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Spectacular Times images and Everyday Life Pocketbook Series “Without a doubt our epoch prefers the wmoge te the ching, the copy To the original, the representation to the reality, oppearance Lo being. What 1s Sacred For ik is only illusion . More Ehan khat, the sacred grows mks eyes ke the extent that truth diminishes ond itlusion imereases, Eo such on extent thot the peak of illusion is for ik the peak of the sacred. Feuerboch, I'm also a gelfing fan, and the clarity of the picture on my VideoBeam set and the size of the screen is such that when I'm watching the Masters for example I can read the name on the bail that the ba are playing. I'm not watchin, felevision. Th there. Th fact I'm betie than being there, because I become part of the action, It's an experience [ can’t really describe. We lwe moa Spectacular Society, That is,ouc whole life 1S Surrounded by an immense accumulation of Spectacles. Things thok were once directly lwed are now lived by proxy. “Whether it’s pop, rock, soul, jazz or the Classics,“I want to hear it exactly as it was performed. ‘To me, that's what high fidelity is about The perfect reproduction of sound. The ability to make me feel as though I'm there. I want to be able to feel the atmosphere, the excitement, the emotion of a great performance that I know can exist. Sinatra or the Stones, Hendrix or Haydn. I want to hear it like it is. Like it was meant to be heard” As far as we re concerned at Technics, recreating that elusive sense of ‘being there’ is what it’s all about. Once on experience ts Eaken awk of the real world into the spectacular world it becomes ao commodity . As a commodity the spectaculer is developed te the detriment of the real Te becomes a substitute For experience : Consumer eo or Commodity 2 Indicate which activities and interests you enjoy by placing a‘I’ (one) in the appropriate box. If you dislike a particula activity, write a ‘0’ (nought) in the box. Do you consider If you have no preference, leave the yourself colurmn blank. Shy: Pop music: (O) Ar/Litarature: E Esctroniert: Fashion: oO Oo Adventurous: oO Oo Family type: Clothes-conseinus: 7 os Nes? Generous \ i) al Philasaphy ol Psucholexgy Sociology: L a History Oo aa Politics: Classical music: Archeelogy: | Conversation & A Attimde Accurate to Apathetic work Consistent Critical Enquiring Erratic : Hard The commodity eee . Indifferent is checked for Inverested Keen qualit - te Meticulous Original Persistent B Socal Ageressive attitude Co-operative Courteous | Destructive | Dominant | Law-abiding Leader Rebellious Self-centred Sociable Submissive Uneo-operative: Unselfish When it came time for Sergeant Jetf Jordan to consider reenlisting, his wife, Betty, had something to say: “I told him to reenlist, It's achance to get out and go places. And Army towns are different. It's not like gomg some- place and being with strangers. Besides, ] like the retirement benetits. Especially when you get to retire early. Jeff will only be 39. Still young enough to do things. one Ong every bedy wanks be breathe and nobody fan breathe and some Peeple so “We'll be able to breathe laker sna Faris graffiti, 1969 The Spectocle offers the inne and never the reality Te is form wnthout substance Like the geod extertamer it is, it leaves you wanting more. Te dees not salishy Tt cannot satisfy . Tk does nok am Lo satisfy Lt offers only the dream of solisfackion, The dreams ore dreamt ond Found wanting , Dissatisfaction and Fees cra hen Ce bring demands ta end the Docieky of the Spectacle, Fascisn & oppression 7 are hb hee senate! Enw44i0e5 iSpaniah Eas Jere a Hachine gounned High Pigs Thuraday| Spectocies Praperty Cou beqike | the Angry Bragade —s he, —— a ay eng, ok the demanas are hijacked and hecaome port of Elee Spectacle. Ll show you ny Spectacle Pe TWO DIRECTORS of sa Soviet drinks factory have been shot for leaving the fruit out of the fruit jutce they were prado . The otwspaper Eabinski Rabochi says the two from the Southern Republic of Arerbaydzhan, sold a mixture of water, chiric aeld and sugar, pocketing more than £400,000. Their appeal was rejected and ihey were shat, Eastern Europe Cadbury Schweppes Limited, one of te leading names in tha intamatanal food and drinks industry, are beking for an axpeenced Franchise Manager, male or tamale, te be nasponsible for thalr expanding Eastam European eperstions. The manager will have Leagan A for wall established soft drinks peamecnsy in Bulgaria and for loping franchise operations in other Eastern @aM Counties such as USSR. East Gamnany, Hungary ate. mainty m the fiald of soft drinks, Based in London, the auccesstul apolicant will spand three or more months a year travelling im the taritery and will ba responsible for negotiating and administennmg new and existing contracts and for ansuning the overall profitability and market success of the franchises under hisfver contre. Close fan will be necessary £5,000+ between the Technical, Finance, Advertising sind Marketing Departments of the European Region and with the betlars in the franchise area. For this raason applicants must have good communication stalls and ba fluent in Gernnan. The ability to speak ona of the Slav ae wouldbean Gonal advantage. Previous experience of trading anc negotating in Fasten Europe is escental as is axpenance of the food and drink industry. Salary will be nagotated around £8000 and will be accompanied by a wide range of benefits incliding prote shanng, coninbulory a and He assurance Plaase write giving ai particulars of previcaus experence to J Halt, Intemational Management Development Mania, Cadbury Schweppes Lid, 1-710 conkaueht Place, London W2 2 amenbers Cadloury Schweppes Riqgaed if you Il show me youn Liquid protest A VINEYARD worker, Gerard Stingle, 23, “pened the taps of wre casks im has étn- Pluyer's cellar at Nuits St Georges, sending albeit ES5S0 (lOsverth af Lop-quality Rurgundy: dawn the sewer, because he “ did nor like capitalises," police reported VESrcroay, DON'T PANIC!! Not the Spectocle oF the end of society i... oo but the end of the Doceky of the Spectacle Images compiled and edited by Larry Lay, 1975 People who talk about Revelation and class struggle without referima explicitly to everyday lite, without understanding what 18 subverswe about love and what is positive waite’ eetusal of constraumts , such people have o. Corpse 1. thee mouth | Raoul | Voneigem The (Revelation. of Everyday Ait Lite” Murmcal wok grea Maximum work arra ded calegory movers duh category movements fingers. wrists. forearms. arms | . koa fingers. woes. foreanms ret up, ae to werk come home | qo to bed, get up, qo fo werk | Come home, q° Fe bed | get uP, Qo Co work, come home, 4 ro bed... FRSMEMTSGIS TinCussn BARA COTO AA Aa) FROEMSLY TADOPE ALLARD A a GSW THES AREA TAKE GOWER get vp, go Co work, come heme , go te bed. How muck longer con you keep it up f Flow much longer before you crack? Our \ife becomes divided between work Lime and “free” time . Both are part of that arand illusion - rhe Spectacle, Within Ehe Doceby of the Spectacle all time. 1s Spectacular cime. Sometimes we are Ehe commodity cnh sometimes Ehe consumer. Ta our free time we buy back what we mode ducena our “work” ime. Worle Lime. od ‘tree Kime serve. cack ether, Free Eime is Sacred, "an annugl holiday is for many an eSsential safety valve for the tensions which can build up in the doing of humdrum, boring in frustrating jobs. lt is not in the teblic interest that the function of this aesfety valve should be impeded." Justice Lawton. "Worle Kime 18 sacred. Mrs Jill Knight, Tery MF for Edgbaston, last week described the miners as “enemies of the state’. “Work Time. "Free Time - Reg| Life is elsewhere, PCa a ee Pea a eee ee eee me ule mt) be enjoyed by all the tenants on the estate. epee eect repel ures by preventing damage to the area. Housing Manager. ab Within Speclacular Time “work time ond “free time are indistinauishable . The community is Ehe barracks of maustry, Is ve your hewn — ear ao you just live there ¢ For whore benefit 18 your community bema cunt a Kirs Eremda Adaey, aged 24, yesierdny ined to tell a public enquiry ow she fled, pushing her teo-mooth-cld son in ApTam, a3 an acid cloud froma chemical works in St Helens, Lancashire, eo- weloped ber. Bat Wirs May was told ber evidence was nea relevant. Spectacular business helps develop Lhe Culture , Philosophy and Morality of the Spectacle Secial responsibility is "a fundamen- tally subversive doctrine..-few trends could so theroughly undermine the very foundations of our free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social responslbllity other than toa make ae much for their stockholders as possible," Milton Friedman Capitalism & Freedan., University of Chicage Press. L962, “They said they don't want to get invalved,” a, ora the morality af Spectacular business becomes Ehe morality of the Communiky, Even ot its most libera| ik reveals ao view of the worla which hos been objectified ke suck an extent that Oo subjective view of the world ws incemprehensible to ne . PLANNERS ARE TRYTSO to @ork one where they went wrong in drawing uo od new road ¢¢herne for Eines Cross. A team from the GLC spent months draving up six schemes for the area #0 that residents could choose which one they wanted. But the residents nave rejected all six and have chosen a scheme which they desiened thernselyes- AOGLAY official said: “Both our scheme and the tenants' ill be given equal con- aideraHon. [t's difficult to say why peaple like their scheme ratver than ours, = Buk when disaster strikes Spectacular Cusine $5 18 ready Lo pal ‘ee mind te Eke problem iw hand. GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION EXAMINATION Ordinary Level ECONOMICS &. Explain the probable effects in the badly affected areas. destructive hurricanes wr: fa) the price of frewood; (4) whe price of building timber: fc) ihe rent of housing accommodation, The Spectacle has S60 Successrally inkilkrated E very day hife that on attack UPON the Spectacle appears Eo be an attack upen Society, When attacked the Spectacle threatens us with the Spectre of Anarchy . Yee one ordimary , hone revolutionary week-end 1% infinitely mere WELCOME TO bleedy than o FEARGITY whele month , of permanent revolubion , We start te dismantle the Spectacle by seizing bacte From Ehe authorities the ewer Eo run Our OWA lives. Once aaa te take contra of the eraawisation of every da life eurselves - be it at individual level ,on our heme, our ckreel, ak our place of work or in ou commune y , Confront the Spectocle with its Own irrelevance.

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