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Patrick Rostock

Subject: French 4


Daily Learning Plan

Ocean Lakes High School
Blocks: 3A & 4A (90 mins)
Rlations Personelles
Topic: Introduction/vocabulaire
Dates: 9/26/16

In this lesson, students will use their prior knowledge to begin discussing different kinds of personal relationships. They will
also work to incorporate some new relationship-related vocabulary into their usage.
Stage One
The student will sustain extended oral and written exchanges in French. 2 . Exchange ideas


clearly, based on level-appropriate themes. 3. Use paraphrasing, circumlocution, and other

creative means to express and comprehend ideas.
The student will analyze in French how various perspectives reflect the practices and products
of the cultures studied. 1. Discuss how topics such as global challenges, advancement of
technology, and diversity issues illustrate the viewpoints, patterns of behavior, and products of
the cultures studied.

Students will know (voc/grammatical structures)

Vocabulary related to emotions, personality
(honntet, confiance, bonheur, amour,
Action verbs that affect relationships
(rompre, se fiancer, poser un lapin, mentir,

Essential Questions
What does a good relationship look like?
How might relationships differ depending
on context (between friends, romantic,
professional, culturally, etc.)?
Stage Two - Assessment Evidence
Performance Based Assessments:

Students will be able to (use of voc/grammatical structures)

Discuss what is important to the success of a relationship using
prior knowledge.
Discuss how relationships differ between
friends/family/romances/other cultures.
Identify and describe in their own words some of the new
Explain how they could remember/why they recognise certain
new vocabulary (cognates, word families in French, ridiculous
stories as memory aides)
Enduring Understandings
Many complex ideas can be expressed using simple
Expectations and opinions of relationships can differ from
person to person.

Performance Tasks: Formative


Formal /Informal Checks of Understanding

x Pre-assessments
Quizzes (Listening, Speaking, Reading,
x Teacher observations
Title:Mon partenaire idal
x Oral and written responses
(future, not today) (Writing)
Homework review
PBA: Mon partenaire idal: Students will write about what their ideal companion in the future. How will they meet? What
will they be like? Why will they get along so well? What will he/she do/not do? They may be honest/serious or may be
creative/funny with their description. It will be made clear that they do not need to share anything if they are
uncomfortable with it and may make-up the whole thing if they wish. They will also need to use a good variety of
vocabulary from the unit (~10 words/expressions)

Stage Three Abbreviations used: Teacher (T )-; Class (C); Small group (SS); Student-to-student (SS) Individual student (S)
Differentiation: in green. Student choice/expansion: in yellow. Formative checks: in Blue Guided practice/I do, we do, you do
(5 mins) Opener: Describe your best friend: Upon entering the room, C will take out a piece of paper and answer the prompt
on the board. Comment dcrivez-vous votre meilleur ami? crivez des mots que vous associez avec lui/elle. T will clarify
instructions by providing some simple examples and eliciting another from a student (amusant, amiable) While T takes roll, C
will write as many words as they can that they associate with their friend.
(10 mins) Transition/build-up to new unit: After 5 minutes, C will share their ideas with T who will create a larger list on the
board. For more obvious ones, T will ask for thumbs up from all those who agree. For more controversial words (riche,
beau/belle), T will ask other students if that description applies to their friend as well. Why or why not? T will select some
volunteers based on ability. If class does not give many verbs, T will ask what a good friend does that they like and take
(5 mins) Intro: T will introduce the topic of the unit as Rlations personelles and ask what une rlation is in their own
words. T will take suggestions and look for varied explanations/vocab/synonyms/ways of attacking the circumlocution. T will
also use various synonyms/slang when reiterating student explanation (i.e. rapport, copains, les amants, un mec et un meuf,
kiffer, etc.). Common anticipated definition une connection entre deux personnes. T will ask what different kinds of relations
exist? Anticipated answers: les amis, une famille, un homme et une femme. T will intro the words amicales, familiales,
amoureuse, professionelles.
(15 mins)C will get out their books (Daccord 3) and turn to page 2. C will look at the picture and T will ask them what they
see and use related terms to their answers, (des femmes, des dents blanches, le bonheur (heureux, content, sourire)) Do they
seems to have a good relationship? Have you ever been in a picture like this? Does this seem real? C will respond as
T will select a volunteer to read the caption out loud. T will clarify a few points (Que veut dire prouver des
motions? Est-ce que vous pensez que tout le monde ressent les motions? Est-ce que tout le monde parle beaucoup
des motions? T will intro the concept of ouvert and rverv in regard to emotions. TC/S Who is open with
their emotions? Students raise hands. Always? When are you more rserv? Why is it difficult to express our
emotions? Is it better to or to hold them in? Which is better for a relationship? All relationships? (yes for most, maybe
not professional)
(20-25mins)C will take a pen/pencil and find clock partners (Clock partners are pre-determined groups so alleviate the
stress and time associated with finding new partners for each activity. See attached clock partners sheet. Students decide who
will be there 2 oclock partner, then choose someone different for their 4 oclock partner, then someone different for 6 and 8,
and different groups of 3 for 10h00 and 12h00. T can very easily reference the group numbers that students will find, students
can see on their sheet who their partner is, and it create varied groups from activity to activity while still providing the students
the opportunity to choose their own partners; they simply choose them ahead of time). T will hand each S a copy of the mind
map organizer. T will explain that they should add several ideas of things that would benefit a relationship (aspects
importants/positifs) and that would harm a relationship (aspets destructifs). C may use prior knowledge and/or a
dictionary/word reference to find relevant vocabulary they find important. SS will also write an example of a couple who have
a good relationship (real or fictional) and what it is about their relationship that makes it good (Mickey and Minnie, Kim and
Kanye, Phineas and Ferb, etc.). For each section of the mind map introduced, T will give an example (le bonheur- happiness
for aspects positifs, les mensonge/mentir - lies/lying for destructifs, and Mickey et Minnie for exemples. After each
T-given example, T will ask a volunteer to give an example. C will then have 10 minutes to expand each of their categories
with the help of their group members.
After 10 minutes, C will share their ideas with T who will write them in a larger list, clarifying meaning and
elaborating/require more detail from students as necessary (mchant is not sufficient, what would they do that would
be mchant). For more obvious ones, T will ask for thumbs up from all those who agree. T will also bring up the
question of other cultures and whether these expectations would hold true in other societies. At first T will ask
generally about cultures where these expectations may not be the same/prioritized differently. Take C suggestions. T
will show that while Canada may be very similar, European countries may not be, Francophone African countries may
not be, and T will ask for examples of how these societies might value things differently and why.

(10 mins) C will investigate the new vocabulary on pg 4. First, S will look over the words for those they already recognize
(cognates, prior vocab, derivative vocab, etc.) (2 mins). SS discuss which words they recognized and why (2 mins). T will
select volunteers and S will describe why they recognize the word (as much in French as possible). This group discussion
could help those who dont recognize certain words and could give them ways to remember some of these new vocab.
(5 mins) T will explain the HW: Each S will choose 2 words which they feel are very difficult to remember/strange-looking
but useful. For each of those words selected, they will draw a ridiculous picture that unites the meaning with the French word
(such as associating a moose with pompoms and a grapefruit to demonstrate pamplemousse)
(15 mins) Closure: Kahoot: Class will play a Kahoot that includes questions related to todays topic and using the vocab
encountered today (which of these isnt a example of a relationship, which of these would be good for a relationship, which of
these would harm one, which emotion is associated with a good relationship, why might someone be more reserve, etc.)
Homework: S will choose 2 words which they feel are very difficult to remember/strange-looking but useful. For each of
those words selected, they will draw a ridiculous picture that unites the meaning with the French word
Book: Daccord Level 3 by Vista Higher Learning

Doc cam

Visuals/flash cards
Computer lab

Technology Tools: Kahoot

Lesson Evaluation
(What went well)

x Texts/workbooks

Language lab

(What needs to change)

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