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A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part
of which, including breath control, simple
meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily
postures, is widely practiced for health and

About Yoga
It is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice
or discipline which originated in ancient India.
The origins of yoga have been speculated to
date back to pre-Vedic Indian traditions, is
mentioned in the Rigveda, but most likely
developed around the sixth and fifth centuries
BCE, in ancient India's ascetic and sramana
movements. The chronology of earliest texts,
describing yoga-practices is unclear, varyingly
credited to Hindu Upanishads and Buddhist
Pali Canon, probably of third century BCE or

Benefits of Yoga

Increased flexibility.
Increased muscle strength and tone.
Improved respiration, energy and vitality.
Maintaining a balanced metabolism.
Weight reduction.
Cardio and circulatory health.

Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) means a
salute to the sun. It is a continuous series of 8
related Yoga postures, some done twice, in
what totals 12 poses. It is designed to warm
up your whole body and integrate the body,
mind and breath.
The Sun Salutation is a warm up or toning
exercise and is considered the best of all Yoga
exercises as it stretches, compresses, arches
and reinforces all the
major muscles of the
body, as well as the
digestive and
respiratory organs. It
also helps develop
flexibility, strength,
concentration and

1. Namaskar (Salute):
Start in a standing
position, facing the sun.
Both your feet should
touch each other, palms
joined together, in
prayer pose.
2. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon
With a deep inhalation,
raise both arms above
your head and tilt
slightly backward
arching your back.

3. Padangusthasana (Hand to Foot

With a deep exhalation,
bend forward and touch
the mat, both palms in
line with your feet,
forehead touching your

4. Surya Darshana (Sun Sight Pose):

With a deep inhalation,

take your right leg away
from your body, in a big
backward step. Both
your hands should be
firmly planted on your
mat, your left foot
between your hands, head tilted towards
the ceiling.

5. Purvottasana(Inclined Plane):
With a deep inhalation,
take your right leg away
from your body, in a big
backward step. Both
your hands should be
firmly planted on your
mat, your left foot

between your hands, head tilted towards

the ceiling.

6. Sashtang Dandawat:
With a deep exhalation,
lower your body down
till your forehead,
chest, knees, hands
and feet are touching
the mat, your butt
tilted up. Take a normal
breath in this pose.

7. Bhujangasana:
With a deep inhalation, slowly snake
forward till your head is up, your back
arched concave, as much as possible.

8. Adho Mukha

Svanasana(Downward Facing Dog):

With a deep exhalation, shove your hips
and butt up towards the ceiling, forming
an upward arch. Your arms should be
straight and aligned with your head.

9. Surya Darshana (Sun Sight Pose):

With a deep inhalation,
take your right leg away
from your body, in a big
backward step. Both
your hands should be
firmly planted on your
mat, your left foot
between your hands, head tilted towards
the ceiling.

10. Padangusthasana (Hand to Foot Pose):

With a deep exhalation,
bend forward and touch
the mat, both palms in
line with your feet,
forehead touching your

11.Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon

With a deep inhalation,
raise both arms above
your head and tilt
slightly backward
arching your back.

12.Namaskar (Salute):
Start in a standing
position, facing the sun.
Both your feet should
touch each other, palms
joined together, in
prayer pose.

Benefits of Suryanamaskar:
Tones up the digestive system by the
alternate stretching and compression of
abdominal organs. It activates digestion
and gets rid of constipation and
Strengthens abdominal muscles.
Thoroughly ventilates the lungs, and
oxygenates the blood.
Acts as detoxifying agent, by getting
rid of enormous quantity of carbon dioxide
and other toxic gases.
Promotes sleep and calms anxiety.
Tones up the nervous system and
improves memory.
endocrine glands - especially the thyroid
Refreshes the skin. Prevents Skin
Improves muscle flexibility.
10. In women, stimulates the breasts to
help firmness normally. Restores any lost

elasticity, through stimulation of glands

and the strengthening of pectoral muscles.
11. Menstrual irregularity and assists in
easy childbirth.

Mayurasana or Peacock Pose is an asana
where the individual assumes a peacock
like posture. This asana tones up the
abdominal portion of the body. It also
strengthens the fore arms, wrists and

Benefits of Mayurasana:
According to the ancient text Gerunda
Samhita The peacock posture cancels the
effects of unhealthy food: it causes heat in the
stomach and eliminates the effects of deadly
poisons; it effectively cures diseases, like
tumors and fever, such is this useful posture.
Benefits of the pose include the following.

Peacock Pose builds pressure towards the

abdomen, by which the blood is directed to
the digestive organs. With increased intraabdominal pressure, the abdominal area is

The liver, spleen, pancreas and stomach

are revitalized. The nerves and muscles
connected with the intestines and kidneys
are rejuvenated.

Lethargy of the liver is said to be


The Peacock Pose fights against problems

related to constipation, piles, diabetes, and

Vajrasana or the kneeling yoga pose is also
called the diamond pose or the thunderbolt
pose. The name comes from the Sanskrit word
Vajra which can mean thunderbolt or
Normally, Asanas should be performed on an
empty stomach. But, Vajrasana is one of the
few exceptions. This asana can be done
immediately after the meal. In fact, Vajrasana
is most effective after the meal and aids in
proper digestion.

Vajrasana modifies the blood flow in the lower

pelvic region. The blood flow to the legs is
reduced and the blood flow to the digestive
organs is increased. This increases the
efficiency of the digestive system and helps
those with weak digestion to digest a full meal
It helps to prevent acidity and ulcers
by improving the digestion.

Vajrasana is a good meditative pose
for those suffering from sciatica and
severe lower back problems.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

This posture replicates the graceful, steady
stance of a tree. Unlike most yoga poses, the
Tree Pose requires keeping our eyes open in
order to maintain body balance.

Benefits of the Tree Pose

This pose leaves you in a state of
rejuvenation. It stretches the legs, back
and arms, and invigorates you.
It brings balance and equilibrium to
your mind.


It helps improve concentration.

Savasana might look like a nap at the end of
your yoga practice. But its actually a fully
conscious pose aimed at being awake, yet
completely relaxed. In Savasanaalso known
as corpse pose you lie down on your back

and relax your body and mind so you may

fully assimilate the benefits of your asana
During this pose, you close your eyes, breathe
naturally, and practice eliminating tension
from the body. Ideally, this posture lasts for 10
to 20 minutes. However, even a few minutes
of Savasana is said to have powerful benefits.

Benefits of Savasana
Savasana helps relieve mild depression, high
blood pressure, headaches, fatigue, and
to Yoga
Journal. Savasana can calm the nervous

system and promote equanimity in your entire

body. Fatigued muscles get to relax, tense
shoulders and jaws soften, and the eyes quiet
down to reflect a quieter state of mind.

The name comes from the Sanskrit words
bhujanga meaning "snake" or "serpent" and
asana meaning "posture" or "seat". From a
prone position with palms and legs on the

floor, the chest is lifted. Bhujangasana is

followed by Salabhasana. In Surya Namaskar,
it precedes Adho Mukha Svanasana.

Benefits of Bhujangasana
1. Bhujangasana may strengthen the spine.
2. Stretch the chest, shoulders, and
Firm the buttocks.

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