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Debate #2

The Grade Debate: Should we grade students?

For Grading
Against Grading
1. Standardized tests are reliable and Teachers focus more on teaching the test
objectively measures students
rather than just teaching- Rather than
achievement and ensure that
making learning fun and teaching the students
content is equivalent for all
interesting information, they will focus more
students- The questions are set and it
on teaching the students what they have to
clearly shows what the students do
know in order to score high on tests.
and do not know.
2. Homework grades hold students
Homework grades punish those who need
responsible and accountable- If
the most support- A lot of work that students
students know that their grades will be
receive at school (especially in the younger
suffer if they do not do their
grades) rely on parents and students to work
homework then they will have more of
together to complete it. Students who dont
a drive to complete their homework
receive support at home and dont get help on
and do it well.
their homework suffer. They score low on the
homework and their grade in the class suffers.
3. We need numerical evidence that
Homework grades do not show exactly
shows the students are learning
what a student has learned- A student can
important skills- Keeping track of the pass all the tests and quizzes and still fail the
students grades and scores will
class because they didnt do their homework.
clearly show what the students are
This shows that the student knows all of the
learning. It will keep a running record information, but they are suffering because of
to see how much they are learning or
the homework grades.
if the student is struggling.
4. Grades provide important feedback
Teachers should focus on more effective
for teachers- When teachers grade
teaching practices such as giving students
papers they clearly see where the
meaningful feedback rather than a
students are struggling and where they percentage grade- Giving students tips and
need help. When the teachers see this
corrections on homework rather than just a
they are able to offer help for those
letter grade is more beneficial to the students.
students who need it.
The students know what they did wrong and
see what they need to improve on rather than
seeing that they got questions wrong.
5. Not all students will do their best
Studies have shown that the more students
work on their homework or even do
are induced to think about what they will
it if they know they arent getting a get on an assignment, the more their desire
grade for it- There is no motivation
to learn evaporates, and then the less they
behind doing work if they are not
will do- If the student doesnt think they are
going to get rewarded for it. Also, if it going to score well on an assignment they are
isnt going to hurt their grade if they
not going to have a drive to do their best on it

dont work hard on their work then

they will not work hard or their work
or even do it.

and they will have no desire to learn more.

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