe that if M has a quaternionic contact structure as above then the definition implies that the distribution H and its commutators generate the tangent
space at every point.
The following is another, more explicit, denition of a quaternionic contact
Definition 2.1. [Biq1] A quaternionic contact structure ( QC-structure) on
a 4n + 3 dimensional manifold M , n > 1, is the data of a codimension three
distribution H on M equipped with a CSp(n)Sp(1) structure, i.e., we have:
i) a xed conformal class [g] of metrics on H;
ii) a 2-sphere bundle Q over M of almost complex structures, such that, locally
we have Q = {aI1 + bI2 + cI3 : a2 + b2 + c2 = 1}, where the almost complex
structures Is : H H, Is2 = 1, s = 1, 2, 3, satisfy the commutation
relations of the imaginary quaternions I1 I2 = I2 I1 = I3 ;
iii) H is locally the kernel of a 1-form = (1 , 2 , 3 ) with values in R3 and the
following compatibility condition holds

2g(Is X, Y ) = ds (X, Y ),

s = 1, 2, 3,

X, Y H.

A manifold M with a structure as above will be called also quaternionic contact manifold (QC manifold) and denoted by (M, [g], Q). The distribution H is
frequently called the horizontal space of the QC-structure. With a slight abuse of
notation we shall use the letter Q to also denote the rank-three bundle consisting of
endomorphisms of H locally generated by three almost complex structures I1 , I2 , I3
on H. The meaning should be clear from the context. We note that if in some local
chart is another form, with corresponding g [g] and almost complex structures


Is , s = 1, 2, 3, then = for some SO(3) and a positive function Typical examples of manifolds with QC-structures are totally umbilical hypersurfaces
in quaternionic Kahler or hyperk
ahler manifold, see Proposition 6.12 for the latter.
It is instructive to consider the case when there is a globally dened one-form
. The obstruction to the global existence of is encoded in the rst Pontrjagin
class [AK]. Besides clarifying the notion of a QC-manifold, most of the time, for
example when considering the Yamabe equation, we shall work with a QC-structure
for which we have a xed globally dened contact form. In this case, if we rotate the
R3 -valued contact form and the almost complex structures by the same rotation we
obtain again a contact form, almost complex structures and a metric (the latter is
unchanged) satisfying the above conditions. On the other hand, it is important to
observe that given a contact form the almost complex structures and the horizontal
metric are unique if they exist. Finally, if we are given the horizontal bundle and
a metric on it, there exists at most one sphere of associated contact forms with a
corresponding sphere Q of almost complex structures [Biq1]. These observations
are summed-up in the next Lemma.
Lemma 2.2. [Biq1]
a) If (, Is , g) and (, Is , g  ) are two QC structures on M , then Is = Is , s = 1, 2, 3
and g = g  .

b) If (, g) and ( , g) are two QC structures on M with Ker() = Ker( ) = H

then Q = Q and = for some matrix SO(3) with smooth functions
as entries.
Proof. a) Let us x a basis {e1 , ..., e4n } of H . Suppose the tensors g, d1 |H ,
d2 |H , d3 |H , I1 , I2 , I3 ( tensors on H) are given in local coordinates, respectively,
by the matrices G, N1 , N2 , N3 , J1 , J2 , J3 GL(4n). From (2.1) it follows

GJs =

Ns ,

s = 1, 2, 3.

Let (i, j, k) be any cyclic permutation of (1, 2, 3). Using (2.2) we compute that

Jk = Ji Jj = Ji1 G1 GJj = (GJi )1 (GJj ) = Ni1 Nj ,

which accomplishes the proof.

b) The condition Ker() = Ker( ) = H implies that

k =



kl l ,

k = 1, 2, 3


for some matrix GL(3) with smooth functions ij as entries. Applying the
exterior derivative in (2.4) we nd

dk = dkl l + kl dl ,

k = 1, 2, 3.

Let the H tensors Ik and Ik be dened as usual with (2.1) using respectively and

. Restricting the equation (2.5) to H and using the metric tensor g on H we have

g(Ik X, Y ) = kl g(Il X, Y ),

X, Y H

or the equivalent equations Ik = kl Il on H. It is easy to see that this is possible

if and only if SO(3).


Besides the non-uniqueness due to the action of SO(3), the 1-form can be
changed by a conformal factor, in the sense that if is a form for which we can
nd associated almost complex structures and metric g as above, then for any
SO(3) and a positive function , the form also has an associated complex
structures and metric. In particular, when = 1 we obtain a whole unit sphere of
contact forms, and we shall denote, as already mentioned, by Q the corresponding
sphere bundle of associated triples of almost complex structures. With the above
consideration in mind we introduce the following notation.
Notation 2.3. We shall denote with (M, ) a QC-manifold with a xed globally
dened contact form. (M, g, Q) will denote a QC-manifold with a xed metric g
and a sphere bundle of almost complex structures Q. In this case we have in fact
a Sp(n)Sp(1) structure, i.e., we are working with a xed metric on the horizontal
space. Correspondingly, we shall denote with any (locally dened) associated
contact form.
We recall the denition of the Lie groups Sp(n), Sp(1) and Sp(n)Sp(1). Let
us identify Hn = R4n and let H acts on Hn by right multiplications, (q)(W ) =
W q 1 . This denes a homomorphism : {unit quaternions} SO(4n) with
the convention that SO(4n) acts on R4n on the left. The image is the Lie group
Sp(1). Let (i) = I0 , (j) = J0 , (k) = K0 . The Lie algebra of Sp(1) is
sp(1) = span{I0 , J0 , K0 }.
The group Sp(n) is
Sp(n) = {O SO(4n) : OB = BO, B Sp(1)}
t = I}, and O Sp(n) acts by
or Sp(n) = {O Mn (H) : O O
(q 1 , q 2 , . . . , q n )t
O (q 1 , q 2 , . . . , q n )t .
Denote by Sp(n)Sp(1) the product of the two groups in SO(4n). Abstractly,
Sp(n)Sp(1) = (Sp(n) Sp(1))/Z2 . The Lie algebra of the group Sp(n)Sp(1) is
sp(n) sp(1).
Any endomorphism of H can be decomposed with respect to the quaternionic
structure (Q, g) uniquely into four Sp(n)-invariant parts
= +++ + + + + + + ,
where +++ commutes with all three Ii , + commutes with I1 and anti-commutes
with the others two and etc. Explicitly,
4+++ = I1 I1 I2 I2 I3 I3 , 4+ = I1 I1 + I2 I2 + I3 I3 ,
4+ = + I1 I1 I2 I2 + I3 I3 , 4+ = + I1 I1 + I2 I2 I3 I3 .
The two Sp(n)Sp(1)-invariant components are given by

[3] = +++ ,

[1] = + + + + + .

Denoting the corresponding (0,2) tensor via g by the same letter one sees that
the Sp(n)Sp(1)-invariant components are the projections on the eigenspaces of the
Casimir operator

= I1 I 1 + I 2 I 2 + I 3 I 3

corresponding, respectively, to the eigenvalues 3 and 1, see [CSal]. If n = 1

then the space of symmetric endomorphisms commuting with all Ii , i = 1, 2, 3 is



1-dimensional, i.e. the [3]-component of any symmetric endomorphism on H is

proportional to the identity, 3 = tr()
4 Id|H .
There exists a canonical connection compatible with a given quaternionic contact structure. This connection was discovered by O. Biquard [Biq1] when the
dimension (4n + 3) > 7 and by D. Duchemin [D] in the 7-dimensional case. The
next result due to O. Biquard is crucial in the quaternionic contact geometry.
Theorem 2.4. [Biq1] Let (M, g, Q) be a quaternionic contact manifold of dimension 4n+3 > 7 and a xed metric g on H in the conformal class [g]. Then there
exists a unique connection with torsion T on M 4n+3 and a unique supplementary
subspace V to H in T M , such that:

preserves the decomposition H V and the metric g;

for X, Y H, one has T (X, Y ) = [X, Y ]|V ;
preserves the Sp(n)Sp(1)-structure on H, i.e., g = 0 and Q Q;
for V , the endomorphism T (, .)|H of H lies in (sp(n) sp(1)) gl(4n);
the connection on V is induced by the natural identication of V with the
subspace sp(1) of the endomorphisms of H, i.e. = 0.
In (iv) the inner product on End(H) is given by


g(A, B) = tr(B A) =


g(A(ea ), B(ea )),


where A, B End(H), {e1 , ..., e4n } is some g-orthonormal basis of H.

We shall call the above connection the Biquard connection. Biquard [Biq1] also
described the supplementary vertical (sub-)space V explicitly, namely, locally V
is generated by vector elds {1 , 2 , 3 }, such that

s (k ) = sk ,

(s ds )|H = 0,

(s dk )|H = (k ds )|H ,

s, k {1, 2, 3}.

The vector elds 1 , 2 , 3 are called Reeb vector elds or fundamental vector elds.
If the dimension of M is seven, the conditions (2.10) do not always hold.
Duchemin shows in [D] that if we assume, in addition, the existence of Reeb vector elds as in (2.10), then Theorem 2.4 holds. Henceforth, by a QC structure in
dimension 7 we shall always mean a QC structure satisfying (2.10).
Notice that equations (2.10) are invariant under the natural SO(3) action.
Using the Reeb vector elds we extend g to a metric on M by requiring

span{1 , 2 , 3 } = V H and g(s , k ) = sk .

The extended metric does not depend on the action of SO(3) on V , but it changes
in an obvious manner if is multiplied by a conformal factor. Clearly, the Biquard
connection preserves the extended metric on T M, g = 0. We shall also extend
the quternionic structure by setting Is|V = 0.
Suppose the Reeb vector elds {1 , 2 , 3 } have been xed. The restriction of
the torsion of the Biquard connection to the vertical space V satises [Biq1]

T (i , j ) = k [i , j ]|H ,

where is a smooth function on M , which will be determined in Corollary 3.14. We

recall that in the paper the indices follow the convention 1.4. Further properties of



the Biquard connection are encoded in the properties of the torsion endomorphism
T = T (, .) : H H,


Decomposing the endomorphism T (sp(n) + sp(1)) into its symmetric part T0

and skew-symmetric part b ,
T = T0 + b ,
we summarize the description of the torsion due to O. Biquard in the following
Proposition 2.5. [Biq1] The torsion T is completely trace-free,
(2.13) trT =


g(T (ea ), ea ) = 0,

trT I =



g(T (ea ), Iea ) = 0,

I Q,


where e1 . . . e4n is an orthonormal basis of H. The symmetric part of the torsion

has the properties:
T0i Ii = Ii T0i ,


i = 1, 2, 3.

In addition, we have

I2 (T02 )+ = I1 (T01 )+ ,

I3 (T03 )+ = I2 (T02 )+ ,

I1 (T01 )+ = I3 (T03 )+ .

The skew-symmetric part can be represented in the following way


bi = Ii u,

i = 1, 2, 3,

where u is a traceless symmetric (1,1)-tensor on H which commutes with I1 , I2 , I3 .

If n = 1 then the tensor u vanishes identically, u = 0 and the torsion is a
symmetric tensor, T = T0 .


The torsion and curvature of the Biquard

Let (M 4n+3 , g, Q) be a quaternionic contact structure on a 4n + 3-dimensional
smooth manifold. Working in a local chart, we x the vertical space
V = span{1 , 2 , 3 }
by requiring the conditions (2.10). The fundamental 2-forms i , i = 1, 2, 3 of the
quaternionic structure Q are dened by
2i|H = di|H ,


i = 0,


Dene three 2-forms i , i = 1, 2, 3 by the formulas

{d((j dk )|H ) + (i dj ) (i dk )}|H
= {d(j dk ) + (i dj ) (i dk )}|H dk (j , k )k + dk (i , j )i .
Dene, in addition, the corresponding (1, 1) tensors Ai by

(3.2) i =

g(Ai (X), Y ) = i (X, Y ), X, Y H.

We recall (2.11), which we shall use to dene the orthogonal projections to the
horizontal and vertical spaces H and V , respectively.
3.1. The torsion tensor
Due to (3.1), the torsion restricted to H has the form

T (X, Y ) = [X, Y ]|V = 2


s (X, Y )s ,

X, Y H.


The next two Lemmas provide some useful technical facts.

Lemma 3.1. Let D be any dierentiation of the tensor algebra of H. Then we
have the identities
D(Ii ) Ii = Ii D(Ii ), i = 1, 2, 3,
I1 D(I1 )

I1 D(I1 )+ = I2 D(I2 )+ ,

= I2 D(I2 )+ ,

I1 D(I1 )+ = I2 D(I2 )+ .
Proof. The proof is a straightforward consequence of the next identities
0 = I2 (D(I1 ) I2 D(I1 )I2 ) + I1 (D(I2 ) I1 D(I2 )I1 ) = I2 D(I1 )+ + I1 D(I2 )+ ,
0 = D(IdV ) = D(Ii Ii ) = D(Ii )Ii + Ii D(Ii ).




With L denoting the Lie derivative, we shall denote by L its projection on the

horizontal space, i.e., LA (X) = [LA (X)]H , A T M, X H.
Lemma 3.2. The following identities hold true.

L1 I1 = 2T01 I1 + d1 (1 , 2 )I2 + d1 (1 , 3 )I3 ,

L1 I2 = 2T01

I2 2I3 u
+ d1 (2 , 1 )I1
+ (d1 (2 , 3 ) d2 (3 , 1 ) d3 (1 , 2 ))I3 ,

I1 + 2I3 u
+ d2 (1 , 2 )I2
L2 I1 = 2T02
(d1 (2 , 3 ) + d2 (3 , 1 ) d3 (1 , 2 ))I3 ,
where the symmetric endomorphism u
on H, commuting with I1 , I2 , I3 , is dened

u = I3 ((L1 I2 )+ ) + (d1 (2 , 3 ) d2 (3 , 1 ) d3 (1 , 2 ))IdH .
In addition, we have six more identities, which can be obtained with a cyclic permutation of (1,2,3).


Proof. For all k, l = 1, 2, 3 we have


Lk l (X, Y ) = Lk g(Il X, Y ) + g((Lk Il )X, Y ).

Cartans formula yields

Lk l = k (dl ) + d(k l ).


A direct calculation using (3.1) gives


2l = (dl )|H = dl


s (s dl ) +


dl (s , t )s t .


Combining (3.10) and (3.9) we obtain, after a short calculation, the following identities

(L1 1 )|H = (d1 (1 , 2 )2 + d1 (1 , 3 )3 )|H


2(Li j )|H = (d(i dj ) (i dk ) (k dj ))|H ,

where i = j = k = i, i, j, k {1, 2, 3}. Clearly, (3.11) and (3.8) imply (3.4).

Furthermore, using (2.10) and (3.12) twice for i = 1, j = 2 and i = 2, j = 1, we
(d(1 d2 ) + d(2 d1 ))|H
+ d2 (1 , 2 )2 + (d1 (2 , 3 ) + d2 (1 , 3 ))3 .

(3.13) (L1 2 + L2 1 )|H =

= d1 (2 , 1 )1

On the other hand, (3.8) implies

(3.14) 2T01 I2 + L1 I2 + 2T02 I1 + L2 I1

= d1 (2 , 1 )I1 + d2 (1 , 2 )I2 + (d1 (2 , 3 ) + d2 (1 , 3 ))I3 .



Let us decompose (3.14) into Sp(n)-invariant components:

(L1 I2 )+ = 2T01



(L2 I1 )+ =

(L1 I2 + L2 I1 )

I2 + d1 (2 , 1 )I1 ,


+ d2 (1 , 2 )I2 ,

= (d1 (2 , 3 ) + d2 (1 , 3 ))I3 .

Using (3.16) and (3.7), we obtain

u = I3 ((L2 I1 )+ ) + (d1 (2 , 3 ) + d2 (3 , 1 ) d3 (1 , 2 ))IdH .
The latter, together with (3.7), tells us that u
commutes with all I Q. Now,

Lemma 3.1 with D = L implies (3.5) and (3.6). The vanishing of the symmetric
part of the left hand side in (3.8) for k = 1, l = 2, combined with (3.18) and (3.5)
X, Y ) 2g(I3 u
Y, X). As u
commutes with all I Q we conclude
yields 0 = 2g(I3 u
that u
is symmetric.
The rest of the identities can be obtained through a cyclic permutation of

We describe the properties of the quaternionic contact torsion more precisely
in the next Proposition.
Proposition 3.3. The torsion of the Biquard connection satises the identities:
Ti = T0i + Ii u, i = 1, 2, 3,
T0i = Li g, i = 1, 2.3,
IdH ,

where the symmetric endomorphism u
on H commuting with I1 , I2 , I3 satises

d1 (2 , 3 ) + d2 (3 , 1 ) + d3 (1 , 2 ) IdH
= I1 A+

d1 (2 , 3 ) d2 (3 , 1 ) + d3 (1 , 2 ) IdH
= I2 A 2

d1 (2 , 3 ) + d2 (3 , 1 ) d3 (1 , 2 ) IdH .
= I3 A 3

For n = 1 the tensor u = 0 and u


4 IdH .

Proof. Expressing the Lie derivative in terms of the Biquard connection, using
that preserves the splitting H V , we see that for X, Y H we have
Li g(X, Y ) = g(X i , Y ) + g(Y i , X) + g(Ti X, Y ) + g(Ti Y, X) = 2g(T0i X, Y ).
To show that u
satises (3.20), insert (3.12) into (3.2) to get

3 = (L1 2 )|H d2 (1 , 2 )3 + d2 (3 , 1 )3 .

A substitution of (3.8) and (3.5) in (3.21) gives

(3.22) A3 = 2T01

I2 2I3 u

+ d1 (2 , 1 )I1 d2 (1 , 2 )I2 + (d1 (2 , 3 ) + d2 (3 , 1 ) d3 (1 , 2 ))I3 .



Now, by comparing the (+++) component on both sides of (3.22) we see the
last equality of (3.20). The rest of the identities can be obtained with a cyclic
permutation of (1,2,3).
Turning to the rest of the identities, let 2 and 2 denote, respectively, the
subspaces of symmetric and skew-symmetric endomorphisms of H. Let skew :
End(H) 2 be the natural projection with kernel 2 . We have
4[Ti ](2 sp(n)) = 3skew(Ti ) + I1 skew(Ti )I1 + I2 skew(Ti )I2 + I3 skew(Ti )I3


(skew(Ti ) + Is skew(Ti )Is ).


According to Theorem 2.4, T X H for X H, V . Hence,


T (, X) = X [, X]H = X L (X).

An application of (3.23) gives

(3.24) g(4[Ti ](2 sp(n)) X, Y ) =


g (i Is )X, Is Y

{g (Li Is )X, Is Y g((Li Is )Y, Is X)}.
2 s=1

Let B(H) be the orthogonal complement of 2 sp(n)sp(1) in End(H). Obviously,

B(H) 2 and we have the following splitting of End(H) into mutually orthogonal

End(H) = 2 sp(n) sp(1) B(H).

If is an arbitrary section of the bundle 2 of M , the orthogonal projection of

into B(H) is given by
[]B(H) = + + + + + []sp(1) ,
where []sp(1) is the orthogonal projection of onto sp(1). We also have
g(ea , Is ea )Is .
4n s=1 a=1

[]sp(1) =


Theorem 2.4 - (iv) and the decomposition (3.25) yield

(3.26) Ti = [Ti ](sp(n)sp(1)) = [Ti ]2 + [Ti ]B(H)
= T0i + [Ti ](2 sp(n)) [Ti ]sp(1) .
Using (3.24), Lemma 3.2 and the fact that Is (i Is ) sp(1), we compute
(3.27) 4[Ti ](2 sp(n)) [Ti ]sp(1)



skew(Is (Li Is )) [Is (Li Is )]sp(1)


skew(2Is T0i Is )+4u = 4u.


A substitution of (3.27) in (3.26) completes the proof.

The Sp(n)-invariant splitting of (3.22) leads to the following Corollary.



Corollary 3.4. The (1,1)-tensors Ai satisfy the equalities


= d1 (2 , 1 )I1 , A+
= d2 (1 , 2 )I2 ,
= 2I3 u
+ (d1 (2 , 3 ) + d2 (3 , 1 ) d3 (1 , 2 ))I3 .

= 2T01

I2 ,

Analogous formulas for A1 and A2 can be obtained by a cyclic permutation of

(1, 2, 3).
Proposition 3.5. The covariant derivative of the quaternionic contact structure with respect to the Biquard connection is given by
Ii = j Ik + k Ij ,


where the sp(1)-connection 1-forms s are determined by


i (X) = dk (j , X) = dj (k , X),

X H,

i V,


i (s ) = ds (j , k )

u) 1
+ (d1 (2 , 3 ) + d2 (3 , 1 ) + d3 (1 , 2 )) ,

for s = 1, 2, 3 and (i, j, k) any cyclic permutation of (1, 2, 3).

Proof. The equality (3.29) is proved by Biquard in [Biq1]. Using (3.23), we

s Ii = [Ts , Ii ] + Ls Ii = [T0s , Ii ] + u[Is , Ii ] + Ls Ii .

An application of Lemma 3.2 completes the proof.

Corollary 3.6. The covariant derivative of the distribution V is given by

i = j k + k j .
We nish this section by expressing the Biquard connection in terms of the
Levi-Civita connection Dg of the metric g, namely, we have

B Y = DB
Y +
s )Y )s + s (B)(Is u Is )Y }, B T M, Y H.
Y ]H .
Indeed, for B = X H formula (3.31) follows from the equation X Y = [DX
If B V we may assume B = 1 and for Z H we compute

2g(Dg1 Y, Z) = 1 g(Y, Z) + g([1 , Y ], Z) g([1 , Z], Y ) g([Y, Z], 1 ) =

= (L1 g)(Y, Z) + 2g([1 , Y ], Z) + d1 (Y, Z) = 2g(T1 Y + [1 , Y ], Z)
2g(I1 uY, Z) + 2g(I1 Y, Z) = 2g(1 Y, Z) 2g((I1 u I1 )Y, Z).
In the above calculation we used (3.23) and Proposition 3.3.
Note that the covariant derivatives B s are also determined by (3.31) in view
g(B Is , Ik ), s, k = 1, 2, 3
of the relation g(B s , k ) = 4n



3.2. The Curvature Tensor

Let R = [, ] [ , ] be the curvature tensor of . For any B, C (T M )
the curvature operator RBC preserves the QC structure on M since preserves it.
In particular RBC preserves the distributions H and V , the quaternionic structure
Q on H and the (2, 1) tensor . Moreover, the action of RBC on V is completely
determined by its action on H, RBC i = 1 ([RBC , Ii ]), i = 1, 2, 3. Thus, we may
regard RBC as an endomorphism of H and we have RBC sp(n) sp(1).
Definition 3.7. The Ricci 2-forms i are dened by
g(R(B, C)ea , Ii ea ), B, C (T M ).
4n a=1

i (B, C) =

Hereafter {e1 , . . . , e4n } will denote an orthonormal basis of H. We decom0

sp(n) denote the sp(n)pose the curvature into sp(n) sp(1)-parts. Let RBC
Lemma 3.8. The curvature of the Biquard connection decomposes as follows
+ 1 (B, C)I1 + 2 (B, C)I2 + 3 (B, C)I3 .


[RBC , Ii ] = 2(j (B, C)Ik + k (B, C)Ij ), B, C (T M ),

i = (di + j k ),

where the connection 1-forms s are determined in (3.29), (3.30).

Proof. The rst two identities follow directly from the denitions. Using
(3.28), we calculate
[RBC , I1 ] = B (3 (C)I2 2 (C)I3 ) C (3 (B)I2 2 (B)I3 ) (3 ([B, C])I2
2 ([B, C])I3 ) = (d2 + 3 1 )(B, C)I3 + (d3 + 1 2 )(B, C)I2 .

Now (3.32) completes the proof.

Definition 3.9. The quaternionic contact Ricci tensor ( qc-Ricci tensor for
short) and the qc-scalar curvature Scal of the Biquard connection are dened by

Ric(B, C) =


g(R(ea , B)C, ea ),


Scal =


Ric(ea , ea ).


It is known, cf. [Biq1], that the qc-Ricci tensor restricted to H is a symmetric

tensor. In addition, we dene six Ricci-type tensors i , i , i = 1, 2, 3 as follows
i (B, C) =

g(R(ea , B)C, Ii ea ),
4n a=1

i (B, C) =

g(R(ea , Ii ea )B, C).
4n a=1




We shall show that all Ricci-type contractions evaluated on the horizontal space
H are determined by the components of the torsion. First, dene the following



2-tensors on H using the tensors from Proposition 3.3


T 0 (X, Y ) = g((T01 I1 + T02 I2 + T03 I3 )X, Y ),



U (X, Y ) = g(uX, Y ),

X, Y H.

Lemma 3.10. The tensors T 0 and U are Sp(n)Sp(1)-invariant trace-free symmetric tensors with the properties:

T 0 (X, Y ) + T 0 (I1 X, I1 Y ) + T 0 (I2 X, I2 Y ) + T 0 (I3 X, I3 Y ) = 0,


3U (X, Y ) U (I1 X, I1 Y ) U (I2 X, I2 Y ) U (I3 X, I3 Y ) = 0.

Proof. The lemma follows directly from (2.14), (2.16) of Proposition 2.5.

We turn to a Lemma, which shall be used later.

Lemma 3.11. For any X, Y H,

B H V , we have

Ric(B, Ii Y ) + 4ni (B, Y ) = 2j (B, Ik Y ) 2k (B, Ij Y ),

2n 1
i (X, Y ) = i (X, Y ) +
g(Ii uX, Y ) +
g(T0i X, Y )
g(Ij T0k X, Y )
g(Ik T0j X, Y ).
The Ricci 2-forms evaluated on H satisfy


1 (X, Y ),
2 (X, Y ),
I1 X, Y ) 2g(I2 uX, Y )
2 (X, Y ) = 2g(T0+
3 (X, Y ).
I2 X, Y ) 2g(I3 uX, Y )
3 (X, Y ) = 2g(T0+
The 2-forms s evaluated on H satisfy
I3 X, Y ),
1 (X, Y ) = 1 (X, Y ) + 2g(I1 uX, Y ) + g(T0+
2 (X, Y ) = 2 (X, Y ) + 2g(I2 X, Y ) + g(T0+
I1 X, Y ),
I2 X, Y ).
3 (X, Y ) = 3 (X, Y ) + 2g(I3 X, Y ) + g(T0+
For n = 1 the above formulas hold with U = 0.
1 (X, Y ) = 2g(T0+
I3 X, Y ) 2g(I1 uX, Y )

Proof. From (3.32) we have

Ric(B, I1 Y ) + 4n1 (B, Y ) =


{R(ea , B, I1 Y, ea ) + R(ea , B, Y, I1 ea )}



{22 (ea , B)3 (Y, ea ) + 23 (ea , B)2 (Y, ea ))}


= 22 (B, I3 Y ) 23 (B, I2 Y ),
Using (3.2) and (3.33) we obtain 1 (X, Y ) = A1 (X, Y ) 21 1 ([X, Y ]V ) = A1 (X, Y )+
s=1 s (X, Y )1 (s ). Now, Corollary 3.4 and Corollary 3.5 imply the rst equality
in (3.41). The other two equalities in (3.41) can be obtained in the same manner.



Letting b(X, Y, Z, W ) = 2X,Y,Z { 3l=1 l (X, Y )g(Tl Z, W )}, where X,Y,Z is
the cyclic sum over X, Y, Z, we have




b(X, Y, ea , I1 ea ) = 4g(I1 uX, Y ) + 8g(I2 T0+

X, Y ),
b(ea , I1 ea , X, Y ) = (8n 4)g(T01 X, Y ) + (8n + 4)g(I1 uX, Y )


+ 4g(T02 I3 X, Y ) 4g(T03 I2 X, Y ).
The rst Bianchi identity gives
(3.45) 4n (1 (X, Y ) + 21 (X, Y ))


{R(ea , I1 ea , X, Y ) + R(X, ea , I1 ea , Y ) + R(I1 ea , X, ea , Y )}



b(ea , I1 ea , X, Y )


and also
(3.46) 4n(1 (X, Y ) 1 (X, Y )) =


{R(ea , I1 ea , X, Y ) R(X, Y, ea , I1 ea )}


{b(ea , I1 ea , X, Y )b(ea , I1 ea , Y, X)b(ea , X, Y, I1 ea )+b(I1 ea , X, Y, ea )}.
2 a=1

Taking into account (3.43), (3.44), (3.45) and (3.46) yield the rst set of equalities in
(3.42) and (3.40). The other equalities in (3.42) and (3.40) can be shown similarly.
This completes the proof of Lemma 3.11.

Theorem 3.12. Let (M 4n+3 , g, Q) be a quaternionic contact (4n + 3)-dimensional manifold, n > 1. For any X, Y H the qc-Ricci tensor and the qc-scalar
curvature satisfy
Ric(X, Y ) = (2n + 2)T 0 (X, Y ) + (4n + 10)U (X, Y )

+ (2n + 4)

g(X, Y ),

Scal = (8n + 16)tr(


n = 1 we have Ric(X, Y ) = 4T 0 (X, Y ) + 6 tr(
n g(X, Y ).

Proof. The proof follows from Lemma 3.11, (3.40), (3.41) and (3.39). If n = 1,
recall U = 0 to obtain the last equality.

Corollary 3.13. The qc-scalar curvature satises the equalities

i (Ii ea , ea ) =
i (Ii ea , ea ) = 2
i (Ii ea , ea ),
2(n + 2) a=1

We determine the function in (2.12) in the next Corollary.

i = 1, 2, 3.



Corollary 3.14. The torsion of the Biquard connection restricted to V satises the equality
k [i , j ]H .
T (i , j ) =
8n(n + 2)
Proof. A small calculation using Corollary 3.6 and Proposition 3.5, gives
k [i , j ]H .
T (i , j ) = i j j i [i , j ] =
Now, the assertion follows from the second equality in (3.47).

Corollary 3.15. The tensors T 0 , U, u
do not depend on the choice of the local


QC-Einstein quaternionic contact structures

The goal of this section is to show that the vanishing of the torsion of the
quaternionic contact structure implies that the qc-scalar curvature is constant and
to prove our classication Theorem 1.3. The Bianchi identities will have an important role in the analysis.
Definition 4.1. A quaternionic contact structure is qc-Einstein if the qc-Ricci
tensor is trace-free,
Ric(X, Y ) =

g(X, Y ),

X, Y H.

Proposition 4.2. A quaternionic contact manifold (M, g, Q) is a qc-Einstein

if and only if the quaternionic contact torsion vanishes identically, T = 0, V .
Proof. If (, Q) is qc-Einstein structure then T 0 = U = 0 because of (3.47).
We will use the same symbol T 0 for the corresponding endomorphism of the 2tensor T 0 on H. According to (3.36), we have T 0 = T01 I1 + T02 I2 + T03 I3 . Using
rst (2.14) and then (2.15), we compute

(T 0 )

= (T02 )+ I2 + (T03 )+ I3 = 2(T02 )+ I2 .

Hence, T2 = T02 + I2 u vanishes. Similarly T1 = T3 = 0. The converse follows

from (3.47).

Proposition 4.3. For X V and any cyclic permutation (i, j, k) of (1, 2, 3)
we have


32n(n + 2)
+ (i ([j , k ], X) j ([k , i ], X) k ([i , j ], X)),
i (X, j ) = j ([j , k ], X), i (X, k ) = k ([j , k ], X),
i (X, i ) =

(4.4) i (Ik X, j ) = i (Ij X, k ) = g(T (j , k ), Ii X) = i ([j , k ], X).

Proof. Since preserves the splitting H V , the rst Bianchi identity, (3.48)
and (3.32) imply
(4.5) 2i (X, i ) + 2j (X, j ) = g(R(X, i )j , k ) + g(R(j , X)i , k )
= i ,j ,X {g((i T )(j , X), k ) + g(T (T (i , j ), X), k )}
= g((X T )(i , j ), k ) + g(T (T (i , j ), X), k ) =

2k ([i , j ], X).
8n(n + 2)



Summing the rst two equalities in (4.5) and subtracting the third one, we obtain
(4.2). Similarly,
2k (j , X) = g(R(j , X)i , j ) = i ,j ,X {g((i T )(j , X), j )+g(T (T (i , j ), X), j )}
= g(T (T (i , j ), X), j ) = g(T ([i , j ]H , X), j ) = g([[i , j ]H , X], j )
= dj ([i , j ]H , X) = 2j ([i , j ], X).
Hence, the second equality in (4.3) follows. Analogous calculations show the validity
of the rst equality in (4.3). Then, (4.4) is a consequence of (4.3) and (3.48). 
The vertical derivative of the qc-scalar curvature is determined in the next
Proposition 4.4. On a QC manifold we have
j (Scal).
i (i , j ) + k (k , j ) =
16n(n + 2)
Proof. Since preserves the splitting H V , the rst Bianchi identity and
(3.48) imply
2(i (i , j ) + k (k , j )) = g(i ,j ,k {R(i , j )k }, j )
= g(i ,j ,k {(i T )(j , k ) + T (T (i , j ), k )}, j ) =

j (Scal).
8n(n + 2)

4.1. The Bianchi identities

In order to derive the essential information contained in the Bianchi identities
we need the next Lemma, which is an application of a standard result in dierential
Lemma 4.5. In a neighborhood of any point p M 4n+3 and a Q-orthonormal
{X1 (p), X2 (p) = I1 X1 (p) . . . , X4n (p) = I3 X4n3 (p), 1 (p), 2 (p), 3 (p)}
of the tangential space at p, there exists a Q - orthonormal frame eld
{X1 , X2 = I1 X1 , . . . , X4n = I3 X4n3 , 1 , 2 , 3 }, Xa| p = Xa (p), s| p = s (p),
a = 1, . . . , 4n, i = 1, 2, 3,
such that the connection 1-forms of the Biquard connection are all zero at the point
p, i.e., we have

(Xa Xb )| p = (i Xb )| p = (Xa t )| p = (t s )| p = 0,

for a, b = 1, . . . , 4n, s, t, r = 1, 2, 3. In particular,

((Xa Is )Xb )| p = ((Xa Is )t )| p = ((t Is )Xb )| p = ((t Is )r )| p = 0.
Proof. Since preserves the splitting H V we can apply the standard
arguments for the existence of a normal frame with respect to a metric connection
(see e.g. [Wu]). We sketch the proof for completeness.
4n , 1 , 2 , 3 } be a Q-orthonormal basis around p such that X
a p =
1, . . . , X
Let {X
b , i = oj j ,
Xa (p), i| p = i (p). We want to nd a modied frame Xa = oa X
which satises the normality conditions of the lemma.



Let  be the sp(n) sp(1)-valued connection 1-forms with respect to the frame
4n , 1 , 2 , 3 }, i.e.,

{X1 , . . . , X
b = bc X

s = st t ,

1, . . . , X
4n , 1 , 2 , 3 }.
B {X

Let {x1 , . . . , x4n+3 } be a coordinate system around p such that

(p) = Xa (p),
(p) = t (p), a = 1, . . . , 4n, t = 1, 2, 3.
One can easily check that the matrices with entries

oa = exp
a ( c )|p x Sp(n), ot = exp
t ( c )|p x Sp(1)
are the desired matrices making the identities (4.7) true.
Now, the last identity in the lemma is a consequence of the fact that the
choice of the orthonormal basis of V does not depend on the action of SO(3) on V
combined with Corollary 3.6 and Proposition 3.5.

Definition 4.6. We refer to the orthonormal frame constructed in Lemma 4.5
as a qc-normal frame.
Let us x a qc-normal frame {e1 , . . . , e4n , 1 , 2 , 3 }. We shall denote with
X, Y, Z horizontal vector elds X, Y, Z H and keep the notation for the torsion
of type (0,3) T (B, C, D) = g(T (B, C), D), B, C, D H V .
Proposition 4.7. On a quaternionic contact manifold (M 4n+3 , g, Q) the following identities hold true


(ea Ric)(ea , X) X(Scal) = 4




Ric(r , Ir X) 8n



r (r , X),


Ric(s , Is X) = 2q (It X, s ) + 2t (Is X, q ) +


(ea T )(s , Is X, ea ),


(4.10) 4n(s (X, s ) s (s , X))

= 2q (It X, s ) + 2t (Is X, q )


(ea T )(s , X, Is ea ),


(ea T )(s , Is X, ea ),
4n a=1

(4.11) s (s , X) =

where s {1, 2, 3} is xed and (s, t, q) is an even permutation of (1, 2, 3).

Proof. The second Bianchi identity implies


(ea Ric)(ea , X) X(Scal) + 2



Ric(T (ea , X), ea )



R(T (eb , ea ), X, eb , ea ) = 0.


An application of (3.3) to the last equality gives (4.8).



The rst Bianchi identity combined with (2.13), (3.3) and the fact that
preserves the orthogonal splitting H V yield


r (Is X, ea )T (r , s , ea ) =
(ea T )(s , Is X, ea ) + 2
Ric(s , Is X) =



(ea T )(s , Is X, ea ) + 2T (s , t , Iq X) + 2T (q , s , It X),


which, together with (4.4), completes the proof of (4.9).

In a similar fashion, from the rst Bianchi identity, (2.13), (3.3) and the fact
that preserves the orthogonal splitting H V we can obtain the proof of (4.10).
Finally, take (3.39) with B = i and combine the result with (4.9) to get (4.11). 
The following Theorem gives relations between Sp(n)Sp(1)-invariant tensors
and is crucial for the solution of the Yamabe problem, which we shall undertake in
the last Chapter. We dene the horizontal divergence P of a (0,2)-tensor eld
P with respect to Biquard connection to be the (0,1)-tensor dened by

P (.) =


(ea P )(ea , .),


where ea , a = 1, . . . , 4n is an orthonormal basis on H.

Theorem 4.8. The horizontal divergences of the curvature and torsion tensors
satisfy the system B b = 0, where

1 6 4n 1 16n(n+2)
0 ,
B = 1 0
1 3

b =
T 0 , U, A, d Scal |H ,
with T 0 and U dened in (3.36) and
A(X) = g(I1 [2 , 3 ] + I2 [3 , 1 ] + I3 [1 , 2 ], X).
Proof. Throughout the proof of Theorem 4.8 (s, t, q) will denote an even
permutation of (1, 2, 3). Equations (4.2) and (4.4) yield


r (X, r ) =



X(Scal) A(X),
32n(n + 2)

q (It X, s ) = A(X).


Using the properties of the torsion described in Proposition 3.3 and (2.14), we

(ea T )(s , Is X, ea ) = T 0 (X) 3 U (X),

s=1 a=1

(ea T )(s , X, Is ea ) = T 0 (X) + 3 U (X).

s=1 a=1



Substituting (4.13) and (4.14) in the sum of (4.9) written for s = 1, 2, 3, we obtain
the third row of the system. The second row can be obtained by inserting (4.11)
into (4.10), taking the sum over s = 1, 2, 3 and applying (4.12), (4.13), (4.14),
The second Bianchi identity and applications of (3.3) give


(ea Ric)(Is X, Is ea ) + 4n(ea s )(Is X, ea )



(Ric(s , Is X) + 8ns (s , X))


+ 8n


s (t , Iq X) s (q , It X) s (t , Iq X) + s (q , It X) = 0.


Using (3.39), (3.41) as well as (2.14),(2.15) and (4.1) we obtain the next three

Ric(Is X, Is ea ) + 4ns (Is X, ea )



s (Iq X, It ea ) s (It X, Iq ea )

= 4T 0 (X, ea ) + 24U (X, ea ) +



3 Scal
g(X, ea ),
2n(n + 2)


s (t , Iq X) s (q , It X)


4Ric(s , Is X) 8s (s , X) + 4s (t , Iq X) 4s (q , It X ,


2Ric(s , Is X) + 8ns (s , X)



4Ric(s , Is X) 4s (t , Iq X) + 4s (q , It X) ,


A substitution of (4.17) in (4.16), and then a use (4.12) and (4.13) give the rst
row of the system.

We are ready to prove one of our main observations.
Theorem 4.9. The qc-scalar curvature of a qc-Einstein quaternionic contact
manifold of dimension bigger than seven is a global constant. In addition, the vertical distribution V of a qc-Einstein structure is integrable. On a seven dimensional
qc-Einstein manifold the constancy of the qc scalar curvature is equivalent to the
integrability of the vertical distribution. In both cases the Ricci tensors are given by
t s, t = 1, 2, 3.,
t|H = t|H = 2t|H =
8n(n + 2)
Ric(s , X) = s (X, t ) = s (X, t ) = 0, s, t = 1, 2, 3.



Proof. The statement for n = 1 follows directly from Theorem 4.8 and the fact
that in dimension seven U = 0. Suppose the quaternionic contact manifold is qcEinstein. According to Proposition 4.2, the quaternionic contact torsion vanishes,
T = 0, V . Since n > 1, Theorem 4.8 gives immediately that the horizontal
gradient of the scalar curvature vanishes, i.e., X(Scal) = 0, X H. Notice that
this fact implies also (Scal) = 0, V , taking into account that for any p M
one has [ea , Is ea ]|p = T (ea , Is ea )|p = 2s|p . Now, (4.9), (4.3), (3.40), (3.41) and
(3.42) complete the proof.

4.2. Examples of qc-Einstein structures
Example 4.10. The at model.
The quaternionic Heisenberg group G(H) with its standard left invariant quaternionic contact structure (see Section 5.2) is the simplest example. The Biquard connection coincides with the at left-invariant connection on G(H). More precisely,
we have the following Proposition.
Proposition 4.11. Any quaternionic contact manifold (M, g, Q) with at Biquard connection is locally isomorphic to G(H).
Proof. Since the Biquard connection is at, there exists a local Q-orthonormal frame
{Ta , I1 Ta , I2 Ta , I3 Ta , 1 , 2 , 3 : a = 1, . . . , n},
which is -parallel. Theorem 4.9 shows that the quaternionic contact torsion vanishes and the vertical distribution is integrable. In addition, (3.48) and (3.3) yield
[i , j ] = 0 with the only non-zero commutators [Ii Ta , Ta ] = 2i , i, j = 1, 2, 3 (cf.
(5.12)). Hence, the manifold has a local Lie group structure which is locally isomorphic to G(H) by the Lie theorems. In other words, there is a local dieomorphism
: M G(H) such that = , where is the standard contact form on
G(H), see (5.13).

Example 4.12. The 3-Sasakian Case.
Suppose (M, g) is a (4n+3)-dimensional Riemannian manifold with a given 3Sasakian structure, i.e., the cone metric on M R is a hyperk
ahler metric, namely,
it has holonomy contained in Sp(n+1) [BGN]. Equivalently, there are three Killing
vector elds {1 , 2 , 3 }, which satisfy
(i) g(i , j ) = ij , i, j = 1, 2, 3
(ii) [i , j ] = 2k , for any cyclic permutation (i, j, k) of (1, 2, 3)
(iii) (DB Ii )C = g(i , C)B g(B, C)i , i = 1, 2, 3, B, C (T M ), where

Ii (B) = DB i and D denotes the Levi-Civita connection.

A 3-Sasakian manifold of dimension (4n + 3) is Einstein with positive Riemannian scalar curvature (4n + 2)(4n + 3) [Kas] and if complete it is compact with
nite fundamental group due to Mayers theorem (see [BG] for a nice overview of
3-Sasakian spaces).

Let H = {1 , 2 , 3 } . Then
Ii (j ) = k ,

Ii Ij (X) = Ik X, Ii Ii (X) = X, X H,
di (X, Y ) = 2g(Ii X, Y ), X, Y H.



Dening V = span{1 , 2 , 3 }, Ii|H = Ii|H , Ii|V = 0 we obtain a quaternionic

contact structure on M [Biq1]. It is easy to calculate that

i dj |H = 0, di (j , k ) = 2, di (i , k ) = di (i , j ) = 0,
A1 = A2 = A3 = 0 cf. (3.2),


IdH cf. (3.7).

This quaternionic contact structure satises the conditions (2.10) and therefore it
admits the Biquard connection . More precisely, we have
i Ii = 0,
i Ij = 2Ik , j Ii = 2Ik ,
(i) X Ii = 0, X H,
(ii) T (i , j ) = 2k ,
(iii) T (i , X) = 0, X H.
From Proposition 4.2, Theorem 4.9, (3.30) and (3.33), we obtain the following
Corollary 4.13. Any 3-Sasakian manifold is a qc-Einstein with positive qcscalar curvature
Scal = 16n(n + 2).
For any s, t, r = 1, 2, 3, the Ricci-type tensors are given by
t|H = t|H = 2t|H = 2t

Ric(s , X) = s (X, t ) = s (X, t ) = 0

s (t , r ) = 0.

The nonzero parts of the curvature R of the Biquard connection is expressed in

terms of the curvature of the Levi-Civita connection Rg as follows
i) R(X, Y, Z, W ) = Rg (X, Y, Z, W )
s=1 {s (Y, Z)s (X, W ) s (X, Z)s (Y, W ) 2s (X, Y )s (Z, W )},
ii) R(, Y, Z, W ) = R(Y, , Z, W ) = Rg (, Y, Z, W ),
Z, W ),
Z, W ) = Rg (, ,
iii) R(, ,
3 (X, Y ) + 2 3 (, )
1 (X, Y )
= 4{ 1 2 (, )
iv) R(X, Y, , )
2 (X, Y )},
+ 3 1 (, )
where X, Y, Z, W H and , V.
In fact, 3-Sasakian spaces are locally the only qc-Einstein manifolds (cf. Theorem 1.3). Before we turn to the proof of this fact we shall consider some special cases of QC-structures suggested by the above example. These structures
will be relevant in Chapter 6, see for ex. Theorem 6.20. We recall that the Nijenhuis tensor NIi corresponding to Ii on H is dened as usual by NIi (X, Y ) =
[Ii X, Ii Y ] [X, Y ] Ii [Ii X, Y ] Ii [X, Ii Y ], X, Y H.
Definition 4.14. A quaternionic contact structure (M, g, Q) is said to be hyperhermitian contact (abbr. HC structure) if the horizontal bundle H is formally integrable with respect to I1 , I2 , I3 simultaneously, i.e. for i = 1, 2, 3 and any
X, Y H, we have

NIi (X, Y ) = 0





In fact a QC structure is locally a HC structure exactly when two of the almost

complex structures on H are formally integrable due to the next identity essentially
established in [AM, (3.4.4)]
2NI3 (X, Y ) NI1 (X, Y ) + I2 NI1 (I2 X, Y ) + I2 NI1 (X, I2 Y ) NI1 (I2 X, I2 Y )
NI2 (X, Y ) + I1 NI2 (I1 X, Y ) + I1 NI2 (X, I1 Y ) NI2 (I1 X, I1 Y ) = 0 mod


On the other hand, the Nijenhuis tensor has the following expression in terms of a
connection with torsion T satisfying (3.28)(see e.g. [Iv])
(X, Y )+i (Y )Ij Xi (X)Ij Y Ii i (Y )Ik X+Ii i (X)Ik Y,
(4.21) NIi (X, Y ) = TIi

where the 1-forms i and the (0,2)-part of the torsion TI0,2

with respect to the
almost complex structure Ii are dened on H, correspondingly, by

i = j + Ii k ,
(X, Y

) = T (X, Y ) T (Ii X, Ii Y ) + Ii T (Ii X, Y ) + Ii T (X, Ii Y ).

Applying the above formulas to the Biquard connection and taking into account
(3.3) one sees that (4.20) is equivalent to (i )|H = 0. Hence we have the following
Proposition 4.15. A quaternionic contact structure (M, g, Q) is a hyperhermitian contact structure if and only if the connection 1-forms satisfy the relations

j (X) = k (Ii X),


The Nijenhuis tensors of a HC structure satisfy NIi (X, Y ) = TI0,2

(X, Y ),

X, Y

Given a QC structure (M, g, Q) let us consider the three almost complex structures (i , Ii )

Ii X = Ii X,

X H,

Ii (j ) = k ,

Ii (i ) = 0.

With these denitions (i , Ii ) are almost CR structures (i.e. possibly non-integrable)

exactly when the QC structure is HC since the condition di (Ii X, Ii j ) = di (X, j )
is equivalent to k (X) = j (Ii X) in view of (3.29). Hence, di is a (1,1)-form with
respect to Ii on i = H {j , k } and a HC structure supports a non integrable
hyper CR-structure (i , Ii ).
A natural question is to examine when Ii is formally integrable, i.e NIi =
0 mod i .
Proposition 4.16. Let (M, g, Q) be a hyperhermitian contact structure. Then
the CR structures (i , Ii ) are integrable if and only if the next two equalities hold

dj (k , i ) = dk (i , j ),

dj (j , i ) dk (k , i ) = 0.

Proof. From (3.3) it follows TI0,2 (X, Y ) = 0 using also (4.23). Substituting the
latter into (4.21) taken with respect to Ii shows NIi |H = 0 mod i is equivalent
to (4.24). Corollary 3.6 implies
NIi (X, j ) = (j (Ii X)+k (X))i +(j (k )+k (j ))Ik X +(j (j )k (k ))Ij X+
+ T (k , Ii X) Ii T (k , X) T (j , X) Ii T (j , Ii X).



Taking the trace part and the trace-free part in the right-hand side allows us to
conclude that NIi (X, j ) = 0 mod i is equivalent to the system
T (k , I1 X) I1 T (k , X) T (j , X) I1 T (j , I1 X) = 0,
j (k ) + k (j ) = 0 j (j ) k (k ) = 0.
An application of Proposition 3.3, (2.14) and (2.15) shows the rst equality is
trivially satised, while (3.30) tells us that the other equalities are equivalent to

4.3. Proof of Theorem 1.3
Proof of Theorem 1.3. The equivalence of a) and c) was proved in Proposition 4.2. We are left with proving the implication a) implies b). Let (M, g, Q) be
a qc-Einstein manifold with qc-scalar curvature Scal. According to Theorem 4.9,
Scal is a global constant on M . We dene = 16n(n+2)
. Then (M, g, Q) is a
qc-Einstein manifold with qc-scalar curvature Scal = 16n(n + 2), horizontal distribution H = Ker() and involutive vertical distribution V = span{1 , 2 , 3 } (see
(5.1),(5.7) and (5.8)).
We shall show that the Riemannian cone is a hyperk
ahler manifold. Consider
the structures dened by (4.25). We have the relations
i (j ) = ij , i Ij = j Ii = k ,
Ii j = Ij i = k
Ii Ij j i = Ij Ii + i j = Ik

Ii2 = Id + i i ,

i Ii = 0,

Ii i = 0,

g(Ii ., Ii .) = g(., .) i (.) i (.).

Let D be the Levi-Civita connection of the metric g on M determined by the

structure (, Q). The next step is to show

DIi = Id i g i j Ik + k Ij ,

for some appropriate 1-forms s on M . We consider all possible cases.

Case 1[X, Y, Z H] The well known formula
(4.29) 2 g(DA B, C) = Ag(B, C) + Bg(A, C) Cg(A, B)
+ g([A, B], C) g([B, C], A) + g([C, A], B),

A, B, C (T M )


2 g( (DX Ii ) Y, Z) = di (X, Y, Z) di (X, Ii Y, Ii Z) + g(Ni (Y, Z), Ii X).

We compute di in terms of the Biquard connection. Using (3.3), (3.28) and (4.22),
we calculate
di (X, Y, Z) di (X, Ii Y, Ii Z) = = 2 j (X) k (Y, Z) + 2k (X) j (Y, Z)
i (Y ) k (Z, X) Ii i (Y ) j (Z, X) i (Z) k (X, Y ) Ii i (Z) j (X, Y ).
A substitution of (4.21) and (4.31) in (4.30) gives

g((DX Ii )Y, Z) = j (X)k (Y, Z) + k (X)j (Y, Z).

Letting i (X) = i (X), we obtain equation (4.28).



Case 2 [ s , t V and Z H] Using the integrability of the vertical distribution

V and (4.29), we compute
2g((Ds Ii )t , Z) = 2g(Ds Ii t , Z) + 2g(Ds t , Ii Z) =
g([Ii t , Z], s ) g([s , Z], Ii t ) g([s , Ii Z], t ) g([t , Ii Z], s ).
An application of (2.10) allows to conclude g((Ds Ii )t , Z) = 0 for any i, s, t
{1, 2, 3}.
Case 3 [ X, Y H and C V ] First, let C = 1 . We have
2g((DX I1 )Y, 1 ) = 2g(DX I1 Y, 1 )
= 1 g(X, I1 Y ) + g([X, I1 Y ], 1 ) g([X, 1 ], I1 Y ) g([I1 Y, 1 ], X)
= (L1 g)(X, I1 Y ) + 1 ([X, I1 Y ]) = d1 (X, I1 Y ) = 2g(X, Y ).
after using (3.18), Ts = 0, s = 1, 2, 3, and (2.1).
For C = 2 , we calculate applying (4.27) and (4.29) that
2g((DX I1 )Y, 2 ) = 2g(DX I1 Y, 2 ) + 2g(DX Y, 3 )
= 1 g(X, Ii Y ) 3 g(X, Y ) + g([X, Ii Y ], 2 ) g([X, 2 ], Ii Y )
g([Ii Y, 2 ], X) + g([X, Y ], 3 ) g([X, 3 ], Y ) g([Y, 3 ], X)
= (L2 g)(X, I1 Y ) (L3 g)(X, Y ) + 2 ([X, I1 Y ]) + 3 (]X, Y ]) = 0.
The other possibilities in this case can be checked in a similar way.
Case 4 [X H and A, B V ]. We verify (4.28) for I1 , A = 1 , B = 2 and
I1 , A = 2 , B = 3 since the other verications are similar. Using the integrability
of V , (4.29), (4.27) and (3.29), we nd
2g((DX I1 )1 , 2 ) = 2g(DX 1 , 3 ) = g([X, 1 ], 3 ) g([X, 3 ], 1 ) = 22 (X),
2g((DX I1 )2 , 3 ) = 2g(DX 3 , 3 ) 2g(DX 2 , 2 ) = 0.
Case 5 [A, B, C V ] Let us extend the denition of the three 1-forms s on V as
i (i ) = 1 + (di (j , k ) dj (k , i ) dk (i , j ))
i (k ) = dk (j , k ).
i (j ) = dj (j , k ),
A small calculation leads to the formula

g(Ii A, B) = (j k )(A, B).

On the other hand, we have

(4.35) 2(DA i )(B) = 2g((DA i , B)
= Ai (B) + i g(A, B) Bi (A) + g([A, i ], B) i ([A, B]) g([i , B], A)


s (A) t (B) di (s , t ) s (A) t (B) dt (s , i ) s (B) t (A) dt (s , i )


= 2 j k (A, B) 2 j (A) k (B) + 2 k (A) j (B).



With the help of (4.34) and (4.35) we see

(4.36) g((DA Ii )B, C) = DA (j k )(B, C) = [DA (j ) k + j DA (k )](B, C)
= ((A(k i ) k (A)i + i (A)k ) k )(B, C)
+ (j (A(i j ) i (A)j + j (A)i ))(B, C)
= (k (A)i k (B, C) + j (A)i j (B, C)) j (A)g(Ik B, C) + k (A)g(Ij B, C)
= i (B)g(A, C) g(A, B)i (C) j (A)g(Ik B, C) + k (A)g(Ij B, C).
Case 6 [A V and Y, Z H]. Let A = s , s {1, 2, 3}. The right hand side
of (4.28) is equal to j (s )k (Y, Z) + k (s )j (Y, Z). On the left hand side of
(4.28), we have
(4.37) 2g((Ds Ii )Y, Z) = 2g(Ds (Ii Y ), Z) + 2g(Ds Y, Ii Z)
= {s g(Ii Y, Z) + g([s , Ii Y ], Z) g([s , Z], Ii Y ) g([Ii Y, Z], s )}
+ {s g(Y, Ii Z) + g([s , Y ], Ii Z) g([s , Ii Z], Y ) g([Y, Ii Z], s )}
= g((Ls Ii )Y, Z) g((Ls Ii )Z, Y ) + i (Is Y, Z) + i (Y, Is Z)
Now, recall Lemma 3.2 to compute the skew symmetric part of g((Ls Ii )Y, Z), and
also use formulas (4.33), to prove the case i = s
g( (Di Ii ) Y, Z) = di (i , j ) j (Y, Z) + di (i , k ) k (Y, Z)
= j (i ) k (Y, Z) + k (i ) j (Y, Z).
Similarly, for s = j we have
g( (Dj Ii ) Y, Z) = dj (i , j ) j (Y, Z)


di (j , k ) + dj (k , i ) dk (i , j ) k (Y, Z)
k (Y, Z) = j (j ) k (Y, Z) + k (j ) j (Y, Z),
which completes the proof of (4.28).
At this point, consider the Riemannian cone N = M R+ with the cone metric
gN = t2 g + dt2 and the almost complex structures
i (E, f ) = (Ii E + i , ti (E) ), i = 1, 2, 3, E (T M ).
Using the ONeill formulas for warped product [On, p.206], (4.27) and the just
proved (4.28) we conclude (see also [MO]) that the Riemannian cone (N, gN , i , i =
1, 2, 3) is a quatrnionic Kahler manifold with connection 1-forms dened by (4.32)
and (4.33). It is classical result (see e.g [Bes]) that a quaternionic Kahler manifolds
are Einstein. This fact implies that the cone N = M R+ with the warped product
metric gN must be Ricci at (see e.g. [Bes, p.267]) and therefore it is locally
ahler (see e.g. [Bes, p.397]). This means that locally there exists a SO(3)matrix with smooth entries such that the triple (1 , 2 , 3 ) = (1 , 2 , 3 )t
is D-parallel. Consequently (M, ) is locally 3-Sasakian. Example 4.12 and
Proposition 4.2 complete the proof.

Corollary 4.17. Let (M, g, Q) be a QC structure on a (4n+3)-dimensional
manifold with positive qc-scalar curvature, Scal > 0. The following two conditions
are equivalent.



i) The structure (M, 16n(n+2)

Scal g, Q) is locally 3-Sasakian.
ii) There exists a (local) 1-form such that the connection 1-forms of the
Biquard connection vanish on H, i (X) = dj (k , X) = 0, X H,
i, j, k = 1, 2, 3 and Scal is constant if n = 1.
Proof. In view of Theorem 1.3 and Example 4.12 it is sucient to prove the
following Lemma.

Lemma 4.18. If a QC structure has zero connection one forms restricted to the
horizontal space H then it is qc-Einstein, or equivalently, it has zero torsion.
Proof. If i (X) = 0 for i = 1, 2, 3 and X H then (3.33) together with (3.3)
2i (X, Y ) = i ([X, Y ]) = i (T (X, Y )) = 2 s=1 i (s )s (X, Y ).
Substitute the latter into (3.41) to conclude considering the Sp(n)Sp(1)-invariant
parts of the obtained equalities that T 0 (X, Y ) = U (X, Y ) = i (j ) = 0, i (i ) =

Corollary 4.19. Any totally umbilical hypersurface M in a quaternionicK
ahler manifold admits a canonical qc-Einstein structure with a non-zero scalar
, g).
Proof. Let M be a hypersurface in the quaternionic-K
ahler manifold (M
With N standing for the unit normal vector eld on M the second fundamental form
A N, B), with A, B T M and D
being the Levi-Civita
is given by II(A, B) =
g (D

connection of (M , g). Since M is a totally umbilical hypersurface of an Einstein

, taking a suitable trace in the Codazzi equation [KoNo, Proposition
manifold M
we can
4.3], we nd II(A, B) = Const g(A, B). Thus, after a homothety of M
assume II(A, B) =
g (A, B).
Consider a local basis J1 , J2 , J3 of the quaternionic structure of M
the quaternionic identities. We dene the horizontal distribution H of M to be the
maximal subspace of T M invariant under the action of J1 , J2 , J3 , whose restriction
to M will be denoted with I1 , I2 , I3 . We claim that (H, I1 , I2 , I3 ) is a qc-structure
on M . Dening i (A) = g(Ji (N ), A) and i = Ji N , a small calculation shows
di (X, Y ) = II(X, Ii Y ) II(Ii X, Y ) = 2
g (Ii X, Y ),

X, Y H,

Hence, the conditions in the denition of a qc-structure are satised.

Let D be the Levi-Civita connection of the restriction g of g to M . Then we

A B = DA B + II(A, B)N,

A, B T M

Dene Ii (A) = Ji (A)T M the orthogonal projection on T M , A T M . Since by

is a quaternionic-K
Ji = j Jk +k Jj .
assumption M
ahler manifold we have D
This together with (4.38), after some computation gives (compare with (4.28))

DIi = Id i g i j Ik + k Ij .



Using (4.39) we will show that the torsion of the qc-structure is zero. The same
computation as in the Case 3 in the proof of Theorem 1.3 gives
2g(X, Y ) = 2g((DX Ii )Y, i ) = 2g(DX Ii Y, i )
= i g(X, Ii Y ) + g([X, Ii Y ], i ) g([X, i ], Ii Y ) g([Ii Y, i ], X)
= (Li g)(X, Ii Y ) 2g(X, Y ).
2T0i (X, Y

Hence 0 = (Li g)(X, Y ) =

of Theorem 1.3, Case 6 gives

). A computation analogous to the the proof

23 (1 )1 (Y, Z) + 21 (1 )3 (Y, Z) = 2g((D1 I2 )Y, Z)

= g((L1 I2 )Y, Z) g((L1 I2 )Z, Y ) + 2 (I1 Y, Z) + 2 (Y, I1 Z).

From Lemma 3.2 it follows

23 (1 )1 (Y, Z) + 21 (1 )3 (Y, Z) =
= 4g(I3 u
Y, Z) + 2d1 (2 , 1 )1 (Y, Z)
+ (d1 (2 , 3 ) d2 (3 , 1 ) d3 (1 , 2 ) 2) 3 (Y, Z).
Working similarly in the remaining cases we conclude that the traceless part u of
the tensor u


Conformal transformations of a qc-structure

Let h be a positive smooth function on a QC manifold (M, g, Q). Let = 2h

be a conformal transformation of the QC structure (to be precise we should let

g on H and consider (M, g, Q)). We denote the objects related to by
g = 2h
overlining the same object corresponding to . Thus, d
= 2h1 2 dh + 2h
d and
g = 2h g. The new triple {1 , 2 , 3 } is determined by (2.10). We have

s = 2hs + Is h,


s = 1, 2, 3,

where h is the horizontal gradient dened by g(h, X) = dh(X), X H.

The (horizontal) sub-Laplacian and the norm of the horizontal gradient are
dened respectively by

(dh) =
h = trH


dh(e , e ),

|h|2 =



dh(e )2 .


are connected by a (1,2) tensor S,

AB =
The Biquard connections and
A B + SA B, A, B (T M ). The condition (3.3) yields

g(SX Y, Z) g(SY X, Z) = h1 3s=1 s (X, Y )dh(Is Z), X, Y, Z H.
g = 0 we get g(SX Y, Z) + g(SX Z, Y ) = h1 dh(X)g(Y, Z), X, Y, Z H.
The last two equations determine g(SX Y, Z) for X, Y, Z H due to the equality
g(SX Y, Z) = (2h)

{dh(X)g(Y, Z)


dh(Is X)s (Y, Z) + dh(Y )g(Z, X)



dh(Is Y )s (Z, X) dh(Z)g(X, Y )Z +



dh(Is Z)s (X, Y )}.


Using Biquards Theorem 2.4, we obtain after some calculations that

(5.3) g(T1 X, Y ) 2hg(T1 X, Y ) g(S1 X, Y ) =
dh(X, I1 Y ) + h1 (dh(I3 X)dh(I2 Y ) dh(I2 X)dh(I3 Y )).
The identity d2 = 0 yields dh(X, Y ) dh(Y, X) = dh(T (X, Y )). Applying
(3.3), we can write

dh(X, Y ) = [dh][sym] (X, Y )


dh(s )s (X, Y ),


where [.][sym] denotes the symmetric part of the correspondin (0,2)-tensor.




Decomposing (5.3) into [3] and [-1] parts according to (2.7), using the properties
of the torsion tensor Ti and (3.36) we come to the next transformation formulas:


T (X, Y ) = T 0 (X, Y ) + h1 [dh][sym][1] ,


(X, Y ) = U (X, Y ) + (2h)1 [dh 2h1 dh dh][3][0] ,


g(S1 X, Y ) =

dh(X, I1 Y ) + dh(I1 X, Y ) dh(I2 X, I3 Y )

+ dh(I3 X, I2 Y ) (2h)1 dh(I3 X)dh(I2 Y )

dh(I2 X)dh(I3 Y ) + dh(I1 X)dh(Y ) dh(X)dh(I1 Y )

h + 2h1 |h|2 g(I1 X, Y ) dh(3 )g(I2 X, Y ) + dh(2 )g(I3 X, Y ),
where [ . ][sym][1] and [ . ][3][0] denote the symmetric [1]-component and the traceless [3] part of the corresponding (0,2) tensors on H, respectively. Observe that for
n = 1 (5.6) is trivially satised.
Thus, using (3.47), we proved the following Proposition.

Proposition 5.1. Let = 2h
be a conformal transformation of a given QC
structure . Then the trace-free parts of the corresponding qc-Ricci tensors are
related by the equation

(5.7) Ric0 (X, Y ) Ric0 (X, Y )

= (2n+2)h1 [dh][sym][1] (X, Y )(2n+5)h1 dh2h1 dhdh

For n = 1,

(X, Y ).

Ric0 (X, Y ) Ric0 (X, Y ) = 4h1 [dh][sym][1] (X, Y ).

In addition, the qc-scalar curvature transforms by the formula [Biq1], which is

the qc-Yamabe equation,

Scal = 2h(Scal) 8(n + 2)2 h1 |h|2 + 8(n + 2)h.

5.1. Conformal transformations preserving the qc-Einstein condition

In this section we investigate the question of conformal transformations, which
preserve the qc-Einstein condition. A straightforward consequence of (5.7) is the
Proposition 5.2. Let = 2h
be a conformal transformation of a given qcstructure (M, g, Q). Then the trace-free part of the qc-Ricci tensor does not change
if and only if the function h satises the dierential equations


3(X dh)Y


(Is X dh)Is Y = 4



dh(s )s (X, Y ),


(5.10) (X dh)Y 2h1 dh(X)dh(Y )



(Is X dh)Is Y 2h1 dh(Is X)dh(Is Y ) = g(X, Y ),

for some smooth function and any X, Y H.



Note that for n = 1 (5.10) is trivially satised. Let us x a qc-normal frame,

cf. denition 4.6, {T , X = I1 T , Y = I2 T , Z = I3 T , 1 , 2 , 3 }, = 1 . . . , n at
a point p M .
Lemma 5.3. If h satises (5.9) then we have at p M the relations

(Ij T ) T h = T (Ij T ) h = j h
(Ij T ) (Ii T ) h = (Ii T ) (Ij T ) h = k h.

Proof. Working with the xed qc-normal frame, equation (5.9) gives
4T X h (p) [T , X ]h (p) + [Y , Z ]h (p) = 41 h (p).
Lemma 4.5 and (3.3) yield [T , X ]h (p) [Y , Z ]h (p) = 0. Hence, (5.11)

5.2. Quaternionic Heisenberg group. Proof of Theorem 1.1
The proof of Theorem 1.1 will be presented as separate Propositions and Lemmas in the rest of the Section, see (5.29) for the nal formula. We use the following
model of the quaternionic Heisenberg group G(H). Dene G(H) = Hn Im H with
the group law given by (q  ,  ) = (qo , o ) (q, ) = (qo + q, + o + 2 Im qo q),
where q, qo Hn and , o Im H. In coordinates, with the obvious notation,
a basis of left invariant horizontal vector elds T , X = I1 T , Y = I2 T , Z =
I3 T , = 1 . . . , n is given by
T = t + 2x x + 2y y + 2z z

X = x 2t x 2z y + 2y z

Y = y + 2z x 2t y 2x z

Z = z 2y x + 2x y 2t z .

The central (vertical) vector elds 1 , 2 , 3 are described as follows

1 = 2x 2 = 2y 3 = 2z .
A small calculation shows the following commutator relations

[Ij T , T ] = 2j

[Ij T , Ii T ] = 2k .

3 ) is
= (
The standard 3-contact form

= d q d
q + dq q.

The described horizontal and vertical vector elds are parallel with respect to the
Biquard connection and constitute an orthonormal basis of the tangent space.
We turn to the proof of Theorem 1.1. We start with a Proposition in which we
shall determine the vertical Hessian of h.
Proposition 5.4. If h satises (5.9) on G(H) then we have the relations

12 (h) = 22 (h) = 32 (h) = 8o ,

i j (h) = 0,

i = j = 1, 2, 3,

where o > 0 is a constant. In particular,

(5.15) h(q, ) = g(q) + o (x + xo (q) )2 + (y + yo (q) )2 + (z + zo (q) )2
for some real valued functions g, xo yo and zo on Hn . Furthermore we have
T Z X2 (h) = T Z Y2 (h) = 0,

T2 j (h) = 0.



Proof. Equations (5.11) and (5.12) yield the next sequence of equalities
2i j h = 2T (Ii T ) j h = 2T j (Ii T ) h = T [T , Ij T ] (Ii T ) h
= T2 (Ij T ) (Ii T ) h 2T (Ij T ) T (Ii T ) h = T2 k h i j h.
Hence, 3i j h = T2 k h. Similarly, interchanging the roles of i and j together with
{Ii T , Ij T } = 0 we nd 3j i (h) = T2 k (h). Consequently i j h = T2 k h =
0. An analogous calculation shows that i k h = 0. Furthermore, we have
212 (h) = 2X T 1 (h) = 2X 1 T (h) = X [Y Z ]T (h)
= X Z Y T (h) X Y Z T (h) = 22 (h) + 32 (h).
We derive similarly 222 (h) = 12 (h) + 32 (h), 232 (h) = 22 (h) + 12 (h). Therefore
12 (h) = 22 (h) = 32 (h), i3 (h) = i j2 (h) = 0, i = j = 1, 2, 3 which proves part of
Next we prove that the common value of the second derivatives is a constant.
For this we dierentiate the equation T2 k h = 0 with respect to Ik T from where,
(5.11) and (5.12), we get
0 = k (Ik T ) T2 h = k T (Ik T ) T h + k [Ik T , T ] h
= T k2 h + 2 T k2 h = 3 T k2 h.
In order to see the vanishing of (Ii T ) k2 h we shall need

(Ii T )2 k h = 0.

The latter can be seen by the following calculation.

2i j h = 2i (Ii T ) (Ik T ) h = 2(Ii T ) i (Ik T ) h = T [T , Ij T ] (Ii T ) h
= (Ii T )2 T (Ik T ) h (Ii T ) T (Ii T ) (Ik T ) h = (Ii T )2 k h i j h,
from where 0 = 3i j h = (Ii T )2 k h. Dierentiate (Ii T )2 k h = 0 with respect
to Ij T to get
0 = k (Ij T ) (Ii T )2 k h = k (Ii T ) (Ik T ) T h + k [Ij T , Ii T ] (Ii T ) h
= (Ii T ) k2 h + 2 (Ii T ) k2 h = 3 (Ii T ) k2 h.
We proved the vanishing of all derivatives of the common value of j2 h, i.e., this
common value is a constant, which we denote by 8o . Let us note that o > 0
follows easily from the fact that h > 0 since g is independent of x, y and z.
The rest equalities of the proposition follow easily from (5.11) and (5.14). 
In view of Proposition 5.4, we dene h = g + o f , where

f = (x + xo (q))2 + (y + yo (q))2 + (z + zo (q))2 .

The following simple Lemma is one of the keys to integrating our system.
Lemma 5.5. Let X and Y be two parallel horizontal vectors
a) If s (X, Y ) = 0 for s = 1, 2, 3 then


4XY h 2h1 dh(X) dh(Y ) +
dh(Is X) dh(Is Y ) = g(X, Y ).



b) If g(X, Y ) = 0 then
(5.19) 2 XY h h1 { dh(X) dh(Y )


dh(Is X) dh(Is Y ) } = 2



(s h) s (X, Y ) .


c) If g(X, Y ) = s (X, Y ) = 0 for s = 1, 2, 3 we have for any j {1, 2, 3}

XY (j h) = 0,


8 XY h = o (Xj f ) (Y j f ) +


(Is X j f ) (Is Y j f ) .


Proof. The equation of a) and b) are obtained by adding (5.9) and (5.10).
Let us prove part c). From (5.9) and (5.10) taking any two horizontal vectors
satisfying g(X, Y ) = s (X, Y ) = 0, we obtain 2hdh(X, Y ) = dh(X) dh(Y ) +
s=1 dh(Is X) dh(Is Y ).
If X, Y are also parallel, dierentiate along j twice to get consequently
(5.21) 2j h XY h + 2hXY j h
= (Xj h) (Y h) +


[(Is X j h) (Is Y h) + (Is X j h) (Is Y h)],


2j2 h XY


h + 4hXY j h = 2 (Xj h) (Y j h) +
(Is X j h) (Is Y j h) .

Dierentiate three times along j and use

j2 h

=const, cf. (5.14) to get

2 (j2 h) XY (j h) = 0,
from where the rst equality in (5.20) follows. With this information the second
line in (5.21) reduces to the second equality in (5.20).

In order to see that after a suitable translation the functions xo yo and zo can
be made equal to zero we prove the following proposition.
Proposition 5.6. If h satises (5.9) and (5.10) on G(H) then we have
a) For s {1, 2, 3} and i, j, k a cyclic permutation of 1, 2, 3
T T (s h) = (Ii T ) (Ii T ) (s h) = 0

(Ii T ) T (s h) = (Ii T ) (Ii T ) (s h) = 0, =

(Ij T ) T (s h) = T (Ij T ) (s h) = 8 sj o
(Ij T ) (Ii T ) (s h) = (Ii T ) (Ij T ) (s h) = 8 sk o ,

i.e., the horizontal Hessian of a vertical derivative of h is determined completely.

b) There is a point (qo , o ) G(H), qo = (qo1 , qo2 , . . . , qon ) Hn and = ixo + jyo +
kzo Im(H), such that,
ixo (q) + jyo (q) + kzo (q) = wo + 2 Im qo q.
Proof. a) Taking = and using X = T and Y = T in (5.20), we obtain
T T s h = 0, = . When = the same equality holds by (5.16).
The vanishing of the other derivatives can be obtained similarly. Finally, the
rest of the second derivatives can be determined from (5.11).



b) From the identities in (5.22) all second derivatives of xo , yo and zo vanish.

Thus xo , yo and zo are linear function. The fact that the coecients are related as
required amounts to the following system
T xo = Z yo = Y zo ,
Y xo = X yo = T zo ,

X xo = Y yo = Z zo
Z xo = T yo = X zo .

From (5.15) we have 1 h = 4o (x + xo (q)), 2 h = 4o (y + yo (q)),

4o (z + zo (q)). Therefore, the above system is equivalent to
T 1 h = Z 2 h = Y 3 h,
Y 1 h = X 2 h = T 3 h

3 h =

X 1 h = Y 2 h = Z 3 h
Z 1 h = T 2 h = X 3 h.

Let us prove the rst line. Denote a = T 1 h,

From (5.11) and (5.12) it follows

b = Z 2 h,

c = Y 3 h.

a = T Z Y h = Z T Y h + [T , Z ]Y h = b + 2c
b = Z Y T h = Y Z T h + [Z , Y ]T h = c + 2a
c = Y T Z h = T Y Z h + [Y , T ]Z h = a + 2b,
which implies a = b = c. The rest of the identities of the system can be obtained

So far we have proved that if h satises the system (5.9) and (5.10) on G(H)
then, in view of the translation invariance of the system, after a suitable translation
we have
h(q, ) = g(q) + o (x2 + y 2 + z 2 ).
Proposition 5.7. If h satises the system (5.9) and (5.10) on G(H) then after
a suitable translation we have
g(q) = (b + 1 +

o |q|2 )2 ,

b + 1 > 0.

Proof. Notice that 1 h = 4o x, 2 h = 4o y, 3 h = 4o z. With this

equations (5.11) become


T X (h) = Y Z (h) = X T (h) = Z Y (h) = 4o x,

T Y (h) = Z X (h) = Y T (h) = X Z (h) = 4o y,
T Z (h) = X Y (h) = Z T (h) = Y X (h) = 4o z.



Let us also write explicitly some of the derivatives of f , which shall be used to
express the derivatives of g by the derivatives of h. For all and we have
T f = 4 (x x + y y + z z),

X f = 4 (t x z y + y z),

Y f = 4 (z x t y x z),

Z f = 4 (y x + x y t z),

T T f = 8 (x x + y y + z z ),

X X f = 8 (t t + z z + y y ),

Y Y f = 8 (z z + t t + x x ),

Z Z f = 8 (y y + x x + t t ),

T X f = 4 x + 8(x t y z + z y ),
T Y f = 4 y + 8(x z y t z x ),
T Z f = 4 z + 8(x y + y x z t ),
X T f = 4 x + 8(t x z y + y z ),
X Y f = 4 z + 8(t z + z t y x ),
X Z f = 4 y + 8(t y z x + y t ).
From the above formulas we see that the fth order horizontal derivatives of f
vanish. In particular the fth order derivatives of h and g coincide.
Taking X = Y = T in (5.18) we obtain

4T2 h 2h1 {(T h)2 + (X h)2 + (Y h)2 + (Z h)2 } = .

Using in the same manner X , Y and Z we see the equality of the second derivatives
T2 h = X2 h = Y2 h = Z2 h.


Therefore, using (5.11) and (5.14), we have

T3 h = T X2 h = X T X h + [T , X ]X h = 3X 1 h = 24o t
and thus T4 h = 24o . In the same fashion we conclude
T3 h = 24o t

X3 h = 24o x ,

Y3 h = 24o y ,

Z3 h = 24o z .

Similarly, taking X = T , Y = X and j = 1 in (5.20) we nd

T X h = 8o (x t + t x y z + z y ),

= .

Plugging X = T , Y = T with = in (5.20) we obtain

T T h = X hX h = Y hY h = Z hZ h = 8o (t t + x x + y y + z z ).
The other mixed second order derivatives when = can be obtained by taking
suitable X and Y . In view of the formulas for the derivatives of f and (5.23), we
T X g = 8o t x , T Y g = 8o t y , T Z g = 8o t z
X Y g = 8o x y ,

T T g = 8o t t ,
Z Z g = 8o z z ,

T Z g = 8o t z

X Z g = 8o x z ,
X X g = 8o x x ,
T X g = 8o t x ,

X Y g = 8o x y ,

Y Z g = 8o y z ,

Y Y g = 8o y y ,
T Y g = 8o t y ,
X Z g = 8o x z ,

Y Z g = 8o y z .



A consequence of the considerations so far is the fact that all second order derivative are quadratic functions of the variables from the rst layer, except the pure
(unmixed) second derivatives, in which case we know (5.25) and (5.26). It is easy
to see then that the fth order horizontal derivatives of h vanish. With the information so far after a small argument we can assert that g is a polynomial of degree
4 without terms of degree 3, and of the form

(t + x + y + z )
+ p2 ,
g = o

where p2 is a polynomial of degree two. Furthermore, the mixed second order

derivatives of g are determined, while the pure second order derivatives are equal.
The latter follows from (5.24) taking q = 0, = 0. Let us see that there are no
terms of degree one on p2 . Taking X = T , Y = T , = and j = 1 in (5.21) we

(4o x) 4T T g + 32o (x x + y y + z z )

= 2 (8x )(T g+4o (x x + y y + z z)) + (8t )(X g+4o (t x z y + y z))
+ (8z )(Y g +4o (z x t y x z)) + (8y )(Z g +4o (y x + x y t z))
+ (8x )(T g +4o (x x + y y + z z)) + (8t )(X g +4o (t x z y + y z))

+ (8z )(Y g +4o (z x t y x z))+ (8y )(Z g +4o (y x + x y t z))

= 16 x T g + x T g t X g t X g + z Y g + z Y g y Z g y Z g
+ 128o x (t t + x x + t t + x x )
Taking into account (5.27) we proved
x T g+x T gt X gt X g+z Y g+z Y gy Z gy Z g = 0,

= .

Comparing coecients in front of the linear terms implies that g has no rst order
terms. Thus, we can assert that g can be written in the following form

g = 1 + o |q|2
+ 2a |q|2 + b.


Hence, h = 1 + o |q|2 + a |q|2 + b + o (x2 + y 2 + z 2 ). Taking X = T ,

Y = T in (5.19) we obtain 160 (1 + b) = 4 (a + 2 o )2 . Therefore,

g = o |q|4 + (a + 2 o ) o |q|2 + b + 1


= 2 b + 1 |q|2 + b + 1 = b + 1 + o |q|2 .
In turn the formula for h becomes


h = b + 1 + o |q|2
+ o (x2 + y 2 + z 2 ).

Setting c = (b + 1)2 and = 1+bo > 0 the solution takes the form

+ 2 (x2 + y 2 + z 2 ) , which completes the proof of
h = c 1 + |q|2
Theorem 1.1.

Let us note that the nal conclusion can be reached also using the fact that
a qc-Einstein structure has necessarily constant scalar curvature by Theorem 4.9,



together with the result of [GV1] identifying all partially symmetric solutions of
the Yamabe equation on G(H), i.e., of the equation


T u + X2 u + Y2 u + Z2 u = u Q2 .

The fact that we are dealing with such a solution follows from (5.28). The current
solution depends on one more parameter as the scalar curvature can be an arbitrary
constant. This constant will appear in the argument of [GV1] by rst using scalings
to reduce to a xed scalar curvature one for example.


Special functions and pseudo-Einstein

quaternionic contact structures
Considering only the [3]-component of the Einstein tensor of the Biquard connection due to Theorem 3.12 and by analogy with the CR-case [L1], it seems useful
to give the following Denition.
Definition 6.1. Let (M, g, Q) be a quaternionic contact manifold of dimension bigger than 7. We call M qc-pseudo-Einstein if the trace-free part of the
[3]-component of the qc-Einstein tensor vanishes.
Observe that for n = 1 any QC structure is qc-pseudo-Einstein. According to
Theorem 3.12 (M, g, Q) is quaternionic qc-pseudo-Einstein exactly when the tracefree part of the [3]-component of the torsion vanishes, U = 0. Proposition 5.1 yields
the following claim.
Proposition 6.2. Let = u be a conformal transformation of a given qcstructure. Then the trace-free part of the [3] component of the qc-Ricci tensor
(i.e. U ) is preserved if and only if the function u satises the dierential equations
(6.1) (X du)Y + (I1 X du)I1 Y + (I2 X du)I2 Y + (I3 X du)I3 Y = u g(X, Y ).
In particular, the qc-pseudo-Einstein condition persists under conformal transformation = u exactly when the function u satises (6.1).
Proof. Dening h = u1 a small calculation shows

dh 2h1 dh dh = u1 du.

Inserting (6.2) into (5.10) shows (6.1).

Our next goal is to investigate solutions to (6.1). We shall nd geometrically

dened functions, which are solutions of (6.1).
6.1. Quaternionic pluriharmonic functions
We start with some analysis on the quaternion space Hn .
6.1.1. Pluriharmonic functions in Hn . Let H be the four-dimensional real
associative algebra of the quaternions. The elements of H are of the form q =
t+ix+jy+kz, where t, x, y, z R and i, j, k are the basic quaternions satisfying the
multiplication rules i2 = j 2 = k2 = 1 and ijk = 1. For a quaternion q we dene
its conjugate q = t ix jy kz, and real and imaginary parts, correspondingly,
by q = t and q = xi + yj + zk.The most important operator for us is the
Dirac-Feuter operator D = t + ix + jy + kz , i.e.,
D F = t F + ix F + jy F + kz F



and in addition
DF = t F ix F jy F kz F.
Note that if F is a quaternionic valued function due to the non-commutativity of
the multiplication the above expression is not the same as F D = t F + x F i +
y F j + z F k. Also, when conjugating D F = DF .
Definition 6.3. A function F : H H, which is continuously dierentiable when regarded as a function of R4 into R4 is called quaternionic antiregular ( quaternionic regular), or just anti-regular ( regular) for short, if DF = 0
(D F = 0).
These functions were introduced by Fueter [F]. The reader can consult the paper
of A. Sudbery [S] for the basics of the quaternionic analysis on H. Let us note
explicitly one of the most striking dierences between complex and quaternionic
analysis. As it is well known the theory of functions of a complex variable z is
equivalent to the theory of power series of z. In the quaternionic case, each of the
coordinates t, x, y and z can be written as a polynomial in q, see eq. (3.1) of
[S], and hence the theory of power series of q is just the theory of real analytic
functions. Our goal here is to consider functions of several quaternionic variables
in Hn and on manifolds with quaternionic structure and present some applications
in geometry.
For a point q Hn we shall write q = (q 1 , . . . , q n ) with q H, q = t + ix +

jy + kz for = 1, . . . , n. Furthermore, q = q , i.e., q = t ix jy kz .

We recall that a function F : Hn H, which is continuously dierentiable
when regarded as a function of R4n into R4 is called quaternionic regular, or just
regular for short, if
D F = t F + ix F + jy F + kz F = 0, = 1, . . . , n.
In other words, a real-dierentiable function of several quaternionic variables is
regular if it is regular in each of the variables (see [Per1, Per2, Joy]. The condition
that F = f + iw + ju + kv is regular is equivalent to the following Cauchy-RiemannFeuter equations
t f x w y u z v = 0, t w + x f + y v z u = 0,
t u x v + y f + z w = 0, t v + x u y w + z f = 0.

Definition 6.4. A real-dierentiable function f : Hn

R is called Q-pluriharmonic if it is the real part of a regular function.
Proposition 6.5. Let f be a real-dierentiable function f : Hn
R. The
following conditions are equivalent

i) f is Q-pluriharmonic,
i.e., it is the real part of a regular function;
ii) D D f = 0 for every , {1, . . . , n}, where D = t ix
jy kz ;
iii) f satises the following system of PDEs

ft t + fx x + fy y + fz z = 0, fx t ft x fy z + fz y = 0
ft y + fx z + fy t fz x = 0, ft z fx y + fy x + fz t = 0.

Proof. It is easy to check that D D f = 0 is equivalent to (6.4).

We turn to the proof of ii) implies i). Let f be real valued function on Hn ,
such that, D D f = 0. We shall construct a real-dierentiable regular function



F : Hn
H. In fact, for q Hn we dene
s2 (D f )(sq) q ds.
F (q) = f (q) + 

In order to rewrite the imaginary part in a dierent way we compute


s2 (D f )(sq) q ds


s2 t f ix f jy f kz f (sq) (t + ix + jy + kz ) ds


s2 t f (sq)t + x f (sq)x + y f (sq)y + z f (sq)z ds


f (sq) ds = s2 f (sq)|10 2
sf (sq) ds = f (q) 2
sf (sq) ds.
Therefore we have

s (D f )(sq) q ds =
s (D f )(sq) q ds f (q) + 2
sf (sq) ds.



In turn, the formula for F (q) becomes


F (q) =
s2 (D f )(sq) q ds + 2

sf (sq) ds.

Hence D F (q) = o s2 D (D f )(sq) q ds + 2 0 s D f (sq) ds. We compute
the rst term,

D (D f )(sq) q = (t +ix +jy +kz ) (D f )(sq) q

= D (D f )(sq) q + D f (sq) t q + iD f (sq) x q
+ jD f (sq) y q + kD f (sq) z q

= D (D f )(sq) q + {D f (sq) + iD f (sq)i + jD f (sq)j + kD f (sq)k}.
The last term can be simplied, using the fundamental property that the coordinates of a quaternion can be expressed by the quaternion only, as follows
D f (sq) + iD f (sq)i + jD f (sq)j + kD f (sq)k
= (t f ix f jy f kz f ) + i(t f ix f jy f kz f )i
+ j(t f ix f jy f kz f )j + k(t f ix f jy f kz f )k
= 2t f ix f jy f kz f + ix f jy f kz f
ix f + jy f kz f ix f jy f + kz f
= 2t f 2ix f 2jy f 2kz f = 2D f (sq).
Going back to the computation of D F (q), we nd

D F (q) =
D (D f )(sq) q ds 2
s2 D f (sq) ds + 2

s2 D f (sq) ds

D (D f )(sq) q ds.

Hence, if D D f = 0 for every and we have D F (q) = 0.



Next we show that i) implies ii). Using (6.3), we have

fx t ft x + fz y fy z = wx x + ux y + vx z + wt t + vt y ut z
uz t + vz x wz z + vy t + uy x wy y .
Both sides must be equal to zero by noticing that the left hand side is antisymmetric
while on the right we have an expression symmetric with respect to exchanging
with . The other identities can be obtained similarly.

According to [Sti] there are exactly two kinds of Cauchy-Riemann equations
for functions of several quaternionic variables. The second one turns out to be most
suitable for the geometric purposes considered in this paper.
Definition 6.6. A function F : Hn H, which is continuously dierentiable
when regarded as a function of R4n into R4 is called quaternionic anti-regular ( also
anti-regular), if
DF = t F ix F jy F kz F = 0,

= 1, . . . , n.

The condition that F = f + iw + ju + kv is anti-regular function is equivalent

to the following Cauchy-Riemann-Feuter equations
t f + x w + y u + z v = 0, t w x f y v + z u = 0,
t u + x v y f z w = 0, t v x u + y w z f = 0.
See also (6.8) for an equivalent form of the above system.
Anti-regular functions on hyperk
ahler and quaternionic Kahler manifolds are
studied in [CL1, CL2, LZ], under the name quaternionic maps, in connection with
minimal surfaces and maps between quaternionic K
ahler manifolds preserving the
sphere of almost complex structures. Thus, the anti-regular functions considered
here are quaternionic maps between Hn and H with a suitable choice of the coordinates.
Definition 6.7. A real-dierentiable function f : Hn
R is called quaternionic pluriharmonic ( Q-pluriharmonic for short) if it is the real part of an antiregular function.
The anti-regular functions and their real part play a signicant role in the
theory of hypercomplex manifold as well as in the theory of quaternionic contact
(hypercomplex contact) manifolds as we shall see further in the paper. We need a
real expression of the second order dierential operator D D f acting on a real
function f .
We use the standard hypercomplex structure on Hn determined by the action
of the imaginary quaternions
I1 dt = dx , I1 dy = dz ,
I3 dt = dz ,

I2 dt = dy ,

I2 dx = dz

I3 dx = dy .

We recall a convention. For any p-form we consider the p-form Is and three
(p+1)-forms ds , s = 1, 2, 3 dened by

Is (X1 , . . . , Xp ) = (1)p (Is X1 , . . . , Is Xp ),


ds = (1)p Is dIs .

Consider the second order dierential operators DDIs acting on the exterior algebra
dened by [HP]

DDIi := ddi + dj dk = ddi Ij ddi = ddi Ik ddi .


Proposition 6.8. Let f be a real-dierentiable function f : Hn R. The

following conditions are equivalent
i) f is Q-pluriharmonic, i.e. it is the real part of an anti-regular function;
ii) DDIs f = 0, s = 1, 2, 3.;
iii) D D f = 0 for every , {1, . . . , n}, where

= t ix jy kz ,

iv) f satises the following system of PDEs

ft t + fx x + fy y + fz z = 0,

fx t + ft x fy z + fz y = 0,

ft y + fx z fy t fz x = 0,

ft z fx y + fy x fz t = 0.

Proof. A simple calculation of D D f gives the equivalence between iii)

and iv).
Next, we shall show that ii) is equivalent to iii). As df = t f dt + x f dx +
y f dy + z f dz we have I1 df = t f dx x f dt + y f dz z f dy .
A routine calculation gives the following formula

(6.7) D DI1 f =
(D D f ) [ dt dx + dy dz ]

(iD D f ) [ dt dt dx dx + dy dy + dz dz ]


(jD D f ) [ dt dz dx dy ]
(kD D f ) [ dt dy + dx dz ].

Similar formulas hold for DDI2 and DDI3 . Hence, the equivalence of ii) and iii)
The proof of the implication iii) implies i) is analogous to the proof of the
corresponding implication in Proposition 6.5. Dene
s2 (D f )(sq) q ds,
F (q) = f (q) + 

and a small calculation shows that this denes an anti-regular function, i.e., D F =
0 for every .
In order to see that iii) follows from i) we can proceed as in Proposition 6.5
and hence we skip the details. See also another proof in Proposition 6.11

Remark 6.9. We note that Proposition 6.5 and Proposition 6.8 imply that the
real part of a regular function is not in the kernel of the operators DDIs which is
one of the main dierence between regular and anti-regular function.
6.2. Quaternionic pluriharmonic functions on hypercomplex manifold
We recall that a hypercomplex manifold is a smooth 4n-dimensional manifold M together with a triple (I1 , I2 , I3 ) of integrable almost complex structures
satisfying the quaternionic relations I1 I2 = I2 I1 = I3 . The second order dierential operators DDIi dened in [HP] by (6.21) having the origin in the papers
[Sal1, Sal2, CSal] play an important r
ole in the theory of quaternionic plurisubharmonic functions (i.e. a real function for which DDIs (., Is .) is positive denite) on



hypercomplex manifold [A1,A2,V,AV,A3] as well as the potential theory of HKTmanifolds. We recall that Riemannian metric g on a hypercomplex manifold compatible with the three complex structures is said to be HKT-metric [HP] if the three
corresponding Kahler forms s = g(Is ., .) satisfy d1 1 = d2 2 = d3 3 . A smooth
real function is a HKT-potential if locally it generates the three Kahler forms,
s = DDIs f [MS, GP], in particular such a function is quaternionic plurisubharmonic. The existence of a HKT potential on any HKT metric on Hn is proved in
[MS] and for any HKT metric in [BS].
Regular functions on hypercomplex manifold are studied from analytical point
[Per1, Per2], from algebraic point [Joy, Q]. However, as we have already mentioned, regular functions are not the appropriate functions for our purposes mainly
because they have no direct connection with the second order dierential operator
DDIs .
Here we consider anti-regular functions and their real parts on hypercomplex
Definition 6.10. Let (M, I1 , I2 , I3 ) be a hypercomplex manifold. A quaternionic valued function F : M f + iw + ju + kv H is said to be anti-regular if
any one of the following relations between the dierentials of the coordinates hold
d1 f = dw + d3 u d2 v
df = d1 w + d2 u + d3 v
d2 f = d3 w du + d1 v
d3 f = d2 w d1 u dv.
A real valued function f : M R is said to be quaternionic pluriharmonic ( or
Q-pluriharmonic) if it is the real part of an anti-regular function.
Observe that the system (6.5) is equivalent to (6.8). We have the hypercomplex
manifold analogue of Proposition 6.8
Proposition 6.11. Let (M, I1 , I2 , I3 ) be a hypercomplex manifold and let f be
a real-dierentiable function on M , f : M R. The following conditions are
i) f is Q-pluriharmonic, i.e. it is the real part of an anti-regular function;
ii) DDIs f = 0, s = 1, 2, 3.
Proof. It is easy to verify that if each Is is integrable almost complex structure
then we have the identities [HP]

dds + ds d = 0,

ds dr + dr ds = 0,

s, r = 1, 2, 3.

Using the commutation relations (6.9), we get readily that i) implies ii). For example, (6.8) yields
dd1 f + d2 d3 f + d2 w d22 w dd3 u + d2 d1 u + dd2 v + d2 dv = 0
d1 df + d3 d2 f d21 w + d23 w d1 d2 u + d3 du d1 d3 v d3 d1 v = 0.
Subtracting the two equations and using the commutation relations (6.9) we get
DDI1 f = 0.

For the converse, observe that DDI1 f = 0 dd1 f = I2 dd1 f . The -lemma
for I2 gives the existense of a smooth function A1 such that dd1 f = dd2 A1 . Similarly, using the Poincare lemma, we obtain d1 f d2 A1 dB1 = 0, d2 f d3 A2
dB2 = 0, d3 f d1 A3 dB3 = 0 for a smooth functions A1 , A2 , A3 , B1 , B2 , B3 . The
latter implies df + d1 (A2 + B1 ) + d2 (B2 A3 ) + d3 (A1 B3 ) = 0. Set w = A2 B1 ,
u = A3 B2 , v = B3 A1 to get the equivalence between i) and ii).



6.3. The hypersurface case

In this section we shall denote with ., . the Euclidean scalar product in
= Hn+1 and with Ij , j = 1, 2, 3, the standard almost complex structures
. Let M be a smooth hyper-surface in Hn+1 with a dening function ,
on H
M = { = 0}, d = 0, and i : M  Hn+1 be the embedding. It is not hard to

see that at every point p M the subspace Hp = 3j=1 Ij (Tp M ) of the tangent
space Tp M of M at p is the largest subspace invariant under the almost complex
structures and dimHp = 4n. We shall call Hp the horizontal space at p. Thus
on the horizontal space H the almost complex structures Ij , j = 1, 2, 3, are the
restrictions of the standard almost complex structures on Hn+1 . In particular, for
a horizontal vector X we have
Ij i X = i (Ij X).


Let j = Ij |d|
. We drop the in the notation of the almost complex structures
when there is no ambiguity.
We dene three one-forms on M by setting j = i j = i (Ij |d|
), i.e.,

j ( . ) =

d (Ij . )
=  . , Ij N ,

where N = |D|
is the unit normal vector to M . We describe the hypersurfaces
which inherit a natural quaternionic contact structure from the standard structures
on Hn+1 (see also [D1]) in the next

Proposition 6.12. If M is a smooth hypersurface of Hn+1 then we have


d1 (I1 X, Y ) = d2 (I2 X, Y ) = d3 (I3 X, Y )

(X, Y H)

if and only if the restriction of the second fundamental form of M to the horizontal
space is invariant with respect to the almost complex structures, i.e. if X and Y
are two horizontal vectors we have II(Ij X, Ij Y ) = II(X, Y ). Furthermore, if the
restriction of the second fundamental form of M to the horizontal space is positive
denite, II(X, X) > 0 for any non-zero horizontal vector X, then (M, , I1 , I2 ) is
a quaternionic contact manifold.
Proof. Let D be the Levi-Civita connection on R4n+4 and X, Y be two
horizontal vectors. As the horizontal space is the intersection of the kernels of the
one forms j we have
(6.12) d1 (I1 X, Y ) = 1 ([I1 X, Y ]) = [I1 X, Y ], I1 N 
= D Y DY (I1 X), I1 N  = D Y, I1 N  + DY (I1 X), I1 N 
I1 X

I1 X

= DI1 X (I1 Y ), N  + DY X, N  = II(I1 X, I1 Y ) + II(X, Y ).

Therefore d1 (I1 X, Y ) = d2 (I2 X, Y ) i II(Ij X, Ij Y ) = II(X, Y ).
The last claim of the proposition is clear from the above formula. In particular,
gH (X, Y ) = II(X, Y ) is a metric on the horizontal space when the second fundamental form is positive denite on the horizontal space and we have d1 (I1 X, Y ) =
2gH (X, Y ). Hence, (M, , I, J) becomes a quaternionic contact structure. We denote the corresponding horizontal forms with j , i.e., j (X, Y ) = gH (Ij X, Y ). 



Let us note also that in the situation as above g = gH + 3j=1 j j is a

Riemannian metric on M . In view of the above observations we dene a QChypersurface of Hn+1 as follows.
Definition 6.13. We say that a smooth embedded hypersurface of Hn+1 is
a QC-hypersurface if the restriction of the second fundamental form of M to the
horizontal space is a denite symmetric form, which is invariant with respect to the
almost complex structures.
Clearly every sphere in Hn+1 is a QC-hypersurface and this is true also for the
ellipsoids a |qba| = 1. In fact, a hypersurface of Hn+1 is a QC-hypersurface if
and only if the (Euclidean) Hessian of the dening function , considered as a quadratic form on the horizontal space, is a symmetric denite matrix from GL(n, H),
the latter being the linear group of invertible matrices which commute with the
standard complex structures on Hn . The same statement holds for hypersurfaces
in quaternionic Kahler and hyperk
ahler manifolds.
Proposition 6.14. Let i : M Hn be a QC hypersurface in Hn , f a realvalued function on M . If f = i F is the restriction to M of a Q-pluriharmonic
function F dened on Hn , i.e. F is the real part of an anti-regular function F +
iW + jU + kV , then:

df = d(i F ) = d1 (i W ) + d2 (i U ) + d(i V )


DDI1 f (X, I1 Y ) = 4dF (D) gH (X, Y ) 4(2 f ) 2 (X, Y )

mod ,

for any horizontal vector elds X, Y H.

Proof. Let us prove rst (6.13). Denote with small letters the restrictions of
the functions dened on Hn . For X H from (6.10) we have
(i I1 dW )(X) = (I1 dW )(i X) = dW (I1 i X)
= dW (i (I1 X)) = dw(I1 X) = d1 w (X).
Applying the same argument to the functions U and V we see the validity of (6.13).
Our goal is to write the equation for f on M , using the fact that f = i F . Let us
consider the function , = dF
|D|2 , and the one-form dM F , dM F = dF d.
Thus the one-form df satises the equation df = i (dM F + d) = i (dM F ),
taking into account that (i) d(i) = 0 as is constant on M . From Proposition
6.8, the assumption on F is equivalent to DDIj F = 0. Therefore, we have
0 = DDI1 F = dI1 dF I2 dI1 dF
= d (I1 dM F + I1 d) I2 d (I1 dM F + I1 d)
= d I1 dM F + d I1 d + dI1 d I2 d I1 dM F
I2 (d I1 d) I2 I1 d.
Restricting to M , and in fact, to the horizontal space H we nd
(6.15) 0 = i (DDI1 F )|H = i d (I1 dM F )|H + d( i) i (I1 d)|H
+ ( i)di (I1 d)|H i (I2 d I1 dM F )|H
i (I2 (d I1 d))|H ( i) i (I2 d I1 d)|H .



Since the horizontal space is in the kernel of the one-forms j = Ij d|H it follows
that i (Ij d)|H = 0. Hence, two of the terms in (6.15) are equal to zero, and we
(6.16) 0 = i (DDI1 F )|H = i (d I1 dM F I2 d I1 dM F ) |H

+ ( i) i d I1 d I2 d I1 d |H .
In other words for horizontal X and Y we have
(6.17) i (d I1 dM F I2 d I1 dM F )(X, IY )

= ( i) i d I1 d I2 d I1 d (X, IY )

The right-hand side is proportional to the metric. Indeed, recalling

i (Ij d )(X) = |d| j (X)d j (X, Y ) = 2g(Ij X, Y )
we obtain the identity

i d I1 d I2 d I1 d (X, Y ) = 2|d| g(I1 X, Y ) 2|d| g(I1 I2 X, I2 Y )
= 2|d| g(I1 X, Y ) 2g(I3 X, I2 Y ) = 4|d| g(I1 X, Y ).
Let us consider now the term in the left-hand side of (6.17). Decomposing dM F into
horizontal and vertical parts we write dM F = dH f + Fj j . From the denitions
of the forms j we have I1 1 = |d|
, I1 2 = 3 , I1 1 3 = 2 . Therefore
) + F2 d3 F3 d2
|d|2 d|d| d + F2 d3 F3 d2

dI1 dM F = dI1 dH F + dFj I1 j + F1 d(

= dI1 dH F + dFj I1 j

I2 dI1 dM F = I2 dI1 dH F + I2 dFj I2 I1 j

|d|2 I2 d|d| I2 d + F2 I2 d3 F3 I2 d2 .
From I2 d 3 = d 3 , I2 d 2 = d 2 and the above it follows
i (d I1 dM F I2 d I1 dM F )|H = DDI1 f + F2 d 3 F3 d 2 + F2 d 3 + F3 d 2
= DDI1 f + 4F2 3 .
In conclusion, we proved DDI1 f (X, Y ) = 4(i) || g(I1 X, Y ) 4F2 3 (X, Y )
from where the claim of the Proposition.

6.4. Anti-CRF functions on Quaternionic contact manifold
Let (M, , Q) be a (4n+3)-dimensional quaternionic contact manifold and
denote the Biquard connection on M . The equation (6.13) suggests the following
Definition 6.15. A smooth H-valued function F : M H, F = f + iw +
ju + kv, is said to be an anti-CRF function if the smooth real valued functions
f, w, u, v satisfy
where di = Ii d.

df = d1 w + d2 u + d3 v mod ,



Choosing a local frame {Ta , Xa = I1 Ta , Ya = I2 Ta , Za = I3 Ta , 1 , 2 , 3 }, a =

1, . . . , n it is easy to check that a H-valued function F = f + iw + ju + kv is an
anti-CRF function if it belongs to the kernel of the operators

DT = T iX jY kZ ,

DT F = 0,

= 1, . . . n.

Remark 6.16. We note that anti-CRF functions have dierent properties than
the CRF functions [Per1, Per2]which are dened to be in the kernel of the operator
DT = T + iX + jY + kZ ,

DT F = 0,

= 1, . . . n.

Equation (6.18) and a small calculation give the following Proposition.

Proposition 6.17. A H-valued function F = f + iw + ju + kv is an antiCRF function if and only if the smooth functions f, w, u, v satisfy the horizontal
Cauchy-Riemann-Fueter equations

T f = X w Y u Z v,
Y f = Z w + T u + X v,

X f = T w + Z u Y v,
Z f = Y w X u + T v.

Having the quaternionic contact form xed, we may extend the denitions
(6.6) of DDIi to the second order dierential operator DDIi acting on the realdierentiable functions f : M R by

DDIi f := ddi f + dj dk f = ddi f Ij ddi f = d(Ii df ) Ij (d(Ii df )).

The following proposition provides some formulas, which shall be used later.
Proposition 6.18. On a QC-manifold, for X, Y H, we have the following
commutation relations
DDIi f (X, Ii Y ) DDIk f (X, Ik Y ) = Ii NIj (X, Ii Y )(f ) NIk (Ij X, Ij Y )(f ),

di dj f (X, Y ) + dj di f (X, Y ) = NIk (Ij X, Ii Y )(f ),

ddi f (X, Y ) + di df (X, Y ) = NIi (Ii X, Y )f,


d2i f (X, Y

) = 2(i f )i (X, Y ) + 2(j f )j (X, Y ) + 2(k f )k (X, Y ),

In particular, on a hyperhermitian contact manifold we have

DDIi f (X, Ii Y ) DDIk (X, Ik Y ) = 4i (f )i (X, Y ) 4j (f )j (X, Y ),

di dj f (X, Y ) + dj di f (X, Y ) = 4 [(i f )j (X, Y ) + (j f )i (X, Y )] ,

ddi f (X, Y ) + di df (X, Y ) = 4 [(k f )j (X, Y ) (j f )k (X, Y )] .

Proof. By the denition (6.21) we obtain the second and the third formulas
in (6.22) as well as DDi (X, Y ) + (ddk dj di )f (X, Ij Y ) = Ii NIj (X, Y )f . The rst
equality in (6.22) is a consequence of the latter and the second equality in (6.22).
We have
d2i f (X, Y ) = Ii d(Ii2 df )(X, Y ) = d(df


(s f )s )(Ii X, Ii Y )


which is exactly (6.23). If H is formally integrable then the formula (4.21) reduces
to Ni (X, Y ) = Ti0,2 (X, Y ). The equation (6.24) is an easy consequences of the
latter equality, (6.22) and (3.3)



Let us make the conformal change = 2h
. The endomorphisms Ii will coincide
with Ii on the horizontal distribution H but they will have a dierent kernel - the
new vertical space span{1 , 2 , 3 }, where s = 2hs + Is (h) (see (5.1)). Hence,
for any P (T M ) we have

(6.25) Ii (P ) = Ii (P


s (P )s ) = Ii (P
s (P )(2hs + Is (h)))
2h s=1

= Ii (P ) +

{i (P )h j (P )Ik h + k (P )Ij h}.

Proposition 6.19. Suppose = 2h
are two conformal to each other structures.
a) The second order dierential operator DDIi (restricted on functions) transforms as follows:

DDIi f DDIi f = 2h1 df (h)i 2h1 df (Ij h)k

mod .

b) If f is the real part of the anti-CRF function f + iw + ju + kv then the two forms
i = DDIi f i + 4(j f ) k

are conformally invariant, where = 4 1 w + 2 u + 3 v .
Proof. a) For any X, Y H, we compute
d(Ii df )(X, Y ) = X(Ii df (Y )) Y (Ii df (X)) Ii df [X, Y ]
= d(Ii df )(X, Y ) + df (Ii [X, Y ] Ii [X, Y ])
Here, we apply (6.25) to get
d(Ii df )(X, Y ) = d(Ii df )(X, Y )
+ {df (h)i (X, Y ) + df (Ik h)j (X, Y ) df (Ij h)k (X, Y )}.
Now, we apply the dening equation (6.21) which acomplishes the proof of part a).
b) Assuming that f is the real part of an anti-CRF function, from part a) we

i i = DDI f DDI f

i + i + 4(j f )
k 4(j f ) k mod

= 4(1 w + 2 u + 3 v)i 4 (I1 dh)w + (I2 dh)u + (I3 dh)v
g(df, dh)i g(df, dj h)k + 4(1 w + 2 u + 3 v)i + 4g(df, dj h)
= 0 mod ,

taking into account (6.18).

We restrict our considerations to hyperhermitian contact manifolds.

Theorem 6.20. If f : M R is the real part of an anti-CRF function f +

iw + ju + kv on a (4n+3)-dimensional (n > 1) hyperhermitian contact manifold
(M, , Q), then the following equivalent conditions hold true.
i) The next equalities hold

DDIi f = i 4(j f )k

mod .



ii) For any X, Y H we have the equality

(6.27) (X df )(Y ) + (I1 X df )(I1 Y ) + (I2 X df )(I2 Y ) + (I3 X df )(I3 Y )
= g(X, Y ) + df (X)3 (I3 Y ) + df (I1 X)3 (I2 Y )
df (I2 X)3 (I1 Y ) df (I3 X)3 (Y ) + df (Y )3 (I3 X)
+ df (I1 Y )3 (I2 X) df (I2 Y )3 (I1 X) df (I3 Y )3 (X).
iii) The function f satises the second order system of partial dierential
(6.28) (DT DT f ) = g(T , T )
+ df (T T ) + df (I1 T I1 T ) + df (I2 T I2 T ) + df (I3 T I3 T )
+ df (T )3 (I3 T ) + df (I1 T )3 (I2 T ) df (I2 T )3 (I1 T ) df (I3 T )3 (T )
+ df (T )3 (I3 T ) + df (I1 T )3 (I2 T ) df (I2 T )3 I1 (T ) df (I3 T )3 (T )

(iDT DT f ) = (DI1 T DT f ),

(jDT DT f ) = (DI2 T D T f ),

(jDT DT f ) = (DI3 T DT f ).

The function is determined by


= 4 [(1 w) + (2 u) + (3 v)] .

Proof. The proof includes a number of steps and occupies the rest of the
section. Suppose that there exists a smooth functions w, u, v such that F = f +
iw + ju + kv is an anti-CRF function.
i) The dening equation (6.18) yields

df = d1 w + d2 u + d3 v +


s (f )s ,


Since ds t (X, Y ) = 0, for s, t {1, 2, 3}, X, Y H, applying (6.23) and (2.1), we

obtain from (6.31)
(dd1 f dd3 u + dd2 v 21 (w)1 22 (w)2 23 (w)3 )(X, Y ) = 0,
(d1 df d1 d2 u d1 d3 v + 21 (w)1 22 (w)2 23 (w)3 )(X, Y ) = 0,
(d2 d3 f + d2 d1 u + d2 dv 21 (w)1 + 22 (w)2 23 (w)3 )(X, Y ) = 0,
(d3 d2 f + d3 du d3 d1 v + 21 (w)1 + 22 (w)2 23 (w)3 )(X, Y ) = 0.
Summing the rst and the third equations, subtracting the second and the fourth
and using the commutation relations (6.24) we obtain (6.26) with the condition
(6.30) which proves i).
iii) Equations (6.19) and (6.20) yield
2(DT DT f ) = 2(T T f + X X f + Y Y f + Z Z f )
= ((DT DT f ) + (DT DT f )) + ((DT DT f ) (DT DT f )) =
([T , T ] + [X , X ] + [Y , Y ] + [Z , Z ])f
([T , X ] [X , T ] + [Y , Z ] [Z , Y ])w
([T , Y ] [X , Z ] [Y , T ] + [Z , X ])u
([T , Z ] + [X , Y ] [Y , X ] [Z , T ])v.



Expanding the commutators and applying (6.18), (3.3), (3.28) and (4.24) gives
(6.28). Similarly, one can check the validity of (6.29)
i) ii) iii) The next lemma establishes the equivalence between i), ii) and
Lemma 6.21. For any X, Y H on a quaternionic contact manifold we have
the identity
DDI1 f (X, I1 Y ) = (X df )Y + (I1 X df )I1 Y + (I2 X df )I2 Y
+ (I3 X df )I3 X 42 (f )2 (X, Y ) df (X)3 (I3 Y ) + df (I1 X)2 (I3 Y )
+ df (I2 X)3 (I1 Y ) df (I3 X)2 (I1 Y ) df (Y )2 (I2 X)
df (I1 Y )3 (I2 X) + df (I2 Y )2 (X) + df (I3 Y )3 (X).
Proof of Lemma 6.21. Using the denition and also (3.28), (3.3) and (5.4)
we derive the next sequence of equalities
(ddI1 f )(X, Y ) = (X df )(I1 Y ) + (Y df )(I1 X) df (X (I1 Y )
Y (I1 X) I1 [X, Y ]) = (X df )(I1 Y ) + (Y df )(I1 X)
+ 2 (X)df (I3 Y ) 3 (X)df (I2 Y ) 2 (Y )df (I3 X) + 3 (Y )df (I2 X)
= (X df )I1 Y + (I1 X df )Y df (T (Y, I1 X))
+ 2 (X)df (I3 Y ) 3 (X)df (I2 Y ) 2 (Y )df (I3 X) + 3 (Y )df (I2 X).
(6.32) DDI1 f (X, I1 Y ) = (ddI1 I2 ddI1 )f (X, I1 Y )
= (X df )Y + (I1 X df )I1 Y + (I2 X df )I2 Y + (I3 X df )I3 X
df (T (I1 Y, I1 X)) df (T (I3 Y, I3 X)) df (X)3 (I3 Y ) + df (I1 X)2 (I3 Y )
+ df (I2 X)3 (I1 Y ) df (I3 X)2 (I1 Y ) df (Y )2 (I2 X)
df (I1 Y )3 (I2 X) + df (I2 Y )2 (X) + df (I3 Y )3 (X).
A short calculation using (3.3) gives
df (T (I1 Y, I1 X)) + df (T (I3 Y, I3 X)) = 4(2 f ) 2 (X, Y ).
Inserting the last equality in (6.32) completes the proof of Lemma 6.21.

Taking into account that the structure is hyperhermitian contact, with the help
of (4.24) of Lemma 6.21 the proof of Theorem 6.20 follows.

We conjecture that the converse of the claim of Theorem 6.20 is true. At this
point we can prove Lemma 6.23, which supports the conjecture. First we prove a
useful technical result.
Lemma 6.22. Suppose M is a quaternionic contact manifold of dimension (4n+
3) > 7. If is a smooth closed two-form whose restriction to H vanishes, then
vanishes identically.
3 Proof of Lemma 6.22. The hypothesis on show that is of the form =
s=1 s s , where s are 1-forms. Taking the exterior dierential and using



(3.10), we obtain for X H




d(ea , Ii ea , X) = 2


s s (ea , Ii ea , X)

a=1 s=1

= (4n 2)i (X) + 2j (Ik X) 2k (Ij X),

where e1 , . . . , e4n is an orthonormal basis
 on H. For n > 1 the latter implies
s|H = 0, s = 1, 2, 3. Hence, we have = 1s<t Ast s t , where Ast are smooth
functions on M . Now, the exterior derivative gives 0 = d(ea , Is ea , t ) = 2Ast . 
The assumption in the next Lemma is a kind of H -lemma result, which we
do not know how to prove at the moment, but we believe that it is true. We show
how it implies the converse of Theorem 6.20.
Lemma 6.23. Suppose, for i = 1, 2, 3,
DDIi f ddi f + dj dk f =


pis s




ddi f ddj Ai = 2


rsi s



for some function Ai on a QC manifold of dimension (4n + 3) > 7. With this

assumption, if DDIi f = 3s=1 pis s mod , i = 1, 2, 3, then f is a real part of an
Proof of Lemma 6.23. Consider the closed
i = d(di f dj Ai 3s=1 rsi s ).
We have di = 0 and i|H = 0 due to (6.33) and (3.1). Applying Lemma 6.22 we
conclude i = 0, after which the Poincare lemma yields
di f dj Ai dBi = 0 mod
for some smooth functions A1 , A2 , A3 , B1 , B2 , B3 . The latter implies
df + d1 (A2 + B1 ) + d2 (B2 A3 ) + d3 (A1 B3 ) = 0 mod .
Setting w = A2 B1 , u = A3 B2 , v = B3 A1 proves the claim.

Corollary 6.24. Let f : M R be a smooth real function on a (4n+3)dimensional (n > 1) 3-Sasakian manifold (M, ). If f is the real part of an antiCRF function f + iw + ju + kv then we have:
i) equation (6.26) holds true;
ii) for any X, Y H we have the equality
(X df )(Y ) + (I1 X df )(I1 Y ) + (I2 X df )(I2 Y ) + (I3 X df )(I3 Y ) = g(X, Y ).
The function is determined in (6.30).
Corollary 6.25. Let f : G(H) R be a smooth real function on the (4n+3)dimensional (n > 1) quaternionic Heisenberg group endowed with the standard at
quaternionic contact structure and {Ta , Xa , Ya , Za , a = 1, . . . , 4n} be -parallel
basis on G(H). If f is the real part of an anti-CRF function f + iw + ju + kv then
the following equivalent conditions hold true.
i) The equation (6.26) holds.



ii) The horizontal Hessian of f is given by

Tb Ta f + Xb Xa f + Yb Ya f + Za Zb = g(Tb , Ta ).
iii) The function f satises the following second order dierential equation
DTb DTa f = (g i1 j2 k3 )(Tb , Ta );
The function is given by (6.30).
Proposition 6.2, Corollary 6.24 and Example 4.12 imply the next Corollary.
Corollary 6.26. Let (M, ) be a (4n+3)-dimensional (n > 1) 3-Sasakian
manifold, f : M R a positive smooth real function. Then the conformally 3Sasakian QC structure = f is qc-pseudo Einstein if and only if the operators
DDIs f, s = 1, 2, 3 satisfy (6.26). In particular, if f is real part of anti CRF function
then the conformally 3-Sasakian qc structure = f is qc-pseudo Einstein.


Innitesimal Automorphisms
7.1. 3-contact manifolds
We start with the more general notion of 3-contact manifold (M, H), where H is
an orientable codimension three distribution on M . Let E T M be the canonical
bundle determined by H, i.e., the bundle of 1-forms with kernel H. Hence, M is
orientable if and only if E is also orientable, i.e. E has a global non-vanishing
section volE locally given by volE = 1 2 3 . Denote by = (1 , 2 , 3 ) the
local 1 -form with values in R3 . Clearly H = Ker = 3i=1 i .
Definition 7.1. A (4n+3)-dimensional orientable smooth manifold (M, , H =
Ker ) is said to be a 3-contact manifold if H is a codimnesion three distribution
and the restriction of each of the 2-forms di to H is non-degenerate, i.e.,

di2n 1 2 3 = ui volM

for some smooth functions ui > 0, i = 1, 2, 3.

We shall denote by i the restriction of di to H, i = di |H , i = 1, 2, 3. The
condition (7.1) is equivalent to
i = 0,

i = 1, 2, 3

and the forms 2n

i dene the same orientation of H.
We remark that the notion of 3-contact structure is more general than the
notion of QC structure. For example, any real hypersurface M in Hn+1 with nondegenerate second fundamental form carries 3-contact structure dened in Section 6.3 (cf. Proposition 6.12 and Denition 6.13 where this structure is QC if and
only if (6.11) holds, or equivalently, the second fundamental form is, in addition,
invariant with respect to the hypercomplex structure on Hn+1 ). Another examples of 3-contact structure is the so called quaternionic CR structure introduced in
[KN] and the so called weak QC structures considered in [D1]. Note that in these
examples the 1-form = (1 , 2 , 3 ) are globally dened.
On any 3-contact manifold (M, , H) there exists a unique triple (1 , 2 , 3 ) of
vector elds transversal to H determined by the conditions
i (j ) = ij , (i di )|H = 0.
We refer to such a triple as fundamental vector elds or Reeb vector elds and
denote V = span{1 , 2 , 3 }. Hence, we have the splitting T M = H V .
The 3-contact structure (, H) and the vertical space V are determined up to
an action of GL(3, R), namely for any GL(3, R) matrix with smooth entries the
structure is again a 3-contact structure. Indeed, it is an easy algebraic fact
that the condition (7.1) also holds for . The Reeb vector eld are transformed
with the matrix with entries the adjunction quantities of , i.e. with the inverse
matrix 1 . This leads to the next



Definition 7.2. A dieomorphism of a 3-contact manifold (M, , H) is called

a 3-contact automorphismif preserves the 3-contact structure , i.e.,
= ,


for some matrix GL(3, R) with smooth functions as entries and = (1 , 2 , 3 )t

is considered as an R3 -valued one-form.
The innitesimal versions of these notions lead to the following denition.
Definition 7.3. A vector eld Q on a 3-contact manifold (M, , H) is an
innitesimal generator of a 3-contact automorphism (3-contact vector eld) if its
ow preserves the 3-contact structure, i.e.
LQ = ,

gl(3, R).

We show that any 3-contact vector eld on a 3-contact manifold depend on

3-functions which satisfy certain dierential relations. We begin with describing
innitesimal automorphisms of the 3-contact structure i.e., vector elds Q whose
ow satises (7.2). Our main observation is that 3-contact vector elds on a 3contact manifold are completely determined by their vertical components in the
sense of the following
Proposition 7.4. Let (M, , H) be a 3-contact manifold. For a smooth vector
eld Q on M consider the functions fi = i (Q), i = 1, 2, 3. A smooth vector eld Q
is a 3-contact vector eld if and only if its horizontal part

QH = Q f1 1 f2 2 f3 3 ,
is the horizontal 3-contact hamiltonian eld of (f1 , f2 , f3 ) dened on H by

QH i = [dfi fj (j di ) fk (k di )]|H ,

i = 1, 2, 3.

Proof. A direct calculation gives (cf. (3.10))

di = i +
s (s di )

di (j , k )j k di (k , i )k i di (i , j )i j
Furthermore, we compute

LQ i = Qdi + d(Qi )
= QH i + [d(i (Q)) + i (Q)i di + j (Q)j di + k (Q)k di ]|H
+[i (i (Q)) + di (Q, i )]i
+[j (i (Q)) + di (Q, j )]j + [k (i (Q)) + di (Q, k )]k .
= QH i + [dfi + fj (j di ) + fk (k di )]|H
+[i (fi ) fj di (i , j ) fk di (i , k )]i + [j (fi ) + di (Q, j )]j
+[k (fi ) + di (Q, k )]k .

Suppose Q is a 3-contact vector eld. Then (7.4) implies that fi and QH

necessarily satisfy (7.3). The converse follows from (7.4) and the conditions of the



The last Proposition implies that the space of 3-contact vector elds is isomorphic to the space of triples consisting of smooth function f1 , f2 , f3 satisfying the
compatibility conditions (7.3).
Corollary 7.5. Let (M, ) be a 3-contact manifold. Then
a) If Q is a horizontal 3-contact vector eld on M then Q vanishes identically.
b) The vector elds i , i = 1, 2, 3 are 3-contact vector elds if and only if
i dj |H = 0, i, j = 1, 2, 3.
Proof. a) With the notation of Proposition 7.4, we have fi = i (Q) 0,
Q = QH . Hence QH i = 0 and since i is a non-degenerate it follows QH = 0.
b) The necessary and sucient conditions are given by Proposition 7.4. For
Q = s , s = 1, 2, 3 and QH = 0 equation (7.3) becomes
0 = j (s )di (j , X) + k (s )di (k , X) = di (s , X),

i = 1, 2, 3, X H,

which proves the claim.

7.2. QC vector elds
Suppose (M, g, Q) is a quaternionic contact manifold.

Definition 7.6. A dieomorphism of a QC manifold (M, [g], Q) is called a

conformal quaternionic contact automorphism (conformal qc-automorphism) if
preserves the QC structure, i.e.
= ,
for some positive smooth function and some matrix SO(3) with smooth
functions as entries and = (1 , 2 , 3 )t is a local 1-form considered as an element
of R3 .
In view of the uniqueness of the possible associated almost complex structures,
see Lemma 2.2, a quaternionic contact automorphism will preserve also the associated (if any) almost complex structures, Q = Q and consequently, it will preserve
the conformal class [g] on H. We note that conformal QC dieomorphisms on S 4n+3
are considered in [Kam]. The innitesimal versions of these notions lead to the
following denition.
Definition 7.7. A vector eld Q on a QC manifold (M, [g], Q) is an innitesimal generator of a conformal quaternionic contact automorphism ( QC vector
eld for short) if its ow preserves the QC structure, i.e.,
LQ = (I + O) ,


where is a smooth function and O so(3) with smooth entries.

In view of the discussion above a QC vector eld on a QC manifold (M, , Q)
satises the conditions.
LQ g = g,


LQ I = O I,

O so(3),

I = (I1 , I2 , I3 )t ,

If the ow of a vector eld Q is a conformal dieomorphism of the horizontal metric

g, i.e. (7.6) holds, we shall call it innitesimal conformal isometry. If the function
= 0 then Q is said to be innitesimal isometry.



A QC vector eld on a QC manifold is a 3-contact vector eld of special type.

Indeed, let  be the musical isomorphism between T M and T M with respect to
the xed Riemannian metric g on T M and recall that the forms j were dened in
(3.29). (3.30). We have
Proposition 7.8. Let (M, g, Q) be a quaternionic contact manifold. The vector
eld Q is a QC vector eld if and only if

Q =


fj Ii k fk Ii j Ii (dfi ) +
fs s ,

for some functions f1 , f2 and f3 such that for any positive permutation (i, j, k) of
(1, 2, 3) we have
(7.9) fj di (j , i ) + fk di (k , i ) + i fi
= fk dj (k , j ) + fi dj (i , j ) + j fj ,
(7.10) fi di (i , j ) + fk di (k , j ) + j fi
= fj dj (j , i ) fk dj (k , i ) i fj ,
(7.11) fj Ii (k ) fk Ii (j ) Ii (dfi )
= fi Ik (j ) fj Ik (i ) Ik (dfk )
Conversely, any three smooth functions satisfying the compatibility conditions (7.9),
(7.10) and (7.11) determine a QC vector eld by (7.8).
Proof. Notice that (7.8) implies fi = i (Q). By Cartans formula (7.5) is
equivalent to
Qdi + dfi = i + ois s .
In other words, both sides must be the same when evaluated 
on t , t = 1, 2, 3 and
also when restricted to the horizontal bundle. Let Q = QH + 3s=1 fs s . Consider
rst the action on the vertical vector elds. Pairing with t and taking successively
t = i, j, k gives
fj di (j , i ) + fk di (k , i ) + i fi = + oii

k (QH ) + fi di (i , j ) + fk di (k , j ) + j fi = oij
j (QH ) + fi di (i , k ) + fj di (j , k ) + k fi = oik .

Equating the restrictions to the horizontal bundle, i.e., di (Q, .)|H + dfi |H = 0,

fj di (j , .) + fk di (k , .) + di (QH , .) + dfi |H = 0.
Since g(A, .)|H = 0 A =
s=1 s (A)s , the last equation is equivalent to

fj k

fk j

+ 2Ii QH + (dfi ) =


fj k (s ) + fk j (s ) + s fi s .


Acting with Ii determines 2QH = fj Ii (k ) fk Ii (j ) Ii (dfi ) , which implies

(7.8). In addition we have

j (QH ) = fj j (Ii (k ) ) fk j (Ii (j ) ) j (Ii (dfi ) )



On the other hand, o so(3) is equivalent to o being a skew symmetric which is

equivalent to (7.9) and (7.10), by the above computations. Therefore, if we are
given three functions f1 , f2 , f3 satisfying (7.9), (7.10) and (7.11), then we dene
Q by (7.8). Using (7.12) we dene and o with o so(3) with smooth entries.
With these denitions Q is a QC vector eld.

Using the formulas in Example 4.13 we obtain from Proposition 7.8 the following 3-hamiltonian form of a QC vector eld on 3-Sasakian manifold.
Corollary 7.9. Let (M, ) be a 3-Sasakian manifold. Any QC vector eld Q
has the form
Q = QH + f1 1 + f2 2 + f3 3 ,
where the smooth functions f1 , f2 , f3 satisfy the conditions
di fi = dj fj ,

i (fi ) = j (fj ),

i (fj ) = j (fi ),

i, j = 1, 2, 3,

and the horizontal part QH H is determined by

QH di = di fi ,

i {1, 2, 3}.

The matrix in (7.5) has the form

1 (2 (Q)) 23 (Q)
1 (1 (Q))
1 (1 (Q))
Id3 +O = 1 (2 (Q)) + 23 (Q)
1 (3 (Q)) 22 (Q) 2 (3 (Q)) + 21 (Q)

1 (3 (Q)) + 22 (Q)
2 (3 (Q)) 21 (Q) .
1 (1 (Q))

In particular, the Reeb vector elds 1 , 2 , 3 are innitesimal isometries.

We note that on any QC structure homothetic to a 3-Sasakian structure, the
Reeb vector elds are also innitesimal isometries, i..e, (7.6) with = 0 and (7.7)
hold for Q = i , i = 1, 2, 3. This follows easily from Corollary 7.9. Our next goal is
to characterize QC structures for which the Reeb vector elds are QC vector elds.
It turns out that the just mentioned setting is the only possible. More precisely,
we have the following Theorem.
Theorem 7.10. Let (M, g, Q) be a QC manifold with positive qc-scalar curvature, assumed constant in dimension seven. The following conditions are equivalent.
i) Each of the Reeb vector elds is a QC vector eld.
ii) The QC structure is homothetic to a 3-Sasakian structure. In particular, the
Reeb vector elds are innitesimal isometries.
Proof. We note that Corollary 7.5 shows that on a QC manifold the Reeb
vector elds 1 , 2 , 3 are 3-contact exactly when the connection 1-forms vanish on
H. By Lemma 4.18, Theorem 4.9 together with the made assumptions on the qcscalar curvature we see that the qc-scalar curvature is a positive constant. Now,
Corollary 4.17 shows that the given QC stricture is homothetic to a 3-Sasakian
structure. The converse direction was already explained before the statement of
the Theorem.

For the remaining of this section we prove other useful properties of QC vector
elds. The next three Lemmas are of independent interest. Given a vector eld Q,
we dene the symmetric tensor TQ0 and the skew-symmetric tensor uQ

TQ0 =



s (Q) T0s ,

uQ =



s (Q) Is u,



respectively, such that, T (Q, X, Y ) = g(TQ0 X, Y ) + g(uQ X, Y ),

Lemma 7.11. The tensors TQ0 and uQ lie in the [1] component associated to
the operator cf. (2.8) and (2.7).
Proof. By the denition of uQ , we have g(uQ I1 X, I1 Y )= s=1 s (Q) g(Is uX, Y )
and aftersumming we nd
j=1 g(uQ Ij X, Ij Y ) =
j=1 j (Q) g(Ij uX, Y ) = g(uQ X, Y ).
We turn to the second claim. Recall that T0j anti-commutes with Ij , see (2.14).
g(TQ0 I1 X, I1 Y ) = 1 (Q) g(T01 X, Y ) 2 (Q) [g(T02 + X, Y ) g(T02 + X, Y )]
3 (Q) [g(T02 + X, Y ) g(T03 + X, Y )],
g(TQ0 I2 X, I2 Y ) = 2 (Q) g(T02 X, Y ) 1 (Q) [g(T01 + X, Y ) g(T01 + X, Y )]
3 (Q) [g(T03 + X, Y ) g(T03 + X, Y )],
g(TQ0 I3 X, I3 Y ) = 3 (Q) g(T03 X, Y ) 1 (Q) [g(T01 + X, Y ) g(T02 + X, Y )]
2 (Q) [g(T02 + X, Y ) g(T02 + X, Y )].
Summing the above three equations we come to

g(TQ0 Ij X, Ij Y ) =



g(Q, j ) g(T0j X, Y ) = g(TQ0 X, Y ),


which nishes the proof of Lemma 7.11.

Lemma 7.12. If Q is a QC vector eld then the next two equalities hold

g(X Q, Y ) + g(Y Q, X) + 2g(TQ0 X, Y ) = g(X, Y ),

(7.16) 3g(X Q, Y )


g(Is X Q, Is Y ) + 4g(TQ0 X, Y ) + 4g(uQ X, Y )


= 2

Lij (Q)k (X, Y ),


where the sum is over all even permutation of (1,2,3) and

(7.17) Lij (Q) = Lji (Q) = j (i (Q)) j (Q)dj (i , j )

+ k (Q)
+ dj (k , i ) di (j , k ) dk (i , j ) .
8n(n + 2)
Proof. In terms of the Biquard connection (7.6) reads exactly as (7.15). Furthermore, from (7.7), (7.12) and (3.28) it follows
(7.18) oij Ij X + oik Ik X = (LQ Ii )(X) =
= Ii X Q + Ii X Q j (Q)Ik X + k (Q)Ij X T (Q, Ii X) + Ii T (Q, X).



A use of (7.12), (3.29) and (3.30) allows us to write the last equation in the form
g(X Q, Y ) g(Ii X Q, Ii Y ) + T (Q, X, Y ) T (Q, Ii X, Ii Y )
= (oij k (Q))k (X, Y ) (oik + j (Q))j (X, Y )
= Lij (Q)k (X, Y ) + Lik (Q)j (X, Y ),
where Lij (Q) satisfy (7.17). Summing the above identities for the three almost
complex structures and applying Lemma 7.11, we obtain (7.16), which completes
the proof of Lemma 7.12.

Corollary 7.13. Let (M, g, Q) be a QC manifold with positive qc-scalar curvature, assumed to be constant in dimension seven. The following conditions are
i) There exists a local 3-Sasakian structure compatible with H = Ker ;
ii) There are three linearly independent vertical QC-vector elds.
Proof. Let 1 , 2 , 3 be linearly independent vertical QC vector elds. Then
(7.15) for Q = i yields T0i = 0, i = 1, 2, 3, = 0 since Ti is trace-free. Thus,
for any cyclic permutation (i, j, k) of (1, 2, 3), (7.16) imply ui = 0, Lij (s ) = 0 by
comparing the trace and the trace-free part. Hence, we get Ts = us = 0 since s
are linearly independent vertical vector elds. Now, Theorem 1.3 shows that the
given QC stricture is homothetic to a 3-Sasakian structure.

In the particular case when the vector eld Q is the gradient of a function
dened on the manifold M , we have the following formulas.
Corollary 7.14. If h is a smooth real valued function on M and Q = h
is a QC vector eld, then for any horizontal vector elds X and Y we have
a) [(dh)][3][0] (X, Y ) = 0
b) [dh ][sym][1] (X, Y ) = TQ0 (X, Y ) ( cf. (7.14) )
c) uQ (X, Y ) = 0 ( cf. (7.14) ),
Lij (h) = 0.
Proof. Use (7.15) and (5.4) to get
2dh(X, Y ) + 2dh(j ) j (X, Y ) + 2g(TQ0 X, Y ) = g(X, Y ).
Decomposing in the [1] and [3] components completes the proof of a) and b),
taking into account
(7.16) and Lemma 7.11. The skew-symmetric part of (7.16)

gives 2uQ +
(ijk) ij (h)k = 0, where the sum is over all even permutations
of (1, 2, 3). Hence, c) follows by comparing the trace and trace-free parts of the last

We nish the section with another useful observation.
Lemma 7.15. Let (M, [g], Q) be QC manifold and Q be a QC vector eld determined by (7.5) and (7.12). The next equality hold
di ([Q, Ii X] , Y ) + di (Ii X, [Q, Y ] ) = 0



Proof. We have using (7.5) that

(7.19) LQ di (Ii X, Y ) = 2(LQ i )(Ii X, Y ) di ([Q, Ii X] , Y )
di (Ii X, [Q, Y ] ) = 2(LQ g)(X, Y ) + 2g((LQ Ii )Ii X, Y )
di ([Q, Ii X] , Y ) di (Ii X, [Q, Y ] ) = (dLQ i )(Ii X, Y )
= (d i + di + doij j + oij dj + doik k + oik dk )(Ii X, Y )
= 2g(X, Y ) 2oij k (X, Y ) + 2oik j (X, Y ),
where ost are the entries of the matrix O given by (7.12). An application of (7.6)
and (7.7) to (7.19) gives the assertion.


Quaternionic contact Yamabe problem

8.1. The Divergence Formula
Let (M, ) be a quaternionic contact manifold with a xed globally dened
contact form . For a xed j {1, 2, 3} the form
V ol = 1 2 3 j2n


is a volume form. Note that V ol is independent of j. We dene the (horizontal)

divergence of a horizontal vector eld/one-form 1 (H) by

= tr|H =


(e )(e ).


Clearly the horizontal divergence does not depend on the basis and is an Sp(n)Sp(1)invariant. For any horizontal 1-form 1 (H) we denote with # the corresponding horizontal vector eld via the horizontal metric dened with the equality
(X) = g( # , X). It is justied to call the function divergence of in view
of the following Proposition.
Proposition 8.1. Let (M, ) be a quaternionic contact manifold of dimension

(4n+3) and s2n1 = 1 2 3 s2n1 . For any horizontal 1-form 1 (H)

we have
d( # (V ol )) = ( ) 2n .
Therefore, if M is compact,

( ) 2n = 0.

Proof. We work in a qc-normal frame at a point p M constructed in

Lemma 4.5. Since is horizontal, we have # = g( # , ea )ea . Therefore, we
# (V ol ) =


(1)a g( # , ea ) e#
a1 ea e4n ,


where e#
a means that the 1-form ea is missing in the above wedge product. The
exterior derivative of the above expression gives
d( # (V ol )) =


ea g( # , ea )V ol = ( ) V ol .


Indeed, since the Biquard connection preserves the metric, the middle term is calculated as follows ea g(X, ea ) = g(ea X, ea ) + g(X, aa ea ) which evaluated at the



point p gives
ea g(X, ea )|p = g(ea X, ea )|p ) = ((ea )ea )|p .
In order to obtain the last equality we also used the denition of the Reeb vector
elds, (2.10), and the following sequence of identities
b (eb , ea )|p = eb ([eb , ea ])|p = eb (eb ea ea eb T (eb , ea ))|p = 0

since T (eb , aa ) is a vertical vector eld. This proves the rst formula. If the manifold
is compact, then Stokes theorem completes the proof.

We note that the integral formula of the above theorem was essentially proved
in [[W], Proposition 2.1].
8.2. Partial solutions of the qc-Yamabe problem
Given a QC structure , the qc-Yamabe problem is to nd all qc-structures
that are qc-conformal to and have constant qc-scalar curvature. The relation
between the two qc-scalar curvatures is given by the qc-Yamabe equation (5.8) and
the problem is to nd all solutions of this equation. In this Section we shall present
a partial solution of the qc-Yamabe problem on the quaternionic sphere. Equivalently, using the Cayley transform this provides a partial solution of the qc-Yamabe
problem on the quaternionic Heisenberg group. The extra assumption under which
we classify the solutions of the qc-Yamabe equation consists of assuming that the
new quaternionic structure has an integrable vertical space. The change of the
vertical space is given by (5.1). Of course, the standard quaternionic contact structure has an integrable vertical distribution. A note about the Cayley transform is
in order. We shall dene below the explicit Cayley transform for the considered
case, but one should keep in mind the more general setting of groups of Heisenberg
type [CDKR1]. In that respect, the solutions of the qc-Yamabe equation on the
quaternionic Hesenberg group, which we describe, coincide with the solutions on
the groups of Heisenebrg type [GV1].
, where
As in Section 5 we are considering a conformal transformation = 2h
represents a xed quaternionic contact structure and is the new structure
conformal to the original one. In fact, eventually, will stand for the standard
quaternionic contact structure on the quaternionic sphere. In this case the qcYamabe problem , up to a homothety, is to nd all structures , which are conformal
to and have constant scalar curvature equal to 16n(n + 2), see Corollary 4.13.
Proposition 8.2. Let (M, ) be a compact qc-Einstein manifold of dimension
be a conformal transformation of the qc-structure on M .
(4n + 3). Let = 2h
Suppose has constant scalar curvature.
a) If n > 1, then any one of the following two conditions implies that is a
qc-Einstein structure:
i) the vertical space of is integrable;
ii) the QC structure is qc-pseudo Einstein.
b) If n = 1 and the vertical space of is integrable than is a qc-Einstein
Proof. The proof follows the steps of the solution of the Riemannian Yamabe
problem on the standard unit sphere, see [LP]. Theorem 1.3 shows that is a



qc-Einstein structure. Theorem 3.12 and equations (5.7), (5.5), and (5.6) imply
(8.3) [Ric0 ][1] (X, Y ) = (2n + 2)T 0 (X, Y )
= (2n + 2)h1 [dh][sym][1] (X, Y )
(8.4) [Ric0 ][3] (X, Y ) = 2(2n + 5)U (X, Y )
= (2n + 5)h1 [dh 2h1 dh dh][3][0] (X, Y ).
Furthermore, when the scalar curvature of is a constant then Theorem 4.8 gives
(1 n)
T 0 = (n + 2)A,
U =
If n > 1 and either the vertical space of is an integrable distribution or is
qc-pseudo Einstein U = 0, then (8.5) shows that A = 0 and the divergences of T 0
and U vanish T 0 = 0 and U = 0. The same conclusion can be reached in
the case n = 1 assuming the integrability of the vertical space (recall that always
U = 0 when n = 1). We shall see that, in fact, T 0 and U vanish, i.e., is also
qc-Einstein. Consider rst the [1] component. Taking norms, multiplying by h
and integrating, the divergence formula gives

h | [Rico ][1] |2 2n = (2n + 2)
[Rico ][1] , dh] 2n

= (2n + 2)
 [Rico ][1] , h] 2n = 0.

Thus, the [1] component of the qc-Einstein tensor vanishes | [Rico ][1] | = 0.
, inserting (6.2) into (8.4) one gets
Dene h = 2u
[Ric0 ][3] = 2(2n + 5)U = (2n + 5)[du][3][0] ,
from where, arguing as before we get [Ric0 ][3] = 0. Theorem 1.3 completes the

be a conformal transformation of a compact
Corollary 8.3. Let = 2h
qc-Einstein manifold of dimension (4n + 3) and suppose has constant qc-scalar
i) If n > 1 and either the gradient h or the gradient ( h1 ) is a QC vector
elds then h is a constant.
ii) If n = 1 and the gradient ( h1 ) is a QC vector elds then h is a constant.

Proof. Suppose h is a QC-vector eld. Corollary 7.14, b) yields

[dh][sym][1] = 0
since the torsion of Biquard connection vanishes due to Proposition 4.2. Then
Proposition 8.2 and a) in Corollary 7.14 imply that on H we have
dh dh + d1 h d1 h + d2 h d2 h + d3 h d3 h = |dh|
n g.
If n > 1 then dh|H = 0, which implies dh = 0 using the bracket generating condition.
Suppose ( h1 ) is a QC vector eld. Then Proposition 8.2, (6.2) combined with
b) in Corollary 7.14 show that on H we have
3dh dh d1 h d1 h d2 h d2 h d3 h d3 h = 0.
Dene X = I1 X, Y = I1 Y etc. to get dh dh = d1 h d1 h = d2 h d2 h = d3 h d3 h.

Hence, dh|H = 0 since dim Ker dh = 4n 1 and dh = 0 as above.



8.3. Proof of Theorem 1.2

Proof. We start the proof with the observation that from Proposition 8.2
and Corollary 6.26 the new structure is also qc-Einstein. Next we bring into
consideration the quaternionic Heisenberg group. Let us identify G(H) with the
boundary of a Siegel domain in Hn H,
= {(q  , p ) Hn H :  p = |q  |2 },
by using the map (q  ,  )
(q  , |q  |2  ). The standard contact form, written as
= (d
a purely imaginary quaternion valued form, is given by (cf. (5.13)) 2

q d
q + dq q ), where denotes the quaternion multiplication. Since dp =

q  + dq  q d  , under the identication of G(H) with we have also
q d

is purely imaginary, the last

2 = dp + 2dq  q . Taking into account that
equation can be written also in the following form
= (d
p dp ) + 2dq  q 2q  d
q .
Now, consider the Cayley transform as the map C : S
from the sphere S =
{|q|2 + |p|2 = 1} Hn H minus a point to the Heisenberg group , with C dened

(q  , p ) = C (q, p) ,

q  = (1 + p)1 q,

p = (1 + p)1 (1 p)

and with an inverse map (q, p) = C1 (q  , p ) given by
q = 2(1 + p )1 q  ,

p = (1 + p )1 (1 p ).

The Cayley transform maps S minus a point to since

 p = 

(1 + p)(1 p)
1 |p|
= |q  |2 .
|1 + p |
|1 + p |
|1 + p |2

Writing the Cayley transform in the form (1 + p)q  =

dp q  + (1 + p) dq  = dq,


(1 + p)p = 1 p,

dp p + (1 + p) dp = dp,

from where we nd

dp = 2(1 + p)1 dp (1 + p)1

dq  = (1 + p)1 [dq dp (1 + p)1 q].

The Cayley transform is a conformal quaternionic contact dieomorphism between

the quaternionic Heisenberg group with its standard quaternionic contact structure
and the sphere minus a point with its standard structure , a fact which can be



seen as follows. Equations (8.6) imply the following identities

= (1 + p)1 d
(8.7) 2 C
p (1 + p)1 + (1 + p)1 dp (1 + p)1
+ (1 + p)1 [dq dp (1 + p)1 q] q (1 + p)1
(1 + p)1 q [d
q q (1 + p)1 d
p ] (1 + p)1

= (1 + p)1 dp (1 + p)1 (1 + p) |q|2 dp (1 + p)1 (1 + p)1

+ (1 + p)1 (1 + p) (1 + p)1 d
p + |q|2 (1 + p)1 d
p (1 + p)1


q (1 + p)1 =
+ (1 + p)1 dq q q d
|1 + p |2
where = |1 + p | (1 + p)1 is a unit quaternion and is the standard contact
form on the sphere,
Since |1 + p| =

= dq q + dp p q d
q p d
|1+p |

we have =

|1+p |

(C1 )

equation (8.7) can be put in the form


|1 + p |2

We see that up to a constant multiplicative factor and a quaternionic contact au are conformal to each other. It follows that
tomorphism the forms (C1 ) and

the same is true for (C ) and .

is qc-Einstein by denition, while and hence also (C1 )
In addition,
are qc-Einstein as we observed at the beginning of the proof. Now we can apply
Theorem 1.1 according to which up to a multiplicative constant factor the forms
(C1 ) and (C1 ) are related by a translation or dilation on the Heisenebrg
group. Hence, we conclude that up to a multiplicative constant, is obtained from
by a conformal quaternionic contact automorphism, see Denition 7.6.

Let us note that the Cayley transform dened in the setting of groups of Heisenberg type is also a conformal transformation on H, see cf. [ACD, Lemma 2.5]. One
can write the above transformation formula in this more general setting.
S.Ivanov is a Senior Associate to the Abdus Salam ICTP. The paper was completed during the visit of S.I. in Max-Plank-Institut f
ur Mathematik, Bonn. S.I.
thanks ICTP and MPIM, Bonn for providing the support and an excellent research
environment. I.Minchev is funded by a SoMoPro II Fellowship: it has received
a nancial contribution from the People Programme (Marie Curie action) of the
Seventh Framework Programme of EU according to the REA Grant Agreement
No. 291782. It was further co-nanced by the South-Moravian Region. Part of the
work on the paper was done in a period when I. Minchev was a member of the Junior Research Group Special Geometries in Mathematical Physics founded by the
Volkswagen Foundation. The authors would like to thank The National Academies
for the support. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the role of Centre de Recherches
Mathematiques and CIRGET, Montreal where the project initiated. The authors
also would like to thank University of California, Riverside and University of Soa



for hosting the respective visits of the authors. S.I and D.V. were partially supported through Project MINECO (Spain) MTM2011-28326-C02-02 while visiting
the University of the Basque Country.

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Noboru Tanaka, A dierential geometric study on strongly pseudo-convex manifolds,
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Dimiter Vassilev, Existence of solutions and regularity near the characteristic boundary
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Misha Verbitsky, HyperK
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Wei Wang, The Yamabe problem on quaternionic contact manifolds, Ann. Mat. Pura
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S. M. Webster, Pseudo-Hermitian structures on a real hypersurface, J. Dierential
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Hung Hsi Wu, The Bochner technique in dierential geometry, Math. Rep. 3 (1988),
no. 2, ixii and 289538. MR1079031 (91h:58031)


Bianchi identities, 24
Biquard connection, 10

T (X, Y ), 13
DDIs , 50
QC-hypersurface, 54
Ric, 18
Scal, 18
Sp(1), 9
Sp(n)-invariant parts, 9
Sp(n)Sp(1), 9
T 0 (X, Y ), 19
0 , 67
T0 , 11
T = T (, .), 11
U (X, Y ), 19
[ . ][3][0] , 38
[ . ][sym][1] , 38
+++ , + , + , + , 9
G(H), 28, 39
s , 17

Q-orthonormal basis, 24
Q, 7
i , 18
X,Y,Z , 20
i , 18
i , 18
ds , 50
sp(1)-connection 1-forms, 17
u, 15
uQ , 67
3-Sasakian structure, 28
QC-vector elds, 69
3-contact automorphism, 64
3-contact manifold, 63
3-contact vector eld, 64

canonical connection, 10
Casimir operator , 9
Cayley transform, 74
conformal qc-automorphism, 65
conformal transformation, 37
curvature tensor R, 18
formally integrable, 29
HC structure, 29
HKT-manifolds, 52
horizontal divergence, 26, 71
horizontal gradient, 37
horizontal space, 7
hypercomplex manifold, 51
hyperhermitian contact, 29
ahler metric, 28
innitesimal conformal isometry, 65
innitesimal isometry, 65
3-Sasakain, 67
Levi-Civita connection D g , 17
Q-pluriharmonic, 50
QC manifold, 7
QC structure, 7
QC structure in dimension 7 , 10
QC vector eld, 65
qc-Einstein, 23
qc-normal frame, 25
qc-pseudo-Einstein, 47
qc-Ricci tensor Ric, 18
qc-scalar curvature Scal, 18
qc-Yamabe equation, 38
G(H), 45
qc-Yamabe problem, 72
quaternionic anti-regular, 48, 50
quaternionic contact structure, 7
quaternionic Heisenberg group
Siegel domain, 74
quaternionic Heisenberg group G(H), 28, 39

i , 13
Sp(n), 9
fundamental 2-forms i , 13
symmetric part T0 , 11

almost CR structures, 30
anti-CRF function, 55
anti-regular, 52


quaternionic pluriharmonic, 50
quaternionic regular, 48
ahler manifold, 34
Reeb vector elds, 10
QC vector eld, 67
Ricci 2-forms i , 18
Ricci-type tensors, 18
standard 3-contact form ,
sub-Laplacian, 37
torsion endomorphism T , 11
umbilical hypersurface, 34
vertical space
V , 10
integrable, 73
volume form V ol , 71


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1083 Jakob Wachsmuth and Stefan Teufel, Eective Hamiltonians for Constrained
Quantum Systems, 2014
1082 Fabian Ziltener, A Quantum Kirwan Map: Bubbling and Fredholm Theory for
Symplectic Vortices over the Plane, 2014
1081 Sy-David Friedman, Tapani Hyttinen, and Vadim Kulikov, Generalized
Descriptive Set Theory and Classication Theory, 2014
1080 Vin de Silva, Joel W. Robbin, and Dietmar A. Salamon, Combinatorial Floer
Homology, 2014
1079 Pascal Lambrechts and Ismar Voli
c, Formality of the Little N -disks Operad, 2013
1078 Milen Yakimov, On the Spectra of Quantum Groups, 2013
1077 Christopher P. Bendel, Daniel K. Nakano, Brian J. Parshall, and Cornelius
Pillen, Cohomology for Quantum Groups via the Geometry of the Nullcone, 2013
1076 Jaeyoung Byeon and Kazunaga Tanaka, Semiclassical Standing Waves with
Clustering Peaks for Nonlinear Schr
odinger Equations, 2013
1075 Deguang Han, David R. Larson, Bei Liu, and Rui Liu, Operator-Valued
Measures, Dilations, and the Theory of Frames, 2013
1074 David Dos Santos Ferreira and Wolfgang Staubach, Global and Local Regularity
of Fourier Integral Operators on Weighted and Unweighted Spaces, 2013
1073 Hajime Koba, Nonlinear Stability of Ekman Boundary Layers in Rotating Stratied
Fluids, 2014
1072 Victor Reiner, Franco Saliola, and Volkmar Welker, Spectra of Symmetrized
Shuing Operators, 2014
1071 Florin Diacu, Relative Equilibria in the 3-Dimensional Curved n-Body Problem, 2014
1070 Alejandro D. de Acosta and Peter Ney, Large Deviations for Additive Functionals
of Markov Chains, 2014
1069 Ioan Bejenaru and Daniel Tataru, Near Soliton Evolution for Equivariant
odinger Maps in Two Spatial Dimensions, 2014
1068 Florica C. Crstea, A Complete Classication of the Isolated Singularities for
Nonlinear Elliptic Equations with Inverse Square Potentials, 2014
1067 A. Gonz
alez-Enrquez, A. Haro, and R. de la Llave, Singularity Theory for
Non-Twist KAM Tori, 2014

1066 Jos
e Angel
aez and Jouni R
a, Weighted Bergman Spaces Induced by Rapidly
Increasing Weights, 2014
1065 Emmanuel Schertzer, Rongfeng Sun, and Jan M. Swart, Stochastic Flows in the
Brownian Web and Net, 2014
1064 J. L. Flores, J. Herrera, and M. S
anchez, Gromov, Cauchy and Causal Boundaries
for Riemannian, Finslerian and Lorentzian Manifolds, 2013
1063 Philippe Gille and Arturo Pianzola, Torsors, Reductive Group Schemes and
Extended Ane Lie Algebras, 2013
1062 H. Inci, T. Kappeler, and P. Topalov, On the Regularity of the Composition of
Dieomorphisms, 2013
1061 Rebecca Waldecker, Isolated Involutions in Finite Groups, 2013
1060 Josef Bemelmans, Giovanni P. Galdi, and Mads Kyed, On the Steady Motion of a
Coupled System Solid-Liquid, 2013
1059 Robert J. Buckingham and Peter D. Miller, The Sine-Gordon Equation in the
Semiclassical Limit: Dynamics of Fluxon Condensates, 2013
1058 Matthias Aschenbrenner and Stefan Friedl, 3-Manifold Groups Are Virtually
Residually p, 2013

For a complete list of titles in this series, visit the

AMS Bookstore at

ISBN 978-0-8218-9843-7

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