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Before I started taking HLTH 1020, Foundations of Nutrition, you could say that I what I

was consuming was nutritious. Whenever I made food at home or went out with friends and
family, I thought I made wiser choices than others most often. Id go to places that offered
salads and to myself I thought, Hey! A salad is good. It's got greens as well as other
fruits/veggies that are good for me. Ill do that and get a soup to go with it, because the soup
offers valuable vitamins and minerals too. At other restaurants, I saw foods that I would refuse
because it was a burger and fries which sounded unhealthy. In true, they are unhealthy. What I
didnt know before this course was that the healthy food that I was consuming wasnt entirely
healthy and was actually not doing anything for me in losing weight, which was a goal for
myself by the end of this year. Through this course, what influenced me the most was how a
proper diet should go, how much food I was spending at restaurants in the year alone, and how
many calories and unhealthy vitamins/minerals I was consuming in just days.
Im not very good at dieting and I dont very much like the idea of it. I thought a diet
was a strict food course that cut out various foods because they are not needed and not wanted in
your meals. However, I learned that through this course, a balanced diet that includes all foods
from all the food groups, coupled with a balanced exercise routine, was the best way to maintain
and lose a healthy weight. For myself, I told myself I could never diet just due to the fact that I
hated the idea of how it sounded. I believed that if I continued to eat what I want within reason
and worked out more often, I could lose weight. In doing so, I was sitting in the same spot on
the scale. I wasnt gaining weight necessarily, but I wasnt losing any either. Not to mention that
with my heavy school and workload, I found it hard to hit the gym often and resorted to my
exercise being climbing the stairs at work or running errands. This just wasnt enough.
Yet, I learned in our Dietary Analysis and the Eating Out assignment that if I balanced my
food out more evenly and consumed more water, I would have less sugar and fats, that I
consumed so often in my foods, and more energy at the end of the day. By doing this, I could
find that energy to go to work out after work instead of going straight home. I recently have
started to change parts of my meals that included a larger variety of vegetables. As an example, I
would go home and make pork curry, but had just a salad that consisted of lettuce and balsamic
vinegar. Now I chop up carrots, onions, and celery to go into my curry with my pork and make a
side of fruits to eat with it.
Now I know that everyone has heard at least this phrase once in their life: Watch what
you spend your money on. For myself, I am cautious with my money when it comes to
shopping for groceries, clothes, and entertainment. However, I never really gave too much of a
second thought of what I spent on the food I ate out, either by myself or with others. My
boyfriend and I have been together for a year now and we still find that about 80% of the time
we spend together we eat out. We dont live with each other, but we have cooked at one or the
others house in effort to save money at the moment. The Eating Out assignment not only taught
me about what kind of food I was eating, but how much money I was spending about a year. I

was surprised to learn that I was spending near $2,000 a year by eating out just by myself or with
This course has taught me so much to be better about my nutrition choices for the future.
It showed me that I dont need to put myself on a strict diet and not all of the diets out there are
bad. I can set myself up to a better food plan as well as an exercise plan. This has opened my
eyes to cutting back on my spending when I eat out and to make sure if I do eat out, watch the
food I intake. This nutritions class has helped me better my health choices in the moment and
for the future, as well as others around me.

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