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KINES 400: Adapted Physical Education

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Taylor Shields

Date: 4/11/16

Time: 8:15-9:45 am

Setting/Site: State College High School

Activity/Unit/Topic: Kickball
Student Information:
Grade Level or Age of Individual(s) you are planning this activity for: 9th through 12th Grade 14-18 years old
Student(s) Disability and Implications: (Briefly describe your students disability. List the important implications will you need to
remember when presenting your lesson/activity to your individual.)
Disability Condition
Down Syndrome- Down syndrome
occurs when a person being born with
an extra twenty third chromosome.
Individuals with this disability generally
have a lower IQ and take longer to
speak when they are young than other
children. In addition, the extra
chromosome affects how the childs
brain and body develop which results in
mental and physical disabilities. This
disability generally ranges in the
severity that it affects an individual and
so each individual with Down Syndrome
might be affected anywhere to
moderately to severely.
A few of the common physical traits
include low muscle tone, small stature,

It is important to adjust the cognitive objectives of the lesson so
that the content is not too difficult for Will to understand. The
activitiesin the lesson not involve a great amount of content
knowledge, as I want Will to understand the content and do not
want to give him too much information. I plan to make short simple
cues for the skills being taught so he comprehends how to perform
the skill in order to complete the task successfully. For example, if
bumping in volleyball I use the cue low to high so Will
understands he needs to bring his arms from low to high in order
to make contact the ball and send it over the net.

Due to WIll's low muscle tone, I will include strength exercises that
will challenge Will and help improve his strength. Keeping this in

an upward slant to the eyes, and a

single deep crease across the center of
the palm.
Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia is a
condition in which an individual has
abnormally low blood glucose (blood
sugar) levels. Individuals vary in what
blood glucose level we should target so
it is important to get approval from the
teachers at the District to ensure that
the activity appropriate for Will.
Some of the signs and symptoms of
Hypoglycemia that I will look for and be
aware of when teaching my lesson is
shakiness, nervousness/anxiety,
irritability or impatience, confusion,
lightheadedness or dizziness, hunger or
nausea, sleepiness, tingling or
numbness, weakness or fatigue, and
lack of coordination.

mind, it is important to keep it short and simple so I do not make

him lose his attention span or motivation, because I want Will to be
successful. Will responds well to challenges and so I will try to
incorporate a challenge when I implement the lesson to keep him
It is important that when creating the lesson it is important to
challenge will physically, however I need to be aware not to have
Will overexert himself before he eats his snack to boost his blood
sugar each day.

If any of the signs or symptoms appear during the lesson, I will

check with Will stop the lesson and allow him to take a break or
even take a snack to boost his blood sugar levels.

Degree of Assistance/Support Needed: Describe any physical and/or technological assistance or support your individual(s) will
need in order to successfully complete your lesson/activity. Include personnel assistance beyond yourself, when appropriate.
Disability Condition
Down Syndrome

Degree of Assistance
During the warm up, Will needs to be monitored to ensure that he
completes ten minutes of a continuous warm up activity.


During physical activity, we will need to Monitor will's blood sugar

levels to ensure that he does not drop too low.

Individual(s) Objectives:

Cognitive: Student will demonstrate knowledge of the game by running to first base after making contact with the ball
when batting.

Psychomotor: Student will be able to make contact with the ball by planting his non-dominant foot next to the ball,
following through with the dominant leg, and pointing the toe.

Affective: Student will demonstrate cooperation skills by listening to and following directions of each task by not giving up
on an activity and demonstrating the skill asked of him. Also, student will demonstrate ability of working with others by
volleying a balloon back and forth with a partner.

Teacher Objectives: To prepare student to be included and successfully contribute in the kickball game with his peers during his
inclusion physical education class by kicking the ball and getting on base.
Equipment: 4 medium sized stand up cones, a bouncy playground ball
Protocols: (What are important protocols you will review with the individual(s) at the beginning of the lesson/activity? Script
them so it is exactly what you will be saying)
Every time I roll the ball towards you, I want you to kick the ball as far as you can.
Every time you kick the ball I want you to run to first base as fast as you can.
After your teammates kick the ball, I want you to run around as many bases as you can without getting tagged with the ball.


1 min

Today after your warm up in the fitness center, we
are going to work on your kicking skills and play a
kickball game at the end of class!
10 minutes
Instant Activity:
To start off, Will will start in the fitness cener, warming
up on the bike/treadmill/rowing machine for at least ten
minutes without stopping before heading outside for
the Kickball portion of the lesson.


Teaching Cues


Safety Procedures

Ensure Will is
hooked up to the clip
on the treadmill to
ensure his safety if
he would fall
= treadmill

= bikes

5 min

Reward Activity:
After completing the warm up/instant activity, Will will
either play hallway soccer or use the mats in the fitness
center to build a maze for the students to go through

Ensure that mats are

safely secured when
they are built up off
of the ground
= treadmill

= bikes

5 min

We will take a break to go to the classroom for a snack to
avoid Will's blood sugar from getting too low
Race you around
4 min Kicking Activity: Will will run around the bases twice.
the bases
Will will be with me as we both run and we will be
racing around the bases in a competitive manner since
Plant foot
he responds well to competition and challenges.
After racing around the bases, we will practicing the
skill of kicking. Emphasize the plant foot and follow
through on the kick. The non-dominant plant foot is
placed down next the ball with the toe facing forward.
The follow through consists of taking the dominant foot
and kicking through the ball ending with the leg
extended in front of them.
After kicking the ball, Will will run around the bases to
simulate a game situation.
10 to

Make sure that the

outside lanes of the
court are clear of
et spots so child
does not trip while

Follow through

= teacher,

= student

Kickball Game:

Ensure that students

have the head and
eyes up while
playing in order to
ensure student

With the rest of the students in the class, Will will use the
skills learned earlier in the kicking activity and apply it to a
game situation
He will follow all rules discussed during the earlier activity
and will plant his foot with his weak foot and follow through
with his dominant foot.

= teacher,

= student

2 min


Ask will Can you show me what we learned today about

kicking a ball? Emphasize the cues of planting with you
weak foot and following through with with your dominant

X = Student, Y = Teacher

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