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Rules for Mr.

Van Dusens Class


- RESPECT others as I, Mr. Van Dusen, will RESPECT you.

- Be EQUITABLE. Treat others as you would like to be treated if you were in their situation.

- Practice SELF-DISCIPLINE to develop good habits that will positively affect your entire life.

- Always PERSEVERE; never give up!

- Learning leads to EMPOWERMENT. You learn to gain more control of your life.

- Seek to be COURAGEOUS. Overcome your fears to be a better you.

- THINK before you act.

Consequences for Misbehavior

1. Communicate with me either before school, during lunch, or
after school so we can determine a solution
2. Apologize to your classmates
3. Provide me a parent note with parent signature regarding

We are here to learn as a team.

Parent Consent
To Mr. Van Dusen,
I am the parent/ guardian of _______________________.
I have read and understood the rules and consequences for your
classroom. I understand that I will be notified if my child disrupts
the class three times. I understand that I will need to send you a
written note or email regarding my childs behavior if he or she
disrupts the class three or more times.
I agree with your class rules. ___________ (Initials)
I give you permission to provide the consequences that were
stated on this contract for my child if he or she disrupts the class.
____________ (Initials)
I understand the purpose of your rules and consequences
___________(Initials), and I would like to maintain communication
with you about my childs progress in your class.




(Printed Name)

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