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1) Hyper-V port Mirroring:- Port Mirroring allows traffic

from 1 VM to be monitored to another vm.
2) Single I/O root virtualization- allows a single network
card to be allocated to a single VM
3) NETSH is a command to set ip address from computer
in a server core environment.
4) DISKPART command can create a VHD in a server
2012 environment.
Command:- Diskpart create vdisk file=
D:\vhd\vhdviadiskpart.vhd maximum=7000

7000 (700MB)

5) APPLOCKER:- a software restriction policy features

6) CSVDE.exe:-to export and import user to AD using a
CSV file
Examples of CSVDE:- powershellimport-module
servermanagercsvde.exe f test.csv (this will import
all imformation to a csv file)
Going Deeper:- filtering the resuts based on OU (the
d Switch is used to filter results)
Csvde.exe d ou=sales ou, dc=microsol,dc=in
f test.csv

Getting still Deeper into Details(the r switch is used

to filter results based on object class)
Cdvde.exe f test.csv r objectclass=user
Combine filters:Cdvde.exe f test.csv r (&(objectclass=user)
This will give users without computers
Combining all filters
csvde -d "OU=Directors,DC=domain,dc=local" -f test.csv -r

csvde -d "OU=Directors,DC=domain,dc=local" -f test.csv -r

"(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)" -l "
givenName, sn, mail"
7) MMC security analysis and configuration cesurity template .
8) MMF (Microsoft Management Framework 3.0 ) helps server
2008r2 and server 2008 to be managed from server 2012
( install MMF 3.0) on server 2k8 and 2k8R2
9) Core to Gui option

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