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[15:00:19] Luminous Cross of Grace [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemR

azzBerry ]
[15:00:21] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:00:22] Traveling to Pokestop: Christ's People Christian Church | Distance: 3
68m | Current Speed: 25km/h | ETA: ~15s
[15:01:10] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 4 | CP: (59) | IV: 38.21% | Chance:
78.21% | Ball: PokeBall (23 remaining) | XP: 150 | Candies: 13
[15:01:24] Christ's People Christian Church [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:01:27] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (204/350)
[15:01:27] Traveling to Pokestop: Infinity Tower Model | Distance: 744m | Curren
t Speed: 35km/h | ETA: ~21s
[15:02:32] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 19.5 | CP: (285) | IV: 14.96% | Chan
ce: 34.35% | Ball: PokeBall (25 remaining) | XP: 200 | Candies: 16
[15:02:56] Infinity Tower Model [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemUltraBall, 1 x ItemHyp
erPotion, 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:02:59] Incubator status: 2.14km left
[15:02:59] Incubator status: 0.39km left
[15:02:59] Incubator status: 0.39km left
[15:02:59] Incubator status: 3.95km left
[15:02:59] Incubator status: 3.95km left
[15:02:59] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (206/350)
[15:03:00] Traveling to Pokestop: Ang Reindeer Na Pungkol | Distance: 132m | Cur
rent Speed: 30km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:03:23] Ang Reindeer Na Pungkol [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemG
reatBall, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:03:26] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (208/350)
[15:03:26] Traveling to Pokestop: Arc of Bicycles | Distance: 32m | Current Spee
d: 31km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:03:33] Arc of Bicycles [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 2 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:03:39] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 30 | Greatballs: 150 | Ultraballs: 30 | Total
: 210
[15:03:39] [Potion Count] Potions: 1 | Super Potions: 1 | Hyper Potions: 11 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 13
[15:03:39] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 52
[15:03:39] [Revive Count] Revives: 20 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 20
[15:03:39] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:03:39] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 4 | Total:
[15:03:39] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 310/350
[15:03:40] 10x ItemPokeBall
[15:03:41] 1x ItemPotion
[15:03:43] 1x ItemSuperPotion
[15:03:45] 1x ItemHyperPotion
[15:03:46] 2x ItemRazzBerry
[15:03:51] Evolved Pidgey for 500xp
[15:03:54] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 160/250
[15:03:55] Pidgey
- CP: 59 IV: 38.21% [Best CP: 10 IV: 44.81%] (Candie
s: 6)
[15:03:56] Pidgeotto
- CP: 551 IV: 15.90% [Best CP: 433 IV: 77.02%] (Cand
ies: 7)
[15:03:57] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:03:58] Traveling to Pokestop: The Stone Garden | Distance: 42m | Current Spe
ed: 31km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:04:12] The Stone Garden [ XP: 100 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 3 x ItemPokeBall,
1 x ItemRevive, 1 x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:04:15] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (203/350)
[15:04:15] Traveling to Pokestop: Metal Fish | Distance: 80m | Current Speed: 25
km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:04:35] Metal Fish [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:04:38] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (206/350)

[15:04:39] Traveling to Pokestop: Arts Forum | Distance: 89m | Current Speed: 23

km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:04:57] Arts Forum [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemUltraBall, 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:04:59] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (210/350)
[15:05:00] Traveling to Pokestop: Tonchaya Mural | Distance: 118m | Current Spee
d: 29km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:05:24] Tonchaya Mural [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:05:26] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (213/350)
[15:05:28] Traveling to Pokestop: Tosca Wall Art | Distance: 57m | Current Speed
: 25km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:05:44] (Escape) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 19.5 | CP: (299) | IV: 29.95% | Chan
ce: 34.35% | Ball: PokeBall (31 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:05:48] (Attempt #2: Escape) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 19.5 | CP: (299) | IV: 2
9.95% | Chance: 34.35% | Ball: PokeBall (30 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:05:58] (Attempt #3: Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 19.5 | CP: (299) | IV: 2
9.95% | Chance: 34.35% | Ball: PokeBall (29 remaining) | XP: 150 | Candies: 10
[15:06:03] Tosca Wall Art [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemHyperPotion, 2 x ItemPokeBal
l ]
[15:06:08] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 31 | Greatballs: 150 | Ultraballs: 31 | Total
: 212
[15:06:08] [Potion Count] Potions: 1 | Super Potions: 0 | Hyper Potions: 11 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 12
[15:06:08] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 51
[15:06:08] [Revive Count] Revives: 21 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 21
[15:06:08] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:06:08] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 4 | Total:
[15:06:09] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 311/350
[15:06:09] 12x ItemPokeBall
[15:06:11] 1x ItemPotion
[15:06:12] 1x ItemHyperPotion
[15:06:14] 1x ItemRevive
[15:06:16] 1x ItemRazzBerry
[15:06:21] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 159/250
[15:06:22] Pidgey
- CP: 299 IV: 29.95% [Best CP: 10 IV: 44.81%] (Candi
es: 11)
[15:06:23] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:06:24] Traveling to Pokestop: L'Opera Coat of Arms | Distance: 96m | Current
Speed: 32km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:06:43] L'Opera Coat of Arms [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:06:45] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (203/350)
[15:06:46] Traveling to Pokestop: The Fort Tower | Distance: 46m | Current Speed
: 30km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:07:00] The Fort Tower [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemGreatBall
[15:07:03] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (206/350)
[15:07:03] Traveling to Pokestop: BGC - Giant Letters | Distance: 53m | Current
Speed: 29km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:07:18] BGC - Giant Letters [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemRazzBerry, 1 x ItemGrea
tBall, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:07:21] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (207/350)
[15:07:22] Traveling to Pokestop: Net Lima Art Mosaic | Distance: 83m | Current
Speed: 29km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:07:41] Net Lima Art Mosaic [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 2 x ItemPokeBa
ll ]
[15:07:44] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (209/350)
[15:07:45] Traveling to Pokestop: Cat & Cassette Mural | Distance: 46m | Curre
nt Speed: 27km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:08:04] Cat & Cassette Mural [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemSu
perPotion ]

[15:08:09] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 28 | Greatballs: 152 | Ultraballs: 31 | Total

: 211
[15:08:09] [Potion Count] Potions: 1 | Super Potions: 2 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 13
[15:08:09] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 51
[15:08:10] [Revive Count] Revives: 20 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 20
[15:08:10] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:08:10] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 4 | Total:
[15:08:10] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 310/350
[15:08:10] 11x ItemPokeBall
[15:08:12] 1x ItemPotion
[15:08:13] 2x ItemSuperPotion
[15:08:15] 1x ItemRazzBerry
[15:08:19] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 158/250
[15:08:19] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:08:20] Traveling to Pokestop: Picadilly Star Water Fountain | Distance: 64m
| Current Speed: 25km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:08:38] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 3 | CP: (38) | IV: 12.74% | Chance:
92.71% | Ball: PokeBall (16 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 14
[15:08:43] Picadilly Star Water Fountain [ XP: 100 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 4 x
ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemRazzBerry, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:08:45] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (203/350)
[15:08:46] Traveling to Pokestop: Save the Universe Art | Distance: 93m | Curren
t Speed: 27km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:09:05] Save the Universe Art [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemSup
erPotion ]
[15:09:09] Incubator status: 2.00km left
[15:09:09] Incubator status: 0.24km left
[15:09:09] Incubator status: 0.24km left
[15:09:09] Incubator status: 3.81km left
[15:09:09] Incubator status: 3.81km left
[15:09:09] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (206/350)
[15:09:10] Traveling to Pokestop: Wall of Lights | Distance: 61m | Current Speed
: 23km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:09:24] Wall of Lights [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemUltraBall, 2 x ItemPokeBall
[15:09:26] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (209/350)
[15:09:27] Traveling to Pokestop: Lanterns for Christmas Folded | Distance: 90m
| Current Speed: 32km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:09:47] Lanterns for Christmas Folded [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:09:49] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (212/350)
[15:09:50] Traveling to Pokestop: BGC Marker | Distance: 59m | Current Speed: 23
km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:10:09] (Caught) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 5 | CP: (70) | IV: 66.43% | Chance:
68.91% | Ball: PokeBall (27 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 25
[15:10:14] BGC Marker [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x It
emRazzBerry, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:10:19] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 28 | Greatballs: 153 | Ultraballs: 32 | Total
: 213
[15:10:19] [Potion Count] Potions: 2 | Super Potions: 2 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 14
[15:10:19] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 52
[15:10:19] [Revive Count] Revives: 20 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 20
[15:10:19] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:10:19] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:10:19] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 312/350
[15:10:21] 13x ItemPokeBall
[15:10:22] 2x ItemPotion

[15:10:24] 2x ItemSuperPotion
[15:10:25] 2x ItemRazzBerry
[15:10:31] Evolved Pidgey for 500xp
[15:10:34] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 162/250
[15:10:35] Rattata
- CP: 70 IV: 66.43% [Best CP: 190 IV: 83.91%] (Candi
es: 26)
[15:10:37] Ponyta
- CP: 20 IV: 66.96% [Best CP: 840 IV: 84.32%] (Candi
es: 21)
[15:10:39] Oddish
- CP: 299 IV: 59.09% [Best CP: 616 IV: 71.47%] (Cand
ies: 24)
[15:10:40] Pidgeotto
- CP: 75 IV: 12.53% [Best CP: 433 IV: 77.02%] (Candi
es: 4)
[15:10:41] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:10:42] Traveling to Pokestop: Andres in Bgc | Distance: 42m | Current Speed:
32km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:10:52] (Caught) | (Normal) Zubat, Lvl: 1 | CP: (10) | IV: 19.17% | Chance: 1
00% | Ball: PokeBall (14 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 20
[15:11:06] Andres in Bgc [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:11:09] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:11:09] Traveling to Pokestop: Beautiful Woman with Blue Bird | Distance: 48m
| Current Speed: 24km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:11:25] Beautiful Woman with Blue Bird [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 3 x
ItemPokeBall ]
[15:11:30] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (205/350)
[15:11:31] Traveling to Pokestop: BHS Tile Wall Art | Distance: 71m | Current Sp
eed: 23km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:11:52] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 9 | CP: (140) | IV: 29.00% | Chance:
50.05% | Ball: PokeBall (19 remaining) | XP: 150 | Candies: 7
[15:12:01] (Caught) | (Normal) Horsea, Lvl: 3 | CP: (50) | IV: 41.35% | Chance:
92.71% | Ball: PokeBall (18 remaining) | XP: 120 | Candies: 21
[15:12:06] BHS Tile Wall Art [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemSuperPo
tion ]
[15:12:09] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (205/350)
[15:12:10] Traveling to Pokestop: Bonifacio High Street | Distance: 45m | Curren
t Speed: 24km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:12:29] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 19.5 | CP: (332) | IV: 62.80% | Chan
ce: 34.35% | Ball: PokeBall (19 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 10
[15:12:35] Bonifacio High Street [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 2 x ItemGreat
Ball ]
[15:12:37] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (206/350)
[15:12:38] Traveling to Pokestop: Giant Popcorn | Distance: 64m | Current Speed:
32km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:12:54] Giant Popcorn [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:13:00] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 21 | Greatballs: 155 | Ultraballs: 32 | Total
: 208
[15:13:00] [Potion Count] Potions: 2 | Super Potions: 1 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 13
[15:13:00] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 51
[15:13:00] [Revive Count] Revives: 20 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 20
[15:13:00] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:13:00] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:13:00] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 305/350
[15:13:01] 8x ItemPokeBall
[15:13:03] 2x ItemPotion
[15:13:05] 1x ItemSuperPotion
[15:13:06] 1x ItemRazzBerry
[15:13:11] Evolved Rattata for 500xp
[15:13:14] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 162/250
[15:13:15] Horsea
- CP: 50 IV: 41.35% [Best CP: 168 IV: 77.80%] (Candi

es: 22)
[15:13:17] Raticate
- CP: 268 IV: 74.88% [Best CP: 479 IV: 83.56%] (Cand
ies: 3)
[15:13:19] Pidgey
- CP: 10 IV: 44.81% [Best CP: 332 IV: 62.80%] (Candi
es: 11)
[15:13:21] Pidgey
- CP: 140 IV: 29.00% [Best CP: 332 IV: 62.80%] (Cand
ies: 12)
[15:13:23] Zubat
- CP: 10 IV: 19.17% [Best CP: 10 IV: 67.27%] (Candie
s: 21)
[15:13:24] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:13:24] Traveling to Pokestop: Astronaut | Distance: 87m | Current Speed: 30k
m/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:13:44] Astronaut [ XP: 100 | Items: 1 x ItemUltraBall, 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x
ItemGreatBall, 2 x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:13:47] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (204/350)
[15:13:48] Traveling to Pokestop: Hearsay Sculpture | Distance: 54m | Current Sp
eed: 26km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:14:02] Hearsay Sculpture [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemRevive
[15:14:05] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (206/350)
[15:14:05] Traveling to Pokestop: Penguin Statue | Distance: 83m | Current Speed
: 31km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:14:23] (Caught) | (Normal) Goldeen, Lvl: 6 | CP: (146) | IV: 64.72% | Chance
: 62.29% | Ball: PokeBall (16 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 16
[15:14:28] Penguin Statue [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemRazzBerry,
1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:14:30] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (207/350)
[15:14:31] Traveling to Pokestop: The Flag Poles | Distance: 95m | Current Speed
: 32km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:14:48] (Caught) | (Normal) Voltorb, Lvl: 5 | CP: (95) | IV: 34.42% | Chance:
68.91% | Ball: PokeBall (17 remaining) | XP: 200 | Candies: 21
[15:14:58] The Flag Poles [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemUltraBall, 1 x ItemPotion, 1
x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:15:00] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (208/350)
[15:15:01] Traveling to Pokestop: Powerbooks Book Mount Art | Distance: 60m | Cu
rrent Speed: 26km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:15:17] Powerbooks Book Mount Art [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x Ite
mRevive, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:15:24] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 19 | Greatballs: 158 | Ultraballs: 34 | Total
: 211
[15:15:24] [Potion Count] Potions: 1 | Super Potions: 1 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 12
[15:15:24] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 53
[15:15:24] [Revive Count] Revives: 22 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 22
[15:15:24] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:15:24] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:15:24] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 311/350
[15:15:25] 11x ItemPokeBall
[15:15:27] 1x ItemPotion
[15:15:28] 1x ItemSuperPotion
[15:15:30] 2x ItemRevive
[15:15:32] 3x ItemRazzBerry
[15:15:37] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 159/250
[15:15:38] Goldeen
- CP: 146 IV: 64.72% [Best CP: 41 IV: 82.87%] (Candi
es: 17)
[15:15:40] Voltorb
- CP: 95 IV: 34.42% [Best CP: 10 IV: 54.98%] (Candie
s: 22)
[15:15:41] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:15:42] Traveling to Pokestop: American Eagle Outfitters | Distance: 216m | C

urrent Speed: 24km/h | ETA: ~9s

[15:16:06] Potential server instability detected...
[15:16:09] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 157/250
[15:16:12] An egg has hatched! Received Oddish | Lvl: 20.5 CP: (616) IV: 71.47%
[15:16:12] An egg has hatched! Received Ponyta | Lvl: 20.5 CP: (840) IV: 84.32%
[15:16:12] Incubator status: 1.32km left
[15:16:12] Incubator status: 3.13km left
[15:16:12] Incubator status: 3.13km left
[15:16:13] Checked for incense, but found none.
[15:16:15] Traveling to Pokestop: Piko | Distance: 44m | Current Speed: 28km/h |
ETA: ~2s
[15:16:29] (Caught) | (Normal) Bulbasaur, Lvl: 7 | CP: (172) | IV: 19.94% | Chan
ce: 22.91% | Ball: GreatBall (157 remaining) | XP: 120 | Candies: 36
[15:16:41] (Caught) | (Normal) Staryu, Lvl: 17 | CP: (421) | IV: 68.58% | Chance
: 36.31% | Ball: PokeBall (7 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 53
[15:16:47] Piko [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:16:49] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:16:50] Traveling to Pokestop: Terra 28th | Distance: 54m | Current Speed: 24
km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:17:08] Terra 28th [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemHyperPotion, 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1
x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:17:10] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (201/350)
[15:17:11] Traveling to Pokestop: Tiger and Gladiator Street Art | Distance: 104
m | Current Speed: 26km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:17:29] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 3 | CP: (39) | IV: 19.72% | Chance:
92.71% | Ball: PokeBall (9 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 15
[15:17:38] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 12 | CP: (193) | IV: 35.85% | Chance
: 43.22% | Ball: PokeBall (8 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 18
[15:17:45] (Escape) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 11 | CP: (172) | IV: 27.54% | Chance
: 45.14% | Ball: PokeBall (7 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:17:51] (Attempt #2: Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 11 | CP: (172) | IV: 27.
54% | Chance: 45.14% | Ball: PokeBall (6 remaining) | XP: 200 | Candies: 21
[15:18:04] (Caught) | (Normal) Caterpie, Lvl: 5 | CP: (46) | IV: 29.69% | Chance
: 68.91% | Ball: PokeBall (5 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 12
[15:18:14] (Caught) | (Normal) Spearow, Lvl: 17 | CP: (297) | IV: 59.53% | Chanc
e: 36.31% | Ball: PokeBall (4 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 31
[15:18:19] Tiger and Gladiator Street Art [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1
x ItemRevive, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:18:21] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (197/350)
[15:18:22] Traveling to Pokestop: Tarsier Wall Art | Distance: 122m | Current S
peed: 29km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:18:43] (Fled) | (Normal) Spearow, Lvl: 6 | CP: (99) | IV: 55.17% | Chance: 6
2.29% | Ball: PokeBall (4 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:18:52] (Caught) | (Normal) Staryu, Lvl: 19.5 | CP: (455) | IV: 56.25% | Chan
ce: 34.35% | Ball: PokeBall (3 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 56
[15:19:00] (Caught) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 19.5 | CP: (261) | IV: 40.61% | Cha
nce: 34.35% | Ball: PokeBall (2 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 6
[15:19:09] (Caught) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 4 | CP: (55) | IV: 72.01% | Chance:
78.21% | Ball: PokeBall (1 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 9
[15:19:18] Tarsier Wall Art [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemGreatBa
ll ]
[15:19:20] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (197/350)
[15:19:21] Traveling to Pokestop: Specific Gravity | Distance: 52m | Current Spe
ed: 27km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:19:37] Specific Gravity [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:19:45] Evolved Staryu for 500xp
[15:19:46] Evolved Pidgey for 500xp
[15:19:49] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 167/250
[15:19:50] Spearow
- CP: 297 IV: 59.53% [Best CP: 10 IV: 85.72%] (Candi
es: 32)

[15:19:52] Pidgeotto
- CP: 619 IV: 66.34% [Best CP: 433 IV: 77.02%] (Cand
ies: 11)
[15:19:54] Bulbasaur
- CP: 172 IV: 19.94% [Best CP: 14 IV: 65.33%] (Candi
es: 37)
[15:19:55] Pidgey
- CP: 172 IV: 27.54% [Best CP: 193 IV: 35.85%] (Cand
ies: 12)
[15:19:57] Pidgey
- CP: 39 IV: 19.72% [Best CP: 193 IV: 35.85%] (Candi
es: 13)
[15:19:59] Rattata
- CP: 261 IV: 40.61% [Best CP: 55 IV: 72.01%] (Candi
es: 10)
[15:20:00] Caterpie
- CP: 46 IV: 29.69% [Best CP: 36 IV: 32.37%] (Candie
s: 13)
[15:20:02] Staryu
- CP: 421 IV: 68.58% [Best CP: 438 IV: 84.31%] (Cand
ies: 8)
[15:20:03] Starmie
- CP: 398 IV: 58.38% [Best CP: 1109 IV: 59.49%] (Can
dies: 9)
[15:20:04] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:20:05] Traveling to Pokestop: Sharing Tower | Distance: 27m | Current Speed:
31km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:20:11] Sharing Tower [ XP: 100 | Items: 3 x ItemPotion, 3 x ItemPokeBall, 1
x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:20:14] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (213/350)
[15:20:14] Traveling to Pokestop: Discarded Romance | Distance: 69m | Current Sp
eed: 29km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:20:32] (Caught) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 13 | CP: (187) | IV: 54.96% | Chanc
e: 41.52% | Ball: PokeBall (9 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 13
[15:20:37] Discarded Romance [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:20:40] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (215/350)
[15:20:40] Traveling to Pokestop: Bonifacio High Street North Marker | Distance:
36m | Current Speed: 23km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:20:51] Bonifacio High Street North Marker [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall
, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:20:54] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (217/350)
[15:20:54] Traveling to Pokestop: Pinanggalingan Wall | Distance: 75m | Current
Speed: 24km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:21:14] Pinanggalingan Wall [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBall, 2 x ItemRazzB
erry ]
[15:21:16] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (218/350)
[15:21:17] Traveling to Pokestop: Giraffe Sa Seda | Distance: 28m | Current Spe
ed: 35km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:21:25] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 15 | Greatballs: 159 | Ultraballs: 44 | Total
: 218
[15:21:25] [Potion Count] Potions: 3 | Super Potions: 2 | Hyper Potions: 21 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 26
[15:21:25] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 64
[15:21:25] [Revive Count] Revives: 31 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 31
[15:21:25] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:21:25] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:21:25] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 352/350
[15:21:26] 15x ItemPokeBall
[15:21:27] 3x ItemGreatBall
[15:21:29] 3x ItemPotion
[15:21:30] 2x ItemSuperPotion
[15:21:32] 11x ItemHyperPotion
[15:21:33] 11x ItemRevive
[15:21:35] 14x ItemRazzBerry
[15:21:37] Giraffe Sa Seda [ XP: 50 | Items: Inventory is full, no items looted
! ]
[15:21:44] Evolved Pidgey for 500xp

[15:21:45] Evolved Caterpie for 500xp

[15:21:48] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 159/250
[15:21:49] Pidgeotto
- CP: 364 IV: 35.08% [Best CP: 433 IV: 77.02%] (Cand
ies: 3)
[15:21:51] Rattata
- CP: 187 IV: 54.96% [Best CP: 55 IV: 72.01%] (Candi
es: 14)
[15:21:52] Metapod
- CP: 38 IV: 27.40% [Best CP: 10 IV: 70.62%] (Candie
s: 3)
[15:21:53] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:21:54] Traveling to Pokestop: Serendra Fountain | Distance: 153m | Current S
peed: 23km/h | ETA: ~7s
[15:22:23] Serendra Fountain [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemRevive
[15:22:25] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:22:26] Traveling to Pokestop: Serendra Giant Balls | Distance: 59m | Current
Speed: 35km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:22:41] Serendra Giant Balls [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemRazz
Berry ]
[15:22:43] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (204/350)
[15:22:44] Traveling to Pokestop: Our Lady of Guadalupe | Distance: 41m | Curre
nt Speed: 35km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:22:54] Our Lady of Guadalupe [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemGr
eatBall ]
[15:22:57] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (207/350)
[15:22:58] Traveling to Pokestop: Two Serendra Playground | Distance: 79m | Curr
ent Speed: 29km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:23:13] Two Serendra Playground [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 1 x ItemPok
eBall, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:23:15] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (209/350)
[15:23:16] Traveling to Pokestop: Two Serendra Lobby Centerpiece | Distance: 53m
| Current Speed: 23km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:23:31] Two Serendra Lobby Centerpiece [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:23:37] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 10 | Greatballs: 158 | Ultraballs: 44 | Total
: 212
[15:23:37] [Potion Count] Potions: 1 | Super Potions: 0 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 11
[15:23:37] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 51
[15:23:37] [Revive Count] Revives: 21 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 21
[15:23:37] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:23:37] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:23:37] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 308/350
[15:23:38] 10x ItemPokeBall
[15:23:39] 2x ItemGreatBall
[15:23:41] 1x ItemPotion
[15:23:43] 1x ItemRevive
[15:23:44] 1x ItemRazzBerry
[15:23:50] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 156/250
[15:23:50] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:23:51] Traveling to Pokestop: W High Street | Distance: 157m | Current Speed
: 25km/h | ETA: ~6s
[15:24:17] (Caught) | (Normal) Metapod, Lvl: 14.5 | CP: (141) | IV: 19.49% | Cha
nce: 20.01% | Ball: GreatBall (155 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 6
[15:24:27] W High Street [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPotion, 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x
ItemGreatBall ]
[15:24:30] Incubator status: 0.70km left
[15:24:30] Incubator status: 2.51km left
[15:24:30] Incubator status: 2.51km left
[15:24:30] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (201/350)
[15:24:31] Traveling to Pokestop: Twin Horses | Distance: 232m | Current Speed:

28km/h | ETA: ~8s

[15:24:57] (Caught) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 17 | CP: (229) | IV: 35.84% | Chanc
e: 36.31% | Ball: PokeBall (0 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 17
[15:25:09] (Caught) | (Normal) Spearow, Lvl: 17 | CP: (284) | IV: 44.44% | Chanc
e: 36.31% | Ball: GreatBall (155 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 35
[15:25:19] Twin Horses [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemUltraBall, 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1
x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:25:22] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:25:22] Traveling to Pokestop: Wall Art at IHOP Bonifacio High Street | Dista
nce: 25m | Current Speed: 33km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:25:28] Wall Art at IHOP Bonifacio High Street [ XP: 50 | Items: 4 x ItemPoke
Ball ]
[15:25:31] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (206/350)
[15:25:32] Traveling to Pokestop: Presence Sculpture | Distance: 105m | Current
Speed: 23km/h | ETA: ~5s
[15:25:55] Presence Sculpture [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemHyperPotion, 1 x ItemPot
ion, 1 x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:25:58] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (206/350)
[15:25:59] Traveling to Pokestop: Activated Carbon Tree | Distance: 159m | Curre
nt Speed: 25km/h | ETA: ~6s
[15:26:27] Activated Carbon Tree [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemGre
atBall ]
[15:26:32] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 7 | Greatballs: 157 | Ultraballs: 45 | Total:
[15:26:32] [Potion Count] Potions: 3 | Super Potions: 0 | Hyper Potions: 11 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 14
[15:26:32] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 51
[15:26:32] [Revive Count] Revives: 20 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 20
[15:26:32] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:26:32] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:26:32] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 307/350
[15:26:33] 7x ItemPokeBall
[15:26:35] 2x ItemGreatBall
[15:26:37] 3x ItemPotion
[15:26:38] 1x ItemHyperPotion
[15:26:40] 1x ItemRazzBerry
[15:26:45] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 159/250
[15:26:46] Spearow
- CP: 284 IV: 44.44% [Best CP: 10 IV: 85.72%] (Candi
es: 36)
[15:26:48] Rattata
- CP: 229 IV: 35.84% [Best CP: 55 IV: 72.01%] (Candi
es: 18)
[15:26:49] Metapod
- CP: 141 IV: 19.49% [Best CP: 10 IV: 70.62%] (Candi
es: 7)
[15:26:50] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:26:51] Traveling to Pokestop: Poles at Track 30th | Distance: 74m | Current
Speed: 30km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:27:06] Poles at Track 30th [ XP: 100 | Items: 5 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemRevi
ve ]
[15:27:09] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (205/350)
[15:27:10] Traveling to Pokestop: Trade Financial Lion | Distance: 86m | Current
Speed: 27km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:27:28] Trade Financial Lion [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemRazz
Berry ]
[15:27:30] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (207/350)
[15:27:31] Traveling to Pokestop: Stone Fountain | Distance: 95m | Current Speed
: 30km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:27:49] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 19.5 | CP: (285) | IV: 14.96% | Chan
ce: 34.35% | Ball: PokeBall (6 remaining) | XP: 120 | Candies: 6
[15:27:58] Stone Fountain [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBall, 2 x ItemGreatBall

[15:28:01] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (209/350)
[15:28:02] Traveling to Pokestop: Pork Chef | Distance: 94m | Current Speed: 32k
m/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:28:21] Pork Chef [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x Ite
mGreatBall ]
[15:28:23] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (211/350)
[15:28:24] Traveling to Pokestop: Bantay | Distance: 80m | Current Speed: 29km/h
| ETA: ~3s
[15:28:42] (Caught) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 8 | CP: (112) | IV: 50.77% | Chance
: 53.3% | Ball: PokeBall (7 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 21
[15:28:47] Bantay [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:28:53] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 10 | Greatballs: 158 | Ultraballs: 45 | Total
: 213
[15:28:53] [Potion Count] Potions: 1 | Super Potions: 0 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 11
[15:28:53] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 51
[15:28:53] [Revive Count] Revives: 21 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 21
[15:28:53] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:28:53] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:28:53] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 309/350
[15:28:54] 10x ItemPokeBall
[15:28:56] 3x ItemGreatBall
[15:28:57] 1x ItemPotion
[15:28:59] 1x ItemRevive
[15:29:00] 1x ItemRazzBerry
[15:29:07] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 158/250
[15:29:08] Rattata
- CP: 112 IV: 50.77% [Best CP: 55 IV: 72.01%] (Candi
es: 22)
[15:29:09] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:29:10] Traveling to Pokestop: Bronze Pillar | Distance: 84m | Current Speed:
24km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:29:30] Bronze Pillar [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:29:33] Incubator status: 0.59km left
[15:29:33] Incubator status: 2.40km left
[15:29:33] Incubator status: 2.40km left
[15:29:33] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:29:34] Traveling to Pokestop: The Zhu Lady | Distance: 84m | Current Speed:
33km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:29:49] The Zhu Lady [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemSuperPotion
[15:29:52] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (204/350)
[15:29:53] Traveling to Pokestop: Net Quad | Distance: 85m | Current Speed: 34km
/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:30:07] Net Quad [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:30:10] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (206/350)
[15:30:11] Traveling to Pokestop: Flower Mural | Distance: 87m | Current Speed:
23km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:30:31] Flower Mural [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:30:34] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (209/350)
[15:30:35] Traveling to Pokestop: BGC Outdoor Cabinet Art | Distance: 33m | Curr
ent Speed: 27km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:30:40] BGC Outdoor Cabinet Art [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 2 x ItemPok
eBall, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:30:46] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 10 | Greatballs: 156 | Ultraballs: 45 | Total
: 211
[15:30:46] [Potion Count] Potions: 1 | Super Potions: 3 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 14
[15:30:46] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 51

[15:30:46] [Revive Count] Revives: 20 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 20

[15:30:46] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:30:46] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:30:46] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 309/350
[15:30:47] 10x ItemPokeBall
[15:30:48] 1x ItemGreatBall
[15:30:50] 1x ItemPotion
[15:30:51] 3x ItemSuperPotion
[15:30:53] 1x ItemRazzBerry
[15:30:59] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 157/250
[15:30:59] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:31:00] Traveling to Pokestop: Central square Fountain | Distance: 60m | Curr
ent Speed: 29km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:31:16] (Caught) | (Normal) Kingler, Lvl: 20.5 | CP: (928) | IV: 36.45% | Cha
nce: 13.39% | Ball: UltraBall (44 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 33
[15:31:21] Central square Fountain [ XP: 100 | Items: 2 x ItemPotion, 5 x ItemPo
keBall ]
[15:31:24] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (204/350)
[15:31:25] Traveling to Pokestop: Floating Baskets and Vases | Distance: 70m | C
urrent Speed: 27km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:31:38] Floating Baskets and Vases [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x It
emRevive ]
[15:31:41] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (206/350)
[15:31:42] Traveling to Pokestop: BGC Cinema | Distance: 88m | Current Speed: 2
6km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:31:57] (Caught) | (Normal) Cubone, Lvl: 9 | CP: (231) | IV: 54.98% | Chance:
40.04% | Ball: PokeBall (6 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 31
[15:32:06] BGC Cinema [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemHyperPotion, 1 x ItemPotion, 1
x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:32:08] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (206/350)
[15:32:09] Traveling to Pokestop: Emotional Faces Wall art | Distance: 83m | Cu
rrent Speed: 23km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:32:27] Emotional Faces Wall art [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemHyperPotion, 1 x
ItemPotion, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:32:29] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (207/350)
[15:32:29] Traveling to Pokestop: BGC Breitling Clock Tower | Distance: 75m | Cu
rrent Speed: 27km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:32:47] BGC Breitling Clock Tower [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x Ite
mGreatBall ]
[15:32:52] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 9 | Greatballs: 157 | Ultraballs: 44 | Total:
[15:32:52] [Potion Count] Potions: 4 | Super Potions: 0 | Hyper Potions: 12 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 16
[15:32:52] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 50
[15:32:52] [Revive Count] Revives: 21 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 21
[15:32:52] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:32:52] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:32:52] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 310/350
[15:32:53] 9x ItemPokeBall
[15:32:54] 1x ItemGreatBall
[15:32:55] 4x ItemPotion
[15:32:57] 2x ItemHyperPotion
[15:32:59] 1x ItemRevive
[15:33:03] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 159/250
[15:33:04] Kingler
- CP: 928 IV: 36.45% [Best CP: 721 IV: 93.58%] (Cand
ies: 34)
[15:33:06] Cubone
- CP: 231 IV: 54.98% [Best CP: 528 IV: 85.20%] (Cand
ies: 32)

[15:33:07] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)

[15:33:08] Traveling to Pokestop: BGC Marker | Distance: 168m | Current Speed: 2
9km/h | ETA: ~6s
[15:33:36] BGC Marker [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 1 x ItemRevive, 1 x Item
RazzBerry ]
[15:33:38] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:33:39] Traveling to Pokestop: Lanterns for Christmas Folded | Distance: 53m
| Current Speed: 25km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:33:54] Lanterns for Christmas Folded [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x
ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:33:56] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:33:57] Traveling to Pokestop: Kasbah Pot Fountain | Distance: 108m | Current
Speed: 35km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:34:14] Kasbah Pot Fountain [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemSuper
Potion ]
[15:34:17] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (204/350)
[15:34:18] Traveling to Pokestop: L'Opera Coat of Arms | Distance: 101m | Curren
t Speed: 23km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:34:33] (Escape) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 15 | CP: (203) | IV: 37.18% | Chanc
e: 38.66% | Ball: PokeBall (3 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:34:40] (Attempt #2: Caught) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 15 | CP: (203) | IV: 37
.18% | Chance: 38.66% | Ball: PokeBall (2 remaining) | XP: 120 | Candies: 25
[15:34:46] (Escape) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 11 | CP: (168) | IV: 21.05% | Chance
: 45.14% | Ball: PokeBall (1 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:34:52] (Attempt #2: Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 11 | CP: (168) | IV: 21.
05% | Chance: 45.14% | Ball: PokeBall (0 remaining) | XP: 150 | Candies: 9
[15:35:06] L'Opera Coat of Arms [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBall, 2 x ItemGrea
tBall ]
[15:35:10] Incubator status: 0.18km left
[15:35:10] Incubator status: 1.99km left
[15:35:10] Incubator status: 1.99km left
[15:35:10] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (203/350)
[15:35:10] Traveling to Pokestop: BGC - Giant Letters | Distance: 80m | Current
Speed: 29km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:35:28] BGC - Giant Letters [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 2 x ItemPokeBal
l ]
[15:35:33] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 3 | Greatballs: 158 | Ultraballs: 44 | Total:
[15:35:33] [Potion Count] Potions: 2 | Super Potions: 1 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 13
[15:35:33] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 52
[15:35:33] [Revive Count] Revives: 21 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 21
[15:35:33] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:35:33] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:35:33] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 304/350
[15:35:34] 3x ItemPokeBall
[15:35:36] 2x ItemGreatBall
[15:35:38] 2x ItemPotion
[15:35:39] 1x ItemSuperPotion
[15:35:41] 1x ItemRevive
[15:35:42] 2x ItemRazzBerry
[15:35:47] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 160/250
[15:35:48] Abra - CP: 10 IV: 70.80% [Best CP: 295 IV: 84.97%] (Candies: 24)
[15:35:50] Rattata
- CP: 203 IV: 37.18% [Best CP: 55 IV: 72.01%] (Candi
es: 26)
[15:35:52] Pidgey
- CP: 285 IV: 14.96% [Best CP: 168 IV: 21.05%] (Cand
ies: 10)
[15:35:53] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:35:54] Traveling to Pokestop: Net Lima Art Mosaic | Distance: 83m | Current

Speed: 34km/h | ETA: ~2s

[15:36:11] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 8 | CP: (132) | IV: 48.34% | Chance:
53.3% | Ball: GreatBall (155 remaining) | XP: 150 | Candies: 13
[15:36:20] (Caught) | (Normal) Bulbasaur, Lvl: 8 | CP: (202) | IV: 26.38% | Chan
ce: 21.32% | Ball: GreatBall (154 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 40
[15:36:25] Net Lima Art Mosaic [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPotion, 2 x ItemPokeBa
ll ]
[15:36:27] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:36:28] Traveling to Pokestop: Cat & Cassette Mural | Distance: 49m | Curre
nt Speed: 23km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:36:42] Cat & Cassette Mural [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemUltraBall, 1 x ItemP
otion, 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:36:45] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:36:45] Traveling to Pokestop: Marajo Tower Giant Painting | Distance: 60m |
Current Speed: 30km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:37:01] (Escape) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 21 | CP: (320) | IV: 19.70% | Chance
: 32.67% | Ball: PokeBall (2 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:37:08] (Attempt #2: Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 21 | CP: (320) | IV: 19.
70% | Chance: 32.67% | Ball: PokeBall (1 remaining) | XP: 150 | Candies: 16
[15:37:14] (Escape) | (Normal) Gastly, Lvl: 21 | CP: (423) | IV: 52.92% | Chance
: 26.14% | Ball: GreatBall (153 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:37:20] (Attempt #2: Caught) | (Normal) Gastly, Lvl: 21 | CP: (423) | IV: 52.
92% | Chance: 26.14% | Ball: GreatBall (152 remaining) | XP: 110 | Candies: 17
[15:37:25] Marajo Tower Giant Painting [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x I
temRevive, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:37:28] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (201/350)
[15:37:29] Traveling to Pokestop: Picadilly Star Water Fountain | Distance: 64m
| Current Speed: 24km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:37:43] Picadilly Star Water Fountain [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x
ItemGreatBall ]
[15:37:45] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (204/350)
[15:37:46] Traveling to Pokestop: Pasasalamat | Distance: 108m | Current Speed:
31km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:38:03] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 17 | CP: (252) | IV: 12.09% | Chance
: 36.31% | Ball: PokeBall (4 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 19
[15:38:12] (Caught) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 6 | CP: (79) | IV: 40.07% | Chance:
62.29% | Ball: PokeBall (3 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 29
[15:38:22] (Escape) | (Normal) Golbat, Lvl: 15 | CP: (772) | IV: 62.10% | Chance
: 15.46% | Ball: UltraBall (44 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:38:28] (Attempt #2: Caught) | (Normal) Golbat, Lvl: 15 | CP: (772) | IV: 62.
10% | Chance: 15.46% | Ball: UltraBall (43 remaining) | XP: 200 | Candies: 24
[15:38:33] Pasasalamat [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:38:39] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 5 | Greatballs: 155 | Ultraballs: 43 | Total:
[15:38:39] [Potion Count] Potions: 3 | Super Potions: 1 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 14
[15:38:39] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 50
[15:38:39] [Revive Count] Revives: 21 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 21
[15:38:39] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:38:39] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:38:39] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 301/350
[15:38:40] 3x ItemPokeBall
[15:38:42] 3x ItemPotion
[15:38:43] 1x ItemSuperPotion
[15:38:45] 1x ItemRevive
[15:38:49] Evolved Pidgey for 500xp
[15:38:50] Evolved Rattata for 500xp
[15:38:53] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 164/250
[15:38:54] Pidgey
- CP: 168 IV: 21.05% [Best CP: 132 IV: 48.34%] (Cand

ies: 9)
[15:38:55] Pidgey
- CP: 252 IV: 12.09% [Best CP: 132 IV: 48.34%] (Cand
ies: 10)
[15:38:57] Gastly
- CP: 423 IV: 52.92% [Best CP: 321 IV: 100.00%] (Can
dies: 18)
[15:38:58] Pidgeotto
- CP: 613 IV: 18.70% [Best CP: 433 IV: 77.02%] (Cand
ies: 11)
[15:39:00] Bulbasaur
- CP: 202 IV: 26.38% [Best CP: 14 IV: 65.33%] (Candi
es: 41)
[15:39:02] Golbat
- CP: 772 IV: 62.10% [Best CP: 581 IV: 77.07%] (Cand
ies: 25)
[15:39:03] Raticate
- CP: 212 IV: 41.97% [Best CP: 479 IV: 83.56%] (Cand
ies: 6)
[15:39:04] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:39:05] Traveling to Pokestop: Forbeswood Town Center Fountain | Distance: 29
m | Current Speed: 25km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:39:10] Forbeswood Town Center Fountain [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall, 1
x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:39:13] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (204/350)
[15:39:14] Traveling to Pokestop: Forbeswood Parklane Fountain | Distance: 93m |
Current Speed: 24km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:39:22] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 15 | CP: (239) | IV: 33.17% | Chance
: 38.66% | Ball: PokeBall (4 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 14
[15:39:34] (Caught) | (Normal) Bellsprout, Lvl: 7 | CP: (187) | IV: 36.83% | Cha
nce: 57.27% | Ball: PokeBall (3 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 28
[15:39:44] Forbeswood Parklane Fountain [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 1 x It
emPokeBall, 1 x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:39:46] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (203/350)
[15:39:47] Traveling to Pokestop: Wrong Ramen | Distance: 96m | Current Speed: 3
1km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:40:06] Wrong Ramen [ XP: 100 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 3 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x
ItemRazzBerry, 1 x ItemGreatBall, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:40:09] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (207/350)
[15:40:09] Traveling to Pokestop: 1521 Wall Art | Distance: 48m | Current Speed:
32km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:40:24] 1521 Wall Art [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemGreatBall,
1 x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:40:27] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (209/350)
[15:40:28] Traveling to Pokestop: Just Thai Sculpture | Distance: 101m | Curren
t Speed: 28km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:40:47] Just Thai Sculpture [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemGrea
tBall ]
[15:40:52] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 10 | Greatballs: 159 | Ultraballs: 43 | Total
: 212
[15:40:52] [Potion Count] Potions: 2 | Super Potions: 1 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 13
[15:40:52] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 53
[15:40:52] [Revive Count] Revives: 20 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 20
[15:40:52] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:40:53] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:40:53] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 311/350
[15:40:53] 10x ItemPokeBall
[15:40:55] 2x ItemGreatBall
[15:40:56] 2x ItemPotion
[15:40:58] 1x ItemSuperPotion
[15:40:59] 3x ItemRazzBerry
[15:41:04] Evolved Bellsprout for 500xp
[15:41:05] Evolved Pidgey for 500xp
[15:41:08] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 159/250

[15:41:09] Weepinbell - CP: 400 IV: 48.11% [Best CP: 508 IV: 64.70%] (Cand
ies: 5)
[15:41:11] Pidgeotto
- CP: 453 IV: 33.31% [Best CP: 433 IV: 77.02%] (Cand
ies: 4)
[15:41:12] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:41:12] Traveling to Pokestop: Bellagio's Wet Mushroom | Distance: 92m | Curr
ent Speed: 34km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:41:31] Bellagio's Wet Mushroom [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemR
evive, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:41:34] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (203/350)
[15:41:34] Traveling to Pokestop: Fort Palm Spring | Distance: 163m | Current Sp
eed: 34km/h | ETA: ~5s
[15:42:00] (Caught) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 9 | CP: (122) | IV: 40.05% | Chance
: 50.05% | Ball: PokeBall (1 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 9
[15:42:05] Fort Palm Spring [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:42:09] An egg has hatched! Received Abra | Lvl: 18.5 CP: (295) IV: 84.97%
[15:42:10] Putting egg in incubator: 2.00km left
[15:42:10] Incubator status: 1.16km left
[15:42:10] Incubator status: 1.16km left
[15:42:10] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (205/350)
[15:42:10] Traveling to Pokestop: Trash Can Art | Distance: 113m | Current Speed
: 32km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:42:28] (Caught) | (Normal) Weedle, Lvl: 15 | CP: (156) | IV: 41.74% | Chance
: 38.66% | Ball: PokeBall (3 remaining) | XP: 200 | Candies: 12
[15:42:35] (Escape) | (Normal) Zubat, Lvl: 17 | CP: (267) | IV: 48.44% | Chance:
36.31% | Ball: PokeBall (2 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:42:41] (Attempt #2: Caught) | (Normal) Zubat, Lvl: 17 | CP: (267) | IV: 48.4
4% | Chance: 36.31% | Ball: PokeBall (1 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 28
[15:42:50] Trash Can Art [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:42:53] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (205/350)
[15:42:53] Traveling to Pokestop: Kebabers BGC | Distance: 103m | Current Speed:
23km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:43:09] (Caught) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 10.5 | CP: (144) | IV: 54.33% | Cha
nce: 47.34% | Ball: PokeBall (3 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 12
[15:43:21] (Caught) | (Normal) Exeggcute, Lvl: 9 | CP: (255) | IV: 57.65% | Chan
ce: 50.05% | Ball: PokeBall (2 remaining) | XP: 200 | Candies: 41
[15:43:30] Kebabers BGC [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 1 x ItemRazzBerry, 1 x
ItemGreatBall ]
[15:43:32] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (204/350)
[15:43:34] Traveling to Pokestop: May Pag Asa | Distance: 35m | Current Speed: 3
0km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:43:42] May Pag Asa [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemHyperPotion, 1 x ItemPokeBall,
1 x ItemRevive ]
[15:43:46] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 3 | Greatballs: 159 | Ultraballs: 43 | Total:
[15:43:46] [Potion Count] Potions: 1 | Super Potions: 0 | Hyper Potions: 11 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 12
[15:43:46] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 51
[15:43:47] [Revive Count] Revives: 22 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 22
[15:43:47] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:43:47] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:43:47] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 303/350
[15:43:47] 3x ItemPokeBall
[15:43:49] 2x ItemGreatBall
[15:43:51] 1x ItemPotion
[15:43:52] 1x ItemHyperPotion
[15:43:54] 2x ItemRevive
[15:43:55] 1x ItemRazzBerry
[15:44:01] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 162/250

[15:44:01] Exeggcute
- CP: 255 IV: 57.65% [Best CP: 270 IV: 81.94%] (Cand
ies: 42)
[15:44:03] Weedle
- CP: 170 IV: 32.61% [Best CP: 156 IV: 41.74%] (Cand
ies: 13)
[15:44:05] Rattata
- CP: 144 IV: 54.33% [Best CP: 55 IV: 72.01%] (Candi
es: 13)
[15:44:07] Rattata
- CP: 122 IV: 40.05% [Best CP: 55 IV: 72.01%] (Candi
es: 14)
[15:44:08] Zubat
- CP: 267 IV: 48.44% [Best CP: 10 IV: 67.27%] (Candi
es: 29)
[15:44:09] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:44:10] Traveling to Pokestop: At Sa Paglipas Ng Panahon | Distance: 101m | C
urrent Speed: 23km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:44:33] At Sa Paglipas Ng Panahon [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x Ite
mRazzBerry ]
[15:44:35] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:44:36] Traveling to Pokestop: William Quasha Wall | Distance: 91m | Current
Speed: 30km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:44:45] (Caught) | (Normal) Spearow, Lvl: 7 | CP: (111) | IV: 36.85% | Chance
: 57.27% | Ball: PokeBall (1 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 39
[15:44:59] William Quasha Wall [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemGreat
Ball, 1 x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:45:01] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (203/350)
[15:45:02] Traveling to Pokestop: Ang Supremo | Distance: 98m | Current Speed: 2
9km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:45:21] Ang Supremo [ XP: 100 | Items: 5 x ItemPokeBall, 2 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:45:24] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (210/350)
[15:45:24] Traveling to Pokestop: McDonald's Wall Mural | Distance: 97m | Curren
t Speed: 35km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:45:41] (Caught) | (Normal) Krabby, Lvl: 4 | CP: (76) | IV: 68.57% | Chance:
78.21% | Ball: PokeBall (6 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 37
[15:45:48] (Escape) | (Normal) Krabby, Lvl: 18.5 | CP: (365) | IV: 59.55% | Chan
ce: 35.29% | Ball: PokeBall (5 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:45:52] (Attempt #2: Escape) | (Normal) Krabby, Lvl: 18.5 | CP: (365) | IV: 5
9.55% | Chance: 35.29% | Ball: PokeBall (4 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:45:58] (Attempt #3: Caught) | (Normal) Krabby, Lvl: 18.5 | CP: (365) | IV: 5
9.55% | Chance: 35.29% | Ball: PokeBall (3 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 40
[15:46:19] Potential server instability detected...
[15:46:21] Evolved Weedle for 500xp
[15:46:24] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 160/250
[15:46:25] Spearow
- CP: 111 IV: 36.85% [Best CP: 10 IV: 85.72%] (Candi
es: 40)
[15:46:27] Krabby
- CP: 264 IV: 60.49% [Best CP: 76 IV: 68.57%] (Candi
es: 41)
[15:46:29] Krabby
- CP: 365 IV: 59.55% [Best CP: 76 IV: 68.57%] (Candi
es: 42)
[15:46:30] Kakuna
- CP: 168 IV: 39.67% [Best CP: 193 IV: 77.51%] (Cand
ies: 3)
[15:46:33] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 3 | Greatballs: 160 | Ultraballs: 43 | Total:
[15:46:33] [Potion Count] Potions: 0 | Super Potions: 0 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 10
[15:46:33] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 52
[15:46:33] [Revive Count] Revives: 20 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 20
[15:46:33] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:46:33] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:46:33] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 301/350
[15:46:34] 3x ItemPokeBall
[15:46:36] 3x ItemGreatBall

[15:46:37] 2x ItemRazzBerry
[15:46:40] Incubator status: 1.85km left
[15:46:40] Incubator status: 1.01km left
[15:46:40] Incubator status: 1.01km left
[15:46:41] Checked for incense, but found none.
[15:46:42] Traveling to Pokestop: McDonald's Wall Mural | Distance: 0m | Current
Speed: 25km/h | ETA: ~0s
[15:46:48] McDonald's Wall Mural [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemHyperPotion, 2 x Item
PokeBall ]
[15:46:51] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:46:51] Traveling to Pokestop: The Fireplace | Distance: 52m | Current Speed:
34km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:47:06] The Fireplace [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemRevive ]
[15:47:08] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (204/350)
[15:47:09] Traveling to Pokestop: White Sheep Art Painting | Distance: 82m | Cur
rent Speed: 31km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:47:26] (Escape) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 9 | CP: (150) | IV: 49.81% | Chance:
50.05% | Ball: PokeBall (3 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:47:32] (Attempt #2: Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 9 | CP: (150) | IV: 49.8
1% | Chance: 50.05% | Ball: PokeBall (2 remaining) | XP: 110 | Candies: 7
[15:47:37] White Sheep Art Painting [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemUltraBall, 1 x Ite
mPotion, 1 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:47:40] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (204/350)
[15:47:41] Traveling to Pokestop: The Mind Museum Marker | Distance: 36m | Curre
nt Speed: 35km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:47:47] The Mind Museum Marker [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemRa
zzBerry, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:47:49] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (205/350)
[15:47:50] Traveling to Pokestop: Old Bangka and Oars | Distance: 56m | Current
Speed: 32km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:47:59] (Caught) | (Normal) Pinsir, Lvl: 16.5 | CP: (920) | IV: 67.89% | Chan
ce: 22.46% | Ball: GreatBall (156 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 76
[15:48:13] Old Bangka and Oars [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemReviv
e, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:48:18] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 5 | Greatballs: 157 | Ultraballs: 44 | Total:
[15:48:18] [Potion Count] Potions: 1 | Super Potions: 1 | Hyper Potions: 11 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 13
[15:48:18] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 51
[15:48:18] [Revive Count] Revives: 22 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 22
[15:48:18] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:48:18] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:48:18] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 305/350
[15:48:19] 5x ItemPokeBall
[15:48:21] 1x ItemGreatBall
[15:48:22] 1x ItemPotion
[15:48:24] 1x ItemSuperPotion
[15:48:25] 1x ItemHyperPotion
[15:48:27] 2x ItemRevive
[15:48:29] 1x ItemRazzBerry
[15:48:35] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 158/250
[15:48:36] Pidgey
- CP: 132 IV: 48.34% [Best CP: 150 IV: 49.81%] (Cand
ies: 8)
[15:48:37] Pinsir
- CP: 920 IV: 67.89% [Best CP: 1191 IV: 88.87%] (Can
dies: 77)
[15:48:38] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:48:39] Traveling to Pokestop: The Beehive | Distance: 72m | Current Speed: 2
8km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:48:47] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 18.5 | CP: (289) | IV: 36.10% | Chan

ce: 35.29% | Ball: GreatBall (155 remaining) | XP: 160 | Candies: 11

[15:49:00] The Beehive [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:49:03] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:49:04] Traveling to Pokestop: Country's Hope | Distance: 84m | Current Speed
: 32km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:49:24] (Caught) | (Normal) Fearow, Lvl: 16.5 | CP: (764) | IV: 75.53% | Chan
ce: 14.97% | Ball: UltraBall (43 remaining) | XP: 150 | Candies: 43
[15:49:29] Country's Hope [ XP: 50 | Items: 3 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemGreatBall
[15:49:31] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (205/350)
[15:49:32] Traveling to Pokestop: BGC Flyover Mural | Distance: 147m | Current S
peed: 31km/h | ETA: ~5s
[15:49:55] BGC Flyover Mural [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 3 x ItemPokeBall
[15:49:58] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (208/350)
[15:49:59] Traveling to Pokestop: Spark Imagination Graffiti | Distance: 38m | C
urrent Speed: 34km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:50:04] Spark Imagination Graffiti [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBall, 2 x It
emGreatBall, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:50:07] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (211/350)
[15:50:07] Traveling to Pokestop: Kalayaan Street Art | Distance: 109m | Current
Speed: 25km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:50:29] Kalayaan Street Art [ XP: 100 | Items: 3 x ItemPotion, 1 x ItemPokeBa
ll, 2 x ItemGreatBall, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:50:35] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 10 | Greatballs: 161 | Ultraballs: 43 | Total
: 214
[15:50:35] [Potion Count] Potions: 4 | Super Potions: 2 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 16
[15:50:35] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 50
[15:50:35] [Revive Count] Revives: 20 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 20
[15:50:35] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:50:35] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:50:35] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 313/350
[15:50:36] 10x ItemPokeBall
[15:50:37] 4x ItemGreatBall
[15:50:39] 4x ItemPotion
[15:50:40] 2x ItemSuperPotion
[15:50:46] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 158/250
[15:50:47] Pidgey
- CP: 289 IV: 36.10% [Best CP: 150 IV: 49.81%] (Cand
ies: 12)
[15:50:48] Fearow
- CP: 559 IV: 61.35% [Best CP: 764 IV: 75.53%] (Cand
ies: 44)
[15:50:49] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:50:50] Traveling to Pokestop: Little Girl Graffiti | Distance: 301m | Curren
t Speed: 29km/h | ETA: ~10s
[15:51:16] (Caught) | (Normal) Magikarp, Lvl: 14.5 | CP: (95) | IV: 78.46% | Cha
nce: 56.02% | Ball: GreatBall (156 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 17
[15:51:23] (Escape) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 20.5 | CP: (271) | IV: 37.00% | Cha
nce: 33.48% | Ball: GreatBall (155 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:51:27] (Attempt #2: Escape) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 20.5 | CP: (271) | IV:
37.00% | Chance: 33.48% | Ball: GreatBall (154 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:51:34] (Attempt #3: Caught) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 20.5 | CP: (271) | IV:
37.00% | Chance: 33.48% | Ball: GreatBall (153 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 1
[15:51:48] Little Girl Graffiti [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemHyperPotion, 1 x ItemP
otion, 1 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:51:50] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (197/350)
[15:51:51] Traveling to Pokestop: Grotto ng Pinagkaisahan | Distance: 127m | Cur
rent Speed: 35km/h | ETA: ~4s

[15:52:11] Grotto ng Pinagkaisahan [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 2 x ItemPok

eBall, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:52:16] Incubator status: 1.40km left
[15:52:16] Incubator status: 0.55km left
[15:52:16] Incubator status: 0.55km left
[15:52:16] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:52:17] Traveling to Pokestop: Rockfort Boutique Wall | Distance: 100m | Curr
ent Speed: 29km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:52:36] Rockfort Boutique Wall [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 2 x ItemPoke
Ball ]
[15:52:39] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:52:40] Traveling to Pokestop: Bellagio's Wet Mushroom | Distance: 672m | Cur
rent Speed: 33km/h | ETA: ~20s
[15:52:57] (Caught) | (Normal) Jigglypuff, Lvl: 19.5 | CP: (477) | IV: 83.86% |
Chance: 34.35% | Ball: GreatBall (153 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 9
[15:53:50] (Caught) | (Normal) Rattata, Lvl: 20.5 | CP: (288) | IV: 54.48% | Cha
nce: 33.48% | Ball: PokeBall (4 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 20
[15:54:03] Bellagio's Wet Mushroom [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 1 x ItemPok
eBall, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:54:06] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:54:06] Traveling to Pokestop: 1521 Wall Art | Distance: 89m | Current Speed:
29km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:54:21] (Escape) | (Normal) Staryu, Lvl: 20.5 | CP: (490) | IV: 65.02% | Chan
ce: 33.48% | Ball: PokeBall (4 remaining) | XP: 0 |
[15:54:28] (Attempt #2: Caught) | (Normal) Staryu, Lvl: 20.5 | CP: (490) | IV: 6
5.02% | Chance: 33.48% | Ball: PokeBall (3 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 12
[15:54:37] 1521 Wall Art [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 2 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:54:42] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 5 | Greatballs: 154 | Ultraballs: 43 | Total:
[15:54:42] [Potion Count] Potions: 5 | Super Potions: 0 | Hyper Potions: 11 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 16
[15:54:42] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 50
[15:54:42] [Revive Count] Revives: 20 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 20
[15:54:42] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:54:42] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:54:42] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 301/350
[15:54:43] 2x ItemPokeBall
[15:54:45] 5x ItemPotion
[15:54:47] 1x ItemHyperPotion
[15:54:52] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 161/250
[15:54:53] Jigglypuff - CP: 282 IV: 60.07% [Best CP: 477 IV: 83.86%] (Cand
ies: 10)
[15:54:55] Magikarp
- CP: 16 IV: 68.45% [Best CP: 95 IV: 78.46%] (Candie
s: 18)
[15:54:57] Staryu
- CP: 490 IV: 65.02% [Best CP: 438 IV: 84.31%] (Cand
ies: 13)
[15:54:58] Rattata
- CP: 288 IV: 54.48% [Best CP: 55 IV: 72.01%] (Candi
es: 21)
[15:55:00] Rattata
- CP: 271 IV: 37.00% [Best CP: 55 IV: 72.01%] (Candi
es: 22)
[15:55:01] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:55:01] Traveling to Pokestop: Wrong Ramen | Distance: 48m | Current Speed: 2
7km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:55:16] Wrong Ramen [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemHyperPotion, 1 x ItemPokeBall,
2 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:55:18] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (203/350)
[15:55:19] Traveling to Pokestop: Forbeswood Heights Fountain | Distance: 44m |
Current Speed: 30km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:55:34] Forbeswood Heights Fountain [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x I

temGreatBall, 1 x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:55:36] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (205/350)
[15:55:37] Traveling to Pokestop: Giant brain | Distance: 114m | Current Speed:
32km/h | ETA: ~4s
[15:55:55] Giant brain [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x I
temGreatBall ]
[15:55:58] Incubator status: 0.88km left
[15:55:58] Incubator status: 0.03km left
[15:55:58] Incubator status: 0.03km left
[15:55:58] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (207/350)
[15:55:59] Traveling to Pokestop: The T-Rex Exhibit at the Mind Museum | Distanc
e: 56m | Current Speed: 28km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:56:16] The T-Rex Exhibit at the Mind Museum [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBa
ll, 1 x ItemRazzBerry, 1 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:56:18] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (209/350)
[15:56:19] Traveling to Pokestop: Robo Kal of Mind Museum | Distance: 41m | Curr
ent Speed: 24km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:56:33] Robo Kal of Mind Museum [ XP: 100 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 4 x ItemPo
keBall, 1 x ItemSuperPotion ]
[15:56:39] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 11 | Greatballs: 159 | Ultraballs: 43 | Total
: 213
[15:56:39] [Potion Count] Potions: 2 | Super Potions: 1 | Hyper Potions: 11 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 14
[15:56:39] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 52
[15:56:39] [Revive Count] Revives: 20 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 20
[15:56:39] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:56:39] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:56:39] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 312/350
[15:56:40] 11x ItemPokeBall
[15:56:42] 2x ItemGreatBall
[15:56:44] 2x ItemPotion
[15:56:46] 1x ItemSuperPotion
[15:56:47] 1x ItemHyperPotion
[15:56:49] 2x ItemRazzBerry
[15:56:54] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 156/250
[15:56:54] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:56:55] Traveling to Pokestop: People's Minds | Distance: 54m | Current Speed
: 27km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:57:12] People's Minds [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 2 x ItemGreatBall ]
[15:57:15] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:57:16] Traveling to Pokestop: Flower Mural | Distance: 212m | Current Speed
: 23km/h | ETA: ~9s
[15:57:50] (Caught) | (Normal) Geodude, Lvl: 16.5 | CP: (355) | IV: 65.05% | Cha
nce: 37.43% | Ball: GreatBall (158 remaining) | XP: 210 | Candies: 20
[15:58:03] Flower Mural [ XP: 50 | Items: 2 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemGreatBall,
1 x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:58:05] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (204/350)
[15:58:06] Traveling to Pokestop: BGC Outdoor Cabinet Art | Distance: 33m | Curr
ent Speed: 25km/h | ETA: ~1s
[15:58:12] BGC Outdoor Cabinet Art [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPokeBall, 1 x ItemG
reatBall, 1 x ItemRazzBerry ]
[15:58:14] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (206/350)
[15:58:15] Traveling to Pokestop: Central square Fountain | Distance: 60m | Curr
ent Speed: 24km/h | ETA: ~2s
[15:58:30] Central square Fountain [ XP: 50 | Items: 4 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:58:35] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (210/350)
[15:58:39] Traveling to Pokestop: Floating Baskets and Vases | Distance: 79m | C
urrent Speed: 31km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:58:56] (Caught) | (Normal) Pidgey, Lvl: 9 | CP: (157) | IV: 65.00% | Chance:

50.05% | Ball: PokeBall (6 remaining) | XP: 150 | Candies: 15

[15:59:01] Floating Baskets and Vases [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemUltraBall, 1 x I
temPokeBall, 1 x ItemRevive ]
[15:59:06] [Ball Count] Pokeballs: 7 | Greatballs: 160 | Ultraballs: 44 | Total:
[15:59:06] [Potion Count] Potions: 1 | Super Potions: 0 | Hyper Potions: 10 | Ma
x Potions: 0 | Total: 11
[15:59:06] [Berry Count] Berry Total: 52
[15:59:06] [Revive Count] Revives: 21 | Max Revives: 0 | Total: 21
[15:59:06] [Incense Count] Incense Total 0
[15:59:06] [Misc Count] Lure Modules: 5 | Lucky Eggs: 5 | Incubators: 2 | Total:
[15:59:06] [Inventory Total] Inventory Usage: 308/350
[15:59:07] 7x ItemPokeBall
[15:59:09] 4x ItemGreatBall
[15:59:10] 1x ItemPotion
[15:59:12] 1x ItemRevive
[15:59:13] 2x ItemRazzBerry
[15:59:17] Evolved Krabby for 500xp
[15:59:19] Evolved Pidgey for 500xp
[15:59:21] [Pokemon Storage] Pokemon Stored: 160/250
[15:59:22] Kingler
- CP: 1003 IV: 78.35% [Best CP: 721 IV: 93.58%] (Can
dies: 4)
[15:59:24] Nidoran (Male)
- CP: 10 IV: 38.22% [Best CP: 468 IV: 88.53%
] (Candies: 24)
[15:59:26] Pidgeotto
- CP: 292 IV: 68.25% [Best CP: 433 IV: 77.02%] (Cand
ies: 5)
[15:59:27] Geodude
- CP: 320 IV: 50.40% [Best CP: 355 IV: 65.05%] (Cand
ies: 21)
[15:59:28] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (200/350)
[15:59:28] Traveling to Pokestop: BGC Cinema | Distance: 82m | Current Speed: 2
9km/h | ETA: ~3s
[15:59:46] BGC Cinema [ XP: 50 | Items: 1 x ItemPotion, 2 x ItemPokeBall ]
[15:59:49] Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping! (202/350)
[15:59:50] Traveling to Pokestop: BGC Breitling Clock Tower | Distance: 80m | Cu
rrent Speed: 31km/h | ETA: ~3s

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