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This serious issue of HIV/AIDS is very real. Back years ago in the early 1980s not many people publicly discussed about this issue. It was only in the late 1980s and the early 1990s when individuals in the United States seriously evaluated AIDS in a higher degree of rational discussion. When I was young, I didnt know about AIDS that much until the 1990s. In that time, talk shows, TV sitcoms, and speeches were all over the place in mentioning about the serious disease of AIDS. Millions throughout the Earth have been affected by the non discriminatory disease of AIDS as well. Tons of people have died from the conditions. Movies, books, documentaries, and other specials have been created that are fixed on the topic of AIDS. In order to gauge AIDS's whole atmosphere, accurate information ought to be made available. Also, alternative views on AIDS should be presented since on various occasions, the truth on an issue can be deduced via alternative channels (not just by a traditional area of research). Overtly, AIDS has been a deadly disease effecting victims for decades. AIDS stands for the Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS attacks the human immune system. Some believe that HIV or the human immunodeficiency virus causes AIDS and some don't. The truth is that AIDS progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to many infections and tumors. HIV can be transmitted via direct contact of a mucus membrane, the bloodstream with a bloody fluid having HIV, blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid, and breast milk. AIDS today is a pandemic that affects about 33.2 million people worldwide as of 2007. It has killed about 2.1 million people

including an estimated 330,000 children. Over 3/4 of the deaths transpired in sub-Saharan Africa (which is all the more reason to promote economic growth, development, technological advancements, etc. in that region of the world). Mainstream scientists believe that HIV came from west central Africa during the late 1800's and early 1900's. The CDC or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognized AIDS first in 1981 and HIV was identified by the early 1980's. There are treatments with AIDS and HIV like antiretroviral drugs that can reduce the mortality and morbidity of HIV infection. Yet, these drugs are expensive and routine access to antiretroviral medication isn't available in all countries. Health organizations promote safe sex, abstinence, and needle exchange programs in attempting to slow the spread of the virus. In the late 1950's, people have experience HIV diseases. In the late 1960's or the early 1970's, HIV-1 (according to mainstream researchers) is said to come into the Western Hemisphere from Haiti from central Africa. AIDS is a serious matter. There are numerous symptoms to AIDS. AIDS is composed of almost 30 different diseases. Symptoms in HIV spread slowly when a first has just been infected. Some people have been infected with HIV for 10 or more years with no symptoms of illness. They can still infect other human beings in that span of time. There is a reduced risk of infecting others with safe sex or abstinence. Testing is an easy way to see if a person is infected with HIV. HIV infection symptoms can include a dry cough, a fever that comes and goes, a deep tiredness that can't be explained, blotches that can be red, pink or purplish under the skin or inside the mouth, nose of eyelids, heavy night sweats, rapid weight loss, memory loss, etc. These symptoms dont mean a person has HIV or AIDS. Only an HIV test can make certain whether a person has HIV or not. Some doctors feel that HIV can transform into AIDS into a matter of years. Children who are born with HIV and people who got HIV through a blood transfusion tend to get sick more quickly. HIV according to mainstream doctors is the last stage of a HIV infection. Since 1996, powerful virus-fighting drugs have been introduced that dramatically delay the progression of HIV to AIDS. Other new treatments and drugs are now being used to treat illnesses associated with AIDS. People with AIDS, HIV, just like all of us should live a life with the right food to eat, have regular exercise, don't use illicit drugs, reduce stress, avoid smoking, avoid alcohol, etc. There are of course many HIV/AIDS myths that are commonly shown even in 2010. One myth is that AIDS is a death sentence or your life is over. Nothing can be further from the truth. Antiretroviral therapy and other treatments have made numerous people to live a very long and joyful life with AIDS. People are trying to find cures as we speak for HIV and AIDS. Another myth is that HIV/AIDS only affects homosexual men, drug users, prostitutes, and sexually promiscuous people. HIV is an equal opportunity virus that can affect anybody under certain circumstances (like newborn babies, women, teens, seniors, and folks of every race, ethnicity, nationality, and background). It is true that unsafe sex, multiple sex partners, and intravenous drug use that's unsafe can increase the risk for HIV infection and AIDS. More women receive HIV since they are being infected by contaminated needles or some have sex with HIV-infected men. One other myth is that HIV/AIDS can spread by casual contact with someone with HIV, mosquitoes, tattoos, breathe the air, and kissing a HIV infected person on the check. HIV is spread only when someone is exposed to blood, semen, vaginal fluid or mother's milk from someone who is infected with HIV. The virus doesn't live long in the open environment outside the body. There is virtually no evidence that HIV infection can be spread from tears or sweat.

Now, alternative information about HIV/AIDS is very common in the 21st century. Here's some of this information. Today, anyone who doesn't believe that HIV causes AIDS or deny that HIV exists has been demonized by the establishment as evil or even possible criminals. Mike Adams has the excellent website called He wrote about a new documentary film about AIDS called "House of Numbers" which is found at It was created by a man named Brent Leung. He has been demonized strongly by the pharmaceutical companies for his film. Big Pharma demonized people making alternative views on AIDS when big pharmaceutical were some of the key people aiding the Nazis in order to exterminate Jewish prisoners (and others plus doing sick experiments against people). As a fascinating matter of historical fact, the Chairman of Bayer in the 1950's (yes, the same Bayer that makes Bayer Aspirin) was Dr. Fritz ter Meer, a convicted war criminal, who after committing crimes against humanity was sentenced to seven years in prison at the Nuremberg war trials. Some of these war criminals escaped justice. The film presented Lueng and he interviewed Dr. Luc Montagnier, who is the Nobel Prize winning co-discoverer of the AIDS virus. He explained to Leung during his interview that AIDS can be overcome (or cured) with nutrition and that the vaccine approach is entirely overblown. Companies profits from the drug obsession. Montagnier [the scientist] said that: "...I think this is one way to approach, to decrease the rate of transmission, because I believe HIV we can be exposed to HIV many times without bring chronically infected, our immune system will get rid of the virus within a few weeks, if you have a good immune system; and this is the problem also of the African people. Their nutrition is not very equilibrated, they are in oxidative stress, even if they are not infected with HIV; so their immune system doesn't work well already. So it's prone, it can, you know, allow HIV to get in and persist. So there are many ways which are not the vaccine, the magic name, the vaccine, many ways to decrease the transmission just by simple measures of nutrition,

giving antioxidants -- proper antioxidants -- hygiene measures, fighting the other infections. So they are not spectacular, but they could, you know, decrease very well the epidemic, to the level they are in occidental countries, western countries..."

So, Montagnier in his interview with Lueng also said that: You can be exposed to AIDS without getting infected, a strong immune system can protect you against AIDS, the importance of AIDS vaccines have been exaggerated, with the help of good nutrition, you can fight off AIDS, AIDS can be approached with low-cost, highly-effective alternatives to vaccines, What the African people really need is better nutrition to protect themselves from AIDS, and that the facts about nutrition and AIDS are being neglected (by the medical establishment). The doctor is rather overt in his information without conjecture. He even acknowledges to Leung that what he just said was essentially a "bombshell" of information that stands at odds with conventional AIDS scientists such as Fauci. The truth is that alternative thought on the AIDS issue have been unfairly demonized by the establishment. Lueng's film exposes the Big Pharma AIDS vaccine scam that even the mainstream media have talked about or discussed. The international nonprofit scientific organization Rethinking AIDS gave its full support today to 37 senior researchers, medical doctors and legal professionals who are requesting that the medical journal Science withdraw four seminal papers on HIV authored by Dr. Robert Gallopapers widely touted as proof that HIV is the "probable cause of AIDS." Gallo has Vatican/Jesuit ties too. Now, the House of Numbers film has Dr. Joe Sonnabend saying something. Dr. Sonnabend is the co-founder of amfAR (or the Foundation for AIDS Research). He said that his organization committed fraud by hyping up the risk of AIDS in order to get more money from Washington. Dr. Joe Sonnabend said that: "One day one of the networks had received a press release from us, and the press release said that heterosexual AIDS is about to happen, that straight men are going to drop in droves... And I said that's B.S. where'd you get that from? It was a total fraud and scam. It was a fundraising ploy," says Dr Joe Sonnabend. "But it was so efficient that it resulted in a LIFE Magazine cover which said 'No one is safe from AIDS.' ...Once he put out this scare, the money started to flow. It really did." Brent Leung, director of the House of Numbers film, then asks Dr Sonnabend, "Isn't that ethically wrong to scare an entire population?" "What do you think?" answers Dr Sonnabend. "You live in this world you know that's exactly what they do."

Dr. Peter Duesberg offered rebuttals to Dr. Gallos criticisms of his work. We should take HIV and AIDS seriously of course. Yet, we shouldnt get brainwashed by the Big Pharma Empire that wants disinformation on this topic to transpire in the world. Its the same Big Pharma crowd promoting the evils poisons in our water supply, CODEX, the proliferation of GMOs, and other forms of genocide. Frankly, allowing the Third World and all people to have real nutritional food, clean water, and real technological modernization are better than GMOs (or sodium fluoride) being exposed to humankind. There are those feel that AIDS is a created diseased that is utilized to

harm human beings. What is true and what is proven is that some elements among the government (and the elite) have executed biological warfare (and planned the institution of dangerous biological agents) for a long time. One example is that in 1969, something occur. This was when at a House Appropriations hearing, the Defense Departments Biological Warfare unit requested funds to develop (via genesplicing), a new disease that would be resistant to treatment. It Would break down a victims immune system. This description sounds very similar to AIDS. The "discovery" of the AIDS virus (HTLV3) was announced by Dr. Robert Gallo at the National Cancer Institute, which is on the grounds of Fort Detrick, Maryland, a primary U.S. Army biological warfare research facility. Waves Forrest in his article entitled, Designer Diseases: AIDS as Biological & Psychological Warfare wrote that: Actually, the AIDS virus looks and acts much more like a cross between a bovine leukemia virus and a sheep visna (brain-rot) virus, cultured in a human cell culture, than any virus of the HTLV groupBefore dismissing the possibility that a U.S. Army BW facility would participate in genocide, bear in mind that hundreds of top Nazis were imported into key positions in the U.S. military- intelligence establishment following WW II. U.S. military priorities were then re-oriented from defeating Nazis to "defeating" communism at any cost, and strengthening military control of economic and foreign policy decisions (See - Project Paperclip by Clarence Lasby, Atheneum 214, NY, and Gehlen: Spy of the Century by E.H. Cookridge, Random House.) There's no proof those Nazis ever gave up their long-term goals of conquest and genocide, just because they changed countries. Fascism was and is an international phenomenon.

Back in 1969, Dr. Robert MacMahan of the Department of Defense requests from congress $10 million to develop, within 5 to 10 years, a synthetic biological agent to which no natural immunity exists. David Allen Rivera believed Robert Gallo was a
key facilitator of the AIDS disease. Of course, Gallo and his allies would deny this. It is true is that Dr. Robert Gallo is a co-discoverer of the view that HIV causes AIDS. Gallo grew T cells in his laboratory back in the 1970s. In 1995, Gallo published his discovery that chemokines, a class of naturally occurring compounds, can block HIV and halt the progression of AIDS. This was heralded by Science magazine as one of the top scientific breakthroughs within the same year of his publication. Chemokines playing a role in controlling the progression of HIV infection increased researchers thinking on how AIDS works against the human immune system. This discovery caused the creation of chemokine antagonists or entry inhibitors. These drugs are utilized in order to treat HIV. HIV-2 was codiscovered by Max Essex. Dr. Essex admitted to Dr. Horowitz in the 1996 National AIDS Update Conference in San Francisco that: 'I can tell you how my monkeys got infected....Researchers had inoculated the monkeys with human tissues during experiments [unrelated to HIV] prior to them coming to my lab Essex didnt show how HIV-1 and HIV-3 got into certain people in the first place. Some people believe that AIDS is a biological creation and other researchers disagree with this view.

Biological warfare is indeed nothing new. Back in 1763, Europeans gave Native Americans smallpox-filled blankets that killed many of them. Hitler claimed to desire his evil extermination plans from the extermination of the majority of Native Americans in America. Even on September 20-26, U.S. military officials and civilians were tested with the poisons of bacillus globigi and syraceus maracezens (by the U.S. government). This effected the 117 square miles of the San Francisco area. As of result of this nefarious deed, many of the residents experienced pneumonia-like infections. Even when the family of one elderly man sued the government, that family lost. Eric Traub is Hitlers top biological weapons developer. He was brought to the U.S. via Project Paperclip. This was when 2,000 Nazis (under the support of Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace) were sent out of Germany by the OSS/CIA into America. Bayer has even been caught by selling HIV contaminated vaccines. This has been proven by internal documents. Bayer did this. They took it off the market in America and sold them to consumers in Japan, France, Spain, and other countries. No Bayer executives or members have been arrested or prosecuted for their actions in America at all. The FDA allowed this to happen.

There are more connections between Big Pharma and the Nazis. Fritz ter Meer in 1947 was sentenced by the Nuremberg Tribunal. He was tied to IG Farben. Fritz didn't bother to mention the fact that I.G.'s campaign contributions, the anti-Semitic and authoritarian examples they set and prototype concentration camps they conceived in WWI were the main factors in limiting their present "detainees" options so dramatically. He was a member of the Managing Board of IG Farben from its inception to its dissolution. As the Wartime Manager, he was responsible for IG Auschwitz. In the Nuremberg Tribunal, ter Meer stated: "Forced labor did not inflict any remarkable injury, pain, or suffering on the detainees, particularly since the alternative for these workers would have been death." He was a wicked war criminal indeed. In 1948, ter Meer was sentenced by the Nuremberg Tribunal to seven years in prison for plundering and slavery. In 1952, ter Meer's sentence was commuted, because he had friends in high places. Just fifteen years after they were convicted in the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, these companies were again the architects of the next major human rights offences. In 1962, they established the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Codex Alimentarius is about limiting health freedom and if possible outright ban all vitamins plus supplements in the world. This agenda has been exposed by numerous health experts. From 1954 to 1964, ter Meer was apart of the Managing Board of AG Bayer. Bayer aided the construction of the RU-486 pill. So, the Nazis were involved in Code Alimentarius. These are same firms and indeed the same individuals, who gave the Auschwitz concentration camp inmates

the deceptive slogan "Arbeit mach frei" ("Work makes you free"). So, this is great information to know, because the Nazi's philosophies of hate, Big Pharma harm against humans, and imperialism didn't die with WWII. These perverted ideologies still occur today and we have a right to fight against this evil.
There was the Army-CIA biological warfare test in 1955. This event was when an undisclosed bacterium was released in the Tampa Bay region of Florida. Subsequently, there was an increase in whooping cough infections and 12 deaths. In 1966 , U.S. Army

dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant virus throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when army scientists drop lightbulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates. So, Chris Matthews is dead
wrong to assume that the government in every circumstance is like a cuddly teddy bear. That is all the more reason to have the people control government and harness it to benefit the people not special interests (or corporations). This doesnt mean that all regulations and all government interventions are immoral. It does mean that people have a right to put a watchful eye on the government and corporations. Mike Adams wrote an article in July 20, 2010 that HIV vaccines can cause 50 percent false positive rates in HIV tests. This information isnt just from him. The July 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association mention that patients who are recruited for the HIV vaccine trials often end up testing positive for HIV (even though they were only exposed to the vaccine and not the virus). Almost half of HIVnegative people who participate in clinical trials for HIV vaccines end up testing positive on routine HIV tests even though theyre not actually infected reports US News & World Report. Mike Adams believes that HIV tests lack credibility and other people would disagree with him. He is correct that a false HIV positive for people can cause your life to be restricted of health care coverage, denies professions, and falsely called an AIDS carrier. So, its important to get legitimate testing. Its important to build up your immune system. Its vital to have a cautious eye on Big Pharma as well.

So, some scientists and others want to question the idea that HIV explicitly causes AIDS. Other researchers believe that HIV causes AIDS. The lesson here is we should investigate HIV and AIDS in a cogent, accurate fashion. We should create as much treatment as possible thats legitimate to assist people with HIV and AIDS. There are two types of HIV can infect human beings. They are HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the more powerful virulent strand. In fact, most HIV infections globally come from HIV-1). Researchers believed that HIV existed since the late 19th century and the early 20th century. Cases of people with HIV-1 or AIDS include folks like Arvid Noe of Norway (from 1969), Robert Rayford of America (in 1969), a Congolese man (from 1959), a Congolese woman (from 1960), and others. We should strive and inspire people to create a cure of HIV/AIDS. We should use compassion toward those with those affiliations. So, a radical revolutionary thinking ought to be developed in order for everybody to promote true love for all people. Also, we not only write it out. We speak out about it and promote in our deeds. You have to work and see the need to bridge the gulf between the rich and the poor. This means that all of us ought to learn about the most up to date statistics about HIV/AIDS. We can assist real organizations that are genuinely dedicated to the eradication of HIV/AIDS. We should advance tolerance for people being unique and special. Life is a long journey of learning. We should constantly learn wisdom and truth.

World AIDS Day is a very vital day to respect. There are great rallies across the world that relate to the justifiable opposition to the pernicious disease of AIDS. AIDS effects all of us, because we either have relatives or we know people (directly or indirectly) that have AIDS. Any human life is valuable and HIV/AIDS is a serious matter. For decades, we have grown more mature or progressive about understanding HIV/AIDS. AIDS reminds us that life is precious and short (being less than 130 years for us humans). Therefore, we should do the best that we can to help our neighbor and to contribute compassion plus almsgiving to the human race. The first World AIDS Day came about on December 1, 1988. There has been a lot of ignorance about the disease and certain people have been unfairly scapegoated for AIDS. The truth is that HIV/AIDS doesn't discriminate and our true character is defined by our ties as human beings without bigotry (or oppression). More than 30 million people have died from AIDS and about 34 million human beings are currently infected with HIV. Those of the arts, athletics, religion, technology, education, science, and a wide spectrum of other human beings in other endeavors have worked together in fighting back against HIV/AIDS for a long time. Selfless, thoughtful human beings have expressed true miraculous assistance to the sufferers of AIDS. Many people have lived very productive lives even if they experience AIDS daily. My people or black people still have tons of people suffering HIV/AIDS. More than 1.2 million people on the continent of Africa have died as a product from HIV related illnesses in 2010. This disease affects the rest of humanity as well. As a result of fighting, activism, and cogent thinking, we can defeat HIV/AIDS once and for all. By Timothy

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