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We are fasting for strategies in economic warfare. The devil
would have us to believe that we are to live in the earth in debt,
lack, and poverty. The devil is a liar. We have kingdom authority
through Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit has given us some strategies
to use daily against the enemy in the battle for our finances.
This war isnt for the faint at heart. Follow the plan.



Develop your relationship with Jesus Christ. We cant

obtain the blessings from the Father without the belief in
and relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son. Read the
Word of God daily. Listen to the counsel of Holy Spirit.
Walk in obedience by following the instructions in Gods
Word. Add fasting to your spiritual regimen. Apart from
Jesus, we cant do anything so abide in Him. Get in
relationship with Jesus.
Repent and ask for forgiveness for any sin in your life
and your ancestors lives . The devil devises plans to
destroy our blessings so we must make sure we operate
in the Spirit and do economic warfare daily - which
means we must flee from sin. Unrepentant sin (including
unforgiveness and bitterness and any form of lying and
deception) will have your money held up in the heavenly
realm (atmosphere). Generational curses that have been
passed down from previous generations in your family
may have your financial resources held up. Bad
stewardship is a sin and causes us to lose our blessings.
Whoever is faithful in little is faithful in much (Luke
16:10a). He that serves God, and does good, with his
money, will serve God, and do good, with the more
noble and valuable talents of wisdom and grace, and
spiritual gifts, and the earnests of heaven (Matthew
Henry Commentary). Get out of debt and budget your
money. We must break the curses of overspending and
greed in our lives. Be faithful over your money. Be better
stewards over what you have.
Change your mindset about money and resources.
God provided resources on the earth for us to possess in
order to fulfill our kingdom assignments. The love of
money is evil; accessing the wealth that God has for us on
the earth is not evil. Dont worry, God checks the motives
of the heart. The hundredfold blessing belongs to you in
this present age through Jesus Christ. Truly I tell you,
said Jesus, - no one who has left home brothers or



sisters or mother or father or children or fields for My

sake and for the gospel will fail to receive a hundredfold
in the present agehouses and brothers and sisters and
mothers and children and fields, along with persecutions
and to receive eternal life in the age to come (Mark
10:29-30). Fight daily to change your poverty mentality.
It doesnt matter what your financial or debt status is
currently. Change your mindset. Stop receiving the
principles of poverty from pastors and other leaders who
are being used by Satan to keep you bound. Cast down
every argument and lofty idea about money and
resources and the blessing that you have that contradicts
who God is and what He said. Receive the blessing in
your life right now and every day. Read Genesis Chapter
Understand the kingdom concept of the economy. We
operate in the worlds economic system but believers
must employ spiritual principles. We must learn the
difference between buying and selling, a Luciferian
concept rooted in filthy lucre versus sowing and reaping
a kingdom concept rooted in advancing the kingdom of
God. Sow the seed God tells you to sow into fertile
ground (i.e., tithes, offering, blessing others through
giving). You will reap a harvest. the wealth of the
wicked is laid up for the just (Proverbs 13:22b). Stop
doubting and questioning from where your resources will
come. God has already set up your financial release in the
spiritual realm. It will manifest.
Pray specific and strategic prayers for economic
warfare. Pray prayers for favor, blessings, prosperity,
harvest, land, overflow, oil, reaping, and abundance.
Pray for supernatural debt removal. Have faith that God
will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory
(Philippians 4:19). Misuse of money and resources may
be caused by demonic oppression or strongholds. Your
prayers need to overturn the mountains of curses of debt,
lack, and poverty in your finances. Get to the spiritual root
of the problem. Read the Prayers for Prosperity and
Financial Release daily from John Eckardts book Prayers
That Rout Demons.

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