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Math Lesson Plan

Students will practice using properties of multiplication ( or properties of addition for James

Students will regroup problems using the distributive property , the associative property

to regroup problems using the properties of multiplication

They will learn how to justify their use of multiplication properties as problem solving strategies

Students will be given the opportunity to create their own multiplication problems

Student will use cut out single and multi-digit numbers and parentheses

You need to discuss the mathematical foundation of the properties of multiplication. It is where
you talk through what the important mathematical ideas are that you are teaching and why they
are important (by themselves or as part of a progression of learning). Do not simply list your
goals or what you are going to do in the lesson. The sample lesson plans on canvas provide
good examples. Please look at them.
The WHAT describes the content you want students to learn:
Describe the target content in your own words:
Concepts, skills, strategies
Content and process goals
Use concepts from course readings to frame this content (E.g., Chapin & Johnson for math)
How does it fit with what students have already learned or will be learning?
What aspects may be confusing or challenging for students?

I revised my goals to include how students would use paper to physically move around the
factors in an equation and that I would be looking for how they justified their use of strategies .
But my revisions were not through or well thought out enough as would quickly become evident
when I taught my lesson as the students were not sure what the expectations of the assignment
were .

I am interested in how peer discussion and student directed learning can help children gain
more relational understanding of the various rules and properties

I am also interested in making math meaningful and explaining why these properties are useful
as mathematical tools rather then just as rules to memorize and apply

I am interested in teaching children their are multiple ways to approach a problem and to have
flexibility in their use of strategies

My students are focusing on multiplication of one digit by multi digit numbers and soon will be
moving on the two digit by two digit multiplication . they are learning a variety of strategies to
learn how to approach multi-digit multiplication quickly and efficiently. They know the properties
of multiplication from memory but struggle to think flexibly about more than one at a time in
problem solving situations.

In my number talks students respond positively to choice. They like when I listen to their
requests to make a problem more difficult. They have asked me during math talks if they can
make their own problem to put on the board which isnt feasible during a group math talk

They like explaining their thinking to their peers and being in a position of power in the
classroom (standing at the board etc) I am hoping by explaining their thinking to their peers they
will think more deeply about their problem solving strategies

They also like physical materials they can manipulate and enjoyed using counters that I stuck to
the board more then using the smart board. I am hoping physical materials will help them
engage in the activity.

The properties I will focus on are the associative property, the distributive property and the
commutative property.

My goal is that they think about how they can regroup multiplication problems using this
property (rearranging the order of factors using parentheses or switching the order of what
factors are grouped in these partheses )

I am teaching through discussion and open ended problem solving. Students often focus on
getting the correct answer as their measure of understanding of math rather than number sense
and being able to think flexibly about problem solving.

I am hoping this will provide a challenge to advanced students and build the confidence of
struggling students who are used to getting the wrong answer.

I plan to focus on the method through which the properties are applied and ask for justifications
as why they would use this property.
I want to the focus to be not on memorizing the properties or using them because the teacher
tells you to but on their usefulness as tools.

Goals I Objectives

Applying mathematical properties (of addition or multiplication )

In clear and specific terms, say what it is you hope your students to accomplish.

- Creating and regrouping number sentences (addition/multiplication)

Strategies and Algorithms

Understanding the properties of multiplication as useful strategies for solving equations

I dont understand what you are going for here. What do you want students to understand and
be able to do.

I added strategies and algorithms as one of my objectives to explain I meant for students to
understand how the could break apart and swap the order of factors to help them solve the
equations they made. However, as I said earlier the expectations were not clear enough for
students to understand and definitely warranted more significant revisions.

Standards (and Assessment Anchors, if applicable)

CCSS - Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit
(because my students have lots of practice with place value i will be focusing on properties of
Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP7 Look for and make use of structure.

Materials and preparation

List the materials you will need to prepare for the lesson.
Colored index cards
White board???

markers/dry markers
Graphic organizer
Sheets with the multiplication properties

Classroom arrangement and management issues

Set up parentheses templates ahead of time on white boards?

Have a stack of colored numbers and counters out to use
Set up back table / ______ with these materials

I plan to set up at the back table in my classroom with a small group of six students
because its towards the back of the room and has chairs the students can sit around

Materials will be set out ahead of time.


Multiplication Properties

Before (Launch). Includes how you hook students into the task, draw connections to their prior
knowledge, introduce the purpose of the task, and, if appropriate, discuss key contextual
features and mathematical ideas.

I revised explaining that I will model two problems for students as examples and include
reference sheets of the properties we will be using. I also included how I will explain the activity
Have materials set up and open with I know we have been learning about properties of
multiplication so today I thought we could create our own problems regroup them and solve
them using what we know about the multiplication properties!

I will start by asking them what they know about the properties of multiplication

If they have trouble I will ask students who know to explain them to their peers

I will also provide reference sheets with examples of each property

I will introduce that today we are going to see how many ways we can brainstorm how to
regroup problems using the properties of multiplication and then select a re-grouping they think
will help them solve the problem

[I think you should review the properties here and ask for examples.

In response I copied down three charts the students had in the classroom about the associative
property, commutative property and distributive property for students to reference as they

I will demonstrate how to use some of the material set out by modeling a couple simple problem

[what problem]

I prepared two example problems to model in response to this edit

I will model 4x5 with rows of counters and also with cut out numbers and parentheses to
arrange and rearrange the problem with student help

I will then model a problem with 3 factors


[I really think you need to use visual models, such as arrays, to help them understand these
properties as they apply.]
During (Work and explore). Includes time for students to work on tasks designed to develop and
apply mathematical understandings; students might work in small groups, pairs, or
independently. During this time, the teacher is able to work with individual students and assess
all students understandings.

I brought counters to use to aid understanding but I did not end up using these effectively> I
pared off students and conferenced with them individually but this did not work so I ended up
combining the pairs into one small group

I will pair students off to create their own equation or pick one from some examples I have
tailored to different abilities


121x 6

Next they will get five minutes and a sheet of paper to brainstorm ways to regroup the problem
they selected . they will record the different combinations on a piece of paper

After ten minutes and walking around and checking in I will ask each pair to pick one way they
would choose to solve the equation and explain why

Why did you choose to regroup the problem this way?

Why do you think this makes it easier to understand?

What will be the next step you would take ?

What base fact do you see in the problem?

3) Closure (if appropriate)

After (Debrief and wrap up). This should be a whole group discussion, which can include
sharing of strategies and important mathematical ideas. The discussion provides an opportunity
for students to learn from one another and for the teacher to emphasize and clarify key ideas
with the class.

I originally planned to pose these questions to the whole group after the lesson as closure due
to time management issues I did not get to address all of the questions

Next I will challenge them to demonstrate their equation and how they choose to solve it for the

I will remind the group of conversational norms (raised hands not talking over each other )

After each pair presents I will ask if anyone has questions they would like to ask them .

If not I will ask a couple questions?

What property did you apply?

Why did you apply it?

How did regrouping help you solve the problem?

To the whole group ; Is there another way you would have solved this?

For each portion of the lesson, specify focus questions that you plan to ask or problems that you
will pose that will help you structure the activity. This is particularly important for
sharing/discussion times. It is not enough to indicate that you will bring the class together for a
discussion. You need to specify how you will shape the discussion and what kinds of things
you will be listening for and attending to during it.

Assessment of the goals/objectives

listed above

Assessment Checklist :

understand notation of properties (check)

understands how to regroup problem using properties (check)

I think you need to add something about understanding the role of base ten in operations
My students have a pretty good understanding of base ten and place value so i focused more on
their ability to recognize and work with factors

understands equivalence of regrouped problems (check)

can solve problems using properties (check)

can students create their own groups (check)

using manipulatives

can students create their own problems without manipulatives (check)

Anticipating students' responses and your possible responses

a) Management issues
b) Response to content of the lesson

I will model a problem and solutions for students who are not at the point where they can apply
the properties independently

I will also have manipulatives in order to physically regroup problems for student who struggle
with grouping numbers in their heads

For students who are advanced i will challenge them to apply the distributive property using both
addition and subtraction of groups a new skill students are learning. I will also challenge them to
present their solution and why they choose it to a group as student teachers

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