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Elliott Blaser
Professor Angela Miss
UWRT 1101
21 November 2016
Digital Database Reflection Pool
My digital database consists of seven topics: Daybook Scans, Drafts, E-Resource,
Feedback, Forum Posts, SLOs, and Vocabulary. Throughout the semester we have done either
weekly or bi-weekly writings in our daybook. This daybook served as progress milestones in
order to ascertain whether my writing had improved. I took the five most iconic entries in my
daybook, scanned them, and then uploaded them to my digital database. The purpose of scanning
them was to ensure they were not edited and acted as raw artifacts to look upon. I found that by
having these scans it created the base for what will be my final-portfolios theme: Daily
Improvement. Other important resources my digital database holds are my drafts. Unfortunately I
dont save individual drafts and instead write over them when the time comes. Fortunately I will
be rewriting my literacy memoir and what I originally submitted will become my draft. Under
the category of E-Resource comes the webpages each group in class made. These webpages act
as small templates for what my final portfolio will be outlined from. Luckily enough I only had
to work on one of five e-resource pages. Parallel to my Drafts section the Feedback section
directly ties into correcting mistakes and seeing progress through criticism. I have a few
comments from students on my forum posts and have decided to use them along the comments
from my literacy memoir. Similar to my E-Resource topic I have the SLOs division consisting
of the student learning objectives needed to become a better writer. Each group was tasked with

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creating a form discourse to explain and demonstrate the knowledge of their student learning
objective to the class. These demonstrations have added to my digital database greatly as each
student learning objective was paired with pre-picked artifacts I can use. Lastly, there is a folder
that holds new vocabulary learned at any point within the semester and the definition of each
The artifacts I plan to develop and enhance are my literacy memoir and daybook entries.
They pose as the strongest points of progress that I can see. With each daybook entry I saw the
slightest improvement upon how I was thinking upon each topic but not necessarily any changes
in grammatical structure. Over the semester I have found myself thinking more about the use of
cited sources and how they my main ideas together. As I write I often tangent off and string on
about any subject. The use of quotes act as borders towards my writings and keep me focused on
the topic at hand. I will often look back and ask myself if my writing so far relates to what the
quote is trying to say. I have also found that aiding in creating the student learning objective for
rhetorical knowledge has made me more aware of it in writing. Usually whether and author is
trying to use a part of the rhetorical triangle to make an argument or to persuade.
So in my final portfolio I will cover the changes undergone to my writing while taking
this course. These changes will relate to which student learning objectives I value most and how
they all tie in together. Not only will this portfolio be created on a website, it will display the use
of remediation and social discourse to better show my understanding of certain vocabulary and
academic discourse.

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