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Strategia de Dezvoltare
(Varianta revizuit)


Regional Development Region
(Revised version)

Regiunea de Dezvoltare


Strategia de Dezvoltare

Cimilia, 2013

Variant revizuit,
aprobat prin decizia
Consiliului Regional
pentru Dezvoltare
Nr. 1 din 3
Octombrie 2012

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud

Strategia de Dezvoltare Regional (SDR) pentru Regiunea de Dezvoltare
Sud (RDS) reprezint un document de politici publice care are n vizor etapa de
dezvoltare pe termen mediu a regiunii. Ea este coerent cu cele mai importante
documente de politici naionale n domeniul dezvoltrii regionale. SDR Sud este
rezultatul final al unui proces complex de consultare i dezbatere pe tema
dezvoltrii durabile i echilibrate a regiunilor.
Strategiile de dezvoltare regional ofer dezvoltrii un context orizontal
mai vast, care trebuie s permit o coordonare i concentrare mai eficient a
cheltuielilor sectoriale gestionate de diferite ministere i donatori n regiuni.
Astfel, se va majora capacitatea regional de absorbie eficient a fondurilor de
investiii, iar Republica Moldova n conformitate cu practicile europene se va
ncadra n contextul guvernrii integrate i sinergiei dintre programele
naionale verticale i programele regionale orizontale. n acest fel, SDR
devine un vehicul important pentru interconectarea msurilor de la nivelele
naional, regional i local.
SDR Sud 2010-2016 n varianta actual, reprezint un document revizuit
prin, actualizarea datelor statistice utilizate pentru analiza socio-economic a
regiunii, contabilizarea progreselor nregistrate n perioada de implementare a
strategiei (2010-2012), identificarea a noi domenii de intervenie.
RDS joac un rol important n contextul perspectivelor de dezvoltare i
asigurrii accesului Republicii Moldova spre rile din Bazinul Mrii Negre. Zona
dispune de toate cile de transport (fluvial, feroviar, aerian i auto). Prin portul
internaional Giurgiuleti, RDS i Republica Moldova are acces la Marea Neagr
i este conectat la traseele maritime internaionale. Datorit aezrii geografice
i condiiilor climatice, RDS dispune de condiii benefice creterii viei - de - vie.
Regiunea asigur n jur de 50% din producia naional de struguri. Cu
toate acestea, RDS se clasific pe locul trei n termeni de VAB regional i VAB
pe cap de locuitor, fiind depit de RDN i RDC. Resursele de zcminte
subterane reprezint un avantaj considerabil pentru antreprenorii din regiune.
Resursele de bentonit, petrol, gaz natural, crbune brun, calcar oolitic, calcar
cochilifer, brecie, marn, nisip cuarifer, bentonite, argile loessoide, pietri,
prundi, etc. pot pune baza crerii mai multor afaceri, care ar propulsa economia
Promovarea politicilor de dezvoltare regional i accentul Guvernului
asupra descentralizrii deschide noi perspective pentru dezvoltarea regiunii. n
acest context, prioritile definite de SDR sunt:

Reabilitarea infrastructurii fizice

Diversificarea economiei i susinerea dezvoltrii sectorului privat.
mbuntirea factorilor de mediu i a atractivitii turistice

n contextul revizuirii SDR Sud, a fost identificat un domeniu nou care

necesit intervenie Eficiena Energetic (EE). Astfel c prioritile menionate
sunt completate cu msuri privind sporirea eficienei energetice i utilizarea
surselor regenerabile de energie, obiectiv care se regsete i n Strategia
Naional de Dezvoltare a Republicii Moldova 2012-2020.

Armonizarea politicilor Republicii Moldova cu cele ale UE deschide noi

oportuniti pentru companii i pentru autoritile publice din regiune, care vor
obine acces direct la programele de finanare transfrontalier ale UE. Folosirea
fondurilor naionale i externe pentru reabilitarea infrastructurii regionale,
implementarea programelor pentru susinerea businessului i mbuntirea
mediului ambiant vor elimina constrngerile n creterea economic i vor
accelera dezvoltarea RDS.
RDS va deveni o regiune dinamic i prosper, cu o economie eficient i
durabil bazat pe o abordare inovatoare, cu o infrastructur fizic modern, cu
un capital uman dezvoltat, atractiv pentru investitori i turiti, ceea ce va asigura
o calitate nalt a vieii pentru locuitorii ntregii regiuni.


Analiza situaiei existente este un capitol conceput pentru a crea o
imagine de ansamblu a tendinelor economice i sociale de dezvoltare a RDS,
care include urmtoarele domenii:

Amplasarea geografic i dezvoltarea spaial;

Conectivitatea, accesibilitatea i infrastructura, care ofer informaii cu

privire la reelele inter- i intraregionale de drumuri, reelele de alimentare cu
ap i canalizare, gaz, electricitate, comunicaii;

Dezvoltarea economic, care include profilul sectorial al regiunii;

Situaia social, axat pe analiza nivelului de srcie i nivelului de deprivare

n baza indicatorilor IDAM.

Strategia de Dezvoltare Regional


Amplasarea geografic i dezvoltarea spaial

RDS este situat n partea de Sud i Sud-Est a rii. La hotarul de SudVest regiunea se nvecineaz cu Romania i la hotarul de Sud-Est cu Ucraina.
Cel mai la Sud este raionul Cahul cu centrul administrativ n oraul Cahul.
Suprafaa total a regiunii este de 7379 km sau 24,2% din suprafaa total
a rii, fiind cea mai mic regiune ca mrime din cele 3 de baz ale Republicii
Moldova. Populaia regiunii este de 540,7 mii persoane, adic 15,1% din
populaia total a rii.

Conexiune, accesibilitate, infrastructur

RDS are conexiune direct cu Uniunea European Romnia prin 2
puncte vamale, CahulOancea i GiurgiuletiGalai, inclusiv un traseu feroviar
punctul de trecere CantermirFlciu. La Est RDS are conexiune cu Ucraina
prin 4 puncte vamale.

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud


Prin portul internaional Giurgiuleti, RDS are acces la Marea Neagr i
este conectat la traseele maritime internaionale. Distana pn la principalele
orae mari este: Chiinu 30-190 km; Iai, Romnia 70-300 km; Galai,
Romnia 20-220 km, Constana, Romnia 160-320 km, Odessa, Ucraina
50-160 km, Istanbul, Turcia 600-800 km.
Raioanele constituente ale RDS sunt pri componente ale diferitor
euroregiuni. Raioanele Cimilia, Leova i Basarabeasca sunt membre ale
euroregiunii SiretPrutNistru, raioanele Cahul i Cantemir sunt membre ale
euroregiunii Dunrea de Jos, iar raionul Cahul mai este i singurul raion din
ar i din RDS membru al euroregiunii Marea Neagr.
Lungimea total a drumurilor publice n RDS este de 2091,5 km, ceea ce
constituie 22,3% din lungimea total a drumurilor publice pe ar. Dintre acestea
37,7% sunt drumuri naionale iar 62,3% drumuri locale. 100% din drumurile
naionale sunt drumuri cu mbrcminte rigid, pentru drumurile locale acest
indice este de 89.9%.
Densitatea drumurilor publice n RDS este de 28,8 km/100 km2.

Reeaua de transport a RDS este prezent prin toate patru tipuri de
transport: aerian, auto, fluvial i feroviar. Aeroportul internaional Cahul ofer
posibiliti de accesibilitate aerian n RDS dar care deocamdat nu sunt
Accesibilitatea maritim i fluvial este asigurat de Portul Internaional
Liber Giurgiuleti. Regiunea are cea mai diversificat reea de cale ferat. RDS
este traversat de traseul internaional: Coridorul Giurgiuleti-Briceni (GBC) cu
o lungime de 460 km, care este nefuncional.

Utiliti publice
Alimentarea cu ap. Alimentarea cu ap n RDS este efectuat
preponderent din captrile de ap subteran (sonde arteziene, izvoare, fntni de
min), dar i din r. Prut i Nistru. Ponderea localitilor RDS care au reele de
ap potabil n anul 2010 a constituit 54,3%, fa de RDC (41,1%) i RDN
Densitatea reelelor de apeduct n anul 2011 este de 26,63 km/100 km2
(fa de 20km/ km2 n anul 2008 ), indicator la care RDS se afl naintea RDC
(22,71) i RDN (18,34), dar sub media naional (29,28).
La acest compartiment exist o diferen semnificativ ntre localitile
urbane i rurale. n localitile urbane n profil regional prezena apeductului este
remarcat n 81% din suprafa locuibil, pe cnd n localitile rurale ponderea
este de 13%.
Calitatea apei n RDS este foarte joas. Apa potabil nu ntotdeauna
corespunde normativelor sanitare existente pentru apa potabil, de aceea apa din
multe conducte poate fi folosit doar ca ap tehnic.

Canalizarea. Reeaua de canalizare n RDS este slab dezvoltat, iar
tehnologiile de epurare a apelor reziduale sunt depite. Ponderea fondului
locativ din RDS care dispune de reea de canalizare este de 20,1% n 2010 (fa
de12,8% n anul 2008), ceea ce e sub nivelul mediu pe ar cu 12,4%. Starea
tehnic a staiilor de epurare a apelor reziduale funcionale este nesatisfctoare,
iar n majoritatea localitilor acestea lipsesc cu desvrire.
Astfel, utilitile i structura locativ din regiune se situeaz sub limitele
unui trai decent i civilizat, dotrile aferente ale locuinelor sunt sub nivelul
cerinelor i solicitrilor, situaie explicat prin date ce elucideaz accesul limitat al
populaiei la resursele de ap, canalizare i alte utiliti.
Asigurarea cu gaze naturale a localitilor RDS este prevzut de la
conductele de gaze magistrale cu presiune nalt. Pe teritoriul RDS trece
conducta magistral de gaze naturale GrebenchiTocuzOrlovka i ramificaiile
de la ea spre mun. Chiinu, Hnceti i Leova. Ponderea localitilor gazificate n
RDS este de 76,8% ceea ce este mai mare fa de media naional de 56,5%. n
RDS localitile raioanelor Taraclia i tefan Vod sunt totalmente gazificate. Cel
mai mic nivel de gazificare se atest n raioanele Cantemir i Leova. n raionul
Cantemir au fost depistate resurse de gaze naturale care sunt la etapa iniial de
Alimentarea cu energie electric. Sectorul energetic al Republicii
Moldova se deosebete de cel al altor state din motivul, c republica nu dispune
de zcminte de combustibil fosil, de aceea 98% din totalul de energie i
combustibil sunt importate. Aceast insuficien este simit n special n regiunea
sud, deoarece pe aceste teritorii nu au fost construite centrale hidro- sau
termoelectrice. Proprietara reelelor electrice de distribuie din regiunea de sud a
rii, din anul 2000 este Grupul Spaniol Union Fenosa, care asigur 100% din
consumul de energie electric.
Alimentarea cu energie termic este o problem pentru locuitorii i
instituiile din regiune. Blocurile locative au fost alimentate cu energie termic de
la centralele termice, care n prezent nu mai funcioneaz. Una din soluiile
eficientizrii consumului de energie termic este valorificarea surselor
regenerabile de energie, prin instalarea bateriilor solare, a cazanelor pe baz de
biomas i a altor tipuri de utilaje moderne.
Gestionarea deeurilor. Pentru regiune e specific infrastructura slab
dezvoltat de colectare a deeurilor solide i lichide, inclusiv a celor toxice, lipsa
tehnologiilor avansate i practicilor de reciclare. RDS este regiunea pilot n RM
care are o Strategie sectorial regional Strategia de management integrat al
deeurilor menagere solide (2012-2025), elaborat cu suportul Companiei
Spaniole Internaionale de Consultan EPTISA, n cadrul Proiectului UE
Guvernarea deeurilor IEVP Est i aprobat de ctre CRD Sud n edina
din 27.12.2011. Costul estimativ al implementrii strategiei este de 42,3 mil. .
n 20.07.2012 a fost constituit Asociaia pentru managementul deeurilor
n Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud, ca organ de conducere a ntreprinderii
responsabile de managementul deeurilor n RDS, care va asigura reglementarea
i organizarea managementului deeurilor n toate unitile administrativteritoriale a RDS.

Strategia de Dezvoltare Regional


Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud


Valoarea Adugat Brut (VAB) a RDS n 2008 se estimeaz la 3,32

miliarde lei sau 10% din VAB naional. n perioada 2006-2008, VAB s-a
modificat nesemnificativ, iar VAB pe cap de locuitor a constituit puin peste 400
Euro, sau 64% din nivelul mediu naional.
Profil sectorial
Sectoarele economice contribuie diferit la formarea VAB regionale,
ponderea principal revenind agriculturii. ns se manifest tendina schimbrii
structurii ramurale. Astfel, n 2008, cota agriculturii n VAB a constituit 32%,
reducndu-se fa de 2006 cu 10%. Concomitent s-a majorat contribuia
serviciilor pn la 47% i a industriei pn la 21%.
Agricultura rmne a fi unul din sectoarele economiei cu o cot de
ocupare a forei de munca de peste 36%, ntietatea fiind deinut de sectorul
prestri servicii (48%). Principalele produse agricole sunt strugurii, cerealele,
culturile tehnice i pomicole.Infrastructura existent de colectare a produselor
agricole nu este funcional i exportul lor se efectueaz cu greu din cauza
barierelor tehnice.
RDS i revine circa 30 la sut din producerea total pe ar a cerealelor de
prima grup i a porumbului. 23% din toat producia de floarea soarelui din
ar revine RDS. Cea mai important cultur agricol a RDS sunt strugurii, (n
anul 2011, 58% din volumul ntreg pe ar). Prin potenialul sporit de producere
a strugurilor, condiiile climaterice favorabile cresterii acestei culturi, prezena n
regiune a 54 fabrici de prelucrare a strugurilor, de producere i mbuteliere a
vinului, prezena unui sistem dezvoltat de ci ferate i a portului internaional
Giurgiuleti, RDS poate deveni centrul de producere i export al vinurilor de
calitate. Vinriile Ciumai i Purcari reprezint cartea de vizit a RDS i sunt
recunoscute la nivel mondial.
Sectorul industrial al RDS este subdezvoltat. Ponderea produciei
fabricate n RDS n anul 2011 n volumul total al produciei industriale pe ar
este de 3,2%. n comparaie cu RDN i RDC, acest indicator este n scdere cu
18,2 i respectiv 8,1%. Valoarea produciei livrate constituie 89,9 la sut din
total produs, ponderea produciei exportate fiind de 64,7 la sut din vnzri, sau
6 la sut din exportul produselor industriale pe ar.
Valoarea produciei industriale pe cap de locuitor n RDS este de 1621,8
lei, ceea ce este de 4,7 ori mai mic dect media pe ar.
Cele mai importante ramuri industriale sunt (a) fabricarea produselor
textile; (b) industria alimentar i a buturilor; (c) captarea, epurarea i
distribuirea apei; (d) prelucrarea lemnului i fabricarea articolelor din lemn; (e)
fabricarea de articole de mbrcminte, prelucrarea i vopsirea blnurilor.
RDS deine primul loc pe ar n producerea divinului.
Fabricile din Taraclia au produs n anul 2011 857,4mii decalitri de divin,
sau 36 la sut din tot divinul produs n ar. Circa 20 la sut din vinurile fabricate
n Modova sunt produse n RDS. Cele mai importante centre de producere a
vinului se afl n raioanele tefan Vod, Taraclia i Cantemir.

Turismul. Potenialul turistic al RDS este n proces de valorificare. n
regiune sunt premise pentru dezvoltarea i promovarea acestei ramuri
Potenialul acestui sector n regiune este reprezentat de: a) cele mai vestite vinrii
de pe teritoriul rii vinriile Purcari i Ciumai incluse n Drumul vinului;
b)staiunea balneo-sanatorial vestit n Moldova i peste hotarele rii
Nufrul Alb cu izvoare minerale i termale, Cahul; c) rezervaia tiinific
Prutul de Jos din r-l Cahul; d) muzeul verde unic n R Moldova (r-l tefan
Vod); e) Monumentul istoric de arhitectur din secolele XVI-XVIII, biserica
Adormirea Maicii Domnului din Cueni, care necesit restaurare.
Un interes sporit pentru turiti poate avea Pdurea Turceasc (s. Talmaza);
Nistrul Chior din r-l tefan Vod; peste 15 muzee arheologice i de istorie a
inutului natal; Valul lui Traian, monument istoric nlat de romani prin sec. III
pe o lungime de circa 126 km de la Prut din localitatea Vadul lui Isac, Cahul
pn la Cueni i n continuare pan la lacul Sasac (Tatarbunar, Ucraina); 6
mnstiri, printre care cele mai renumite, mnstirea din Codrii Tigheciului,
mnstirea din Capaclia (Cantemir), mnstirea din Zloi (Cimilia) i mnstirea
de maici din Cueni.
Dezvoltarea turismului i n special a turismului rural este un domeniu de
perspectiv, prin valorificarea potenialului turistic existent, va fi ridicat gradul de
dezvoltare economic a regiunii.

Strategia de Dezvoltare Regional


Antreprenoriat. Dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului este un obiectiv principal

al dezvoltrii regionale. n anul 2010, n RDS au activat 2388 ntreprinderi,
nsemnnd doar 5%, din numrul total de IMM din Republica Moldova. Cu toate
c n perioada 2007-2010 numrul ntreprinderilor s-a mrit cu aproximativ 15%,
acest indicator raportat la numrul de locuitori a rmas cel mai mic n
comparaie cu alte regiuni. Sectorul IMM reprezint circa 97,7% din numrul
total de ntreprinderi. Acest lucru este n deplin concordan cu tendina global
de cretere a numrului de ntreprinderi mici, cu puini angajai.
n regiune activeaz 3 zone economice libere: ZEL Tvardia, "Parcul de
producie Taraclia i Portul Internaional Liber Giurgiuleti. Dei zonele libere
din Tvardia i Taraclia funcioneaz de 8-10 ani, impactul lor asupra economiei
regiunii este nesemnificativ. Majoritatea rezidenilor din aceste zone desfoar
activiti similare n teritoriul rii, dar cu faciliti fiscale. Aceasta a generat
concuren neloial n regiune i a adus pierderi bugetului local i celui de stat.
Portul Internaional Liber Giurgiuleti (PILG) este situat la km 133.8 al fluviului
Dunrea, pe o suprafa de 120 ha, la intersecia traseelor internaionale de
comer i transport, precum este canalul navigabil RinMainDunarea. Pn n
2009 au fost date n exploatare Terminalul petrolier (cu capacitate maxim de
transportare de peste 2 mil. t/an), Terminalul cerealier (1 mil. t/an) i Portul
pentru pasageri (10 mii pasageri/an). n cadrul PILG sunt nregistrai 22 de
rezideni ce activeaz n regim de zon economic liber i care au investit peste
60 de milioane de dolari SUA.

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud


Situaia social. Nivelul de trai relativ sczut n Moldova este prezent pe

ntreg teritoriul rii (cu excepia mun. Chiinu). Astfel, 1/3 din populaia din
regiuni triete sub nivelul srciei absolute, 1/5 n srcie relativ, iar 4-6%
n condiii extreme.
Nivelul de deprivare pe domenii arat c accesul la educaie i la asisten
medical a localitilor din RDS este mediu comparativ cu Regiunile Centru i
Nord. Totodat nivelul de deprivare economic a RDS este net superior n
comparaie cu cele dou regiuni.
n structura cheltuielilor de consum prevaleaz cheltuielile alimentare
(46%) i nealimentare (21%), serviciilor revenind 33%. Vom meniona ponderea
redus a cheltuielilor pentru sntate (6,7% din total) i n special pentru
educaie - doar 1%. Pentru comparaie, n anul 2008 n RDS cheltuielilor
alimentare le reveneau 51% din bugetul gospodriilor, urmat de cheltuielile
pentru produse nealimentare 31% i pentru servicii12%.


Ieirea la Dunre i existena portului

internaional Giurgiuleti
Existena hotarelor comune cu UE prin
Romnia, a hotarelor cu Ucraina, i a
celor 7 puncte de trecere a frontierei
Reea diversificat de transport auto,
feroviar i fluvial
Existena magistralei de transport a energiei electrice i a gazelor natural
Reea dezvoltat de gazoducte n regiune
Resurse de zcminte subterane (petrol,
gaz, ape minerale)
Condiii climaterice i pedologice favorabile dezvoltrii sectorului vitivinicol,
pomicol i sectorului zootehnic
Existena unei reele de fabrici de prelucrare a produselor agricole (conserve,
lactate, carne, usctorii de fructe, de producere a finii)
3 zone economice libere existente n regiune
Existena potenialului uman, inclusiv a
forei de munc instruit i relativ ieftin
Universitatea de Stat ,,B.P. Hadeu din
Cahul ca centru de cercetare i inovaii n
diverse domenii
Existena unei reele de coli profesionale, cu programe pentru un spectru larg
de meserii, pentru instruirea forei de
munc conform cererii pieii forei de
Strategia sectorial regional ,,Strategia
de gestionare integrat a deeurilor solide
n Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud, RM, i a
unei structuri create ,,Asociaia de gestionare a deeurilor solide din RDS
Condiii climaterice i geologice favorabile pentru dezvoltarea turismului balneosanatorial (vestitul sanatoriu Nufrul
Alb, Cahul)
Existena reelei prestatorilor de servicii
de consultan n agricultur


Absena oraelor mari i gradul redus de urbanizare

Potenial industrial subdezvoltat
Prezena redus a investiiilor strine n regiune
Resursele energetice nesimnificative i dependena de importuri
Calitatea proast a infrastructurii fizice existente
(drumuri, ci ferate, reele de apeduct i canalizare)
Nivel redus de asigurare cu servicii de
aprovizionare cu ap i canalizare
Sistem ineficient de gestionare a serviciilor publice
Gestionarea nesustenabil a deeurilor; cota redus a deeurilor reciclate i a emisiilor gazoase
Infrastructura de aprovizionare cu ap neajustat
la valorificarea de amploare a surselor de ap potabil de suprafa
Gradul redus de localizare a agenilor economici
n regiune
Utilizarea tehnologiilor nvechite n sectorul
Capacitatea sczut a mediului de afaceri local de
a efectua investiii pentru dezvoltare
Utilizarea ineficient a patrimoniului funciar (cota
mare a terenurilor abandonate i neprelucrate)
Infrastructur de colectare, pstrare i comercializare a produciei agricole slab dezvoltat
Costul nalt al capitalului i accesul limitat la finane pentru ageni economici
Lipsa unui sistem eficient de instruire i recalificare a forei de munc
Venituri proprii reduse ale autoritilor publice
locale i dependena de transferuri de la autoritile naionale
Capaciti reduse de accesare a surselor de finanare
Infrastructur turistic slab dezvoltat
Ponderea mare a cldirilor publice cu un nivel
redus de eficien energetic
Deficiena datelor statistice fiabile n profil regional i capaciti reduse n efectuarea unor analize profunde regionale
Fragmentarea excesiv a gospodriilor rneti i
cooperarea slab a productorilor agricoli
Promovarea slab a regiunii ca o destinaie bun
pentru investiii i turism, absena unor activiti
de publicitate i comunicare sistematice, precum
i lipsa unui sistem de management al turismului.

Strategia de Dezvoltare Regional

Analiza SWOT a Regiunii de Dezvoltare Sud


Analiza SWOT a Regiunii de Dezvoltare Sud

Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud


Vecintatea cu UE
Apartenena la trei Euroregiuni i eligibilitatea pentru programele UE de cooperare transfrontalier (Moldova Ucraina
Romnia 2007-2013; Bazinul Mrii Negre, Parteneriatul Estic)
Existena pe teritoriul RDS a Consulatului General al Romaniei la Cahul.
Prioritatea acordata de Guvern reformelor de dezvoltare regional i descentralizare
Potenial pentru dezvoltarea i consolidarea industriei vinicole n baza materiei
prime locale i tradiiilor bogate din acest
Crearea clusterelor (vini-viticol, oierit,
legumelor i fructelor, turism), i incubatoarelor tehnologice
Condiii agroclimatice favorabile producerii de uleiuri eterice
Cadrul legislativ favorabil pentru crearea
parcurilor industriale
Dezvoltarea conexiunilor la reelele de
drumuri internaionale
Valorificarea rezervaiilor naturale i ariilor protejate ca resurs turistic i recreaional
Promovarea investiiilor prin programe
de atragere a remitenelor
Dezvoltarea sectorului energiilor alternative
Posibilitatea de asociere ntre agenii economici din Euroregiune n sensul dezvoltrii i extinderii pieelor de desfacere
i aprovizionare
Dezvoltarea parteneriatelor public-privat
Cererea ridicat pe piaa european
pentru produse agricole ecologice
Dezvoltarea reelelor de artizanat i
meteuguri populare pentru promovarea


Situaia demografic nefavorabil, cauzat de sporul natural negativ i exodul

Concurena neloial a produselor din import generat de ptrunderea pe piaa
regional a produselor mai puin calitative, cu preuri de dumping
Meninerea imaginii nefavorabile a regiunii n faa potenialilor investitori i
Instabilitatea politic la nivel naional,
exprimat prin incoerena politicilor n
domeniul dezvoltrii regionale i/sau
modificri frecvente ale cadrului normativ
Fluctuaia preurilor la energie
Migraia continu a populaiei economic
active, inclusiv a forei de munc competente i nalt calificate
Deertificarea, creterea frecvenei
calamitilor naturale i strilor de vreme
extreme ca rezultat al proceselor de
schimbare a climei
Degradarea calitii terenurilor agricole
Lipsa unei viziuni clare la nivel central
privind sinergia utilizrii fondurilor bugetare pentru dezvoltare.

Promovarea politicii de dezvoltare regional i tendinta Guvernului de,
descentralizare poate crea condiiile necesare pentru implementarea unor proiecte
la nivel regional, ce ar elimina punctele slabe ale RDS. Mai mult ca att,
vecintatea cu UE deschide noi oportuniti, att pentru agenii economici din
regiune, ct i pentru autoritile publice, care au cptat acces direct la programe
de cooperare transfrontalier finanate de UE. Utilizarea fondurilor naionale i
externe pentru reabilitarea infrastructurii regionale, implementarea unor
programe de susinere a afacerilor i mbuntirea condiiilor de mediu, vor
elimina piedicile n dezvoltarea economic i vor accelera dezvoltarea
multilateral a RDS.
Punctele slabe analizate pot fi transformate n oportuniti, prin
dezvoltarea serviciilor n agricultur, promovarea tehnologiilor noi i organizarea
pieelor de desfacere, formarea unui climat antreprenorial favorabil, asigurat de
funcionarea eficient a centrelor de susinere i suport local pentru dezvoltarea
MM, cooperarea ntre raioane i crearea unei reele de progres comun n baza
parteneriatelor (ntre orae, raioane), dar i prin fondarea zonelor industriale, a
parcurilor tehnologice i a centrelor de afaceri.


Strategia de Dezvoltare Regional

Analiza SWOT a Regiunii de Dezvoltare Sud

,, RDS va deveni o regiune dinamic i prosper, cu o economie eficient i durabil bazat pe
o abordare inovatoare, cu o infrastructur fizic modern, cu un capital uman dezvoltat,
atractiv pentru investitori i turiti, ceea ce va asigura o calitate nalt a vieii pentru locuitorii
ntregii regiuni.

Obiectivul general:
Dezvoltarea unei regiuni prospere i cu o cretere economic echilibrat prin :
implementarea strategiilor moderne i inovatoare prietenoase mediului,
extinderea i modernizarea infrastructurii publice i promovarea cooperrii
respectarea principiilor dezvoltrii durabile,
sporind astfel atractivitatea pentru investitori i turiti, i asigurnd un nivel de
trai ridicat pentru locuitori indiferent unde locuiesc acetia pe teritoriul Regiunii
de Dezvoltare Sud.


Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud



Obiective specifice:

Reabilitarea i dezvoltarea infrastructurii publice, pentru ridicarea nivelului

atractivitii investiionale i oferirea condiiilor mai bune de trai populaiei

Dezvoltarea potenialului economic a RDS pentru sporirea gradului de

ocupare a forei de munc i reducerea migraiei populaiei;

mbuntirea i protejarea mediului natural cuprins de RDS, viznd

gestionarea corespunztoare a deeurilor, protejarea habitatelor naturale,
dezvoltarea surselor alternative de energie i protecia mpotriva dezastrelor

Dezvoltarea potenialului turistic, prin modernizarea, reabilitarea

infrastructurii turistice i culturale i promovarea atractivitii turistice;

Eficientizarea energetic a cldirilor publice i valorificarea surselor de

energie regenerabil, pentru minimalizarea costurilor de ntreinere i
protejarea mediului nconjurtor;

Susinerea localitilor cu potenial de cretere i excluderea marginalizrii

zonelor defavorizate;

ncurajarea regionalizrii serviciilor de utiliti publice prin susinerea

cooperrii intercomunitare i dezvoltarea parteneriatelor de prestri servicii
de calitate n regiune;

Dinamizarea cooperrii transfrontaliere i euroregionale n contextul

dezideratului de integrare european prin stabilirea de parteneriate ntre
colectivitile locale din regiunile de frontier i implementarea de proiecte
comune n regiune.

Analiza socio-economic a regiunii, a permis identificarea a mai multor
domenii care necesit intervenie pentru a atinge obiectivele unei dezvoltri
durabile echilibrate. Lund ns n consideraie posibilitile de finanare i
termenul de implementare a strategiei, cteva domenii au fost determinate drept
prioritare. Msurile, raionamentul i domeniile propuse pentru investiii pentru
fiecare prioritate sunt descrise mai jos.

Prioritatea 1. Reabilitarea infrastructurii fizice

Msura 1.1. Reabilitarea, modernizarea i extinderea sistemelor de
aprovizionare cu ap i canalizare.
mbuntirea accesului la sistemele de AAC nu doar va spori calitatea
vieii locuitorilor din RDS, dar, de asemenea va fi si o precondiie pentru
productivitate i competitivitate mai nalt, mai ales n agricultur. Accesul la
sistemele de AAC este mai favorabil n RDS, dect n celelalte regiuni. Rata
conectrii localitilor din regiune la sistemele de AAC ajunge la 54%. De
asemenea, consumul de ap n RDS este mai mare dect n celelalte regiuni.
Totui, sunt nregistrate diferene semnificative n interiorul regiunii.
Raioanele Cantemir i Leova ocup ultimile poziii dup densitatea
reelelor de ap i canalizare, precum i dup consumul de ap. Prin urmare, cele
dou raioane au nevoie sporit de investiii n infrastructura de AAC. Ponderea
sistemelor funcionale de AAC din regiune este destul de ridicat ajungnd la 93
% din totalul de reele , depind media pe ar de 89%. Referitor la sursele de
ap potabil, se recomand ca investiiile s fie orientate spre valorificarea apelor
de suprafa precum rurile Prut i Nistru.
Regionalizarea serviciilor de AAC, care ar putea deveni o soluie,dar
necesit promovare n rndurile APL. Existena unui operator de AAC puternic
trebuie considerat ca o precondiie pentru realizarea unor investiii durabile.
Interveniile n acest sector trebuie, de asemenea s fie n acord cu
Strategia privind aprovizionarea cu ap i servicii de canalizare a localitilor din
Republica Moldova, care prevede:

Strategia de Dezvoltare Regional


utilizarea surselor de ap de suprafa (pentru RDS rurile Prut i Nistru

promovarea principiilor economiei de pia n serviciile de aprovozionare cu
ap i canalizare,
extinderea sistemelor centralizate de aprovizionare cu ap i canalizare i
creterea gradului de acces al populaiei la aceste servicii.


Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud

Msura 1.2. Construcia, reabilitarea i modernizarea drumurilor
regionale i a drumurilor locale.
Investiiile n infrastructura drumurilor sunt eseniale pentru atingerea
scopului prioritii, precum i a obiectivului specific, care prevede ,,reabilitarea i
dezvoltarea infrastructurii publice, pentru ridicarea nivelului atractivitii
investiionale i oferirea condiiilor mai bune de trai populaiei RDS. Densitatea
drumurilor publice este cea mai mic n regiune. RDS este n general bine
conectat la regiunea de dezvoltare central i capital. Cu toate acestea starea
proast a drumurilor care traverseaz regiunea de la Vest la Est (R47, R26, R30)
contribuie la fragmentarea regiunii. Un numr mare de localiti nu au drum de
acces cu acoperire rigid la reeaua de drumuri naionale. Interveniile n
infrastructura drumurilor trebuie s sporeasc:
conectivitatea localitilor cu potenial de cretere
conectivitatea localitilor amplasate in jurul localitilor cu potenial de
accesibilitatea obiectivelor de importan strategic precum aeroportul din
Cahul, portul Giugiuleti, sanatoriul ,,Nufrul Alb din Cahul etc.

Msura 1.3. Reabilitarea cilor de acces spre punctele de trecere

a frontierei.
Regiunea de Sud se mrginete direct cu Ucraina i Romnia, ceea ce este
identificat ca un punct forte al regiunii. ns, pentru a beneficia pe deplin de
acest avantaj punctele de trecere a frontierei trebuie s fie conectate la reeaua de
drumuri naionale. Interveniile n cadrul acestei msuri se vor axa cu precdere
la reabilitarea i modernizarea drumurilor de acces la punctele de trecere a

Msura 1.4. Sporirea eficienei energetice a cldirilor publice.

Cheltuielile de nclzire a edificiilor instituiilor publice reprezint 38,5%
din cheltuielile totale de ntreinere. innd cont c circa 80% din cldirile
publice au fost construite cel puin 20 de ani n urm, sistemele de nclzire sunt
n mare parte nvechite i termoizolarea este redus, majoritatea cldirilor
publice n regiune au un nivel de eficien energetic sczut. Interveniile
aferente acestei msuri vor reduce costurile de ntreinere i vor spori confortul
beneficiarilor. Proiectele de eficien energetic fie vor avea ca scop creterea
randamentului consumului de energie prin diverse metode, fie vor prevedea
instalarea colectoarelor solare pentru asigurarea cu ap cald.


Implementarea proiectelor pentru realizarea prioritii 1 va fi monitorizat n
baza urmtorilor indicatori de performan:
Indicatorii de produs
definirea i unitatea de

Numrul de proiecte implementate n domeniul construirii/ reabilitarii
infrastructurii fizice
Lungimea reelelor de ap i canalizare construite / reabilitate


Numrul de staii de epurare a apelor uzate reabilitate/construite


Numrul de servicii de AAC cu acoperire regional create


Capacitatea sistemelor de aprovizionare cu ap i servicii de canalizare


Lungimea drumurilor regionale construite/ reabilitate


Rata drumurilor construite sau reparate n total drumuri

n %

Lungimea drumurilor (cilor de acces) spre punctele de trecere a frontierei

construite /reabilitate
Numrul cldirilor publice reabilitate din punct de vedere al EE


Strategia de Dezvoltare Regional


Indicatorii de rezultat
definirea i unitatea de

Numrul de persoane fizice i juridice cu acces la serviciul mbuntit de
aprovizionare cu ap / canalizare;
Volumul investiiilor atrase n domeniul infrastructurii fizice
Numrul mediu de localiti deservite de un operator din sectorul Aprovizionare cu
ap i Canalizare;
Numrul de localiti beneficiare conectate la drumul contruit/reabilitat
Numrul de pasageri

mii lei

Volumul mrfurilor transportate


Acces sporit pentru vizitatori, turiti i poteniali investitori n RDS


Rata reducerii cheltuielilor de energie


Indicatorii de impact
Rata sczut a srciei populaiei (absolut i extrem) n RDS
Rata redus a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de ser echivalent CO 2 n atmosfer

definirea i unitatea de



Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud

Prioritatea 2. Diversificarea economiei i susinerea
dezvoltrii sectorului privat
Msura 2.1.Dezvoltarea infrastructurii de afaceri prin crearea i
consolidarea incubatoarelor de afaceri, centrelor de consultan i
dezvoltare a afacerilor, centrelor regionale de expoziie, parcurilor
Sectorul industrial n RDS este mai puin dezvoltat dect n celelalte
regiuni. Drept ilustrare, valoarea produciei industriale pe cap de locuitor n RDS
constituie circa 7% din valoarea indicatorului din Chiinu i circa 32% din
valoarea produciei industriale pe cap de locuitor n UTA Gguzia. n sectorul
industrial sunt angajai doar 11% din populaia economic activ n cadrul
regiunii. Raioanele Taraclia, Cahul, i tefan Vod sunt cele mai avansate din
punct de vedere al dezvoltrii industriale. MM din regiune reprezint doar 5%
din toate MM din ar. Totodat, sectorul MM este cel mai bine reprezentat n
Cahul, Taraclia i Cueni. Lund n consideraie dezvoltarea sectorului industrial
i activitatea MM, investiiile n infrastructura de afaceri vor avea un impact mai
puternic, dac vor fi realizate n raioanele Cahul i Taraclia. n cazul raionului
Cimilia, dei dup producia industrial, raionul ocup ultimile locuri n regiune,
infrastructura industrial existent diversificat, reprezint o oportunitate pentru
dezvoltarea sectorului industrial n RDS.
Msura 2.2. Dezvoltarea infrastructurii de colectare, prelucrare, pstrare
i comercializare a produciei.
Sectorul agricol n RDS este mai dezvoltat, n principal, n producia de
struguri, fructe i cereale (producia de struguri, acoper peste 50% din
producia total de struguri din Republica Moldova). Cu toate acestea,
infrastructura industrial nu are capacitatea de a produce bunuri cu valoare
adugat mare, ci doar fructe si legume n stare proaspt, ca materie prim (cu
excepia vinului, chiar dac, fabricie de vin nu proceseaz recolta total de
struguri din regiune). Aceasta limiteaz productorii s-i comercializeze
produsele agricole pe pia, deoarece majoritatea produselor sunt uor alterabile,
care necesit a fi vndute imediat dup recoltare i, astfel, la un pre mai mic.
Regiunea nu dispune de infrastructura pentru colectarea, prelucrarea, stocarea i
comercializarea produciei agricole.
Msura se refer la dezvoltarea infrastructurii industriale, n special, n
sectorul de producie a fructelor i legumelor. Investiiile vor fi realizate, cu
preponderen n zonele n care este concentrat mai mult creterea fructelor i
legumelor, n special n raioanele tefan-Vod, Cahul i Cantemir.


Msura 2.3. Susinerea adaptabilitii forei de munc la cererile actuale
ale pieii.
n RDS se observ un deficit al forei de munc calificate i o racordare
deficient la necesitile pieii. n acest context este necesara efectuarea studiilor
pieii forei de munc i promovarea unei cooperri mai strnse ntre colile
profesionale i sectorul de afaceri. Aceast msur corespunde prioritii nr.
1 ,,Studii: relevante pentru carier din Strategia Naional de Dezvoltare a
Republicii Moldova 2012-2020. Conform strategiei sus- menionate capitalul
uman din Moldova, inclusiv din RDS, va putea fi valorificat doar dac
specializarea forei de munc va corespunde cerinelor angajatorilor.
Msura 2.4. Sporirea capacitii de cooperare la nivel regional a
productorilor i promovarea produselor lor pe pieele externe.
67% din agenii economici din RDS sunt micro- ntreprinderi mai ales n
sectorul agricol. Productorii mici nu au suficiente capaciti pentru plasarea
eficient a bunurilor pe pia, au putere slab de negociere cu distribuitorii mari ai
produciei agricole i nu pot ntreprinde investiii majore n sector. Toi aceti
factori determin performana slab a productorilor locali.
Interveniile n cadrul acestei msuri vor susine formarea clusterilor n
bussines, asociaiilor care vor putea ndeplini funcii de marketing, promovarea
schimbului de know-how, investiii benefice pentru mai muli productori.
Interveniile vor fi concentrate mai ales n acele zone, care denot o
fragmentare nalt a productorilor locali. Pentru a obine efectul scontat, este
esenial implicarea beneficiarilor n realizarea proiectelor aferente acestei msuri.
De asemenea, oportunitile de cooperare generate n urma acestor proiecte
trebuie s fie deschise pentru toi productorii interesai din diverse domenii ale

Strategia de Dezvoltare Regional


Msura 2.5. Dezvoltarea capacitilor de antreprenoriat i susinerea n

iniierea afacerilor.
Activitile de antreprenoriat sunt mai slab pronunate n RDS n comparaie
cu restul rii. Interveniile n cadrul acestei msuri vor stimula antreprenoriatul
n raioanele regiunii prin organizarea training-urilor, consultaiilor i oferirea
asistenei n domeniile precum aspecte legale relevante pentru iniierea afacerilor,
contabilitate, marketing, accesarea creditelor, elaborarea business- planurilor etc.
Msura 2.6. Promovarea eficienei energetice n sectorul de afaceri.
Sectorul de afaceri din RDS se caracterizeaz printr-un consum sporit de
energie. Ca rezultat, costurile de producie sunt mai ridicate, ceea ce afecteaz
negativ competitivitatea agenilor economici locali. Interveniile n cadrul acestei
msuri vor include:


Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud

1. studii cu privire la aplicarea msurilor de eficien energetic n sectorul de
2. campanii de contientizare pentru ageni economici pe tema eficienei
3. training-uri, instruiri, consultri pentru ageni economici cu privire la
eficien energetic.
Implementarea proiectelor pentru realizarea prioritii 2 va fi monitorizat n
baza urmtorilor indicatori de performan:
Indicatorii de produs
definirea i unitatea de

Numrul de proiecte implementate n domeniul diversificrii economiei i
susinerea dezvoltrii sectorului privat
Numr de m2 de suprafa construit / reabilitat
Numrul de structuri de sprijinire a afacerilor create / modernizate


Lungimea reelelor de utiliti construite / reabilitate spre structurile de afaceri

(drum, apeduct /canalizare / electricitate / telecomunicaii)
Numrul de studii/cercetri pentru evaluarea pieii forei de munc elaborate


Numrul afacerilor nregistrate



Indicatorii de rezultat
definirea i unitatea de

Infrastructur de baz creat pentru servicii de afaceri
Volumul investiiilor atrase n domeniul diversificrii economiei i susinerea
dezvoltrii sectorului privat (valoarea n mii lei)
Numrul de asociaii / clustere create

mii lei

Numrul de persoane instruite/consultate


Numrul de IMM-ri cu rezultat economic pozitiv


Numrul de MM care au beneficiat de servicii de consultan


Numrul de evenimente organizate(forumuri, expoziii, trguri.etc.) cu participarea

tuturor actorilor din sector
Producia industrial
Numrul locurilor de munc create

mii lei

Indicatorii de impact


definirea i unitatea de

Rata sczut a srciei populaiei (absolut i extrem) n RDS


Rata populaiei ocupate.


Prioritatea 3. mbuntirea factorilor de mediu i a
atractivitii turistice
Msura 3.1 Sporirea securitii ecologice n regiune, prin promovarea
activitilor de stopare a degradrii solurilor i elaborarea unor programe
de anticipare i rspuns la strile extreme de vreme.
n ultimii ani se constat o aridizare a climei n RDS i o frecven mrit a
strilor extreme ale vremii. Regiunea este expus riscului de inundaii n lunca
rului Prut i este afectat de alunecri de teren i eroziuni. 24% din terenurile
erodate i 21% din zone supuse alunecrilor de teren din ar, se afl n RDS. Un
factor de risc ecologic pentru regiune l reprezint i depozitele de pesticide. 9
depozite de pesticide din regiune nu au fost incluse n Programul naional de
lichidare a depozitelor de pesticide. (3 n raionul Cimilia, 2 n raionul Leova, 2 n
raionul Cueni, 2 n raionul Cantemir).
Prin urmare, interveniile n cadrul acestei msuri vor avea ca scop:

reducerea riscului alunecrilor de teren i eroziunilor. n mod deosebit sunt

necesare interveniile de acest gen n raionul Cantemir
reducerea riscului de inundaii. Majoritatea localitilor expuse acestui risc se
afl n lunca rului Prut, mai ales n raionul Cantemir i Leova.
lichidarea depozitelor de pesticide cu precdere din raioanele Cimilia, Leova,
Cueni i Cantemir.
elaborarea programelor de anticipare i rspuns la hazarduri naturale

Strategia de Dezvoltare Regional


Msura 3.2 Gestionarea eficient a deeurilor prin dezvoltarea sistemelor

de management integrat al deeurilor solide.
n RDS a fost creat Asociaia pentru Managementul Deeurilor n Regiunea
de Dezvoltare Sud. Este recomandat ca investiiile fizice din acest sector s fie
conforme cu Strategia de Gestionare Integrat a Deeurilor Solide aprobat de
CRD Sud. De asemenea, n cadrul acestei msuri pot fi susinute campaniile de
contientizare i informare a populaiei.
Msura 3.3 Crearea, modernizarea i reabilitarea infrastructurii turistice i
Potenialul turistic al regiunii nu este evaluat i valorificat- nu exist un studiu
in acest sens. n procesul de dezvoltare a turismului , RDS ntmpina o serie de
dificulti, precum:
serviciile turistice sunt slab dezvoltate / sunt de calitate joas;
multe obiective turistice necesit lucrri de amenajare i reabilitare;
regiunea este slab promovat ca destinaie turistic;


Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud

managementul destinaiilor turistice nu este efectuat nici la nivel regional, nici
la nivel local.
Interveniile aferente acestei msuri trebuie s fie concentrate asupra
obiectivelor ce au potenial turistic nalt, precum Sanatoriul Nufrul Alb,
vinriile de la Purcari, Ciumai, rezervaia tiinific Prutul de Jos, lacul Beleu,
Msura 3.4 Promovarea RDS ca destinaie turistic i suport pentru
stabilirea parteneriatelor n sectorul turistic.

Msura se axeaz pe interveniile soft n domeniul turismului, pentru a spori

atractivitatea RDS (sau obiectivele ei) ca destinaie turistic. Vor fi sprijinite, n
special, urmtoarele actiuni:
Promovarea RDS (sau obiectivele ei), ca destinaie turistic, prin elaborarea i
distribuirea de materiale promoionale (pentru ntreaga regiune, localiti
selectate, atractiviti selectate, etc);
Prezena RDS (sau obiectivele ei), la trguri i expoziii strine n domeniul
Elaborarea de studii i analize de marketing;
Crearea i facilitarea de parteneriate ntre ntreprinztorii din turism
(furnizorii de servicii turistice) i instituiile publice;
Crearea de parteneriate interne, precum i cu ageniile de turism strine i
instituiile similare;
Crearea, distribuia i comercializarea de produse turistice de valoare
adugat mai mare ("pachete" de servicii, etc);
Formare i educaie n furnizarea de servicii de turism i management n
Msura 3.5 Promovarea utilizrii resurselor de energie regenerabil.
Crearea i utilizarea resurselor de energie regenerabil va influena pozitiv
asupra strii ecologice a regiunii, oferind oportuniti pentru lansarea unor noi
activiti economice. Aceasta va crea un teren propice pentru exersarea i
acumularea practicii de cooperare intre afacerile private i sectoarele
nvmant/ cercetare in scopul facilitrii dezvoltrii economice regionale.
Msura are ca scop promovarea utilizrii resurselor de energie regenerabil,
contribuind la dezvoltarea afacerilor i ameliorarea strii mediului natural.
Aceast msur poate fi implementat prin urmtoarele intervenii:
Organizarea evenimentelor de informare i sporire a contientizrii
publice, privind beneficiile utilizrii resurselor de energie renovabil;
Promovarea tehnologiilor prietenoase mediului prin intermediul
sectorului educaional i privat;
Diseminarea i promovarea experienei de utilizare a energiei
regenerabile (solar, eolian,biomas).


Implementarea proiectelor pentru realizarea prioritii 3 va fi monitorizat n
baza urmtorilor indicatori de performan:
Indicatori de produs
definirea i unitatea de


Numrul de proiecte implementate n domeniul mbuntirii factorilor de

mediu i a atractivitii turistice


Zone expuse la riscuri naturale amenajate


Numrul de servicii de Management al Deeurilor create, cu acoperire regional


Numrul de poligoane noi de stocare a deeurilor amenajate


Numrul de gunoiti neautorizate lichidate


Lungimea reelelor de utiliti construite / reabilitate spre obiectivul / zona

Capacitatea de producere a energiei din surse de energie regenerabil (n MWh /
ritmul anual de cretere
Numrul de instalaii care utilizeaz surse regenerabile de energie aplicate


Indicatori de rezultat
definirea i unitatea de

Volumul investiiilor atrase n domeniul mbuntirii factorilor de mediu i a
atractivitii turistice
Populaia cu acces mbuntit la servicii de salubrizare

Mii lei

Numrul persoanelor participante n campanii de contientizare a populaiei


Destinaii turistice construite / reabilitate


Numrul de campanii de promovare pe domeniile de mediu/turism desfurate


Reducerea frecvenei eroziunilor i mbuntirea calitii solului


Numrul de beneficiari de servicii de colectare a deeurilor


Faciliti pentru colectarea deeurilor din localitile regiunii


Volumul deeurilor colectate i depozitate pe teritorii special amenajate

Numrul de turiti / vizitatori atrai n regiune
Reducerea consumului de energie electric/termic

Strategia de Dezvoltare Regional



Indicatorii de impact
Atractivitate crescut din investiiile primite
Rata populaiei ocupate

definirea i unitatea de
mii lei


Regiunea de Dezvoltare Sud

Parteneriate regionale
Atingerea viziunii i obiectivelor strategice a Regiunii de Dezvoltare Sud i
implementarea prioritilor de aciune, nu poate fi realizat fr participarea
activ a ntregii societi n procesul de implementare a Strategiei de Dezvoltare
Regional. Elaborarea Strategiei n mod participativ, cu aportul substanial al
persoanelor ce reprezinta ntreprinderi private, organizaii neguvernamentale,
autoriti publice de diverse nivele i chiar persoane interesate, cu spirit civic,
trebuie s fie urmat de implementarea programelor i proiectelor ce deriv din
ele ntr-un mod transparent, echitabil i eficace.
Cultura de colaborare dintre diveri actori regionali trebuie s fie promovat
la toate nivelele. Consiliul regiunii de dezvoltare este compus din alei locali din
diferite partide, funcionari publici, oameni de afaceri, lucrtori sociali, i experi
n diferite domenii. Asemenea parteneriate regionale urmeaz s fie create i n
cadrul implementrii diverselor componente ale proiectelor de dezvoltare
regional. Doar combinnd eforturile n cadrul parteneriatelor regionale, vor fi
atinse obiectivele majore ale Strategiei.

Monitorizare, raportare i evaluare

Conform legii Republicii Moldova nr. 438-XVI din 28.12.2006 cu privire la
dezvoltare regional, toate funciile de monitorizare i evaluare n contextul
dezvoltrii regionale sunt divizate ntre mai multe autoriti.
Denumirea autoritii
Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i
Construciilor (MDRC)

Consiliile Regionale de Dezvoltare

Ageniile de Dezvoltare Regional


Funciile realizate n monitorizare i evaluare (M&E)

(M&E) implementrii SNDR
Monitorizarea indicatorilor de dezvoltare regional
n colaborare cu CDR monitorizarea procesului de elaborare a
strategiilor i programelor de dezvoltare regional
Evaluarea procesului de implementare a SDR
Evaluarea SDR i a planurilor de aciuni pentru a determina msura n
care corespund documentelor naionale de planificare
Monitorizarea utilizrii resurselor financiare alocate din cadrul FNDR
regiunii de dezvoltare corespunztoare
Evaluarea impactului programelor regionale i ale proiectelor i
realizarea obiectivelor de dezvoltare regional
M&E implementrii SDR, a planului, programelor i proiectelor
M&E implementrii SDR i prezentarea modificrilor relevante

Referitor la SDR, responsabilitile de M&E au fost atribuite tuturor

organelor menionate la nivel regional i naional. Deoarece monitorizarea la
nivel nalt necesit furnizarea datelor potrivite la un nivel inferior, monitorizarea
este un proces orientat de jos n sus.
Relaia dintre rapoartele ADR cu privire la FNDR i cadrul vast de M&E
este stipulat n Manualul Operaional privind modul de utilizare a mijloacelor
FNDR aprobat prin decizia CNCDR nr.4/12 din 23 februarie 2012).

Monitorizarea se realizeaz la nivel cantitativ n baza mai multor indicatori i
la nivel descriptiv sau calitativ, pe baza tuturor tipurilor de informaie disponibil.
n timp ce legea atribuie ADR funciile de M&E, aceste funcii se reduc de fapt la
Toi indicatorii sunt msurai in dou modaliti: (i) in cifre absolute (km de
drum construit) i (ii) rat, care reflect schimbrile in acest an comparativ cu
anul trecut. In acest fel, indicatorii pot fi comparai pe parcursul perioadei de
implementare a strategiei de dezvoltare regional i ntre regiunile de
dezvoltare.Sarcina principal n procesul de colectare a datelor pentru M&E i
revine ADR.
Majoritatea indicatorilor se conin n rapoartele proiectelor i astfel, pot fi
clasificai ca indicatori de progres sau ca rezultat. Planul de aciuni pentru
dezvoltarea regional, care se va baza pe aceast strategie regional, va asigura ca
aceti indicatori s fie obinui n procesul de implementare a proiectelor.
Evaluarea impactului proiectelor se va efectua n baza metodologiei
corespunztoare, elaborate de ctre MDRC. n cadrul acesteia, se vor efectua i
sondaje participative ale beneficiarilor, n baza rezultatelor proiectului. Pentru
proiectele mari, n special unde beneficiile vor fi observate peste o perioada mai
indelungat de timp, la necesitate, evaluarea se va efectua i pe parcursul
implementrii proiectului.
Agenia pentru Dezvoltare Regional, de asemenea, va efectua sondaje periodice privind perceperea de ctre populaia local a activitii CRD i progresului
de implementare a Strategiei de Dezvoltare Regional. Rezultatele sondajelor respective vor fi raportate ca parte a rapoartelor trimestriale, dar i ca rapoarte
separate, prezentate Consiliului Regional concomitent cu raportarea, privind
implementarea planului de activitate a ADR.
Raportarea privind implementarea Strategiei de Dezvoltare Regional este o
parte a sistemului general de monitorizare i evaluare, care include implementarea
SNDR i alte documente de politici de nivel naional. Sistemul de M&E n
dezvoltarea regional este elaborat, innd cont de raportarea MDRC ctre
guvern, privind documentele de politici de nivel naional. Elementele sistemului
de montorizare vor evolua concomitent cu evoluarea sistemului de M&E.
Planul Operaional Regional cuprinde o perioad de 3 ani. Raportarea privind
implementarea acestuia, de asemenea constituie o parte a sistemului de
monitorizare i evaluare. Sistemul de monitorizare i evaluare a dezvoltrii
regionale va fi revizuit reieind din progresul n implementare a Planului

Strategia de Dezvoltare Regional

Monitorizare, raportare i evaluare


Development Region


Regional Development

Cimislia, 2013

Revised version, Approved by the

Decision of South Regional
Development Council
No. 1 of 3 October 2012

South Development Region

The Regional Development Strategy (RDS) for the South Development
Region (SDR) represents a public policy document aimed at devising mediumterm development paths for the region. It is consistent with the main national
policy documents on regional development (RD). The South Regional
Development Strategy is the final output of an extensive process of
consultations and debate related to the sustainable and balanced development
of the regions.
The regional development strategies offer a wider "horisontal" context to
development, which should allow a more efficient coordination and
concentration of the sector expenses managed by different ministries and
donors in regions. Thus, the regional capacity for efficient absorption of
investment funds will increase, and the Republic of Moldova, in conformity
with European practices, will accede to integrated governance and synergy
between national (vertical) and regional (horizontal) programmes. Thus, the
RDS becomes an important vehicle for interconnecting actions at national,
regional, and local levels.
In the current version, the South RDS 2010-2016 represents a revised
document with updated statistical data used for the social-economic analysis of
the region, analysis of the progress registered in initial period of strategy
implementation (2010-2012), identification of new areas of intervention.
The SDR plays an important role in the context of development
perspectives and ensuring the access of the Republic of Moldova to Black Sea
Basin countries. The region has all means of transport (river, railway, air, and
road). Through the International Giurgiulesti Port located in the SDR, the
Republic of Moldova has access to the Black Sea and is connected to
international sea routes. Due to its geographical position and weather
conditions, the SDR has suitable conditions for viticulture: the region provides
about 50% of the national production of grapes. Nevertheless, the SDR ranks
third in terms of regional GVA and GVA per capita, exceeded by the NDR and
CDR. Mineral resources represent a considerable advantage for entrepreneurs in
the region. Bentonite, petrol, natural gas, brown coal, oolitic carbonate of lime,
limestone, breccia, marl, quartz sand, loess clay, gravel, and gritting material can
provide a foundation for business, drive the regions economy.
The promotion of regional development policies and the focus of the
Government on decentralisation open new perspectives for the regions
development. In this context, the priorities defined by the RDS are:


Rehabilitation of physical infrastructure

Economy diversification and support to private sector development
Improvement of the environment and attractiveness to tourists

As a result of South RDS review, a new area of interventions was identified

- Energy Efficiency (EE). Thus, these priorities are complemented by energy
efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy sources, which is an
objective laid down in the National Development Strategy of the Republic of
Moldova 2012-2020.

Harmonization of the Moldovan policies to the EU ones opens up new

opportunities both for companies and for public authorities in the region, which
will obtain direct access to EU cross-border cooperation funding programmes.
The use of national and external funds for the rehabilitation of regional
infrastructure, implementation of programmes to support businesses, and
improvement of the environment will eliminate constraints to economic growth
and accelerate the development of the SDR.
SDR will become a dynamic and prosperous region, with an efficient and
sustainable economy based on an innovatory approach, with a modern physical
infrastructure, with developed human capital, attractive for investors and
tourists, ensuring a high level of living for all inhabitants of the region.

The situation analysis is a broad chapter designed to create a comprehensive
overview of the economic and social trends of SDR development, and covers
the following fields:

Geographic location and spatial development;

Connectivity, accessibility, and infrastructure, which gives information on the
inter- and intra-regional roads network, water supply and sewage systems,
gas, electricity and power supply, communications;
Economic development, which includes sectoral profile of the region;
Social condition, which focused on poverty level and deprivation indexes
analysis based on SADI indexes;

Regional Development Strategy



Geographic location and spatial development

The SDR covers the south and south-east territory of the Republic of
Moldova. In the south-west, the region borders with Romania, and in the southeast with Ukraine. The southern-most district is Cahul, with the administrative
centre in Cahul town. The total area of the region is 7379 km (24,2% of the
total area of the country), being the smallest region out of the three main
regions of the Republic of Moldova.The population of the region is 540,700
people (15.1% of countrys total population).
Connectivity, accessibility, infrastructure
The SDR has direct connection with the European Union and Romania
through two border-crossing points: Cahul-Oancea and GiulgiulestiGalati,
including a rail-crossing point CantermirFalciu. To the east, the SDR is
connected with Ukraine through four border-crossing points.


South Development Region

The SDR has access to the Black Sea through the international port of
Giurgiulesti, and is connected with international sea routes. The distances to the
main cities are: Chisinau 30190 km; Iasi, Romania 70300 km; Galati,
Romania 20220 km, Constanta, Romania 160320 km, Odessa, Ukraine
50160 km, and Istanbul, Turkey 600800 km.
The component rayons of the SDR are parts of various Euro-regions. The
rayons of Cimislia, Leova, and Basarabeasca are members of the SiretPrut
Nistru Euro-region; Cahul and Cantemir are members of the Lower Danube
Euro-region; and the rayon of Cahul is the only district in the SDR that is a
member of the Black Sea Euro-region.
All forms of transport are available through the transport network of the
SDR: air, road, river, and rail. Cahul International Airport offers access to the
SDR, but is not yet in use. Access by sea and river is provided by the
Giurgiulesti international free port. The region has the most diversified railway
network in the country. There is only one international route: the Giurgiuleshti
Briceni Corridor (GBC) of 460 km in length, which is not operational.
Public utilities
Water supply. The water supply in the SDR is provided mainly by capturing
underground water (artesian wells, springs, draw wells) and from the Rivers Prut
and Nistru. In 2010, the proportion of communities with potable water supply
networks was 54.3%, if compared with CDR (41.1%) and NDR (34.2%). The
density of water supply networks in 2011 was 26.63 km/100 km2 (if compared
with 20km/ km2 in 2008 ), an indicator that places the SDR ahead of the CDR
(22.71) and NDR (18.34), but below the national average (29.28). There is
significant difference between urban and rural in this respect. Piped supply is
available in 81% of the area covered by urban development; in rural areas, the
proportion is 13%.
The quality of water in the SDR is very poor. The drinking water does not
always conform to the existing sanitary norms for drinking water; the water
from many pipes can be used only for technical purposes.
Sewage. The SDR sewage system is poor, and the waste water treatment
technologies in use are obsolete. The proportion of houses in the SDR that
have sewage systems was of 20.1% in 2010 (if compared with 12.8% in 2008),
by 12.4 p. lower than the national average.
Technically, the current condition of water waste treatment is unsatisfactory
and, in most localities, this service is unavailable.Thus, the units and households
from this region are under the limits of a decent and civilized living, the
sanitation facilities fail to meet the requirements, which can be explained by the
data that show people's access to water sources, sewerage and other utilities.


Supply of natural gas. The provision of natural gas to communities in the
SDR will be made from high-pressure main gas pipelines. The natural gas
pipeline GrebenchiTocuzOrlovka crosses the SDR, and also supplies the
cities of Chisinau, Hancesti, and Leova. The proportion of the regions
communities connected to gas pipelines was 76.8% which is higher than the
national average of 56.5%. In the SDR, all households in Taraclia and Stefan
Voda are connected to the gas supply. Cantemir and Leova have the lowest level
of gas connection. Gas resources were discovered in the district of Cantemir,
but this is in the initial phase of exploitation.
Electricity supply. The energy sector of the Republic of Moldova is
different from other country's market, because Moldova does not have reserves
of fossil fuel, therefore 98% of the energy and fules are imported. This
insufficiency is especially obvious in the south, because there are no hydroelectric or thermal electricity stations build in this area. Since 2000, the owner of
electricity distribution networks in south region has been the Spanish Group
Union Fenosa, which supplies 100% of electric power.
Waste management. The region has a poor infrastructure for collecting
solid and liquid waste, including toxic and lacks advanced technologies and
recycling practices. The SDR is a pilot region in the RM with a regional sector
strategy - "Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy "(2012-2025),
developed with the support of the Spanish International Consulting Company
EPTISA as part of the EU project "Waste Governance - ENPI East "and
approved by South RDC at the meeting of 27.12.2011. The estimated cost of
strategy implementation is 42.3 million.
The Wastes Management Association in the South Development Region
was established on 20 July 2012 as a managerial body of the enterprise
responsible for waste management in the SDR, which will regulation and
organize the management of wastes in all administrative-territorial units of the

Regional Development Strategy


Economic and social development

The Gross Value Added (GVA) of the SDR in 2008 was estimated at MDL
3.32 billion, or 10% of the national GVA. During the period between 2006 and
2008, GVA did not change significantly. GAV per capita was approximately
400 (64% of the national average).
Sectorial profile
Economic sectors contribute to regional GAV in different ways; the main
proportion is still agriculture. Over recent years, a trend has been noted in the
changing sectoral structure of the regional economy. Thus, in 2008, the share of
agriculture in Regional GVA was 32%, having decreased by 10% compared with
2006. At the same time, the contribution of services has grown by the same
amount and reached 47%, that of industry having increased to 21%.


South Development Region

Agricultural Sector. Although the region specialises heavily in agriculture,
agricultural land represents only 42% of the total area of the SDR. 82% of it is
agricultural land and 17% is multi-annual plantations. The main agricultural
products are grapes, cereals, and technical and horticultural crops.
The SDR accounts for about 30% of the total production of first group
cereals and corn on the national level. Moreover, 23% of all sunflower
production stems from the SDR. The most important crop in the SDR are
grapes, in 2011 accounting for 58% of the whole yield in the country.
Given the increased potential for grapes production, favourable climatic
conditions for growing this crop, the presence of 54 factories for grape
processing, producing and bottling of wine in the region, the existence of a
developed system of railways and the international port Giurgiulesti, the SDR
can become the production and export centre for high quality wines. The
wineries "Ciumai" and "Purcari" represent the business card of the SDR and are
well known worldwide.
The industrial sector of the region is underdeveloped. The share of
products manufactured in the SDR in 2011, as part of the countrys total
industrial production, is 3.2%. Compared with the NDR and the CRD, this
indicator is lower by 18.2% and 8.1% respectively. The value of the delivered
production constitues 89.9% of the total production. The share of exported
goods constitutes 64.7% of sales, or 6% of the exports of the industrial
products on the national level. The value of the industrial production per capita
in the SDR is 1621.8 lei, which is 4.7 times lower than the national average.
The main industrial branches are: (a) textile production; (b) the food and
beverages industry; (c) water supply, waste and delivery; (d) wood processing
and wood production; and (e) the production of clothing, and processing and
dying furs. There are 54 wineries; 27 bakeries; 12 production units for the
collecting and processing cereals; and 13 fruit and vegetable preserving, drying,
and freezing factories.
The SDR holds the first place in the country in brandy production. Taraclia
factories in 2011 produced 857,400 decaliters of brandy, that is 36% of all
brandy production in the country. About 20% of wine produced in Moldova is
produced in the SDR. The most important wine production centres are located
in Stefan Voda, Taraclia and Cantemir rayons.
The tourism potential of the SDR is in the process of development. The
region has good prerequisites for the development and the promotion of this
profitable branch of economy.


The potential of this sector in the region is represented by, a) the most
famous wineries across the country the wineries "Purcari" and "Taraclia"
included in the "Wine Road", b) the famous balneotherapeutic resort - "Nufrul
Alb " with its mineral and thermal springs, Cahul c) the scientific reservation
Prutul de Jos" in Cahul rayon; d) the unique "green museum" in R. Moldova
(Stefan Voda rayon); e) the historic architectural monument from the XVIXVIII centuries, the church "Adormirea Maicii Domnului" in Caueni, which
requires capital restoration.
Some other sights of great interest for tourists could be: the forest Pdurea
Turceasc (village of Talmaza); the oxbow lakes Nistrul Chior in tefan
Voda district; over 15 local archeological and historical museums; Valul lui
Traian a historic monument, erected by the Romans during the 3rd century AD
spanning a length of about 126 km, starting from the Prut river at the Valui lui
Isac village, Cahul, to Caueni and continuing to the Sasac lake (Tatarbunar,
Ukraine); 6 monasteries, including the famous monastery from Codrii
Tigheciului, the monastery of Capaclia (Cantemir), the monastery from Zloi
(Cimilia) and the convent in Caueni.
Tourism development and rural tourism in particular is a promising area.
The capitalization on the existing tourism potential could boost the economic
development of the region.

Regional Development Strategy


Enterpreneurship development is a main regional development objective.

In 2010, 2388 entreprises operated in the SDR, representing only 5% of the
total number of entreprises in the Republic of Moldova. Although in the time
period 2007-2010 the absolute number of enterprises increased by 15%, the
number of enterprises per 10 000 inhabitants retains the lowest value in
comparison with other regions.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) account for about 97.7% of the
total number of enterprises. This is fully consistent with the global trend of the
increasing number of small businesses with few employees.
There are three free economic zones: "Tvardita" Free Economic Zone,
"Taraclia Production Park", and Giurgiulesti International Free Port. Although
the FEZs of Tvardita and Taraclia have been operational for between 8 and 10
years, their impact on the economy of the region is insignificant. Most residents
in these zones carry out activities similar to those from the national territory, but
with tax preferences. This has generated disloyal competitiveness in the region,
and has led to losses to the local and state budgets.
Giurgiulesti International Free Port (GIFP) is located along a 133.8 km stretch
of the Danube River, with a 120 ha area at the crossing of international trade
and transport routes for example, the river channel RinMainDanube, which
connects the Black Sea, 14 European states and the North Sea, and European
railway systems as well as international routes. Thus, GIFP represents a regional
logistics centre at the EU border with access to means of communication by
land, rail, river, and sea.


South Development Region



The port is managed by a general investor, Danube Logistics SRL, which

signed an investment agreement with the GRM for the construction of an
international port in 2004. The year 2009 saw the completion of an oil terminal
(with a maximum capacity of over 2 million tons/year), a cereal terminal (1
million tons/year), and a passenger port (10,000 passengers/year). There are 22
resident businesses registered at the GIFP that undertake trading activities under
the FEZ system and which invested over $60 million.
Social situation. Living standards in Moldova are relatively low, except for
Chisinau municipality. Thus, 1/3 of the population in the region lives below the
threshold of absolute poverty, 1/5 in relative poverty, and 46% in conditions
of extreme poverty.
Deprivation levels by area show that access to education and health care in
SDR communities is average compared with the CDR and NDR. However, the
level of economic deprivation is no better compared with those two regions.
The consumer expenses have the following breakdown: expenses for food
(46%), non-foods (21%) and services (33%). We underline the low share of
health expenses (6.7% of the total) and particularly for education - only 1%. For
comparison, in 2008 in SDR the food expenses accounted for 51% of the
household budgets, followed by expenses for non-foods - 31% and for services
- 12%.



Access to Danube and the existence of Giurgiuleti

International Port

Absence of big cities and reduced degree of


Common border with the EU through Romania,

common border with Ukraine and the existence
of 7 border checkpoints

Underdeveloped industrial potential

Diversified transport network: by road, railway and

Existence of main electricity and natural gas
Developed network of gas pipes in the region
Mineral resources (oil, natural gas, mineral water)
Favourable weather and pedological conditions for
livestock breeding, wine and fruit growing

Reduced foreign direct investments in the region

Insignificant energy resources and dependency on
energy imports
Poor quality of existing infrastructure (roads,
railways, water supply and sewerage networks)
Reduced coverage of water supply and sewerage
Inefficient management of public services
Unsustainable waste management; reduced share of
recyclable waste and collected gas emissions

Existing network of agricultural processing plants

(canning, diary, meat, dehydrated fruit and flour

Existing water supply infrastructure unadjusted for

extensive use of surface water courses

3 free economic zones in the region

A low rate of localisation of economic agents in the


Existence of human potential including educated

and low cost labour force
The State University B.P. Hasdeu in Cahul as a
research and innovation centre in various areas
Network of professional schools featuring diverse
programs for a wide range of trades, where
labour force can be instructed according to
market demands
Regional sector strategy for the integrated solid
waste management in the SDR and the newly
established regional organisation Association for
solid waste management in the SDR
Favourable climate and geological conditions for
development of health spa facilities (such as the
widely known health facility Nufrul Alb, Cahul)
The existing network of consulting service providers
in the agricultural field

The use of old technologies In the agro-industrial


Regional Development Strategy

SDR SWOT Analysis

Low capacity of local business to undertake

development investments
Inefficient use of land resources (high rate of land
plots abandoned or lying idle)
Underdeveloped infrastructure for collecting, storing
and marketing agricultural goods
High capital cost and limited access to funding for
economic agents
Lack of an efficient training and requalification
system for the labour force
Reduced own revenues of local public authorities
and dependency on transfers from national
Reduced capacity to access funding sources
Underdeveloped tourism infrastructure
Large share of public buildings exhibiting a low
energy efficiency profile
Insufficient feasible regional statistical data and low
capacities to conduct profound regional analyses
Excessive fragmentation of peasants' farms and weak
cooperation among agricultural producers
Weak promotion of the region as a good destination
for investments and tourism, lack of systematic
publicity activities and communication, as well as
lack of a tourism management system.



SDR SWOT Analysis

South Development Region

European Union proximity
Inclusion into three operational Euro-regions and
eligibility for EU cross-border cooperation
programmes (MoldovaUkraineRomania, 200713;
Black Sea Cooperation, Eastern Partnership)

Negative demographical situation, caused by the

negative natural growth and emigration
Unfair competition generated by imported low
quality goods which are marketed at dumping

Location of the General Consulate of Romania in


Lingering unfavourable image of the region as

perceived by potential investors and tourists

High priority assigned by the Government to regional

development reforms and decentralisation

Political instability at the national level expressed

through inconsistent regional development
policies and/or frequent changes in the legal

Potential to develop and strangthen the wine-making

industry on the basis of the local raw material and
reach tradition in this area

Fluctuating energy prices

Establishment of clusters (sheep breeding, wine, fruit

and vegetable growing, tourism) and technological

Continuous migration of the economically active

population, including competent and highly
qualified labour force

Favourable climate conditions for the production of

essential oils

Aridization and increased frequency of natural

hazards and extreme weather conditions as
consequence of the climate change

Favourable legal framework for the establishment of

industrial parks
Development of connections with international road
Use of natural reservations and protected areas as
tourist and leisure resources
Promoting investments on the basis of remittances
Developing the sector of alternative energies
Opportunity for association among economic agents
within existent Euro Regions, with the view of
developing and expanding supply and outlet markets
Development of public-private partnerships
Mounting demand for ecological agricultural goods on
the European market
Developing networks of handicraft and craftsmanship
with the view of promoting tourism.



Degradation of agricultural lands

The lack of a clear vision on the national level
which would ensure an efficient synergetic use of
available development funds.

Promotion of a regional development policy and the enhanced emphasis of
the government on decentralisation can create favourable conditions for the
implementation of projects at regional level, which would eliminate the
weaknesses the SDR experiences. Moreover, proximity with the EU opens up
new opportunities, both for economic agents in the region and public
authorities that have direct access to cross-border cooperation programmes
financed by the EU. Use of national and external funds for the rehabilitation of
regional infrastructure, implementation of business support programmes, and
the development of environmental conditions will eliminate the impediments to
economic development and will accelerate the multilateral development of the
The analysed weaknesses can be transformed into opportunities by
developing the services in agriculture, promoting new technologies and the
organisation of commodity markets, formation of a favourable entrepreneurial
environment supported by the efficient functioning of centres for assistance
and local support to SME development, cooperation between districts and creation of a common development network based on partnerships (between towns,
districts), as well as establishment of industrial zones, technological parks and
business centres.

Regional Development Strategy

SDR SWOT Analysis


SDR will become a dynamic and prosperous region, with an efficient and
sustainable economy based on an innovatory approach, with a modern physical
infrastructure, with developed human capital, attractive for investors and
tourists, ensuring a high level of living for all inhabitants of the region.
Overall objective:
Develop a prosperous region with a balanced economic growth by:
1. implementing modern, innovatory and environmental-friendly strategies,
2. extend and modernize the public infrastructure and promote inter3. community cooperation, comply with the principles of sustainable
thus enhancing the attractiveness for investors and tourists, ensuring a high level
of living for inhabitants, regardless of their place of residence on the territory
of the South Development Region.




South Development Region

Specific objectives:

Rehabilitate and develop the public infrastructure, to enhance the investment

attractiveness and offer better living conditions to the population of SDR

Develop the economic potential of the SDR to foster employment and decrease the emigration of the population

Enhance and protect the natural environment through appropriate waste

management, protection of natural habitats, development of alternative
sources of energy and protection against natural disasters

Develop the touristic potential by modernizing and rehabilitating the touristic and cultural infrastructure and promoting touristic attractiveness

Improve the energy efficiency of public buildings and use renewable energy
sources to minimize the maintenance costs and protect the environment

Support the community with a growth potential and exclude marginalization

of deprived areas

Encourage regionalization of public utility services by supporting the intercommunity cooperation and developing partnerships for the provision of
quality services in the community

Foster cross-border and euro-regional cooperation in the context of European integration aspirations by establishing partnerships between local collectivites from the border regions and implementing joint projects in the region.

The social and economic analysis of the region allowed identifying a
number of areas for interventions, needed to achieve a sustainable and balanced
development. Taking into account, however, the funding possibilities and the
strategy implementation period, a number of priority areas were identified. The
measures, rationale and priority areas for investments are presented below.
Priority 1. Rehabilitation of physical infrastructure
Measure 1.1. Rehabilitation, modernisation and extension of water supply
and sanitation systems.
Enhanced access to WSS systems will not only improve the quality of life
for SDR inhabitants, but will also create the needed preconditions for a higher
productivity and competitiveness, especially in agriculture. Access to WSS systems is higher in the SDR than in other regions. The connection rate to WSS
systems reaches 54%.
Besides, the water consumption in SDR is higher than in other regions.
However, there are different differences within the region.


The Cantemir and Leova rayons rank the last in terms of density of water
supply and sanitation networks and water consumption. Therefore, the two
rayons are in need of more investments in the WSS infrastructure. The share of
operational WSS systems in the region is quite high, reaching 93 % of all
networks, exceeding the country's average of 89%. Regarding the sources of
drinking water, it is recommended to target the investments towards using the
surface waters, such as the Prut and Nistru rivers.
Regionalization of the WSS services, which could be a solution, needs to be
promoted among LPAs. Service regionalization is a seldom procedure in the
region. The WSS systems are fragmented, especially in Causeni and Cimislia.
Existence of a strong WSS operator should be viewed as a precondition for
sustainable investments. The interventions in this sector should be aligned to
the Strategy on Waster Supply and Sewerage Services for the Communities of
the Republic of Moldova, which stipulates:

utilization of surface waters (for SDR - the Prut and Nistru rivers)

promotion of principles of market economy for the water supply and sewerage services,

extension of the centralized water supply and sewerage system and enhancement of people's access to these services.

Regional Development Strategy



Measure 1.2. Construction, rehabilitation and modernisation of regional

and local roads.
Investments in road infrastructure are essential for the attainment of this
priority goal, as well as of the specific objective to "rehabilitate and develop the
public infrastructure, to enhance the investment attractiveness and offer better
living conditions to the population of SDR". The density of public roads is the
lowest in the region. The SDR is in general well connected to the Centre
Development Region and the capital city. However, the poor condition of the
roads that cross the region from the West to the East (R47, R26, R30)
contribute to the fragmentation of the region. A high number of communities
do not have paved roads of access to the network of public roads. The
interventions in road infrastructure need to increase:

connectivity of communities with a growth potential

connectivity of the communities located in the vicinity of communities with
a growth potential
accesibility to objects of strategic importance, such as the airport of Cahul,
Giurgiulesti port, Nufrul Alb healthcare facility of Cahul, etc.


South Development Region

Measure 1.3. Rehabilitation of access ways to border crossing points.
The South Region borders directly on Ukraine and Romania, which was
identified as a strength of the region. However, to harness fully this potential it
is necessary to have the border crossing points well connected to the network
of public roads. The interventions made under this measure will focus
specifically on the rehabilitation and modernization of the access roads to
border crossing points.
Measure 1.4. Enhancing the energy efficiency of public buildings.
The costs of heating public buildings account for 38.5% of all maintenance
costs. Taking into account that 80% of the public buildings were built at least 20
years ago, the heating systems are outdated and there is limited insulation, most
public buildings have low energy efficiency. The interventions made as part of
this measure will decrease the maintenance costs and will improve the
beneficiaries' level of comfort. Energy efficiency projects will aim at increasing
the efficiency of energy consumption via different methods, or will install solar
panels for hot water.
Implementation of projects focused on Priority 1 will be monitored on the
basis of the following output indicators:

Output indicators
Number of projects implemented in the construction/rehabilitation of physical


Length of rehabilitated / constructed water supply and sanitation network


Number of wastewater cleaning plants rehabilitated / constructed


Number of regional WSS services created


Capacity of the water supply and sanitation systems


definition and unit

of measurement


Length of rehabilitated/constructed roads


Rate of rehabilitated/constructed roads in the total length of roads

Length of roads (access ways) to border crossing points constructed / rehabilitated


Number of public buildings with an enhanced energy efficiency profile


Outcome indicators
definition and unit
of measurement

number of natural and legal persons having access to improved water supply /
sanitation services;


Volume of investments attracted in physical infrastructure

thousand lei

Average number of communities served by one WSS operator;


Number of beneficiary communities connected to a constructed/rehabilitated road


Number of passengers


Volume of transported merchandise


Enhanced access for visitors, tourists and potential investors in SDR

Rate of energy expenses decreases

Impact indicators

Low poverty level (abvolute and extreme) in the SDR

definition and unit

of measurement

Low emissions of greenhouse gas, CO2 equivalent

CO2eq/MJ (grams)


Regional Development Strategy



South Development Region

Priority 2. Economy diversification and support to private sector
Measure 2.1 2.1. Development of business infrastructure by establishing
and consolidating business incubators, consulting and business development centres, regional exposition centres and industrial parks.
The industrial sector in SDR is less developed that in the other regions. As
an example, the industrial output per capital in SDR constitutes about 7% of
the indicator in Chisinau and about 32% of the industrial output per capital in
Gagauzia TAU. Only 11% of the economically active population of the region
are employed in industry. The rayons of Taraclia, Cahul, and Stefan Voda are
the most advanced in terms of industrial development. Leova and Cimislia are
at the opposite extreme. SME sector is underdeveloped in SDR. SMEs account
for only 5% of all SMEs in the country. However, the SME sector is
represented better in Cahul, Taraclia i Causeni. Taking into account the
development of the industrial sector and SME activity, the investments in
business infrastructure will have a stronger impact is they are made in the rayons
of Cahul and Taraclia. In the case of Cimislia rayons, through it ranks among
the last rayons in terms of industrial output, the diverse existing infrastructure,
which currently is not harnessed, represents an opportunity to develop the
industrial sector in the SDR.
Measure 2.2. Developing the infrastructure for the collection, processing,
storage and marketing of commercial goods.
The agricultural sector in SDR is more developed mainly thanks to the
production of grapes, fruit and cereals (the production of grapes covers 50% of
the total production of grapes in the Republic of Moldova). Nevertheless, the
industrial infrastructure does not have enough capacities to produce good with
high value added, but only fresh fruits and vegetables and as raw materials
(except for wine, even if the wineries do not process the entire harvest of
grapes from the region). This limits the producers' opportunities to sell their
products on the market, as most products are perishable and need to be sold
immediately after harvesting, i.e. at a lower price. The region does not have the
needed infrastructure for the collection, processing, storage and marketing of
agricultural produce.
This measure refers mainly to the development of the industrial
infrastructure, in particular in the area of fruit and vegetable production. The
investments will be made specifically in the areas specialized in fruits and
vegetables harvesting, particularly Stefan-Voda, Cahul and Cantemir.


Measure 2.3. Supporting the adaptability of labour force to current market demands.
The SDR faces a shortage of qualified labour force, which is not aligned to
the needs of the labour market. In this context, it is necessary to study the
labour market needs and promote a stronger cooperation between vocational
schools and the business sector. This measure corresponds to priority no. 1
"Education: relevant for the career" from the National Development Strategy
of the Republic of Moldova for 2012-2020. According to the above-mentioned
strategy, the human capital of Moldova, including from the SDR, will be
harnessed only if the labour force specialisation meets the employers' needs.
Measure 2.4. Increasing cooperation capacities of producers at the regional level and promotion of their products on external markets.
67% of the business entities from SDR are micro-enterprises, mainly from
the agricultural sector. Small producers do not have enough capacities to market
efficiently their products, have a weak negotiating power with the large
distributors of agricultural products and cannot make major investments in the
sector. All these factors lead to a weak performance of the local producers.
The interventions as part of this measure will support the establishment of
business clusters, associations that will carry out marketing activities, exchange
know-how, beneficial investments for a number of producers.
The interventions will be focused specifically in those areas that are
subjected to a high fragmentation of the local producers. To obtain the
expected result it is essentially to involve the beneficiaries in the implementation
of projects related to this measure. Besides, the cooperation opportunities
generated by such projects should be open to all interested producers from
various branches of the economy.

Regional Development Strategy



Measure 2.5. Developing the entrepreneurial capacities and supporting

business start-ups.
The entrepreneurial activities are less developed in the SDR than in other
parts of the country. The interventions under this measure will stimulate the
entrepreneurs from all rayons of the region by organizing trainings,
consultations and providing assistance in such areas as legal issue to consider for
starting up a business, accounting, marketing, access to loans, development of
business plans, etc.
Measure 2.6. Promoting energy efficiency in the business sector.
The business sector in the SDR is characterised by a high energy


South Development Region

As a result, the production costs are higher, which affects negatively the
competitiveness of local business entities. Interventions under this measure will
studies on the application of energy efficiency measures in the business sector;
awareness raising campaigns on energy efficiency for business entities;
trainings and consultations for business entities on energy efficiency.
Implementation of projects focused on Priority 2 will be monitored on the
basis of the following output indicators:
Output indicators
definition and unit
of measurement

Number of projects implemented to diversify the economy and support the private
Number of m2 of constructed / rehabilitated area


Number of business support structures established / upgraded


Length of utilities networks constructed / rehabilitated to business structures

(road, water supply pipes / sewerage systems / electricity / telecommunications)
Number of studies/researches carried out in order to assess the labour market


Number of businesses registered



Outcome indicators
Basic infrastructure created for supporting business
Volume of investments attracted to diversify the economy and support the development of the private sector (value in thousand lei)
Number of associations / clusters established

definition and unit

of measurement
thousand lei

Number of people trained/consulted


Number of SMEs with a positive economic result


Number of SMEs that benefited from consulting services


Number of events organised (forums, exhibitions, fairs, etc.) involving all stakeholders from this sector


Industrial output

thousand lei

Number of created jobs


Impact indicators
Low poverty level (abvolute and extreme) in the SDR
Rate of employment.


definition and unit

of measurement

Priority 3. Improvement of the environment and attractiveness

to tourists
Measure 3.1 increasing the environmental security in the region by promoting activities counteracting soil degradation and by elaborating programmes to anticipate and respond to extreme weather conditions.
Over the past few years the climate in the SDR has become more arid, with
more frequent extreme weather conditions. The region is subjected to the risk
of flooding in the meadow of the Prut river and is affected by landslides and
soil erosions. 24% of the eroded lands and 21% of landslides of the country
are located in the SDR. An environmental risk factor for the entire region are
the pesticide storages. 9 pesticide storages were not included in the National
Program on the Liquidation of Pesticide Storages. (3 in Cimislia, 2 in Leova, 2
in Causeni, 2 in Cantemir).
As a result, the interventions under this measure will aim at:

mitigating the risk of landslides and soil erosions. Such interventions are
particularly necessary in Cantemir rayon
mitigating the risk of floods. Most communities exposed to this risk are located in the meadows of the Prut river, particularly Cantemir and Leova
closing the pesticide storages, particularly in Cimislia, Leova, Causeni and
developing programs to prevent and respond to natural hazards

Regional Development Strategy



Measure 3.2 Efficient solid waste management through the development

of integrated solid waste management systems.
The Wastes Management Association in the South Development Region
was established in the SDR. It is recommended that the investments in this
areas to be aligned to the Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy,
approved by South RDC. Besides, under this measures awareness raising
campaigns can be supported.
Measure 3.3 Establishment, modernisation and rehabilitation of touristic and cultural infrastructure.
The touristic potential of the region is neither evaluated nor harnessed. No
study was made in this respect. A series of difficulties hinder the development
of tourism in the SDR, such as:
poorly developed / low quality touristic services
many touristic sites need to be developed and rehabilitated


South Development Region


the region is promoted weakly as a touristic destination

there is neither regional, nor local management of touristic sites.

The interventions under this measure should focus on the sites with a high
touristic potential, such as Nufrul Alb healthcare facility, wineries of Purcari,
Ciumai, scientific reservation Prutul de Jos", Beleu lake, etc.
Measure 3.4 Promoting the SDR as a touristic destination and supporting
the establishment of partnerships in the touristic sector.
The measure focuses on soft interventions in tourism in order to enhance
the attractiveness of SDR (or its sites) as a touristic destination. The following
will be supported in particular:

Promoting the SDR (or its sites) as a touristic destination, by developing and
distributing promotional materials (for the entire region, selected localities,
selected activities, etc.);
Presence of the SDR (or its sites) at foreign fairs and exhibitions on tourism;
Developing marketing studies and analysis;
Establishing and facilitating partnerships among tourism companies
(providers of tourism services) and public institutions;
Establishing internal partnerships, as well as with foreign tourism agencies
and similar institutions;
Developing, distributing and selling touristic products with a higher value
added ("packages" of services, etc.);
Training and educating in tourism services and tourism management.

Measure 3.5 Promoting the use of renewable energy resources.

The region depends fully on foreign energy resources. Therefore, utilization
of renewable energy sources will improve its energy security. This includes
production of energy from biomass, use of the solar and wind energy, closedloop water systems, etc.
The creation and use of renewable energy sources will have a positive
impact on the environment of the region, providing opportunities to launch
new businesses. This will create proper environment to exercise and accumulate
experience in the cooperation between private businesses and educational/
research institutions with the purpose of developing the regional economy. The
measure aims at promoting the use of renewable energy sources, contributing to
the development of businesses and enhancement of the environment.
This measures can be implemented via the following interventions:


Organization of awareness raising events on the benefits of renewable energy sources;


Promotion of "environmentally-friendly technologies" via the educational

and private sector;
Dissemination and promotion of the experience with renewable energy
sources (solar, wind, biomass).

Implementation of projects focused on Priority 3 will be monitored on the

basis of the following output indicators:
Output indicators
definition and unit
of measurement

Number of projects implemented with the view to improve the environ-


Areas subjected to natural risks developed


Number of regional waste management services created


Number of new polygons for waste storage developed


Number of closed unauthorised dump sites


Length of utilities constructed / rehabilitated to the touristic site


Capacity of renewable energy production (in MWh / annual growth rate)

Number of installations operating on renewable energy applied

Regional Development Strategy



Outcome indicators
definition and unit
of measurement

Volume of investments attracted with the view to improve the environmental state and enhance the touristic attractiveness

Thousand lei

Population with improved access to sanitation services


Number of persons covered by awareness raising campaigns


Constructed / rehabilitated touristic destinations


Number of promotion campaigns conducted in the area of environment / tourism


Reduced frequency of erosion and improved soil quality


Number of beneficiaries of solid waste management services


Facilities for the collection of solid waste in the region


Volume of waste collected and stored on specially arranged sites

Number of tourists / visitors attracted in the region
Decreased consumption of electricity/heating


Impact indicators
Higher attractivenes of the received investments
Rate of employment

definition and unit

of measurement
thousand lei


South Development Region

Regional partnerships


Achievement of the strategic vision of the South Development Region and

implementation of these priorities will not be possible without the active
participation of the entire society in the implementation of the Regional
Development Strategy. The strategy has been developed in a participatory way,
with substantial participation from private enterprises, NGOs, different tiers of
public authority and ordinary interested persons. This needs to be followed by a
transparent, equitable, and efficient implementation of the programmes agreed
in the RDS.
The culture of cooperation among different regional actors needs to be
promoted at all levels. The Regional Development Council is composed of
locally elected officials representing different parties, business people, social
workers and experts in various areas. It is anticipated that such regional
partnerships will be also created during the implementation of other regional
development projects. The achievement of the Strategy objectives can only be
achieved through a combination of efforts working within regional partnerships.

According to the Law of the Republic of Moldova no. 438-XVI of 28
December 2006 on Regional Development, the monitoring and evaluation
functions in the regional development context are shared by a number of
Name of the authority
Ministry of Constructions and
Regional Development (MCRD)

Regional Development Councils

Regional Development Agencies

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) related functions

M&E of NSRD implementation
Monitoring of regional development indicators
Monitor, in cooperation with RDC, the development of regional development strategies and programmes
Evaluate the implementation of RDS
Evaluate the RDS and actions plans to determine the measures that
correspond to national planning documents
Monitor the utilization of the financial resources allocated from NFRD
to the relevant development region
Evaluate the impact of regional programmes and projects in accomplishment of regional development objectives
M&E the implementation of RDS, plans, programmes and projects
M&E the implementation of RDS and suggest relevant changes

Regional Development Strategy

Monitoring, reporting, and evaluation

Regarding RDS, the M&E responsibilities were assigned to all abovementioned regional and national bodies. As the high level monitoring requires
appropriate lower level data, monitoring is a bottom-up approach.
The relationship between RDA and NFRD in the M&E framework is
stipulated in the Operational Manual on the Use of NFRD Means - approved
through the Decision of the National Council for Regional Development
Coordination no. 4/12 of 23 February 2012).
Monitoring is done both at the quantitative level on the bais of a number
of indicators, and qualitative level on the basis of the available information.
Though the law prescribes M&E functions to RDA, these functions are limited
to monitoring.
All indicators are measured in two ways: (i) in absolute figures ("km of
road built") and (ii) as a rate, reflecting the changes produced this year in
comparison with the changes produced last year. These indicators may be
compared during the implementation period of the regional development
strategy and between the development regions. The main task of data
collection for purposes of M&E belongs to RDA.
Most of the indicators are contained in the project reports and can be,
therefore, classified as progress of outcome indicators. The action plan for
regional development, which will be based on this regional strategy, will ensure
accomplishment of all these indicators during the project implementation
The project impact will be evaluated on the basis of corresponding
methodology developed by MCRD. For that participatory surveys with
beneficiaries will be conducted, on the basis of project results.


South Development Region

Monitoring, reporting, and evaluation


For larger projects, especially where benefits will be visible in a longer while,
evaluation will be conducted during the project implementation period, if
The Regional Development Agency will also carry out periodical surveys on
the perception by local population of the RDC work and implementation of the
Regional Development Strategy. The results of those surveys will be reported in
quarterly reports, as well as in separate reports submitted to the Regional
Council together with the reports on the implementation of the RDA work
Reporting on the Regional Development Strategy is part of an overall
monitoring and evaluation system that includes the NSRD and other national
policy documents. The M&E system will be developed in a way that is
consistent with MCRD reporting to the Government on national policy
documents. The elements of the monitoring system will be evaluated
simultaneously with the evaluation of the M&E system.
The Regional Operation Plan covers a three-year period. Reporting on its
implementation is also part of the M&E system. The regional development
monitoring and evaluation system will be updated in accordance with the
Operational Plan.

Anexe/ Annexes
Reeaua de localiti i distribuia popilaiei pe raioane
Network of communities and distribution of the population by rayon


Ariile naturale protejate de stat

Natural State protected areas


Reeaua de ci de comnicaii rutiere

Network of roads


Ci ferate i de navigaie
Railways and waterways


Reea de alimentare cu ap, canalizare i staii de epurare

Water supply, sewerage and waste water disposal networks


Schema regional de salubrizare

Regional sanitation scheme


Schema reelelor de gaze

Gas network scheme


Schema reelelor de energie

Energy system


Schema amplasrii sectoarelor economice

Scheme of economic sector location


Potenialul complexului agroindustrial

Potential of the agro-industrial system


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