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Literature Review Proposal Outline

Name: David Yeverino

CRN: 15334

Date: 10/2/16

Instructions: Please Read Carefully!

Include your name, date and class CRN number in the HEADER on all
pages of this document.
Read both activities, then answer the questions. Complete this entire
document, then upload it to the assignment section of blackboard by the
following dates:
Tuesday Class: October 2, 2016 by 11:30pm
Thursday Class: October 3, 2016 by 11:30pm
This is document is your Literature Review Proposal Outline and is worth
40 points.

Activity #2: Defining Areas for Inquiry

The lit review questions guide the research you will conduct and are, therefore, one of the most
important aspects of the literature review. Generally there are two phases of research. The first
phase, which you have begun in Activity 1 requires that you learn about your topic in a general
way-what it really means, what people say, how important people think about it, how old/new is
the issue, and so on, The second phase requires that you answer your literature review
This activity is designed to help you focus your topic and find the literature review questions that
will provide the most important information. The information you provide here is part of phase
one research but since there is no real line between the two phases, this information should also
lead you into phase two research. In a Word Document or in the Discussion Board of
Blackboard, answer the following questions.
1. What is your topic?
The lack of access children have to clean water in the world.
2. What do you know about your topic and where did this information come from?

I know that approximately 663 million people are living with clean water. That is 1 in every
ten people in the world. Or twice the population of the US. This causes children to miss school
since they have to go to great destinations to be able to fill their cantinas and bring them back
home for mom to boiled the water. Also some rural populations are making holes in their property
wising that the rain will fill them up and drink from that water. In some villages, people cant even
drink from their rivers not even if they boiled the water because people have used the river to bathe
themselves and to clean their animals too. This information was gathered from the UN Water
website, Charity Water, and Love-Water organizations.
2. Who will/can be affected by this issue?
Children and families in this areas, some will not live long enough due to the lack of clean
water, other will live but with diseases caused by the dirty water they been drinking and
cooking with.
Would students be affected? (Educational issue)
Yes, students or children would be affected.
According to the Charity water organization,

Literature Review Proposal Outline

Name: David Yeverino
CRN: 15334

Date: 10/2/16

children travel great lengths of time to fill their

container of water, so they dont go to school
and they grow and become adult, but
uneducated adults.
Would townspeople be affected? (Civic Issue)
No but we can help the cause.
Would a nation of people be affected? (National Issue)
Yes, the citizens of different nations around the globe, specially nations in Africa and
South America are being affected by the lack of clean water in their citizens houses.
Would a large group of people unidentified by specific groups be affected? (Social
Yes, people from third world countries are being affected, they are not receiving
any clean water, and some are starting to gain diseases due to their lack of
clean water.
Would the issue affect anything to do with health? (Medical Issue)
Other please explain
Yes, children and even adults are getting sick, some are
contracting diseases due to the dirty water that some houses
drink, some from the river, others from holes filled with rain water,
and other from water that has not be process for human
4. What is/are the controversies surrounding this issue?
The controversy is that some of this peoples countries dont want to invest in a clean
water program for their people.
Does everyone agree that it really is an issue? If not, then your research and literature
review may involve showing why some believe it is an issue and others do not. If
everyone agrees that it is an issue, you will spend little time on this area.
Most people agree that there is an issue with water shortage affecting 5% of the population
of the world.
A lot of people do agree that this is an issue, but many dont care, other dont even know
of the issue and if they do some dont know what to do to make a difference, but he
population that is suffering is a big number so people do know that this people are
If not, who does believe it to be an issue? Why?
Many advocates and humanitarian know for a fact is an issue, because they see that over
663 million people in the world live without clean water.
If not, who does not believe it to be an issue? Why?
5. How important is the issue?
This is a very important issue, because more 500 million people dont have acces to clean
water, and this is causing for them to get sick and for the children that have to travel distances
to gain water are not getting any education.
Does everyone agree on the importance of the issue? If not, then your research and
literature review may involve reviewing the importance of the issue. If everyone
agrees on importance, you may spend less time here than in #6.
6. What can be done about it?
There many ways one can help this cause, and one of them is to donate to organizations such
as charity: water. They ensure that every dollar is accounted for and they also provide with
reports on how their money is being used back to the donors, no matter the amount.

Literature Review Proposal Outline

Name: David Yeverino
CRN: 15334

Date: 10/2/16

Provide your audience with the most important solutions and weigh their pros and cons.
This organization due several procedures to bring clean water to this villages, one of
them is called Hand-dug wells. This are holes that are about 15 meter and their meant
to reach aquifers below. With this they also drill wells for the rainwater catchments than
this water is process and insterted into the villages piped systems and water purification
system. Than they trained village citizens to maintain the pipeline and the filtration
system so they themselves can keep the clean water system, and the organization
moves to another village to do the same process and provide clean water to other
When you have finished answering these questions, the area with the most information is likely
to be the area where you will focus your topic. Any good topic is going to be TOO LARGE for
you to cover everything. Instead, you need to decide where you should begin your research by
looking at the information you have gathered in answering these questions.

Literature Review Proposal Outline

Name: David Yeverino
CRN: 15334

Date: 10/2/16

Activity #3: Generating Research Questions for Approval

Using the information you generated in Activities 1 and 2, develop four research questions.
Your questions must be submitted to your instructor for a grade and approval. You
are unable to continue with this assignment until approval has been given.
The types of questions you may choose from are listed below. Remember to form
complete sentences, and make your wording clear, concise, and unbiased. Once you have
created the questions, label them according to what type they are.


of Fact
of Definition
of Interpretation
of Consequence
of Value
of Policy

List them here:

1. How important is the issue of clean water shortage and what can we do about it?
2. What is your organization doing in this places, and how can we help you achieve those goals?
3. How would the clean water shortage affect children on this locations?
3. What would you say to a person that is not being affected by this issue and how can that
person help this cause?
Once you have created your initial questions, you must determine if the questions are
objective and unbiased. Remember, your goal in the Literature Review/Primary Research
Report is not to pick which side of the issue you agree with; instead, you must create
questions that will allow you to compile quality research on multiple sides of the issue.
Answer the following questions to review the effectiveness of your initial questions.
Word Choice: Does each question contain terminology that allows for an overall examination
of the issue? Or, does the word choice clearly identify and support only one side of the
issue? Explain your answers and revise your questions if necessary.
The word choice allows for both parties pro and con to have an answer on this questions.
Research Viability: Does each question allow for a full examination of the issue, providing
you with ways to discover various factors, motives, results, etc.? Or do the questions steer
you toward only one possible outcome, thereby limiting your research? Explain your
answers and revise your questions if necessary.
Yes each question is asking about the issue and what can people do about to help stop
this unfortunate situation.

Literature Review Proposal Outline

Name: David Yeverino
CRN: 15334

Date: 10/2/16

Activity #4: Citation Analysis Matrix

Next, you need to do some research about your research! This is called a citation analysis.
The purpose is to identify articles, journals/ books published on the subject, think tanks and
organizations, as well as scholars in the field of study. Complete this matrix.

Journals/Journal Articles


Is physical water scarcity a new phenomenon? Global assessment of IOP Science/Kummu, Ward



Water in Crisis: A guide to the worlds fresh water resources

Pacific institute/Peter H. Gl

Organizations/Think T anks

Website address

Charity Water

Love-Water Org

Professors on campus who specialize in this



Dr. Ivonne Santiago, Ph.D.

Edmund G. Archuleta, P.E.


Professionals who work in this area/with this

Charity Water


El Paso Water Utilities (ARCADIS US)


People in community directly impacted by issue Contact





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