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Consumerism and Population Cover page:

Consumerism and Population Proposal

Perez Joseph
Al Mohammed Mohammed
Bugarin Ricardo
Marquez Cesar
Medigovich Emily
Zundel Madisyn
Blue Vida
Moreno Ricardo
Aguilar Ashley

California State University, Chico

Proposed Research Topic;

Consumerism and Population

Research, methods, and techniques for obtaining points towards achieving a platinum LEED
certification with an emphasis on reducing water irrigation, electricity output, and consumerism at
the WREC.

The carbon footprint entering and exiting the WRECs building is immense. The facility is
used each and every day by many people. Carbon Nexus has noted that students and other
miscellaneous personnel primarily utilize a cardio machine briefly or run on the 2nd-floor track.
Observation shows the track to host 10 runners at any given moment. The cardio machines arent
ever fully occupied either. The unused treadmill is a double-whammy. Some treadmills even play
television channels that go on being unviewed. The electricity being used by that treadmill is going
to waste. The carbon output placed into the atmosphere while that treadmill was being transported
to the WREC was unnecessary -along with the carbon displaced during its initial construction in a
foreign country. Getting rid of some cardio machines and buying domestic machinery from now on
will ultimately reduce carbon output. Its worth noting that LEED will award the WREC more
points towards a platinum rating if all machines in the WREC are being used. This proposal also
offers changes for the WRECs future regarding aspects in water waste as well.


The WREC is very beneficial in many ways to the universitys student body community.
The site promotes fitness and good health. Although the WREC is beneficial to students and student

Consumerism and Population

life, some students cant get to the WREC as easy of others. Some students resort to taking the bus
or driving. However, these choices produce large amounts of carbon because users will travel to and
from the site with methods that burn fossil fuels. Knowing where and how machines that furnish the
WREC are built is important because domestic machines would not have produced as much carbon


Electricity plays a role in the output and input of the use of carbon inside of the WREC.
Carbon Nexus will measure how many machines are actually being used during a week long period,
what method of transportation people choose to commute to the WREC, the electricity bills of the
whole building, and how much water is being used to feed the green landscapes that outline the
WREC. Its believed that users of the WREC arrived to the site via walking, biking, driving, or
taking the bus. Carbon Nexus also wants to know why a users particular method of transportation
was chosen. California is currently facing a drought crisis. The greenery around the WREC should
be reflective of the WRECs sustainability mission. Knowing where the machines come from and
where they're manufactured can play a huge role in terms of carbon output.


The WREC piloted the Associated Students-led Take Back the Tap campaign on campus
by offering filtered water at special bottle-filling locations and encouraged the use of refillable
water containers over single-use disposable plastic bottles. This effort was made to make the selling
of bottled water obsolete and aims to reduce landfill waste, and demand for plastic (WREC

Consumerism and Population

Brochure 2016). The WREC is no longer offering towel service, however, towels will be available
to purchase for those who forget, but want one. Further research surmised a chart that showed the
majority of the population at the WREC are white/non-latino. The diversity spectrum of users isnt
immensely broad, which can have an influence as to who chooses to use the WREC. Into our
research it was verified that the Associated Students support and provide the WREC with food
supply and manages their waste as well. In an interview with Curtis, WREC Director, he explains I
dont like to waste things hastily so I think sustainably and send my waste to AS, where they reuse
our metals (Personal Interview, 2016). Wasting less is a key role for sustainability. Although the
WREC tremendously shows its power of wasting less there can always be room for improvement.
The research conducted here made us set our sights on the treadmills.


Consumerism has a significant presence at the WREC. At the WREC, people are able to buy
sodas, drinks, chips, fatty foods, and protein bars. The entity that is the WREC purchases these and
other clerical items from a supplier. Carbon Nexus is concerned about where the supplier distributes
from. Associated Students (A.S) and the director of the WREC will be contacted to obtain this
information. A budget will also be proposed mentioning the feasibility of replacing the WRECs
current greenery with xeriscape gardens (gardens that reduce or eliminate the need for supplemental
water from irrigation). Carbon Nexus is interested in knowing how and why users chose to commute
to the WREC. Some users are believed to have chosen a car as their choice to commute to the site
because driving is increasingly more convenient. Carbon Nexus also aims to spread awareness of
the many bike routes Chico has to offer from all North, East, West, and South sides of the city. Its

Consumerism and Population

worth noting that users of the WREC may be more likely to avoid biking or walking to the WREC
at night due to low-lit bike paths. A proposal can be established for the city of Chico regarding this.
Observations will also be made within the WREC as to how many single-use plastics are readily
available for consumers in the WREC.

-Ricky B will be in contact with Curtis for more information or questions
-Madi will take pictures of the WREC to be used
-Mohammed will contact A.S
-Everyone will help with conducting the survey on transportation by thinking up of possible
-Everybody will put an equal effort in gathering valid information on how population affects the
recreation center. As with consumerism will look at products sold at wrec and gather information
based on what students buy.
-Within the groupchat, lets all set up a time to approach the WREC and make more observations.


Sicheneder, Curtis, Personal Interview. October 5, 2016

Consumerism and Population

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