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(Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths)

April, 2016
JENESYS2016 is a people-to-people exchange program between Japan and the
Asia-Pacific region, and will succeed JENESYS2015.
To promote mutual trust and understanding among the peoples of Japan and the
Asia-Pacific region, and to build a basis for future friendship and cooperation.
To promote a global understanding of Japans society, history, diverse culture, politics,
economics and diplomatic relations.
. Programs
Inbound from Asia-Pacific region
ParticipantsStudents (high school / university / graduate) and professional individuals
Number of participantsApproximately 2,500
Duration Approximately 10 days

To attend lectures about Japanese society, history, culture, politics, economics and
diplomatic relations to promote a better understanding of Japan.

To visit educational sites and institutions, high-tech and traditional industries, world
heritage sites, provincial government office; and participating in cross-cultural events,
workshops, and discussions with local people.

To participate in hands-on learning experience such as home-stays or home-visits,

and cultural arts events.

To convey information about the experience during the stay in Japan through Social
Networking Service.
Outbound to Asia-Pacific region
ParticipantsJapanese students (high school / university / graduate students)
Number of participantsApproximately 600
Durations Approximately 10 days
To convey information about Japans society, history, culture, politics and diplomatic
relations to promote a better understanding of Japan.
To visit Japanese companies, ODA sites, and educational sites, research institutions;
and participating in cross-cultural events, workshops, and discussions with local people.
To participate in hands-on learning experiences such as home-stays or home-visits, and
cultural arts events.

Inbound from Asia-Pacific region (Theme : Economics)

In addition to the above inbound program, approximately 3,700 professionals and youths
will be involved under the theme of Economics in order to strengthen economic partnership.
ParticipantsYouths including professional individuals and students in Economic fields
Duration Approximately 10 days

To attend lectures about Japanese economic policy to promote a better understanding

of Japanese economics.

To visit educational sites and institutions, high-tech and traditional industries, small
and medium-sized enterprises, agricultural facilities and farms, local government
offices, and areas of Japan; and participating in opinion exchange, workshops and
discussions with local people.

To participate in hands-on learning experience, such as home-stays or home-visits.

To convey information about the experience during the stay in Japan via Social
Networking Service.

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