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public ministry

What does Jesus teach us

about forgiveness? Why do we
need to be forgiven?

How does Jesus teaching on

forgiveness manifest the
Kingdom of God?


Forgiveness is a beautiful idea

until you have something to forgive.

MT. 18:21-22

divine perfection

forgive perfectly

The Prodigal Son

LUKE 15:11-32

F O R G IV E N E S S & M E R C Y

share of the estate? inheritance

no intention to restore relationship

the father initiated

no rehearsed line
restored sonship
older son displeased


Sin begins with selfishness

and alienates us from all our

not just wrong vs. right
an act of the will that chooses to
separate ourselves from Gods love
destroys our relationship with
God, others, our self, the universe
failure to bother to love

Younger Son
What could have been the
motivation for doing what he
did to his father?
What made him realize he did
something wrong and had to
come back home?
Why do you think did he not
want to restore his
relationship with his father

Younger Son
The younger son portrayed the
deception that sin brings in our lives.
Sin begins when the our attention is
only focused on the self.
His view of what will make him
satisfied is limited that it led him to
reject his identity, his family, his
community himself.
He realized he was wrong only when
he was pushed out of his comfort
zone but he still did not realize his
dependence on his father.
Although it was his decision to come
back home, it was his fathers
initiative and forgiveness healed him.

The Father
What is so unusual about the
reaction of his father upon
seeing the younger son?
What can we infer as to what
the father has been doing
since his younger son left?
Was it right for him to do what
he did despite what his son
did to him?


restores and heals

Gospel portrayal of what authentic
and true loving entails: you focus on
what matters.
The Gospel equates love with
forgiveness and mercy. Love is
oftentimes manifested in our
capacity to forgive and look at the
person and beyond his mistake.
It was fathers love that conquered
the selfishness and evil that lured the
son to do what he did.
God initiates forgiving us giving us an
opportunity to restore our broken relationships.
This grace allows us to become better persons
and moves us to respond to God in love.

Our capacity to forgive

comes from an awareness and
recognition that we are


Older Son
Why did the older son feel
that way?
Was it wrong for him to feel
that way or to react that way
to the father?
What could be underneath
that feeling of the older son?

In the face of genuine forgiveness

our selfish attitudes are highlighted
and we are called to be converted

The Unforgiving Servant

MT. 18:21-35

Older Son
The forgiveness of the father
unearthed hidden wickedness
beneath his older son. His selfishness
led him to be bitter, angry and
The older son was obedient for the
wrong reasons. By doing so, he
implicitly rejected his father despite
being obedient to him.
He remained outside the house,
failing to extend love to a brother that
was lost. He rids himself of joy. He
failed to bother to love.

The God who waits for us. God who waits and also
God who forgives. He is the God of mercy; he does
not tire of forgiving. We are the ones who tire in
asking for forgiveness, but he does not tire
Seventy times seven, always. Let us go forward
with forgiveness. And from a business point of
view, the balance is negative. He always loses: he
loses in the balance of things but he wins in love
[God] is the first to fulfill the commandment of
love. He loves and does not know how to do
Pope Francis


Our God is a God of love. In the face of sin, the
only way He knows how to deal with it, how to
remedy it is love.
The love that he oers as a sign of mercy and
forgiveness is his own life. He sacrificed Himself on
the cross because thats how much he loves.
In the face of this great love, all we can do is drop
our heads in shame. But this shame stirs in our
hearts a desire to make a return of love to God.

Take your mind o of the person you cant forgive. Do
not allow yourself to grumble, or justify your situation, or
feel sorry for yourself, or dream about ways to get even.
Kill those thoughts as soon as you see them coming.
Remember that you are a sinner too. Recall specific
ways youve needed forgiveness. Ask God to help you, if
you cant. Go to confession, if that helps. Meditate on the
Psalms. Practice being grateful for the mercy God has
shown you.
Every time that person comes to mind, say the words I forgive
you whether you feel it or not. Make it an act of the will and ask
the Holy Spirit to pour Gods love into your heart. Over time, start
asking God to bless the person. Romans 12:14 says Bless those
who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Force yourself to
do it. Make it a habit. And watch how that sets your heart free.

Pope John Paul II & Ali Agca


Is forgiveness a sign of weakness
(both in giving and receiving)?
When we forgive, do we tolerate
the wrong things done to us?
What happens to us when we
receive forgiveness?

Healing of the Ten Lepers

LK 17:11-19

Sickness was almost always

associated with sin.
During Christ's time, leprosy was
incurable and contagious at the
same time.
The one who returned
to thank Jesus was a


When we forgive, do we tolerate the wrong

things done to us?
Do you think it was easy for lepers to approach Jesus? For them
to have done that, what did it take these ten lepers?

The lepers took great

courage and strength to
remind themselves of their
condition before Jesus.

While forgiveness is gift,

it will not mean anything
if we don't recognize our
need to be forgiven.

Are we weak when we ask for forgiveness?

Are we weak when we forgive?
What did it take Jesus to heal the 10 lepers?

Jesus could have been

infected. He could have been
exposed. He saw the person
and not whats in it for him.

When we forgive, we exercise the

same courage and strength that
Jesus showed. Our true humanity
steps up. This shows us that sin has
no power over Gods love.

But wait... what must we do then when we

receive this gift of forgiveness?
What made the Samaritan leper to return?

Forgiveness transforms.
From a selfish person to a
grateful and humble

Forgiveness is a gift but

it is our choice to be
transformed by this
forgiveness. In
forgiveness we realize
that were not in control.


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