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1.1 Describe the setting where you observed. Whom did you observe?

What were they

doing? What was your role?
I observed at Mid-Valley High school in an 8th grade, and a 9th grade math class.
The 8th grade class was learning about algebra, while the 9 th grade class was
learning geometry. I observed the lessons and the students, and had no active
part in the classes.
1.2 Describe how the teacher (speaker) created an environment that facilitated
learning. Comment on social interactions that you observed (peer to peer
interactions; teacher-student interactions).
My teacher (Mrs. Carey) had her work cut out for her, because as everyone
knows, no one likes math. Most of her job in enforcing classroom attention and
participation required her to deal with distractors in the class and keeping
everyone from getting too off task. She was very good at picking her battles,
recognizing which situations required her to intervene. If one student is
distracting themselves and another student, she generally let it slide since
interrupting class to stop two troublemakers would be more detrimental overall,
but once a distraction got to 3 or more people she would break up the side event
or resolve the issue.
1.3 Describe how the teacher (speaker) created an environment that facilitated
learning. Comment on motivational techniques that the teacher used; explain
classroom interactions from the perspective of at least two theories of motivation
and discuss how classroom environment contributed to achievement motivation.
Much of the motivation was negative external, that is by exhibiting good
behaviors (doing work, listening to lessons, doing well on tests) students would
not be punished (negative) with extra homework (external). This showed up in
both classes that I observed. More positively, praise for participation was
common in the 9th grade class. Because the 9th grade class was an honors class,
there were fewer opportunities to punish, and because of that this other method
was used.
2.1 What inferences can you make about teachers (speakers) planning for a lesson
(activity) based on your observation? Include in your reflection the following areas of
preparation (if applicable):

My Teacher did not seem to modify their lessons much based on her students,
however I did not observe two instances of the same sort of class. I did notice a
frequent use of technology and tools in order to keep the class from being a
strict lecture.
3.1 Describe the aspects of the instruction (lesson, presentation) that, in your opinion,
facilitated students learning. In your reflection, consider the following aspects:
I noticed that the more likely a student was to be called on, the more likely they
would be to pay attention. In solo work, there were the greatest instances of
negative interruption by students. In class work, interruptions were rarer, but
still common, while in class activities (dry erase, everyone answers) there were
no interruptions. I also noticed this in group work. In groups of 2, they were
more likely to work together, but in groups of 3 or more there would be two
people collaborating, and a third person would be left with nothing and instead
engage with other groups/the teacher through negative behaviors.
4.1 Describe individual differences (physical and psychological) that you observed in
I did not notice any differences between the students physically. There were
generally three kinds of student behavior I noticed which Ill call, positive,
neutral, and negative. The positive students were quiet unless asking a
question but were usually taking notes. Participation was generally low.
Neutral students usually did not start any classroom conflicts (standing up,
interrupting the lesson) but reacted to, and joined in when they did come up.
Negative students were the ones who initiated distraction and interrupted the
4.2 Describe how your overall experience of observation contributed to your
professional growth. What did you learn about yourself?
I learned that I am a bit too high strung. There were many instances of offtopic/disruptive activity that I observed in the cafeteria, halls and classroom
that I would not have been able to let slide. I have always had a bit of a
problem in picking my battles and being ready to argue or intervene in basically
any context. I need to relax, or at least learn whats not worth it.

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