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leading to David, the Anointed King.

Tuthmosis 5th, due

to the price on his head, never had the same acces to the
royal archives of his father Amenhotep 3, as his younger
brother Akenaton did.
Instead, the archives show, he was trianed in Memphis,
the head of the Amon preisthood, who were adversary to
the ATONism instigated by the 18th Dynasty Pharaos,
from the revolutions in the Mysteries of Tuthmosis 3, who
once again had access to the Akacia tree and the Soma.
Who founded the ASNA.
As we show in the Mushroom chapters, with evidence.
The Memphis preists of Amon, used the Psilocybin
mushroom, Stropharia Cubensis, the Manna that grew
from the dung of the sacred White Apis Bull and Hathor,
as the heavenly bread, the heavenly Penis of Osiris, the
Sperm of Ra. Replacing the Akacia/DMT and possibly the
Soma. They also used Cocaine, and made their kings
addicted to this south American plant, as the DNA
evidence of 44 mumies has demonstrated scientifically
and conclussively, without doubt.
Mosis, or Tuth-MOSIS the 5th, was trained by the Amon
preists, before his dissapearence. Aaron, either a brother
of Akenaton (according to one half of the scholars), and
hence a brother of Mosis, or a Nephew (additionally in
this scenario, his mother, Tey, wet nursed Akenaton and
Nefretiti, and possibly also TutMOSIS 5th. Which likens
them to wet brothers. They shared the same mil, the
same waters of life. And Tey descended from the Levites).
Moses returns during the reign of Ramses 2, and Amon
Pharaoh, involved in the murder of tutankaton, and a
Cocain addict, who had subjigated, henceforth, the
Israelites (since the Amarna Kings were semi Isralite),

brings about the Exodus with his brother

Semenkharon/Aron, and with the White Cow heard
obtained from Jithro, introduces the Mushroom Manna,
food or sacrement, which is storred with the Torah.
Semenkhara, is also shown holding a Stropharia Cubensis
mushroom, which he offers to Meritaton. He became a
Pharaoh, for only two years, and dissapears. He rebelled
somewhat, against Akenaton, and introduced the Amon
relgion once more in Thebes, and hence the Manna
Mushroom of the sacred cow.
It is well known, but kept form the public, that tomb KV55 is not Semenkhara, but Tutankatons mother Meri-Keya,
with the cartouche removed, but ending in a female
name, and the jugs for the organs being fashioned for
Kiya. Sir Lawrence Gardner, having access to the inside
information, was therefore able to release the fact that
KV- 55 was a female.
The cartouche was violently removed, since the child that
she died bearing, the mysteries girl Kiya-Tepherit, became
the lineage of Akenaton to King David, and onto Jesus.The
cartouche mutilated by the Amon Prieshood, the antiEssenes, who infiltrated them, replacing the sacred
Thothmosis 3 ASNA sacrements of true scientific
medecine (awakening the Pineal and greater brain
regions, and extending life) and its adjascent symbols of
intitiation were replaced subtely, as they introduced the
Mushroom cult of the Head of Serapis. Serapis acting as
their Christ.
SeR-Apis, which combines SR (Sokar, a version of Ptah
and A-SR, Osiris) and Apis (the White Bull). The head was
the cap of the Stropharia Mushroom which only can grow
from the Apis Bull species.Meri-Kiya Tephereth, becoming

the female Shekinah, the female leader, the female Mary,

of the Israelites, had to be removed from the Amarna
evidence. During the 19th dynasty, and once again in the
24th dynasty, almost all of the mummies of the entire
17th Dynasty

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