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Research paper ideas

Inquiry: What are the policies in place to stop the growth of human trafficking across the

Thesis: Human trafficking is a rabidly growing issue that can be prevented by raising
awareness to pre-existing regulations and policies
What I want to argue- that policy is making steps in the right direction but it needs to continue bc
it is still an unclear issue?

Paragraph ideas


Hard to interpret the definition of trafficking

Law enforcement only really focusing on sex trafficking
Awareness- trafficking can hide in plain sight
Law enforcement need to be educate
RFS- other ways to help
More laws to help young victims
Support new trafficking survivors relief act of 2016

Condensed ideas
o Difficulty with the Definition of Trafficking
Groups labor trafficking into sex trafficking
Can be confusing for everyone
o Law enforcement
Tend to usually focus on sex trafficking
They need to be educated bc they often arrest the victims and do not
handle it correctly
o Public awareness
Could help law enforcement
o RFS- other ways to help
Sex trafficking hotline
o Negativity of sanctions
Hurts foreign relations
o How prostitution clouds policy

Flaws in TVPA
Sex trafficking is not sex trafficking unless a child is involved not true

Within the past 20 years the United States has improved their policy that deals with Human
Trafficking, but common misconceptions about human trafficking are hindering the forward
movement of policy, and plans need to be implemented to deal with it.
1. What the misconception is
2. How it effects policy
3. How we can improve the misconception
MIS. 1 Human trafficking is only sex trafficking
1. the two types of human trafficking and how they differ
a. Source: Project Polaris
2. lack of labor policy and awareness *
a. Source: Human Trafficking
3. How to keep them separate and/or more of a focus on labor trafficking law improvement
a. Source: Toward a Labor
MIS. 2 Human Trafficking and Prostitution are the same
1. What they are and the difference between them
2. How the us policy clouds this area
a. Source TIP
3. How to keep them separate and how this would be more beneficial
MIS 3 Human trafficking and Human Smuggling are the same
1. What they are and how they are different
2. How policy has let this happen
3. What we can do to keep them separate
MIC 4 Only Women are victims of Sex Trafficking
1. The facts about men women and children being trafficked
2. How Bush Blurred the lines
3. How Obama fixed them and we must continue to fix them
- Is the Customs and facilitations and trade enforcement act actually working to stop
goods that come into the us with human labor?

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