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Durante los primeros aos del Mxico Colonial existi una mujer

indgena de gran belleza que se enamor locamente de un espaol y

con quien tuvo tres hijos. A pesar de ello este caballero nunca la
despos y slo la visitaba en limitadas ocasiones; aos ms tarde, por
as convenirle a sus intereses el espaol contrajo nupcias con una
mujer espaola. Cuando la mujer indgena se enter de la traicin,
enloqueci de rabia y celos a tal grado que asesin a sus tres hijos
ahogndolos en un ro, al darse cuenta de lo que haba hecho, llena de
un gran dolor se suicid tambin. Desde entonces, su alma no ha
tenido descanso y todas las noches vaga por las calles solitarias o
cerca de los ros buscando a sus hijos y llorando por su muerte,
lanzando gritos y gemidos capaces de horrorizar a todo el que la
escuche. Todava hoy, si se presta un poco de atencin, durante
algunas noches es posible escuchar su terrible lamento Ay mis hijos
que repite desde que los asesin; hay incluso quienes afirman haberse
sentido atrados por la visin de una hermosa mujer solitaria vestida
de blanco caminando en medio de la noche.

An indigenous woman of great beauty that fell madly in love of a

Spanish and with who had three children existed during the tender age of
the Colonial Mexico. This gentleman never married her in spite of it and
only visited her in limited occasions; Years later, for that way being
convenient for his interests the Spanish shortened nuptials with a
Spanish woman. When the indigenous woman found out about treason,
it maddened of rage and jealousy to such a degree that you murdered his
three children drowning them at a river, when you became aware of what
you had done, you fill of a great pain you killed yourself also. Ever since,
his soul has not had rest and every night roams the solitary streets or
close to the rivers looking for his children and crying for his death, giving
shouts and capable wailing to horrify Every which one that listen to her.
Still today, if some attention is rendered, during some nights Ay is
possible to listen to his terrible lament My children that you repeat since
you murdered them; There are even those who they claim to having felt
attracted for a beautiful solitary woman's dressed in white vision
walking in between the night.

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