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Engaging Families in the Classroom:

Blagojevic, A. (2016). 10X: Using technology to Engage Families. Teaching Young

Key Point: Tips on how to incorporate technology in the classroom.
Kreider, H. (2002, April). Getting Parents "Ready" for Kindergarten: The Role of Early
Childhood Education. Retrieved from Harvard Family Research Project:
Key Point: Getting parents involved in their child's education
Roekel, D. V. (2008). NEA. Retrieved from Parent, Family, Community Involvement in
Key Point: Importance of parents, school and the community working
Sanabria-Hernandez, L. (2007-2008). Engaging Families in Early Childhood
Education. Retrieved from RTI Action Network:
Key Point: Including families in the early childhood classroom
Snow, K. (2016, September 9). Research News You Can Use: Family Engagement
and Early Childhood Education. Retrieved from NAEYC:
Key Point: How parental involvement effects children's experiences in the
Tomlinson, H. B. (2016). Explaining Developmentally Appropriate Practice to
Families. Teaching Young Children, 1-2.
Key Point: Giving teachers a guideline on how to communicate with families
on where their child is at and what is age appropriate
Welcome Children and Families to Your Classroom. (2009). Teaching Young Children,
Key Points: List of different ways to make families feel welcome in your

Engaging ELL learners in the classroom:

Five Ways to Engage Parents of ELL Students. (2013, November 1). Retrieved from
Concordia University:
Key Point: List of ways to connect and communicate with ELL families and
Tabors, P. O. (1998). What Early Childhood Educators Need to Know: Developing
Effective Programs for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Children and
Families. Young Children, 20-26. Retrieved from
Key Point: Ways to support ELL learners and their families

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