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Heather Morgan

EDUG 520
Statement of Purpose
Our classroom is a safe and positive environment for all students to learn through collaboration, communication, and creative
expression. Our purpose is to develop students who are critical thinkers and problem solvers, who are respectful of others, and
responsible for their own learning.
Be Respectful
Listen and follow directions.
Be kind.
Be Responsible
Stay on task and complete all work.
Take care of materials, equipment, and school property.
Be Safe
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Walk quietly inside the classroom and in the hallways.

Getting help

When students are working at their desks (individually,

partners, or in groups), students will show a color cup as to
their level of understanding or need for assistance. Green
means going strong, no assistance needed. Yellow means
going slowly or struggling, but making progress check-in
soon. Red means stopped and help is needed immediately. I
will monitor by walking around the room and helping
students as needed. If there are many red cups, I may stop
and reiterate directions or answer questions all at once. Or I
may assign a classroom job, the solution steward. The
solution steward would be an additional assistant, helping
students with red or yellow cups find solutions to their
problems with the assignment.

Early finishers

As students finish assignments, they often come up and ask,

what can I do now? I will have a list of appropriate activities
or centers (iPads, computers, listening center, unfinished work,
reading, etc.) that students could choose upon completion of
their assignment. Each student will have a magnet. They will
move their magnet into the box of their chosen activity or
center. Some activity choices and centers will have a
maximum number of people posted. For example, up to 3
people can do listening center.

Sharpening pencils

Students are not allowed to sharpen pencils during the day.

There will be one classroom job as the pencil sharpener.
The pencil sharpener will sharpen during clean-up and
pack-up time at the end of the day. When a students pencil
becomes dull or breaks, he/she will hold up the pencil in the
air to show that he/she needs a new pencil. When I
acknowledge the hand signal with a head nod the student
can get up and go to the location of the two cans: ready to
write and sharpen please. Dull or broken pencils go in
sharpen please. Then, the student will pick up a sharp
pencil from the ready to write can and return to his/her

Asking questions

When I am reading a story or presenting a PowerPoint

presentation in the whole group setting, for example, there will
be hand signals to represent answer, question, and
comment. The letter A in American Sign Language (ASL)
is used to signal I have an answer. The letter I in ASL is
used to signal I have a question. The letter C in ASL is
used to signal I have a comment. This will help me as a
teacher be prepared to respond to students. For example, if
many students have comments, I would use a think-pair-share
strategy, so that all can express their connections and
experiences with a partner.

Consequences Positive Behavior

Individual: Class Dojo

Class: 100 Square Chart

Students individually earn points for performing

target behaviors, such as participation, working
hard, kindness, etc. Students can save up points
and earn rewards for earning a specific number
of points. For example,
10 points = sticker
25 points = extra iPad time
35 points = bring a show and tell item
50 points = sit with a friend at lunch
60 points = bring a book for the teacher to
read to the class
75 points = change your avatar
100 points = lunch with the teacher

As the class performs target behaviors, such as

meeting an AR goal for Engaged Reading Time,
choose one student to draw a token from the container
and fill in a square on the grid. For example, if a
student pulls the token with the number 9 on it, he or
she fills in the square labeled 9 on the chart. The class
wins the reward when an entire row of 10 squares is
filled in. Rows can be completed horizontally,
vertically, or diagonally. The class can win a popcorn
and movie party, a choice of a PE activity, outdoor
reading time, etc.

Team: table points

Each table group is labeled with a color. Students can
earn points (popsicle sticks) in their bucket on the
board for their table by performing target behaviors,
such as cleaning up supplies quickly and quietly,
getting out materials quickly and quietly, working
well together and staying on task. At the end of the
day, we will tally up points. The winning table gets
to hold the classroom mascot (stuffed animal bear) at
their table for the following day.

Consequences Negative Behavior

Teacher will use the following responses according to her discretion:
Visual cues: Ex. hand signal for focus, or one finger to lips (quiet signal)
Verbal cues: Ex. Lindsay, what should you be doing right now?
Increased teacher proximity
Removal of Dojo Points
Logical consequences:

Temporary loss of privilege: Ex. If the student is not using

scissors appropriately, the student will temporarily lose the
privilege of using scissors.

Take a break: Ex. If the student needs to regain self-control and

is having a temper tantrum, the student will be told to take a
break. He or she can access the cool down kit and go to a quiet
place in the classroom.

You break it, you fix it: Ex. If Ethan spills something, he needs
to clean it up. If Brett hurts Sarahs feeling, we would have a
meeting for discussion and resolution. Teacher will ask
clarifying questions. Students will express I statements and
together we would come to an agreement or resolution.
Positive timeout: If a student
makes a poor
choice such as
being physically
or verbally
aggressive, the
SW need to
complete a
behavior think
sheet. SW be
held accountable
by reviewing
answers on think
sheet before
being dismissed
to recess or
lunch. Behavior
think sheet will
be sent home to
be returned with
a parent

Action Plan

How it will be completed

Collect resources for a

cool down kit.

1. Sparkle bottle or lava lamp
2. Rubber squeeze toy
3. 5 deep breaths sign
4. When Im angry/when Im frustrated sign
5. What would help you feel better?
6. How do you feel today?
7. Check in
8. Breathing exercises
9. Picture books about emotions or social skills, such as You Get What You
Get by Julie Gassman and My Mouth is a Volcano by Julia Cook.
I will make a sparkle bottle or buy a lava lamp. I will buy a rubber squeeze toy
from the Dollar Tree. I will print or re-make the documents featured on this
website and laminate. I will keep the supplies in a plastic container and label it.
I will access the online student information system. I will record student names,
parent names, e-mail addresses, cell phone numbers into Class Dojo account. I
will send home permission slips in the first week of school. I will record who
has returned permission slips, and who has not, and follow up with parents
directly at Back to School Night.
I will develop and implement a lesson plan on developing a social contract. For
example, TW read Know and Follow Rules by Cheri Meiners on the rug. This
will give students some background knowledge on why we should have rules
and examples of rules. TW say, Today we will be developing a social contract.
This is a short list of rules that we will agree upon and will guide us throughout
the school year. Because our rules will be agreed upon, lets call them
agreements. Then TW ask, what is one rule or agreement that is important to
you that we should include in our social contract? SW have some think time,
before given a Post-it note. SW show a thumbs up when he/she has an idea and

Set up a Class Dojo


Teach relevant aspects

of plan.



First week
of school

Devise role play

Discuss with school


Disseminate to parents

is ready to write. Then the SW write on the Post-it one rule or agreement.
Following this, SW share at their tables each written agreement from the Postits. Then, table groups will work together to write one agreement on a sentence
strip. For example, S1 writes, Be quiet when others are talking. S2 writes,
Dont talk when the teacher is teaching. S3 writes, Listen to others when they
are talking. Together these could become an agreement to: Listen respectfully
to others. Each group will have one sentence strip on which to write their
agreement. As students finish, they will place their sentence strip on a pocket
chart. When all groups have added their sentence strip to the pocket chart, TW
read the agreements and organize them. Can we combine any of these ideas? Are
there any repeats? The goal is to have 3-5 guidelines for the class. TW guide
discussion towards the three general rules: be respectful, be responsible, be safe.
After student agreements are combined and condensed, SW sign the social
contract. It will be laminated and posted. A personal copy will be sent home.
I will have groups of students select a rule and model what it looks like. For
example, SW work in groups to model a positive example of a given rule and a
week of
negative example of a given rule. Groups will have different rules. For example, school
one group is assigned the rule, Take care of materials, equipment, and school
property. The positive example could be students passing out scissors carefully,
cutting on the lines, and picking up trash. The negative example could be
students fighting over scissors, cutting up tiny pieces onto the floor, etc. SW all
be involved in the presenting of their groups rule as a performance task.
I will collaborate with grade level team to present and ask for suggestions to my
plan. I will meet with a member of the administrative team, to review the plan
after the grade level collaboration meeting. This will give me final constructive
feedback before printing brochures to sending them home.
Make extra copies of brochures
Present plan during back-to-school night
Ask parents to sign plan
Contact parents who were not able to attend back-to-school night

school year
Third week
of school

Conduct mini lesson

Follow up with

I will conduct mini lesson on areas of the behavior plan that students are
struggling with. Ive noticed that some of you are not being safe. How can we
be safe with our hands and feet? Thats right, we need to keep them to ourselves.
Lets practice being safe by walking from the rug to our desks. What rule do we
need to remember? Thats right, we need to keep our hands and feet to
ourselves. After students have transitioned from the rug to their desks, quickly,
quietly and safely, TW reward students with class reward. TW say, nice job!
Show me a thumbs up if you can agree to continue to be safe today.
I will call home or contact parents via e-mail to provide updates on the plan and
inform them of their students behavior. I will start with one positive example,
and suggest one area of improvement.

As needed

of the

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